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private Sombra's Shadow


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As they moved through the dusty passage, Trivy had trouble keeping herself from coughing. Luckily she managed to hold it as they moved past the slave quarters. She kept her head low and started whispering, repeating the familiar words to herself. ''Low and slow... go with the flow... low and slow...''
If we ever meet again, if I ever get out of here, I'm never leaving your side again Harcourt. Never.
''...go with the flow... low and sl-.''
Trivy stopped in the mid-sentence when she realized the passage way had ended and she nearly bumped into Jay's behind. She lifted herself out of the trapdoor while brushing off dust and sand from her coat. ''Glad to be out of there... I really hate tiny spaces.''
She looked at Jay, who seemed to be relieved a little but was still distressed. Trivia had noticed her breathing heavily, chest up and down fast. ''You lead the way, let's go. We don't have much time.''

Edited by Pucksterv
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@@Pucksterv, Jay was trembling with fear, both at her current situation and what she was about to do. She tried to calm herself by reminding herself of the spell she had performed which rendered both herself and Trivy invisible and spell immune. "This way," she whispered to Trivy, before leading the way down into the dungeons, past cell by cell, in order to reach Twilight's which was at the very bottom of the dungeon. Jay promised herself that if she lived thru all this and got out of the castle, it would all be worth the utter terror she was feeling right now.

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Psych smiled a bit, still looking down at the little jewel. "I know they'll return soon, it's just... I'm going to miss them while they're away..." He noticed her staring at the jewel in his possession, and he floated it over to her. "I think... I think Winter may have given me the element of kindness, because when Harcourt left, he thanked me for my kindness, and this thing lit up and floated around for a bit before returning to the necklace..."

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Pripyat Pony

This mare better be right about Twilight. It's my only way out of here. It's either that or I'm walking into a trap. Trivy sighed at her own thoughts. She was angry at herself for never trusting anypony, even the ones who seemed to poses the sweetest souls. How could she doubt such a kind mare. She had her reasons of course but maybe it was time for her to start trusting some pony again.


''How long have we got before Jinx gets back?'' Trivia asked as she walked next to Jay.



Winter was silent for most of the trip back to Baltimare. Sure she said some things to the crew and said the occasional thing to Harcourt but she didn't feel like there was much necessity for a good long talk. At least, until they saw Baltimare from a distance. There was nothing left except smoke, fire, the remnant of ravaged buildings and big block of rock of the once high protecting walls.


''Baltimare, I can't believe it. It's complete gone, destroyed.'' The griffon said as she leaned on the railing of the ship, holding a paw in front of her beak out of disbelieve. ''And the docks, lying on the bottom of the sea it seems. We're never getting back on shore. Unless...''


Winter looked at Harcourt with a unsure smile. ''I might be able to get us on land if I'm able to carry you while flying. Do you think it be worth the risk?''

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Harcourt's eyes wandered over the sight of the once-proud city, now nothing but the ashes of war were left to see.  He gave a heavy sigh, his fleeting hopes that Rarity had won the battle flowing out of him with the release of breath.


"Winter, we aren't exactly in the middle of a warzone, like we were the last time we were here, so I'd say the risk would be somewhat less... but NOT non-existent.  As much as I would enjoy flying, I believe it would be safer still to come to ground close to the mouth of the river, then walk our way back here.  However, that WOULD take a moment; it might be far darker when we arrive than it is now.  Good for stealth, yes, but bad for searching for survivors."


He gauged the scene, then turned back to the griffon.


"Well, we can take either idea; I would not be adverse to flying, nor would I mind the trek through the mud - but ultimately, the idea would be yours.  I am far from picky in this endeavor, my dear Winter."


He waited to see what she had to say; at this point, she was the only friend he had to talk to.

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@@Pucksterv, "Well," Jay replied, "Jinx has developed a lot of new torture spells, and she always likes to test each one on at least three different slaves, one of each race. So, she won't be back for quite a while yet, until she's finished her tests. We're very close to the Princess's cell now; just one more corridor to go."


Jay herself trusted Trivy, just as she trusted Twilight, ever since she had promised to bring Trivy to the Princess's cell. She wondered how they would manage to get Twilight thru the barrier; true, she could perform the same spell, but she feared what it might have done to Trivy. She would only find that out once she took it off.

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@@Pripyat Pony

Rave was now furious. He had been banging on the door the last minutes and was close to blasting it down with his dark magics, but restrained himself. During his moment of fury, he remembered a useful spell. A spell that he himself had created a long time ago, but had stopped using due to it reminding him too much about his past. His mapping spell. He couldn't care less about his past now, the spell was now only a spell to him, rather than something personal and he intended to use it. He focused on Jinx's name, her looks and her magical aura while a map was projected from his horn onto a nearby wall. The map of the Castle was green, but there were a few red dots on it. There was one purple one and that is where Jinx was located. The slaves quarters. 


