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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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The brown earth pony smiled in return "A game? Sure. Sounds wonderful. Of course you'll have to pardon me if we get interrupted." he actually laughed at the notion "So what be this game?"  he was actually stupidly excited, he never had time for too many games in his colthood, and at school...well that didn't work out so well either


Chrysalis stifled rolling her eyes, if that's what those two had to do to keep their fears at bay then so be it, just as long as they would be ready for when a fight. Turning into a non discirpt unicorn to coincide with Celestia's suggestion, she decided to done the appearance of a royal guard "I hope you do not take offense to this your highness but your "guards" were the least of our worries when we invaded... But it seems rather fitting for one to be with you anyway." she saluted as a male gray unicorn "Stonewall reporting for duty your highness." he couldn't help but smile. The thrill of the illusion never got old 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Night Tracer stepped back from the filly; he was caught off guard, like Miami to the infamous Hail Flutie. He stumbled back into the reaping ebony. Better than having a furious filly all over him, likewise, he wouldn't have had any other filly upset with him. Apart from the fact this particular filly could obliterate him within seconds of concentrated thought. Then again he didn't know that--yet. 


It didn't take long for Luna to reveal who she was and Night Tracer stopped, his muscles turned into steardy wooden planks and his eyes into narrow scopes, he tried to look through the pitch to see her but he couldn't. He had to get a better look; ears could be deciteful, especially when instructed by the illusive, like herself. 


He lifted one hoof in front of the other, slowly stepping forwards, his forehead began to heat up and his heart began to race--thumping away like a furious rabbit on the run--he wished he could, he longed for it but his curiousity got the better of him. Night loosened up his legs and began to inch forward until his eyes rest upon her again. And he knew, it was her. Not how Night was use to seeing her but it was still her nonetheless. 

"L-Luna?" He spat out with an estranged tone. Night Tracer didn't mean to but it was instinctive to react that way towards his pain, which she happened to be a large part of the last day. Granted, he was doing a rather good job of supressing her from his thoughts, the chores at Applejack's, physical pain and sleep worked pretty well. It wasn't until now he had really stopped and thought about her. Night Tracer arched his back and hung his head, preceding an overdue sigh of pain. 

Night Tracer was about to say something but he gagged; the room was humid, tense, and if he was correct it's walls were moving in on him pressuring him to speak. His legs began to wobble, for this was the first time he'd ever have to actually confront a problem of his. "Luna... Why?" He asked, hoping she would know what he was referring to. 

Edited by Tacoma


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@@Fractured, @@AmberDust,

Axton was stuck for a moment. As he suspected, the flly wasn't inclined to know much of anything. Typical. However, another mare entered, and he could probably question her about it, "Convenient."


He spoke to Erroria, "Sorry, wasn't a question about the shop. More so about the general area." He turned to the mare, "Miss? Have you seen any...strangely evil ponies around here?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Is Amber the sparkling blue pony...?



Amber entered the room hesitantly, noticing the dusty and crumbling walls that surrounded her. This certainly hadn't been what she was expecting, but it did have a certain mystique to it that made the mare even more curious. Her orange eyes glittered in the candlelight as they darted about the room.




Erroria slowly cracked her second eye open. The white pegasus filly looked at Axton, and at the same time, yawned heavily.   "You have questions, I have answers. Uh, I think that's how it goes..." She put her hoof up to her chin, then shrugged. "If they're about the magic shop anyway." Her eyes darted over to the second, sparkling blue pony that had just walked in, and she paused for a moment. She stared at her, transfixed. "Oooohhh...pretty..."



Slightly surprised, Amber looked up at where the voice had come from. There was a stallion in the room, and a filly, who seemed to be staring at Amber with wide, sparkling eyes.

The unicorn walked forwards a few steps, uncertainly.

"I was wondering if you had anything that could help me train," she asked the filly, then added, "Do you...work here?"



"Miss? Have you seen any...strangely evil ponies around here?"


Amber's eyes flickered towards the stallion.

