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open Mechquestria: My Life As An Equine Robot


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The mechanized or cyberized denizens of Manehatten were well on their way with their days. Old school rust buckets that were vaguely pony shaped rolled across the streets. Sleek Equestiran models roamed the side walks in polished chrome plating. A few flesh and blood ponies rocketed across the skies on hoof mounted rockets or wings equipped with feathers made of crystallized energy. Pegasi drones left contrails in their wake as they roared between buildings.  Holoscreens depicted the latest news and dimensional events. 


On campus, cyborgs, Equinoids or even flesh and blood ponies that wanted to learn and interact in person, rather than just upload raw data on lesson plans, either converged or milled about on campus. Some rolling on wheels, a few hovering or levitating, most walking on their stainless steel hooves. Just about every make and model, from the simplified comical shapes of humankinds 50's movies, to the mecha designs from turn of the millenia Japanese animation, all the way to near realistic pony androids. Just about any mechanical configuration and design could be found on this campus. 


For whatever reason, you're here too, either attending, just visiting, or because of business. Life in the future, has called you out. 


Time to start the day. 


Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/137264-mechquestria-a-robo-ponies-rp/ 



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Twitch teetered for a moment, then shook his head.  Aside from the slight rattling sound, it seemed like he was still functional.  He began making his way up the steps, this time avoiding the steel post which functioned as the bannister.  There was the moving sidewalk next to it, but the stability servos still needed testing, and stairs seemed like a good idea for a trial run.


C'mon, c'mon, Grant thought, I know I calibrated everything well enough to function... you can DO this...


The ponybot stared at the steps for a moment, blinked, then began climbing them.  Twitch did so easily and deftly, without even the appearance of being hindered - he reached the top of the steps just like any other pony would.  The smile on Twitch's face was a translation of the one on Grant's own.




The hospice bed in his room at home creaked as he giggled with delight.  The heart monitor leapt a bit, but not enough to rouse his sister, who was his constant caretaker.  His illness was in check at the moment, but it still left him bereft of much movement; he was extremely lucky he'd finished building Twitch before he got to the point he no longer could.  The pain wasn't evidencing... yet... but he knew he only had so much time to acclimate himself to this world before his time ran out.


If he could infiltrate pony society as Twitch Glitch, then maybe he could find out how they downloaded themselves - and follow suit.  His body was dying; he didn't want to follow it into the grave.


Pleased with his triumph, Grant's hands clenched in fists in victory.  


Twitch followed suit, and promptly fell on his face with a loud >CLANG<!


"Oh b-b-b-brotherrrrrr," Twitch said.

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Drone sighed as he landed with a loud clank,he looked around and saw a suit on it's face and looked a little oddly at it and chuckled slightly before picking up the bot,he stood it up right and looked at it,then looked into it's eyes and said,his voice deep and robotic," Looks like you took a tumble,bot. What's your name?"he asked it kindly and looked around and started inspecting it slowly,his helmet's eyes changing from red to blue to green and back to red," Looks like one of your Gyroscopes went out."he said and looked at the sky a moment then back to the bot,"If you want me to,I can fix that,heck even give you or make a new one." he smiled slightly under the suit,but it wasn't visible he then chuckled, "Oh,I'm sorry my name is Sentinel Drone,I'm a Cybernetic and Robotics Engineer. I work on you guys all day long,well,most of the time,lately I haven't been put into any projects,sooo now I just do some odd jobs,even do some hobby work."he said to Twitch. 

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@@Aurora Lights


Twitch blinked.


"Oh, thaaaaaaaaaaaaank you so m-m-much, Mister Drone.  I truly ap-p-p-p-p-ppreciate iiiiiiiiit, but I've been trying to work on my ow-w-w-wn modifffffffffications; I'll never learn if ititititit's done forrrrrrrrr me.  I would love to learn-rn-rn-rn, though."


Twitch's face seemed to spaz for a moment, then he broke out into a big smile.


"My name is Tw-tw-tw-twitch Gliiiiiiiiitch, a pleasure to meeeeeeeeeeet you, you, you, you."  


He started to offer a hand to shake, then Grant realized that ponies don't HAVE hands to shake, and instead he brought the hoof up to scratch nervously at his own mane.