"Thank Sombra that he showed me how to tap to the Castle's magic....". 


He focused, closing his eyes and then his hooves no longer touched the grounds... and then the touched them again. He was now standing in the slave quarters, having teleported. There were a few guards around. 


"WHERE IS SHE. WHERE IS THE ARCHMAGE?!?!?!?!" he yelled loudly. A few guards that were patroling a hallway nearby Rave, heard his angry calls and stopped, looking at each other and then turned around, walking away as they did not want to meet the angry pony. 

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"Well, we can take either idea; I would not be adverse to flying, nor would I mind the trek through the mud - but ultimately, the idea would be yours.  I am far from picky in this endeavor, my dear Winter."


''There is no certainty if it's safe outside Baltimare. Sombra's recruit could still have a camp outside. However, it isn't safe inside Baltimare either.'' Winter said, staring at the smoke filled city.


''I'm not waiting around any longer. I don't have the patience. Let's go.'' She spread her wings and took a few steps back. ''Ready?'' With a affirming nod from Harcourt, the griffon raised herself from the ground. ''I'll try to steer away from the smoke as much as possible but I can't promise anything.''


Only a few minutes later and they were standing inside the once big and crowded city. Now completely empty. Not a single living soul was walking around the streets. ''We're too late. There's nothing left except the dead.'' Winter said, trying to hold back the tears. ''What do we do now? There's no pony left to safe. Hold on, what's that?'' In the middle of the street laid a pony, white coat filled with grey and red stains, surrounded by hungry crows. ''That's not... no, it can't be... ''


@@Pripyat Pony

''Alright. You'll have to undo the spell once we're there. I mean... I'm assuming Twilight can't see us either. Speaking of which...'' At the end of the corridor, the last and deepest cell of the dungeon, Twilight was lying there just like before, broken in her cell. Trivy was feeling a little dizzy, seeing the sight of the lost princess. She felt a tingling feeling inside her head, telling her to run yet at the same time to come closer.


''I-is that really her? She looks terrible.''

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A small step towards her.  


Another one.  


And another one.


This... shouldn't... be...


He stopped a distance from where the crows were gathered, simply staring for a moment, blank-faced.  Then:




He rushed at the surprised ravens, sending them scattering to the ash-strewn winds.  He slowed to a stop at her corpse.  His eyes locked on her muzzle, and he stared with an expression on his face that seemed to be getting more and more comfortable being there: misery.


Harcourt slowly leaned down until he rested on one knee, his final bow of respect toward the mare that had been the symbol of Generosity for so very long.  He had given so many tears, he felt as if he had none left; they still came, rolling down his cheeks even as he denied them.


"Lady Rarity..."


He reached out and gathered her into his embrace, regardless of her condition.  Her blood stained his hooves and coat as he simply held her close, once again mourning loss.  It seemed to be becoming a bad habit, burying others; the fallen members of the group, his own horseflesh and blood, Trivia... and now Rarity.


Sometimes, life just seems to enjoy causing him pain.


He couldn't stand it.  He gently leaned in and gently kissed her lifeless cheek.  He slid his hoof over her sightless eyes, and closed them forever.  Carefully, he laid her back down on the ground, his tears dropping onto her like a warm rain.  He remained there, by her side for a bit, silent as the grave.  After a moment, he turned to Winter - the tears freely flowing, yet the look on his face was one of grim determination.


"Winter, we haven't even begun to search this ruin.  If there's even a chance, a possibility, that a single pony survived - hiding in a basement, a closet, whatever they may use - then the only chance they have... the only HOPE... is us.  There shall be no cavalry, no reinforcements, no backup... no heroes.  WE are the only possibility of helping them... and even if we only find a single living pony, then we will have succeeded far further than Sombra would ever give us credit for."


He stood up.  "We'll start at the far end of town, and work our way across and back to where the docks once were.  We have to stick together, so it may take a bit... but what sort of sleep will you afford if you aren't 100% certain we've scoured every inch of this place?"  


He sighed deeply.  Lately, it seemed almost as if the world would collapse if Harcourt wasn't suffering somehow - but there was no rest.  No reprieve.  He could recall a time where he didn't suffer... but that was before he lost his family to... TO...


His eyes suddenly shifted to Rarity's body, and traced the paths of jagged wounds that ran across her.  Those same eyes then darted over to the wall, finding the same marks.  Similar scars rolled across the ground.  In his mind's eye, he could see the exact same scars... writ large across the walls of Blackwater Manor.


"... Darkmane..."


He had been here.  He had destroyed this once-proud city.  He had been right here, in Baltimare, and Harcourt had been so busy trying to gather the others and escape that he had missed his opportunity at revenge.


Revenge... yes, that thing that I've been fighting so hard to ignore... maybe that is what my focus should be?  I'm no longer needed... by anypony... but the ghosts of my family shriek for justice... THEY need me... yes, revenge instead of oblivion... better than having nothing at all, isn't it?


