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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Axton simply watched as Raze threw the crown pieces away. Big mistake. The soul hunter's voice became distorted and devilish. ​" ​That was a very big mistake, good sir. It is not about who is rich and who is poor. At the end of the day, you still stole something that wasn't yours...you could potentially be fined up to thrice of what you had so carelessly thrown away. And to top it all off, you're not even a real thief. You simply threw those away. A smart criminal would have at least broken it down and sold it by now. But no...instead you wish to make a name for yourself by being foolish and stealing from a royal guard and a prestigious individual."


He walked towards Raze with his gaze still fiery, ​" ​You have two options: Either present yourself before the court and accept your punishments....or deal with me."

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Raze stood up. "Do I look like I care? I'm a wanderer, if I make trouble, I can disappear. The law doesn't intimidate me; hell, at some point in my life I was the law. But that doesn't matter to me anymore... I play by my own rules now. My own code."


He adjusted his katana. "Go ahead. Try and arrest me. I never was liked by the Royal Guard anyway."


As he was talking, he began to communicate with Agririon once more.


Ag, someone's followed me here. Some guy who thinks he's hot shit, or something, he tried to project to Agririon. Not saying you have to come, just thought I'd let you know. Don't know if Mortus is supposed to be secret or anything, but that's been compromised now...


He dropped his saddlebags, then looked to see that the bag of tea leaves he had received from Agririon's friend were laying next to him. He sighed, and quickly picked them up.


"And to think I was actually gonna brew this later..." he said. "Oh well, that'll wait." He turned around and assumed a ready stance, a hoof hovering over the katana handle.


Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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Axton slowly began to realize something. This pony was not worth the time or the effort. That mare's priceless item had been taken, and he's wasting time with this...joker. No. This wasn't the way to go about this. His head slowly lost its flame and returned to normal. ​"With that mentality...there's no point in arresting you. If you don't care, then there's zero point to it. You're not worth the dirt we walk under. And you honestly have the balls to try and toss it all away? No....I don't entertain petty bullshit. Or common thieves with one track minds..." ​The reaper turned away, ​"Whether the lady's crown is more important...one thing's for sure...you aren't. What you do will be undone..." He would walk away from Raze, and back towards the city.

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Not this time, Ivory Star thought, as she saw the attack commencing. She had been learning, and adapting. When the blows came, she didn't fight them with power; instead, she simply let the walls move with the force, bending backwards from Ice Blizzard's attacks, but never quite yielding, and always advancing. They crawled up and over as they tightened, and in seconds, they covered him; a solid clear stretchy cocoon, with Ice Blizzard caught in the middle.

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This wasn't good. Ice felt the mass overcome him as she seemingly managed to counter it. However, this did little to stop him. Even as he was becoming ensnared, Ice closed his eyes. This fight was surely not something he had expected at all. Now he wished he had kept up his guard more, but he couldn't focus on how he messed up. Instead, he focused on how to push through. All of his senses to the outside world started to drift away...


Everything started to slow down within him as he began channeling another set of energy....one that he had never used before and only recently had been able to tap into. As the cocoon started to trap him....it would look and feel as if something was building. Something big....and something strong...

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A suitable enough distance away to see, Ivory Star watched as Ice Blizzard began to slow down inside the cocoon. But, he hadn't tapped out yet, which meant... crap. Something big was coming. Something that she probably didn't want to stick around, and get caught in the radius of. So, only stopping to alter the frequency on the shield around Ice Blizzard, setting it to vibrate once again, and conjuring a similar shield around herself, she used a panel to float herself upward, hopefully out of harm's way. Walking with a shattered leg certainly wasn't an option, after all, so this would be the best it got.

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Silence...utter silence. Calmness...peace....and everything that was chill. Ice was seemingly in near perfect sync with the world around him, and the energy within him. ​"My ancestors....it's time."


​A massive jolt would rattle the entire arena. Something even Ivory would be able to feel as she moved away. All the sudden, she could see him struggling to break out of the cocoon with an animalistic aura surrounding him. If she looked closely...she could see that the aura around his body was...a lizard of some kind...with wings! His ancestors had given him access to 100% of their power, allowing him to go all out with nothing holding him back. Along with this, he had gained an aura to fuel his strength in order to break out--it was of the ice dragon...

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"Whatever you say, Ghost Rider wannabe!" Raze hollered to the stranger with a mocking grin. "Like, seriously, I thought you were gonna use the Penance Stare on me or something. Also, very original, trying to play the cool, judgemental guy. You're probably like the 300th person I've seen trying to pull off that look."


