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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Little less than a second after Copper stopped shouting, a mare was right next to him, one hoof draped over his shoulder. The purple unicorn with the draped hood covering her face looked dead at him, though it may as well have been through him, given her toneless expression. She spoke in little more than a whisper. "You may not interrupt the events here. Leave, now."




"Copper Strikes, you would do well to stay out of matters that do not involve you." As Luna spoke, she dashed forward, sword still drawn, leaping up halfway through her charge and taking flight above ground for higher leverage. As she neared Raze, both of her razor sharp wings whipped forward as she stopped on a dime, fanning them downward a short distance away in order to shred whatever they came in contact with. "Do you truly want to know what it is that causes me to reject, even now? The truth which was always open to you, from the very beginning?"

Raze sped up, and at the last second rolled underneath Luna's attack going past her wings. He flicked the katana out of its scabbard in a horizontal strike, landing a slice near Luna's chest, cutting deep, but not too deep. He then kicked her away, flicking the blood off of his katana, and putting it back into the scabbard.


"...By all means," he said, a hoof hovering over the handle of the katana. "Enlighten me."

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@@J.R., @@Fractured,

​Demiro Desertstorm nodded. "Well, l haven't visited her in a while, so, you might be right, l feel kinda bad for not doing so.the princesses mean much to me, but l have had to help cadance and Twilight as of late, so... yeah. That, aside from my militairy duties has kept me busy". He looked slightly discomforted for a second, but quickly changed that as he realized it. "Anyways, l need to pay her a visit anyways, l am the one reporting on Bangcolt, so... l might as well bring the report to her myself". He raised his hoof, which had a watch on it and looked on said device before lowering it again.

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@@Silver Snow, @@Fractured,
​Ice gave a nod. ​"Good idea. Maybe she'll be happy to finally be able to see you." ​He gave a comforting grin, ​"It's good to tie up loose ends. Especially when it comes to stuff like that. Hopefully it goes well, dude. Don't worry about it, it'll be fine." ​He gave him a map, ​"The princesses' quarters are just South of here. You can't miss it."

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The mare followed out behind him, at a meandering pace. As she stepped outside the hole separating the dome from the arena, she turned back. Keeping eyes trained as magically, she began to repair it, a heavy magical haze similar to ozone and something unfamiliar filling the air around her as she concentrated, refilling the work of dozens of trained mages within an instant. When she'd finished, she simply stepped away, before turning towards the arena's doors.




Luna looked down at the cut, as she came to a stop an instant later. Minor disinterest crossed her face at the result, looking down at how shallow it was. Less than an inconvenience, though... She looked over at him, her expression unreadable. It could have been deeper. 

"A guard, and one of my most prized and well respected ones, is accused of a petty theft, though, had he wanted to, he had more than enough skill and ability to rob the Royal Treasury blind without avoking any suspicion, had he thought it necessary. And is thus discharged from the Royal Guards, due to the ministrations of one stallion with an already checkered past, and the Royal Court, whose love of bits and whose fear of bits often blinds them to what's right in front of them." She sheathed her sword without looking back, eyes closed, as if recalling. "Imagine my surprise, when word finally got around to me on the foolishness of the situation. But, imagine my even bigger surprise, when I left to find you, only to discover that you had resigned yourself, and left. Without ever once consulting me, or even asking for an audience." Her eyes flashed open, shooting him a gaze sharper than the edge of her own sword. "Did you really not believe i'd stand at your side? Have such little faith, that you thought I would not come to your aid, with all the powers at my disposal, had you simply asked? I would have brought the fury of the night down upon those who did you injustice!" In an instant, the air seemed to spark, a strange, cold energy passing through it like a lightning bolt. But just as quickly, it was gone. Luna shook her head.


"But you left, before noise could reach the ears, and dust could ever truly settle. Though I led the search for you, you had gone beyond my reach. As I suppose any well trained guard is capable of." She took a pause. "...You left. You should have known. Such hurts me more than any amount of petty thievery could possibly amount to."




@J.R.@Silver Snow

"A rather astute and enormous building, in fact. The tallest in Bangcolt, I believe." Rarity paused for a moment, then nodded to herself, certain that she was correct. "Though, personally, i've never been in myself once since i've been here. Strange, isn't it? For such an exciting place, I mean?" She flashed a small smile. "It would almost seem like hardly anything happens around here."

