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private Sombra's Shadow


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Baeltheron led Jinx to Sombra, who sat on his throne, looking at Jinx and wearing a grin. It was as if he knew what was about to come next. His eyes seemed to shimmer with excitement. 


"Thank you, Captain. You wished to see me, Archmage?" Sombra asked. 





Rave kept on spying on the city from afar, however, he could not get enough information from such a distance. So he tried to study the outer defenses as much the situation allowed him to. 

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A few hours later, or at least what seemed like a few hours, Trivy wake up from her small slumber and stood up from her bed. Wing was still sleeping, she must have been so tired. Trivy looked at the young filly for a while until her trance was interuppted by her rumbeling belly. She trotted over to the food that Stardust had left for them, taking out an apple. She sat down on a chair in the corner of the room and patiently waited for Stardust and whoever her friend was to return.

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Lilith had stopped outside of the observatory, hidden from sight initially- and, from the look of the group, she would not be missed. It gave her an opportunity to think quite a bit about the going-ons that had happened since she had joined the group. There were several... questionable things that clashed in her mind concerning the integrity of Sombra. There were several things that she had heard that, between what she had heard in the empire and what she has heard now, something was off. Mainly, how the rebels were dark, evil and demented- she was a pretty good judge of character (she had to be to be a ranger) and most of the things that she had been told about them just didn't add up. And everyone knew that Sombra was evil- heck, the only reason she joined a dark slimeball like him is because of the resources he could provide towards finally finding and finishing the beast, as well as to preserve the rangers. Was this really worth it?


Shaking her head, Lilith came back from her hiding spot. awaiting the odd pony who led them to this lab's return, loitering outside with her cloak covering her face.

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Never one to be sedentary, Aria Rosewood was dashing across the rooftops of Baltimare, enjoying the simplicities of life most seemed to neglect. The complexities of ponies and their social formalities were things she could not afford, yet so too did it seem that few citizens of Baltimare actually knew how to live. Despite this, she knew there was one thing that the structured waltz of conversation could provide: information. So it was that she came to be traversing Baltimare by rooftop rather than ground, looking for one of her best connections from above. If she knew his schedule as well as she thought she did—and she did—he would be right around—


"Aria, it is time, they are back in the observatory. They need your help."


A gray Pegasus who was certainly not there a second earlier saw fit to make herself a hazard in Aria's path. Skidding to a halt that seemed to set her hooves on fire, she gave Stardust a look of both surprise and—courtesy of the feeling in her hooves—indignation. Tossing her mane, she trotted over to the edge of the rooftop and peered down on the road. Not immediately catching the familiar glint of armour, she turned back to her friend with a resigned look upon her face.


"Who's back at the observatory? I haven't even seen you since this morning. Oh for—" Aria brought a hoof to her face and dragged it down with a sigh, "—Celestia's sake, please don't tell me you brought home travelers again..."

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A few hours later, or at least what seemed like a few hours, Trivy wake up from her small slumber and stood up from her bed. Wing was still sleeping, she must have been so tired. Trivy looked at the young filly for a while until her trance was interuppted by her rumbeling belly. She trotted over to the food that Stardust had left for them, taking out an apple. She sat down on a chair in the corner of room and patiently waited for Stardust and whoever her friend was to return.

Psych had long since wandered off. He had been tired, yes, but he couldn't sleep. He sat alone in the entry room, thinking. He wanted to find some way to help the group, but he felt... Useless. Sure, his better hearing may come in handy at times of travel, but what about other times? Times like these? He felt as if he didn't do something to help the group soon, he would just be dead weight. He hung his head and sighed, not thinking of a good way to do so. Trivy wanted to talk to the mayor, and he hoped that that would work...
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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The streets were busy as always, but there were not many ponies who wandered close to the large warehouse that served as impound storage for the city.  Whenever anypony entered Baltimare, they were ordered to remove all clothing and possessions before they were allowed to enter; those items ended up here.  Though one would think it would be an automatic target for thieves and ne'er-do-wells, there was an excruciating amount of discouragement in the form of armored guard ponies lining the outer parameter.


