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open Ask Any Pony on a Date, Mod-set 3.0

Octavia's Bow

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@Comet Tail,

She seems a bit surprised at first, almost a little... Scared? She glances back into the home - but only for a brief moment before shrugging, turning back to you with a grin, accepting the coffee and music in her own telekinesis, and gesturing with her head for you to follow her as she heads inside and starts setting up her equipment to play your music. She even takes a swig of the coffee you gave her. She no longer has any signs of trepidation at all; she really seems most interested in giving your music a shot.

Hacktune gave an akward smile, until vinyl gestured him to follow her. When Hacktune entered vinyl house, he saw vinyl already setting up her equipment "So you want to start trying the music straight?, well.. my music kinda uhm... a remix from a classic piece 'Alla Turca' , but still awesome." He smiled confidently. He approached the piano in her house and said "Can i use this?, i could play the piano one here and you could play the beat." He looked at Vinyl and said "You need help setting up?"

(I was kinda aiming the song sound like this AdobeAudiTest.mp3 )

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@@Octavia's Bow,




Zecora nods and gestures you to come inside, “Then I will give you what you desire. Come inside, we’ll talk by fire.” She walks into the tree house, leaving the door open for you.


For a moment, a very different thought ran through Strong Copper's head about the invitation that he had just received. It was short lived however due to the fact that his mother had not raised a pervert, but it was entertaining while it lasted. Accepting the invitation and stepping inside Zecora's tree home, Strong Copper took a moment to look around to admire the place before closing the door behind him. "I have to admit, this place is rather nice." It was both exotic but also rather homely at the same time. 

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@@Comet Tail,


Night gave him a very serious look for a moment, opens his mouth, then bites his lip before looking down and blushing. "I tried. It's hard to get service for me right now. Just... tie me up. It's gunna be a long night." He holds out his hooves tiredly and refuses to look anywhere but the ground, The desk pony had upset him more than even he thought she had.

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Big Mac is blushing, but offers, “Home. She, umm, she showed me something.” He holds out a picture. It’s a portrait of you without your glasses. “It’s… kinda cute…”


Veiled Spike, both surprised and anxious, took a closer look at the picture to verify that it's indeed of her. For sure enough, she replied, "That's a printed replica poster of my self-portrait artwork I've done. I assumed that you went to the merchandise booth before it closed due to emergency reasons. Are you hurt? Was it difficult to get in? I'm sorry for the fact that this most recent inconvenience has held you back." One of the backstage caterers notified Velied Spike that dinner is ready, Veiled thanked the caterer and asked Big Mac, "Looks like dinner is ready. Would like to eat with me?"

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  • 2 months later...

Ticktock chuckled a bit at Rainbow, before accepting the milkshake from Pinkie (to which he  gave the necessary amount bits too). After hearing how Applejack had the peppers Ticktock bought a hoof to his chin "Well I have to admit I find it a surprise that an  apple farmer has peppers... but I honestly don't judge what one gets up to in ones free time.". Ticktock then  gave an  over confident smirk at hearing that it would be his go "Bring it on, I can handle anything and anypony for that mater you could throw at me. Ticktock then shook AJ's hoof "Pleasure to meet you, my names Ticktock Starblast at your service!"  


In response to your comment on the peppers, AJ replies: "Ah, well, these here peppers were a gift from my second uncle. Then Rainbow decided to raise me a challenge with'em, so ya know what? I planted'em! And grew a lot more! So now we're finally havin' this challenge."


When you take AJ's hoof you're met with a strong, hearty shake that makes you feel like you'd be flung right into the air if you locked your forehoof. "Pleased to meet'ya, Starblast!"


There's a big sigh from the counter as Rainbow finishes her enormous chug of milkshake before she addresses you, "So, you think you're really tough stuff, huh? Well, if - eek!" She quickly takes another swig from the milkshake. Applejack brings her hoof to her mouth to cover another chuckle. RD continues, "Okay, okay," she admits, "Yeah, they're hot. But if you're really so tough - take two!"


Applejack and Pinkie Pie's expressions both go to fear. AJ starts, "Look sugarcube, I got a lotta' heat an' puckered up just from grabbin' a stem in my teeth an puttin' it on the table. You don't gotta impress nopony, here."


"You know - " Pinkie Pie chimes in, "If you're gonna eat two, tell me first, 'cause then I gotta make some crescent rolls, fast!"



@@Comet Tail,


Night gave him a very serious look for a moment, opens his mouth, then bites his lip before looking down and blushing. "I tried. It's hard to get service for me right now. Just... tie me up. It's gunna be a long night." He holds out his hooves tiredly and refuses to look anywhere but the ground, The desk pony had upset him more than even he thought she had.


The second guard opens his mouth to say something - then pauses, and gently huffs as he finds he doesn't have anything to say.


"You can be creative," the commander says, "but knocking on palace windows in the middle of the night is not the way to do it."


They lead you quite a ways, before entering one of the buildings and taking you to a room.


To your surprise, the room isn't really a jail cell. It's more, in fact, like the cheapest inn room you've ever seen. The bed has sheets, the walls are sheetrock, the roof and floor are a strong oaken wood, there's even a small, decent bathroom attached, and even a glass window - it doesn't open, but it doesn't even have bars. And to top it all off, there's even a small desk. The place seems more akin to a locked room in a mental hospital.


"This is for more civil, less dangerous suspects. Just don't do anything stupid or you'll get the real cells. And this place is under constant survaillence, so we'll know."