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Raze's eyes widened at Luna's words, and then, at the realization of his own stupidity. The grip on his sword loosened, and his head lowered.


"I..." he said. "I... never realized. I guess, I was just so eager to leave at the time, that I... never thought about how you would feel about it..." He looked up.


"I don't know if you knew about this already, but... I kind of wanted to leave for a while. I just used that whole thievery accusation as an excuse to do so. And on my travels, I just thought you believed them all this time... I didn't think you cared so much..."

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Copper wanted to figure out how exactly how the mare got to him so quickly.  He didn't actually see her at the time, and he wondered if she was in the arena building this whole time.  But before he would ask, he heard the words of Luna, and felt bad for trying to interfere with the fight,  With that, though he trotted over to her and said, "Sorry to interrupt your job, but how were you able to get to me so quickly?  Were you trained to sense when trouble would occur?"

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"That I could come to come to care about what most would consider a simple guard. Though i've never once seen it that way." With a click, she sheathed her sword, letting it disappear into black flecks of light. "As Celestia has her students, I have my guards. Precious ponies, under my care and tuttelage. I see you all as any normal pony would their own sons and daughters. Perhaps more. No one should know the unique pain of raising another, knowing that they're being trained to fight and die under your name. But I digress." She looked up at him, face carrying the same unreadable expression as before. "The next move is yours, whatever such may be."




"The stars whispered to me of disruptions to the pattern of this world, so I wished myself here. I have no affiliations in this city or this world, except to protect balance." The mare spoke in short, clippy sentences, as she paused, just long enough to look at him. "That is the duty I have been given."

Edited by Fractured
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Copper looked as if he had a glint of light in his eyes.  He wondered why this mare would be given such duties, or why she was chosen, but it wasn't for him to ask.  He simply nodded, saying, "I see.  I will no longer bother you.  You may be on your way."  He returned to his spot and watched the fight between Luna and Raze, no longer thinking that it would be a fight to the death.

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Raze thought about it for a few seconds, then smiled. "I was wrong," he said. "And I am sorry for it. I thought my honor and your respect had been taken from me. Now, I realize it never left." His smile evolved into a warm, toothy grin. "I think my mind's finally at ease." He exhaled, then suddenly resumed his low stance.


"However, I think we won't be able to leave until the match is finished, and it ain't in my nature to forfeit a duel. How 'bout we finish this, just a little friendly match, eh?"

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Diamond Rustscythe looked over the page in front of him and wrote on it near-continuously, making a scribbling sound as he did. It took him the better part of five minutes to finish filling things in and finally smiled and looked up as he had scribbled his signature on the bottom of the registration. "There, l hope this will suffice, Zenru. Please tell me if there are any mistakes in there before archiving it, so that l can rectify those immediately. He handed the form to Zenru and walked to Yrel to sit next to her and wait for Zenru to give his answer.

Yrel watched him, in silence, for a moment. As if she were unsure it was her place to speak...Until resuming her interview. Although, truth be told, it was considerably slowed--as if she realized how rude she had been being, previously. 


"...What's your name? Mine is Yrel--Yrel Swiftwing." She said, holding out a hoof. 


Zenru read over the form, in silence. Murmuring notes to himself, before taking it to the receptionist's office, beginning to exchange words with the mare, behind the counter. After a moment of conversing, she took the form, taking it to the back of the building...Presumingly to update the list of combatants.


Zenru glanced back at Diamond, with a smile. Mouthing 'You're in.'


Dust leaned back. That definitely was not supposed to happen. She could feel the tension like a taut rubber band, ready to snap painfully at any moment. She was glad she'd chosen a seat near the back.

It allowed her to climb up to the very back of the stage and jump off the edge. Landing gently, she galloped away to put distance between herself and the confrontation. 


As Dust fled the stands, she would feel as if she were being watched...


Should she take note of her surroundings, she would see a cloaked pony, following her every movement, with unnerving attention...

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"As I have always been." The mare didn't stop this time, passing through the door of the arena. But, strangely, those who would look outside for her would be unable to find her. She had vanished, leaving behind nothing more than a simple, bright, shining, star shaped purple rock fragment...




"Very well, then." The blade that had just re-appeared re-crystalized, forming in front of Luna. She gripped it, as she faced Raze. "Just a friendly match, though by no means will I be going easy." She dropped into a small grin, as she pulled her blade into the style of Shadow dancing, holding it point out, away from her. She held a pause, where she closed her eyes, before suddenly opening them.