He waited until he had left, then turned to the portal, shaking his head.


"What a gullible fool," he said to himself. "He honestly thought I'd throw the pieces into a portal all willy-nilly?"


Unbeknownst to the Ghost Rider wannabe, Raze had actually thought of a place in his head before throwing the pieces into the portal, and he begun to re-think of that same exact place before heading in himself...


Right back in the Bangcolt arena infirmary room he was once in, with the pieces sitting on the bed. He took the pieces, put them in his bag, and headed out slowly, looking for anyone that might be looking for him as well.


It was then that he realized that there were two more people in the room with him, both hospitalized... and awake in full body casts.



"Uh..." Raze said, looking around. "Hi there. Don't mind me, I, uh... made a wrong turn."


@bronislav84 @P-Jay

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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@@Literally Snails,

As he went above the treeline, he would be able to see numerous amounts of trees cut down within the woods. This wasn't any normal lumberjack's work either. A very large portion of the trees were gone and just there with stumps. It was as if Snowstorm was brought here...

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It was then that he realized that there were two more people in the room with him, both hospitalized... and awake in full body casts.



"Uh..." Raze said, looking around. "Hi there. Don't mind me, I, uh... made a wrong turn."


The stallion cast Raze an annoyed expression. Or, at least, tried to, with the cast covering some of his face, and muzzle.


He had few things near his bedside--a sheathed straight katana, which rested against his bed, and a grey cape, draped near the foot of his bed in a rather flashy fashion. A saddle, likely containing whatever other possessions he owned, was near the sword.


He spoke, with an irritated tone. "...I hate liars. You had business in this room, and you damn well know it..."

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"So what if I did?" Raze responded back. "That's my business, not yours. Stay away from the things you don't know, you'll be better off in the long run."


He looked at the things near the stallion's bed. For some reason, he had a feeling he'd just break out of the full body cast and attack him like an asshole, but he disregarded the thought. For now, though, he looked out the door. Nobody. He looked back at the room, and sat down on an empty bed, thinking what he should do.

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​The ninja pony Karas was flying down the streets of Bangcolt above the building line. It had a new objective: Escort a high profile individual from the train station, and into the city with no complications. Who was this high level individual? Well that was yet to be seen, as the ninja had to make its way down to the station to receive the next half of its objective.
​A pale cream colt was walking down the streets towards the mall carrying a duffel bag. His face was somewhat familiar, as there were many billboards, and newspapers around town with his face on them. There were also several shops and stores around town selling his merchandise. Bats, balls, gloves, shirts, hats, mugs, lunch boxes, cereal, shoes, stickers, cards, energy drinks, you name it. He sells it. Or rather--its his face that sells it. The company he works for takes pictures of him to put on his merch, and he makes a pretty penny. Needless to say, he was quite famous. Who was he? The Batter Boy.

​With no time to waste, he made his way into the mall to prepare for his next photoshoot.

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Jade watched as Mni prepared what he'd called his 'Psychic Silk Thread'. It appeared to be some kind of whip with a mind of its own.


She narrowed her eyes and used her wing to draw her sword, holding it in her wingtips. As the whip neared her, she swung herself around in attempt to cut it off as it wrapped around her.

Attempting to cut the thread felt like she was striking against solid stone. The sword was deflected off of it before the thread wrapped around her waste.


"Still just a regular sword, I see. That thread is tied to my demonic energy. Good luck trying to break it with that butter knife!" Mni taunted as he pulled on the base of the rope, making it tighten.

@@Literally Snails,

As he went above the treeline, he would be able to see numerous amounts of trees cut down within the woods. This wasn't any normal lumberjack's work either. A very large portion of the trees were gone and just there with stumps. It was as if Snowstorm was brought here...

Snowstorm stayed hovering in the air for a few moments, observing the scene, before he returned his blade to its sheath and hovered down to calmly land ontop of one of the empty stumps.


"You wanted me to see this." He stated surely, his voice slightly echoing. "Why?"

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Ivory Star let out a marked sigh, as she saw the dragon began to build inside the cocoon. She dropped the shield surrounding Ice Blizzard, though she kept her own. She doubt it would hold anyways, so she could at least save herself some energy.


It wasn't fair. Well, maybe it was, she thought, as she prepared herself for Ice Blizzard's next attack. It was her existence here that wasn't fair, the original sin. She had cheated, and now she needed to play by the rules set out for her. Which meant, in this case...


She let out a sigh, and looked down. At least forty feet up. Would probably cost her her second shoulder, if she did it wrong. But could she...?

