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private Sombra's Shadow


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"No no no no, I'm not evil. I swear I just get really nervous in small and crowded places like this. Believe me. Cross my heart and hope to die." Trivy said worried, she never intended to give of the wrong impression. And now that Psych had suddenly gone out, it only made them look more suspicious. "Come on, lets just get to the mayor. You'll see I'm right once we go through that magic force field you were talking about."


"It's not that we think that you are evil by any means... but we can't go see the Mayor until you are calm. You have to be of an open mind and not be clouded by any reason. Fear, nerves, anything that is making you seem other than one of the lost ponies in the city is going to cause suspicion."


Stardust pulled out a scroll from her saddle bag and laid it on the table near by. "Come here." She motioned to Trivy, Blackbird, and Aria.


"This is what I have been hunting for, nearly six months now. This is a map that will guide us to the Griffon Kingdom. This is also the last piece of the map I need to complete a larger map of where the first shards might be on the island." 


Almost as quickly as she unrolled it she rolled it back up and unlocked a drawer, placed it inside and quickly locked it up again.


"If you want to get there and try to figure things out.. then you have to do as we say and trust that we want to leave here just as badly as you do. There is enough room on our ship for everypony in your group. But you will have to pull your own weight, Aria and I cannot sail it alone. This is why it is so important that we get your magic back the proper way. If something happens, then it could jeopardize the entire plan for everypony."


Stardust fumbled around in a closet and pulled out some old belongings, a compass, a cross staff, and a timepiece. "These things were my fathers.. he gave them to me before he ... well, they will help us navigate, I promised him I would leave this place, and find a way to end this."


She pulled out another scroll and tossed it on the table, "This is how we are going to get your magic back. Aria will take the lead, you must listen to everything she says, this scroll will help you to learn how to mold without being molded. You will keep your wits about you but the Mayor will be none the wiser." Stardust turned and walked away, stopping suddenly, "I want nothing more than to regain my hope, I put all my bits on you and your group Trivy." She turned a corner and was gone. 

Edited by Stardust*
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"You there! Who ever you are, show yourself. If you don't I shall call the guards."


"Now now... no need for theatrics, I assure you - madam Mayor."


The voice was coming from the swiveling chair parked behind the desk.  It faced away from the door, yet there was someone seated there.  With an air of dignitas, he waved a single hoof at the voice from behind his view.  If I'm going to be caught, I may as well play it up.  Besides; it's been far too long since I've had a chance to act the part!


"If I had truly wished you harm, then I would have already done so... but I am not so brutish as to have come this far out of retirement for something so gauche as physical altercation."  He held out his forelegs, then slowly slid them comfortably behind his head in a show of relaxation.  He hadn't turned around yet, but he was fairly certain he could recognize the voice...


"You could be no safer than to be in my presence, madam Mayor - that IS you, is it not? - and calling your security forces after I've gone to such lengths would certainly be such a rude manner in which to greet such a guest as myself."


He smiled; he hadn't had the chance to play this little game for a long time... which was a shame, as it was one of his favorites.


"Now, if you would be so kind as to give me the benefit of the doubt, we can begin having a fine conversation between each other which might even have the added benefit of being quite pleasant."


He turned around in a smooth circle, an air of confidence and total control evident in his manner - especially his most winning smile, which was beaming out from his weathered, yet still handsome face.  His emerald green eyes locked onto the Mayor, and... 


... by Luna's Ghost...


Harcourt's carefully poised expression froze on his muzzle.  He then slowly sat forward, no longer relaxed as he was before - his mind was trying to make sense of what he was seeing.  He blinked rapidly.


"You?  You're the Mayor of Baltimare?"

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"I want nothing more than to regain my hope, I put all my bits on you and your group Trivy."

"Understood." Trivy nodded calmly now that she had been able to slow down her hyperactive talking. "We will not let you down."
She then turned to Arai with a embarrassed smile. "Sorry for my whole... freak-out thing. It happens sometimes. I'm not really used to being around so many ponies in such a small place. Especially after all those years traveling in the open."

"So... we have to learn how to mold without being molded?" Trivy said with a little confusion in her voice.

"You? You're the Mayor of Baltimare?"

