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private Sombra's Shadow


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He gave her a small smile in return, but flinched a bit as he heard the other voice in the room. "Oh, uh, sorry, I can leave if you... But he was cut off by her half jab/half comment, and he didn't know if to feel insulted or happy. "Uh... Thank you?" He looked between Winter and the mare in the room, wondering how they were even related. Suddenly, when she mentioned her aunt's name, the realization hit him. "Wait... Are you telling me that... That your auntie is... Is the element of loyalty, Rainbow Dash?"

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Pripyat Pony, @@Pucksterv


From the throne, King Sombra gazed upon the new arrival. He looked closely at Trivy as the two walked towards the throne. He stood up and slowly walked towards them. 


"Judging by the way this one walks, she is used to be in charge. I see confidence and command in her eyes".


He stopped right in front of them. 


"Yet despite of all that, she reeks of fear"


He looked her in the eyes, his gaze seeming to lock her's. 


"Who are you?". 




Rave suddenly woke up, having a slight headache. He rose up slowly, still feeling a bit week after the encounter with the city's ruler. He growled as he dragged himself out of the tent and walked towards the command tent where he was sure he would find the two generals, Ironhoof and Crimson. 


As he enters the tent, two ponies are standing over a table with a map of the city. 


"......therefore we should focus our barrage on the ports. Destroying the back of the city will force the residents to move closer to the gate where they will be easier targets". 


"A good proposition, however, we would be wasting more ammunition by doing that, since the accuracy get's lowered the further we try to fire at. I suggest that we send in a team that will start fires in the back. We will burn down all of their supplies as well and force them to accept surrender or they will face starvation". 


"Too risky. We are more likely to lose good soldiers if we do that. Better to keep them safe to fight another day than face the possibility of failure". 


"But what shall we do then?". 


"Raze the city to the ground...."


Both heads turned towards Rave.


"We will completely raze it to the ground. We will kill every single pony living inside of Baltimare. No prisoners, no slaves. Since they dare to defy the will of the King, let the world know the price they pay by defying him. We will make them an example". 


He exited the tent, followed by Ironhoof and Crimson. He looked upon Baltimare in the distance. 


"Your insult will be your downfall....." he said with a cold tone, his eyes narrowing. 

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Aria considered the pegasus before her for a moment before letting a small smile play upon her muzzle. "You give me far too much credit, Stellina," said Aria lightly, ruffling her partner's mane. With that, she began a slow march towards the house, lightly brushing Stellina with her tail as she passed.


Far too much credit...


O what fickle thing you are, mind, accepting the self but not as a whole. And to let no one in whilst wanting assurance, and then rejecting assurance upon receiving it. Such can only be detrimental to your, no, my state of mind. Caught in a cycle of wanting nothing yet everything, yet perhaps still just one thing. But what? Oft do emotions elicit illogical responses, yet discriminating against them is folly...somehow. And those words, why does she say them? And why do I care? For the words? Obviously I care about her...is that not clear? And...why? Just why? Why, mind, are you leaving me in this state? Clear thyself of such thoughts, lest I become some incomprehensible husk, for I cannot hope to function well with feelings on my tongue.


So speak, you fool. You know not of what she wants. You know not of what you yourself want. You pride yourself on living in the moment? Then live in this one. Speak your mind, for once, voice your concerns. Not with that flippant tongue, but with the tongue you hardly use that wants only to appease the heart. You do have one, yes? A heart?


"Hey. You know I would never leave you."

Edited by Wubtavia
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@, @@Randimaxis


Stardust felt Aria's tail flick around her neck and drag down her body. She tried to straighten her mane and stood up to follow her to the cottage.




"Hey. You know I would never leave you."


"I know, I just want you to want it as much as I do. I know that you have been having a rough time, maybe I should have just left the lot at the gate when I saw them. Then it could still just be you and me. I don't know."


She took a few deep breaths and then she nudged into Aria giving her a little bump on the shoulder. She cracked a smile and then did it again, this time giggling. She knew how much this irritated Aria and she knew that she would return the nudge but Star would end up on the ground and both of them would laugh and laugh. 


One day, one day you will know. One day I will have the courage to tell you. One day I hope you will open up and let me in. It might not be today, but hopefully one day. 


Stardust finally managed to get to the cottage, mostly in tact. She looked to Harcourt with a mane full of twigs and leaves, she could see his muzzle and eyebrows wrinkle into an awkward smile. She tried to quickly make herself presentable and then asked if he could call the others, it was time to go to work. 