Ezekiel, being very unreceptive of facial and vocal cues, does not notice Sonata's anxiety.


He simply pinched his uniform to indicate it.


"Oh it's quite a passion of mine actually. I've been doing the martial arts for years. My sifu actually says I'm quite good even, but I don't like to boast." Ezekiel boasted but in a way he hoped did not sound like boasting to Adagio.


Adagio tenses slightly, "Well that's great, isn't that just great, you two?" She asks back to her friends without turning.


"Mhm" "Yeah... No?" Aria and Sonata respond simultaneously. Aria gives a glare that shoots daggers at Sonata.


"W-What?" Sonata asks. "Hel-lo? Don't you remember what happened in Seattle? That was a disaster! It's, like, totally a bad thing because that interferes with-"


Panic fleetingly shoots across both Aria and Adagio's faces. Aria reaches forward and covers Sonata's mouth with her hand.


Adagio whips around and growls at Sonata, before quickly turning back and continuing, "Well, sorry about that, she says the stupidest made-up things sometimes, and so rude, too. Take my apology, she uh... Probably has something." Adagio actually offers her hand this time with a forced smile.


Aria just nods, and Sonata does as well - though it's hard to tell whether Sonata is actually nodding or if it's Aria's hand nodding her head. Aria then harshly whispers something to Sonata.


- - - assuming nothing too major happens that would stop this - - -


"Hi!" A girl with fiery red-and-yellow hair approaches. "I'm Sunset Shimmer, Are you the new students I'm supposed to show around?"


- - - simple confirmations and introductions - - -


"Good to meet all of you! Canterlot High School is a great place, you're really going to love it..." Sunset continues.


She leads your group on a fairly nondescript tour of the school, showing you various classrooms and important places.



@Comet Tail,

Hacktune gave an akward smile, until vinyl gestured him to follow her. When Hacktune entered vinyl house, he saw vinyl already setting up her equipment "So you want to start trying the music straight?, well.. my music kinda uhm... a remix from a classic piece 'Alla Turca' , but still awesome." He smiled confidently. He approached the piano in her house and said "Can i use this?, i could play the piano one here and you could play the beat." He looked at Vinyl and said "You need help setting up?"

(I was kinda aiming the song sound like this attachicon.gif AdobeAudiTest.mp3 )



Dox's heart sank when she shook her head no. Had he said something wrong? Been too predictable? He felt the situation getting away from him, and he was about to give up, until she mentioned something a bit more interesting than a traditional date. The fact that, even though she shot his idea down like other stallions before him, the fact that she was giving him another route meant that she must see something different in him than the others, right? "Uh, sure! That sounds fun! I've never actually been myself, so it'll be an interesting new experience for the both of us." He gave her a small, nervous smile. "So, uh, how about sometime this afternoon? Unless you're busy, I can go with a different date for our date." He let out a nervous chuckle, realizing how cheesy he sounded.



To your first question, she simply grins and nods, and puts her copy of the music on her stand in front of her keyboard rig. To your question about the piano, she shrugs and turns to Octavia, only now noticing Octavia's waving.


Vinyl shrugs at her roommate with a confused, perked eyebrow.


Octavia smiles, shaking her head in a small gesture of teasing. She mouths, 'Would you like to come with me and Paradox to play lazer tag later?'


Scratch shrugs and nods, then gestures towards HackTune and the piano again.


Octavia gets up and slowly rubs her piano, thinking. With a slow nod, she turns to HackTune, "Not a scratch, spill, oopsies, or otherwise. This may be a baby grand, but it's worth more than a fancy cart. Understand?"


I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Pucksterv, on 16 Dec 2015 - 04:15 AM, said:

Trivy felt her heart racing as her confidence quickly returned. She was glad she wasn't the only one cable of stammering like that. It was actually really cute how she responded, quite the opposite from what she had expected. In her mind, she had imagined she was already send half way to the moon because Twilight had ordered Celestia to do so. She let out a small breath as a huge weight had left her shoulders. Not that was completely gone of course. She still needed to how the rest of it would turn out.


''You know you look really cute stammering and blushing. I mean, at least you're not as bad as me.'' she said with an embarrassed smile while she rubbed the beck of her neck. Then realization suddenly hit her. ''Oh uh... Totally forget. I suppose introducing myself was something I should have done first.'' she said with a soft smile. ''My name is Trivy. Trivia Hecta.'' she said as she made a small bow. ''I'm pretty much new here in Ponyville so I don't suppose you know a good place to go for a-a first d-date?'' she said, still having trouble saying those last few words.


Twilight perks up instantly, “Uhuh! One second.” She bounces to a shelf and pulls out a very, very thick guide to Equestria’s places, that you are beginning to suspect are outdated. She suggests a few things, but most of the options are pretty similar and very rustic.


Comet Tail, on 16 Dec 2015 - 04:26 AM, said:

(I just had the funny realization that the sooner I finish everyone else's replies, the sooner I get my own reply! )


I'm amazed at the clockwork feat, everything moving with such extreme precision. I blink twice, taking it all in. "Woah. You know, typically, adventures have some brave stallion rescuing a damsel in distress. But I get the feeling that if we go on some kind of adventure on the moon, you'll probably be the one saving me," I chuckle. Looking at the teddy bear and its impaled injury, I look back at her and comment with a smirk; "Well, you've saved me from missing the stop at the station and lots of heavy baggage, but I'm a little concerned seeing as you didn't save this teddy bear from a possibly mortal injury."