"Well who else did you expect darling? I thought you would've already guessed by the fabulous interior design. Of course it's me you idiot. Did all those years of pink scrabble your brain? I thought you would be smarter than that Harcourt." The mayor took a few steps closer towards Harcourt and the desk. "It seems I've overestimated you. So tell me... before I do take you down and you know I will... why are you here? Edited by Pucksterv
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"Well who else did you expect darling? I thought you would've already guessed by the fabulous interior design. Of course it's me you idiot. Did all those years of pink scrabble your brain? I thought you would be smarter than that Harcourt."


He simply sat there a moment, his jaw working up and down as he processed this information.  Images of the fighting, seemingly longer ago than mere time could measure, paraded through his mindscape.  He watched as this ghost of ashes long blown away made her way to the desk.  


If Rarity is still alive... does that mean Trivy's vision might be a part of what led us all here?  Is Twilight Sparkle... still alive?


 "It seems I've overestimated you. So tell me... before I do take you down and you know I will... why are you here?"


As incredible as this though is, Harcourt, the lady awaits... and there is no way I am about to allow her the satisfaction of finding me nonplussed.  Think fast, old man...


"Well, truthfully speaking... I suppose 'stunned' is the proper terminology whenever you enter the room, Lady Rarity.  The years have not only been kind, but have seemingly decided to preserve your beauty; there are fine wines that never grow older... only bolder."


Swift as an arrow, he left the seat spinning behind him as he made his way around the desk to stand directly before her.  Smiling with as much magnetism as he could muster, he then bowed in a low, sweeping gesture.


"I have made my way here because of a dilemma, and I had been under the impression that the mayor might have answers to those questions.  Seeing that the mayor is YOU, Generous One, has made this even more fortuitous.  You see, I've been quite busy since long ago - giving shelter and refuge to those who have needed it, helping guide the troubled and hopeless.  I've been a compass to many ponies... but you - all six of you - were the map I learned from."


He stepped over to the window and glanced carefully outside, taking tally of any guards in case things went south.  He then looked back at her.  Harcourt's eyebrows were firmly set together like thunderclouds; his eyes were lightning ponysonified.


"... and what I have seen since I have arrived here in Baltimare defies all I would have thought you would allow.  There are so many ponies here that they're becoming a hazard to each other, my dear.  I know that this city may be the only place where Sombra's rotten tendrils haven't strangled the life from... but it's being choked from the inside out." 


He was utterly sincere; the past few years had shown him some bad things, but this was an entire town poised on the brink, just waiting for the right nudge to fall over the edge.  The Rarity he knew would never have let this happen... though, admittedly, that was a time gone past; was she still the lady he knew her to be?


"Now, I am not going to cajole or threaten - you know me well, Lady Rarity - but I will also not presume you've witnessed this happening without some sort of reason... something, anyway.  So please, most Generous One, I inquire of you... why?"

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"Now, I am not going to cajole or threaten - you know me well, Lady Rarity - but I will also not presume you've witnessed this happening without some sort of reason... something, anyway.  So please, most Generous One, I inquire of you...why?"


"You're right my darling. I'm not as oblivious as the ponies around town think I am. I am aware of the horrible situation of this city, my city... It wasn't always like this I tell you what. But the situation changed when Baltimare became the last city standing and the only place for pony kind to hide from Sombra's forces. There are simply not enough resources available for the amount of ponies living down there. I fear that even my generosity has run out." Lady Rarity said with a slight sadness in her voice.


She walked towards one of the painting on her wall. She stared at it with great grief in her eyes. It was a beautiful painting, made before the war, all six of them standing there proud and happy. A small tear rolled from the lady's cheek but she had to be strong. She tucked away her sadness before she turned herself to face Harcourt again. 


"To make matters even worse, The Griffon Kingdom closed their borders a few years back. Too many refugees they told me. So I had to stop the boats from sailing. Everypony blames me for being cruel and maybe I am. Maybe I should have fought back but I thought one battle was already enough."

Edited by Pucksterv
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@@Pripyat Pony


Sombra looked at the map and thought for a while. He then looked up from the map, with a snobby smile. 


"So most of the rebels have been residing in Baltimere all this time? I would have thought they would have picked more of a.... well.... uncharted area, instead of one of Equestria's outdated cities.... no matter, they will be crushed". 


Sombra signaled Baeltheron to come close. The Captain immediately obeyed and moved to stand by Sombra's side. 