"Why, no, I've just gotten here," she said, slightly caught off guard by the strange question. She then wondered what exactly an "evil pony" looked like, and why this stallion was looking for one.

"Why do you ask?" she said. She immediately felt embarrassed at the frivolity of her question. Why do you think, Amber?

Edited by AmberDust

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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As Ice walked away from Moondancer's place, he felt happy in that he helped her feel better, "Nice mare. Very nice. And Talon too. Glad she's feeling better. Looks like it'll be clear skies from this point forward." He started to trot happily. He was feeling very good at the moment a he walked down the street.


He then rounded a corner, and saw Anette, "Oh, there's Annie. And that bitch from before." He was about to continue walking with a smile, but did a double take, and got a delayed reaction of who else was with Anette, "Wait...bitch from before?! What's she doing?"


He walked closer, and hid behind a wall. He heard almost every word Nightingale was saying to Anette, "That's not cool. What the hell is her problem? I oughta beat her-- No...wait. Gotta calm down. Stay focused, stay alive...." He came out from behind the wall, and walked up to Anette, and stood alongside her. He looked to her, "Everything ok, Annie?"


He turned to Nightingale, "Do you have an issue? I mean, apparently. No one ever says, 'I want you to leave town.' What is this, a Western?" He shot Nightingale a disapproving look, and put a hoof on his scarf, "No seriously, why do you want Anette to leave? What did she do to you?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The filly let out a choking gasp as the world started to break down slowly around her. The walls crumbled in slowly, as if they had been aged, and the ceiling fell in shortly afterward, turning into black dust that swirled around and collected on the floor. The filly was left alone, on a bed of chains that writhed and twisted around her, and she looked down at Night Tracer sadly.


"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was just scared..."

Edited by Fractured
  • Brohoof 1
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Silver Spoon looked up at Jade and smiled. "I did. Outside of handling the hot metal, I do all of the work myself. It's my special talent; metalcrafting." she beamed, before her face fell slightly.


"It's the reason why my family's so rich now. It doesn't seem like much, but ponies will pay a fortune for the chance to be able to eat without looking like a mess. These go out from everywhere from Manehatten to Canterlot, and it seems like everypony wants one." She let out a heavy exhale. "But, it seems like the money really went to their heads..."


"Wow, this is an impressive skill," Jade complimented, smiling fondly at the finely crafted cutlery, "and at such a young age too."


She smiled down to Silver Spoon. "Money may not appeal to you, but keep in mind that your special talent is making ponies all over Equestria very happy. Perhaps even your princesses!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,


“Well at least the place is nice enough to give us a path to follow.” Calibur commented to Celestia’s explanation. He momentarily turned to look at Chrysalis as she shifted forms. Calibur still didn’t trust the changeling queen; and if she did suddenly decide to turn on them… well with Celestia looking exhausted it didn’t look good for them. He then remembered Sunset’s concern for him and quickly turned back to face her.


“It...It was nothing, and it’s definitely not your fault.” Calibur responded to Sunset, “Just got momentarily distracted that’s all.”


Calibur gave Sunset another smile of false confidence before beginning down the sole path infront of him, “Well...The quicker we get through this the better right?”

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@The Down Trotten

Trixie looked directly at Rhetoric Rash, and offered a small smile. "The game is this. I get think of a bad scenario, or series of events. You, in turn, get to think of something good about that scenario. Or, series of events," she muttered, rolling her head briefly. "When we're done, you can pick a bad scenario, and i'll find the good side. And the one who can't find the good side loses. Alright?" she finished, before looking away from him.


"I know, it's stupid. But, I wanted to try," she said, looking back towards him again with a half confident grin.




Celestia's eyes narrowed slightly at the off-hand, but she decided not to press it. "It is nice to meet you again, captain stonewall," she said openly, giving the changeling turned unicorn a mock salute. She then dropped the hoof, turning back to a normal pace. 


