The Coffee Pony 1,390 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Well after the latest episode it seems like there's been a bit of a panic. People are predicting both the end of the show, wondering if G5 will be good or if there will even be one and the end of the fandom. I thought I'd say my piece here and hopefully people will calm down about the whole thing. Now regarding the end of Friendship is Magic. We have people saying that the show will end after the Season 6 and the movie and others saying that the show will end at Season 9. I hope it's latter. I'll admit that I've grown a bit attached to the show and would like to see more adventures of these characters that I've grown fond of over time. If they do end it at Season 6 (or 7) and the movie though, I can say I would complain. I'll be sad to see it go but at least the show would go out on a high note. Either way we can't say when it will end, nobody from DHX or Hasbro has said anything on the show's end. Now with that said, whether FiM ends sooner or later, I'm not worried about the quality of G5. In fact, I look forward to it, I'm very confident that the next incarnation of My Little Pony will be in good hands. The only thing I'm dreading about the end of Friendship is Magic is wait in between the shows. We've all know how maddening the long wait was in between Season 4 and 5, imagine the wait in between FiM and G5. I'm just hoping that the wait will only be a year and a half (like the transition from G3.5 to FiM) rather than the usual 2 to 3+ year wait that's usually in between shows. That's a long time without pony with possibly only that Filly Funtasia show to hold us over, so I hope that's good. As for G5 itself, as I said, it's going to be fine. Hasbro knows when they've failed (G3) and when they've made a success (Friendship is Magic) and they tend to learn from them. If you want to sell toys then you need a good show to go with it. Friendship is Magic has been their most successful incarnation yet, so now that they've made a successful, they're going to want to make sure all future incarnations meet that standard of quality. Hasbro already learned that lesson with Transformers after Beast Wars and every North American incarnation since then has been a good show. The only mistake Hasbro really made was localizing a few Transformers Anime in between Beast Machines and Animated. Of course G5 is going to be different from FiM as future incarnations of a show tend to be. It's most likely going to have a different art style, we'll have brand new world and new characters to see (now whether we'll see different spins on familiar characters, that has yet to be seen) and probably a different atmosphere altogether. But just because something's different, doesn't mean it will be bad. All three Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shows are different from each other but each one turned out better than the last, the Transformers shows are pretty different and they've all been good (again the North American ones) and this is something we can expect out of the future incarnations of My Little Pony. Different, but still pretty good and with every incarnation, we'll have new people introduced to the fandom. The fandom won't die with FiM, it's just going to change from a show-centered fandom into a full franchise fandom just like the Transformers Fandom, the TMNT fandom and several other fandoms. I speak from experience on this. We'll still see fanart, fanfics, and what have you but not just from FiM but future and possibly previous incarnations of My Little Pony. This forum, Equestria Daily and FiM fiction will still have a reason to be around long after FiM comes to a close, at worst some pony sites might have to change their names. The Technodrome has been around since 1999 and it used to be a TMNT '87 fansite, now it's inclusive to all incarnations and there are several older Transformers fansites such as TFW2005 that are still very active. Yes we'll have those who will say FiM was the best and the others suck but that's in all franchise fandoms, this one will be no exception. In fact you'll probably be surprised to know that the FiM fans have a bit of a rivalry with the G1 Fans. As someone who has been in different fandoms, I think it's safe to say that this will probably be the direction our fandom will take. Our fandom will grow and eventually become inclusive of the franchise in general. Those are my thoughts on the matter. I hope this thread puts some of your anxieties to rest. There's no real reason to dread the end of Friendship is Magic. It'll be sad to see the show go but if the next incarnation goes well things will look up for both the franchise and the fandom. 13 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nightfall Gloam 18,267 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Yeah, admittedly, although I absolutely love generation 4 pony, I think it would be best for the show to end soon... I mean, even with a uni (multi?)verse as big as gen 4 pony, I still cannot help but feel like there is only so much storytelling potential to be left, and if the show does go on for longer than 7 seasons, and still manage to be good somehow, I'm convinced that people will end up getting a bit bored of FiM/EqG anyway. It happens, and not even other shows like the Simpsons are safe from fans getting bored and wanting something new... I also do want to see what generation 5 will be like, but I feel like I probably will never have the time to binge watch every new season on demand, let alone regularly visit sites like this. Especially when I feel like the job I want will pretty much require a lot of work put into it. I guess that until further notice, I'll just have to say in advance that I loved being a Brony and I don't know where I'll be without MLP: FiM inspiring me. 3 Aspiring animator/illustrator, founder of MLPF's Lighthoof and Shimmy Shake fan club! "The magic of friendship grows" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