"Captain, summon my council. We have a siege to plan....." a smile crept up his face, which got the captain to shake a bit in fear as he bowed. 


"Right away your majesty"


As the captain went off, Sombra stood up from his throne and turned his gaze to Jinx. "You may have your experimental subjects. Pick as many as you need. Your results will be needed.... for bigger plans..." he grinned malevolently as he walked away her, towards his personal quarters. 




As Rave finished looking over the walls of gate for the sixth time, he decided he had done enough inspections on the outer defenses. Another thought crept up his head. Having not said anything to himself (or rather the dark voice) his voice was a bit raspy and dim when he spoke to himself. 


"This must be where the Blackwater is hiding... there can be no other explanation to why he has eluded capture for such a long time".


Then paranoia gripped him


"What if he has been gathering allies against the Darkmanes? What if he has been plotting his revenge all this time, without me knowing. What if he--- no! Impossible, the defenses of my family's dominion is about as safe as Sombra's..... " he said to himself. 


Rave felt the presence of another. "Enough! Control your emotions. Get a hold on yourself. You disgrace your family and yourself. Or are you yet again trying to convince me that I should have chosen your older brother, that buffoon, as a host?".


".... no....."


"You better not be doing so.....". There was a sigh in Rave's head. "Blackthorn should never have become the head of the Darkmanes, 200 years ago. It has caused our family to lose face, much of our traditions.... and turned some of our most promising descendants into weaklings. Better were the days when members of our house knew no fear, no mercy, no regret.... no love.... it has corrupted our house and our traditions and therefore needs to rectified. At least your older brother understands that....". 


Rave's eyes twitched. He had heard that speech over and over again, for over 20 years now. 

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Stirred by her feathery friend's words, Aria beamed inwardly with admiration as she watched Stardust leave the room.


And you claim I'm the one with a talent for words.


How lucky am I to consider myself one of your friends, Stellina.


But before she could delve into any sort of reverie, she was brought back to the present by Trivy's question. Thoughtfully rubbing her chin, she pondered the best way to exist in two states simultaneously, or—as Stardust had so eloquently put it—mold without being molded.


"Yes, that is to say you must be able to maintain the frame of mind of one individual without losing yourself in it. You are, but you aren't. For example, this air of mystery and intelligence that I may be exuding as I attempt to describe this to you is a false one, for I remind myself that I am perhaps no more intelligent than that filly over there. I simply know that I am versatile, and in that versatility I can adopt whatever ponysona is required of me with relative ease. Of course, one could perhaps argue that this in and of itself is its own form of intelligence, but that is another matter entirely. It is this versatility that I must attempt to impart to you, and it is going to require you to put logic before all else.


So. Before we walk through what you should be, I must first ask you who you currently are, what you currently want, and why you currently want it...not so I can hear it, not so anypony else can hear it, but so that you can hear it."

Edited by Wubtavia
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"Lady Rarity, it sounds almost as if you're afraid to make a decision; if so, I can certainly understand the pain and hesitancy."


The rough old codger that pulled the cart was nowhere in sight, and he gave her a firm look.


"These people are depending on something to happen; best to decide a 'something', lest one be assigned."


Harcourt began pacing the floor, his eyes distant as he started thinking.  There has to be a way to DO something about all of this!  THINK!  He tossed his gaze at Rarity again; she'd aged quite well, but it was obvious time had still run at least some of it's race across the plains of her outer beauty.  Who she was, her inner beauty, was still there - just lost among the swamps of decision she'd gotten bogged down in.


"More than this, I know of a certain group of ponies who are expecting something which isn't going to happen, by your statements.  They aren't a town, no... but they are ponies who depend on me to be open with them; mayhaps you should too, Lady Rarity.  Perhaps there are more out there, within the walls of Baltimare, who would be able to help... especially if they had their magic back, my dear.  Might I ask what brought this about, anyhow?  The magic ban, I mean?"

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So. Before we walk through what you should be, I must first ask you who you currently are, what you currently want, and why you currently want it...not so I can hear it, not so anypony else can hear it, but so that you can hear it."


Trivy gave an understanding nod. "I'm not entirely sure what you just said but I think I get your point." There was a small moment of silent before she spoke again. "So... shall we go and meet the mayor? or is there still something else we should to do before we leave?"