"Begin." In a blink, she broke a hard dash forward, moving so fast, she seemed to disappear for several moments. Braking hard to Raze's right at the last moment, she instead re-appeared on his left in an instant, aiming a slash down his torso.

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"Considering that you ladies have far more magical depth then myself, you should probably lead. Don;t worry I'll be right behind you providing moral support and witticism when I can, but when we're in ear shot of the town, I'll try to be silent. Wouldn't want to draw unwanted attention to my non-magical self" he smiled still excited about their present endeavor and the various things they would discover   

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Raze shifted his position to match Luna's, then, mustering his strength, drew his sword in a diagonal slash, parrying Luna's blow. Using the momentum, he pushed his blade against hers, ducking under her as she continued to move forward, redirecting the sword and its user entirely. He re-sheathed his katana.


"Good," he said to her. "As I always say, 'one-hundred percent or none at all'." He readied his blade again.


"I've learned many things since I left. This technique... Iaido, the art of drawing the sword... is one of them." He smiled. "You'd probably like it. Swift, fleeting... yet graceful. Almost like the night, eh?" He laughed a bit.

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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Terra began to walk, cutting a path through the snow. It wasn't too far to walk, maybe an hour from her perspective. Faster with earth magic, but it wouldn't pay to cause a scene here, she realized. "As soon as we get to the village, we'll ask around. See if anypony has seen anything strange, or unusual. And if that doesn't work..." She paused, realizing the weight of her words even before she said them. "We'll go back to the forest. To the place where I first woke up."


Starlight walked after Terra, allowing Trixie and Rhetoric to walk together. The cold and snow reminded her of when she had fled her village into the mountains. Having to spend a few weeks hiding out in the caves before sneaking into Canterlot.


...And stalking Twilight...


She shook her head of the bad memories. The old Starlight was gone. It was time to show she had changed.



"Considering that you ladies have far more magical depth then myself, you should probably lead. Don;t worry I'll be right behind you providing moral support and witticism when I can, but when we're in ear shot of the town, I'll try to be silent. Wouldn't want to draw unwanted attention to my non-magical self" he smiled still excited about their present endeavor and the various things they would discover   


She looked over her shoulder at Rhetoric, smiling. "Think of it as a history lesson. I am!"

Terra began to walk, cutting a path through the snow. It wasn't too far to walk, maybe an hour from her perspective. Faster with earth magic, but it wouldn't pay to cause a scene here, she realized. "As soon as we get to the village, we'll ask around. See if anypony has seen anything strange, or unusual. And if that doesn't work..." She paused, realizing the weight of her words even before she said them. "We'll go back to the forest. To the place where I first woke up."

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Luna couldn't help but flash a small smile, and nod to him. "Simple, powerful, and graceful. A very effective strategy. Though, it cannot protect you from everything." She looked on, as two shallow trailing cuts appeared on Raze's front sides, courtesy of her wings, drawn across him as she passed. They were sharper than well made daggers, after all. Luna re-positioned her sword close to her, drawing on a pattern different than the previous one. Outward to her, but swept downwards, towards the ground. She concentrated, pouring magic into the blade, which began to respond by darkening, beyond possibility. A form so black, it seemed infinite; it could pull the eyes in forever, without ever reaching the end, or seeing what the eyes needed to determine. In this case, the blades size, or position, which were now complete masks, to all but Luna.


Luna pulled up and drew the sword close to her, pausing for less than an instant to reflect on a memory. The last time she had used this sword in its true form, so long ago... Then, she was in front of Raze, making a hard stop. Fanning out her wings suddenly to distract him, and minimize potential damage, the new form of the blade swept downward, aiming a slash down his front torso.




@Unicorncob@The Down Trotten

Terra had been walking for a few minutes, head downward, only to look up again, at Starlight's voice. She let her gaze float over the town, nothing that they were halfway there, then turned it back to the mare, still walking. "As you know, back before the time of the princesses, what was known as Equestria was in a time of turmoil. The three tribes fought bitterly with each other over land, and perceived insults. But before that, before the conflict, and the endless winter, and the wendigos, there was just what we see now. Scattered groups of ponies, clinging to each other over what will soon a battlefield, and then a nation." She took a pause. "...This snow is natural, so you have nothing to fear. Nor do you have anything to fear from the ponies here, as I said before. But what I didn't tell you..." She scrunched up her face, caught up in a moment of indecision, before letting it out. "Is that this place is my home. Back during this time period, I lived here. Though, no doubt that'll be a few years from now..." She shook her head, before turning away."