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Youth is for the young, Harcourt thought as he caught himself grinning at the mussed visage of Stardust.


She really did seem to be a kind and caring soul; he'd heard a bit about her from the rest of the group, and not a single pony had spoken a discouraging word.  That and, as he tried to get the silly smile of his muzzle (mostly successfully), it was difficult to see her as anything but sweet - she was almost perpetually smiling, and that smile was highly infectious.


Admittedly, if she is that kind and sweet... how bad could Aria truly be?  There's a darkne-... no, not a darkness; a shadow.  There's something hiding in Aria - something Stardust senses, but doesn't exactly know... the bond between them is obvious, yet still...


He nodded to Star's request.  "Absolutely, such shall be done."  


Finding Lilith proved easier than planned for; she'd been scouting the small hamlet, and was in the process of preparing to search anyway - it didn't take more than a nod from Harcourt... she nodded back and made her way towards where Star was.


Psych, on the other hoof, was nowhere outside.  Puzzled (and a tad worried) he cautiously entered the house and looked about a bit, listening to hear his voice, if he was still awake, that is...

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@@Count Paradox,


Winter raised an eyebrow in confusion before she turned her head to her aunt. ''Wait? You're the element of Loyalty? Why didn't you ever tell me this?'' She said as she walked over to Rainbow. 


''I have no idea what you're talking about.'' The blue mare said confused as well.


Winter walked back to Psych and whispered into his ear. ''Psych, are you sure that she's the element of loyalty? Maybe you have confused her with somepony else.''





Trivy looked around the large throne room as she walked after Jinx. Her hoofsteps echoed against the crystal walls. She moved her eyes towards the dark voice that had filled the room. She locked herself on his gloomy gaze, seeing the shadow King for the first time in her entire life. 


He actually doesn't look that evil up close. Compared to the stories I've heard. Something in his eyes, something kind, weirdly. Eyes, old eyes, filled with loss.


She bowed before him and spoke when she raised her head again. ''I am Trivia Hecate of House Haysborough from the frozen north. However I have many other names. My friends call me Trivy. My father calls me traitor. And I believe you would call me rebel.'' She said emphasis on that last word. "It's an honor to finally meet you my King.'' She said with a sheepish grin. 

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King Sombra seemed to ponder what Trivy had just said for a while, but then he smiled. 


"You speak as if you suggest you are not a traitor. I find that, sadly, hard to believe. My sources tell me otherwise. However, I am not one to turn away from anyone who says otherwise without hearing their part of the story. Tell me about your father, he seems like an interesting pony". 


He gave a toothy grin, revealing his sharp teeth. 




From the top of the hill, Rave overlooked the city. 


"This city shall fall and from the ashes shall arise a new order, that will shake the very foundations.... of the world...". 


Rave's horn glowed purple and then his horn seemed to unleash purple arcane energies in all directions. The world seemed to grow darker, however, the sun shone clearly in the sky. Beside Rave stood a shadow, then another and then another. Soon a horde of shadows were standing in formation. Rave lift up his hoof, pointing at the city. He then brought it down in a commanding way. 

The shadows started racing down the hill towards the city. 


Rave watched as the shadows entered the city and started their rampage of unstoppable slaughter. 


The dark voice within him seemed to be non existent now, having retreated so far back into his mind. 


"Let this last vein of light.... be quelled...". 


The catapults were being readied and the army of Sombra and the Darkmanes stood eagerly in formation behind Rave, ready for the attack. 




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I swear by Luna, if he and Winter are playing 'snugglebunnies' at a time like this...


Harcourt looked around the old cottage.  As he did, his eyes wandered across the shelves and framed photographs.  There were a few with Winter in them, but aside from such there was no one else present in any of the scant amount of picture frames.  That gave him pause for a moment.


Curious... Winter spoke of an Auntie here, yet I see no evidence of anyone but her.  Granted, there is certainly evidence of SOME sort of griffon here, but no pictures.  Strange, but not too odd - after all, Mother didn't care much for cameras; she thought they were devices that made moments cheaper, more disposable in one's mind, because they made the job of actually remembering the moment negligible.  So, Auntie Griffon must be similar to-


He stopped in mid-sentence.  Lost in thought, he had wandered his way into the kitchen.  Among the plates and such, carefully stacked on side counters next to the sink, were two mugs.  One was a typical Griffonstone-crafted stein, ceramic and sturdy but not exactly made to look pretty... more for use than for show.


