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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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@@Hazard Time,


(fixed. Next time, use a less confusing descriptor than "periwinkle." I assumed it meant pink. Sorry.)


The mare quirked an eyebrow. (Or perhaps both; It was impossible to tell with half of her face obscured by her mane.) "Specific somepony, eh?" she rasped. "What makes you think they've come to Bangcolt?"


A pause, and she buried her face in a hoof. "Sorry, forget I asked. I just watched an insane flying earth pony and two kids on a skateboard fighting a demon, I should not be questioning anything. Clearly, a lot goes on here."


"Ugh, never mind." She shook her head. "Perhaps I can help. Not with finding, but if you need help killing things, I do that. I'd give you my business card, but I left them in my hotel room and you wouldn't be able to read any of them anyway."


Shrugging, Iron spun her sword in her telekinesis and returned it to under her cloak, the red aura on her horn dying away.

Edited by Amorphous


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Raze sighed in frustration, then gave up.

"Alright, fine kid! Have it your way!" He took a deep breath.


"There's a demon out there, that I intend to expose and seal away," he said. "This girl here, has something about her that's useful, something that a friend of mine won't tell me. And I want to find out what that is, but it seems that my friend told her something about me, something that made me look bad. And ironically, I'm probably living up to everything he said..."


He sat down on the ground, back against the alley wall.


"And now all this shit happens. My training and disciplines are falling apart, I get this power I don't even know what it is, and now I'm resorting to kidnapping..." He dropped his head.


"I don't know what I'm doing anymore!! The only thing I know is I want this baroness dead! I don't even know if it's for revenge or the fact that she's harboring a demon. I don't know anymore..."

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Hazard Time,


The mare shook with one dull, gray hoof, a smile tugging the corner of her mouth. "Ironblade," she said. "Nice to meet you. Although I have to ask: Is Proud your name, or some desperate title?"


Ironblade's smile burst into a grin. "This should be fun. Where do we continue our search?"


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"It is my name, thank you very much," she replied, annoyed.  "One chosen by the very pony I now war against, but it is mine and my own.  Having said that, my brother is Soft Zoisite.  The two of us were attempting to find our way to the arena, where we believe our mare of interest may have registered.  You are more than welcome to join us."

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time,


Iron snorted and smirked, seeming to take pleasure from the other mare's discomfort. "Well, no use waiting. Let's go," she said, starting to trot down the street. "I know where it is; I've been there before." Her cloak fluttered in a stray breeze, revealing a faint glimpse of dark red on her flank, like a bloodstain.


Hmm. Speaking of the arena, she thought to herself, glancing at a rip in her cloak over one shoulder, I wonder where that old coot is? Was his name Selene? No, he never told me what it was. Huh. She tossed her head. I'll ask if I see him again.


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Ametrine and Zoisite were more than happy to let Iron lead the way, drawing their cloaks back up over their heads.  Her brother didn't say anything, as he was wont to do, but the pink mare was quick to make notice of their guide's seemingly savage tendencies.  She certainly seemed the type who enjoyed bathing in the blood of her enemies, but would she have the will to stand up to the evil that was to come?  Only time would tell.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time,


"Well," Iron said after a long and silent pause, "Here we are."


With another toss of her head, the unicorn walked over to the arena's outer wall and leaned against it. "Do what you need to," she said, dully and without interest. "I'll be over here. Waiting for you. Make it quick."


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Jade slept that night on Tricis couch in the living room of her cottage. There had been no training that day, of course, giving her time to recover. The living room also served as the kitchen and dining room, and the cottage only had two other rooms: a bathroom, and Tricis' bedroom, which Jade was not permitted to go into.


After a sound night of sleep for the old made, Tricis woke up at the crack of 3:30 in the morning, a time she had trained her body to always wake up at for her morning run, but this day, she had a different exercise in mind. She walked into the main room of the cottage, placed a hoof up to her lips, and whistled loudly up close to Jade's ears.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Jade slept that night on Tricis couch in the living room of her cottage. There had been no training that day, of course, giving her time to recover. The living room also served as the kitchen and dining room, and the cottage only had two other rooms: a bathroom, and Tricis' bedroom, which Jade was not permitted to go into.