"More than this, I know of a certain group of ponies who are expecting something which isn't going to happen, by your statements.  They aren't a town, no... but they are ponies who depend on me to be open with them; mayhaps you should too, Lady Rarity.  Perhaps there are more out there, within the walls of Baltimare, who would be able to help... especially if they had their magic back, my dear.  Might I ask what brought this about, anyhow?  The magic ban, I mean?"


"The magic ban has been around as long as the wall has been standing. It's just a precaution. Suppose Sombra gets a spy through our gates, they will still be without magic. Plus it proved to be a good fighter for crime. We had a lot of trouble with unicorns in the beginning, some of them thought they were better than other ponies. Now that their magic is stripped away, they are equal to everypony else. Only the guards and I have magic." Rarity said with a proud smile.


"If these ponies you speak of are as special as you say they are, perhaps I could make an exception."

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Trivy gave an understanding nod. "I'm not entirely sure what you just said but I think I get your point." There was a small moment of silent before she spoke again. "So... shall we go and meet the mayor? or is there still something else we should to do before we leave?"



What? You haven't even said anything you daft- stop.


"You haven't said anything yet," said the mare, though not unkindly. Aria was struggling to determine whether or not Trivy had even understood her explanation or the purpose of her questions, simple though they were. Drawing herself up on all four hooves, she sighed in resignation. "Very well. We can talk on the way, I suppose. Or rather, you can do a lot of thinking, making sure you're in the right frame of mind. Just be the mare defending the rights of her ponies. Nothing else. If you're addressed directly, don't show your nerves...let emotions guide your heart, not your head.


Now with that very limited information, shall we be off?"

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"You haven't said anything yet,"


Now with that very limited information, shall we be off?"


"But you said 'not so I can hear it but you can hear it.' I assumed I should just think about it instead of saying it out loud.... sorry. yes, time to go." Trivy said with an embarrass smile. She made her way up to the trapdoor and unlocked it. "Will Stardust be joining us as well?'' She shouted downstairs.

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The trap door opened up and Stardust poked in her head... "I'm already outside" She gave a small smile. "I wanted to make sure everything was clear before the entire group came outside. We should be in good cover, the sun is on the horizon, it should be completely dark by the time we reach the Mayors home." 


Stardust stood aside to let the group come up, she gave Aria a look of doubt and then a small smile, trying to stay optimistic. 


She whispered, "I really hope this goes well... I don't know what I would do if I couldn't fly again. Do you think that Trivy or any of the other ponies will try and talk to the Mayor directly? I know she wanted to ask about the boats... but I don't want to be there if that happens."

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Psych had assumed that the mayors home would be in the section of the city closed off to everypony else. He made his way through the masses, searching out for someplace that would bee important enough to be closed off. However, the ponies milling about were messing with his sight, and he seemed to be becoming increasingly lost. He began to get nervous, wanting nothing more than to get out of the crowd, so he chose a direction and went in it, hoping to break free of the cluster.

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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"But you said 'not so I can hear it but you can hear it.' I assumed I should just think about it instead of saying it out loud.... sorry. yes, time to go."


"Ah, semantics, I suppose. Not being schizophrenic, I don't hear voices in my head," Aria jested, throwing Trivy a smirk. 


(whispered) I really hope this goes well... I don't know what I would do if I couldn't fly again. Do you think that Trivy or any of the other ponies will try and talk to the Mayor directly? I know she wanted to ask about the boats... but I don't want to be there if that happens."


Under the pretense of giving Stardust a hug, Aria whispered in her ear, "Oh it's likely somepony is going to talk. I don't expect the results to be severe, though. Worst case scenario, we get kicked out and try again, but I won't rest until we are on our boat." Patting the pegasus's head reassuringly, Aria released the hug. Withdrawing with a look of determination, she held Stardust's gaze. "I promise we are getting out of here, Stellina."


Turning to Trivy and the group at large, she declared, "Time waits for nopony. Follow closely, and keep pace. It won't be a brisk trot, but I'd rather not evoke the wrath of a mare who prides themselves on beauty sleep."

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Trivy noticed the two mares whispering to each other which made her a little suspicious. It was probably non of her business but she was still interested in whatever they were saying.


"Time waits for nopony. Follow closely, and keep pace. It won't be a brisk trot, but I'd rather not evoke the wrath of a mare who prides themselves on beauty sleep."