It had been a very, very slow morning.  Vigilant Stance had been on shift for only about an hour, but he already could tell it wasn't looking to be a very active day.  Last night's log showed nothing out of the ordinary, nor the previous night, nor the night before.  He'd seen weeks, even months go by like this.  Now and again, there would be a fool of a foal who might try to break in, or some concerted gathering of ruffians would try to rush the gate... but all to no avail.  Vigilant was well known for his fighting prowess; it was an honor of his to have a place of importance at the gates, and with honor usually came responsibility - hence his time here at the impound.  He'd do a shift here, then take in another at the gate, then off to eat and sleep before repeating the whole process tomorrow.


He liked it this way.  No distractions.  No extra clutter in his life.  And all the respect he could proverbially carry.  He loved his job, and he'd never had a single problem crop up that he was incapable of handling.  Nothing he'd ever been unprepared for.  Nothing he couldn't solve with a stern glare or a dignified word or two.  He knew he was in charge here, and he aimed to make certain he would STAY in charge.


He was standing outside with Brilliant Spear, his second, at the gate surrounding the warehouse.  The sun was shining, the crowds were only a dull roar, and even the smell seemed to have tapered off a bit.  He felt grand on these days, knowing that his position was as secure as- 


"You there!  Front and center!"


Vigilant was snapped back to reality by the sight of an older pony standing in front of him in a police uniform.  The pony looked like he'd seen a number of miles during his time, and he wore a look that spoke volumes of authority to match his voice.  Vigilant lifted an eyebrow.




"Are you the one in charge here, or are you simply that good at looking all puffed-up and important?  YES, I'm speaking to YOU."


Vigilant tossed a look to Spear, and she tossed it right back.  The police of Baltimare rarely had much of anything to do with the actual city guard, so this should be interesting to say the least.


"May I help you, sir?"


"Well, that depends - are you fond of FIRE?  Because chances are, there will be one here rather shortly if we keep having to gab like this, soldier!"


Both of the guards tensed up at the mention of fire; there had been a doozy of one several years ago, and it had flattened the warehouse.  Luckily, it was stopped before it could spread much farther, but it was a horror story that had left every guard in town jumpy at even the mention of flames.


"Who is the superior officer on duty here?"


Vigilant swelled with pride, and gave a smart smile.  "That would be me, sir.  Might I ask wha-"


"I don't have TIME for your QUESTIONS!  I need to be let inside NOW, before we have an incident!"


Vigilant felt something was amiss here... this didn't quite add up, and he wasn't about to let this pony just push him around.


"Excuse me, but I have no idea what you're talking about, and I have no idea who you are.  Unless you have the proper permissions to even be here, I'm going to have to-"


The old stallion dipped lightning quick into his pocket, which put both Vigilant and Spear into a defensive stance... but all he did was pull out a piece of parchment and present it.  Vigilant ran his eyes over it.  After a moment, a look of shock rolled over his features.  He stepped back and deftly saluted.


"Inspector Major Gully Fluff SIR!  My apologies SIR!"


With those words, Brilliant Spear also snapped to attention and gave a salute.


"No time for apologies, soldier - we have a threat of arson to investigate.  I recommend you have whoever else is on shift to search the grounds; I will search inside.  Should I require assistance, I'll call for it.  But if we don't buckle down and find... well, whatever it is... then we may have quite an issue.  Is this understood?"


Vigilant and Spear both saluted again, and answered in unison, "YES SIR!"


Vigilant stepped aside, allowing entry into the fenced-in area.  "Right this way, SIR!  I'll see to it that the others are informed, and we will begin the search immediately, SIR!"


The 'inspector' nodded, and Vigilant led him towards the warehouse doors.


A little preparation goes a long way, indeed.


Harcourt did his best to fight the smirk trying to evidence on his muzzle as he went into the warehouse proper.  Upon allowing the 'inspector' into the impound, Vigilant whipped around swiftly and made his way over to Spear.


"I'll keep the gate, you gather the others on duty - search every inch of these grounds!  If somepony got in here, I want to know HOW!  Send them out to search the fence borders, then get back here.  I'll keep watch."


"Yes SIR!"  She galloped off towards the barracks, and he stood his ground at the gate.


It must have happened before I came on duty - NOTHING gets past me, Vigilant thought, standing at his proudest attention.

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@@JonasDarkmane, "Yes, your Majesty," Jinx replied. She used her magic to levitate the map and documents that Rave had sent to her and placed them on the table in front of Sombra. "These were sent to me by Rave Darkmane," she continued. "It seems that he has located the rebels and managed to pinpoint their location exactly. I will ask one thing; that when the rebels are brought here, that I might be allowed to take one or two as experimental subjects for my newest spells. It would increase my research greatly if I were to use them on rebels, as opposed to only slaves and prisoners."