碇 シンジン 27,433 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 MLP will never end the story of friendship blossoms and continues in our hearts if it doesnt continue on tv anymore 7 Rarity Fan Club Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EQ_Theta 463 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 On the show ending, I would prefer it end on a high note so I'm fine with it ending with season 6 and the movie and I'm hoping the quality of G4 can carry over to G5. As for the fandom, I doubt it will end. There are plenty of fandoms out there that carry on even without the show. I'm sure no one will simply drop the friends they made over the course of being in the fandom just because the show ends. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,770 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Awesome post! It is nice to see a thread like that that is on the positive side of this. It is interesting how the latest episode has sparked a lot of fear over this subject and I guess it is understandable. I have the same fear, I do not want to see this show come to an end and I personally would love to see it go beyond 6 season and the big movie, but it may not even be possible depending on circumstances. If they have to end it with the movie and season 6 to end it on a good note, then I am fine with it, but still. Despite this, I really want to think positive. We still have at minimum two whole years of new FiM to look forward to with many new adventures both in the show and the fandom itself and the fandom will always live on and it will continue to grow too! ^__^ With all of that in mind, I think we all should reflect on all of the great things that this show has created and also, look forward to the future. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tee Kay 29 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Everything ends, and I'd prefer G4 ends with style and a bang than drag on and on for a decade or more like some other shows... One more season(?) and a movie, and we can call it a wrap. Though what I would love is a spin-off series, set in the same universe with a different cast of main characters; G4.5, if you will. If done well, and depending on how G5 is conceived, it could serve as a transition between the generations. You could keep the G4 magic going for a few more years and easing into G5, as opposed to just announce a brand new generation with a brand new everything right off the bat.Really, if Hasbro is smart about it, what we deffo won't get is a sharp transition like the one from G3.5 to G4, not now that there's a massive expanded universe and fandom around (and lots and lots of money hinging on) the franchise. Like, the new Star Wars films don't reboot the entire franchise, they build on existing stuff. I think we'll get a more subtle change of generations, keeping the best of G4 with new characters and new settings and new stories. 4 "We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" - The DoctorModerator on Bronies Australia - I'm also on DeviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chirox the pony 1,336 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 I'm gonna be blunt here, the fandom (unless G5 is good) won't last. I've watched a fanbase die and let me tell you it can easily happen. The only reason I think things like star wars have lasted so long is because merchandise and public acknowledgement continued after their initial run ended. With MLP Hasbro will want to distract from G4 in order to sell more G5 merchandise. And the only people who I think would really obsess over it into old age would be the hard-cores and even then they're a minority. People lose interest in things, you reading this will have been interested in something at some point and then one day have just forgotten about it. And if a fanbase is starved of something and there's nothing left to talk about people are gonna stop drawing fan art and people will leave the websites thus bringing the culture to a close and will thus become nothing more then a memory. No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Banul 3,831 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Without an end, there can be no beginning. Having seen Crusaders of the Lost Mark, I've been thinking a bit about the end of FiM. I've come to the conclusion that it's at a pretty good spot now to wrap things up. We've seen characters grow up, seen them accomplish things that they set out to do. I'm ready to close this chapter of MLP and to start a new one. I think they should continue in the same universe, but follow new characters. MLP has become huge for Hasbro (if it wasn't already). It's spawned its own pop culture phenomenon. They would be fools to end the franchise at the end of the current iteration. As long as they keep pumping out quality pony material, the fandom should ensure. I don't believe that a fandom that organizes it's own conventions would die out so quickly 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveMorison 404 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Filly Funtasia looks worse than G3 to me. Wouldn't get your hopes up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Unknown 132 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Well that just sucks. I joined the fandom near the end of it's ride... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Crystal Maiden 221 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 I'll be honest: the thought of the show ending forever makes me feel sick inside. I love it more than any other film or TV show in my life and it's been one of the things that's made my day a bit brighter in the past four years. I've heard that it could end after season 6 and the movie, but it's not confirmed, so I'm reeeeally hoping that it will go on further than that; at least two more seasons (that might be a bit much to ask). At the same time though, I've always thought that you can't drag a show or film franchise on for too long, otherwise the creators can run out of ideas and it won't end on a high note. But FiM is particularly special to me, which is why I don't want it to end yet. It does look likely that it will end soon, due to all the conclusions that have been happening in season 5 (Rarity getting a new boutique, Rainbow almost being a Wonderbolt, the CMC getting their Cutie Marks etc.), but I'm just hoping that the creators will keep it going for as long as possible since they know how huge the fandom is and it would be a shame to disappoint us. That being said, when it ends, it should end on a high note, and therefore mustn't be dragged on forever, but I'm hoping we've at least got a few more years yet. Please!!! I can't live without my lovely ponies! :'( 1 British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan. Creativity is life. ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ITV Canterlot 39 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Vale quattuor / Farewell four Ad aeternam / on to eternity Di meliora / the fates be with you Vale quattuor / farewell four I'll face it: this show will end eventually. And there could be many possible endings: 1) Ends in next two or three years, strong. Everybody cries, learns some lessons, wins some Emmy and go home happily, wishing there's more. Why there isn't more? Where is the next generation? 2) Run as long as possible, somehow maintaining freshness. This is seldom possible, unless the creation team is talented enough and continue to appeal viewer's interests. MLP: FiM then becomes the longest-running cartoon in the history and influences billions of people. 3) Show being cancelled some day next year and had a terribly rushed season to wrap things up. Nobody is happy, bronies starts protests outside Hasbro HQ yelling "Larson", turns into violence and ignites the next Civil War. 4) Show continued long as a soulless puppet. I can bring up many examples in Chinese cartoons, they continue to produce, children are still watching, but no one literally cares about the future of the show because they're so terrible. No. 5) Aliens invade and we all dies. #2 is certainly the scenario I'm looking for, but not really realistic. Things must change to evolve itself, and Hasbro knows it (if they're not idiots). And if they are not idiots, they should realise how the future generations should be like to appeal different demographics happy. Money is their goal and we have told them how to earn even more. My hope? A spinoff, a grand but reasonable ending, a better (or same standard) G5. This fandom, well, depends on the characteristics of each and every individuals, it could be disbanded or continue to follow the franchise. However, I don't think Hasbro would drop this cash machine in near future - let's hope the sales are still strong. It is the right time to start speculating how the show might end up with, and time will tell how this show ends up. All we have to do then is to say farewell to the end of a era and move on. Everything will be just fine. Quoting the Ood's last words to the Tenth Doctor: "The song is coming to an end, but the story never ends." 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arrowstormen 62 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 (edited) The show will continue to run as long as it's successful, and it will stay successful as long as it's good and people watch it. Some people are worried that means it will end on a low note, but until the show shows sign of running out of steam, I see no reason for wishing it to end. Look at Doctor Who, that's still going strong, mostly because it constantly reinvents itself, which is the recipe to staying on air for a long time, and so far, I think pony has managed to do that splendidly. People have speculated they will end it with the movie, but I find that extremely unlikely, because if the movie is a big hit, then they would want to do more. I therefore predict at least seven seasons, season 6 in 2016, the movie in 2017, followed by season 7. People are saying Crusaders of the Lost Mark had indications of an ending, but it was made pretty clear that it was simply the beginning of a new chapter for the CMC, like Twilight getting her wings was the beginning of her finding her ground as the Princess of Friendship, and then fill out those duties. Incidentally, I believe most people also thought Twilight becoming a princess would be the end game of the show, but here we are, almost two full seasons later, still going strong, and with a lot of new developments and great pony episodes. Edited