Fortunately, I catch the implication rather quickly before I let it go; "But like I just said - it's what happens now that matters, and you did save me from the baggage and missing the stop, so even if you let Teddy get impaled in the past -" I glance at the bear, then back at her, "You've proven tonight that you wouldn't let that happen now." I shoot her an understanding, close-eyed smile as I levitate the stuffed animal over to her in an offering gesture.


(All the way up until we go awol, yeah.)

When you open your eyes, the bear is gone and she’s not looking at you, though you get the sense it’s not from embarrassment. After a bit, she tries her best to sound normal, “Welp, bed time! No sense in prolonging it, big day tomorrow!” She heads to bed.


Count Paradox, on 16 Dec 2015 - 08:59 AM, said:

Dox's heart sank when she shook her head no. Had he said something wrong? Been too predictable? He felt the situation getting away from him, and he was about to give up, until she mentioned something a bit more interesting than a traditional date. The fact that, even though she shot his idea down like other stallions before him, the fact that she was giving him another route meant that she must see something different in him than the others, right? "Uh, sure! That sounds fun! I've never actually been myself, so it'll be an interesting new experience for the both of us." He gave her a small, nervous smile. "So, uh, how about sometime this afternoon? Unless you're busy, I can go with a different date for our date." He let out a nervous chuckle, realizing how cheesy he sounded.


A thought passes through her mind of asking about another mare jokingly, but decides to spare you that very brief jab. She nods, “Sure. If it’s at that time, maybe Vinyl would like to come with us. That is, if she isn’t to busy with her new friend.” She waves at her silent, DJ buddy.


Gloomfury, on 16 Dec 2015 - 12:05 PM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow,


Shamrock smiled and gave a bow. "Shamrock, at your serves. Though I am also known as 'Sledge-hoof' Shamrock. Because my hooves feel like being hit by a sledgehammer." She did a light one-two combo with a cocky grin. "I'm a boxer, if you havn't caught one. Also, would you mind giving my hat back?"


“Umm, ahh, yes. A boxer you say?” she very hesitantly gives you your hat back, though it’s obvious that she doesn’t understand WHY you would want such a thing.


Script Dangles, on 17 Dec 2015 - 12:04 AM, said:


Things had a funny way of working themselves out, sometimes.



Script hadn't gone straight home.  No, he had a lot that he needed to have done before seven, and the sun was already setting over the straight-line horizon, dusk encroaching into what was left of daytime.  So once he'd turned away, he'd headed back into town.  The next hour or so, he'd spent spinning about the immense gazebo-like structure that served as its center.  He'd looked in storefront windows, at first, but when that searching frustrated him, he started to stop ponies that looked like they might be helpful.  Excuse me, miss...can you tell me where I can find a florist?  Pardon me, sir...I'm new here.  Can you recommend a nice place to take a mare to dinner?  Preferably one where maybe they play soft music by your table?  Oh, and is there a river nearby?  Something with maybe a bridge over the top of it?  It was a lot of questions asked to a lot of strangers and Script felt terribly self-conscious about asking them.  But what he had discovered, after he had finished and turned his back on Ponyville for his house, was that he'd learned a lot about his adopted home.  He had learned about all the shoppes in town, learned their keeper's names, and studied their wares.  He'd also discovered that the ponies here were kind and friendly and always seemed to have a moment for you – even when you asked them questions that he knew probably seemed strange and annoying.  The birds were out and singing and the sun had set fire to the sky before disappearing.  It wasn't Chicoltgo...but maybe it was even better, in its own charming way.



There was only one way it was going to get better, he considered.  And she was going to be at his house at seven.



If she shows up at all, he reminded himself, opening the door to his house once he'd arrived and shutting it after himself.  It wasn't like you exactly gave her a choice.  He tried not to dwell on it too much.  He had his flowers and he had his reservations for their dinner at a quaint little outdoor cafe.  He'd planned out the route on which he'd take her afterwards, if all went well, for a nice walk under the stars.



That was ever Script:  The plan, written out carefully, like the plots to one of his novels.  He got into his shower and cleaned himself.  When he finished, combing his mane and brushing his teeth, night had claimed the day.  It was almost time.  He waited in his living room listening for the door.



He couldn't help himself; he imagined how he'd feel if her knock never came.


7 rolls around, and nothing.

7:30, still nothing.

7:45, you begin to despair.

7:50, still no sign.

At 7:59, there’s a knock on your door.


Strong Copper, on 17 Dec 2015 - 9:41 PM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow,


For a moment, a very different thought ran through Strong Copper's head about the invitation that he had just received. It was short lived however due to the fact that his mother had not raised a pervert, but it was entertaining while it lasted. Accepting the invitation and stepping inside Zecora's tree home, Strong Copper took a moment to look around to admire the place before closing the door behind him. "I have to admit, this place is rather nice." It was both exotic but also rather homely at the same time.


She shrugs, “My home is small, but it is mine. No room for all, but for me, just fine. Now then, what would you know? I have much knowledge on things that here grow.”


crisahys, on 27 Dec 2015 - 9:26 PM, said:


Veiled Spike, both surprised and anxious, took a closer look at the picture to verify that it's indeed of her. For sure enough, she replied, "That's a printed replica poster of my self-portrait artwork I've done. I assumed that you went to the merchandise booth before it closed due to emergency reasons. Are you hurt? Was it difficult to get in? I'm sorry for the fact that this most recent inconvenience has held you back." One of the backstage caterers notified Velied Spike that dinner is ready, Veiled thanked the caterer and asked Big Mac, "Looks like dinner is ready. Would like to eat with me?"