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Stardust ruffled her feathers and listened to Aria, clearly she was annoyed that Stardust interrupted her on her chase of... somepony. 


"Who's back at the observatory? I haven't even seen you since this morning. Oh for—" Aria brought a hoof to her face and dragged it down with a sigh, "—Celestia's sake, please don't tell me you brought home travelers again..." 


"It's not like last time Aria, I promise... These ponies really need help. They are headed to Griffon Island, and you know that is where we have to go too. This might be our chance, but they don't have their magic back yet..."


Stardust slowly paced back and forth on the rooftop. She knew that Aria was upset with her but she also knew that she would help anyway. Stardust gave Aria her best sheepish smile, like she always did when she wanted to butter her up into helping. 


"I know your contacts can get them to see the Mayor rather quickly, they are a good bunch of ponies. They are resting now, but they agreed to help replenish our supplies and you know we will be better off if we can leave here in a larger group... OH! and I found the last piece of this map! We will be able to navigate and find the first shard as well as gather the other pieces of map for the next shard."


Stardust fluttered her wings just enough to get off the ground and give Aria the best filly looking eyes she could muster...."Pleaseeeeee Aria.... I don't want to be here anymore. And I know you want to see some more adventure! What do you say??" 

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Damn it.


I hate it when she does that.


Aria had tried her best to look unamused, a single eyebrow raised to enhance the effect, yet Stardust's enthusiasm inevitably became intoxicating. At last as Stardust's eyes seemed to grow as large as the skies they observed, Aria made a miserable attempt to suppress a grin. "That's not fair," she said with a final effort of remaining irritable, but the smile she now wore betrayed her. "That is so not fair."


Tilting her head to sunlit skies, Aria let out a contented sigh, wanting to lose herself amongst the thousands of twinkling jewels she knew hid behind the blue curtain of day. How peaceful they seemed on their heavenly thrones with naught but the concern of kings, oblivious to the puerile plights of ponies. Things needed to change, and if there was a way to get her four hooves past those walls, she was going to take it.


"You're right. Of course you're right. Somehow you always manage to trump me with emotions." Aria looked back at her feathery friend with resolve. "So be it. I shall meet with this group and hear their thoughts on the matter. We'll need a logical plan in place before we even consider putting a step of it into action, given the circumstances. The Mayor has been growing restless as of late, and I fear it doesn't bode well for the city. Let's move then, and quickly."

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Trivy was never known for sitting still and  of course after all those years of traveling it made it even harder. She was trotting left and right inside the room, putting it mildly, she was getting a little inpatient for Stardust's return. It seemed to take them forever but mainly, she was acting nervous because she never did like staying locked up in a small place, underground, in an unknown city. What if this was all a trap? Had Sombra sent his secret agents to capture them? They never did anything wrong.... well apart from taking down the guard tower... and stealing all that stuff from the main camp in Ponyville... and destroying that slave mine back at Appaloosa... then there was that time that...never mind. Trivy sighed and looked at Psych for a moment, he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.


"What's taking them so long?" She mumbled angry to herself. ''Patience Trivy... patience." 

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"You're right. Of course you're right. Somehow you always manage to trump me with emotions." Aria looked back at her feathery friend with resolve. "So be it. I shall meet with this group and hear their thoughts on the matter. We'll need a logical plan in place before we even consider putting a step of it into action, given the circumstances. The Mayor has been growing restless as of late, and I fear it doesn't bode well for the city. Let's move then, and quickly." 


Stardust was thrilled! She fluttered her wings and gave her friend a big hug nearly taking her off the secure rooftop. Realizing it she gently put her back down. "Okay, let's get moving."


Stardust started flying in the direction of her "home" not too fast, so as to not direct any unwanted attention to her and Aria's presents. They both knew that there were those who did not belong in the city and those who wanted to make life more miserable for the ponies. Stardust scanned the area from the sky, flying ahead of Aria just to make sure that she had a path that was safe. She got to the edge of town and Stardust set up an old mattress for Aria to land on before heading to the old bridge, she knew that Aria knew the way and would get there in her time. 


