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open Mechquestria: My Life As An Equine Robot


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@@Aurora Lights, Her face was red again "your making me blush now, stop it now pony it's not date time yet and I'm sill on duty, saying that tonight I think is gonna be fun." The fun and flirtatiousness however left her face when she turned to @@Randimaxis, "how do you know about the Phoenix frame that is not a common design known to many?" her face was cold as she stared at him waiting for a response, she moved her hoof slowly to her tail trying to grasp Cloudslicer.


Her body was like a spring read to go if the answer was not satisfactory... 

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Drone smiled and blushed as she blushed but when she changed her tone and mood,he started thinking about it,Twitch had a long range neural transmitter,two could be linked at any time...for,well,billions of miles. How did He know about the Phoenix frame,that's human tech,not many ponies knew about it,the ones that did were higher up in rank in the government,or have been witness to it. he slowly looked at Twitch and started adding everything up,"Your...Your from Earth,aren't you?"he asked him,looking slightly angered and hostile.

Edited by Aurora Lights
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Twitch blinked, then audibly gasped.  The plates slid around on his muzzle until it was a complete poker face.  Then his eyes closed.  A small wisp of smoke puffed up from his ears... and then silence.


Twitch Glitch was offline.




Grant slung the headset, glasses and all, across the room; they bounced off the dresser and hit the floor, with a final sad beep from the rig before it shut down for lack of connection.


"Years of planning!  All that work!  I tried to... I really tried to make it... DAMMIIIIIIIT!"


He slammed his skinny arms into the mattress beneath him again and again, his heart monitor racing next to him.


"NOW what do I have?  They're gonna take Twitch apart, and then there goes any chance I have for getting out of here!  I don't BELIEVE it!!!!!"


He turned, grabbed his pillow and stuffed it against his face, screaming into it in pure fury and frustration.  Twitch Glitch had taken YEARS to plan, even more to build.   It had a design like nothing anyone had seen before... but the tech that worked it was his baby; the deep stuff.  And now, all gone.  There would be no chance of ever getting out of here.


"... so much work... poor Twitch."


Hot tears rolled down his cheeks as he dropped his pillow by his knees and just sat there, wondering what would become of the robot he'd put so much into.

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Drone looked slightly shocked for the sudden reaction,he blinked a few times before he touched the bot and sighed,"It's offline. I guess I was right." he looked down and then looked at Emerald,"Em...I-I don't think we should destroy it. It looks like a lot of work was put into this thing..."he looked down and looked into her eyes,"Emerald,you know I live for helping others,no matter their form,I don't even care if their human...You know that Em...Please,please don't make me dismantle it."he said,pleading in his eyes as he took up her hoof and held it in both of his," Em,Don't let anyone know about this,please."he said,his eyes were filled with worry and fear,his voice was shaking slightly.

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@@Randimaxis, The initial actions from the robot, had Emerald draw Cloudslicer some in the crowd gasped and a few screamed as she stood to the tabletop with the halberd at the robot ponies neck, but then it turned off. What it the hay? She replaced her halberd, and looked at the lifeless machine, then @@Aurora Lights,  Drone grabbed her, she looked at his face and eyes as he pleased with her, "i'm not going to destroy it, it's a poor attempt for a spy but I will have it restrained till it comes online for everyone's safety, also fix it's damn voice unit please." she got on her radio "Alex, (OOC: another of my OC's) Bright please come to the dinning hall now!"




The four ponies had found a small room to secure the robot until it came back online... 

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Drone let out a sigh and placed his hoof on her shoulder,"Thank you,Em."he said and started walking behind the group escorting the offline robopony and went into the room with it,taking out it's voice card and tampering with it,he finished quickly and put it back into place,bolting it back in and looked at the poorly constructed machine and he sighed,"Why did he have to lie?"he asked himself and then motioned for Emerald to come over to him.

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As Grant sat there, he wiped his flopping sleeve across his face and surveyed the room around him.


He did have a decent setup... for a guy who had to rely on spare salvage to construct everything.  There were caseless televisions and cracked computer monitors everywhere, all hooked to a frankenstein of a database, cleverly cobbled together from several generations of debris.  Since the Pony world and the Human world had begun disconnecting from each other, it had become harder and harder to find any sort of appropriate parts to even try to construct a ponybot; much less one from nothing more than a frame and a bunch of servos.  Harder still to have built Twitch the way he had - the interlocking plates were the key to the whole thing...