She walked for a bit, before sighing openly. "You know, I had hoped it would never come to this. I absolutely despise bloodshed, or even the possibility of serious violence. But, as leaders, we don't get that decision. We have to make sure those that we care about survive any way possible. Don't we?" she finished, looking at Chrysalis openly.




@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer nodded at Caliber. "You're right. We just need to keep moving, and..."


Suddenly, the mite that had been attached to Sunset Shimmer's leg attacked. Hugging her leg, it drove its thin beak forward, sinking down until its head touched the skin. Sunset Shimmer slumped forward as her eyes went briefly white, but just as suddenly as the attack started, it stopped. The mite dropped off back first, legs twitching feebly as it died nearby, and Sunset Shimmer stood up, holding a hoof to her now aching head.


"What just happened?" she groaned, moving dizzily as she looked over to Calibur.





Anette looked over at Ice Blizzard with a small smile, but Nightingale regarded him almost lazily. "That's, quite frankly, none of your business-"

"Don't talk to him like that," Anette warned, staring coldly at her, and Nightingale's eyes drifted back to her slowly. "Ugh, friends," she sighed mockingly, as she rolled her eyes. "Or weaknesses. Same thing. I need you gone." she uttered finally, looking at Anette hard. "And if not, well..." Her attitude changed; she smiled as held up a small red and black orb that glinted evilly in the sunlight. "I may have to make you. And I may enjoy it." she muttered, flashing a smile.





The filly broke out of her daze, and smiled at the mare. "I work here," she chirped happily. "To be honest, I think i've worked everywhere at least once... or twice" she muttered, putting her hoof up to her chin in thought, before shrugging. "Anyway, i've been here a while, and I know about everything in this store. I can help, if you know what you're looking for," she uttered, smiling once again.





"Making ponies happy?" Silver Spoon thoguht out loud, before shaking her head. "I guess. It makes me happy too," she said with a small smile. "But, it seems like I can't make the ponies close to me happy, so sometimes, it just seems pointless," she finished with a sigh. 

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"Making ponies happy?" Silver Spoon thoguht out loud, before shaking her head. "I guess. It makes me happy too," she said with a small smile. "But, it seems like I can't make the ponies close to me happy, so sometimes, it just seems pointless," she finished with a sigh. 


Jade kept her smile up as she looked down at Silver Spoon, listening to her some more.

"It is not pointless at all," She assured her, shaking her head slowly, "You are making the lives of ponies across the land much easier, and happier. It is not a matter of you trying to impress them, but them actually noticing that you have such a skill that parents would be proud of their filly to have."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rhetoric felt his smile grow,  this would be oddly fun "Its not stupid, maybe a bit corny but not stupid." he felt it was ok to joke a bit with her at this point, fighting giant evil centipedes would do that to ponies.  "So whats the first situation then? What could be worse then this currecnt porblem eh?" he some what challenged. He made a mental note that if they made it out alive to take her out somewhere, they could both use a little pick me up.


Chrysalis  almost wanted to laugh, The Princess of the Sun had stumbled on upon the conundrum of all Changeling rulers "Indeed your highness, no obstricle is to big, be it hunger or powerful Alicorns. I don't know if you ever knew this, but most of my kind doesn't hate you, in fact we revere you to a certain degree. The same way a wolf respects the deer I suppose. Pity we're sentitent beings isn't it?  she asked a bit coldly. She wasn't hostile and there was plenty of respect but it sounded like her voice had been hidden in a freezer and it liked it there. But she added with a wisp of warmth "Can such a problem come to peaceful terms? Some of my ancestors believed so..."

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Ice scoffed, and folded his forelegs in disgust while balancing on his hind legs, "Is that so? Well, little miss, "Sheriff," he said, making air quotes with his hooves, and standing on all fours once again, "I'll have you know, that if something has to do with a friend of mine being told to "leave town," then, yeah. It very well becomes my business."


He grew a smirk, "Now, I'm not in much of a mood for whooping more ass than I've already done for today," he scoffed, and looked up at her, "'Specially somepony like you. I'd be wasting my time. And furthermore--" He suddenly noticed what she was wearing, "That's Rarity's refined jewel. This chick must have stolen it. I'm not about to let her get away with this."