October 12, 2015 by Arrowstormen 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ecntrix 86 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 (edited) Well, there will be some Chibi EQG, but I'm not sure if it will be a toy line, or a cartoon. And there is definitely going be a movie and season 6, might be a season 7, 8, and 9. But when it does end, the fandom will still thrive as long as we have people who still love the show, still want to contribute to the community and more. MLP will forever stay in our hearts no matter what. Also, this is my first time hearing about G5. Edited October 12, 2015 by Ecntrix 1 [ Deviant Art | Chicken Smoothie | Art Thread ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unlikeable Pony 2,698 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Eh, for me, I won't care and will probably stop watching or caring about the show. It won't exist as a Multi-generation show for me that I care about.I care about the mane six, the EOH (or their concepts) and the villains/characters therin. The concept of ponies is secondary there. This is why I can accept EQG but I would stop dead and not really care about a new generation with new ponies.The same thing occured for me with digimon. I LOVED Digimon adventure 01 and 02. Even though 02 was with new kids, its still was the same universe and timeline, with all the old characters still around (and my favorite digidestined Kari and TK still highlighting). But after that, Eh, I don't care, the other digimon shows didn't appeal to me.But I remained loyal to the characters and the universe, as I am very hyped for Digimon tri as its following the same characters again. So basically, unless they do an alternate continuity or sequel series, I won't care about G5, and that's basically that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pez 106 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Actually, I don't think they gave them their cutie marks because it's all going to end very soon, I think they did that because it was the anniversary. The anniversary happened to fall on a saturday, so they decided, "Let's make this an episode to remember!" Yes, the series will end one day, but I do not think that's going to happen anytime soon, this series may last a pretty long time. Spongebob is lasting pretty long (Not sure why.) so I'm pretty sure something as big and unique as MLP will last just as long if not longer... It's not everyday you see a fandom like this appear. 3 FUS RO DAH! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyBurner's_Legion 63 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Well that just sucks. I joined the fandom near the end of it's ride... Hey don't lose hope I joined a year and a few months ago. I still think there may be a season or two left. This seems just like when twilight got her wings. Everyone panicked like "Oh is this the end????" I think we may still have a fair amount of time left. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TubeSock2018 325 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 (edited) I never understood the panic for FiM ending someday. It's either seeing it end someday within the foreseeable future or watching it decay into an unwatchable mess that then ends because kids lost interest. I'd rather it reach a definitive, respectable, and high-note ending. If the show ended in season 6, 7, or after the movie, at least the majority of the seasons were good. But to see it go the way of The Simpsons where it just keeps going and going and has overstayed its welcome is not the ending FiM deserves. It deserves an ending that gives you smiles and tears. One that leaves you with many fond memories. And keeping FiM on air for as long as possible only results in a show that could potentially become a shadow of its former self and feeling sad to see such a great thing end is better than being glad to see such a terrible thing end. There's a reason why the term "jumping the shark" exists. I can't say how long the show should last. Parks and rec. was like 7 or 8 seasons long and the whole thing was beautiful, imo. There is no set number of seasons necessary, but I hope the writers and Hasbro respect their viewers and fans to understand that if they are out of good ideas, to wrap it up. Start a G5. New art style. New toys. New direction. Just something to give G4 a nice front and back cover instead of starting off with a crisp and clean cover and a bunch of muddy, messy, unreadable pages at the end. Edited October 12, 2015 by pollo20x6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arrowstormen 62 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 I never understood the panic for FiM ending someday. It's either seeing it end someday within the foreseeable future or watching it decay into an unwatchable mess that then ends because kids lost interest. I'd rather it reach a definitive, respectable, and high-note ending. If the show ended in season 6, 7, or after the movie, at least the majority of the seasons were good. But to see it go the way of The Simpsons where it just keeps going and going and has overstayed its welcome is not the ending FiM deserves. It deserves an ending that gives you smiles and tears. One that leaves you with many fond memories. And keeping FiM on air for as long as possible only results in a show that could potentially become a shadow of its former self and feeling sad to see such a great thing end is better than being glad to see such a terrible thing end. There's a reason why