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searching A real Page Turner


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This will be about a famous book write called Page Turner inviting a group of ponies to her mansion. Once in the mansion she traps all the ponies and forces them into a story dimension that she can change how ever she see's fit. Now she doesn't want to kill you but she does want to make a new story for all the readers to enjoy. She does, however, want to make a tragedy like her mother used to.


Basically, one OC will be the poor sap and the others will be stitched into the story when Page decided to make them cross paths. The one other thing is that she can change memories before the story begins so no one remembers the party unless multiple glitch in the matrix sort of things happen and your OC is smart enough to notice and question. The normal rules apply but your OC must not get it if they saw something like birds flying in the same pattern they did yesterday.







Why would Page know you?: (you can say you were a fan or something and told her your name at one point if you cant think of anything)

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Sounds good. :)  I have a character that would fit in. Not my go-to character, but he can be fun to use sometimes.



Name: Trilby Hatter

Age: Adult Stallion (prefer not to get specific)

Race: Unicorn

Backstory: He's a professional hat maker. He owns a remote store in Ponyville where he sells his hats.

Personality: A little bombastic, but eager to please and loves to go on adventures sometimes.


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Name: Marion Ette

Age: 38

Race: Unicorn

Backstory: A skilled stallion of Public Relations, he gets jobs frequently enough. He found a skill for manipulation of public opinion, when he got his father's business booming after a disastrous scandal almost ruined it. After this, he got his cutie mark of a puppeteer's control boards, with loose strings. He's since become a PR Manager of hire, and has serviced all sorts of clients, including countries. He once did a job for a popular author named... Play Write? Page Write? Page Turner! That was it! Now, of course, he's received an invitation from her, and it would be impolite not to attend, so he RSVPed. Of course, he couldn't have expected what was to come...

Personality: A manipulative individual, he's got quite the influensive silver tongue. Otherwise, he's very much plain, with an otherwise boringly comfortable life, with few worries. The only real things he's done in his life, are all related to his current job. He's so good at it, he's made enough to go into early retirement at 42. He's got no marefriend, as no one ends up trusting him, as he's able to bend the truth as easily as another might bend a straw, and outright lie as easily as he might tell the truth; it's almost second nature. He has no family to speak of, no friends, and mare (or stallion) waiting for him; no one he gets close to feels like they can trust him. In other words, no pony will miss him...

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need a bat to fly in?
how they met: Page turner working on a book about nocturnals runs into cresent at a coffe shop. The two chat and Cresent gives his two bits in on the batponys chapter of the book making Page's workload lesson a bit. fast forward a mounth and cresent gets the invite via mail. He responds quick excited to help out again
Personality: curious and cautious of other ponys around him, yet he comes across as a cheerful fellow. once ponys get over the fact he's part bat.

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sounds good.


If no one else comes in today or early tomorrow then I'll make it tomorrow night

awesome looking forward to it :D

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On phone will fix spelling soon I originally thought all the pony's would wake up in the mansion? Or do they all meet up in the mansion?

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they are put to where they first were before they even see the invite, they don't meet up at the mansion because she has already put you in the dimension she created

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they are put to where they first were before they even see the invite, they don't meet up at the mansion because she has already put you in the dimension she created

....wow did I mess that opening up, ok will edit and basicly redo it. Cresent not living in a mansion is basicly too out of OC for him sorry about that :(  :please:

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As long as the RP doesn't move TOo fast, I think I can join. For a pony that notices things, I think I'll have second sight join, his link is in my profile

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@@Yoshikupo, @@Samurai Equine, @@MarionEtte136,


everypony ignor my 2nd post in the RP. it deced to copy a second time for some reason

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He studied in caterlot at the time. Perhaps they met at a coffee shop one time... Donut joe's?

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Name:Vincent Stormwalker



Backstory: (Profile in sig)

Personality: (Profile in sig)

Why would Page know you: Hmmm... perhaps he`s delivered some of her more exotic purchases? Could also simply be a big fan, as he`s quite well read.

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Bro, you haven't made a post about second sight yet :P. Unless you really want to do this in a particular order

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