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Well how many Queens have we had on the show....like one?   She came pretty close to taking over the pony world and kicked Sunbutts bed and can hold a tune in singing.   What is not to love?


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I will be honest, I am not a huge fan of Chrysalis, but I can understand how other might have a liking to her. Some reasons are rather simple. 


One is that was was part of "A Canterlot Wedding" and performed within the song "This Day" which won over so many bronies. It's a pretty weak point to make, but being a part of something popular could make you popular as well even if you didn't play a huge part. Honestly, at times I only saw "A Canterlot Wedding" more of a threesome focus with Shining Armor, Cadence and Chrysalis. Twilight may have been an important role and guided us through both episodes, but it was these three that I'm sure everyone was paying close attention to. 


Another could be the fandom itself. I'm a huge fan of the Fluffle Puff tales, and Chrysalis plays a large part in them being the grumpy love sucking girlfriend to everyone pink fluffy pony. I honesly adore and admire Chrysalis in those web comics more than I liked her within the show. 


Also it could be that she was the ONLY character that genuinely had a "good" motive to what she was doing. While it may take away from her being a sinister villain, it does give her brownie points for being one of the most interesting. Also, we've yet to see her reappear.  A fan's curiosity about he aftermath can definitely make their interest grow with a character as well. Such as my love for Sunset. It wasn't just her development and execution in the last two movies that grabbed my interest and love for her...."WANTING" to know more about her is a factor as well. It could be a factor for other people.


Lastly, she's the only one aside from Tirek, that actually reached her goal despite it being short-lived. She isn't a mastermind to me....but I will give her credit for getting pretty far.  

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I was a fan of her design at first but after season 3 ended and i re-watched all the episodes i thought about it longer.


In a world pretty much ruled by princess's (from what we've seen) Chrysalis along with Sombra are the only two with proper titles of power but while Sombra wanted to enslave ponies for his own dictatorship Queen Chrysalis was only fulfilling her duty to the ones under her protection the changelings. That pretty much earned my admiration for her right there, i also don't think she is as powerful as most people think, sure she won against Celestia but how surprised was she when she won. Firebrand (Joshscorcher) did a video "Taking Chrysalis' invasion too seriously" and i pretty much agree with him. Chrysalis's voice is also easily one of the most unique in the show and the song she's given is defiantly one of my favorites.


That's just me though.

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."


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Chrysalis is actually one of the reasons I looked further into this fandom back in 2012. I was trepidatious, not because of the gender the show was aimed towards, but the age group. I was half expecting MLP to be an immature, simplistic show, things to make anyone 5 and under amused. 


But, when I was browsing MLB, and saw screenshots of her after Season 2 ended, I was going "Okay, she's way too cool looking for this to be just a show for babies. Something as gnarly as her, this show has to have substance." Seeing something like her reminded me a little of monsters from Digimon or Yu-gi-oh. Shows geared towards kids, but with more serious tones.  Something like her hasn't been shown in an all ages north american kids show since the days of PPG. I was curious. "How are they gonna tie her in, I wonder?"


She's very dark and gothic looking, very sharply contrasting with the environment of the show and what's expected out of a little girls show. Show her to anyone who hasn't watched MLP, and they would never guess she was from the same franchise. 


Edited by Denim&Venom
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Chrysalis is actually one of the reasons I looked further into this fandom back in 2012. I was trepidatious, not because of the gender the show was aimed towards, but the age group. I was half expecting MLP to be an immature, simplistic show, things to make anyone 5 and under amused. 


But, when I was browsing MLB, and saw screenshots of her after Season 2 ended, I was going "Okay, she's way too cool looking for this to be just a show for babies. Something as gnarly as her, this show has to have substance." Seeing something like her reminded me a little of monsters from Digimon or Yu-gi-oh. Shows geared towards kids, but with more serious tones.  Something like her hasn't been shown in an all ages north american kids show since the days of PPG. I was curious. "How are they gonna tie her in, I wonder?"


She's very dark and gothic looking, very sharply contrasting with the environment of the show and what's expected out of a little girls show. Show her to anyone who hasn't watched MLP, and they would never guess she was from the same franchise. 


That diagram is missing a very important feature... dat hair. 


And of course her voice and laughter.

Edited by cider float
  • Brohoof 2


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Honestly, the fandom and other fandoms have a weird liking for villains. The main reason why people like Crysalis in my eyes is that she overtook celestia with one magical blast, she broke her way into canterlot, overtook and brainwashed the captain of the royal guard, did a hell of a good job being Cadence (almost forgot her name), and she has a really good color scheme. Not to mention she has holes in her everywhere and she has some hella good fan art.

