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open Heroes of the Everfree Forest


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The Guardian saw the light of the Potion Pony's house and then saw another unknown, unnatural light. He raced to it. The Guardian ducked under trees and flew over rotting logs. He jumped into a tree near the light and observed that white unicorn... destroying his home. The Guardian flew down right into the middle of all the ponies and absorbed all the magic light into himself. Then he started to panic, he didn't have a place to put the magic— his paws set ablaze in a blue spectral blaze, and his maned did the same. He grinned at the ponies before them. "Leave This Wood! Or I Kill You!" He growled, his eyes flashing red with anger. He looked directly at the white unicorn. The Guardian was glad that the flames were only spectral, otherwise the forest would be ablaze.

The Guardian knew potions pony would be here soon, and as he hoped, the ponies were not moving. From complete fear. The Guardian hoped the potions pony came very soon, otherwise, this would end very badly for him. And that's when his commune spell ended....

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Demosthenes saw what Guardian did.

''What are you''

He heard Timberwolfs behind him.


He shouted ''Hey, fools down there, yea you. You remember me?, of course you do.''

You can't see me now and you don't like it but I have good new for you. Here is some friends to join your party''


''Attack, my friends''

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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Holy glared at the creature as best as she could, trying to hide her fear. "N-No, fiendful beast. I am Holy Light, and the citizens of Equestria have spoken; the Everfree is a danger to this world. Plenty of ponies have met their death in these woods. Wouldn't it be best if it was no longer a threat to a perfect world?" Holy lit up her horn and started charging up the light beam spell Ivaldi. "If you take a step closer, I shall strike you dow-" Holy noticed something advancing towards her. 


@@The Cerberus,

Shoot, it was Timberwolves! Holy yelped and ran away, but not before she let off the light beam Ivaldi at that Guardian thing. Once she got a reasonable distance from that... Guardian and Potion Pony, she found a clearing that allowed the sun to shine through. Once the Timberwolves raced into the clearing and into the sun, she called upon the spell Divine and struck them down. ...well, mostly, she knew Timberwolves eventually revived, but that wouldn't be for hours. She wiped some sweat from her forehead, and decided to send up a beacon so her guards would be notified of where she was. Now all she had to do was heal some wounds she got while scrambling away from the wolves, and wait for backup. Her horn hummed as her wounds slowly knitted themselves back together.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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The Guardian crept up on Holy, his flames licking his paws. He smiled as he saw her start another spell. He found where he can dump all that excess magic. He let most of the magic back into the white unicorn. He smiled as her spell got overloaded. He then made a short trip and settled down in his cave, seeming to sleep. The excess magic he put in a rock that was blue in color. It was warm, and he purred as he rested with his head on the rock, using it as a pillow.

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Salleria stomped out of her office, a document clutched in her talons. Turning a corner, she continued down a corridoor and slammed open a door.




A blue earth pony readjusted his glasses from his position behind the desk. 


"More specifically, you're being hired by an external contractor. He to, wants the everfree gone, but we all know how useless the guard is"


Huffing, Salleria turned around to exit. As she went through the door, she paused to yell back at the blue pony.


"This is stupid idea"


She turned back and stormed out of the door.


~end Flashback~


"This is still stupid idea."


Salleria flew over the everfree, on a lookout for her, uh, 'ally'.


"Holy Light, sounds like a кровавый paladin."


She spied a commotion in the forest below. She smiled. "Found you"

She swooped down into the rustling overgrowth




@,@@Shift, @@The Cerberus,  

Salleria grit her beak as she pulled out her umbrella from a very dead manticore.


"Didn't found you"


She took to the skies once more, looking for Holy light. In the short distance, she saw a small flash of light, a telltale sign of a spell overloading. Shrugging to herself, she swooped down to inspect it. Landing, she noticed a pony which was obviously some kind of paladin lying on the ground. Moving closer to her, she took a look at her surroundings, and noticed the pack of timberwolves. She backed up and pointed her weapon threateningly at the timberwolves. No breaking eye contact with the wolves, she told Holy light:


"We work together. You want to destroy forest. I want to destroy forest. Easy"


She fired a 'warning shot' at one of the wolves, blowing it up easily. It won't be long until it reassembled itself, though.


She had something else for magical constructs.

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The Guardian heard the sound of Timberwolves exploding, he jolted out of sleep. The Guardian absorb a portion of magic from the blue rock, and headed to help the Timberwolves. The Guardian saw the griffon and made a quick fireball and ate it. He jumped down into the clearing before the griffon. "Griffon and Magic no mix, they make roast." He growled to the griffon. He didn't have enough magic to make his mane set ablaze, but he had to get the Timberwolves to safety. "You no safe here bird!" He roared. He was about the same size a regular pony, so tackling the griffon would not be very smart. The Guardian was running out of options, again.

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While fight with Timberwolfes was going Demosthenes was able to get his arsenal little bit closer to the battle. He noticed when white unicorn made some kind of beacon.

