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private Sombra's Shadow


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Sword had managed to pick himself up from the ground, and said nothing as the trio made their way towards the campfire... he was nearly physically ill with shame that they had been caught, and felt chagrined even further by the kind open invitation to the fire.  He felt as if he had failed... but, all things considered, he had failed with the RIGHT circumstances - it hadn't been a Darkmane patrol, or a gathering of Sombra's head hunters, or a unit of Shadows... it had been their own folks, thankfully; nopony had to die today.


Good, Sword thought, seen enough death to last me a thousand lifetimes.


He simply sat by the fire, and humbly warmed his chilly hooves in the cheery light while hoping he hadn't made a total ass of himself.


Chase, however, wasn't at all worried about seeming like an idiot...


"Oh, lemme tell ya, we've been following you guys for a while!  The group heard your plans, so they got together to figure out who they'd send for help - I mean, we DO kinda owe you guys - but I didn't wanna stick around for a debate, so I went ahead and headed out to follow you, but I came across Sword first, who told me I wasn't supposed to be leaving the village, until I pointed out HE was leaving the village too... and we decided to go together, since we now had somepony to watch our backs, which is how we found Sink following us, only we found her after we were well outta town; Sword wanted to walk her back, but we would've LOST you guys if we'd done that, so we just brought her along... I mean, c'mon, it's not like she's going to tell anyone our secrets or alert the guards by talking or anything like that, plus with her vacant spells, it's better she's with us instead of being out there alone - though I suppose you could argue that fact by simply saying that being with YOU guys is more dangerous than being alone, but I don't think you'd say stuff like that to us, I mean, we made it all the way here by ourselves, and Lilith didn't spot us earlier, so you've GOTTA admit we've got a little bit goin' on for us here!  Hey, why aren't you saying anything?  Timberwolf got your tongue?  What's the matter?  You're just kinda sitting there and staring at me - what, do I have bugs in my mane or something?  C'mon, don't be afraid to speak up!  We're here for all of YOU guys, after all - can't you at least be glad that you guys now have some backup?"


Sink made her way to the fireplace and sat down quietly.  As soon as she was comfortably seated, she turned to face the fire and locked her vacant stare on the flames - mesmerized by the rolling, licking, living column of orange heat.  He head tilted slightly to the right, and she was lost in the simple spectacle in front of her.

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Lilith dropped out of the tree. The expression on her face was murderous, but she didn't say a word, instead pulling her hood up (masking her expression), walking over to the fire, and plopping down carefully at they began to fraternize. The veteran- Sword- had a look on his face along the lines of thank Celestia, we got lucky. His entire body posture stated of someone who knew he had messed up and was trying to not draw attention to the fact that he messed up. Lilith could agree with that stance and resolved to leave him alone for the time being. Sink was almost immediately hypnotized by the fire as well, and she figured yelling at a pony who probably would merely get offended at best and be completely oblivious at worst wasn't worth it.


Chase, on the other hand...




Oh, lemme tell ya, we've been following you guys for a while! The group heard your plans, so they got together to figure out who they'd send for help - I mean, we DO kinda owe you guys - but I didn't wanna stick around for a debate, so I went ahead and headed out to follow you, but I came across Sword first, who told me I wasn't supposed to be leaving the village, until I pointed out HE was leaving the village too...


Please stop talking...




and we decided to go together, since we now had somepony to watch our backs, which is how we found Sink following us, only we found her after we were well outta town; Sword wanted to walk her back, but we would've LOST you guys if we'd done that, so we just brought her along... I mean, c'mon, it's not like she's going to tell anyone our secrets or alert the guards by talking or anything like that, plus with her vacant spells, it's better she's with us instead of being out there alone -






though I suppose you could argue that fact by simply saying that being with YOU guys is more dangerous than being alone, but I don't think you'd say stuff like that to us, I mean, we made it all the way here by ourselves, and Lilith didn't spot us earlier, so you've GOTTA admit we've got a little bit goin' on for us here!


Cocky little-




Hey, why aren't you saying anything? Timberwolf got your tongue? What's the matter? You're just kinda sitting there and staring at me - what, do I have bugs in my mane or something? C'mon, don't be afraid to speak up! We're here for all of YOU guys, after all - can't you at least be glad that you guys now have some backup?