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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Hmm. I don't think the comics would be a factor in stabilizing her popularity, but I could be wrong.


The comics are the only thing keeping her alive until the show confirms she didn't die on impact with the ground after being punted out of canterlot... that air time certainly looked like it could give Team Rocket a run for its money XD


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The comics are the only thing keeping her alive until the show confirms she didn't die on impact with the ground after being punted out of canterlot... that air time certainly looked like it could give Team Rocket a run for its money XD

...she has wings


Unless she was propelled at a speed where the air friction would rip them from her body, I'm pretty sure all the Changelings survived


...what about Changelings that were indoors when the wave washed through Canterlot?


Were they unaffected or were Canterlonians rubbing squashed bugs off their walls after the wedding?


Or was there massive structural damage to Canterlot that we never saw?



Chrysalis had the last laugh, because Canterlot looked like a Changeling when she was done with it

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I like Chrysalis too.. she's an awesome villain and has a cool design..

But she really is the most dark and evil character in Equestria..




(From volume 1 of the MLP:FiM comics.. "Return of Queen Chrysalis" parts 1 to 4.. I think this image was a piece in part 3..)


Though the other parts other than that one dark and disturbing piece shows she has quite the personality as a villain.. and can't stand being annoyed.. like the capture 3 fillies.. the cutie mark crusaders driving her crazy during the entire story xD As well as she likes to be entertained by others.. specifically their suffering or disharmony..


Her personality barely differs between the comics and the show.. despite being a villain, she is one of my favorite ponies :P

Edited by AURAequine
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Hasbro actually put a foot down and told the comics to stop being so edgelord... Chrysalis's murdering a carebear in front of 3 small children (in a manner that looks like she ate it alive) was probably a significant factor in this decision.


... That and the comics continuously insulting the fans. >_>

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I have no idea how they got away with the kitten incident. So dark...

Because the pony comics, at the time, were focused towards angsty teenagers.


Then they realized little girls were buying the comics (which just FYI is completely unheard of) and Hasbro forced them to clean up their act.

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Because the pony comics, at the time, were focused towards angsty teenagers.


Then they realized little girls were buying the comics (which just FYI is completely unheard of) and Hasbro forced them to clean up their act.

Oh really? I had no idea. I always thought the comics were kid-friendly... Aside from that anyway.

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Oh really? I had no idea. I always thought the comics were kid-friendly... Aside from that anyway.


They kind of bounced between grimdark and really overdone feelsy stuff, because again, comics have always been for teens and young adults and tended to be a bit tryhard.


When they realized that for the first time ever, legitimate children were getting into comics, Hasbro made them lighten up a bit, and they're much better for it now.

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Another could be the fandom itself. I'm a huge fan of the Fluffle Puff tales, and Chrysalis plays a large part in them being the grumpy love sucking girlfriend to everyone pink fluffy pony. I honesly adore and admire Chrysalis in those web comics more than I liked her within the show. 


Also it could be that she was the ONLY character that genuinely had a "good" motive to what she was doing. While it may take away from her being a sinister villain, it does give her brownie points for being one of the most interesting. Also, we've yet to see her reappear.  A fan's curiosity about he aftermath can definitely make their interest grow with a character as well. Such as my love for Sunset. It wasn't just her development and execution in the last two movies that grabbed my interest and love for her...."WANTING" to know more about her is a factor as well. It could be a factor for other people. 


These two points summarize my feelings on the matter.  


Firstly, there is the mystique surrounding Queen Chrysalis that makes her endearing.  Was she really a villain or did she have noble aspirations fueling her actions?  And what became of her after she was ejected from Canterlot?  A lot of people, myself included, are dying to know the answers to those questions.  That interest is partially responsible for keeping Crissy relevant I'm sure.


And also, Fluffle Puff.  I freakin' love the poof and how Chrysalis is portrayed in that series.  I thought she was a cool villain after watching Canterlot Wedding but it wasn't until after I had taken an interest in Fluffle Puff Tales that I really began to appreciate her.  Even though that version of Crissy isn't canon, she's still lovable.  

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I think it has to do with the episode she appeared it.  While Canterlot Wedding is not flawless, it did give us a very rememberable song as well as the first true taste of any sort of physical violence in the show and so I think people associate the positive feelings that they got from that with Chrysalis.  Also she's rather sinister and her design is remarkably balanced yet stands out as well as the Changlings themselves probably being the most unique enemy the show has thus far.

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My favorite villain. I'd hate it if she became a good guy.


I agree completely.. Equestria still needs evil, fear and bad ponies.. and Chrysalis is the perfect one for all 3 of those things :P

Must obey Chrysalis..or else we will be turned into pod ponies.. o_o

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