They could be rearranged into literally ANY equivalent form: A car, a humanoid, a fire hydrant, a lamp post... or even a pony.  All it took was getting the different plates to cooperate with each other.  They did that perfectly, though at the expense of another systems' fallibility, such as the voice modulator, or the gyroscopes.  But a robot that could shift into almost anything was unheard of - especially in the human world.


Culture shock had settled in, and when humanity had seen the ripples they had sent through Equestria, they began to regress; tech on Earth had stepped back to twentieth-century levels, while others (such as the ponies) had made vast leaps and bounds.  The gap widened between the two, until purists from both sides began protesting and doing their utmost to maintain purity of peoples or ponies.  As such, Hardcore Purists absolutely despised anything that wasn't of their own kind.


And his sister was as Hardcore as they came.


His eyes wandered past the gathered junk and moved over to the cheap bureau and end table against the water-stained wall.  On it, bills, notices, warnings and prescription bottles littered every available surface.  It was the reason he'd had to take so much time building Twitch - he'd had to do it piece by rare piece, trying to implement his radical new design as he went.


It had taken so long, and the disease in his body and bones kept gnawing at him the whole time.  When he'd started building Twitch, he'd bee a robust 237 pounds; now, he was lucky to weigh over 150, soaking wet.  His arms were wiry with muscle, but still wasted sticks on his torso.  His ribs showed, which was why he always wore a shirt; he couldn't stand the sight of himself in the mirror.  His legs could barely support his meager weight, and he had a slight wheeze to his breathing; that had only started a few weeks ago - and without money for a doctor's visit, there had been nothing he could do about it.


Twitch had been his pet project, his baby.  He'd been so proud of the little fella - it was like he'd just lost his best... oh, who was he kidding?  His ONLY friend.  His shelter.  His refuge from the dim, mildewy-smelling room.  From the bed.  From himself.


All. Gone.


Grant had been hoping to find a way to learn about the ponies' Neural Transference System so he could take his mind out of this dying body forever, and make Twitch Glitch his new lease on life, living free in a world where technology was everywhere.  Earth was done advancing; Grant was too smart to live there anymore without wishing for more than his sister could (barely) provide.


She would never understand - she loved him, and she knew he was smarter than anyone else they knew, but she was impossible to talk to on the matter... and since she technically had Power of Attorney over his ailing self, he couldn't do anything without her say so.  And there was NO WAY she would ever let her brother become a ponybot, whether or not it saved his life.  It would be like a slap in the face to mankind, in her eyes.


But, stubborn as she was, she didn't beat or neglect him, and she did care about him - but her word was final.  He'd had to build Twitch in secret, and there had been close calls, but-


What's it matter, anyway?  His thoughts raced along.  He's probably being mashed into plate steel by now... but at least they'll never know the full extent of what he can do without the datalogs; those are stored in the memcores on my end, thank goodness - without the programs, Twitch was useless to anypony else.


And without Twitch, I'M useless...


He laid himself back on the bed, curled up on his side, and tried to sleep through the sorrow.

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@@VinylWubs, @@redshell,"Nice to meet you Renee, my name is Banner" she said to her "Hidden here is trying to get her a mechanic to fix all the noise she's making from just moving" Banner says thinking maybe this pony could fix her instead. She caught on to the look she casted on to Hidden but it was not directed a her, it was directed at a the two ponies that were behind her that appeared out of no where. She turned to face them "who are you guys?" She got ready for what they would do as they seemed kind of weird.


hidden turned around and saw the two figures "what do you want" she asked to which one replied "hidden heart you are being laid off from the order. Go and have a simi-normal life, for now" "yes sir" the two left as fast as they had appeared "yes! Finally! I can get this freaking hood off" she removed the hood
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Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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@@Aurora Lights, Before Emerald moved over to Drone she addressed her two guards, "can you two stand guard outside, come back in if well you know, shouting or screaming etc." the two guards nodded and went outside and closed the door. She walked over to Drone, "before you start, can you turn him on? So we could talk to the operator? Or what? Otherwise what did you want?"@@Randimaxis,