Trivy ordered most of the ponies to stay behind, so they could watch over wing and the rest. "You all stay behind okay, we will be back in a bit, don't worry." She then quickly moved up her pace to catch up with Stardust and... "Wait a minute? Has any of you seen Psych?" Please don't tell me he went into the city alone. please...

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Psych had seemed to have walked into a darkened alleyway, not realizing where he was walking, but thankful that it seemed to be clear of the crowds. He sat and leaned against a wall. "I really screwed up this time, didn't i? Getting lost in a city I know nothing about, thinking I'll be sneaky and find Harcourt and not they'll anypony I was leaving... I'm an idiot..." He buried his face in his hooves, crying a little about his situation.

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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"Wait a minute? Has any of you seen Psych?" Please don't tell me he went into the city alone. please...


"What do you mean...? I thought he always stayed with you." Stardust could see the concern in Trivy's eyes. "If you would like, I can fly ahead and try to find him. I can lead him back to the group and meet you all at the Mayor's quarters."  

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"What do you mean...? I thought he always stayed with you."


 "If you would like, I can fly ahead and try to find him. I can lead him back to the group and meet you all at the Mayor's quarters."


"That would be very kind of you... darn Celestia, I hope he's alright... you can get lost pretty quickly in a city like this.'' Trivy's worries started to increase and she looked around in panic to search for a glimpse of Psych. Instead, she noticed that their group was slowly getting surrounded by guards coming out of the shadows. ''Oh dear Luna... Stardust, go now!  We will catch up later... I hope."

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"The magic ban has been around as long as the wall has been standing. It's just a precaution. Suppose Sombra gets a spy through our gates, they will still be without magic. Plus it proved to be a good fighter for crime. We had a lot of trouble with unicorns in the beginning, some of them thought they were better than other ponies. Now that their magic is stripped away, they are equal to everypony else. Only the guards and I have magic." Rarity said with a proud smile.


No, nothing about that sounds like the very verge of tyranny, not at all... by Luna, she's had it rough.  If it's getting this bad, then perhaps she needs help?  


The question bounced around in his mind for a bit, then he began solidly ruminating.


"My dear Lady Rarity, I do hope you realize how that sounds... and if not, please understand that I am being as honest as I can... but if you've seen what kinds of things are going on in town, how can you believe that not telling them the truth about the boats will solve anything?  They might have their own ideas that could help us solve everything - and they can barely gather the strength to go through the drudgery of a day without their special magics."


It was critical that she understood he was only trying to help; he could only imagine what it must have been like to watch the once proud town around her crumble to shale.  He had always held an admiration for Equestria's Element Bearers, but he understood that even they had their limits.  Poor Rarity looked to have surpassed hers about four or five years ago; how she'd made it this far was proof of her strength of character.


"I think it's high time to consider reviewing specific cases to see if magic could be returned to those who show and prove trustworthiness.  At least put the process in motion; it'll give everypony hope, and they are sore in need of it.  But this is merely a suggestion, my dear - far be it for me to tell you how to do your job."


Harcourt crossed the stately office to come face to face with Rarity, a small smirk as he spoke to her.


"In fact, I know just the ponies to begin the endeavor with: my own group, of course!  It would be a fine opportunity to introduce you to the lot of them.  They're good ponies, and they've made it this far... come now, Lady Rarity, must I beg?  Such a gracious and generous host as yourself would certainly see no harm in such?"


"If these ponies you speak of are as special as you say they are, perhaps I could make an exception."


He smiled.  "Thank you kindly, Generous One - your inner beauty continues to match your outer beauty, no matter how much time attempts to chip away at either one."  He swept forward in a low bow, took her hoof in his hand and lightly kissed it, then let go of it as he stood up once more; it all flowed together as the river of a single action.


"Now, my dear... is there anything we might be inclined to do to assist you?"

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He smiled.  "Thank you kindly, Generous One - your inner beauty continues to match your outer beauty, no matter how much time attempts to chip away at either one."  He swept forward in a low bow, took her hoof in his own and lightly kissed it, then let go of it as he stood up once more; it all flowed together as the river of a single action.


A small blush fell on the lady's face. It had been a long time since she had been addressed this way. Not that it bothered her, in fact, Harcourt's actions were quite to her liking.