Once over the bridge Stardust moved a bit quicker to the hatch, she stopped rather quickly noticing a pony that was just sitting and waiting. She landed and started walking towards the pony. "This is a nice quiet area, don't you think? I like to come here to just get away from the city and all of the crowds." Stardust was trying to get a feel for the pony. She must be with the others, why else would she be sitting out in the open? But... there is something... I don't know what.. but I am going to keep my eye on her. "Why don't we head down with the rest of the group so we are out of sight." Stardust unlocked the hatch and began her decent down the stairs, she looked back up at the pony, "Come on, don't latch the door, I have a friend coming as well."  Aria knew how to set the lock, Stardust went down first and once into the main room she saw the mare pacing back and forth across the floor. 


"Sorry it took so long, I didn't want to draw attention to myself or my friend so we had to look as if we were in no hurry to get anywhere. There are very few ponies that you can trust in this city, I am just lucky to have found one that I trust with my life. She should be here any moment. We travel separately to draw less attention." Stardust stood there a moment and thought... "All this time and I never got your names... what are your names?" 

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"All this time and I never got your names... what are your names?" 


"Finally!... I mean, glad your back." Trivy said with a blushing smile. She starred at the mare for a moment before remembering her words. "Oh yeah right, names. My name is Trivy. This here is Psych. Lovely wing over there is sleeping. That there is Li- Blackbird. Harcourt, the old stallion from before is out and then all these 16 remaining ponies... well that's gonna take some time. Unless you wanna know everyponies name, I suggest we get on with getting out of here as quick as possible. Which brings me to my next question. Do you know anything about the ships to the griffon kingdom? Wing said a friend told her they haven't moved in years."

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"It's nice to formally meet you all, I will do my best with remembering everyone." Stardust gave a small smile. 


"As for your question, it is true, the ships have not sailed for many, many moons. However, my friend Aria and I have hidden one, and we have been fixing it up. It is tricky because of the number of guards that are by the harbor, but we have basically built a ship from the bottom up. It is not in the harbor, it is a few miles off the coast on this tiny piece of land that I keep hidden with a low hanging of clouds." 


Stardust started to walk over to the basket of food and grabbed an apple and a cup of water. She moved over to a chair and sat down. 


"I can tell you... the Mayor is... has.. changed since I have been here. She used to be a great Mayor.. she cared about the welfare of the ponies and she would work very hard to get supplies shipped in. But soon after I arrived she stopped the ships from sailing. She pushed away every friend she had. There are only certain ponies that she goes to for anything." 


Stardust took a long drink and a quick bite of her apple. 


"This is why my friend Aria is such a great pony, she knows anypony who is of importance. She has her ways and she can get things done. It is important to understand that once she gets you all into a meeting with the Mayor you don't say anything out of the ordinary. We fear that she is working for Sombra or at least some part of his operation. This is why it is so important for you all to keep quiet about wanting to leave. Once you leave... you better not look back. Not many ponies have left and have had the opportunity to tell about it."


"Aria and I will council you all in what to say and what not to say, Aria has more experience with it since she works with more ponies than I have. But you have to trust us, otherwise... I don't want to even think about it if the Mayor feels that you are not worthy of your magic... so many ponies here have yet to get theirs back... and they all look like they have just given up on everything."


Stardust took another drink of water and continued to munch on her apple... 

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"Aria and I will council you all in what to say and what not to say, Aria has more experience with it since she works with more ponies than I have. But you have to trust us, otherwise... I don't want to even think about it if the Mayor feels that you are not worthy of your magic... so many ponies here have yet to get theirs back... and they all look like they have just given up on everything."


Trivy pulled down a chair and sat next to (near) Stardust. "I don't think the mayor is working for Sombra. Although, you can never be to careful so I get your point. I think, there has to be a good reason behind the boats. Maybe if we talk to the mayor, we can convince her to let them sail again. Because I don't know how strong your ship is, all I know is that the water between Equestria and the griffon kingdom are known for being very wild." She said with a worried look.


"On a different note, I heard some ponies in town call the mayor 'The White royal' and 'The White Gem'... Do you have any idea why? Because I know from some other source that she has never shown her face in public before.. Who is she anyway?"

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The effort was so very worthwhile, Harcourt thought as he refastened the uniform's coat.  Beneath, just the barest edge of jet black could be seen.  This too was hidden from sight as he finished straightening his collar.  He felt so much more prepared for whatever came his way, and it showed in the triumphant grin he was wearing.


He looked at the cart.  Chances are, from the stories he'd heard around town, they might never reclaim their possessions.  In particular, the wooden cart that he had pulled along behind him for years and years would have a large chance of being left behind here.  