Big Mac shakes his head no at her question of being hurt, before nodding yes for the dinner. He awaits your lead, ma’dam.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Big Mac shakes his head no at her question of being hurt, before nodding yes for the dinner. He awaits your lead, ma’dam.


At the sigh of relief, Veiled Spike replies, "Thank you, Celestia! I cannot tell you enough of how much I am happy that you made it safely. It is overwhelming. For the dinner, -" Just as she was about the continue about the food items available, the stress of the protest out-crying outside of the venue made her forget. So she continued, "follow me to the catering, and I will show you the available food items. It's quite diverse."

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Comet Tail, on 16 Dec 2015 - 04:26 AM, said:

(I just had the funny realization that the sooner I finish everyone else's replies, the sooner I get my own reply! )


I'm amazed at the clockwork feat, everything moving with such extreme precision. I blink twice, taking it all in. "Woah. You know, typically, adventures have some brave stallion rescuing a damsel in distress. But I get the feeling that if we go on some kind of adventure on the moon, you'll probably be the one saving me," I chuckle. Looking at the teddy bear and its impaled injury, I look back at her and comment with a smirk; "Well, you've saved me from missing the stop at the station and lots of heavy baggage, but I'm a little concerned seeing as you didn't save this teddy bear from a possibly mortal injury."


Fortunately, I catch the implication rather quickly before I let it go; "But like I just said - it's what happens now that matters, and you did save me from the baggage and missing the stop, so even if you let Teddy get impaled in the past -" I glance at the bear, then back at her, "You've proven tonight that you wouldn't let that happen now." I shoot her an understanding, close-eyed smile as I levitate the stuffed animal over to her in an offering gesture.


(All the way up until we go awol, yeah.)

When you open your eyes, the bear is gone and she’s not looking at you, though you get the sense it’s not from embarrassment. After a bit, she tries her best to sound normal, “Welp, bed time! No sense in prolonging it, big day tomorrow!” She heads to bed.


In response to her silence, I pause, deeply regretting what I'd said about the bear. My mind starts racing over things I could say, should say, what else could I say? I've already given something of a small speech on this. I'd carefully built a house of cards, then in the blink of an eye, knocked it all down. I absolutely can't let this go unredeemed. I absolutely have to do something! But what?


"Welp, bed time! No sense in prolonging it, big day tomorrow!" She heads to bed.


I bite my lip - something - something - what? - whhaaat?


"Twilight!" I call, almost a full three seconds after her declaration. I hope it wasn't too much of a bark - though it sounded kinda snappy. But there certainly wasn't any anger in it, just, yelled in the sort of way you'd yell if you were suddenly surprised by something, or scared by something suddenly popping up.


 - If she keeps going,


there's really not much I can do without being excessively forceful, so I'd just sit there for a bit, maybe even quite a long time, nervously regretting what I'd said, looking around for the missing teddy bear, then spending maybe an hour thinking of how I could approach the problem in the morning, before looking around for wherever I was going to sleep.



 - If she stops,


then she'll hardly have a second to respond before I'm right next to her, and another half-second of my own hesitation before I hug her. "Y-you're great. Don't be too hard on yourself, yeah?" What am I doing? I'm not just intruding her personal space, I'm hugging her. But I mean, weren't we just - ... - I guess that was technically snuggling, earlier? Oh my gosh, was I actually snuggling a mare?


I'm going to regret this in a few weeks, or months. In some years I'm going to look back on this and cringe. This is a huge, terrible mistake, and I'm absolutely insane to be doing this on night one. I fell head over hooves for a mare once, and that's how I feel about it now - but, but... Maybe this actually is what love is like? Could this really be it? Is this kind of insane disregard for personal space fueled by intimate care for the other person - is that what ponies pair off and get married over? Is this really what it feels like? Can something that's so big and changes your life so much really happen this quickly?


Fortunately, I think fast, and half of my thoughts aren't even articulated in words so much as nebulous feelings and memories, so this chain of thought is neither distracting, nor does it take more than seven seconds to run through.


Edited by Comet Tail
  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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To your first question, she simply grins and nods, and puts her copy of the music on her stand in front of her keyboard rig. To your question about the piano, she shrugs and turns to Octavia, only now noticing Octavia's waving.


Vinyl shrugs at her roommate with a confused, perked eyebrow.


Octavia smiles, shaking her head in a small gesture of teasing. She mouths, 'Would you like to come with me and Paradox to play lazer tag later?'


Scratch shrugs and nods, then gestures towards HackTune and the piano again.


Octavia gets up and slowly rubs her piano, thinking. With a slow nod, she turns to HackTune, "Not a scratch, spill, oopsies, or otherwise. This may be a baby grand, but it's worth more than a fancy cart. Understand?"

Hacktune turns at Vinyl and nodded signing that He would join them at the Lazer tag. After Octavia explained to him the condition to use her piano, Hacktune said "Don't worry, I had one at home, I know exactly how to take care of her(the piano)." He said with a confidence tone while giving a smile. He gestured to Vinyl saying "Sooo...?"

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@@Octavia's Bow


"Thank ya kindly." She said, taking off the other hat and putting her back on. "It was my da's before he past. So it's very important to me. I always where it when I train and when I walk into a ring. I place it on the turnbuckle of my corner so it'll seem like he's always there cheering me on. Anyway. May I have your name miss...?"