Lilith spun out her bow and very quickly snapped off a shot, the arrow lodging itself into the fallen tree trunk near Chase's flank. "Consider that your warning. Your bellowing just alerted everything within about five miles with any sort of hearing- animals, ponies, or Darkmane Guard." She got up and stalked over to him, obviously still steaming about almost shooting an ally, combined with the ridiculous shenanigans that would've telegraphed their position ten times over. Ripping her arrow out of the tree trunk with a gesture, she walked past him before scaling the cliff. "The sun will be up in two hours," she said over her shoulder. "If you're going to eat, eat now, and for Celestia's sake be quiet about it. Just because one group happens to be nonhostile doesn't mean there won't be a second group that isn't so friendly." With that being said, she disappeared back into the canopy to keep a watchful ear out.

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Chase sat there, dumbfounded, as Lilith seethed at him.  He blinked on occasion, but was otherwise completely preoccupied with the Ranger's heated words.  After she yanked the arrow from the log he'd been seated on and stalked off, he simply sat there for a moment... then, an angry pout twisted his muzzle up, and his breathing got harder.


However, the truth in Lilith's words hadn't missed him - he'd been a moron for talking in a stream like he did... but he'd found he couldn't help it.  Many of the others here were heroes to him... and one of the best had just chewed him out.  Because he simply hadn't thought first.


Scowling, he hunkered down against the log and crossed his forehooves, continuing to pout.


"... oh gee, thanks for thinking of us - glad you came to help out...." he muttered to himself in ire.


Sword had listened attentively to Lilith's words... and felt somewhat the same.  He too was irked that the young stallion didn't know when to keep his fat mouth shut, and he was brash and headstrong; he had only wanted to help, and at Sword's age, no matter the reason, anyone offering help was always appreciated.  He also understood that Lilith may have been upset that she hadn't found them earlier - he knew what it felt like to have your skills proven lacking - but he chalked that up to the separation anxiety he'd been witnessing.


He'd been seeing it settle in ever since Harcourt and Winter had taken off for the ruins of Baltimare; second-guessing, worrying, heated remarks, depression... he'd seen it all soaking their little group for a while now.  When Bright Wind had snapped at him, purely out of frustration, he KNEW he had to do something - his wife had'nt raised a voice to him since their days as guards; it meant that SOMEthing had to be done.  So, he'd done it - he snuck off to join Stardust and the rest.


Chase had been a snag; he only agreed to let the boy go because he'd have lost the group otherwise.  Same with Kitchen Sink, the poor mare.  And now, here they were... the bumbling, stupid threesome who thought they had a chance in Tartarus of actually NOT being a burden to them all.  Sword was ashamed, not only for himself, but for ALL of them.


Sword sighed heavily, but said nothing yet.  Chase sat there, chagrined and irritated.  


Sink watched the flames dance, and they did a similar waltz in the reflections in her eyes.

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Stardust was gathering the things to make a quick berry and root soup for the new members. She also got the mint and honey for the tea that she was going to make. She heard Chase begin to rattle off his story of why they were following us in the first place. Stardust began listening very intently. She was adding the water when he had explained the reason why they were dragging along Sink. She was starting to fade as he was getting to the part about pointing out how Lilith had not seen them from the beginning. She gave a quick glace to Lilith and noticed that her lips became very tight and straight. Something was about to happen. 


Just as Stardust had finished putting everything together and over the fire she turned around just in time to see Lilith completely shut down Chase. She felt bad for the stallion. She too experienced such sharp words from long ago, but the sting still hurts. Part of her felt that she was also part of the problem that Lilith was speaking about. She knew she shouldn't have slept on the cloud that night. But she was so tired and wanted a good night sleep, still, her freak out when Psych shouted to her was also a bit much. She knew better than to act that way, especially during times such as these. 




Sword sighed heavily, but said nothing yet.  Chase sat there, chagrined and irritated.     Sink watched the flames dance, and they did a similar waltz in the reflections in her eyes.


The kettle began to boil so she took three mugs and poured the tea. She handed one to Sword with an accepting nod, she handed one to Sink who seemed to still be mesmerized by the flame. And she walked over to Chase. She gave him a bit of a soft nudge. "Here, drink up, this will help keep you warm. It seems to always be the coldest right before the sun comes up." She gave him a wink. "You can hang out with me if you like. I know what it feels like to be a bit of a pony that doesn't feel like they belong." She gave him a soft smile. She got up to tend to the soup. 