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Attempting to cut the thread felt like she was striking against solid stone. The sword was deflected off of it before the thread wrapped around her waste.


"Still just a regular sword, I see. That thread is tied to my demonic energy. Good luck trying to break it with that butter knife!" Mni taunted as he pulled on the base of the rope, making it tighten.


Jade growled as her blade bounced off the thread harmlessly, not even causing a tear.


She narrowed her eyes at the demon, and let out a grunt as the thread tightened around her.


If only she could unlock that power she had before, then she could tear through this rope like a hot knife through butter.


How do I unlock that power again? How?!

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Caliber had been awake for half an hour, staring at the ceiling, in silence. Replaying what had happened in his mind, for the time he spent in the bed. Wondering, if he had been fighting at his fullest, instead of under the lingering gravity, would the result have been any different?


He grit his teeth. This felt too much like a loss. He had her on the ropes, using nothing but his sword and wits, but fluffed up in the final stretch.


Since he had gotten to Bangcolt, it had been nothing but one beatdown after another. He knew that this city was tough to make it big in, but he hadn't expected this much...Humiliation from it. He had just about drifted back to sleep, when he heard Lektra's voice.


He responded in his usual tone.


"I'll pay. Pick whatever place you want..."

I had Sparky check the instruments. They were saying I was fully healed. Nuts to waiting to be released. I had work to do and food to eat with my friend. Sparky already knew what to do. I hadn't practiced teleportation in a long time, so this was much easier. Sparky used his eye beams to cut me out of the cast, and I slid out onto the floor, stretching then turning to Caliber. "The new All You Can Eat Hayburger that opened recently then, cause I don't want to put you out too much and we'll get your bit's worth then. Do you need help getting out of that?" I stretched my joints and kind of pranced around to get the blood flowing. The Docs did an amazing job. I didn't feel like I got crushed at all. Sparky moved over to Caliber, and would cut him out too if asked.

It was then that he realized that there were two more people in the room with him, both hospitalized... and awake in full body casts. "Uh..." Raze said, looking around. "Hi there. Don't mind me, I, uh... made a wrong turn."

He spoke, with an irritated tone. "...I hate liars. You had business in this room, and you damn well know it..."

"Agreed, Cal. Did you need something sir?" I looked him and his possessions over with an analytical eye, then felt like playing around a bit. Hopefully Caliber would catch on it was a joke. I spoke with a playful grin. "We have a date to get to."

Celestia paused. Commonplace to other ponies, but to her, very bizarre, as it was something that she rarely did, or ever had to do. Only two circumstances in her life ever being sufficient to cause it, in fact. One, her being shocked beyond words, which gradually began to grow less and less common over thousands of years of walking Equis, and other planes. Or when she truly didn't know something. As was the case now.


She let out a sigh. This was one of the problems she had discovered very early on in her planning; best to get it over with now. "I am not sure. Luna may have walked your dreams, and forgiven you, and I am willing to at least offer the chance, but neither of us have been hurt so personally by you as was Cadence." She skipped over the details; she didn't think Chrysalis needed to be reminded. "There are no ways around this; I hold no control over the actions of the Crystal Empire, so I cannot force jurisdiction over there, even if I had a need to." A fact which was partially untrue; she had ways of getting around practically everything, even if at a cost. But Chrysalis didn't need to know that. "Which leaves only the option of seeing my niece. Somehow, you'll have to convince her of your change, and of how much you need this."

"Your sister probably just took a chance on me. At first I was resistant to this dream, even questioning what was happening to me." She had tears in her eyes a bit. "But then on subsequent nights of not having much to eat it was something I looked forward to while I cried myself to sleep. It was definitely confusing being a pony without magic or wings in this dream while I had no control over my form, but it was enjoyable and she made it more elaborate each time I went to bed. Never the same twice, but always familiar." She wiped the tears at this point. Not a good idea to look weak if one could avoid it. "One night the dream was different. You came to my dream. We hugged and you said I was good pony. You taught me to value friendship and peace. It was not hard to guess this was just part of the dream, but it was still a nice gesture and I enjoyed it at the time. It gave me more of a sense of belonging and of not being hated by so many. Maybe she told you about this, maybe she did not. I do not know." She recalled this fondly, for it was really nice to spend that night just talking and learning. "Over subsequent nights, Luna offered to teach me some of her spells. I excelled at dark magic, dark energy absorption, shadow magic in general, and control of shadows. Luna was not surprised, but she said this was all me. She was not controlling the dream to make me somehow more skilled. But then....." The tears were back and she wiped them again with a forehoof, sniffling a bit. "She showed me what would happen if I went back to my old ways, and it was not good. I wanted the pony dream back. I did not want it to end. Luna said it was time for the dream to end, but helped me craft a similar form to be more comfortable in. She said it was time for me and my  people to find our own way in the world. A better way. I knew what I had to do. I had to find you and her in the real world and change the fate of my people for the better. Unfortunately things got a bit complicated upon my arrival, but that all worked out. Now we are here."


