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So what do you think could be future plots for Equestria girls?

Unlikeable Pony

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So, what future plots do you think they could do for Equestria girls? what plots would you WANT to see?

How do you think they could keep the magic train going on for villains and other problems in the world? or would you rather see them revert to totally slice of life? ect.

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Well, the obligatory plot for EQG now is to show Human Sunset, but personally, I only want them to do that if they make an EQG TV series, because they only get 70 minutes of story a year at the moment, and I don't want to waste that time on what will probably be a rehash of Human Twilight's story from Friendship Games


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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So, what future plots do you think they could do for Equestria girls? what plots would you WANT to see?

By "plots" I'm going to assume you mean the story kind and not the, other one that is tossed around here. I'm sure there are many plots that are wished to be seen. Ahem.


Moving on.


Well... something involving alternate world's like Equestria and possible alternatives would be interesting. Perhaps something that examines the after effects of magic entering the human world and the now united Mane 7. It would be really Interesting to see how the Pony Twilight relates to this if at all and whether or not magical forces came into play. I'm being vague but there's honestly not much to go on. Now that Sunset Shimmer's character arc has been completed in a nice trilogy there may not be any need for another EG especially considering all the attention that will be focused on the 2017 feature film coming up. I'd still watch if one did come out of course.


How do you think they could keep the magic train going on for villains and other problems in the world? or would you rather see them revert to totally slice of life? ect.

I consider the movies to be in a similar category as the adventure arcs and so something more special than your average episode. Unless there was going to be an Equestria Girls series(it's possible even if unlikely) I'd rather they leave the SoL to the established main series rather than risk rehashing it with just changed versions of the characters. But honestly I'd still probably watch that as well. lol
  • Brohoof 1

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For me, I think there are a couple things they could do. But honestly, the big issue for the EQG world is where the villains are going to come from, yeah? The heroes have magic already, but all antagonists will presumably have to gain their power from the pony universe in an unrelated event, which is more troublesome.

Anyways, the first option that I see for an easy plot is to say that during the giant portal storm that occured in FG when twilight's amulet was going crazy during the bike race, a villain imprisoned in the everfree forest escaped into the human world due to the portals opening in a manner that bypassed their prison.
This would allow for an easily explained reason for a new villain to show up just NOW (avoid the question in RR of why the sirens were just now causing problems), and also tie into the previous one.

After that, I think they could do a computer games kind of arc, like that fake 4chan rumor for the 4th movie. While clearly fake, having a villain who traps the mane six in a  video game of some kind would allow for a villain to attack the heroes WITHOUT having magic themselves, like how in Yugioh they had the Small mini-arc where kaiba and the others were trapped in a computer reality.

It would allow for them to do whatever they wanted in a fantasy manner since the world wouldn't be "Real" and could still have magic exist for the mane six by letting them essentially hack the game to win via their magic messing with the world. Plus I do think an RPG plot would be great, as an episode or comic of the mane six playing D&D or something with them "in character" as what you see would be fun.




For an ongoing series, I think it'd be nice if they went FULL magical girl route. Have twilight create Tech amulets like what she had for ALL of them that let them transform at will into pony girl forms so they can better control their magic, and have them be tasked with cleaning up the negative effects of magic in the world.
Instead of having the villain be a sentient being, rather have the magic that escaped from equestria end up taking form as a Gestalt consciousness based on humanity's negative emotions (disharmony) that seeks out humans with negative emotions and tries to corrupt them to act out against the world due to it being the manifested negative consciousness of humanity.

It could then be defeated by the mane six spreading friendship and harmony which would make it simply cease to be as human's negative emotions would be what caused it to exist in the first place.




There's always bringing in human sunset shimmer, though I think this is a tricky thing: You only want to bring her in, IMO, if you plan on booting her into the FIM universe as a new character at the end, since you already have pony sunset. but it could work. Its not what I WANT (We've had 3 Sunset movies, I'm tired of her), but it could work.



By "plots" I'm going to assume you mean the story kind and not the, other one that is tossed around here. I'm sure there are many plots that are wished to be seen. Ahem.

 Unless there was going to be an Equestria Girls series(it's possible even if unlikely) I'd rather they leave the SoL to the established main series rather than risk rehashing it with just changed versions of the characters. But honestly I'd still probably watch that as well. lol


I do have to admit, at this point I think what differentiates FIM from EQG is that EQG is FAR more action and magical girl focused, which makes it have a different tone and feel.

So yeah I agree that I too would like them to not do much SOL for EQG.

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The one plot I'm really hoping to see is the one they intended to use in Friendship Games, with Sunset wanting to go back to Equestria. I'm not saying she should actually follow through with it, but seeing her making amends with Princess Celestia would be awesome, as would seeing her pony form again.