  • Brohoof 1
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Raze quickly repositioned himself, then dashed forward as Luna's blade was about to hit him. He felt the blade cut him a little bit, and the sensation was like a hot iron tearing through him. He grit his teeth hard in pain as he forced himself to draw his katana and delivered a retaliating horizontal slash to Luna's torso, the cut long but once again, not too deep. He went through her and stopped a short distance behind her, re-sheathing the blade and hissing in pain.


"...Really?" he said to her, then grabbed his side in pain. "Ah, ow, ow... sweet Celestia, that burns... ooh, that stings, ow... oh, magic weapons hurt more than they should..."

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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@@J.R., @@Fractured,

​Demiro Desertstorm beamed. "Thanks for telling me. Although l cannot go now because of a promise to my captain, l will make sure to surprise Celly soon. Speaking of which, l have about somewhat shy of fifteen minutes to meet him near the arena and l do not want to be late". He stood up and extended his hoof towards Rarity. "As always a pleasure, Miss Rarity and great to have met you, Mister Blizzard".


​Diamond Rustscythe looked at Yrel and smiled a full grin. "What a lovely name. Yrel, has a nice ring to it. l...". Diamond Rustscythe looked up as Zenru told him that the registration had been a succes and nodded. "Thank you, Zenru. Some fighting would do me good, since l am nearly always stuck with a smithing job as of late. This way l can spend my free time with a bit of excitement, right?" he chuckled before looking back at Yrel. "What do you think, Yrel, do l pass your judgement to enter?".

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​Diamond Rustscythe looked at Yrel and smiled a full grin. "What a lovely name. Yrel, has a nice ring to it. l...". Diamond Rustscythe looked up as Zenru told him that the registration had been a succes and nodded. "Thank you, Zenru. Some fighting would do me good, since l am nearly always stuck with a smithing job as of late. This way l can spend my free time with a bit of excitement, right?" he chuckled before looking back at Yrel. "What do you think, Yrel, do l pass your judgement to enter?".


Zenru nodded, walking over to sit down next to Yrel. "Indeed. One must make sure that his skills don't become rusted, with time...The Arena was made, for the sake of venting, settling grudge-matches, and the like...But it's equally effective in adding a spark to one's life."


Yrel had taken to taking in almost every detail notable on Diamond, once he asked if he was worthy. Looking him over, a hoof to her chin, with an expression that portrayed such seriousness, it was comical. 


"...Well-cared for weapon...Polished armor...You keep to a regimen...You have to be a guard for at least five years, to be considered for becoming a Captain, so experience isn't a problem..." She had started to smile, at this point, "and best of all, you're really nice! You'll be just fine here in Bangcolt!" She chirped, her wings fluttering once.

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@@Silver Snow, @@Fractured,


Ice looked at the pony with a confident grin. "It was nice to meet you too, sir. And don't worry about it, Celly will make sure everything is ok. She does a great job of it on a normal basis anyway." He looked at the clock, "But ya better hurry up. Time doesn't wait, nor does the sun."

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"Quite right, Zenru, ...​" Diamond Rustscythe said with a wink. "... you and l think alike". He paused for a moment, now looking between both Zenru and Yrel and decided to adress Zenru once again. "You know, Zenru, we should train together sometime. l can already tell that you are a fine swordspone just by looking at you". He shifted his gaze to Yrel, who sat beside him and ruffled his hoof through her mane, trying not to do it too harshly. "And as for you, Yrel... If you have the time then please come and visit me in the new home that Zenru managed to get me, l enjoy your company very much already and am sure l will even more so when l get to know you, ey? By the way, l'll have the one with the hottub, Zenru. l must be able to wind down after an intense fight, ''m l right?".

@@J.R., @@Fractured,

​"Quite right, lcesius, it does not. l would like to thank you for your time and hope that we meet again soon, maybe even in the arena, huh?" Demiro Desertstorm said while extending his hoof for Icesius to shake, if he wanted to.