Kevin already knew this, so he stayed silent.


"Anyway I am truly sorry about what happened with Cadence. It was pretty much another life, and another me. I would say such things need to be punished, but I feel we have been humbled enough by the defeats already. If Cadence feels some kind of reparations are in order, that would be acceptable though. Where is she now? Before we go......" She did not finish her sentence, instead just sniffled and kind of charged at Celestia. Kevin facehooved but otherwise stayed silent.


Chrissy hugged Celestia snuggling under her left wing like in the dream when she was smaller, not bowling her over but just enough. "Princess, am I a pony? Could I be?" She was crying, leaking a bit.


"What did I say about holding your dignity?" Kevin just couldn't understand at this point that she needed this, even if Celestia said no.

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@@Literally Snails,

No answer would answer him for about 5 or so minutes. That is, until... ​"Why...why do you have to do this to us....you ponies have to kill and burn us....why?!"



Ice roared loudly along with the dragon aura surrounding him. In no time, it had been enough to break him out of the shield. This was his endgame. His last resort tactic. One of many untapped moves within his arsenal. His clan normally did not allow him to go one hundred percent, except to show the full exten​t of his ability. Fortunately, Ivory could tell that he wasn't mindlessly being possessed or anything, because he grinned up at her with the same smirk he always had. Going for what he could, he would shoot a beam of ice at her from his hooves. Interestingly, it would look as if the dragon aura around him was breathing it, but it was simply a normal attack.

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Raze immediately recognized her. It was the cute mare he saw on the TV screens. He looked at her with a raised brow.

"A date, eh?" he said to her, then looked back at the other stallion before returning his gaze to her. "Well, I came to pick up something that I forgot here. That's all. If your friend had just asked nicely, I might have told him. Being rude doesn't get you anywhere, yeah?"

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​The colt made his way into the mall, and sat his duffel bag down. After which, he looked over near the fountain in the middle of the massive shopping center. For once, he somehow made it to a photography session early before the crew did. Well, at least this gave him some time to explore around the shop for a bit. Unless...there was the chance he left and his crew wouldn't see him. Ugh. What to do...

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Raze immediately recognized her. It was the cute mare he saw on the TV screens. He looked at her with a raised brow.

"A date, eh?" he said to her, then looked back at the other stallion before returning his gaze to her. "Well, I came to pick up something that I forgot here. That's all. If your friend had just asked nicely, I might have told him. Being rude doesn't get you anywhere, yeah?"


Caliber blinked. "...Sounds good. All-you-can-eat it is..." Turning to look at Sparky, before biting his tongue to withhold a yelp, that would've followed a sharp popping sound in his back. Spine was still healing. Imagine that.


Regardless, he still managed to somewhat prop himself up, to look at Lektra prancing, and Raze...Fiddling with some shards of what looked like a crown.


He replied with a snort.


"You're the one who told me to 'stay away from things I don't know about, and I'd be better off in the long run.' Like hell you would've told me. And it's not like I need to be told, to know, anyways..."


He studied Raze for a moment. "...I know that expression all too well. A liar. And a thief. I don't want anything to do with someone with no honor like that. Get outta here, before we get in trouble for just talking to you. Probably guards looking for you as we speak..."


He had gingerly laid back down, at this point, with that annoyed frown still placed over his muzzle.

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Twilight stopped at his side, and assesed the statue herself, scanning from the base to the headpiece and she giggled. Was there anymore accurate depiction of Discord? Absentmindedly, she answered undetecting his sarcasm, "Learning is fruitful, but application is the only way to verify the learning you acquired is invaluable." She blinked, and a blush flooded her face, "Oh, you weren't being serious." 


(Utter shit post is totally utter shit)

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As Karas made its way down to the train station, it slowly began to realize that there were no stops for another good hour or so. How in the heck was he supposed to escort the individual if they didn't arrive? And then it came to him. Literally. On its watch, it looked over, and read the neew communication that had come in. Apparently, Priority Nexus Target or PNT, was not a pony, but a thing. A thing that no business here and could potentially cause a major disturbance. But what exactly was the question...