Harcourt faced Winter, his face dark and brooding.  "We'll need to get started... but first..."  he looked back at poor Rarity, "... first, a blanket; I refuse to just... leave her like that."


He began rooting around in the refuse and debris, looking for something to cover her with.  He had a feeling that he had been here before; it seemed familiar to him in some way... was it the warehouse?  Yes, it certainly seemed like this was the place - what little was left smoldering seemed like the gated-in area around the place where any and all possessions had been stored when others came into town; he'd used the fake identification to get inside, to get his stealth suit back.


It should be easy to find a blanket in the ruins of this place, Harcourt mused, and he began to search the rubble.  There were the charred remainders of the lives of other ponies all around him, but Harcourt was determined to find a blanket, a cloak, SOMEthing to cover the body of the mare who had given him her Element of Harmony - he felt he owed her that much.  After a bit of searching, he found what looked to be a good, sturdy canvas flap.  As it was rather large, he had to dig out the edges of it in order to try to fish it out.  He shoved things out of the way, and gave the tarp a firm yank, so that it would come loose from whatever it was caugh-...


The tarp fell to the floor, forgotten in the wake of Harcourt's discovery.  He simply stood there, staring with disbelief in his eyes, and utter shock on his face.  There, beneath the tarp and rubble and debris all around was the damnable cart, completely untouched since he knocked it over when he was last here.


"No... of everything... that was destroyed... in this place... and you... YOU..."


He screamed at the top of his lungs, unable to cope with what was right in front of him.




He reared up and slammed his hooves into a jut of wall next to him, sending mortar and wood flying out of the city.




He smashed his rear hooves into the ground, leaving cracks and a small crater where he struck.




He kicked sideways, stuck in the midst of a full-blown bucking tantrum; his kick sent a scorched door sailing into the water, shattered into pieces.




His final kick slammed into the ground under him, and a ripple of force rolled out, sending cracks into the surrounding floor and throwing chunks of dirt into the air - it was an impressive display of power... from someone who felt so very powerless.


He stopped, panting and sweating, and simply stood there.  The tears that had come were gone... and were replaced by something worse; a cold, seething anger was almost visible in his eyes as he stared daggers at the cart.  Those eyes closed, and when they opened there was no trace of the hatred that had been there mere moments ago.  No VISIBLE trace, anyway...


This is your doing, Rave... this is on your slimy black soul.  As long as I draw breath, I will do whatever it takes to see you suffer for all you have done..  Every life you've taken here, I damn you threefold.  You have taken EVERYTHING from me... and as Luna, Celestia and the stars themselves are my witness, I shall dedicate myself to seeing you suffer... giving you pain... repaying my debt of tears with blood... I shall become YOUR nightmare... and I shall prove my 'great generosity' - by sharing my pain and misery with YOU.


A long, drawn-out sigh issued from Harcourt Blackwater, the last of the Crystal Mountain Blackwaters, and the deposed heir to whatever was left of the once-proud Blackwater mines.  His family was dust.  His closest companion, drowned.  His usefulness to the group he had lived with for so long felt as if it were at an end.  He had known no love.  He had only the contents of his hidden pouch to his name, and those were meager scraps of a life that he wasn't certain he wanted any part of anymore...


But revenge.  Justice.  Karma.  Whatever you want to call it, it's what I want to experience most of all.


Motioning for Winter to come to his side, he spoke softly to her.  "Alright, I shall need a moment here; continue to search, but DO NOT leave my sight, not even for a moment - you, I trust... but not our surroundings.  I... need to do something here... then, I swear, I shall be right with you.  Take the tarp and please cover Lady Rarity... I shall deal with her when I am able to.  Thank you, Winter - this trip has helped me figure out what I am to do... now, allow me time to do what I must do - there's a good girl."


Turning away, he made his way over to the hated cart, and began laboriously trying to get the wheel back on the axle once more.


I shall be most exceedingly generous with my pain, Rave... I SHALL GIVE UNTIL IT HURTS.

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@@JonasDarkmane, Jinx heard Rave's yells from where she was currently observing the effects of a spell on a pegasus slave. She sighed, froze the scene with a spell and trotted over in the direction of the shouts. "No need to get angry," she said to Rave. "I am here. I have developed a few torture spells and am currently testing them out. What do you require from the Archmage?"




@@Pucksterv, "Yes, this is Princess Twilight," Jay murmured. She knew that the Princess would be unable to see or hear either herself or Trivy, so she lifted the spell so that Twilight could see them.


"Princess," she called, softly. "I'm back, just like I promised. And I brought Trivy." Jay hoped that Trivy hadn't reappeared with a different coloured mane or anything silly like that, not in front of Twilight.

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@@Pripyat Pony

Rave looked angry upon the Archmage, one of his eyes twitching as she dared mention his own mood. 