​The white pegasusmare backflapped her wings to land slowly in front of the two guards guarding the gate of Bangcolt and smiled at them as she took a second to straighten her lightblue mane before adressing them. She wore a simple dual-colored scarf with red and pink overlapping eachother and a red easywear dress which had holes where her wings could go through. "Hello, fine colts. l want to ask if l am allowed to pass, there's a certain somepony l know that entered this city and l need to find him and make sure he is okay.

Edited by Silver Snow
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"Quite right, Zenru, ...​" Diamond Rustscythe said with a wink. "... you and l think alike". He paused for a moment, now looking between both Zenru and Yrel and decided to adress Zenru once again. "You know, Zenru, we should train together sometime. l can already tell that you are a fine swordspone just by looking at you". He shifted his gaze to Yrel, who sat beside him and ruffled his hoof through her mane, trying not to do it too harshly. "And as for you, Yrel... If you have the time then please come and visit me in the new home that Zenru managed to get me, l enjoy your company very much already and am sure l will even more so when l get to know you, ey? By the way, l'll have the one with the hottub, Zenru. l must be able to wind down after an intense fight, ''m l right?".


He raised an eyebrow. "Really, now? Training? I will admit, I haven't had a good sparring partner, in quite a while...I would gladly accept."


"As for relaxing...I know a nice masseuse..." Zenru said, with a small smile, "I prefer that, over hot-tubs...Chiropractors, after that." He glanced at Yrel, "and sadly..."


Yrel slumped, hugging her teddy-bear-backpack closer, as Zenru went on.


"...Yrel here is only visiting Bangcolt--she has to go back to her parent's house, soon. I'm afraid she won't be able to visit..."


​The white pegasusmare backflapped her wings to land slowly in front of the two guards guarding the gate of Bangcolt and smiled at them as she took a second to straighten her lightblue mane before adressing them. She wore a simple dual-colored scarf with red and pink overlapping eachother and a red easywear dress which had holes where her wings could go through. "Hello, fine colts. l want to ask if l am allowed to pass, there's a certain somepony l know that entered this city and l need to find him and make sure he is okay."


They looked surprised. One whistled, "how many, now, is that?"


The other shrugged. "Sword-and-gun, sanick, Captain, cloak-and-dagger, the sleepy-looking one, and now...A mare in a dress."


"I thought this place didn't get that many visitors..."


"Who knows, maybe this place is rising in popularity. After all, the princesses have been spending a lot of time here..."


The one that talked first blinked, "oh, wait, sorry, we forgot you were here! Lemme open the gates..."


"Remember--this is the fighting capital of Equestria--it's not exactly a safe place. I'm not gonna assume you can't fight--last time we did, I got my flank kicked--but we're sorta obliged to tell you that it's a dangerous place if you're not careful."


"Other then that..." The gates had opened fully, allowing access, "enjoy your stay."

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He raised an eyebrow. "Really, now? Training? I will admit, I haven't had a good sparring partner, in quite a while...I would gladly accept." "As for relaxing...I know a nice masseuse..." Zenru said, with a small smile, "I prefer that, over hot-tubs...Chiropractors, after that." He glanced at Yrel, "and sadly..." Yrel slumped, hugging her teddy-bear-backpack closer, as Zenru went on. "...Yrel here is only visiting Bangcolt--she has to go back to her parent's house, soon. I'm afraid she won't be able to visit..."

​"Well, ain't that a bummer... oh well, you be good now, Yrel, won'tcha?". Diamond Rustscythe waited for her to answer and would then talk to Zenru again. "Zenru, l'll talk more with you in a bit. l have to talk to the captain and recruits that accompanied me her, seeing as how l sent them to scout the city for information. l'll be back, right after, to discuss housing and training, as suggested. How about we meet up at the inn l saw a few blocks from here, ey, sound good?" he asked in a jovial voice as his smile stretched.




They looked surprised. One whistled, "how many, now, is that?" The other shrugged. "Sword-and-gun, sanick, Captain, cloak-and-dagger, the sleepy-looking one, and now...A mare in a dress." "I thought this place didn't get that many visitors..." "Who knows, maybe this place is rising in popularity. After all, the princesses have been spending a lot of time here..." The one that talked first blinked, "oh, wait, sorry, we forgot you were here! Lemme open the gates..." "Remember--this is the fighting capital of Equestria--it's not exactly a safe place. I'm not gonna assume you can't fight--last time we did, I got my flank kicked--but we're sorta obliged to tell you that it's a dangerous place if you're not careful." "Other then that..." The gates had opened fully, allowing access, "enjoy your stay."

