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No One Escapes the S.H.A.R.C (Open)

Dapper Charmer

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@@Dapper Charmer,@@Pripyat Pony, @@SlenderSlayer24, @@Aurora Lights, @@Shift, @@MarionEtte136, @@Yoshikupo,


Rowsdower grunted loudly as he tried to force his restraints to brake.  "I got one more question. Could you go fuck yourself?!" He grunt louder as he got madder along with getting stronger. But his restraints held. "AHHHHHHHHH!!! I'll slam your fat head like a whack a mole and make you shit it out you vodka sucking bastard!"

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@@Gloomfury,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Yoshikupo,


Draco sighed at the large man's cursing and threats,finally after he kept yelling,he grit his teeth and said to Rowsdower, "Please be quiet...You may be big and tough and all that shit,but does it look like he cares? I could blow this place up with just my abilities,but he isn't scared of me,nor is he of you,hell any one of us could tear this place asunder,yet he hasn't even blinked an eye. It's useless to keep wasting your breath and time on something that won't happen,don't you realize that? Your just wasting breath and energy on a useless cause,my friend. Not to mention,he could kill all of us where we stand..."he looks at his restraints and chuckled softly,"He's smarter than you think...These restraints have built in kill switches that inject a very high dose of Anthrax into your bloodstream if you don't comply..."he sighs and looked at Rowsdower," At least I believe it's Anthrax,it might be something else,but in any case...You could get us all killed."he said calmly.

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@@SlenderSlayer24,@@Pripyat Pony,

@@Aurora Lights, @@Gloomfury, @@MarionEtte136, @@Yoshikupo,


Trag smiled, "as you may have realised the collars around your necks are currently preventing you from using your powers, however this feature will be turned off after I have released you into the SHARC. After all how can we train your powers if you can't use them? But be warned, your friend is quite correct when he says that these collars have the power to kill you. But instead of anthrax it uses liquid explosive that is injected into your bloodstream and detonated." Trag's smile turned into a wicked grin, "At the moment it is currently lunch time. You will all be led by Louise to the cafeteria to eat, after woods you will meet back here for a tour of the facility." Trag began to turn and walk away but stopped, "Oh and try not to be late, I'd hate for your first day here to also be your last." As Trag walked past Louise he gave a silent nod, signalling her that she was in charge until the end of lunch. Soon enough the lunch bell rang and Trag began to walk to the cafeteria.

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Louise nodded at the group. "Follow me," she said. "As you heard, I am to take you to the cafeteria for lunch. I'm sure that you're all hungry after your journey here." Louise led the way to the cafeteria, where a meal was already being served. There were also other options for vegetarians and those who had allergies. Louise indicated a table for the group to sit at, which had been reserved for the newbies. She planned to sit there herself, to keep order if need be.



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@@Gloomfury,@@Pripyat Pony, @@Dapper Charmer, @@MarionEtte136, @@Yoshikupo,


Draco blinked and followed the woman,took his plate,sat down and started eating,he looked around at everyone else as he ate,he sniffled a little and let out a sigh,he set down his fork and stretched his arms and back,making them crack and pop,he then looked at Louise and smiled slightly before looking back down to his plate,he then started to laugh quietly to himself,shake his head and kept eating,a smile on his face. 

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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Aurora Lights, @@Dapper Charmer, @@Gloomfury, @@Yoshikupo,

He had decided to just go ahead with his blood and the leaf in his sock. He bites his thumb hard, and uses it to make an array over the out of control power the odd one was sporting. He starts chanting, channeling magic through his athame, blessing the array with power. He was thankful that the power suppressant didn't work on magic, because they were fundamentally different. He finishes suppressing the out of control power, by dispersing it. He was thankful to have thought of that whilst setting up the array. As usual, the poor substitute athame dissipates as it channels, ridding him of his possible escape tool. At least it might have kept me alive just a little bit longer...

He looks up at him, smearing the array, causing the magic to cease. It had done it's job.

"Better? No need to thank me." He walks off, following the rest for food. He was starving! Magic has a tendency to do leave him hungry afterwards. He gets a tray, and eats what's on it with a ravenous gusto.

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Alan was surprised when the electricity in his body was suddenly dispersed. He looked around until the strange boy from before came up to him and basically confessed to helping him. For that Alan was grateful, At least he knew that one person was reliable. The question was what power did this new ally posses that he could disperse a large quantity of electricity with little effort even with one of these collars on? Alan knew that if this kid possessed that much power he would be a valuable asset in the future. Alan fallowed Laurant to the lunch room and took a seat amoung the Veterans, making sure to sit across from the boy and began eating the food off of his plate.


Hey look! That chicken wants to wish you a Happy 2016!

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@@MarionEtte136, @@SlenderSlayer24, @@Aurora Lights, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Dapper Charmer,

This is school all over again...I hope the prisoners are nicer than students at my high school...that's a pleasant thought. She also began eating, not really caring what it was because it was food and food helps the mind. Wish they addressed me about the know repercussions thing, oh god don't tell me there funded, if there funded then were all fucked. "So...want to talk about are lives before this? I mean we might as well be friends instead of enemies, right?" she looked at the group and Louise especially "right?"