"I could care less about your torture spells. What good are they when destruction is all that awaits our enemies? Besides, there is an important task ahead of us. My master's plans will soon be completed, but we must assure that nothing manages to get within our defenses. Therefore, you are to stretch out your defensive spells outside of the Crystal Empire and unto some of our most important bases, including Manehattan. Our King wishes it" he said, lying about the kings will to stretch out the spell to Manehattan. Rave was used to lying to other ponies and he had mastered those arts. Otherwise he would never have been able to ensure his master's return to Equestria and he would never then have been able to fool Equestria's leaders. 


"We are to travel together and ensure our master's will. I will not hear any objections, is that clear?" he looked coldly upon her. 


Rave had been growing more paranoid with the passing of time as his life goal was being completed. His final revenge upon the world was set in motion, however, it was still in possible peril, and Rave wanted to ensure it's safety. 


"We will depart for Manehattan at once. I leave you with an hour to prepare yourself before we leave" he said as he turned his back against her and walked away. 





Ironhoof and Crimson Darkmane walked together within one of the many halls of the Crystal Castle. 

"The victory at Baltimare is a great one to further boost our troops moral. Our warriors will fight even more efficiently, knowing that the rebel scums have been crushed". 


"I could care less about the troops. As long as we crush the enemy completely, we won't have to worry about the lives of our troops. Besides, we have enough where those came from". 


"The waste of troops is a waste of moral. Immediately when we start losing more than we have accounted for, troops will start losing hope and moral, seeing their brethren being slaughtered in large numbers. This is basic knowledge of war". 


"Forgive me. I had forgotten how philosophical you could be. If I were in po---" Crimson's words were interrupted by the presence of a dark power. Ironhoof sensed it as well. They looked from one another and then looked ahead. There, standing in front of them, was their king, Sombra himself. He was smiling. 

"I am in need of your services...." his smile stretched even more. 

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"Alright, I shall need a moment here; continue to search, but DO NOT leave my sight, not even for a moment - you, I trust... but not our surroundings. I... need to do something here... then, I swear, I shall be right with you. Take the tarp and please cover Lady Rarity... I shall deal with her when I am able to. Thank you, Winter - this trip has helped me figure out what I am to do... now, allow me time to do what I must do - there's a good girl."


''I don't take orders from you. And she was my fried too you know, not that you care.'' Winter replied angry before she grabbed the tarp from the ground and walked away out of his sight. ''I shall deal with her when I'm able...what about me? No one ever takes my feelings in consideration.'' she murmured to herself.


She sat down next to Rarity, her anger quickly turning into guilt. ''I'm so sorry Rarity. I should have never left your side. I was suppose to keep you safe.'' Winter's eyes were suddenly filled with tears. Her soft sobbing could be heard echoing in the streets until the sound of rain took it away. ''But I didn't keep you safe. Because you send me away. To help these ponies because they were important according you. Guess what? I failed to protect them too. They... they lost their friend. I'm sorry, it was my fault. I should have stayed. Or done something at least. I'm sorry old friend.'' She held Rarity close while stroking her purple mane softly.


''Well well well. Look at what we got here. I am indeed very sorry old friend.'' A voice said, laughing in a manic way. It was a shadow standing over Winter while suddenly thunder started blasting into the sky.


Winter looked up to the pony standing in front her. A pink mare with an wicked and frightening smile. ''W-who... who are you?''


''Oh my sweet Rarity. Do you think any of my other old friends showed up too? I did hear you talking to somepony a bit ago. And I certainly heard him. He has a way of... expressing his anger very well. Where is that old stallion anyway? OOOH HARCOURT!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU? ARE WE PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK AGAIN?'' The mare shouted extremely loud, followed by manical laughter. ''Exciting. I do love playing games.'' She whispered to Winter. ''I'll count to ten and then I'll come and look! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! Almost there! SIX! SEVEN!''

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He strode out prominently, a mystified look on his muzzle... but no falter in his wary, measured steps.  As soon as he got a good look at the newcomer, his eyes widened just a bit.  But a noticeable bit.


"I am HERE; you may stop your count... and let's speak."  


He moved like slow liquid, but the flex of his muscles said he was more like a cheetah, waiting for a strike.  The wary look was slowly replaced with a perfect poker-face... save for his eyes, which were almost electric with intent.


"You... you live... it IS you, isn't it?"


He slowly made his way in their direction, his emerald eyes locked on the pink mare; every single twitch-a-twitch was under close scrutiny.  This wasn't a Harcourt 'Once-Over'; this was deeply-trained, concentrated FOCUS.


Carefully, he circled first one way then another, making a very slow and deliberate progress towards the two.


"You seem... different.  I can't put a hoof on it, but there is certainly something quite... different about you... have you changed your mane, dear?"  The smile he made didn't reach his eyes; they were watching, intently watching, as he was taking each angle of entry and access to Winter - once she was safe, he had no idea what he would do.  But it was obvious to both the griffon and the mare that Harcourt was ready to fight for the feathered friend in front of them.