Edited by Gloomfury
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She looks concerned at your discomfort. "Peace to you, dear Wilhelm." She takes your glass in her magic, tops it off with some more wine, and offers it to you.


"I do not have any ill feelings towards you - indeed, I admire your courage in asking me on a date, for the sake of love. But I do wonder if you have fully considered what this entails, what my history may be, or what my future will inevitably hold. I will not deny you the opportunity to court me," she says with a hint of a smile, then continues a bit more soberly, "but first, you must consider that I have had many lovers before, in millennia past, so you would be far from the first..."


Shame creeps into her voice as she continues, "...and shortly before I fell to a Nightmare, after my last lover fell victim to his mortality, left alone and too afraid of losing yet another one, I even experimented with some degree of promiscuity..." She continued more levelly, "And after you, too, shall pass to your own mortality, I may have lovers more. Would you not prefer a partner who would be single to you, who has not spent lifetimes with others already, and who will not live millennia more with others after you pass?" The intonation makes it rather clear that she isn't trying to push you away, so much as she is genuinely asking you this question.


"I invite you to take as long as you want to ponder this in your heart, and to finish this evening however you wish to... My dear Wilhelm," she finishes, cracking a smile.

Wilhelm rolled the wineglass' stem around in one wing, then set it back down full, preferring to abstain lest he lose control of his reasoning. He wouldn't want Luna to see him drunk, anyway; the last time Wilhelm got drunk, he ended up joining a pirate crew after a long rant on booster rockets in some seedy bar to a passed-out patron, nearly getting himself killed on multiple occasions. ...Needless to say, he didn't have the best track record with drink.


Wilhelm waited for a moment, his eyes cast down to the picnic cloth, before he finally made eye contact with Luna again. "'But 'tis it not better to love briefly than not love at all?'" He waited for a second longer, shifting his weight from side to side. "There will be another for you, and there were others before. I... I cannot say that I do not care, Luna." Wilhelm blushed when he realized he forgot to call Luna 'Princess.'


"But... would there be no purpose in trying?" He shook his head. "Never mind; I'm ruining the mood. Next thing you know, I'll pull out the largest sheaf of files known to equinity and start reading them aloud in the most boring, dry academic tone I can possibly muster."


Wilhelm deliberately chose to not respond to Luna's comment on her... ah, promiscuity. The only truthful thing he could say was that he didn't care about that, not really - what was past was past, and everypony makes bad decisions -, but Wilhelm opined mentally that Luna already figured that out by his silence. Or did she? Wilhelm stopped just short of a recursive mess of second-guessing by remembering that he currently had the Princess of the Night for dinner and stargazing, and he hadn't even finished the dinner part yet.


"If I should love, let it be for my own choosing, for one does not direct an ember's path without igniting it further or gutting its flame." Ah, maybe that was a bit too poetic? Okay, well, there's that particular item off my bucket list; tell the Princess random, quasi-romantic poetry so flowery you could switch it with Canterlot Gardens and no one would notice. Bucking ponyfeathers.


"Um... Dinner, right. Dinner." Wilhelm thrust his head into the picnic basket, now blushing uncontrollably from embarrassment. From inside, his muffled voice came. "...I'm sorry, Princess, but I'm.... not really that good at cooking. I'm told that I'm pretty good at sandwiches and salads, though, so I brought some of those. If, um, that's okay with you; I can't claim I can do anything half as fancy as the Castle chefs can." He kept rummaging around in the basket for a moment, failing to find the sandwiches. What Wilhelm didn't realize is that he already arranged them outside the basket, in a nicely artistic pyramid.


If Luna points out the sandwiches:


Wilhelm poked his head back out of the basket. "Really? Give me a telescope and I can see stars, give me my own eyes and I can't see something right in front of my muzzle." He smiled, then proffered Luna a sandwich, as well as one of the green salads with balsamic dressing.



If Luna doesn't point out the sandwiches:


Wilhelm poked his head back out of the basket a few minutes later, ready to concede defeat. Turning to the left slightly, he saw the pile of sandwiches he had laid out, and mentally kicked himself in the cranium. Or would have, if Wilhelm was flexible enough to do so. "...Sorry about that, Princess. Sometimes I just... forget things. Like where I put sandwiches. Or where I left my clearance. Or where I put my glasses, right before I trip over them and lose the third pair in as many weeks." He chuckled slightly. "Sandwich?"


Edited by Orion Caelum
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@@Comet Tail,

Ticktock gave a sharp intake of air as  AJ grabbed his hoof and shook it "Nice to meet you to, but please call me Ticktock." Ticktock then smirks at Rainbow Dash's challenge to him "Ok I'll eat to of them however I will only do it if you have two as well at the same time so we can see who lasts longer. Oh course i'm not going to force you to do it but it will go to show that I can take more spice than you can."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Octavia's Bow, @@Comet Tail,


Paradox nods excitedly. "No, no, I don't mind at all if Vinyl tags along!" 'At least it should give me a chance to get some sweet revenge on her for apparently setting me up and not helping me. At least I got my date with Octavia set, though.' He thought. "So, would it be beneficial for me to just hang here with you guys, or should I just head home and get ready so you can keep an eye on Vinyl's friend while he uses your piano?"