''You are calling backups aren't you, this will be interesting.''

He was thinking while planning his next moves.

''Where that pony-cat thing went, I hope it doesn't hurt itself too badly.'' 

He saw purple griffin helping white unicorn.

''And who in hay is that''


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Sappy looked around. His mind couldn't really comprehend the battle, so he decided to fallback and make a strategic plan on how to overcome this situation. "Excuse me gentlemen, but i shall take my leave" Said Sappy and flew off. He landed next to his cave, and went in. Inside was a huge library. Millions of books filled with cultural knowledge for the last 2 eons.

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As Kito had been wandering around the dense maze that was the Everfree forrest, He had stumbled upon a rather peculiar cave filled with books. He wasn't sure what the books were exactly but they had defiantly caught his eye, He realized there were what seemed like an infinite amount of these strange objects as he waddled further in to the cave. "Kito wada!" He exclaimed with a confused expression before taking a giant leap onto one of the shelves and started to ferociously rip the books out of the shelf throwing them onto the floor. As his tiny fingers flipped through the many pages of the book one vital question arose in his boggled mind... What do they taste like? He couldn't resist, the temptation as his razor sharp teeth sunk into the thick bundle of paper, He only grew more savage and started to rip the multitude of books to shreds.


His ears stiffened and pointed towards the roof of the strange cave he had found, And his head turned with immense speed towards the wide opening as he heard some heavy beats of wide wings nearby. He looked down at the mess on the floor before looking back at the opening sitting there, stiff as stone.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Sappy walked inside his cave, torn book and pages where scattered all over the place. He even saw a book that was demolished in to a thousand small pieces. Sappy's eye twitched. He looked up and saw a white creature standing on his table, with a book in his mouth. Sappy checked the title of the bookcase and saw that it was the changeling section. the corner og his mouth twitched upwards in to a smile. Sappy walked up to the creature. "You have done me well pal, that section needed to be destroyed at some point. How can i repay you?" Asked Sappy with a smile. The creature didn't respond, but it never got a chance to when Sappy got an idea. "I got it! I will give you a tuxedo!" Said Sappy with glee apparent in his voice. He took out a little black tuxedo and top hat. Looking at the outfit, he decided that a monocle was in order, so he took that out as well. He attacthed the clothes to the creature, and admired the result. "There we go! You look charming my friend, what do you say?" Asked Sappy and placed a mirror in front of him.

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Frozen in fear Kito had just stood there fallowing the giant creature with his big eyes, Not resisting as the creature dressed him up. He slowly got the feeling that the creature wasn't out to hurt him, And slowly loosened up only to realize the absurd attire he was now wearing. Kito bit the fabric covering the majority of his fluffy body, It was very resilient and hard to bite through and just decided it wasn't worth the trouble. Now standing on only his back legs tilting his head to the side Kito was looking at the peculiar beast in front him that was smiling so intensely, "Fue huega! Granola mo goo churk kao." Kito explained doing a multitude of hand gestures as he waddled back and fourth on the table. 

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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 "Good to see that you like the outfit" Said Sappy with a smile, totally oblivious to the creatures discomfort. He poured himself and the creature a cup of tea. He added a lot of sugar to the creatures drink, sugar is always the key to befreind somone. He gave the creature the hot liquid, and sat at the opposite end of the table. "So where do you come from my friend, i haven't seen a creature like you before" Said Sappy, and took a sip of the tea

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The Guardian, jumped away from the fighting and spoke, "leave place, now! No good made here! Go!" The Guardian shook out his mane, and dropped into a predator's crouch. The circle thing of the griffon's was not good. So he was going to attack that. He jumped on the griffon, savagely scratching the griffon up, and then he jumped off only to jump back on the griffon's back, he dug in his claws.

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Kito walked cautiously around the cup looking up at the creature every now and then to be sure he wasn't planning on sneak attacking him, But the huge smile on the rather well dressed gentleman across the table said otherwise. He looked down into the cup before raising his head looking suspiciously on the huge creature only to once again look down into the cup, His tongue slowly made contact with the liquid and Kito twitched as he realized how hot it was. As fast as he had shrugged of the pain of he lowered his head for a second attempt, The liquid was sweet. Very sweet. Kito looked at the creature who had given him this strange liquid that tasted a bit like the substance the yellow winged beasts whose only purpose seemed to be inflict pain upon others created, "Ovagarava!" he exclaimed as he picked up the cup pouring the tea into his mouth.

Edited by Cruki


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"That's the spirit chab, cheers" Said Sappy and took a sip of the hot liquid. "Nothing like some morning tea, eh?" Asked Sappy with a smile. Sappy looked outside. "Oh my, we need to help out the others" Said Sappy, he figured that the fastest way they could arrive there, was with flight. "Hop on my back chab. We are joining this brutish battle" Said Sappy, and lowered a wing so that the creature could hop on. 