"Winter, my dear?  Go to the ship; no arguments.  Off you go, there's a good girl.  I'll... be along shortly.  I have a feeling my friend has a far more personal message for me then younger ears should hear.  Go on, now..."


The words were one thing, but his eyes said something altogether different to the grinning pony:


Leave her be; your intent is on ME.


He stopped, roughly right outside of lunging range... just in case.


"How have you been, Laughing One?"

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@@Count Paradox@,@@Stardust*


''PSYCH! STARDUST! ARIA!'' Two young ponies, Wing and Chip came running, shouting out of the cottage, almost tripping over their tiny hoofs. Wing came running, jumping up and down next to Psych. "Big Brother! Something is wrong with Rainbow!'' she said worried.


"Yeah, she was making all sorts of scary noises so'' Chip said, following Wing's jumping.


"So we took a look and'' 


''She said to call for help.'' the colt said, finishing Wing's sentence.


''Come on let's go!'' Wing grabbed Psych by his hoof and tried to drag him with her, even though the small foal wasn't strong enough. Chip did the same, grabbing the nearest pony, this case stardust, by her hoof and tried to drag her with him.


@@Pripyat Pony,


Trivy was inspecting her coat and mane for anything strange when the familiar sound of chains ringing over the floor caused her head to turn. 


''Jay, you are a true friend. Thank you.'' The weak voice of the purple mare said. ''Trivia Hecate. I've been looking forward to our meeting for a very long time.''


''So it's true then? You're really alive?''


''Well, I would say more like half dead but whatever.'' Twilight said as she moved herself closer to Jay and Trivy, only the iron bars separating them.


''Princess Twilight.''


''Please don't call me that. I am anything but a princess.'' she said with a grunt as she tried to sit up straight.


''Twilight. Jay and I are looking for a way to escape. We thought you might be able to help.''


''I've been stuck in this prison for so long that I've lost count. Do you really think I know how to get out of here?''


''Well you've got a point there. But you must have some wisdom. You told me come down here remember, Inside my head.''


''Yes. You two. Jay and Trivy. If you ever get out of here then you must head towards the smokey mountain. Trust me when I say this. It is the only place you'll ever be safe. And whatever it is you seek, you will find it there. Your destiny. And yours too Jay.''

"I am HERE; you may stop your count... and let's speak."  


''Finally, took you long enough.'' The mare said, rolling her eyes followed by a giggle.


"You seem... different.  I can't put a hoof on it, but there is certainly something quite... different about you... have you changed your mane, dear?" 


''Yes I did actually. I'm glad you noticed. Do you like it? I've been trying it out for a while.''


"Winter, my dear?  Go to the ship; no arguments.  Off you go, there's a good girl.  I'll... be along shortly.  I have a feeling my friend has a far more personal message for me then younger ears should hear.  Go on, now..."


Winter was about to open her mouth but the mystery mare was already ahead of her. ''Don't worry, she's not going anywhere. That ship is long gone. I mean they were going to leave eventually. I just gave them a little 'push' that's all. Go ahead though. I would like to speak with my old friend in private please.'' Winter didn't now how fast she could get out of there, crawling, tumbling backwards before she was finally able to pick up her paws again and run.


The pink mare saw the look in Harcourt's eyes, telling her to leave the poor griffon alone. She, however, responded with grin. ''I like her, she's cute. Another one of your friends I presume.'' She said, unimpressed.


"How have you been, Laughing One?"


She continued, ignoring his question. ''It does hurt you know. How long did it take before you replaced me with one of your so called friends? You broke my heart. How could you leave me behind like that? Although. I must say you do know how to pick them. I particular like the red one. Such a shame. Poor young soul lost at the bottom of the sea.'' She said, pouting and then laughing again.


''Ooowh! We can go fishing if you like. Maybe you'll catch something. Well then again. No use in catching dead fish, now is there? Get it? Because she drowned. HA! I'm definitely remembering that one.'' 

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"NOPONY has ever replaced you, Pie - I lost you in the smoke.  I searched for you for three days.  Three.  Whole.  Days."


Her eyes... by Luna, her eyes are like crazed badgers!


He made peripheral note of Winter's departure.  It was good that she was safe - he wasn't about to let Psych down after all his bravado of keeping her alive.  He wouldn't be able to stand himself if that happened... nor ever look at the blind pony's muzzle again; that poor soul had already cried too many tears.


When she mentioned Trivy, two things happened - first, he thought... then, he reacted.  


His Thought:


They'll toss ev'rything atcha - ev'rything they got on ya - butcha canna let it work in yer head, laddie!  Instead, let it work in their head... an' you'll be the one with the advantage!


His Reaction:


"You have no right... NONE... to speak of her in such a manner!  How could you ever think I'd simply leave you behind?  Did you forget that I was wounded too?  Do you recall when I told you to stay close to me?  Do you even understand that I had to bury you too?"