the term "jumping the shark" exists. I can't say how long the show should last. Parks and rec. was like 7 or 8 seasons long and the whole thing was beautiful, imo. There is no set number of seasons necessary, but I hope the writers and Hasbro respect their viewers and fans to understand that if they are out of good ideas, to wrap it up. Start a G5. New art style. New toys. New direction. Just something to give G4 a nice front and back cover instead of starting off with a crisp and clean cover and a bunch of muddy, messy, unreadable pages at the end. Will next season suck? I don't think so, but it's possible. Will it first start sucking in season 18? Maybe, we don't know. Point is, as long as the show is great, it should continue. I know people want it to end on a high note, but there's no way to tell if it "should" last x or y seasons because it would suck after that magical number. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TubeSock2018 325 October 12, 2015 Share October 12, 2015 Will next season suck? I don't think so, but it's possible. Will it first start sucking in season 18? Maybe, we don't know. Point is, as long as the show is great, it should continue. I know people want it to end on a high note, but there's no way to tell if it "should" last x or y seasons because it would suck after that magical number. Like I said, "There is no set number of seasons necessary, but I hope the writers and Hasbro respect their viewers and fans to understand that if they are out of good ideas, to wrap it up."Everything you said, I said it as well, but with different words. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MAIKUN 262 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 Eh, for me, I won't care and will probably stop watching or caring about the show. It won't exist as a Multi-generation show for me that I care about. I care about the mane six, the EOH (or their concepts) and the villains/characters therin. The concept of ponies is secondary there. This is why I can accept EQG but I would stop dead and not really care about a new generation with new ponies. The same thing occured for me with digimon. I LOVED Digimon adventure 01 and 02. Even though 02 was with new kids, its still was the same universe and timeline, with all the old characters still around (and my favorite digidestined Kari and TK still highlighting). But after that, Eh, I don't care, the other digimon shows didn't appeal to me. But I remained loyal to the characters and the universe, as I am very hyped for Digimon tri as its following the same characters again. So basically, unless they do an alternate continuity or sequel series, I won't care about G5, and that's basically that. An alternate continuity spinoff series? That's it!! My hopes are not crushed after all! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Griffen Slayer 27 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I've grown fond of the barony fandom and I do hope that our fandom does not end. If you are right, I hope we last a good bit longer. This was the first fandom I've joined and I've made good friends here. Some I consider family. Ever sense discovery family bought the hub, correct me if I'm wrong about that, I hope that the show will be extended. 2 I am Griffen Slayer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 (edited) Guys, keep in mind this is the same company that was so stubborn, they repainted the same Jurassic Park figures over and over again for 10 years before finally making new toys. We'll be begging for Hasbro to stop as they run this show into the ground before this show ends. Edited October 13, 2015 by Dinos4Ever 2 Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brush Stroke 2 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 (edited) I think the fact that we are afraid or are even bringing it up tells us how much we care about it. Remember, we still got Trekkies, and Star Wars nerds. And the Star Trek series has long died. So as long as MLP continues to dish out the goods, we'll be fine. Like Minecraft and and other franchises. And besides that, we've already had this disscussion last season. lol Personally like Gryphon Slayer there. I hope it doesn't end. I like this fandom, and the people I've met and come to call friends. This fandom has been pulling me out of a dark place. And I can't thank it enough. Edited October 13, 2015 by Brush Stroke Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Coffee Pony 1,390 October 13, 2015 Author Share October 13, 2015 Also something I forgot to mention. If any of you are worried about not seeing our favorite characters again, I don't think we'll have to worry about that either. A lot of the characters we see now are newer incarnations of previous characters, including half of the main cast (Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash) so there's a good chance that we'll see newer incarnations of the FiM cast. Who knows, after the success of this incarnation, we'll probably see some of them again as main characters that are only slightly different from the previous incarnation. Again, comparable to Transformers: every incarnation has its Optimus, it's Bumblebee, its Megatron, its Starscream, and sometimes we'll see a Ratchet, Bulkhead, Ironhide and Cliffjumper. Same archetypes but the personalities can be slightly different. So I think we can expect to see these characters we're fond of again in G5. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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