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Dash, have you ever played a game called Trouble in Ponyville? Its when you get a bunch of ponies group, then somepony determines a small group of traitors and a couple of detectives and everyone else is an innocent. The traitor's goal is to confuse the innocents and detectives to kill each other and the innocents and detectives must find out who the traitors are. Who would you most likely be Dash?


      Heres an example of the game.

 (It's just a game, don't worry!)

Edited by Theawesomechief
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Hey Dashie I made a pony personnality test and I'm like 100% like you 'cause I'm 20% cooler than everybody except you.


Well, that's nice. Keep it up, kid!



*sarcastically* ooooh I'm soooo scared! *falls back laughing* and what the hay is a wingpony?


Look it up or something, I'm not a dictionary!



Are you me? And am i you? :o

And how did you get 16.2 wingpower ???? Whats the secret behind it??




And umm, just fly. Fast.



Should I divide by zero?





okay *grabs axe, * bye :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:





Oh. That's cool. Are you two still friends?


...well, she made up. So....I guess it's cool.


Hey Rainbow Dash, how's I going? So lately I've been hear that somehow this little hedgehog named Sonic was supposed to be faster than you. I don't see it, but what's your take on the little guy?



THAT is supposed to be faster than me?






hey Dashie I was wondering if we could hang out together and do cool stuff like in the last episode? It would be so fun. And please add me in your friend list.


My...what? *scratches head*


And yeah, stop by anytime!



Dash, have you ever played a game called Trouble in Ponyville? Its when you get a bunch of ponies group, then somepony determines a small group of traitors and a couple of detectives and everyone else is an innocent. The traitor's goal is to confuse the innocents and detectives to kill each other and the innocents and detectives must find out who the traitors are. Who would you most likely be Dash?


      Heres an example of the game.

 (It's just a game, don't worry!)


Wait, wait, nopony's killing anypony! What the hay?


Hey Rainbow Dash have you ever heard of Nyan Cat? rumor has it that it can fly faster than you.


Great, first a blue hedgehog and now a cat?


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Hey I just thought you knew what a wingpony was that's all!


Well, I don't. Ask Twi, she knows everything.



It's in a video game. Do not worry.

"Wait a second...Rainbow...you killed him...your the traitor!"

Anyway, what would you be.


...huh? I didn't kill nopony!



Did you know there's a shirt made for you two? Sorta... There's another picture on the back but I don't remember what it is.



Hey, that's pretty cool. How many bits does one cost?


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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...huh? I didn't kill nopony!


Actually following the rules of double-negatives we will find that you in fact killed somepony. Sorry everypony but we will have to take Rainbow Dash here to jail until her trial. Sorry to also inform you that there will be no access to the Internet so Rainbow Dash will not be able to continue this thread.*Grabs Dashie by the forehooves and cuffs her then starts to drag Dashie to his car in the dark alleyway*(with the help of his trusty taser of course).

Edited by Dashie is best pony

Psh. Signatures are for noobs, and people who are too lazy to get one.



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...huh? I didn't kill nopony!


Actually following the rules of double-negatives we will find that you in fact killed somepony. Sorry everypony but we will have to take Rainbow Dash here to jail until her trial. Sorry to also inform you that there will be no access to the Internet so Rainbow Dash will not be able to continue this thread.*Grabs Dashie by the forehooves and cuffs her then starts to drag Dashie to his car in the dark alleyway*(with the help of his trusty taser of course).

Wait! It was just a video reference!

I'll hoofcuff you if you don't let her go!

Or else...

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...huh? I didn't kill nopony!


Actually following the rules of double-negatives we will find that you in fact killed somepony. Sorry everypony but we will have to take Rainbow Dash here to jail until her trial. Sorry to also inform you that there will be no access to the Internet so Rainbow Dash will not be able to continue this thread.*Grabs Dashie by the forehooves and cuffs her then starts to drag Dashie to his car in the dark alleyway*(with the help of his trusty taser of course).


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if i may Rainbow? i have to say you were awesome in the latest two episodes, first becoming Scootaloo's sister figure which we loved and the way you were at the Wonderbolt Academy, when you said "I quit" to Spitfire my mouth dropped in shock but i got happy again when Spitfire admitted you were right and made you a leader, i also love how you sprung into action to save the others...and...the way you told off Lightning Dust, speaking of whom...what happened to her, she didn't get kicked out did she?

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...huh? I didn't kill nopony!


Actually following the rules of double-negatives we will find that you in fact killed somepony. Sorry everypony but we will have to take Rainbow Dash here to jail until her trial. Sorry to also inform you that there will be no access to the Internet so Rainbow Dash will not be able to continue this thread.*Grabs Dashie by the forehooves and cuffs her then starts to drag Dashie to his car in the dark alleyway*(with the help of his trusty taser of course).

I'm afraid I can't let you do that... *Snaps fingers and me Rainbow teleport to an undisclosed location*

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Hey, that's pretty cool. How many bits does one cost?

I don't know, actually. I wouldn't know bits either way but I couldn't even find out how much it was in Canadian Dollars (which is the Earth Currency of a country named Canada)


*notices post above*

Oh noes! Are you actually in trouble, Dashie?

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...huh? I didn't kill nopony!


Actually following the rules of double-negatives we will find that you in fact killed somepony. Sorry everypony but we will have to take Rainbow Dash here to jail until her trial. Sorry to also inform you that there will be no access to the Internet so Rainbow Dash will not be able to continue this thread.*Grabs Dashie by the forehooves and cuffs her then starts to drag Dashie to his car in the dark alleyway*(with the help of his trusty taser of course).



Can I represent Rainbow Dash in court?

Edited by Theawesomechief
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Hey Dash, who would you choose to defend you if you where in legal problems?


Also, would you like me and my. . . unseen allies to help earn you a acquittal?


No charge, but you will suffer some nightmares every third Saturday for nine weeks (nothing is free).

Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56

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