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Nightmare Moon and Mental Illness


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What you say is interesting and insightful.  I also appreciate your "shoot-from-the-hip" approach to blogging.  It's a refreshing change from the thickly-worded intellectual psycho-babble I usually see concerning this sort of topic.

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I was lured here from my nonexistent Halloween festivities by the words mental and illness. It begins!


You might want to provide a lil’ bit more to substantiate your claims. The way I see it, Princess Luna is as much a crisis leader as Jaime Lannister. She rushes in, she jells some words, then hopes for the best. This is not how leaders work. It’s how grunts do. Once she gets her flank handed to her, then she asks for feedback all woobie-like. And I'm pretty sure the men you listed would not crumble when faced with Luna’s trials while she went full nightmare because of jealousy of all reasons.


A few other things:

-Psychopathy is not a mental illness but a personality disorder.

-I would like to see medically relevant quotes that describe Split Personality Disorder and differentiate it from MPD. Also look at main points for MPD (one of them is amnesia).

-Less Celestia shaming, more Luna analysis pls. I still don’t quite understand what you think about her mental state, only that it’s supposed to be very edgy, totally mental, and super kewl. Tell us about that.

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I appreciate your rather fast and concise blog as normally you'd expect a long length verbose page for something like this. As for your points I'll agree that many famed leaders in history have some mental problems and even mental illnesses that affected their ability to lead, many times for positive results. While having some good leaders who have some mental issues, as for Luna, I'll disagree on several points:


1. Considering it was Celestia who saved the mane 6 in the S2 pilot when Discord beat them by sending those lettters to Spike, is the one the ponies look to for guidance and leadership in times of crises, and she had lead Equestria to stability for 1000 years or so, I'd say she has some experience and some success as a leader.


2. While Luna did help save Equestria from those nightmares which does show she's capable of handling a crises, she was kinda at fault for that as it was through her self made creature in Tantabus that caused it.


3. Another issue is that Luna herself really hasn't shown much of what she can do as a leader, especially compared to Celestia. To make matters worse, she did tried her stint as a leader for a day in Equestria once, only for her to do well, but not like the tedious chores and tasks she's not in favor for. It seems Luna is more at home watching ponies in their sleep and protecting them from nightmares and hanging out for an occasional night duty with the guards.


I'm not saying Luna is a bad leader or anything close to it. You're right that her many issues would motivate her to try to be a good leader for ponies considering her whole redemption arc. Just that I feel I don't think she's necessarily a better leader than Celestia or at least she's not willing to go through the daily chores demanding of someone leading a country as Celestia on the other hand seems willing to do.


Hopefully what I said was alright.

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