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Chewing on his food, he almost coughs, when he attempts to reply with his mouth full. He swings down some water, before clearing his throat and answering the response.

"Name's Chuck..." He coughs again, clearing his throat for speech, voice distressed from the recent throat trauma. "Chuck Finley. Nice tuh meet ya!"

He speaks cheerfully, holding out a hand. Any who are skilled con men notice his false sincerity (and cheerfulness), and pick up that the name he gave is not his own. His cheerfulness is an act, as are his mannerisms. His handshake is that of an honest man, but it's false. Those who are attentive notice his brief period of distaste when his hand makes contact. Those skilled at reading tells, note that he is putting up the front of an honest man, and his eyes betray that he has killed before; there's a darkness that resides there. Even his speech pattern is a tad forced to the trained ear. A hint of blood can be smelled by an acute nose.

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@@MarionEtte136,@@SlenderSlayer24, @@Yoshikupo,


Draco looked at Chuck and has a slight smirk on his lips,'Damn con.' he thought silently,since he had lived on the streets,he met all types of people,hell his best friend was a con artist. He looked at the girl that asked to be friends with everybody and blinked and sighed softly before stating his name,"Draco. Draco Glaiden. Who are you?"he asked her,greeting her with cold eyes,yet,he didn't seem mean,nor bad. But just...unemotional,kind of like he had nothing to lose,or just nothing he cared about. It was almost creepy,but he soon livened his tone a little,along with his attitude,"Your right. Friends should be a necessity here if we want to survive more than a day."he slowly reached out his hand for a shake. 

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@@MarionEtte136, @@Aurora Lights, @@SlenderSlayer24, @@Pripyat Pony,

She stuck out her hands to the other two shaking, but Chuck's felt off to her for some reason "nice to meet you both, my name is Elizabeth" she smiled at the two "the rest of you should introduce yourselves" she looked at them all again "you can join in too" she said to Louise

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Draco smiled slightly and looked at her a moment before asking Elizabeth," Elizabeth,What can you do? What's your ability?"he asked kindly,he was truly curious,he hoped he could get to know her a little better,besides,if things turned bad and they became enemies,he could be prepared for what she had,but he didn't foresee this as a problem,she seemed nice,she was kind of cute,had a sweet voice,seemed sincere. he smiled a bit more but he frowned instantly when he had a craving for a cigarette.

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@@Aurora Lights,

She looked away from Louise but hoped that he could pitch in two "Well...I sucked out the light of the room into a ball once or twice that I could control so, I think its making light into dark" she tried to make an example but couldn't since she never focused on the ability before so she was just having her hands in a opened balled form "yeah I can't control it well right now"

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Draco chuckled slightly,"Maybe because we have these ability neutralizing collars on?"he smiled a bit more as he looked at he," I can create,absorb,nullify and manipulate explosions,Though I don't use it too often,some people have regretted crossing my path."he looked away a moment as he looked back to her,"I'd kill for a cigarette right now." he said plainly,making idle conversation.

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Louise shrugged. "You already know my name," she said. "As for my powers, I had little to no control over them when I first came here. Victor helped me to learn how to utilise them to their full capacity as well as giving me complete control. What I left behind was nothing compared to what awaited me here. I was thirteen years old."


Louise deliberately omitted any description of what her powers were. Some people tended to be horrified at them, and others were frightened. As well as her power to manipulate her own skeleton at will, along with a super healing factor, Louise also could use her power on the bones of others, but only if touching the person.



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@@Pripyat Pony,@@Aurora Lights, @@Yoshikupo,

He gestured to himself, making an obviously false humble front; he knew he was spotted.

"You could say I'm good at magic." He provided as explanation, as he showed some sleight-of-hand. He had pocketed a spoon from her plate, and set it back where it was sitting, even making a show of adjusting it, so it sat precisely where it was. "Practically a gift!"

He chuckles at his own joke, the laugh only sounding false to the trained ear. He makes a show of straightening himself out from hysterics, and paying attention to the conversation, as he ate like a man starved for days. Information was important, and names were power. Power over their possessor, power to do with as a mage pleases. And these fools had practically handed him the keys to their mind. Hopefully, the ritual would work this time; he keeps forgetting the names, right as the rite would call for it... 

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Alan joined in saying "First of all I'm Alan and I like I said before can store and control electricity, Secondly. my honest opinion is that you should be worried more worried about surviving then killing yourself with chemicals." Alan said the second comment aimed at Draco. "Anyway I don't think Mr. Hammer head gave us his name and power, he said addressing the only Newbie so far who had stayed silent.

Edited by SlenderSlayer24


Hey look! That chicken wants to wish you a Happy 2016!