Ice scowled, and was seemingly ready to attack like a cat on a mouse, "You may enjoy it, huh? Just like you enjoy stealing that gem. That's something somepony put their blood, sweat, and tears into, and you go and steal it?!" He began to shout, but quickly calmed himself down, "Stay focused, stay alive."


Clearing his throat, Ice spoke normally, "Look. As I said before, I have no time to spend on someone who commits such petty acts like thievery and threats. Why don't you give that gem back, leave Anette alone, and this'll be a better day for all of us, hm? Let's not do something we'll regret later--"


Ice was well aware that there was a 99.9999999999999999991% that Nightingale would not submit. Which, in case she didn't, he had an ace up his sleeve. Or was it his scarf?


@@Fractured, @@AmberDust,

Axton grumbled. He was unable to recieve any reliable help from anypony around here. Typical. He was however, interested in what this shop had in its inventory. He turned to Erroria, "What exactly do you sell here?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Night Tracer's face drooped, he felt indescribable pain only to be accompanied by shame. Looking upon the little filly, scared, confused, like a lone child in an amusement park, pinned at the lines exit with strangers crowded around her, immobile, shutting her eyes, wishing she could be somewhere else--anywhere else, perhaps the comfort she never had. Night Tracer stepped back, lifting his head and biting his lip as he tapped his hoof against the marble floor several times.

It was Luna, wasn't it--now he didn't know, his head was swimming, trying not to succumb to emotion, Night was trying to keep a clear head.  He inhaled and exhaled silently, trying not to appear nervous but he was failing. Sweat dripping from his forehead, and his knees began to feel light. His was blue in the face, well bluer than he actually was. Night was staggering his breaths--hyperventilating like he was a mile high.


Desperately he wanted to make a break towards the door but where would he run? It was dark, he could not see even his own hoof inches from his face. All he knew was out there was the same bone chilling, ebony he had come well acquainted with over the years. Silencing yet rowdy, stirring someone, anyone, to their core, given the right time and motive, it could make the worst of anypony. And Night Tracer wasn't just about to let that happen again. 

After contemplating, combating for both options he finally shut his eyes tight and gulped before ambling over to Luna. He was in no rush, making sure each step was quiet and steady, not getting too far ahead of himself physically or emotionally. "What a first time." He thought to himself for he had never confronted his issues. In the past, Night had only made a 180 degree turn and scurried away, uncoddled by pity and haunted by regret. He imagined this could only be better; it had to be.

"I-I'm Night Tracer, You know me, y--," Before he could continue any further the trembling filly screeched--terrified, backing herself against her bed-frame, rattling her bed vigorously. 


He stopped; his heart dropping as the words, "Stay away from me," rung through his ears. Motionless he stood, evaluating the situation the best he could for he was afraid to make a mistake, a single one, it needn't be a costly one, would put him in hot water. Night Tracer's thoughts were scattered and uncertain, each a shot in the dark, a wild guess, but was something better than nothing? 


He opened his mouth to speak, hesitantly, "Luna..." Night Tracer tried to calm her, but to no avail, as she continued to shake violently. He sighed; it had to be done--he knew it, "Luna, are you ok? I'm worried-- it--I--You, like this, I don't want to see you like this. It hurts!" He shouted: confusedly "Luna, I love you-- But can you not love me enough to stop and listen?" Night pleaded, his eyes near streams, tearing into hers, reaping, nuzzling up and taking shelter by her heart. 

Night Tracer begged and prayed, "Don't let this be my fault, again--not again." His was throat enclosed and his mouth was dry. Night Tracer was trying his hardest not to let the atmosphere induce him but by that time he was long gone. By now, he was at the bed side of the young filly, trembling, bawling, a mess, not knowing what to say. The term, "teenager," couldn't begin to describe the spasmodic emotion he felt. Tsunami tides, overcoming his eyes, and the still-earth trembled beneath his hooves. Leaving him speechless of all but a few words, "Luna--Don't you love me?" And with those words he dropped to the side of the bed, prompted up next to it, with his head buried in his crossed legs. What was he to think of this; he did not have the slightest clue. 