Easy, Grant - this will be the first true test, and you can't have them figure out that you're human yet!


"I'm rather proud-ud-ud of my construuuuuuuuuuuuuction, so I hope you don't mi-i-i-ind if I decline a direeeeeeeeect diagnostic-c-c, but I'm alwaaaaaaaaaaays willing to learn-rn-rn-rn, if you wouldn't mind a t  a l l ."


I wish I could've had more time with the vocalizer, but I guess I'll just have to make do; one look at those inner workings, and a pony like this would easily be able to tell Twitch isn't one of their own.  Careful, Grant...


Twitch nodded at Sentinel.  "You're so-o-o-o kind to offerrrrrrrrrr, though."

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Drone shrugged and nodded," Ok,but could I at least tow you to a workshop so you can fix yourself? I don't like leaving roboponies just stranded,they have hearts too you know,they just come in the form or motherboards and servos."he chuckled a little,he understood that this robot wanted to be self sufficient,but he couldn't just leave him there,that would be heartless and mean," I can show you a few tricks to make your Gyroscope a little more reliable,and I could help with that voice card. It's truly an easy fix."he said as his armor started to retract into nothing but a metallic spine across Drone's back and he smiled at the robopony.

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To be honest, Banner hardly knew what she was guarding as she had zero clue how the technology today functioned. All she knew was that it was able to make ponies better, but she was determined to stay far away from it unlike his friend Chain how literally jumped for the opportunity. "hm...I could use some food" she said trying to get the other guard next to her to speak, maybe the time would fly faster if they talked. She knew it was not the right to do so but she didn't care right now, there hasn't been an intruder for at least a few months.

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"Oh, I prrrrrrrrrrrromise you that I ca-a-a-an deal with thisisisisis on my own - but I than-an-ank you for y o u r  c o n cerrrrrrrrn on that en... en... end."


Twitch gave a full body shake, like a dog, and numerous plates shook out of, then back into place.  A soft clicking, whirring sound rolling from the tip of his short snout through his body, finishing through his tail.  It sort of looked like he'd sneezed, and was comically adorable.  Further yet - he seemed to be more complex than first appearances would imply.


"Stiiiiiiiill, I've been wanting-ing-ing-ing-ing to learn whateverrrrrrrrrrr I can; go beyonnnnnd the processor-or-orrrrrrrs, so to speak speak speak speak."


He looked around curiously, and Drone could easily see that his eyes were complex... and mismatched.  On closer inspection, multiple bands of metal, centimeters wide, rolled and shifted across his features in patterns that could take on multiple facial expressions.  Twitch almost seemed as if he'd been made for being... expressive. 


"I... wasn't sure where to gogogogo, so I was trying to find the colllllllllllllllllllllllllege."


Twitch's face plates shifted, and a rather cute version of a sheepish grin clicked into place.  He spoke softly.


"Uhm, could you help me, pleeeeeeeeeease?"

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Drone looked at him and chuckled slightly," Sure,I could help you,I'm actually going there myself,would you like to walk there together?"he asked kindly,he liked this robopony,he seemed nice and determined,True,he admired his determination and his willingness to learn on his own. When he saw how complex his internals are he smiled slightly,"You know that capacitor in you,the larger one,the one that makes a neural connection. I made that. I built it because I was in a crash one day,I severed part of my spine and it cause a kink in my spinal cord. The doctors said I would never walk again,and I told them to wait and see. about a month later,I created the first Neural Transmitting Capacitor. Now,I can walk again,I have upgraded since then,but still. I made it."he smiled slightly at his accomplishment.

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Twitch shut his eyes with a click, and heaved a large, overly-dramatic sigh of relief.


"I thaaaaaaaaank you so much!  It's such a bigigigig place, and I sort of f o r g o t  t o  download the application for it it it it it."


He began walking with Drone, listing to the left a bit, but correcting his path every few steps.


"You created this-is-is-is-s-s-s neural transmitterrrrrrrrrrrrr?"


Grant himself began sweating, wondering if he'd been truly found out or not. 