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Chase looked up at her with a scowl... but as she spoke to him, he visibly relaxed and even accepted the tea.


"Thank you," he said softly, taking a tentative sip at the steaming mug.  As Star made her way back to the fire, Chase stood up and followed her, keeping quiet as the two of them reached the kettle.


Chase looked back over his flank at the campfire, then turned back to Stardust.


"... we really do just wanna help."


His voice was considerably softer, and he sounded more like he was sorry he'd goofed up so big.


"The Group feels lost without Harcourt and..." he swallowed hard, "... and Trivy, so we all wanted to help.  But a lot of 'em are scared, and we don't know what we CAN do to help - and nopony will TELL us we can help, either."


He looked down a bit.


"We're NOT just some namby-pamby 'background characters' who're just there to make the heroes do stuff to save them... we've suffered through just as much as everypony else... and we wanna HELP.  Just like everypony else."


He looked up at Star.


"Please don't send us back - let us stop feeling USELESS... let us HELP you... please?"

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"... we really do just wanna help." Stardust was listening intently. She did enjoy his softer voice. Almost soothing and hymn like. She couldn't help but tilt her head and smile softly at the pony. He explained how he and the others within the group wanted to help as much as they could, they just didn't know how to do so. 


He looked up at Star.


"Please don't send us back - let us stop feeling USELESS... let us HELP you... please?"


How could she say no? She too felt like everything was beginning to fall apart once Harcourt left the group. She still didn't understand why he wouldn't even look at her before they left. Everything seemed to be getting on very well. Then all of a sudden it was as if she skinned his pet cat and she was the pointy teethed Sombra himself. 


"Chase, I don't know you well, but to be honest, I am glad to see you and the other two. I was nervous as it was to travel with just my other companions. With Psych out of sorts and Lilith...well... I trust her, but she can be a bit cranky at times. And Aria, she has so much running through her head that I worry about her and her safety. While we travel I tend to fly very close to her in case anything were to happen, a slip of the hoof or such, although most days these past few months I just feel like I'm a bother to her. Like we aren't as close as before, but maybe that is for the best. I don't want to be a bother, we had been helping each other out for quite some time, it might be time for Aria to move on like she always said, once the fighting was over." She sighed, desperately looking to Aria, with a heavy heart, she knew it would be too much for her to ask to stay with her, once this was over, she knew she had to say goodbye, and looked back to Chase. "Then there are times when I feel like I have just over stayed my welcome and I should just go find the dang elements on my own and once I've given them all to the group just go home and start over." She began to stir the soup again. She thought hard about Aria, wishing desperately that she could just figure out what was wrong. She felt like she was the main problem and that Aria would be better off without having to haul her around like a lost puppy. 


She was quiet for a moment thinking of the past and how things might have been different if Trivy were still here. Maybe things would be better, they would be a group again and they would might have half of a chance to defeat Sombra. 


"Anyway." She turned to the bowls and began to pour the soup into them. She fluttered over to hand a bowl to Sword and Sink. She then went back over by the fire and bumped into Chase's rear end, blushing so bright her head felt like it was going to explode she apologized and then went and sat down. She had not felt that embarrassed since the first time she ran into Aria. 

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@@Pucksterv, Jay gasped, but managed just about to keep the light emitted by her horn steady. "Could that be... the Elements?" she asked, in a quavering whisper. "Standing around the tree of harmony? So, the legends are true. If we reached the end of this cave, perhaps we could even see the tree itself."


Like most ponies, Jay knew the story of the Elements backwards. The story had comforted her in her bad times, and given her hope when none seemed to exist. But she had never really believed that it had happened, thinking that it was simply a legend invented to give hope to ponies."

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@@Pripyat Pony,


''No that's not possible. Rarity told me herself. Sombra destroyed the tree and the cave and...'' Trivy stopped in mid sentence, her ears popping back as if she heard something. She looked around, pointing the light coming from her horn deeper into the cave. There was nothing there. Probably just her imagination. She shrugged it off and continued.


''...we haven't been traveling that long. We couldn't have passed Ponyville and the Everfree Forrest already. I would have recognized it. That place is filled with Darkmane soldiers. No. whatever this cave is, it's something far different.'' 


"Hopefully, we'll find out what all this is about when we get to where we're headed to... we'll work out what to do there."