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Adagio tenses slightly, "Well that's great, isn't that just great, you two?" She asks back to her friends without turning.   "Mhm" "Yeah... No?" Aria and Sonata respond simultaneously. Aria gives a glare that shoots daggers at Sonata.   "W-What?" Sonata asks. "Hel-lo? Don't you remember what happened in Seattle? That was a disaster! It's, like, totally a bad thing because that interferes with-"   Panic fleetingly shoots across both Aria and Adagio's faces. Aria reaches forward and covers Sonata's mouth with her hand.   Adagio whips around and growls at Sonata, before quickly turning back and continuing, "Well, sorry about that, she says the stupidest made-up things sometimes, and so rude, too. Take my apology, she uh... Probably has something." Adagio actually offers her hand this time with a forced smile.   Aria just nods, and Sonata does as well - though it's hard to tell whether Sonata is actually nodding or if it's Aria's hand nodding her head. Aria then harshly whispers something to Sonata.   - - - assuming nothing too major happens that would stop this - - -   "Hi!" A girl with fiery red-and-yellow hair approaches. "I'm Sunset Shimmer, Are you the new students I'm supposed to show around?"   - - - simple confirmations and introductions - - -   "Good to meet all of you! Canterlot High School is a great place, you're really going to love it..." Sunset continues.   She leads your group on a fairly nondescript tour of the school, showing you various classrooms and important places.


Ezekiel walked along, being lead by Sunset Shimmer.


"Soooooo, you guys have been to Seattle? Never been myself." Ezekiel was terrible at making small talk. "I can see that the three of you are friends, so what do you guys like to do together for fun and stuff?" Ezekiel asked Adagio.

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  • 3 months later...

Nightlance sighs and passes time bouncing echos off the cell. The comfiest he'd been in by far, but with the time passing, the night would soon burn away to the golds and brigts of the morning. The warm, blinding morning with the loud carts and such. Bareable, but not my sort of environment. He looks at the sign he left in the corner and turns over, having laid out on the ground. Somehow, he felt it was more comfortable. Like home, though, with a carpet. He closes his eyes and hums softly about cold and mountains.

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  • 1 month later...

This is what we had.



crisahys, on 05 Mar 2016 - 01:59 AM, said:

At the sigh of relief, Veiled Spike replies, "Thank you, Celestia! I cannot tell you enough of how much I am happy that you made it safely. It is overwhelming. For the dinner, -" Just as she was about the continue about the food items available, the stress of the protest out-crying outside of the venue made her forget. So she continued, "follow me to the catering, and I will show you the available food items. It's quite diverse."


Big Mac nods and moves to follow, looking around at the strange images around him. They were a little unsettling… kind of like Veiled’s eyes. But, unique, like her eyes again. They soon found themselves at the table spread with no new incidents. Seems some security showed up to dampen the crowd further.


Comet Tail, on 05 Mar 2016 - 02:00 AM, said:

In response to her silence, I pause, deeply regretting what I'd said about the bear. My mind starts racing over things I could say, should say, what else could I say? I've already given something of a small speech on this. I'd carefully built a house of cards, then in the blink of an eye, knocked it all down. I absolutely can't let this go unredeemed. I absolutely have to do something! But what?


"Welp, bed time! No sense in prolonging it, big day tomorrow!" She heads to bed.


I bite my lip - something - something - what? - whhaaat?


"Twilight!" I call, almost a full three seconds after her declaration. I hope it wasn't too much of a bark - though it sounded kinda snappy. But there certainly wasn't any anger in it, just, yelled in the sort of way you'd yell if you were suddenly surprised by something, or scared by something suddenly popping up.


- If she stops,

then she'll hardly have a second to respond before I'm right next to her, and another half-second of my own hesitation before I hug her. "Y-you're great. Don't be too hard on yourself, yeah?" What am I doing? I'm not just intruding her personal space, I'm hugging her. But I mean, weren't we just - ... - I guess that was technically snuggling, earlier? Oh my gosh, was I actually snuggling a mare?


I'm going to regret this in a few weeks, or months. In some years I'm going to look back on this and cringe. This is a huge, terrible mistake, and I'm absolutely insane to be doing this on night one. I fell head over hooves for a mare once, and that's how I feel about it now - but, but... Maybe this actually is what love is like? Could this really be it? Is this kind of insane disregard for personal space fueled by intimate care for the other person - is that what ponies pair off and get married over? Is this really what it feels like? Can something that's so big and changes your life so much really happen this quickly?


Fortunately, I think fast, and half of my thoughts aren't even articulated in words so much as nebulous feelings and memories, so this chain of thought is neither distracting, nor does it take more than seven seconds to run through.


She pauses a moment, and in that moment you are suddenly at her side. Saying weird, but cute things to try and make her feel a bit better. And then you hug her! The blush slowly spread across her face as she plays with her mane a bit, slightly embarrassed. But, for the attempt, she rewards you with a small kiss on your cheek and a brief hug, looking back at you. Then she mumbles, “T-thanks Comet. Get some sleep. We’ll, uhh… it’ll be a long day tomorrow.”


Gloomfury, on 05 Mar 2016 - 10:24 AM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow,


"Thank ya kindly." She said, taking off the other hat and putting her back on. "It was my da's before he past. So it's very important to me. I always wear it when I train and when I walk into a ring. I place it on the turnbuckle of my corner so it'll seem like he's always there cheering me on. Anyway. May I have your name miss...?"


She nods and turns to her mannequins, “I’m Rarity darling.” She straightens up her things, “I run this boutique, and another.” She straightens them up a bit. “Now, I suppose the question is, what can I do for a boxer. Did you perhaps want a new robe, darling? They can be quite fashionable.”