After a sound night of sleep for the old made, Tricis woke up at the crack of 3:30 in the morning, a time she had trained her body to always wake up at for her morning run, but this day, she had a different exercise in mind. She walked into the main room of the cottage, placed a hoof up to her lips, and whistled loudly up close to Jade's ears.


Jade slept soundly that night, collapsing almost immediately as soon as she laid down. The fight with Mni had really taken it out of her, and she needed the rest. She did remember thinking how generous Tricis was to lend her her couch, and that she'd work extra hard to show her gratitude.


She was practically bucked out of her sleep by an almost ear-piercing whistle, and it took her just seconds to stand to attention in front of her new teacher.

"Good morning, Master." She said, looking focused and ready. She was used to getting such wake-up calls from Master Xiang as a filly.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(so sorry for taking so freaking long, but here it goes...)

Rhetoric raised an eyebrow "Indeed isn't this where, or rather when we are suppose to be? I'm rather confused here, although there's nothing new there..." he chuckled weakly hoping things would make sense soon, or something of that nature  

  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Unicorncob, @, @,​

Jack made his way over to Rosalia, trying to calm her down. ​"...Woah...everything's gonna be fine, alright? We're gonna get you to the meds as fast as we can." ​He looked over at his best friend, ​"Hey, Dubsy! You see her wheelchair anywhere? If we can find it, we can wheel her back."


​Somehow, in all the chaos, Rosalia's wheelchair had rolled into a bush next to where Double was standing.

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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​Jack made his way over to Rosalia, trying to calm her down. ​"...Woah...everything's gonna be fine, alright? We're gonna get you to the meds as fast as we can." ​He looked over at his best friend, ​"Hey, Dubsy! You see her wheelchair anywhere? If we can find it, we can wheel her back."


​Somehow, in all the chaos, Rosalia's wheelchair had rolled into a bush next to where Double was standing.


Double pricked her ears up and looked around for a wheelchair. She spotted one rolled into a bush, and pulled it out.

"Got it, Jackaboy!"


She rushed it over to Jack and Rosalia, positioning it next to the sickly filly. "You doin' alright? You need a hoof or somethin'?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Amorphous @@Fractured


"It should only be a moment," Ametrine responded, tossing her hood back and entering the lobby.  Hopefully her mother wasn't there, but she couldn't think of a reason why she would be.  Leading Zoisite over to the receptionist counter, she greeted the other with a warm smile.


"Good afternoon," she began.  "I'm looking for a friend of mine, crystal mare, yellow fur, red mane, blue eyes, named Carnelian Clout.  Has she come through here?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Unicorncob, @@J.R., @,


She took a few breaths and closed her eyes for a second before relaxing, her muscles visibly loosening. "N-no... I'm fine." She slowly stepped out of the corner and quietly used the wall to sit down again in the wheelchair. "I'm... I'm sorry you all had to see that. It's not unusual for things like this to happen. It just... I wasn't expecting it. He said that it was safe here." Settling herself down, she looked around to the minotaurs. Although this was the first time meeting one in real life, it paled in comparison to being... coddled by that large demonic beast. Almost like the ones that Agririon and his Equestrian friends fought.


"Umm... hi." she said, questioningly. "I'm sorry you had to witness that..." She paused for a second. "How... how are you two doing?"

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"...Thank you." Nurse Redheart breathed a sigh as she looked down at her cup; stress was really starting to wear off on her. Maybe this drink would help cool her nerves. She took a sip.


"...Just how I like it. Another job well done, Nurse Nadelle." She stopped, and breathed another sigh; she wouldn't be able to enjoy the effects of this coffee as much as she wanted to. Work to do. "...Symptoms."





"Nah. We were just finishing a talk, when you showed up," Sunset replied, looking back over to Ivory Star. "Right?"


"Right." Ivory Star turned around, facing Ice Blizzard. "It's fine. I wasn't really in my right mind at the time. I had a few problems going on, and I sort of used you as license to exacerbate them. I'm sorry, myself..."