''Hopefully.'' Winter repeated with a sigh.
''I mean assuming that everything Summer has told me so far is true then...'' What is my purpose of even being here. I am not an element, I am not a fighter. I only came back here to help Rarity... Do I just turn back home? Will I even make it back alone?
''Then you should have plenty to do. Being one of the elements an all.'' She tried to put on a smile, hiding the negatives thoughts in her head but anyone smart enough would see right through her. No doubt Harcourt would, he was probably the smartest of the entire bunch.

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"OH!  SOR-... uhh, sorry."


Quickly catching his voice's volume, Chase did turn to look at Star... and his teenage gaze eventually led to her flank.  His eyes lingered there for only a moment, then widened when he realized what he was doing and his muzzle went red.


"... oh, uh... uh yeah... it's okay..."


He kept glancing around for somewhere he could aim his eyes at; he settled for the mug of tea, and stared into the cup as if her were trying to read the tea leaves inside it.  His blush was adorable.


Sword took his mug from Star, softly muttered a humble thanks, then took in the warm tea and settled in on the log he was backed against.  He looked about at the others, his hazel eyes almost seeming about twenty years younger than his body as they soaked in as much detail as possible.


Sink stared at the mug for a moment as it was offered to her, then leaned forward and sniffed at its' contents a bit before accepting the mug with a smile.  Her eyes returning to the hypnotic lure of the flames, she simply sat there sniffing at the mug while occasionally sipping at it.






"I will do what the Element requires of me."


It sounded listless and sad when Harcourt spoke those words, yet he continued to walk, the wooden cart behind him rattling out its travelers' tattoo on the rocks and sticks of the road.  He might not like what was ahead of him, true... but he was still doing it.


He casually turned his head to the side furthest from the griffon and wiped his runny nose on the harness nonchalantly, trying to keep his condition to himself.  He could feel his lungs crackling as he breathed, and though the cart's weight was negligible to him anymore, each step felt like trying to swim in mud.


"For as long as I can."


He slogged forward, still dripping wet, still hiding behind the wall of soaked mane that hung in front of his face, still trying to fight the fire in his chest and the fog in his head.


"And your fight - tell me that you know that every single soul that stands against the darkness is a shard of light that burns Sombra like a flame; tell me you want to bury that tyrannical despot in an inferno... because the light is only as strong as the souls behind it..."


He could feel his heart laboring hard behind his ribs; it felt like he was literally walking himself to death.


"... and your light shines like a beacon of hope, Winter; we saw it in Baltimare, and I see it now.  When those at this campsite see you, I have no doubt that you'll find someone or something there that needs you."


... which would be ideal to occupy you while I disappear...


"Trust that you are needed, and have faith in yourself to succeed."


Harcourt wanted to believe those words for himself... but at least he could pass on the wisdom to another.

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Psych had sat back as this new outburst unfolded, this time from Lilith. He understood her anger, her frustration, but he also understood why the ponies who were following them, well... Followed them. He waited for a moment, after Lilith had stalked off and Star had begun to tend to the wounded oride of one of the tag alongs, and then stood, deciding that Lilith was in need of a soundboard to vent her frustrations to. Sneaking off as well, he climbed the cliff she had ascended as quietly as he could, muffling his hoofsteps, but still not silend enough to get past Lilith's ears. As he approached from behind, he stopped a few steps back, then opened up his telepathic link with her again, knowing it would be better than verbal communication. "Hey, Lilith... It's me, Psych..."

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Count Paradox,


Was it because of the element having manifested when contacting Sink? Or was it because of Lilith letting her guard down to vent her frustrations to herself? Either way, Psych received a streamline of sudden information from Lilith, who didn't seem to realize that Psych had touched her like he did last time.


...that he's doing this in good faith, but potentially alerting a Darkmane Guard hunting party to our position is the fastest way to get us killed. I have first-hand knowledge of that. They hunted down the best of us at the Sanctuary. I know I'm supposed to be our eyes and ears, but if they really did send a competent party after us... well, I worked alongside them for some time. I know their proficiency first hand.


I wonder if they caught on if I'm not working for them or not. I mean, it's been a while since the orb was turned off, but I left it behind in Baltimare. For all they know, I'm sitting at the bottom of the sea, or had to ditch my equipment to maintain my cover. Makes me wonder if one of those colonels are signing my name in the annals of their lost right now. Putting an outward sigh of pity while secretly smiling and going 'oh, look, that annoying Ranger is finally dead.' Heh. Can't wait to pin one of them to the wall with an arrow. Dead no more, you fiend.