"And you still do odd odd odd jobs?  You should beeeeeeeeee rich by now, shouldn't you-ou-ou-ou?"

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Renee was beginning her day as usual, going to her office in the brilliant university. She had applied for the job since two years ago, finally, they accepted her into the wonderful world of technology that she had yet to learn. "Well.. It's going to be like any other day? Busy? Tiring? Stressing? Whatever it is.. I just hope I get to see AND circuit some parts of a robot.." She said before sitting down at her dust-free, soft seat and got out her previous invention that she was currently working on.


"So.. The circuits need to be tightened up.. That wouldn't be a problem.." She said as she levitated her screwdriver.


Working on the invention she was making, an error started to beep from the small item. "H-huh? What's going on!? Is it.. Malfunctioning?" Renee panicked as she looks at the outta-control robot. "O-oh! The battery cable!" She gasped as she pulled it out to see it, all dried up and dry. "Well.. I have to get a new one.. I guess.." Renee sighed, getting up from her work station and making her way towards the elevator.

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Drone chuckled softly and smiled wide," My friend,Helping the advancement of pony-kind is something one should do for free! I gave away my schematics and blueprints,they offered me millions of dollars,but I declined the offer and told them to promise me not to abuse it,to help ponies whenever in need. And now,look where we are!"he smiled and looked away a moment before looking back to his friend," That's not to say I'm not fairly wealthy right now. I created other inventions that made life easier,like the Hydrogen Drive Atomic Displacer,the thing that keeps the battery on your frame charged. It uses molecules of hydrogen found in the air and makes a very very small atomic disruption and created massive amounts of energy. The best part,it's completely eco-friendly. They use it in powersations too,just on a larger scale."he smiled at Twitch.

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"yes Princess... yes, yes OK... no, no I'm here, yes, by your order." Emerald put her phone away as Twilight had finished. She is demanding these days, needs to be though. So this is the Campus then? She Proceeded to walk up the stairs, the two guards flanking her followed she stopped and without looking, "split up and check all of the ponies and droids on campus, find me the ponies i'm looking for. I shall try the main reception maybe asking will suffice."


The two guards split off and moved away, Emerald continued up to outside the entrance of the campus, a few eyes were looking at her, older amour always had that effect these days. Maybe this is the right place...

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Renee entered the moving machine and sighed, looking annoyed. "I swear to celestia that if the battery cables are all thrown away and the wire strippers are lying around the place, I have to call on the "boss".." She grumbled as she checked her watched for the time. "Huh.. not so bad today.." Renee looks up to see her floor arriving on time. Renee trotted out of the elevator and started making her way towards the "Shed". Renee looks around her, all the ponies were busy with whatever they were doing.. Machinery,  Wires all around, ponies on computer.. think of anything a technical would do.. its all here. Renee comes across the shed and opens it.


"Huh.. only 5? I thought we had a whole boxful of Battery cables.." She mumbled before levitating one to her inventory. "I better get back to my station before any pony sees im off task.." She said before closing the door, of the shed and starting retracing her steps to the elevator. "I hate Mondays.." she sighed before entering an elevator, with 7-8 ponies joined with her.

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@@Aurora Lights


Twitch smiled.


"Tech-ech-ech-ech-echnically speaking, since you made my baaaaaaaaaaaaaaattery, would that makekekeke you my fatherrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?  Then, Hy-DAD!"


He chuckled; very realistic-sounding laughter.  After a moment, he stopped cold, slid his off-colored eyes towards the other pony, then looked down, blushing as a soft red glow radiated from tiny slots in his cheeks.


"I'm sorrrrrrrrrrry, Drone sir - I ha-ha-ha-have a strange sense of h u m o r."


He started following again, this time looking somewhat nervous; metallic bands slid his brow into a worried state.


"I don't really really really even know much yet-et-et-et-et, outside of my home; still freeeeeeeesh out of the boxoxoxox, you could say.  And I don't eeeeeeeeeeeven have a place to to to to stay yet - I'm pretty fru-u-u-u-u-ustrated at the momentment-ment..."


His eyes suddenly flashed, an his face plates clicked into a determined gaze into the distance.


"... but I-I-I-I-I won't give up up up.  I can't; I have to improooooooove.  I just HAVE totototototo."