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Drone looked at the machine and sighed softly,"It's obviously human construction,outdated parts with new ones,the Phoenix frame...gah,I'm so stupid,how didn't I realize it before?"he said and looked at her,"I can send a distress signal manually,but I can't technically power it on,I can access the bios and see what system it's running,it might lead to some clues as to who is running this thing."he said and his armor engulfed his body quickly,the eyes shining red with LED lights and he held out his metal hoof and a small spike inserted into a port near the machine's neck,he had a series of numbers flash across his eyes,he then turned the spike,it then read on his screen,"Do you wish to send distress beacon?" he sighed and pressed the yes command and the neural transmitter started blinking,where Grant was,his headset started beeping and blinking. Drone then went into the bios of the machine and he started chuckling," Wow,this kid is actually pretty good. He covered all the back doors. Hmmm...Series Ti-798B Processing unit. Manual override options,a couple glitched software. Other than that...hold on...what's this?... _0556.2245566.07_ AccAcGEH.22-2.55_ VocA:55515 Strange, It looks more advanced than the normal human software,he must have siphoned it from an old versions of a robopony,probably mod T-45C MKII. That's military code. This kid is resourceful! I like him already!" he smiled and started to look at dates,locations,"Ok the last date was...today? He modified it today? And...the location..it's a little scrambled and corrupted,but it's definitely and American address code." he said and retracted his spike and his armor receded back into the metal spine that was across his back. 

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Never gonna get out of here... there's no way to rebuild him...




Too many variables... I should've waited...




Grant finally heard it.


He looked up from his bed, his eyes locking onto the headset.  The glasses were cracked, but the visor was still intact enough to work.  Of course, normally it would mean him crossing the room to get to it - that would be a feat for anyone in his condition.


But Grant was no idiot.  Not by a long shot.


He reached down next to his cot and grabbed what looked like an old ping-pong ball shooting toy gun, but with a little metallic claw sticking out of it.  Aiming, he pulled the trigger.  A spring inside made a twanging sound, and the claw launched across the room.  Connecting with the goggles, they clicked shut on the visor.


If this is just the signal for Twitch's core being destroyed, I'm gonna puke.


But curiosity won out in the end.  He reached onto the side of the gun and, pressing a button, watched as the claw began to drag the visor back to Grant's bedside.  He reached down, straining to reach as it came close, and scooped it off the dirty tile floor.  In his hands again, he began to examine them closely...


Then he heard the front door open.  His sister was home.


Panicking, he reached back behind his head and grabbed a shoddy blue backpack.  Opening the zipper, he jammed the headset inside and closed it up; with a single tug, the cords came out of the console and he jammed them in with the visor.  She can't find out - Twitch might be gone, but if she were to find this stuff...


He overhanded tossed the backpack into the far corner as he heard her heading to his room.


I'll have to check that signal later... maybe I can at least get one more glimpse into the Pony world before his poor cameras go dead.  

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Drone sighed as he waited and waited,he growled," Come the buck on!!" he yelled at the machine,he looked around and growled as he pulled up a chair,he sat and waited,he looked angry for once in his life,it wasn't like Emerald hasn't seen him mad before,but this was a different kind of mad,it's like he was determined,yet seething in anger. She's never seen him work on anything before,honestly,he hoped she never did. He becomes a different pony when he works. It's almost scary when he gets into his working state of mind.

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@@Aurora Lights, "Your not good at waiting are you Drone? just try being on guard duty for 12 strait hours and you'll understand what being bored is like, anyway you can go if you like i'll radio or call you when he comes back online." She sat down on another chair and close her eyes, then started a tune "la la la la..."

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Drone took a deep breath," No,I'll wait. I'm not good at waiting for things no,but..."he sighed and looked at his friend," I'd wait for you all day long if you asked me to." he smiled at her softly,a light blush on his cheeks,he then though about something,"Em,do you drink blood as well?"he asked her for conversation's sake. 

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@@Aurora Lights,


The question hit Emerald, like a freight train, a sad grim look covered her face now, she could't look Drone in the eyes. "yeah I have done, it...it was, n...not good..." she could't speak anymore, her mouth began to quiver and tears rolled down her cheeks. She tried to sure herself and dry her tears but a very sensitive nerve had been hit and she a lost all her composure.  