The other stein was, without a doubt, old.  It had seen a lot of use in it's day, and had also been cared for as best as possible.  There was a crack in it's wooden side that had been repaired with some sort of tree sap, hardened and shaped to almost seem as if it were part of the mug's design.  Aside from the flaw, Harcourt instantly recognized it's origins, as his entire family had once owned a set of the same steins.


It was a cider stein from Sweet Apple Acres, of that he had no doubt - which told him two things:


First, that whomever was here had apparently been around at least long enough to have known Sweet Apple Acres back in the good old days, before Sombra shattered the idyllic peace and harmony of Equestria and it's populace.


Second, it told him that there was a good chance this "Auntie" was NOT a griffon, but a pony.


Well, now Winter - perhaps we should have our own conversation... though it would explain why she was willing to help us; her sympathy for ponies now makes much more sense, as well as her interest in Psych.  Fascinating as this is, I still haven't fou-


His mind paused mid-thought as his keen ears picked up what sounded like Winter speaking.  Following said sound, he was fairly certain it would lead to Psych... or, at least, to a certain griffon who might help him look for their psychic friend.


Reaching a closed door, Harcourt gave a listen for a moment.




Maybe you have confused her with somepony else.''


Well it sounds like Winter, he thought, but who is she talking to?


He then realized, with a touch of shame, that he was eavesdropping on his gracious host.  He stood back up at once, clearing his throat, and knocked cautiously on the door.


"Miss Winter?  A moment, if you please?"


At least he was being polite; he could have mentioned the snugglebunnies bit.

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Rave walked slowly through orange glowing streets within the burning city of Baltimare. He walked past a pile of pony bodies, not even giving them a glance. A tower came crumbling besides Rave, crashing down a few meters behind him, some of the area getting covered in dust, however, he did not care at all. His gaze was fixated on one pony in particular. 


There in front of him a few meters away, lay an injured white unicorn with a purple mane, guarded by a few of his own personal Darkmane guards. They noticed Rave's approach and took a step back, giving him and the prisoner enough space. 


Rave approached the unicorn, hatred evident in his eyes. 


"It seems your city has been laid to waste, Lady Rarity....". Rave's eyes started to change, purple smoke started to leak out, his teeth getting sharper and his mane changing colors. "Dark magic always comes at a price... I believe you have paid yours. Your generosity is at an end". 

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"I-I don't know... Maybe?" He turned his head towards the mare in the room. "But... Something is eminating off of her... It feels... Powerful, like the strength that the elements give off, but... It could be something else..." Suddenly, a knock at the door brought his attention to it, and he heard Harcourt on the other side. Immediately, a light switched on in his head. "Wait... Harcourt might know! He should be able to tell if it's her or not!"

Edited by Count Paradox
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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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 "You speak as if you suggest you are not a traitor. I find that, sadly, hard to believe. My sources tell me otherwise. However, I am not one to turn away from anyone who says otherwise without hearing their part of the story. Tell me about your father, he seems like an interesting pony". 


''My father, he was the head stallion of our village. He made all the decisions, no one spoke against him. Out of respect but mostly out of fear. Then.. Then my mother died, at least, that is what he tells me. I believe she just ran away from him. He blamed me, he was an angry pony. So I left and then he called me a traitor. And maybe he was right. I abandoned my family and friends.'' Trivy said, taking a large breath when she was finished.


''Now that I have done what you asked for, may I ask you a question?'' The unicorn looked Sombra straight into his eyes. "What will you do with me now that I am here?"



"Dark magic always comes at a price... I believe you have paid yours. Your generosity is at an end". 


''My Generosity ended a long time ago. However, I am certain that somepony else has already taken over my roll. Now I am sure these will be my last words so I suppose... with my last breath.'' Rarity looked down at the ground, taking one last deep breath.


''May I pray that Light and Darkness will carry me, as Celestia holds my heart and Luna carries my soul. May the sun and moon guide me to my peace as I take my final breath."


The Lady started crying, tears rolling from her eyes. Accepting her fate, she blinked to let her tears fall to the ground. She stared at the fire in the distance. The light faded, as the darkness fell around her. Black.



Edited by Pucksterv
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@@Pucksterv @@Pripyat Pony

Sombra pondered for a while with a smile, then he gave Trivy a toothy grin. 