His face scrunched into a rictus of anger.


"Regardless, I shall NOT abide by such talk of somepony you do not even KNOW, Pie.  I never allowed the others to speak ill of YOU, and I'll not allow it on her, here OR gone!"


He seemed to seethe for a moment, then he took a deep, shaky breath and appeared to gather himself again.  He now looked as if he were rattled, and convincingly so... yet the act covered his devious mind, still in complete focus.  Years ago, Gully Fluff had taught him the importance of turning words into weapons, and turning assumptions into shields.  Or, in this case, playing mad to give the enemy a false sense of superiority; all he had to do was wait for the right opening.


However, there were more pressing matters to reason... such as why she was here... and why she felt... wrong...


But he had to try to reach her; whatever was wrong with her had seemingly stained the once-jolly soul in front of him - and he'd be damned if he would have to bury TWO bearers without trying his best.  He could feel a confrontation coming in his veins, and yet he wanted nothing of it.  Pinkie had been his friend so long ago - and he had been somewhat proud of that friendship.  Since his days at home, she'd been the ONLY one to ever remember his birthday; even HE couldn't quite recall exactly which day it was anymore.  She had been the last one to ever have wished him a happy birthday - even Trivy hadn't known, or even expressed an interest.


He HAD to try to reach her.  


"Do you feel any friendship left for me, Pie?  Or is a Pinkie Promise NOT forever?"

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"NOPONY has ever replaced you, Pie - I lost you in the smoke. I searched for you for three days. Three. Whole. Days."

''It's Diane now. Pinkie Pie is no more.'' She mumbled to herself.

"Do you feel any friendship left for me, Pie? Or is a Pinkie Promise NOT forever?"

''You were the one who broke that promise. Not me. 3 days? Really? I looked for you for 4 whole months! 4 months before everypony else decided it would be safer inside those forsaken crystal mountains. And even then I went out looking for you. I even went back to the Blackwater mine!'' Pinkie said, feeling herself getting angrier.

''Then of course Rainbow decided it would be best if we went to griffon kingdom. I had to go with them because I had no pony else. I had no choice. And when Fluttershy... when she died, in my arms while Rainbow decided to abandon me, that was the moment I was truly alone and realized no pony ever cared for me. That you forgot about me. Everypony did!'' She said, now screaming.

''So when Sombra took me in, he was the only pony actually being nice to me. And then I was like 'Sombra, I would like totally stick a cupcake in my eye if you asked me to' and he was like 'You would? I love you Diane. Lets be forever together.' Well, at least, he said something along the lines of that.'' Pinkie said, calming down while she pretended her hoofs having the conversation.

''But.'' Suddenly she moved her head upwards, locking her eyes onto Harcourt's ''Here we are. After all this time, I finally found you. How about that?.'' She said as she took a step closer towards the old stallion.

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Harcourt's eyes never left the mare, and he blinked at her words.


"So... Sombra's the one who found you.  I had hoped for better for you, but apparently that isn't the case, is it?"


He stared back, flint and steel in his gaze.


"This means that, no matter what I say, you're intent on doing his dirty work, is that it?  Traded your smiles for lies?  Everypony's freedom for a psychopath's pat on the head?  Truly?"


His look changed; he calmed himself, and sighed slightly before continuing.


"You claim to have been forgotten?  How could you ever be forgotten, Pie - you have always been unforgettable to any and all who have ever seen your parties, your style, your smile.  You say you've been forgotten, but you and your friends have been on my mind and everypony else's every day since the Prince of Chains took over - and you say nopony ever cared for you?  That is a lie of the highest caliber, Pie... and should you actually believe that, then I see that Sombra has truly defeated the Bearers, one and all."


He took a step towards the pink pony.


"Have you looked around lately?  There IS no laughter in Equestria anymore... no loyalty, no honesty, no kindness... and, until recently, no generosity.  Don't you miss those things, Pie?  Don't you miss simply being... happy?  You were always happy back before all this happened - and, regardless of your thoughts, you CAN be happy again.  What Sombra may give you?  That isn't happiness; that is nothing more than a hollow allegiance, which King Glowy-Eyes will exploit and throw away at his earliest convenience... and you know this!"


Another step forward, a mixed look of frankness and concern that would have been familiar to Pinkie... and Trivy, for that matter.


"My search would have been longer, but I passed out from blood loss - one of the others dragged me back to Ponyville, and by that time infection had set in, and I was delirious for a solid week... I didn't give up on you; my body did.  For that, I have always been sorry... but you weren't even there to see what we went through - what ALL OF US who survived that fateful night went through - so how can you say you KNOW you were supposedly forgotten?  Is that what ShadowButt told you?"


Harcourt hoped his words were reaching her... but kept his muscles taut and his eyes locked on her, just in case.


"Of ALL ponies, YOU should know that laughter doesn't simply grow on trees... one has to MAKE it.  And we need laughter, desperately, if anypony is ever to know that this great land... and her protectors... are nothing short of a miracle.  That includes YOU, Pie - and do not try to convince me otherwise."