Within less than a minute of the magic being sent out, a small golden form shot its way into the room. Darting for Luna's leg, it curled up it in a serpentine motion, before finding purchase on her back. The tiny wyvern stared first at her, then at the pony sleeping in her bed. It gave a huff.


"So this is the new stallion, eh?" The wyvern gave another dismissive huff, this one accompanied by golden flames. "He looks slimer than seven hydras. Long ago was the days you picked quality Luna. Long ago..."


"Hush," Luna hissed, in a sharp warning. "That's not what I brought you here for." She strolled over to Night Tracer's side. "Tell me if you can sense any foreign energies about him..."




@The Down Trotten

Terra looked ahead at the small, wood and stone based village covered in drifts of snow, and then back to Rhetoric. "This date is approximately a few days before I first arrived at this village. Before I was first "born." She began to walk once again, nearing its outer limits; hard to tell, under the amount of snow that had been deposited. "If there was an event that led to my birth here, or my memories being lost, then we are at the prime position to find it."




@Hazard Time

 "Ummm..." The receptionist behind the desk, a brown unicorn with a pen and quill cutie mark, blinked to himself. Pulling up the tournament sheet with his magic, he leafed through it. "...Nothing here. And I was just switched in for duty within the last hour, so I can't say that i've seen her around, either..."

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Rhetoric raised an eyebrow "Indeed isn't this where, or rather when we are suppose to be? I'm rather confused here, although there's nothing new there..." he chuckled weakly hoping things would make sense soon, or something of that nature  


Terra looked ahead at the small, wood and stone based village covered in drifts of snow, and then back to Rhetoric. "This date is approximately a few days before I first arrived at this village. Before I was first "born." She began to walk once again, nearing its outer limits; hard to tell, under the amount of snow that had been deposited. "If there was an event that led to my birth here, or my memories being lost, then we are at the prime position to find it."


Starlight tilted her head, curious. She had studied time travel and its effects from Star Swirl the Bearded's notes, and arriving at this particular time may present a problem.


"If you haven't been born yet, would you being here already not cause a problem?" She pointed out. "If we're not careful, we may cause a time paradox and cause the whole future of Equestria to unravel."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rhetoric frowned "Uh... surely if we just lay low everything should be ok right? It's not like we're going to romp into town and make a big noise about ourselfs right? So we should be good right?" he chuckled nervously , hoping to something that he woldn;t be a part of killing timelines and causing the world to blow up 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Nadelle smiled a bit as she was given gratitude from her idol, but quickly snapped out of it when she said that last word. Symptoms! She needed to hurry up and grab her notes as fast as she could. ​"Ah! Oh, um..y-yes!" ​With a speeding blur, the nervous nurse ran into her office, and ran back out to her with a notepad. ​"Z-zere may be somezing useful....but it's in a very dangerous place..."


​"Oh....um....don't worry about it. It's all good." ​He grinned, ​"So, uh...guess that's really all I gotta say unless there was something else. I know how awkward those 'third wheel' situations get and I wouldn't wanna make ya'll uncomfortable."

Edited by J.R.
  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Hazard Time

 "Ummm..." The receptionist behind the desk, a brown unicorn with a pen and quill cutie mark, blinked to himself. Pulling up the tournament sheet with his magic, he leafed through it. "...Nothing here. And I was just switched in for duty within the last hour, so I can't say that i've seen her around, either..."


Ametrine grit her teeth in frustration.  Damn it all, don't tell me I wasted all those bits on two train tickets for nothing!


"Is there anypony who might have been on during the last several hours who might have seen her?  I don't care who, it is very important that I find her."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Wilhelm raised an eyebrow. "You were pirates? Well, more accurately, you and Sleight were pirates?" A slow smile crossed his face. My, we do have a lot in common. "Do tell."


While he waited for Anette's response, Wilhelm took a few bites of food, and immediately regretted it. Quickly, he took up his glass of water and drained half of it in an instant, then glared reproachfully at the -- still delicious -- pasta. "By Celestia, that was hot. My tongue is on fire." He paused. "Well, not any more. Though I'm pretty sure it was actually on fire for a few seconds."