The sooner, the better, Grant thought grimly.

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Drone started laughing along with him and said,"Oh my boy,My son has come home!" he smiled at him and looked at him," It's ok. I thought it was funny. Though technically,I would be your God. I gave you life. I also gave you the ability to speak,react,and feel like I do." he smiled slightly, "Not that I'm saying I am one. I've only given life because I love ponies being happy. I like being able to be smiled at." He looked down grimly," A long time ago,my mother and father died. I-I was...I was very...well...I was depressed. I Went to a private school,no one really cared about me. I lived with the princesses for about 15 years of my life. The knew I had the ability to be the greatest mind in history...But...I was so depressed,I couldn't even be bothered to get out of bed in the mornings. Hay,I nearly committed suicide. I was...Not in my right mind. One day though,I was mourning my mother and my father at their graves,and of course,I was crying. But then...Princess Luna hugged me from behind,she told me it was ok,that it's natural to be sad...But...we talked for hours,all the while I laid my head in her lap...Then,suddenly...I had millions of ideas just explode in my head,soon after that,the next day in fact,I started doing research,learning about robotics,technology,cybernetics. At the time,roboponies were just getting to be popular,but it was a tough process. So,I devoted my time into helping others. All these new models of roboponies,all the newest cybernetics,I have a hoof in it. I've tested all of it before it hit the market,I helped make almost all the frames and cybernetic implants on the market today. I changed so many ponies lives. Yet,I don't look for credit,I don't need to be known or appreciated to be happy. I just need to know I'm doing the right thing." he said with a smile at the end and looked up at the school building, "Well,we're here." he said and looked at Twitch kindly," Do you want to know the most amazing thing I've ever done?" he asked softly,but he thought about what he said," Oh-Um...You can live with me if you want to,I have an extra room that I don't use,It's pretty good sized and it already has a bed and a charge port."he offered kindly.

Edited by Aurora Lights
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Emerald was about to enter the campus when she saw @@Aurora Lights, walking up the stairs with a robot pony. This will complicate things, he's going to make my job very difficult. Well lying to him would not be a good start. She waved to Drone making a fake smile. She radio's her guards, "we have a problem, continue with my instructions once finished report back to Twilight." Who is the robot with him? @@Randimaxis,

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Drone stopped and heard radio interference,he blinked up at her and matched her fake smile,waving back, "Hello,Emerald! Your here early today hmm?"he smiled and looked at Twitch," Oh by the way,I'm a professor here,I'm in Robotics and Cybernetics 302. It's basically a workshop where you can create your own projects." he smiled  and looked back up to Emerald and walked up to her,"What is it?" he asked,looking her in the eye.

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@@Aurora Lights, "it's classified, and even if i told you what it was you would not like it so I'll leave it at that. However it is quite important, anyway maybe you can help me actually?" She Attempted to make a sincere gesture towards Drone, as his cooperation would be very useful for her task. I hope he won't push me on it. @@Randimaxis She turned to the robot, "who are you?" the smile was genuine this time. she stood upright when addressing the robot "I'm Emerald Bolt Captain of the guard, I took over from Shining Armour when he passed on."

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Drone thought for a moment," Well,I normally don't go into any situation blind,but I can make an exception...For you my dear Emerald" he made soft eyes winked at her and started laughing at himself,then his face got serious,"But for real,what do you need my help for." he said and looked at Twitch with a small smile," This is Twitch,I don't know where he came from,but He's nice so far. I expect good things from him this year,good things." he smiled and patted the metallic pony's shoulder.

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@@Aurora Lights 


Twitch's face went through some interesting changes, very rapidly.


First, there was shock, then inquisitive, followed by a dumbfounded look, and topped off with another sheepish grin.


"Ple-ple-ple-pleased to meet youuuuu, Captain Bolt - I'm Twitchchchch G l i t c h, like the professorrrrrrr said."


He gave a deep bow, and his side panels opened wide enough for little projectors to pop small bunches of little blue-and-green holographic confetti into the air, which vanished as they hit the ground.  A tinny-sounding unseen speaker played a little trumpet fanfare.  Standing, his face plates rearranged into a full smile.