"What will I do with you? Oh no no no, not me" his grin widened and he pointed a hoof towards Jinx. "She is the one who knows what will be done with you. I believe it has something to do with tests". 


He looked over to the archmage, Jinx. 


"Isn't that right, dear archmage?". 




Rave saw the tears rolling from her eyes. He hesitated, thinking for a while. Then his visuals became dark again.


"The light will never guide you, as there shall be no light left in this world...... ONLY UNENDING DARKNES" he screamed. 


His horn flared with red light and he sent a red lightning bolt straight for her heart.

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@@Count Paradox@@Randimaxis,



''Come in Harcourt.'' Winter said as she opened up the door before she walked back to the confused mare sitting her chair. ''Auntie, I know you have a bad memory. But surely, this is not something you would forget?'' She said worried. She turned to look at Harcourt. Psych was right, the old stallion must know more about the elements. Rarity had been a dear friend to him. So he must know about Rainbow's past as well. She looked at him, studying his expression to see if Psych's assumptions were indeed true. 

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@@JonasDarkmane, Jinx smiled. "Yes, your Majesty," she replied. "I have developed many dark magic spells which need to be tested fully, for the benefit of my research, and I do require a test subject to keep close by so that I may observe and record the results. Of course, I shall still require the slaves for tests, as a large sample is vital in research."

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Many ponies, as their age progresses, have a tendency to forget certain things: what day of the week it was, where they lived, what they had for breakfast that morning... and the list goes on.  There had been a time once, back in the days before the darkness came, when he had borne witness to one of the most incredible sights anypony could ever have witnessed - and there would never be a time Harcourt would ever forget it.


He'd been in Ponyville, of all places, when it had happened.  The little town hadn't been much for thievery, as there wasn't much there that was under the kind of protection he'd found challenging... but they had some of the most divine muffins in all of Equestria.  He had purchased two, but he realized he should have bought more; they were delicious, of course.  He was still ruminating over how tasty they were when it happened...


It started with a distant, almost whistling kind of sound that seemed to stretch as it came towards him.  He'd started looking around, trying to find the source - it was getting loud enough to worry him - but all he saw were ponies looking toward the sky.  Generally curious, and about finished with his last muffin, he followed their line of sight in search of what had their attention.


The last half of his muffin never made it to his mouth.


The sound was negligible, and held not even a candle to match the sheer awesomeness of color that seemed to race itself across the sky.  He could feel the wind brush past his cheeks, and saw it rustle awnings and banners in town as if it made an announcement to the entire populace of Ponyville that, no matter how incredible somepony might have been, they would never match the level of awesome that ONLY a Sonic Rainboom can provide.


The pony who had been responsible for the amazing sight now sat across from him, a pale and worn echo of the scream of life she had been before Harcourt's mane was shot through with gray.  He almost felt as if time had robbed her of her animation, as the Darkmanes had robbed him of his life... though, somehow, it seemed as if she had been the one who'd gotten the worst of the two of them.


All this went through his steel-trap mind in the flash of a moment.  Outwardly, he raised an eyebrow at the sight of the old pony seated at the window ... then turned his focus to Psych.


"Psych, Stardust has called for us to gather outside to commence our hunt for supplies; it would perhaps be best not to keep her waiting, as we have yet to witness what extents her anger goes to - nor should we test the boundaries of any lady's scorn."


Turning from the psychic's gaze, he locked eyes with Winter.  He seemed friendly enough, but there was something behind his emerald green view that seemed to be... seeking something...


"Winter, is this the Auntie that you made mention of?  The family resemblance is uncanny."


Chuckling at his little jest, he stepped formally into the room and took a low, sweeping bow.  Through all this activity, his eyes stayed locked onto the blue pony in the chair.


"Do forgive an old stallion his manners, if you please madam.  My name is Harcourt, and I would like to take a moment to thank you for Little Winter - had it not been for her, I daresay we would all be cinders drifting into the ether by now.  She's a strong and capable girl; whatever you taught her, you did a fine job of such."


He leveled his focus on her.


"But I suppose that is only to be expected from a griffon raised by The Loyal One, after all."

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@@Pripyat Pony @@Pucksterv


King Sombra gave a comforting smile and he returned to his throne.


"You will get your slaves and test subjects in due time, archmage".  He sat down in a relaxing position and then grinned. "Now, show me your dark magic spell on her". 