Count Paradox, on 07 Mar 2016 - 12:39 AM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow, @@Comet Tail,


Paradox nods excitedly. "No, no, I don't mind at all if Vinyl tags along!" 'At least it should give me a chance to get some sweet revenge on her for apparently setting me up and not helping me. At least I got my date with Octavia set, though.' He thought. "So, would it be beneficial for me to just hang here with you guys, or should I just head home and get ready so you can keep an eye on Vinyl's friend while he uses your piano?"


Octavia looks over at her piano and purses her lips. Without a word, she grabs a grey beanie and a red scarf, wraps it around her neck twice, then takes his arm. “If I stay, I will glare him down. However, he seems to like Vinyl, which means eventually, I will know where he lives. Shall we away?” She shoots another pointed glare at her piano.


Skylord Nexus, on 06 Mar 2016 - 07:15 AM, said:


@Comet Tail,

Ticktock gave a sharp intake of air as  AJ grabbed his hoof and shook it "Nice to meet you to, but please call me Ticktock." Ticktock then smirks at Rainbow Dash's challenge to him "Ok I'll eat to of them however I will only do it if you have two as well at the same time so we can see who lasts longer. Oh course i'm not going to force you to do it but it will go to show that I can take more spice than you can."


"Ticktock it is, then, pard'ner." AJ replies with a tilt of her hat.


When you mention "two as well at the same time...", RD's face droops and pales as though someone had poured white paint on her head. But when you say, "more spice than you can," her attitude changes. 


The sheer amount of dread in her face would lead you to think she were being compelled to a gallows, but her iron determination to prove herself makes her seem like one of those war heroes that would go down in history saying she only regretted she didn't have a second life to give for her country.


But even heroes often flinch in the final minute, and she looked about as eager to accept the challenge as to have a noose placed on her neck - heavens' knows the peppers have about the same effect, albeit involving a lot more fire, brimstone, and just about everything else involved.


Her ears flopped, "Eheheh, well, uhm - " Her facade of bravery is holding up about as well as a house of cards in a hurricane.


"Crescent rolls, STAT!" Pinkie zaps into the kitchen, leaving the swing door flapping in her wake, distracting RD for a brief moment.


She turns back to you - "You're on!"


"Now hold on, there, both'a you," AJ interrupts, "I don't think that's right fair 'till Ticktock's tried one to challenge'em with two, Rainbow. Ya don't bump it up in these contests until the second pony's copied the first pony."


"You know what? AJ's got a point." All of the paleness and anxiety seems to wash off RD as if AJ had just thrown a bucket of water over her. Are her eyes still wet from the peppers, or did they just get a little wetter from almost crying with relief at not having to accept the challenge? Rainbow takes another drink from the milkshake. You don't know if you've ever seen a pony so happy to drink a milkshake.


A continuous stream of loud clanging noises comes from the kitchen as Pinkie begins throwing together some crescent roll dough.


AJ then turns to you - "So Ticktock'ere has gotta eat one a'fore he can rightly be made to eat two." She gives you a friendly smile to make it clear that she's not upset, so much as explaining the rules. She then takes a few steps towards Rainbow, positioning herself so that while she's facing you, RD can't see her mouth, and then whispers, "You'll thank me for this after you've had one, sugercube. I'm honestly worried what'd happen to somepony if they ate two... Please don't."


(See OOC thread)


Count Paradox, on 07 Mar 2016 - 12:39 AM, said:snapback.png

@Octavia's Bow@Comet Tail,

Paradox nods excitedly. "No, no, I don't mind at all if Vinyl tags along!" 'At least it should give me a chance to get some sweet revenge on her for apparently setting me up and not helping me. At least I got my date with Octavia set, though.' He thought. "So, would it be beneficial for me to just hang here with you guys, or should I just head home and get ready so you can keep an eye on Vinyl's friend while he uses your piano?"


HackTune, on 05 Mar 2016 - 08:29 AM, said:snapback.png

Hacktune turns at Vinyl and nodded signing that He would join them at the Lazer tag. After Octavia explained to him the condition to use her piano, Hacktune said "Don't worry, I had one at home, I know exactly how to take care of her(the piano)." He said with a confidence tone while giving a smile. He gestured to Vinyl saying "Sooo...?"


Vinyl slides in to her music station, primed and ready to go. She grins and eagerly awaits your cue.


(Assuming you do), if/when you do start, she'll simply be counting rhythm at first, then grinning as she feels the bass about to drop. And pony, does she drop it! She's all over this one. Her entire body's moving with it, she's feeling it as clearly as the wild grin on her face.





Orion Caelum, on 06 Mar 2016 - 02:33 AM, said:snapback.png

"'But 'tis it not better to love briefly than not love at all?'" He waited for a second longer, shifting his weight from side to side. "There will be another for you, and there were others before. I... I cannot say that I do not care, Luna." Wilhelm blushed when he realized he forgot to call Luna 'Princess.'

At the, "I cannot say that I do not care," there seems to be an ever so slight lift to the corners of her mouth. It would take a perceptive eye to notice it - but rather than some fleeting thought, it seems to be something that stays up until she speaks.


Orion Caelum, on 06 Mar 2016 - 02:33 AM, said:snapback.png

"But... would there be no purpose in trying?" He shook his head. "Never mind; I'm ruining the mood. Next thing you know, I'll pull out the largest sheaf of files known to equinity and start reading them aloud in the most boring, dry academic tone I can possibly muster."