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@@Pripyat Pony, @@MarionEtte136,@@Yoshikupo,


Draco looked at Alex with a strange look,the laugh was not genuine,but he decided to sit back and watch him,if he tried acting stupid,well...He sighed and looked down a moment before looking back up at his plate and began eating again,he sighed softly as he finished his food,he took out his comb and combed his hair back again,making it look sleek,he put the comb away and looked around for something to do while he waited for the others to finish their meal. He felt over his collar softly,this wasn't a normal collar. It wasn't like the others,he knew it wasn't an explosive in his,that would be dumb. He looked at Louise as she talked and he looked interested bu when she finish he said," Hey,you people have any cigarettes here? The only thing I had left was my comb when I woke up."he said and waited for a response tensely.

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Pythia walked into the cafeteria, got her food, and sat down at an empty(ish) table. She surprisingly liked the food, but many have said that her taste buds were dead, so she wasn't one to talk. She eyed some newbies talking somewhere in the room using her telepathy, but decided not to push it. Nobody helped her when she was a newbie, so she didn't eel obligated to help the new ones out. And anyway, she was awful when talking with people unless she was interrogating them. She took out her notebook and began to write down a short story about what was happening in the book. Well, there was a better term than 'short story', especially given the type of story she was writing about, but she was far too embarrassed to... use the term. And besides, it wasn't as bad as some of her... previous stories. She kept her telepathy on so she would know if anyone tried to come near and read what she was writing.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Jake walked calmly to the cafeteria, his stomach grumbling.The living conditions in the S.H.A.R.K had been sickening but the food wasn't all that bad.


"It's lunch time" Jake said extending his arms to his lower sides as they began to warp. The flesh and muscle receded from his hands and the bones moulded to that of a spoon on his left forefinger and a fork on his right. Jake never never liked using the cutlery provided by the staff and felt it was much more fun this way. He took a plate from the rack and grabbed some food.




Jake looked around the cafeteria and found a place to sit. "Hi Rhaps" He grinned as he gazed around noticing a group of fresh faces a few tables to the right of him. "whadya' make of the new guys?" Jake asked pointing towards the group behind her as he slid some mashed potatoes into his "spoon" finger.

Edited by Vulcan


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Agnes entered the chattering scene.  Her hands were shoved into her pockets as she slightly leaned forward some, making her way to the line at a casual, yet brisk pace.  When she got the food (which, despite the place, she had to admit was quite delicious), she stood there for a moment to look for the folks she normally hung out with.  It was then that she noticed some unfamiliar faces.  Unfamiliar...  young faces.  By all appearances, younger than she was when she arrived at this powers-to-be-forsaken place.  It was a surprisingly immense effort to keep her straight face from cracking.




But just a few tables away from them, she found her friends.  Well, she and Pythia didn't talk much, but she wasn't bad company.  Agnes just grinned a bit and took a seat next to Pythia, but just a small distance away since she figured she preferred that.  "Yo," she said to Jake.

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"Yo," she said to Jake.


"Hi Aggie" Jake smiled warmly as he took another spoonful of mashed potatoes mixed with savory gravy into his mouth .


Suddenly and all at once jake began to shift and change, He straightened his back from a relaxed posture to one more focused, the bones in his teeth becoming as sharp as that of the tips of kitchen knives.


"Miss Khhyyee"  Hyde grinned a smile both friendly and terrifying. "I've heard whispers from the other veterans" Hyde spoke his tone wolfish and serious, "I hear they are are very powerful" His eyes glared at the group a few tables to his right. "Many of them have the potential to destroy cities If they so choose...Isn't that....Fun?" Hyde snickered as he thought of the possible chaos.

Edited by Vulcan


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Agnes's eyes narrowed slightly, but she tilted her head to the side with a lopsided grin.  "Not so fun if your favorite red-light district gets destroyed," she says playfully, putting a spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth.  There was no gravy on her tray.


"And by the red-light district's destruction, I mean the tough-looking kid overthere wrecking your brain into oblivion."

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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@@Akari of Duskshire@@MarionEtte136,


"To be honest with you , I fear the "fat" one"  Hyde snarled , looking straight at the rather rotund man sitting with the newbies. "Oh, he's going to be a very interesting prospect indeed" He laughingly grinned as he held  the deep fried chicken wing and bit through it like a dog, bones and all, his sharp knife-like teeth tearing the chunks to pieces.


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The fat wizard, noticing the sudden attention, decides to put on a show. He doesn't appreciate the kind of attention he was giving, no matter how flattered he felt about it. He stands up on the table, and clears his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you all to cast your attention here." He claps his hands together. "I'm going to perform a magic trick. Now, as a magician, I'm going to need a stick and an assistant. For the assistant, how about you, the man with the sharp teeth?"

He gestures toward Jake/Hyde to come up with him.

"Now, I'm going to need someone to hand me a stick, or twig, or leaf. Hell, a blade of grass will do just fine!" He laughs falsely at his own bad joke, waiting for his supplies, and his response from Hyde. 

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