He was now looking at Trivy. 


"I hope you don't mind that we do a little painful, horrifying tests on you, however, it will be needed to ensure progress for my kingdom.... my empire". 

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@@JonasDarkmane, "Yes, your Majesty," Jinx replied. She inwardly sighed; she had no stomach for what she was about to do, but knew that she could not refuse her King this request. But still, she thought, she had already put the torture spell on Trivy once before, so that would be the best one to use as Trivy would then know what to expect. Besides, her other spells were ones she wished to test on slaves first.


"I will put the torture spell on the rebel," Jinx replied. "It will help my research extensively."


@@Pucksterv, Jinx then did so, sending the bolt of dark magic at Trivy.

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Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@Pucksterv @Stardust* @Randimaxis


"B-but I haven't gotten to..." He sighed. "Alright then..." He hung his head and slowly walked out of the room, heading downstairs to Star. "Here I am... Harcourt is upstairs talking to Winter and her aunt... He'll be down in a bit..." He went off the corner, sitting by himself. He wanted to talk to Winter because they might not see each other after this.

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@JonasDarkmane,@@Pripyat Pony,


''Wwwait... wait what? No no no NO! Please I beg you not again.'' Trivy started stumbling, crawling backwards. She looked at Jinx with fear in her eyes, begging her for some remorse. ''Please not this again. Pl-''


The bolt of dark magic hit the poor unicorn before she could finish her sentence. Her eyes went shut as she collapsed onto the floor. She laid there silently on the ground for only a few moments before she started mumbling softly while her legs twitched.


Dark, cold, water... This again? Really? Not breathing... drowning. Need to swim, come up for air.


Trivy's eyes flared open as she got her hoofs moving, swimming towards the surface through a never ending distance. She felt herself going weak, the last bit of air escaping her lungs. She tried to concentrate but felt herself going deeper, sinking in the bottomless ocean. The water turned black in front of her eyes. She closed her eyes to hide from the dark but doing so only created more.




Concentrate... trying... need to survive. It's not real. It's not real. It. Is. Not. Real!


She opened her eyes again as she found her self standing in the middle of the snow. There was a small village in the distance but it was hard to see as there was a heavy cold wind all around. Trivy held her hoof above her head, trying to look further into the distance. The wind blew in her face, she blinked. Now there was smoke coming from the houses. Fire, there was a fire. She started running towards the village, but her legs were stuck in the snow. She looked down, ice was crawling towards her, freezing her entire body. She looked back up, she was suddenly standing in the middle of village yet still frozen to the ground.


Ponies were running around, screaming out of pain and fear. Shadows were flying towards them, running through them, killing them in an instant. Groups of Darkmane soldiers were plundering the houses, pulling out innocent ponies by their mane. A door opened with a large bang. Out came an old stallion holding his hoof by his side, bleeding, barely walking. He turned his head and looked Trivy straight into her eyes.


''Dddad? DAD! What's happening? Dad!!" Trivy tried to move but she was still stuck. One of the Darkmane recruits walked over towards him with a sword in his hoof. ''NO.. NO! Leave him alone! Please!'' Tears started running down Trivia's cinnamon colored cheeks. The ice around her hoofs started to crack as she tried to move again. One hoof out, sword getting closer. Another hoof out, Dad on his knees. Third hoof out, sword by his throat. Trivy used all her strength and power to pull out her last hoof. "COME ON! COME ON!" She yelled in frustration. Last hoof out, cleaning the blood from his blade.


Trivy got herself out the snow, tear were almost flooding her face now. She ran towards his body, collapsing near it, sobbing. She embraced him, laying his head on her lap as she stroke his mane. ''I'm so sorry father. I should have been there for you. Why didn't I come home earlierer. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.'' She kept on mumbling those words, continued to stroke his mane. The world seemed to fade around her The horror and slaughter kept going. But she didn't care, all she did was cry softly and repeat those three words.

Edited by Pucksterv
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King Sombra watched as Trivy's body twisted and turned. He looked over to the archmage. 


"Excellent. The suffering of others is always satisfying to watch. You may take her away. However, I might have some more tasks for you, so I want you to be ready for my imminent summoning. Now, begone!". 


He seemed to lose interest in the two and rose from his throne and entered his map room which was by his side, closing the door behind him with his magic. He was alone in the room. He walked to the burned map, thinking. Equestria would soon be his, however, that was not enough for him. He wanted more. He could not settle with just ruling over ponies. No, it was never enough. Never! 