Edited by Tacoma


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Wilhelm slowly shook his head and crossed out another line. Yet another line; one of thousands, detailing what had happened over the past few months in Bangcolt - what an interesting name, with unfortunate connotations - and, as Wilhelm read through the lines, a quill pen held in one wing, a muscle below his eyes began to twitch. Finally, with a growl of frustration, he flung the quill onto the desk and rose from his chair, pacing around his small room.


Over the past week since the ball disaster, he had gone outside a few times for things. Never, though, had he encountered his... marefriend, he supposed, nor had he encountered any of his other friends. Wilhelm sighed deeply, the sound coming from somewhere deep inside. "She would have come to me if she wanted to see me, right? I can't... I don't want to hurt her, and if she doesn't want to see me, I... I suppose I'll just not see her, either." There was a long, pregnant pause, and then Wilhelm spoke again, monologuing into the space of his room.


"Maybe I should see Ice... Heh. I remember when I telling him what to do about mares; now, it'll be the other way around. He'll appreciate that." A wry smile crept into Wilhelm's expression. "Why not?" He quickly pirouetted on two hooves so he faced the door and slung on a jacket, opening his door into the chill autumn air. Briefly, Wilhelm made a mental note about Nightmare Night, and buttoned up his jacket a bit closer. Whistling a short tune, he set out to Ice Blizzard's dormitory.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,


“Huh?” Calibur had turned back to look at Sunset when her sentence cut off and he witnessed he slump forward. Immediately he moved back to her and grabbed her by the shoulders in order to prevent Sunset from falling over, “Hey! You okay?”


Instinct told him something was wrong and he quickly scanned the area; his pistols orbiting around him to align with his view. Nothing other darkness, so why did he feel like they were in more danger now than when they were previously attacked?


“Are… Are we under attack again?” Calibur asked out loud with a concerned expression on his face.






Ash made a sound, something like a mix between spitting out one’s coffee and laughing. “Oh that’s rich. Because talking to yourself is the thing that would make you seem crazy in that scenario.”


“But… eh let’s never speak about what just happened ever again.” The dragon shook his head, “And I think I neglected to answer your question.”


“Greatest fear?” Ash laughed, “Don’t have one.”


“But you’ve made me curious; what does a pony like you fear?”

Edited by Star Saber
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@@Photon Jet,


"I'm sorry--My bad dude." Double Diamond apologizes, extending a hoof up to help Photon. "Oh, and I'm just off to see my friends, we're supposed to be going on a vacation today, up to the crystal empire; I'm just rushing to get to the train station even though I still have about an hour or two..." He chuckled, a bit embarrassed. Concerned he sounded inconsiderate he made Photon an offer, "Hey, I'm meeting on of my friends at the Sweet Shop for coffee right now; do you want to come?" 


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@@Photon Jet,


"I'm sorry--My bad dude." Double Diamond apologizes, extending a hoof up to help Photon. "Oh, and I'm just off to see my friends, we're supposed to be going on a vacation today, up to the crystal empire; I'm just rushing to get to the train station even though I still have about an hour or two..." He chuckled, a bit embarrassed. Concerned he sounded inconsiderate he made Photon an offer, "Hey, I'm meeting on of my friends at the Sweet Shop for coffee right now; do you want to come?" 



Photon Jet got up and listened to what Double Diamond has to say. He pondered about when it would begin. Surely he does not want to turn down an offer just wait for a long time. He wanted to go exploring and know more about what the area has to offer.


"Well, don't mind if I do." said Photon Jet, shaking his head from the collision. "I have no idea when my first round starts anyway. However, I don't eat sweets because I don't like the taste." 

  • Brohoof 1

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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The Doctor trotted along with her; they had meek chit chat, nothing exceeding the lines of, 'casual.' "So, Ditzy, I have a question for you; if you were to go anywhere today--where would you have gone? Absolutely anywhere, in complete disregards to circumscription." He inquired. 