Wait. What was that, against the stone? Oh, it came from the encampment. Probably one of them leaning against the crevice walls, or perhaps footsteps from below. Wait, it's ascending the cliff. Perhaps that fool looking to say sorry to me right now. I'll forgive him when we get going. I was harsh on him, true, but he gave away our position... ugh. Why did they come find us anyways? Maybe Stardust can explain it to me. She was always more interested in the others than me. Besides, I don't want to get too close to them. What if they did catch wind of me having worked for Sombra? Stardust would probably start yelling, Aria would probably become more distant. Psych... I don't know. Harcourt already knows, thank Celestia. I'll have to wait until he's around to let them know. Trivy... if Trivy was here, she'd probably attack me. I never knew her very well anyways. Perhaps...


No, someone's right behind me. Stay perfectly still, they won't see you in the shadows. They'll give up and go away eventually. If they do decide to poke around, however, a little reminder that they should've stayed with the group wouldn't hurt. Slowly unbuckle the knife sheath... I wonder who it is, though? They probably would've just started talking if they were looking for me. Stardust might have even just left a bowl of soup... the only one who would've remained silent was Psych, and he would've... wait a minute.


Lilith sensed Psych in her mind and immediately turned around, knife at the ready. She paused, facing Psych, before turning around, watching the sky lighten up in front of her. "... Hello, Psych," she said, offhandedly. "I'm not sure how much of that you heard... but it's getting light out. You can talk normally if you wish." She sighed, twirling the knife in a sleight of hand in front of her before sheathing it.

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When she had turned around to him, her knife at the ready, she saw him hunkered down a bit, nervous, scared even. To think that they had always had direct contact with somepony from Sombra's ranks... So many terrible things flashed through his mind, each one worse than the last. And yet... If she were there to hunt them, to kill them, wouldnt she have done it already? And it did seem to him that during her inner monologue, she said that she had left Sombra's army. He built up his resolve, still talking through their minds, not wanting to give Lilith's secret away unless absolutely necessary. Walking nect to where she was and sitting, he mentally asked her, "So... Is it true? Were you once part of Sombra's army? Or is that something we still have to fear?"

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The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Count Paradox,


She let out another sigh. So he had entered her mind earlier and heard her. She paused for a moment, considering throwing up a wall around her thoughts, but the damage had been done. Instead, she relaxed a bit, letting the memories flow through them. The massacre at the Sanctuary... the offer. The promise to hunt the Bane, and see it pay for the slaughter of her village. Her 'training' in which he thoroughly embarrassed all of the normal recruits, her determination that the monster from her childhood would see death. Her initial missions- arrows through the skulls of rebellious ponies, three in all. The destruction of a traitorous merchant caravan with a pair of flaming orbs.


Being assigned to identify and assassinate the leaders of the revolt. Meeting them in the forest for the first time, the tracking orb in her satchel. Realizing that they weren't rebels, but refugees. Accompanying them to Baltimare... the guilt that occurred when she saw the sky lit by fire, and Trivy's face being swallowed by the waves...


Psych might have claimed responsibility for Trivy's death by messing up her psychological grip, and Harcourt might have done so too due to survivor's guilt. to assist saving her. But, in reality, Lilith blamed herself. If she hadn't gotten curious, she wouldn't have drawn the army to her, and Trivy would still be here.


Lilith shook her head slightly. "I understand if you don't trust me anymore, nor wish to have anything to do with me... but, in all honesty, I'm certainly not standing for Sombra anymore, even if you tell them all and throw me all out. I don't align goals with people who slaughter an entire city for a small, fifteen-member group of ponies."

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@@Pucksterv, "Oh, well, even if it isn't the tree of Harmony itself, it's something that's connected with it, right?" Jay replied. "Otherwise, why would it have this picture on the wall? It's not just graffiti either; look at the details, the way that the outlines are filled with crystalling. There must be something special about this cave so we had better make sure that we find out what it is before we carry on with our journey. Even if there's nothing at the end of the cave, wouldn't you always wonder what it could have been, if we didn't finish exploring? I know I would."