Harcourt had walked for miles through mud, rocks, rain, sleet and more... the cart, in every instance, being his closest companion.  Whenever they had moved, the cart had been there.  When tummies were starving, the cart had been there.  When fillies sang their little hearts out, the cart had been there.  Now, this may have been the final opportunity for him to have anything to do with the road-worn wagon that had spent many a year staring at his flank.


He leaned in slowly towards it, and kept his voice low as he actually spoke to the cart itself.


"I want you to be aware that I HATE EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING!  You've tortured me again and again, making my hooves bleed, my back spasm and my legs ache, and now we must part company... well, GOOD RIDDANCE!  You've been a POX on my flank since I first encountered you in that museum warehouse, and I am exceedingly pleased that we are finally saying our goodbyes!  I do hope that the next time we meet, it will be with your broken shards fueling the fire that will be WARMING MY HOOVES!"


Finished with his search and having found what he had come for (along with some of their group's smaller items), he took the Inspector Major's cap and went to put it back on his head.  However, as he took hold of it, the cap itself snagged on the corner of the cart; only for a moment, but it snagged all the same.


Harcourt had turned from the wooden wagon to head to the door, when the axel dropped it's wheel and it tilted sideways, spilling it's contents all over the floor.  VERY loudly.  He froze, then waited.  Sure enough, he could hear voices making their way back towards the front of the warehouse, where he'd come in from. 


Turning back to the cart, he simply whispered, "Oh, you rutting pile of wood!With that out, he zipped for the rear yard access door.  He had already cased the place; he knew he was going to get away with this... but exactly how was still a work in progress.


According to the maps I got a gander at, I could either attempt to dodge my way away through Baltimare's front gate... or the sewer access.  He sighed, and began moving with a purpose.  Well, I don't want to have to RE-enter the city, so... 


Not at all relishing the crappy escape route, Harcourt made his way out the rear entrance just as the front one was being opened.  They didn't even hear the >click< as the door closed.

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Having certainly got her day's worth of exercise, Aria sauntered contently through the observatory hatch. The soft hush of voices carried up the stairs as she spun the mechanism that sealed them safely inside the observatory. Though she was not averse to taking part in any form of discussion, she would rather remain reserved in light of the new guests. This resolve did not hold for very long, however, for it was as she walked into the room that she heard a topic rather amusing to her.


"On a different note, I heard some ponies in town call the mayor 'The White royal' and 'The White Gem'... Do you have any idea why? Because I know from some other source that she has never shown her face in public before.. Who is she anyway?"


Aria had to stifle a snigger as the mare inquired about the Mayor's nickname. "Heh, that second one is courtesy of me. I thought it to be a more—shall we say—presentable nickname to the public than the one I typically use. Well, you'll see what I mean if or when you meet her. Not exactly a pleasant pony to work with..." With that, Aria plucked an apple from the basket of food and threw herself onto a nearby cushion.


"Aria Rosewood," she declared, holding up the apple in toast.

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"Aria Rosewood"

"Trivy. Nice meeting you." She said looking at the new mare curiously. "So none of you know who she really is then? Cause I would really like to know... You know what, not important, we'll find out when we meet her. For now, getting our magic back is important. Stardust told us you know how to do that... So do you?"

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Having just taken a bite of the apple, Aria found herself unable to answer Trivy's question.


"Mmph. Hmph rm." She held up a hoof to signal that she would be done chewing in a moment. Attempting to speed up the process, she chewed the apple more vigorously—the only result of which was making her look increasingly incompetent. Finally—


"Yes. About that. We can all agree that it would have been easier if your magic had been suppressed rather than dispelled, because then we could have just dispelled the suppression. Obviously. What happened instead, if I understand correctly, is that your magic was channeled through a focus of sorts, and carried away on rods receptive to magical energy. Here..."


Aria walked over to one of the tables buried in charts and maps, carefully pulling one scroll in particular from its resting place. As it was unfurled upon the floor, a detailed map of Baltimare revealed itself. For a few moments, Aria scanned the two-dimensional city until she finally placed her hoof upon the building for which she had been looking: a large warehouse in the northwest corner of the city.