"Uhhhh," Ditzy hummed, blinking in thought, which caused her crosseyes to change position every blink, and tapping her chin with a hoof, "I dunno, nothing really crossed my mind lately. Why'd you ask?"


Amethyst sighed yet again, thinking Cloud Chaser wouldn't understand she didn't like being told how poor off she was, but she couldn't rebut help, especially with how badly she needed it. "Uh, yes please, I'd like that." She said. 

They began walking back towards Cloud Chaser's apartment in silence, apart from the atmosphere around them, which, Amethyst blocked out anyways. She was far too busy to stop and chat, it was up to Cloud Chaser to disrupt her thinking, her strategics on how she was going to get back on the right track.


"So, Amethyst," Cloud Chaser began, walking alongside the unicorn while entering the apartment complex, "You're from Ponyville, right? What made you wanna come all the way out here?"


The apartment complex was situated in a decent-looking neighbourhood in the city, close to the arena. Not exactly high class Canterlot-style, but not run-down and riddled with crime either. It was a nice balance. The building itself was nice and furnished, looking well taken care of, with an elevator as well as a staircase.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The filly broke out of her daze, and smiled at the mare. "I work here," she chirped happily. "To be honest, I think i've worked everywhere at least once... or twice" she muttered, putting her hoof up to her chin in thought, before shrugging. "Anyway, i've been here a while, and I know about everything in this store. I can help, if you know what you're looking for," she uttered, smiling once again.  



Axton grumbled. He was unable to recieve any reliable help from anypony around here. Typical. He was however, interested in what this shop had in its inventory. He turned to Erroria, "What exactly do you sell here?"


Amber managed a smile.

"I guess I don't really know exactly what I'm looking for," she admitted sheepishly.

"I've never been in combat before, and I'd like to learn...Do you have anything that could help me?" She shuffled slightly, looking around the shop's various items stacked along shelves. Surely something here could help her.

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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"Yeah, you would think," Silver Spoon replied, nearly laughing out loud at the irony. It had been almost 3 years since she had first started her tiny business, and if anything, her parents had actually paid less attention to her than before. They spent most of their time on lavish parties, living it up distantly in Manehatten and who knows where while Silver Spoon was left to take care of what remained; an absolutely enormous house that nonetheless felt as hollow and as empty as a tomb.


Silver Spoon took a few more steps forward, and then braked suddenly; she was there. The three story complex towered moderately over the Bangcolt skyline, eclipsing all but the princesses booth in sheer height. She looked at it without an ounce of awe, however; she had been here before. It was like she hadn't even changed homes.


"We're here," she announced quietly, pointing obviously in front of her. She stepped forward to begin the trek up the sideways stairs, but stopped suddenly. "Thanks," she said, suddenly wheeling back around to face Tyra. "It was nice to meet you."




@The Down Trotten

"Ummm..."  Trixie muttered, thinking quickly. "Well... we could be alone," she offered, gesturing openly in the darkness. "Or, we could be lost. There could be hundreds of wild shadow creatures coming at us from every direction," she said, her voice getting slightly louder for emphasis. "And..."


Trixie paused, as she realized she had gone too far. "Uhhh... You only have to pick one..." she muttered, rubbing the back of her head nervously.




@The Down Trotten

Celestia heard the anology, and, with a great amount of effort, stifled her anger. She didn't like the idea of being refereed to as prey in any context, but now was not the time to start a conflict.


"There is always a way," Celestia said instead, looking at her. "I have spent at least a lifetime on a way to find a way for you and your kind to feed without hurting others, but there was always one element missing. You," she finished, aiming a look at the changeling gone pony. "You know your kind best. With your presence now, we could bury centuries of conflict. That is, if you are willing," she, patiently waiting. With Chrysalis, anything could happen.