"Now, my dear... is there anything we might be inclined to do to assist you?"


"You do know how to flatter a girl my dearest darling. Perhaps there is something you could do for me. But it is a task that requires not only you but also your companions. Don't worry, I already send my guards to fetch them."


Rarity walked towards the painting behind her desk and revealed a small safe behind it. She lit up her horn to unlock it. Inside  was a small silver colored box that she then laid down onto her desk, in front of the old charming stallion.


"You see Harcourt, I knew you would visit my office eventually. Although it did take a bit longer than expected but I suppose it was worth the wait." A small silence fell as Rarity studied Harcourt's face to see if he would reacted in the way she hoped he would. "If you are the right pony, and I am absolutely certain you are, you should be able to open this box. The content within has always been mine. However, since you are here now, I finally have the pleasure of passing it onto you. Would you care to try darling?''

Edited by Randimaxis
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"Not one of your better entrances."


Having looked for the source of Trivy's distress, Aria's eyes had come to rest upon a lithe stallion looking wholly misplaced among his rigid peers. Every stride of his easy gait exuded confidence, yet there was an uncharacteristic diffidence about his expression. A hint of unease settling upon her, she decided to take the initiative, hoping she could keep the conversation light in spite of the advancing guards.


"Slumming this early in the evening, are we? I thought you saved your excursions of...debauchery...for dessert, especially since the horsehouse isn't even open yet." Well, so much for light.

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"Slumming this early in the evening, are we? I thought you saved your excursions of...debauchery...for dessert, especially since the horsehouse isn't even open yet." Well, so much for light.


One of the guard approached the group carefully by taking another step forward while the other guards remained in their place. "Sorry for the jumping out a shadow like creeps, it's not that often we receive orders to fetch civilians for good purposes. If you all would like to come with me and my... team, the mayor has requested your presents."

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Stardust was stuck in midair - one of the guards was using his horn to halt her forward motion, placing her back to the ground. 


"Sorry for the jumping out a shadow like creeps, it's not that often we receive orders to fetch civilians for good purposes. If you all would like to come with me and my... team, the mayor has requested your presents."


"What do you mean... the mayor has requested our presents? I mean... we were on our way to see her... but this.... this is awkward."


Stardust looked to Aria for reassurance, she doesn't like confrontation and except for Aria, Stardust doesn't talk to many other ponies, she is mostly in her books, maps, or stars. 


She looked back to the guards and tried to explain why she was flying away. "Please... I have to go find a stallion who is lost in the city, he is part of the group that needs to see the mayor. He will never make it there on his own. I was going to fly overhead and look for him and take him to city hall."


She pawed at the ground and fluttered her wings, she was terrified they would strip her of the little magic she still had to fly. Guards were not known to be the least bit kind, she waited for her punishment for speaking out of turn and for looking as if she were fleeing. 


She looked again to Aria, with tears in her eyes, she looked back to the ground and waited. 

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She looked back to the guards and tried to explain why she was flying away. "Please... I have to go find a stallion who is lost in the city, he is part of the group that needs to see the mayor. He will never make it there on his own. I was going to fly overhead and look for him and take him to city hall."


"You're not going anywhere miss. We got a special treatment for magic users like y-''


"Don't be so ridiculous Flash.'' Another guard stepped out of the shadows.


''Sorry captain.''


"You can go and fetch your friend dear. Just try to find him as soon as possible." The captain said with a smile. "As for the others, would you be so kind to follow me."

Edited by Pucksterv
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Under a deadly calm countenance, Aria seethed at the injustice to which her Stellina was being subjected. It was with her she shared a sisterly bond, and seeing Star feel so dejected ignited in her a fire that would leave even the greatest of cities smoldering in ashes. It was natural to feel protective of her...natural to want to look out for her...natural to want to rip the guards limb from limb for making her feel this way...no, she would have to control that particular sisterly feeling...


Not a second too soon, before she gave voice to a tranquil fury, a more sensible guard stepped in to kindly reassure Stellina. Aria let loose an unsteady breath, smiling radiantly in Stellina's direction in an attempt to dispel any feelings of animosity either of them might have been feeling. She would wait until Stellina collected herself and flew off in search of the missing member before turning to the guard and saying, "Very well. Lead the way, and we shall follow."

  • Brohoof 5
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