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@@Hazard Time,


Ironblade glanced up at the sky, bored. She didn't really care to follow Zoisite and Ametrine inside at the moment, instead basking in the warmth of the wall she leaned against and watching a luminescent yellow streak weave its way through the sky, leaving a swirling, dust-colored trail behind it. As the soaring, glowing pony made a dive, her odd familiarity finally clicked in Iron's mind.


Ah. Wasn't she the crazy earth pony that tried to fight the death monster thing? Iron thought, her eye slowly moving to track the streak's progress across the sky. Iron couldn't have told whether she'd seen any of the random passerby, but that glowing streak of a pony was familiar. I suppose she's hard to miss.


The tan mare pulled her wings close to her body, only pulling out of her dive once she'd become dangerously close to the street. She raised one wing up, slipping into a roll that carried her over the heads of the passerby before using her momentum to throw herself back in the air. A graceful wingbeat sent her into the sky, twisting once before flaring her dazzlingly glowing, translucent wings. Her dark, turquoise mane fluttered in some unseen breeze, almost appearing like a translucent extension  of her tan coat against the sky. Folding her wings halfway, the mare dropped to the street below, landing with a thump and flaring her wings in one last burst of light. They dissolved into glowing motes of light as scattered applause filled the street.


The mare stayed with her small crowd of fans for a few minutes, chatting and laughing.


Ironblade watched quietly. Show-off, she thought.


After a length of time Iron didn't bother to count, the group dispersed and the mare started to trot down the street. A pair of goggles rested on her forehead, and Iron could see the brown cloth straps that held two brass plates to her shoulders, like some kind of impractical armor. The tan mare shook sweat out of her mane and grinned broadly.


"For an earth pony, you fly quite well," Iron called as the mare walked past.


That seemed to grab her attention quickly. The look she gave Iron, strangely, was one of derision, eyes narrowed, muzzle lifted. "I am not an earth pony," she replied sharply. "I am just as much a pegasus as any other, thank you very much."


"Okay, okay," Iron muttered, leaning into the wall a little more. "Sorry." The word sounded as though it had been crammed through several industrial grinders before forcing its way out of her mouth.


"As you should be," the tan mare replied. Seemingly without noticing, she had started to lean against the wall next to Ironblade.


"Well," Iron said after an awkward pause, "I did enjoy your flying. I've never seen a pony turn so fast before."


The mare smiled a cocky smirk. "Glad you enjoyed it," she said. "I've been practicing a long time."


Once again, they sat in silence, this one more of a companionable silence, the silence of two ponies who knew there was no more that needed to be said. They quietly watched the many ponies that walked by.


This time, it was the other mare that broke the silence. "So," she said, "What's your name, anyway?"


"Ironblade," she replied.


"Dust Devil," the other mare answered. They slowly shook hooves, Dust Devil looking over Iron as though seeing her for the first time. She quirked an eyebrow. "What brings you to Bangcolt?"


"Isn't it obvious?" Iron replied, waving one hoof vaguely over the scars that marked her. "I should be asking that to you, in fact."


At this, Dust shrugged. "I dunno. I thought it would be really cool to visit here, maybe watch ponies drive each other into the floor." She paused, green eyes narrowing. "If you're here to do stuff like that, why are you sitting, leaning against this wall like a chump?"


At this, Ironblade actually chuckled. "I'm waiting for some friends of mine, two very friendly crystal ponies. We have a... a business contract, let's call it."


"Sounds cool," Dust said. "I've only seen one crystal pony here, and that was from a distance."


Iron nodded absently as a thought entered her mind. It was a possibility, and one she rather liked. "Well, why don't you wait with me and meet them?" she asked casually. "I'm sure they'd be pleased to make a new friend."


"That sounds cool," Dust replied.


And the two of them waited, leaning against the wall, chatting like old friends.

  • Brohoof 1


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Jade slept soundly that night, collapsing almost immediately as soon as she laid down. The fight with Mni had really taken it out of her, and she needed the rest. She did remember thinking how generous Tricis was to lend her her couch, and that she'd work extra hard to show her gratitude.