@Star Saber

Sunset Shimmer shook her head in a silent no at Calibur. In truth, she was lying; she could feel the darkness crawling around inside her, searching for control. But, it had made a mistake; it was feeble, utterly insignificant compared to the darkness that she had encountered while saving Celestia. The darkness of which, unbeknowst to everyone, she had kept a little bit of, eager to see if it could be useful. And it was now; she used it easily, wrapping up the foreign magic in her own darkness and adding it to her own reserves with little more than another small grunt of pain.


"Something bit me, but its fine," she said finally to Calibur, stepping up to meet him once again. "Just watch where you step, okay?"





Nightingale paused, looking at Ice Blizzard with a smile. "No thanks, I think i'll keep-" A sudden flash from Anette's side caught her eye, and she flipped up a wing, just in time for her catch Hero's sword on her feather sliders with a sound like grinding metal. He pushed forward slowly, until, with a surge of energy, Nightingale pushed him off, throwing him up in the air. She looked up to track his movements, but had to stop as three arrows whistled forward, bearing down on her location. She blocked them with crossed wingtips, knocking the projectiles aside, before stopping to glare at Heartthrob, who once again smugly waved at her.


"That was a warning," Anette called out to her, eyes narrowed. "If that necklace belongs to somepony, give it back. Now."


Nightingale looked down at the small aftermath, which included two of her feather sliders, and sighed as she reached into her bag to slip on new ones. "it's always the same. So, how about this?" She shot forward low to the ground, and aimed her wingtips directly at Anette's throat. It was only blocked by Hero, who struggled to hold Nightingale's weight. Nightingale leaned forward, until her face was almost touching Anette's.








Erroria paused. "There's scrolls for learning spells, and there's magical objects and artifacts. There's also training stuff. But, mostly, we do... that thing where you fuse magical objects together. Imbuing," she said, coming to the realization. "And..." she looked between the two of them, then suddenly zipped over towards the shelves behind the counter. She began rustling through them, at one point having to lean down over on her cloud in order to catch a single golden horeshoe that had tilted off by accident. But at last, she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a small, circular horn collar, balancing it on her back as she moved over towards the mare.


"A horn su...su... magic blocky thingy," she finished, not liking the way the word tasted. "The more you try to use magic, the more it tries to stop you, so when you take it off, you'll be stronger." She turned slowly over to the stallion. "Did you want something to train, too?"





The filly let out a choking gasp as the world started to break down slowly around her. The walls crumbled in slowly, as if they had been aged, and the ceiling fell in shortly afterward, turning into black dust that swirled around and collected on the floor. The filly was left alone, on a bed of chains that writhed and twisted around her, and she looked down at Night Tracer sadly.
"It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was just scared..."
Edited by Fractured
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"Yeah, you would think," Silver Spoon replied, nearly laughing out loud at the irony. It had been almost 3 years since she had first started her tiny business, and if anything, her parents had actually paid less attention to her than before. They spent most of their time on lavish parties, living it up distantly in Manehatten and who knows where while Silver Spoon was left to take care of what remained; an absolutely enormous house that nonetheless felt as hollow and as empty as a tomb.


Silver Spoon took a few more steps forward, and then braked suddenly; she was there. The three story complex towered moderately over the Bangcolt skyline, eclipsing all but the princesses booth in sheer height. She looked at it without an ounce of awe, however; she had been here before. It was like she hadn't even changed homes.


"We're here," she announced quietly, pointing obviously in front of her. She stepped forward to begin the trek up the sideways stairs, but stopped suddenly. "Thanks," she said, suddenly wheeling back around to face Tyra. "It was nice to meet you."


Jade bit her lip a bit, not sure what to make of Silver Spoon's comment. She had never experienced such an act from parents, nor had she witnessed it back home. It was nothing short of neglect, and she hated to see such things happen to such a young filly. Especially one with so much potential in life.


She looked up at the three story complex, mentally noting that at least the place looked in decent condition.