I also hope it will involve a lot of interaction between Sunset and Twilight, again as was planned for Friendship Games. Those two work so well together it would be a shame not to see it.

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One being no more competitions.

Agreed there, the friendship games part of friendship games felt... well, pointless. Rainbow rocks had the music competition contribute to the movie plot organically and have a point, while the FG just felt... THERE.

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Well, I only have 2 ideas. They still have to graduate, I have a small feeling that's what the 4th movie could be about. Then I think that Sunset will eventually return to Equestria or at least go for a visit. She's done a lot of wrong there, and judging by her character now I feel that she'll want to make things right. Just a couple of ideas.


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Oh boy, this is something I've thought about a lot. Most of my ideas assume an animated series and are written like I am actually writing a story pitch. You can consider me in "Fan-Fic mode" for this thread.


1. Human world magic is alive but in hiding, for a reason that Sunset Shimmer tries to uncover and could be the main plot of an Equestria Girls series.


2. A series based on Equestria Girls would have to be more than just High School Hijinks, i would like to see an almost Scooby Doo-like investigation/mystery solving/bad-guy catching setup involving Human world magic, occasionally incursions from other worlds(including Equestria, but more than just that) and slice of life stuff in-between for charm.


3. Exploring the occasional other world or parallel dimensions(Astral Realm, Ethereal Realm, Shadow Realm, Spirit Realm, etc...) that are attached to every world. Discord and other Spirits could originate from one of these realms, such as the Spirit or Shadow Realm. In one of his episodes of FiM, it seems Discord's home plane is an entirely separate dimension which is mostly black.


4. Any FiM counterparts who are powerful, mythological entities should remain such, and not become de-powered human civillians, by this I mean Discord should remain a Spirit of Chaos, Chrysalis should remain The Changeling Queen, Tirek should remain a Centaur, etc... but they should focus more on original villains who are separate from FiM with other-dimension counterparts to FiM villains appearing at least once.


5. Hydia, the villainess from the original MLP movie as a recurring villain, possibly an ally to the Dazzlings who is responsible for allowing their powers to work in the Human world through their gems, which are enchanted items she created.


6. Ocasional visits from Pony-Sparkle and the other main cast, possibly in disguise and using assumed names courtesy of a coordinated effort between both worlds versions of Rarity.


7. Megan from the original MLP series could appear.


8. Grogar as the all-powerful villain which needs a crossover of both shows to defeat. He prefers Human slaves, after all. Could possibly be linked to the reason for the two worlds being connected to begin with.


9. The Dazzlings as the recurring primary group of antagonists. I assume, given Adagio's cunning, they have a hideout somewhere filled with provisions and loot in case they need these things. They are supposed to be quite old, you know, so they ought to have provided for themselves during all this time in exile.


10. Human world Sunset Shimmer as a recurring antagonist. This way we have good Sunset and bad Sunset in conflict with each other. She could be redeemed later and we could possibly let Pony Sunset return to Equestria.


I envision Human world Sunset as a famous, successful scientist, explorer and archeologist who ends up deciding to uncover and use the Human world magic she has become aware of thanks to the Ponyverse Sunset Shimmer. She could have a crack-team of assistants for her world exploring exploits including Daring Do and Doctor Whoves/Time Turner.


I have a very particular idea for how Discord could be handled, though this is more of a "if I was a writer for an Equestria Girls series..." kind of thing. Basically I'd have Discord as the eccentric owner and curator of a museum, he is an actual Chaos Spirit in Human disguise and protects a magical hallow which the museum was constructed on. He occasionally causes mischief and/or gives advice to the main cast in the form of cryptic riddles and problems they must solve in order to get his help, or if they need to use the hallow he protects. I opted for this way of using him to keep him in an almost antagonistic state rather than a "rehabilitated villain" form like in FiM, this way we get Discord causing mischief without him being entirely at odds with the protagonists.


Another idea I had, assuming an intertwined relationship between the Human world and the Equestrian world, was that magic and all the mythological creatures of the Human world were moved to the world Equestria resides in at some point in the distant past for whatever reason, possibly to prevent it all from causing conflict with Humans. My particular "if i was a writer for the show" idea is that "The Cabal" a cabal of immortal wizards moved the mythical creatures to this other world to protect them from inevitable conflict with the Humans, and then hid the magic of the Human world to prevent it's misuse. They protect the world from behind the scenes from magical and transdimensional threats. Wizards I had in mind were Merlin the Enchanter, Starswirl the Bearded and Rasputin, with some original characters thrown in there.


I feel that that some of these storylines could be a bit too serious for FiM/EG, though.

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