Rave walked away from Rarity's body, leaving it rot with the rest of the city. There would be no burial nor would she be burned. This was Rave's last act of disgrace towards her. 

He was flanked by his personal Darkmane guards. The whole city had nearly been completely destroyed, only a bits of few buildings were standing. As for the city's population, most lay dead on the burning streets, while just a handful had escaped, but not without leaving the majority behind to cover their escape. It had to be done to make it seem as if everybody had been killed. A sacrifice that was needed. 


Rave's work here was done. He gave is guards a message to deliver to the two generals. He hoofed out a dark crystal and started focusing on it. Soon his hooves were no longer touching ground, however, the moment he felt so, he found himself touching ground again. 

He looked at the castle of Sombra within the Crystal Empire in the distance. 


"Ah, I'm back". 


He started heading for Sombra's castle. 

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"But I suppose that is only to be expected from a griffon raised by The Loyal One, after all."


Rainbow looked back at Harcourt with confusion increasing. ''What is everypony talking about? Winter, what's happening? Why are these ponies staring at me and calling me names? I don't understand.'' She said with a scared tone in her voice.


''It's okay Dashie. Just relax. Everything is alright. Just... Ignore them okay? Go and watch the birds outside.'' Winter grabbed Harcourt by his hoof and then dragged him out of the room. She closed the door and made sure no pony was around to hear anything. "Sorry. I think things just got a little too much for her.'' She sighed.


''Tell me what you know. Please. Is she really the element of Loyalty?'' 

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He looked at her, dumbfounded, for a good moment.  Then, as she was about to ask if he'd gone senile, he narrowed his eyes and spoke.


"Winter, listen well to me.  Almost two decades ago, the Elements of Harmony were the most incredible gathering of ponies in the history of Equestria.  They ended the terror of Nightmare Moon!  They fought, defeated, then reformed Discord himself!  They proved to be more than a match for Tirek!  They even met the Changeling hordes, and sent them packing!"


He turned and began to pace, his voice getting more and more fierce.


"And I followed their every step, their every victory, their every joy.  They were... amazing.  Stupendous.  Miraculous.  And their messages of generosity, loyalty, honesty, kindness, laughter and friendship were what all the world learned to live from..."


He suddenly slid, smooth as silk, directly in front of Winter, locking eyes with her as his next words came out in a low, seething tone.


"... and if that mare inside is NOT The Loyal One, then I am nothing more than a jackass!"


A hard breath.  Another.  Another still.  


Harcourt blinked rapidly, the anger rapidly melting away into first surprise, then shame.  He stepped back, his now sorrowful eyes seeking the ground between the two of them and his stance dropping back into the "tired old stallion" look.


"I... I... I apologize thoroughly, Miss Winter - I have had a very, very long and difficult time of things lately, and I suppose I got a bit... carried away... with myself.  Please understand - I have lost nearly everything that I have ever held dear to me... and to believe that your Auntie is not Rainbow Dash... is to lose hope..."


He gave her the briefest of glances, and she could see the tears forming in his eyes.


"... again."


He quickly turned away, stepping to the edge of the wall and gazing into the backyard, where the rest of the group still lingered.


"I... Winter, I'm not certain if we shall ever pass this way again, as our... journey... will take us into the heart of Sombra's shadow; please, I ask you to make time to wish Psych a safe journey.  I have seen how the two of you are with each other, and I am certain that you both will regret it if you don't wish each other the best."


A sigh.  A slight sniffle.  A nod, to nopony in particular.


"I never had the luxury of... of love... in my life; do not let the love the two of you have go wanting.  Speak to the fellow - he needs to know how and what you feel."


He moved away from the wall, his face still hidden from her view.


"As for your Auntie... I... I am... s-s-sorry if I have... upset her... please render my... apologies."


Harcourt, without another look at Winter, made his way towards Star and the others.

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@@Pucksterv, @@JonasDarkmane, Jinx curtsied to the King, before using her magic to pick up Trivy. She carried her out of the King's chamber, walking back to her own apartment where she gently laid Trivy down on the bed next to the sleeping Jay. Jinx bound the apartments with spells to make them safe from outside interference, then sat in the other room and thought. She was shocked to find that she felt guilty for putting the spell on Trivy, but there had been no choice in the matter. Nopony could stand against the King...