"Now, your items would have been impounded here, along with your magic. At least, they're supposed to be. As far as I know, few ponies have been able to retrieve their items here, but never their magic. There are perhaps several glaring flaws in this system that I am sure you can see. Firstly, hardly anypony has been receiving the property they were promised would be returned to them—I'm assuming you were told that at the gate? Secondly, this keeps the city, whose population has been comprised primarily of refugees as of late, defenseless and—dare I say—subservient. Lastly, and bear in mind this is only an assumption, this suggests that the magic is being diverted to a location directly under Buttst—uh—the Mayor's watch."


Shifting position, Aria this time placed a hoof upon a pristine cathedral rising from the center of the city. "This is the place. Or rather, this is where the Mayor resides; I can only assume that she is storing the magic here where she can keep an eye upon it. Now, I can get you an audience, but I can't guarantee she'll give you back your magic. Or, I could, but it's a bit of a catch 22; we'd—er—need magic for that, you see...and mine has sadly declined since arriving in Baltimare..." Aria glanced wistfully at a guitar propped in the corner of the room before shaking her head to rid it of the thought. "Of course, what am I saying? The meeting itself shouldn't be as bad as all that! We'll just work on the nuances you'll need to appease her. Your charisma will be your magic. Heh." She flashed a reassuring wink at Trivy.


"Any questions? Shall we begin?"

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"Any questions? Shall we begin?"


''I do have one question actually. Did either of you happen to run into an old stallion, you know the one I mentioned from before, Harcourt?" The two mares shook their heads. "I thought he would be back by now, he went out to investigate the mayor's place... I hope he's not planning on doing anything stupid that gets in captured. How high did you say security is around that place?"

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It took Aria several moments to think of what constituted "security" before replying. "I didn't. From what I've seen and heard, there are four guards stationed at the entrance at all times, changing shifts every two hours or so with the four guards inside. But that really isn't the issue, as I know several guards that would allow us in. No, the real issue is the enchantment on the building itself. I'm not really sure how to describe it...it seems to sense intention. Only ponies that are..."pure of heart", or...ugh, hold on."


Once again Aria delved into the pile of precariously positioned parchment, this time withdrawing a scroll much smaller than the map, and covered in nearly illegible writing. After a scan of the note and a nod of the head, she read aloud in a matter-of-fact tone, "'...is a spell that prevents ponies harbouring ill intent from entering the boundaries of the enchantment. Any ponies that develop such intent while within the boundaries will be subjected to cognitive recalibration.' So in that regards we should be fine. I mean, wanting your magic back is innocent enough..."



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The window's loose hook-latch twitched in its catch.  On the other side of the pane, Harcourt frowned with a concentration that was currently focused on the magnet in his mouth.  He slowly brought it to the window again and waved it slowly near the hook until it began to twitch again.  Once he was certain that he had a decent pull, he jerked his head upward.


This time, there was just enough of a flick to bring the hook up and out.  Harcourt grinned and tucked the magnet back away in his hidden pouch.  Like a fluid shadow, he poured into the room, carefully shutting the window behind him.  He had done it; he was IN.


More's the better, I suppose; they wouldn't let the poor, old inspector in without a proper appointment.  All the same, it's a bit... spooky, almost... that even the mayor's staff requires permission to see her.  'White Royal' indeed!  Seems like nothing more than pretentiousness, if you ask me - or is it something more sinister?  Maybe the mayor is secretly a 'recruitment specialist' for Sombra?  No, no... there'd be signs, I'm sure of it.


He began to make his way into the hallway outside the room he'd entered through.  It was quite a hall: tapestries, vases, even a statuette of what looked to be a pair of ponies pouring water from pitchers poised in their mouths.  It looked expensive... but Harcourt wasn't interested in profit; the mayor's office was his target.


Perhaps there IS no mayor, and it's a gathering of city officials who're putting up the facade of there being a mayor?  That would be distressing - but I suppose I'm in the best place to find out the truth, am I not?


He made his way from door to door, scanning each room quickly and quietly and assessing whether or not it was 'officey' enough.  Of course, there was opulence to spare... there were a number of rooms he had to double and even triple check to make certain they were just glorified bedrooms.  When others came through, such as the maids or a random guard, he slithered into a doorway or zipped under a table or performed any number of almost comical maneuvers, all to keep from being seen.  The stealth suit drank light, giving back not even a flash of fabric.  


The door he was looking for turned out to be at the farthest corner from his entry point, of course.  When he saw the fine bone china door handle, out of place among the silver ones, he had a hunch that this was paydirt.  He tried the door; locked, of course.  Seeing this, he smiled.  A quick movement, and his lockpicks were in hoof.