He tried a final, begging plea...


"Please.  Come back with us; let this fallacy of being Sombra's pawn end.  If you must aim your anger at me, then so be it - but please... please... please do not make all of Equestria suffer without your laughter; there have been so many tears since you've gone... we need your smiles again."


I already have to bury one Bearer; if I have to bury two, I may well go stark raving mad... though if she kills me, I suppose I won't have to worry about any of it, will I?


"Forget me - I was never that important anyhow... Equestria needs YOU, Pinkamena... please..."

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"Forget me - I was never that important anyhow... Equestria needs YOU, Pinkamena... please..."


''STOP IT!!!!! stop it stop it stop it! I don't wanna hear it! Just shut up!!'' Pinkie yelled into Harcourt's face before she quickly grabbed her knife from her behind her back and held it against his throat. ''Stop trying to reform me!! Stop talking! THAT IS NOT HOW THIS WORKS!!''


She took a moment to catch her breath, trying to calm down. "For your information, I joined Sombra on my own choice. He didn't pursued me. He didn't trick me or fool me. And he certainly didn't take away my happiness and laughter." she said while she started to giggle. Not in a fun way, but in a manic, blood-curdling way.


''I am very happy. In fact, I'm going to really enjoy this moment. Now that I am finally able to kill you.'' she said as she pressed the knife harder onto his neck. ''Any last words?''

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Psych suddenly felt a sick pang hit his stomach, and he picked up Wing, placing her on his back as he began to run to Rainbow's room, thinking of horrible things that could be happen. Rushing in, he was too flustered to try to see anything. Listening to her frightening sounds, he tried to hone in on her. "Rainbow!? Where are you!? Are you okay!?"

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Fate, you are a cruel mistress with broken glass in your caress and barbs in your kiss.


WHY must I do this?  Is it not enough?  Having taken my family, my closest friend, my home, my life, my dignity, my youth and my dreams from me - and STILL, you demand more.  And more.  And MORE.  By Luna, will it ever stop, before I die?  Will I have to go to my grave with so much loss?  Perhaps you simply wish to steal my sanity from me?


Yet, here I am - with somepony who was once a friend, but no more... and either she dies, or I do.


... oh please, for the love of all that is good... PLEASE don't force me to do this...


... please...


The spark of hope in his eyes was snuffed by what she said next:


''Any last words?"


... Fate, you are a bitch.


"Yes, as a matter of fact..."


Without even a twitch of warning, Harcourt dropped onto his back with his rear hooves coiled and ready.  He almost literally threw his legs at the mare's midsection - with full force.  


She became a pink comet that zoomed only through the space between where they had been and a half-fallen house.  She slammed into and through the crumbling wall, sending bricks and debris scattering.  The hit had been HARD - with his recent display concerning the firewood, Harcourt wondered if he'd broken her spine with that hit... but Pinkie had proven to be far more resilient than that in the past.  A quick shift, and he was upright again.  He took a full-on defensive stance, his body more than ready to do what his soul begged him not to.


If we are going to do this, then I need to make it official.


He spoke clearly and loudly, to be certain she could hear him well enough.


"I WAS wondering: can you taste Rave's lips when you kiss Sombra's backside?"

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Imagine Pinkie Pie singing this. (Not actually like in the rp, but as background music)

Say you're back

Say you're good
That words can fly
And we can take hold of the past
When things were nice
And I knew
I was loved, skies were blue
And we shared the things that we had
But I've made the same mistakes twice
I'm done with trying to play nice
Since you said I'm all wrong
I'll do in a right
And I'll leave you to your sorrows at night
You left me down
On my knees
Now it's my turn
To watch you plead
So cry me a river of gold 


The pink mare went flying through the air, hitting the half standing building before the weak walls followed her towards the ground, covering her with large chunks of concrete, broken wood and dust. There was no movement coming from underneath, only a weak groan.


"I WAS wondering: can you taste Rave's lips when you kiss Sombra's backside?"


Pinkie crawled out underneath debris, coughing from all the dust around. And when she got back onto her four hoofs, she smiled before she started running, fast. ''How dare you insult me and the darkmanes like that?!!" She said, charging at him with another knife, seeing she lost the other one. ''I'm done playing nice with you. This will be your end.''

Edited by Pucksterv
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"Insult you?  If that was all you wanted, why didn't you simply say so to begin with?"




He stood his ground, and when the mare reached him he simply sidestepped and gave her back knees a shove.  She went down in a slide, but he didn't strike at her prone form - he just stepped back and waited for her to regain her hooves, as if she were no more of a threat than a foal.  Of course, he knew better than to believe that; his aim was to be the one doing the nerve-rattling this time.