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@,@@Count Paradox@@Randimaxis, @@-Octavia-,


Just over the horizon light began to peak through the sky. Stardust was watching the others as they were finishing up their meal. She knew that they needed to head out soon to make sure that they get to the dig sight soon and then back to camp before nightfall. She had already charted where the element would be from last nights clear sky. She made sure to have the marks on her map and that way they could be quick to get things done. Especially now with the new members of their little research team, it is crucial to make sure that they get moving. 


Stardust fluttered around gathering up the cups and bowls. Cleaning them up in the near by stream. Once everything was packed up in her saddle bags she set off in search for Psych and Lilith. She found them up on the hill. "Hey you two, we should be heading out within the next few minutes. Make sure that you have all of your belongings." She gave them both a smile. 


She then went down to wake Aria. Who finally did get a bit of sleep, as she gathered up Aria's belongings for her she noticed that she was stirring. She gently nudged her shoulder. "Aria, we need to be heading out soon. As long as we can get to the element before the sun is at its highest then we can make it back to camp before dark." 


She went back to Sink, Chase, and Sword. "Okay, we need to be heading out, you need to try and stay with us the best that you can. I will be flying low and if you fall behind I will help you to catch up. We need to get to our destination quickly. There isn't much cover where we are headed, we don't want to be there long. I do hope that you are ready. We will stop again to eat after I have found what we have come here for. So make sure that you have enough berries and nuts to keep you going until then." She nodded her head confidently and then flew to her own saddle bags and started to strap them on. 

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@Stardust* -  - @Count Paradox - @Pucksterv  



Sword saluted smartly, as a proper guard would do, and began to stretch, preparing himself for the long day that was yet to come.  He gave his wings a careful test flap, wincing for only a moment before lifting an eyebrow, then grinning as he flapped it with ease.


"Boy," he addressed Chase in his rich yet scratchy baritone, "I think being your landing pad earlier must've knocked a kink out; I'm gettin' a bit more flex now.  Guess at least somethin' good came outta last night..."


Chase, who had been quiet yet nosy for the past hour or so, was taken a bit aback by the old stallion's admission, yet he smiled and nodded.  "Hey, I'm just glad I could help!"  He beamed for a moment, then got himself up and ready to travel.  Sword watched him for a second or two, then rolled his eyes and got to preparing as well.


Sink was sitting in the lap of a patch of rocks that had been over to the side with the scrub brush; she'd sat there at some point, and had continued to sit there when the others awoke... and was still sitting there when Star made her announcement.  Her face registered nothing - but she stood up and walked over to rejoin the group, her thoughts unknowable.

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With everything packed and ready to go, Stardust flew down to the stream and gathered a bucket full of water to put out the fire. She grabbed a near by stick and alternated water and stirring the fire until all the smoke was gone.


The sun was only a quarter way up on the horizon. "Alright everypony, Lilith, same as yesterday please, scout ahead. Everypony else please go along the path two by two. I will walk as well, I will occasionally fly up to help me check the map and make sure we are going in the right direction."


She looked at the ponies trying to figure out the best way to pair them up. "Okay, Sink and Sword please stay up front. Then Psych and Aria, and I will take up the rear with... Chase." She gave him a kind smile. She did tell him that he could hang out with her. After all they were more alike than many of the other ponies.


Stardust gave a nod to Lilith letting her know that they were all ready and she could head out in front of them.

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The three fell into place as Stardust had suggested.


@Count Paradox


Sword didn't pay much attention to Sink - she usually took care of herself - but he did cast a look over his flank at Psych.


"You're Psych, arent ya?  Yeah, I remember you - you're the one who smacked 'Cort in the rump with a rock... THAT was pretty funny, actually.  Those abilities you've got, though... that's..."


Incredible, Psych heard the thought whisper from the old stallion's mind.


"... somethin' else, all right.  What's it like?"




Sink didn't say a word; she kept moving along, pacing the old pegasus beside her.


After a bit, she did turn her head to glance over at Aria.  For a moment, it looked as though her vision actually focused on the musician... and Sink gave her a small, kind smile before turning back around and continuing the current gait.




Chase's muzzle lit up with a smile when he heard Star's words, and he was grateful for her company.


"Thanks... I really appreciate it.  I just hope I don't pull a repeat of what happened last night; I think Lilith already hates me enough, thank you very much."