"And to meet you as well," She smiled to the filly, "Would you like me to come in, in case your friend hasn't arrived yet?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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At that moment, Ice had had enough. Even though his name was 'Ice', he felt his anger boil within him. However, he calmed himself down. He could see that Nightingale was low enough for him to retrieve la clochette, but how to do that? Fortunately, Nightingale wasn't paying much attention to Ice at that current moment, so this would give him a bit more time to act.


He slowly walked towards Nightingale, seemingly not doing anything, when he suddenly reached his hoof violently towards the chain connected to the gem. If this worked, he would freeze the chain, snap it, releasing the gem from what it was attached to, allowing him to catch it before it would fall on the sidewalk, and jump backwards to get some distance from her before she could retaliate.


If this initial plan didn't work, this would leave Nightingale distracted from the ice clone that Ice would summon afterwards on the opposite side, and repeat the same process in order to retrieve la clochette. It was practically foolproof and could not miss.


@@Fractured, @@AmberDust,

Axton was intriguied. He hadn't seen anything like a place that sells these things before. It was mind blowing, "So, you actually sell magic stuff here? Interesting. Do you have anything that has to do with say...souls?"

Edited by J.R.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Rhetoric thought about the situations offered to him for a moment 'If you don't mind I think I'll answer all of the." with a breath he began with the first "If we we're alone, just you and me it wouldn't be so bad really. We could still do this and sure we'd have a harder time with the centipedes but I have a feeling if push came to shove our will to survive would keep us alive. As for being lost, well thats tough, I suppose there's always the hope of being found... and at least I'd be lost with somepony nice right?" he smiled at her "We could discuss the finer points of magical problems." he chuckled at the thought "The last situation though...well I'm not the last stand type of guy but hey considering you just saved my life I don't think I'd mind it so much if you were here... Gez all those had to do with you... hope I didn't embarrass you..." he coughed and cleared his throat, hoping that in the darkness she wouldn't notice his blush


Chrysalis could feel the anger ebb off the Princess for a moment or two, it made her feel sick to her stomach for a second. Being a creature of emotion had its ups and downs Gathering herself silently, she herself had to control her anger, she should have known that Celestia was going to patronize her, controlling the sun must have gotten to her head, no matter how humble she tried to be "Of course I'm willing, I risked my own life on the front lines of a potentially deadly mission. As for whatever conflict you speak of, there was never any conflict, just necessary actions for survival!" her voiced raised by the end which quickly died down again "My apologies, we mustn't get so petty now." her pride. Most likely her greatest weakness was seemingly always getting in the way, at the wedding and even now "What is it you will have me do?" 


Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Fractured, @@The Down Trotten,


“You sure you’re alright?” Calibur asked out of concern, “You looked like you were going to fall over a moment ago…”


Calibur removed his hooves from Sunset; she did look better than she did a few moments ago. However he was still couldn’t help but feel worried, “Well... if you say so.”

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Silver Spoon stopped from her position on the stairs, looked down at Jade, and shook her head slowly. "No thanks, i'll be fine on my own. If she's not here, i'll just clean until she shows up; it's always a big mess in there anyway." A small smile crossed her face, even though she was lying a little; DT was a notorious neat freak who almost broke into conniptions at the sight of a hair on her mane out of place. But, the thought of seeing her friend again still made her happy, despite anything that had happened or could ever happen between them.


"I'll see you later." She continued her trek up the stairs until she made it to her apartment door. She fumbled with the key in her saddlebag for a moment, before she pulled it out, opened the door, and slipped inside.





Nightingale paused in her struggle with Hero as her wings quivered; she could feel someone coming fast from behind her. Bracing her lower half on the ground, she pushed her front half forward, flipping over Hero's sword backwards and shooting off into the air above Ice Blizzard. Hero followed, and the two began trading attacks back and forth through the sky, wing blades meeting sword blades at a breakneck speed. 


Nightingale stopped, and pushed herself back mid-strike, narrowly avoiding sudden burst of flames from Nightmare, who had also decided to join the battle. She cursed silently under her breath as she ducked the second jet, then began battling with Hero once again; this wasn't going well for a start...

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