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Rave Darkmane had entered Sombra's castle and was now being escorted by his guards to the map room. The guards opened the doors and he walked alone inside. The doors closed behind him, echoing lowly. He stood there for a moment, listening to the echo and then continued towards Sombra who stood with his flank facing Rave. 


Sombra did not turn around to acknowledge Rave's arrival, but rather just spoke plainly. "Take a seat, apprentice". 


Rave did as commanded. He took walked around the table that the burned map was situated upon, and took a seat facing Sombra. The king did not seem to be angry. However, he did not seem to be showing any signs of enthusiasm either. His expression was rather neutral, yet unsettling. His cold eyes seemed to be peering into Rave's soul. 


"So you haven't dealt with your little problem, have you?". 


Rave panicked momentarily, but regained his senses and tried to seem triumphant. "I have returned to bring you good tidings. Baltimare has fallen, the citizens have been slaughtered to show the world what it means to defy you and the Element of Generosity lies dead. Truly there is nothing that can stand in your way". 


"That may be right.... but you are still wrong". 


Rave seemed taken aback. "M--- my king?". 


"Something I can not confirm yet, but I have felt a change in this world. A powerful magic has been unleashed or used. Something is not right....." Sombra seemed to be pondering a bit. "You failed to kill the Blackwater pup". 


"He wasn't in Baltimare when we attacked, there were no signs of him. Believe me, he would have been recognized". Rave did not mention that he had meant that he himself would have recognized a Blackwater, due to having seen most of them himself. Once was always enough for Rave to remember. "He was not there". 


Sombra thought for a while again. "You failed on this little task I give you. You of all ponies know that I dislike failure. However, I am merciful as well and I always give my subjects a second chance to prove themselves. In light of Baltimare's fall, I praise you. However, you will no longer pursue this pony, long bereft of his titles. You shall remain here to conduct vital tasks for me. I will send another to deal with this rebel". 


Rave didn't say anything. He stood up from his seat and bowed and then took his leave, exiting the room. 





As Rave exited the room, Sombra closed his eyes and chuckled silently. 

"I have a task for you... or rather, a new target. I believe you already know whom I speak off... go and seek out this Blackwater and kill him!


There was movement in the shadows in one of the corners. 


"I place my trust in you, that you will be able to finish this task, Assassin Master Diane. Go now and complete this task". 

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@@Randimaxis, @@Count Paradox, @,


Stardust looked at the group, Aria, Lilith, Harcourt, and Psych. Psych was off a little bit, she could tell that he was very sad. But she knew that he was close enough to hear her instructions. 


"Okay everypony, we have until sunrise to gather as much food and supplies that we can gather. We need to think about how much each pony will eat, we need to gather at least enough for the rest of the week. Don't go too far, we don't know this land very well. Fill your saddle bags and when they are full come back and sort the food into piles. Seeds, berries, grains, vegetables. We need to gather wood for the fireplace too. I have a feeling that it is going to start to get cold. We want to make sure that those little ones stay fed and warm."


She looked to Lilith, "You have the better sight then the rest of us, feel free to do what you need to do. I trust that you will gather your share." She gave Lilith a nod and she was off. 


Stardust now spoke to Harcourt, "You are the strongest of us all, if you could be the one to gather the wood I know that you are strong enough to gather enough wood to make sure that the house is kept warm for a while. Stay close so you don't have to travel very far with a large load. I noticed that around back there was a large sleigh, you could hook up to that and be able to haul more than you could carry on your back."


"Aria and I will help gather the food." She looked to Psych, "Psych, we need to make sure that everything is in order here, with the rest of us gathering the food and wood we won't have time to really separate things and get them into the house. If you could stay here and make sure that everything is taken care of that would be great. You can feel, and smell the difference of everything so you don't have to use your magic to help you see." She gave Psych a small smile. She was hoping that being able to stay close to the house would cheer him up just a little bit. 


"Okay, at first light everypony needs to be back here and ready to help Psych with the final push of getting the food in the house and stacking the firewood. We will then sleep until nightfall, then we will be off. We want to try and find the next element before first snowfall." Stardust looked at everypony, gave a smile and a strong nod. With that she flew off and started to look for food. 


Her eyes were a bit strained trying to scan the trees for fruit, this would be good for everypony because they are going to need to have their eyes used to looking at everything in the dark. She hoped that the others would have good luck finding what they needed. She would find out in just a few short hours, she finally spotted some apples in the trees. Perfect!

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