"Here I had thought you would be absolutely impeachable, but now it simply proves that you only had it in you so long as you had others to play with!  THAT was it, wasn't it?  You got thrown to the curb, and had to wander around in your little gingerbread house of a mind all by yourself... so you thought, 'hey, I'll just invite Sombra over' - that HAD to be it!  So you invited him in, betraying everything that was worthy and worthwhile within you, and decided to just give up because it's too hard to have to do anything all by yourself, isn't it?  Still no better than the sum of your allies, Pie?"




Harcourt prepared for her inevitable strikes, and wore a wicked grin of his own.  The mental venom he'd been saving up for Rave Darkmane was getting a field test; so far, it seemed to be as potent as one would think.  However, no matter the words from his mouth, no matter the state of his mind, he truly wished he didn't have to do this... and he regretted every syllable he spoke to his once-friend-foe.


"You want proof that you're unimportant to His Royal Heinous?  He sent you to take care of me - you're doing his light work, Pie... you were sent to deal with me secondhand because Rave Darkmane himself couldn't hack it - you're not even Sombra's pet; you're his JANITOR."




"You're aware of what being SECOND best is like, don't you?"


He stared directly into her eyes as he said it.


"Like a slice of humble pie... but you're not too bad for finishing in second place behind a CHEESE SANDWICH, are you?"

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"Like a slice of humble pie... but you're not too bad for finishing in second place behind a CHEESE SANDWICH, are you?"


''So many words!! When does it stop?!! STOP STOP STOP!!!.'' Pinkie said while she covered her ears with her hoofs. ''Why won't it ever stop? Why won't they stop talking. Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!'' She said while hitting herself on the head. Her knees went weak as she dropped herself onto the ground, sobbing and laughing at the same time. 


''I'm not second. I'm not second. I'm not second.'' She mumbled to herself. ''I AM NOT SECOND!" She said, screaming again. ''They left me. Everyone left me. I had no one. Only the voices. But now they won't leave. And they won't STOP TALKING!!''


She then became completely silent. She stood up, dried her tears, brushed her coat and put on a smile. She walked over to Harcourt, stopping only inches away from his face. ''Sorry. That was really unprofessional of me. Oh! And look, there goes the time. Would you be okay if we reschedule our appointment? Maybe somewhere next week? I need to catch a boat. I have some other clients I need to get to.''

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Now she wants to stop?  After riling me up, breaking my heart, and even putting a blade to my throat, does she honestly believe that I am so unimportant as to just toss aside the problem she's created?  Am I nothing more than a nuisance, then, to be dealt with at her leisure?  Really, just let you go?


Oh... oh I don't know about that, Pie. 


Harcourt brought up both hooves quickly and boxed her ears, her skull ringing like a bell as he took hold of her mane and shoved her head down as his rear hoof came up - a most painful kick to the muzzle.  When she hit the ground, Harcourt grabbed her tail and jerked her back towards him, slinging her into a pile of rubble.


"And so this is merely 'tea-time' for you?  A raincheck for later, perhaps?  NO.  You don't get that luxury, Pie - you baked this cupcake, now EAT IT!"


From there, he stepped over to a nearly-fallen wall and, turning to face away from it and lining himself up properly, he began kicking chunks of it at the mare.  


"In fact, why not have a whole rutting Baker's Dozen, you sorry excuse for an assassin!  If this fight is going to be ended, it will be with YOU RUNNING IN FEAR FROM ME!  So you think you'll just turn tail and let me laugh at the yellow streak down your spine from where Salacious Sombra pissed on your dignity!?  Well, take THAT!  And THAT!  Have ANOTHER!  AND ANOTHER!"


It was like having rocks launched at you - at high velocity, as he was kicking them at her.  When the wall had nothing left to kick, he turned and with steady control he came walking towards her, rage issuing from his lungs loudly enough to hurt his own ears.




If Winter was still watching, she probably thought the old nag had COMPLETELY lost his mind.

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"In fact, why not have a whole rutting Baker's Dozen, you sorry excuse for an assassin! If this fight is going to be ended, it will be with YOU RUNNING IN FEAR FROM ME! So you think you'll just turn tail and let me laugh at the yellow streak down your spine from where Salacious Sombra pissed on your dignity!? Well, take THAT! And THAT! Have ANOTHER! AND ANOTHER!"


''Harcourt stop please.''




''HARCOURT STOP SHE ISN'T MOVING ANYMORE!!" Winter said while she grabbed him by his hoof, trying to hold him back. ''Snap out of it!'' She had seen the whole thing, watching while hiding behind an old taxi cart. She had never seem him like this before, it was indeed frightening to see him like this. But, there was no surprise in his actions. Winter always felt he had so much anger locked inside him, it had only gotten worse since he lost Trivy. And then Rarity, and now Pinkie. That was probably the last drop.


''Harcourt please. Just stop. Please, just lets get out of here. The shadows probably already heard us. There isn't much time before they get here. Please.'' she said, hoping a life threatening situation like the shadows would convince him to back off.

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