She was practically bucked out of her sleep by an almost ear-piercing whistle, and it took her just seconds to stand to attention in front of her new teacher.

"Good morning, Master." She said, looking focused and ready. She was used to getting such wake-up calls from Master Xiang as a filly.

Tricis gave a sort of pleasant smile, the first show of genuine pleasantly Jade had seen of her. Tricis was surprised by how well Jade had taken the wake up call, seeing as how it was still pitch black outside.


"Good morning to you, Jade. I wanted to wake you up thirty minutes earlier than usual so we can get to know each other on our first day." She explained, then she gestured to the kitchen area of the room. "I've got some tea for you already. I'm sure you're groggy at this hour."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Tricis gave a sort of pleasant smile, the first show of genuine pleasantly Jade had seen of her. Tricis was surprised by how well Jade had taken the wake up call, seeing as how it was still pitch black outside.


"Good morning to you, Jade. I wanted to wake you up thirty minutes earlier than usual so we can get to know each other on our first day." She explained, then she gestured to the kitchen area of the room. "I've got some tea for you already. I'm sure you're groggy at this hour."


Jade, though she tried not to show it, was both surprised and relieved to see Tricis pleased with her. It was the first time she'd actually seen her smile.


Upon hearing the offer for tea, she allowed herself to falter a bit as she relaxed, and dipped her head to her teacher. "Thank you, Master. I could use it, honestly."


She didn't want to insult Tricis by turning down her hospitality, and after the fight the day before, she could really do with some refreshment. Tricis was right - she was very groggy.


She walked into the kitchen area and took a seat at the table, reaching for a mug.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@The Down Trotten

"No." Terra looked over at Rhetoric, then back to Starlight. "Timewise, I have to have existed before my memories begin. Timewise, it isn't feasible that I would simply pop into existence as I am, at that single moment. There has to be more." Terra finally strode into the limits of the town, looking around.


It seemed barely inhabited. Ancient wooden one room fixtures that look like they'd been built years ago lay haphazardly all over the town, buried in snow, and looking like they could fall apart at any moment. Very few ponies could be seen, and the ones that did regarded the strangers with careful, suspicious eyes. Passing quickly by them, without saying a word...





"You should know by now I hardly care, Nurse Nadelle. As it has been, it will always the Nurse's motto: the patients come first." Nurse Redheart looked over at Nurse Nadelle, eyes intensely serious. "And i'm going to need everything that you have, in order to beat this thing."





"No, that's it," Sunset Shimmer nodded.


"Personally, I think we're fine," Ivory Star added. "Right after this, we were just going to go throw down against each other in the arena. You can come watch if you want."


Sunset Shimmer nodded once again in agreement. "I haven't been here for that long, but I haven't forgotten my skills. It's definetely going to be something interesting, i'll tell you that."




@Hazard Time

"There... was an incident," the stallion recalled, one hoof up in a thought. "Before the last receptionist left, she mentioned something about some guards that had entered in in a panic, scared to death. Babbling something about a mare, a stallion that had been chasing her, and an undead alicorn." The stallion shrugged. "But that couldn't possibly be real, right? Just a group of guards having a bad drinking session, i'll bet."




@Orion Caelum

Anette gave a small, playful smile. "Something a bit lighter next time, then?" Her face quickly turned into one of thought, as she recalled a strange and rather interesting time.

"There was... an actual pirate, really. Called himself Brownbeard, because apparently Red and Black were taken. Anyways, no one actually knows how or why he was doing it, but apparently, he had somehow managed to acquire a boat, a set of surly comrades and a large stock of gunpowder, and was using it to terrorize the Manehatten Bay. Local millitia was powerless against him, or felt sorry for him, one or the other. Either way, no one was making a move, and no one would exit the bay.


Enter me and Sleight Mist, two ponies walking into the situation. Sleight Mist caught wind of the problem pretty quickly, and volunteered to get rid of the pirates, for a price, of course. The town agreed, and of course, this was one of the few times Sleight Mist allowed me to go along. Actually, I pressured her," Anette admitted, with a small smirk. "So we go to stop this roving band of new age pirates..." She leaned forward suspensefully. "And then it gets crazy." 

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