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Holy nodded. "...understood. You seem to be powerful enough. Well, if you're ever hurt, come to me; i'll be able to fix you up in a jiffy." She was rubbing her horn, which was sore from the magic overhaul that the Guardian did to her. She had a short sword which she kept in case her horn wasn't working, but it was dull and she wasn't very good at swordplay, however due to having no choice she unsheathed it and put it in her mouth. "The guards should be in the forest by now; civilians are hopefully mobbing up." She said while the sword was still in her mouth; the hilt was thin enough to allow her to talk. Due to that... thing running away, she had a few breather moments. "My magic should only take a minute to recharge. Got any plans?"

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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*Back Slash yawns and sits up. He lives in a 40 foot tall tree that he tied the branches together years ago so they grew jnto a platform. He puts his sword on his back, somehow it stays without a sheath.* "ahh.....anoser day. Anoser poacher to take out. I vonder....if they vill be compitant and not stica around vhen dey see me."

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@gentleman darkhaert


Salleria snarled as the guardian scratched at her back.


"Stay off me"


Salleria flared out all 4 of her wings. Unbalancing her opponent. With the help of 2 of her wings, the Griffin lunged foward, flying closely to and parallel to the ground. Her other 2 wings flapped sideways, causing her to spin sideways ( the barrel roll from star fox ), slamming her target onto the ground.


Continuing to spin and fly forward, all 4 if her wings gave a strong flap downwards, causing her to abruptly change direction and shoot into the sky. From her vantage point in the sky, her scouted picked up several strong life signatures in the area. Salleria cursed under her breath


"My enemy is below. There is another hostile lurking in the bushes. 2 others are approaching from afar."


Assessing her situation , Salleria made her decision


'I leave'


Salleria pointed her weapon to the guardian below her. She pulled the trigger.




The weapon fired with an alien 'BLAM', it's glowing projectile hurtled downwards and exploded. Salleria's wings flared out to stabilise the recoil.


She wasn't done yet. She reached for a grenade at her waist and pulled the pin. She held it for a moment, letting it tick. Satisfied, she let it fall from the sky.


As the grenade came into view, at eye level, it exploded in a brilliant flash of light and a deafening 'bang' that left ringing in untrained ears.




Right after the explosion, a huge cloud of thick smoke emerged from the grenade, shrouding the area.




She swooped back into the smoke, using her Eyepiece's thermal camera to locate Holy light. She grabbed her with a claw.


"Let's go. Too many enemies"


Salleria hastily ushered Holy light out of the combat zone. Salleria stalked silently through the underbrush ( hopefully with Holy Light, I know this might be godmodding but it can't really be helped due to some previous posts), her weapon ready to block any incoming attacks.


(This is the point where Holy light starts speaking to Salleria again)




Salleria gave a deadpan stare at Holy Light.


"The guard send you into the forest alone? You are paladin,right?"


Salleria snorted


"Your military is stupid. As for plan, I was hired to assist you in YOURS. However, your brilliant plan involves entire squadron of guards charging into unknown territory and hazardous terrain"


Salleria muttered under her breath. 'Just like invading mother neighssia In winter'


"So, we fall back for now and regroup with your comrades."


Salleria declined the offer to heal her scratches.


"Don't tire yourself, tis' but a scratch."


She gave a weak chuckle.


"That creature hits like baby ram: no horns yet."

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"Vhat de buck vas dat!" *Slash exclaimed, as he flys fast towards the loud explosion. Looking around for any sign of hostiles.* "Vhat de hell? Vhat vas dat noise?" *He said as he hovered over the area. He spotted the two pony guard talking.* "Vhat? Could dat have been dem?" *He pulls his sword. He wasn't about to take any chances. Especially with guards*

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The Guardian was pissed. Not only had he been thrown off his prey, but he had been hit by those things. He looked at the gashes along his paws and shoulders. He sniffed, and caught scent of the griffon. He ran silently into the underbrush, his territory. He quickly found the cursed griffon and he watched as she referred to him as a baby, be didn't know what a ram was, but he felt it was an insult from the way she appeared. The Guardian ate one of his fireballs. In his half growling voice he spoke to the pair, "You insult what you do not know, griffon. I make this wood safe, yet you destroy. No soul in you is there? I was nice, but I'm done." The Guardian waited for a response. He could see them, but they could not see him. The Guardian calmed down and lowered his body heat. Timberwolves saw heat, and he figured out this trick so he could hunt with them.

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Demosthenes was watching battle between Guardian and Salleria when blinding explosion happens.

''Argh my eyes, It's seems that I'm not only one who knows something about explosives, but that wasn't potion, that was something else.''

After his sigh was normal again he saw that Holy and Salleria was gone.

''Where did those two go?''

Then more guards started to come in to area.

''I suppose it's my time start doing something instead of only scanning the area'' 

But when he jumped out from bushes he got hit by magical blast shot by unicorn, flew some meters into forest and was never seen again.

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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