He tossed a look in the Ranger's direction... but of course, she was already busy elsewhere; he had less than a zero percent chance of finding her if she truly didn't want to be found.  Realizing she wasn't in sight, he sighed again - but kept up with the rest of the group.  

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 Chase's muzzle lit up with a smile when he heard Star's words, and he was grateful for her company.


"Thanks... I really appreciate it.  I just hope I don't pull a repeat of what happened last night; I think Lilith already hates me enough, thank you very much."


"Of course, and don't worry too much about Lilith. I don't know her well, but I am pretty sure if she didn't care about the group and the mission she would have left a long time ago. A little tiff isn't going to change her mind." She smiled at Chase. 


The group was walking at an easy pace. By Star's calculations as long as they kept this pace up they would get to the site just in time. They may have to pick it up a bit on the way back but for now everything seemed to be going smoothly. 


As they were walking things were quiet. Not a whole lot to discuss especially when they wanted to stay hidden. After a while Star excused herself from Chase's side and few up gathering her bearings. From this height she could see Lilith darting from one hidden space to another. It was almost like a dance, hypnotic and beautiful in the way she moved. Once she made sure that they were still on the right path she rolled up the map and flew back down by the stallions side. She quietly reported to the group that things were on track.


"We should be there in roughly two hours at this pace. Which will give us enough time to rest, eat up a bit and by the time everypony is done with that I should have the element and we can head back to camp. Just be aware that we may have to quicken the pace on the way back. It will be the second half of the day by then, and we want to make sure we are secure at camp before the sun is all the way down." 

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"Oh, well, even if it isn't the tree of Harmony itself, it's something that's connected with it, right?" Jay replied. "Otherwise, why would it have this picture on the wall? It's not just graffiti either; look at the details, the way that the outlines are filled with crystalling. There must be something special about this cave so we had better make sure that we find out what it is before we carry on with our journey. Even if there's nothing at the end of the cave, wouldn't you always wonder what it could have been, if we didn't finish exploring? I know I would."


''Ah think yer friend is right about that Miss Trivia.'' A familiar voice said, coming from the shadows. By that time, Trivy's light spell had already dimmed itself so when she turned around, she didnt spot the mare until she stepped into the light that was coming from Jay. 


Trivy didn't respond, she only just starred, mouth open, almost in complete shock.


''Oh common sugarcube, you don't think Twilight would have send y'all to the mountains for no pony, now do ye?'' the mare said, waiting for an answer. When she did not get one, she turned her attention to the other unicorn.


''Ah dont believe Ah have had the pleasure of meeting ye before Miss...?''


"Trust that you are needed, and have faith in yourself to succeed."


Harcourt wanted to believe those words for himself... but at least he could pass on the wisdom to another.

''I am not sure about it. I am not an element. I am not a fighter. I only smuggled a few refugees to the griffon lands because I owed Rarity my life. But now. there is nothing left for me. Baltimare is destroyed so I cant turn back to my home either. I am not sure what my purpose would be within this new group. Even if they do promise to be the saviors of Equestria. It's not like I would have anything to do with it. I am just an ordinary griffon. I might have some light in me but it's useless if I don't know what to do with it.''


''maybe I that is it. Maybe I wont help and all. Maybe I should be satisfied with being an ordinary griffon.''


''Though, I guess I will just have to wait and see.'' Winter sighed heavily.


''Here I am, complaining about not having a purpose, while others have it worse. I should be greatful of being alive, not nag about it.''

Edited by Pucksterv
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@@Pucksterv, Jay gasped as she heard a voice coming from the darkness. When the mare stepped into the light, she wondered, but inwardly told herself to not be so silly. It couldn't be... could it? The mare asked her her name, Jay replied, with a slight quiver to her voice, "My name's Jay. I'm not anypony special, not really, not like you... I know this is probably crazy, but you remind me of somepony in the picture on the wall, somepony who I heard about long ago. Could you please tell me your name?"


Jay hoped that her guess was right, after all, this mare had mentioned Twilight.

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@@Pripyat Pony


Elya feigned a sympathetic frown. 


"Oh my dear. From the sounds of your tone, it does not sound that you were at the best of terms with your mother. It is not good when fillies are not at good terms with their own birth mothers. Might I ask what happened between the two of you?". 




Rave smiled after having listened to Manehattan's national anthem. It was always good to be reminded that his race was on the top of the ladder, above every other race that exists. 