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Raze looked at him, then scoffed.

"Hah... Ahahahaha!" he started to laugh. "Ah... oh, man, you really are quick to judge, eh? Honor? You don't know jack shit about my honor, or what I've been through..."


He stood up, approaching him. "Do you know what it's like to have everything taken from you? To be forced to kill someone who you regard as family? To see everything you know and love burnt to ash by the greed of the corrupt?!" He held up the crown pieces. "They are the thieves. They are the liars. They cut down countless lives to get what they want, and they don't stop. Well, I say I've had enough of that. Stealing? If anything, this is a taste of her own medicine for stealing from those who were in her way. Honor? Yeah I probably don't have any left, whatever's left of it disappeared when I killed those greedy bastards for stealing what I loved from me! You know nothing of me... so stop acting like you do."

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More info would come through to the agent. Karas would see on his watch that the Priority Nexus Target was already in progress within the city. Something had to be done--and quickly before whatever Nexus Target was intitiated...


Without anymore time wasted, Karas made its way back into the city.


Meanwhile, in the Bangcolt hospital in the upper wings, Nadelle was busy tending to a few patients. By a few, however, there was quite a bit. It seemed that a total of seven ponies had come down with some sort of the same sickness: Copious amounts of bumps and blisters all over their bodies. And these weren't bee stings. Something was definitely wrong, but the nurse couldn't figure out what.

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All of that set-up for a normal attack? Bait or trap... Ivory Star dropped the energy that she was standing on as the beam swept towards her, dipping under it. She re-materialized another one a moment later, slightly closer to the ground, and let out a grunt of pain as she landed on it. Broken shoulder. Somehow, she'd forgotten.


Deciding to press her luck, she attacked. Drawing up a spiraling wave of tightly woven force, for extra penetrative power, she sent it directly towards Ice Blizzard. If anything was going to happen, it should happen soon, she thought, wondering how much energy this body still had left to afford.




Celestia paused.




"...Could I be?"


"No! Celly, it's the day before the coronation. The whole of Equestria is looking to us for this. And we're going to be princesses! The first princesses!" Luna, still a filly, bumped her sister's flank in excitement, grinning happily. "Why wouldn't you want that?"


"No, it's not that, it's..." Celestia shook her head, and flashed back a smile in return. The first false one she'd ever given. "...Never mind..."







"...Could I be?"


"No." Starswirl, with a look that spoke out anger, disappointment, and betrayal, cast the last of the enchantments, sealing a portal to a distant world. Hopefully, forever. He let out a sigh; it shouldn't have to be like this. "I shouldn't have to remind you of your duties, Princess. Your role is as protector of Equestria, and it's been that way ever since I took you and your sister in under my hat and helped you become what I knew you could be. And with that, there comes certain sacrifices..." He let out an even deeper sigh, as he left the room, head down. "...Even if it's love."







"...Could I be?"


"Well... yes." The long serpentine form of Discord floated down, winding its way around her, smirking as he went. Around them, the destruction of the home she had once loved above all others lay around her, taunting her in the softest of voices. The voices of her kin.


"...Really." Celestia gave a defeated sigh; there was no doubt this was a trick. But, within the despair, she had lost that last tiny spot of hope, that had been so huge when she had started this battle. She had been so confident that she could win, and now... She looked around, at the ruins of the badlands, and dropped her head again. What else was there, when they had gone this far? What else could be worse?


"Taking wings and horns is really just foals-play. I'm fairly confident I could take yours, too. Make you a "normal pony." Discord tapped his chin in mock contemplation. "Or maybe change time. Make it so that you and your sister were never alicorns. Oh, but that's complex..."


Celestia kept silent. She had been around Discord long enough to know.


"...Ooohh... but who would save Equestria then? You'd be leaving an entire world upside down. Your own sister to suffer without you. And the tribe..." One half of his body gave a sheepish shrug. "Well, they're already a bit too far gone. But, most importantly..." He had suddenly grown huge, towering over her. He let off a wicked grin. "You'd be depriving me of a prime playing partner! So, despite how delightfully chaotic that would be... no." He broke out into his signature chuckling laugh, as he floated away on a breeze, despite his size. "Play on, sweet Celestia, play on..."




It was only the grace of a ruler that kept Celestia from shaking, though she'd felt the memories like a physical blow. The last of it seemed to fall away, however, as what she was about to do would no doubt violate every principle she had ever been taught. Everything that she'd ever been told. She didn't hesitate. Taking her remaining wing, she wrapped it around Chrysalis, and knelt down to her level, drawing her into a hug.



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