"I am glad you are beginning to see, as painful as it may be, the truth behind the consequences of my longevity," She cracks a bit of a smile as she continues, "but although twists and surprises are oft considered bad, in truth, it really means you are merely waking up to a wider existence more rich than before. That is why you must always try, because you will always fail, but it is not really over until you stop trying, and you'll only get more and more, the more you give..."


She leans forward, smiling as a bit more of a lighthearted attitude comes over her, "There are ponies who would consider that 'the mood,' to read from books so heavy as to make the moon feel like a paperweight. No matter how odd it may seem," her giddiness is replaced with a more calm, and deeper happiness, "-it is most wonderous to see two ponies, so different from everypony else, find like company with each other."


Orion Caelum, on 06 Mar 2016 - 02:33 AM, said:snapback.png

"If I should love, let it be for my own choosing, for one does not direct an ember's path without igniting it further or gutting its flame." Ah, maybe that was a bit too poetic? Okay, well, there's that particular item off my bucket list; tell the Princess random, quasi-romantic poetry so flowery you could switch it with Canterlot Gardens and no one would notice. Bucking ponyfeathers.

Whatever your fears may be, she doesn't seem to mind at all. In fact, her smile and small amount of ear flop would even seem to say she liked it. Although her eyelids always seem to be slightly lowered, they seem to have come, slightly, even further, making her appear even more cool, content and relaxed than normal.


Orion Caelum, on 06 Mar 2016 - 02:33 AM, said:snapback.png

Wilhelm poked his head back out of the basket a few minutes later, ready to concede defeat. Turning to the left slightly, he saw the pile of sandwiches he had laid out, and mentally kicked himself in the cranium. Or would have, if Wilhelm was flexible enough to do so. "...Sorry about that, Princess. Sometimes I just... forget things. Like where I put sandwiches. Or where I left my clearance. Or where I put my glasses, right before I trip over them and lose the third pair in as many weeks." He chuckled slightly. "Sandwich?"

She shares your chuckle. "Why yes, of course."


She accepts the offer and begins nibbling down the food.

Now's your chance to take initiative, if you want, or you can wait for her to. You'll have to decide.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Ticktock it is, then, pard'ner." AJ replies with a tilt of her hat. When you mention "two as well at the same time...", RD's face droops and pales as though someone had poured white paint on her head. But when you say, "more spice than you can," her attitude changes. The sheer amount of dread in her face would lead you to think she were being compelled to a gallows, but her iron determination to prove herself makes her seem like one of those war heroes that would go down in history saying she only regretted she didn't have a second life to give for her country. But even heroes often flinch in the final minute, and she looked about as eager to accept the challenge as to have a noose placed on her neck - heavens' knows the peppers have about the same effect, albeit involving a lot more fire, brimstone, and just about everything else involved. Her ears flopped, "Eheheh, well, uhm - " Her facade of bravery is holding up about as well as a house of cards in a hurricane. "Crescent rolls, STAT!" Pinkie zaps into the kitchen, leaving the swing door flapping in her wake, distracting RD for a brief moment. She turns back to you - "You're on!" "Now hold on, there, both'a you," AJ interrupts, "I don't think that's right fair 'till Ticktock's tried one to challenge'em with two, Rainbow. Ya don't bump it up in these contests until the second pony's copied the first pony." "You know what? AJ's got a point." All of the paleness and anxiety seems to wash off RD as if AJ had just thrown a bucket of water over her. Are her eyes still wet from the peppers, or did they just get a little wetter from almost crying with relief at not having to accept the challenge? Rainbow takes another drink from the milkshake. You don't know if you've ever seen a pony so happy to drink a milkshake. A continuous stream of loud clanging noises comes from the kitchen as Pinkie begins throwing together some crescent roll dough. AJ then turns to you - "So Ticktock'ere has gotta eat one a'fore he can rightly be made to eat two." She gives you a friendly smile to make it clear that she's not upset, so much as explaining the rules. She then takes a few steps towards Rainbow, positioning herself so that while she's facing you, RD can't see her mouth, and then whispers, "You'll thank me for this after you've had one, sugercube. I'm honestly worried what'd happen to somepony if they ate two... Please don't."


Seeing the look of terror in Rainbow Dash's face made Ticktock feel kind of bad and he was about to stop the challenge, but then he heard her take the challenge on, followed by AJ saying he should have a single one first "Well that seems fair I guess." He then heard AJ whisper to him so he gave a small discrete nod before sitting at a table.


Ticktock then came up with a better challenge and proposed it to Rainbow Dash "Ok you know what, I've got a better idea, I'll have one pepper and then try to keep my cool for as long as I can, then when I need to have a drink or something like that, Miss Apple Jack can judge who lasted longest seeing as she saw you have one already. Sound like a better deal?"

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Big Mac nods and moves to follow, looking around at the strange images around him. They were a little unsettling… kind of like Veiled’s eyes. But, unique, like her eyes again. They soon found themselves at the table spread with no new incidents. Seems some security showed up to dampen the crowd further.  


Veiled Spike then walked over to the catering table full of food from each cultural theme. She said, "Some fit Saddle Arabia. Some hit the theme of Manehatten. If you like something a tad more professional, we have food that fits the theme of Canterlot." She preferably walked over to that one section of the table that is within the theme of Hooftalian (Italian) culture. She decides to gather her Caesar salad, spaghetti, and garlic bread and head back to the dining table. She decided to try some of each.  She continued, "The food is quite delicious. Besides that, have you noticed the protesting crowd dying down? I'll tell management to send security and law enforcement officers my thanks."

Edited by crisahys
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