Scar did not seem to really care, having heard the tune one too many times that it had grown dull on him. He was focused on the discussion. 


"I have received some news. That a Blackwater still lives. Are those rumors true? Is there still one of those miserable little foals of old Luther still going about in this world? Did you fail to finish them all off?". 


"Luther would have kicked the brains out of you, you big doofus" Rave thought. 

"I do not think so. They are rumors at best. Probably a pony who once knew the Blackwaters is just trying to stir up some troubles, trying to use some tricks to distract us" his right eye was twitching as he was saying these words for he did not believe in them himself. 


Scar seemed to accept that and grew quiet. Thus ended their conversation as they parted ways. 

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@@JonasDarkmane, "Of course," Jinx replied. "It's no secret. We lived in the most upper class area of Canterlot. I wasn't close to my mother at all, only to my father. My mother didn't like that one bit. She always pressured me to work hard at my magic, stating that only thru sheer hard work could a filly ever hope to attain greatness. I never was allowed any friends; I always had to attend to my studies. Eventually, my mother killed my father, and I killed her. She'd taken away the one bright spot in my entire life, thru nothing but jealousy. Of course, I'd developed a talent for dark magic, hence my cutie mark. My mother always wanted me to make a splash in high society but I was never interested in that back then."

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@@Count Paradox, @@Randimaxis,  


The group seemed to be gaining ground a bit quicker than before. Which was good, Stardust would occasionally fly up just to be sure things were proper with the directions. I do hope that we can get this done and be back in one piece. She thought to herself. As they neared the dig sight she was becoming a bit more anxious. She flew ahead just a bit where there was a slight turn out in the path. It was mostly cleared of dieresis. This will be perfect for the group to rest while I collect the element. With that she flew back to the group and told them the plans. 


"Just ahead is a little turn out, it is a tidy space, that is where you can rest and eat up a bit. Make sure that you drink about half of your water supply. Take your time and make sure to hide behind the shrubbery if you catch my drift. We don't want to have to make any pit stops on the way back to camp." She smiled at the group and again flew to the turn out. She laid her saddle bags down and started to rifle through them. Getting the things she would need to use for her mini archaeological dig. As the group neared the spot she began concentrating very hard at trying to communicate with only Psych through her thoughts. She had never really done this before so it was a bit weird. 


PSYCH!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME...or rather... CAN YOU THINK WHAT I'M THINKING!!? She realized that her thoughts were more like migraines as she noticed a small twinge of his muzzle. Uhm, sorry, truly, well... anyway, do you think you can reach Lilith with your ability? Let her know where you all are and let her know to also hydrate and eat a bit. She can stay where she is if she likes, or if she wants to join the group that is fine as well. I should be okay from here. It shouldn't take me too long. 


She broke the connection before he could respond and she was off with her maps and brushes and shovels. 

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Stardust landed in the general direction. She took note of the land marks and used her maps to get a better idea of where to dig first. She quickly noticed that the twisted trunk tree was a large clue. Looking to and from her maps she was able to narrow down the search area by only a few feet. She began to dig. Quickly but carefully. She would take just small chunks of the Earth with each pass of her small shovel. As she got lower and lower she could tell the difference in the soil.

As she got deeper into the ground the soil began to become very dry and crumble around her tools. What should have been saturated with water was the complete opposite. Only something that was trying to pull in massive amounts of energy would do something like that. She knew she was close now. Inch by inch she chipped away at the same spot. Until finally...

A small thud.

Her heart was racing with adrenaline, she had never officially done something like this before. The sheer thrill of discovery made her smile so big it looked as if her muzzle might fall off.

She was now using her course brush to sweep away the sediment. A very small wooden and metal box was slowly being reviled to her. Once she was able to wiggle the box with ease she started to gently pull it from its prison. She used both hooves and with her wings flew directly up so as to not jolt the box in any way.

Once on the flat ground she began to fill in the hole. No pony else need know that they were there. She began to dust away the dried soil which covered the container. Her soft brush was perfect for such a task. She was very excited her hooves began to shake.

Taking deep breaths she was able to calm herself and focus on the task at hand. Once everything was taken care of she gathered her supplies and knew she had to get the box back to the group seeing as it had a small but durable lock on it. She knew that if any pony could pick that, it would be Lilith.

Edited by Stardust*
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