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Drone looked shocked at her nearly immediate reaction,he hadn't tried to make her cry,he didn't want that. He looked around and thought millions of thoughts and he sighed softly,"Em.."he slowly got up and hugged her tight," It's ok. I'm not judging you. I would never do that,I'm sorry I even brought it up." he said,shame was obvious on his voice and in his voice,he though a moment and took a deep breath,he then pet her mane comfortingly," I won't tell anypony. I promise." he said softly,he slowly departed from her holding her shoulder with is hooves,hoping she didn't cry anymore.

Edited by Aurora Lights
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@@Aurora Lights


The hug helped with her emotions to stop, she sniffed and stop crying wiping away the tears. "I know it wasn't your intent to be mean or anything just it's a darkness of mine I can't ever escape and being immortal, dulls the pain after time but it will take a lot more time for me to come to the things I have done. But I will continue to try and right the wrongs I have made by serving Equestria and the Princesses." She enjoyed the petting letting another one into her personal space like Drone was comforting to her, something she sadly missed since her sister passed 40 years ago.

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Drone looked into her eyes kindly,"  I know the feeling...I've done terrible things to ponies,things I can't say...You'd look at me differently if you knew."he said softly andclosed his eyes softly," But,since I hurt you unintentionally,I suppose it's my duty to write the wrong I've done...So,ask me any question. No matter what it is." he said softly,he was afraid that she might change her opinion about him,but,it was his duty to try to make things right again,he wouldn't be satisfied until she knew something about him that no one else knew.

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@@Aurora Lights,


"I ask nothing of you Drone, well one thing but it isn't your darkest secret of anything, I know a few of them anyway the E.U.P spies on you. what I want to know is have you a nickname you call me Em and it's nice my sister used to called me Eb, can I call you something other than Drone is seems so formal?"

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Drone looked up and looked a little taken aback,he gulped softly and nodded," Yeah...sure,call me whatever you want." he looked at her kindly and said again," Then I suppose you know about the experiments conducted on me?" he asked,looking down," The ones...that were to test immortality..." he sighed softly as he looked into her eyes again.

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@@Aurora Lights, "hmm what to call you I think Sen is nice yeah Sen, yes I know about those experiments that must not of been pleasant, not as bad as myself when I was made immortal I woke up and sank my teeth into the closest living thing, sucked the life out of one of my own Stallions his eyes...h...his eyes will never leave me, after that was a blur till somepony hit me with something heavy. However your experiences are as well horrific, i guess we are both scared individuals". She chuckled the moment it's self just forced one out. 


(OOC: I think i gonna slow down on the posts to give others a chance to post/ catch up as well)

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hidden turned around and saw the two figures "what do you want" she asked to which one replied "hidden heart you are being laid off from the order. Go and have a simi-normal life, for now" "yes sir" the two left as fast as they had appeared "yes! Finally! I can get this freaking hood off" she removed the hood

Renee sighed gently and looks at them. "So, where is this fellow robot that has an issue?" She asked, acting so curious and eager to finally get her world wide dream, transform into a real being. Since Renee had been in a office for most of her life, she never got the opportunity to see the robots/cyborgs wander around the technical world, that was once Equestria. "What's wrong with your mane? It looks.. Nice?" She asked with a confused expression on her face.

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@,  (( OOC: I agree))


Drone looked at her smiled slightly," Being gutted and having your organs grow back in place isn't very pleasant." he said softly and nodded at her name for him," Yeah,I like that name." he said softly and looked at her kindly,he looked down and took a deep breath as he remembered feeling his insides being taken out,he had a shiver go up his spine as he remembered it and he looked back at Emerald and smiled at her kindly, " You know,if you ever need to feed...I'm here." he said,his cheeks were a little red as he made the suggestion. 

Edited by Aurora Lights
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@@Aurora Lights,@,


*knock knock* The door opens and a grey, rivet plated pony bot w/ a light green mane and double denim outfit walks in. "Excuse me! I was told Professor Drone was in here?  The archaeology department could use his hoof working with a find of ours." She looks over at Twitch, staring at him a bit, squinting her optics. "Is that chassis equipped with a spare parts transceiver for a GPS IIR 11?"

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Drone looked at the newcomer and shook his head," No,this is a student. He was...well,he had a malfunction,we were waiting for him to come back online." he slowly stood,smiled at Emerald and said," Call me when he comes back." he said and walked over to the metal pony,"What is it now?' he asked and looked at her and said," tell me on the way." he stated. 

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