"I was loooooooking to enroll in the college here, and and and and I ran into Professor Dro-one-one-Drone.  He..."


The vents on his cheeks began to glow red again, and he looked down, still grinning.


"... caught me gli-i-i-i-i-itching.  But it's ooooooookay!  I'm going to get bettererererer; that's why I'm enrollllllllling!"


He glanced over at Drone, and the look in his mismatched blue/green eyes was simply adorable.


Please buy it please buy it please buy it please buy it, Grant begged silently.

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Drone smiled slightly at the robopony and pulled him in for a half hug," Ah the beautiful sound of the trumpets,the fake confetti coupled by that smile." he chuckled and looked at Twitch and smiled," I can tell good things are to come out of you,I'd be surprised and disappointed if they didn't." he smiled again and continued on," Anyway,like I was saying,the greatest thing I've done...Well..I met this little filly one day. She was on her death bed,she was ill,she couldn't move,but she could talk. She asked me to promise her that I'll be there every day. I told her I wouldn't only be there for her,but I'll make it to where she can live the life of a normal filly,I'd make her well again." he smiled slightly remembering the day," Then after two months, I fabricated cybernetic implants that would heal her. I remember her face...it was...it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. Soon after,she got the operation done and she could walk,talk,act like a normal filly She was the most beautiful little thing. I played with her every day. I met her after school every day. Her parents had been long since dead,she lived in an orphanage,so...I did the only thing I knew I could do. I adopted her. She's now my daughter. She is in big business now,making lots of money,we see each other every day. You might even get lucky enough to see her one day." he smiled at Twitch and shook him slightly," What I'm trying to get at here is,never think something is impossible,when you give up,a dream dies." he smiled.

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@@Randimaxis, "you voice unit is shot, you need to repair that it was difficult to understand you, but other wise keep your nose clean and you'll get no problems from me, for now." She gave a stern look to the robot. "However it is pleasure to meet you Twitch." She turned her gaze back to @@Aurora Lights, Drone, "I can't discuss what I need in front of this robot I'll tell you later, the fewer know what i'm doing the better the wrong ponies hear this It could start a war and I'm not joking either. I will accompany you to your room so I can ask you." She moved out of the way and motioned for them to move inside.
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Hidden walked around the campus with every step her cybernetic right forleg and left hind leg clanked off the ground, her right eye glowed Crimson and the gears in her left wing spun loudly. "Damnit why can't I get a good mechanic" hidden tryed flight to see if I was quieter but the loud hum of the Pistons and gears made it worse. She pulled up her hood "well then"

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The guard didn't answer and she gave up a long time ago to make him talk. Great, my shifts over. She thinks as the time comes to go. I wish I was at least on patrols but no, I'm a stand in place guard at the right side...I really am hungry. Banner thinks as she clocks out and heads to the normal spot where she gets lunch, or dinner to her since she was out there all night. The place was closed when she got there "dammit" she mumbled as she looked around trying to find a different place but all she really saw was the giant college next to her "I really hope they have some sort of place to eat...that or somepony could lead me to a place which is more likely" she goes on the campus and spots a very loud pony having trouble with her bionic parts. She couldn't let her go like this from her good nature "you ok? I can get you to a mechanic, my friend works with this stuff all the time" she offers forgetting her hunger.

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Renee sighed, feeling hungry all of a sudden. "Screw it.. I'm going to the cafeteria.." She said before pressing the 3rd third button on the elevator. When she arrived,she trotted out of the elevator. "Uh oh.." She said....the cafeteria was packed with ponies and robots alike! Renees eyes shrunk with shock as she realised the amount of ponies that was in the certain lunch room. "Dang it.." The unicorn mumbled before looking around the area. Ponies. Lots and lots of ponies. Renee groaned gently, feeling frustrated with herself. "If I can't get a place to eat.. I'll have to leave the campus.." Renee thought as she made her way BACK, towards the moving device. She presses the button towards the ground level and automatically, the doors close themselves, leaving the cafeteria. Renee looks at her battery cable she had earlier. She looks down with despair as her level arrived. Making her way towards the door, she opened it slightly and made her way out of the campus.

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