The Pegasusmare smiled mysteriously before chuckling."Oh, don't you fine colts worry your heads about me being in danger, l have heard about this city and l am well prepared for what's inside. You might even expect more from me in the time to come as l 'stay' here". She chuckled again and walked forward, into the city where it all happened, where she intended to leave her name hanging on everypony's lips and in everypony's mind...
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@@Silver Snow, @@Fractured,
​Ice grinned and shook the pony's hoof eagerly. ​"Heh--yeah. I'd love to give you a good workout whenever you get the chance." ​He then let go, nodding once, ​"But for now, business is business. You have a good time down there. Oh, and don't forget to knock before entering...seriously, knock."

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The receptionist never saw it coming. In one movement, the gray coated mare with the violet eyes had broke into a run, sliding over the top of the empty desk next to her, and landed on the opposite side, towards the arena's entrance. The receptionist looked up in shock.


"Um, you need a registration. You can't exactly-"


"Got one." The gray mare grinned, holding up an oddly familiar card. "But if you don't mind, i'm really excited for this, and I gotta get going. Do you mind?"


"Ummm...can I at least ask your name?"


"Oh... Ivory. Ivory Star." She gave a happy grin, then dipped her head with a smirk. "See ya." An instant later, she was off, trotting out into Bangcolt's limits. "Back again..."




Luna nodded in response, ignoring the cut for now. "I apologize. Not for the cut, but for the residual effects, as it seems some still remains, even after the sealing. Long before this time, this weapon was crafted, along with its sisters, in the service of war. Back then, it was a true terror; one that could cause steel to rust, water to freeze, and flesh to rot, with but a cut. But, now, after the sealing, it is little more than an exceptional blade, used for this exact occasion. It's name... Nadir." The blade seemed to shiver in response, rattling in Luna's grip. She held it outward to her. "Let's begin again." In an instant, she took off, flying just above ground level. She began cutting circles around Raze's position, keeping well out of arms reach, and whipping up a small gale from the speed.




@Silver Snow, @J.R.

Rarity nodded once in agreement, looking the stallion over for the last time. Nice casual attitude, and seemed to be friendly enough. Not bad looking either... she stopped, chiding herself for her building thoughts, before focusing once again on the stallion. No doubt we will see you soon. But for now, goodbye, Demiro." She flashed him her best smile.






"Attention, ponies! We have a double feature on our hands. Newcomer Copper Strikes will be competing against our beloved solar princess, Princess Celestia!" An ecstatic roar shook out across the arena, and the voice held its voice, as if waiting for them to finish. "...Arena, the streets of Canterlot. Ponies, begin!"


... Celestia stood in the center of arena as it buzzed and twitched, unveiling the setting. When it was finished, she stood in the middle of one of the streets. The shopping district, it would seem, judging from the expansive arrays of tents and food stalls scattered around the area. Smiling softly to herself, she closed her eyes, awaiting the new challenger.

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"Yeah, well, after all that, it still manages to feel like a sizzling iron going through you..." Raze said to her matter-of-factly. He looked around as Luna was flying around, then sighed.


"You know, even though I said I believe in giving it my all, I really wanted to hold this back. But, I guess you leave me no choice..."


He reached for his weapon belt, and took out a small gourd, labeled with foreign writing which, translated, read as "Purify". He popped the cork on the gourd's lid, and inside was some sort of alcohol. He took a swig, but did not swallow. Bringing the blade close to him, he spat the alcohol onto the blade, and then put a hoof at the base of the blade. He took a deep breath, then began to quietly chant in a foreign language, slowly running his hoof against the blade. Suddenly, it began to glow a mysterious white, emitting a faint aura around the edges. He stopped chanting, then looked up at Luna.


"You know, I may have been taught graceful arts on my travels..." he said.


"But I learned some pretty greusome ones as well."


With that, he lightly tossed the blade and caught it, holding it so that the blade was facing him, then stabbed himself in the gut. Once again, the pain seemed unbearable, but Raze held through. He gripped the handle extremely tight, holding it as if drawing the sword from its scabbard, then pulled it out of him, some of his blood leaking out in the process, although the blade itself wasn't stained. The faint white aura on the blade from before now became a raging one, and he re-sheathed the sword and assumed a low stance, the scabbard now becoming engulfed in the white aura as well.

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