Hello, old friends - did you miss me?  Well, there's no time for idle chat; we have a job to do.


Harcourt had it open in roughly two minutes.  He was a bit upset about that - years ago, he'd have had it open in a quarter of that time, easily.  Still, results were results.  He glanced inside to affirm his choice.


The wallpaper alone would have probably bought a decently large house in someplace like Ponyville, back in the old days.  Gold-flake scrimshaw winding endlessly around the borders of the entire room, with a cream-colored central wall softly reflecting light into the space presented.  There were paintings that could have bought entire castles, gracing the walls with visages of beauty and taste.  Exquisitely curled wrought-iron shelves, white gold oil lamps, and fine silken curtains abounded.  


This mayor's expensive tastes had best not be the reason why the people of Baltimare are sleeping in the street; I'll not tolerate negligence from someone who orders velvet pillows for their couches...


He slipped into the office, and his feet were mice whispers as he seemed to glide across the floor.  He made his way over to a lovely oaken desk.  He saw each drawer had a lock; the main drawer had two.  


Time to have another chat, my dear friends.


Lockpicks in hoof again, he went to town on all of the drawers; they were as simple as knots of frayed yarn to him.  He began scanning paperwork, trying to see if there was anything he might use here to gain an advantage on this absentee mayor.  After all, if reason wouldn't work, then maybe some innocent blackmail would convince her to restore their magic and give them access to those ships in the bay.  It was about the only chance he knew their little group would have... and he'd be damned to Tartarus before he'd let the group spend their days in this overcrowded and overwhelmed burg.


Please, in Luna's name, I have GOT to find a way!

Edited by Randimaxis
  • Brohoof 2

=====  ( 0=====


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So in that regards we should be fine. I mean, wanting your magic back is innocent enough..."
"Oh don't worry. We're not a bunch of evil ponies pulling a scam on you or the city. We're not planning to kill the mayor if that's what you're after. Seriously, I'm starting to ramble but I swear, innocent. If we weren't the guards would have definitely noticed... well there is a way that... you know what? Keeping my mouth shut, right now, I'm gonna stop talking." Trivy rambled nervously. She seemed to be rambling more than normal, what was going on with her. Perhaps it was the small space filled with too many ponies that made her nervous.



The white coated pony trotted elegantly towards her room while whistling a chic classic tune. She grabbed the keys to her room out of her jacket but to her surprise the door was already unlocked. She opened the door quietly, stepping in with silent hoofsteps. When she was sure somepony had intruded her room, she spoke aloud. "You there! Who ever you are, show yourself. If you don't I shall call the guards."

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@ @@Pucksterv


Curious Stardust noticed that Trivy was a bit anxious and she gave Aria a quick glance. 


"There is a way that.... what?" Stardust started to roll up the scrolls that Aria had laid on the floor. 


"If there is something that you all are planning in order to try and get your magic back, I suggest that you stop before something happens...and any knowledge of something happening will hurt your chances of getting through the barrier.... is... is that why you were asking about the stallion... Holt...Harcourt? Does he plan on force-ably getting your magic back? Because... that could be a big problem."


Stardust looked to Aria with more concern in her eyes. 

Edited by Stardust*
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Psych had been listening in on the conversation, but was thuroughly confused. The mayor had never been seen? Their magic was hidden in one of multiple place So? And now Harcourt was missing? Just one thing after the other seemed to be going wrong... And he wanted to make something right. "Uh, I have to go... Get some fresh air. I'll close the hatch behind me and knock when i need back in." He headed back up the stairs and went outside, closing the hatch behind him. Spreading out his sight, he started walking back to the more populated area of town, thinking, "Now, where did that old stallion go...?"

Edited by Count Paradox
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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"If there is something that you all are planning in order to try and get your magic back, I suggest that you stop before something happens...and any knowledge of something happening will hurt your chances of getting through the barrier.... is... is that why you were asking about the stallion... Holt...Harcourt? Does he plan on force-ably getting your magic back? Because... that could be a big problem."


"No no no no, I'm not evil. I swear I just get really nervous in small and crowded places like this. Believe me. Cross my heart and hope to die." Trivy said worried, she never intended to give of the wrong impression. And now that Psych had suddenly gone out, it only made them look more suspicious. "Come on, lets just get to the mayor. You'll see I'm right once we go through that magic force field you were talking about."

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