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Scarlett stood there in the gateroom of the Icarus Base, marvelling at the large circular structure at the end of the catwalk. She had been working with such devices for many a year but the sheer complexity of it still ran through her mind. It didn't seem all that long ago that the mystery of the eighth chevron was solved, the chevron that allowed us to travel to a new galaxy. But recently, a mere two months ago, we discovered a planet that could handle the sheer amount of magical energy required to dial wherever this new gate address leads. We didn't know where it went, we didn't even know what might be on the other wise, but we were ready to go.


The entire planet was made of magically charged crystal, the perfect magical power source for the gate. We had a couple of our own ships in space above the planet, in case anything were to go wrong. "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst" she muttered to herself. She was in charge of finishing the magical calculations that would allow the right amount of magic to be channelled to open the gate.
All she could hope for was that she would be done soon. She jotted down a few numbers, and there it was. The number that would allow us to dial the gate, wherever it lead. She sighed in relief and let her head hit the table she was working at. Finally, it was done. She slowly picked herself up off the desk and stood up, knowing that as soon as she had reported this to her superior, she would have to give the staff a brief of what they knew and what to expect. It was nearly time, to dial the gate.

Edited by Vinyl Shimmer DJ
  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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Just beyond the interior workings of Icarus Base, Amber stood tall, overseeing shipments of new supplies and gear all headed into the deep labyrinth of the Stargate Complex. She clasped a shipping portfolio between her hooves and her blue eyes flickered as she scanned and observed every single pony that trotted past her. Each pony carried one or even two large, steel cases, usually with a field of magic surrounding them to counter their incredibly heavy weight.


She did little but nod in their direction. All she was told to do, was check over shipments and make sure nothing unregistered slips by. Not like anything ever does, Amber let out a deep sigh, Anypony that comes here has already been triple-checked over! There's never any problems. Her ears drooped and a wave of depression swept over her small body. I never get any of the fun jobs. Why can't I be in there with the  Stargate? Even now, I just want to learn more about it...it's so fascinating.


Mumbling about her rotten luck, she adjusted her posture again to maintain a sense of professionalism about her person, and continued to work her way down the list of registered shipments.

Edited by 1Bit



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

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A lithe pony-shaped figure lurked in the shadows created by one of the shipping crates. Clad in black body-coating armour with an amber visor, and a pair of armoured wings, they eyed up the door to the inner part of the facility. Supplies were being carried inside, which would make the perfect cover.


they waited until two unicorns were approaching, carrying a large crate with their magic, before hitting a switch on their left foreankle. They quickly evaporated from sight, and slipped underneath the crate.


It should last long enough to get inside and away from these ponies, they thought.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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(A few days before. Ancient technology excavation and recovery. Icarus base security sub-levels.)


'Systems analysis complete. Hardware stability; Normal. Software stability; Normal. Memory data base; ERROR, security breach detected. Archived files: Mission, Gates, Black Projects, classified operation data have been wiped as per security protocol A-1A7. Reboot system engaged. Rebooting. Stealth protocol engaged. Avoid detection until further notice.


(Present day. Gate room.)


"It has been a few days since I was rebooted. While my first thought was to hide, the scientists have been very kind to me. I was like a lab pet, and a well guarded secret from everyone. I was given permission to wonder, provided I remained out of sight. It is fun to ghost again. Today I've been ghosting this girl called Scarlett. Odd women. And that's a gate. I use to know what they did and how to use them, but I forgot due to a security mishap. Whatever then. I'm interested in what is going on here. A closer look won't hurt anyone."


While remaining in his active camouflage, Specter flew very low across the group next to Scarlett. Doing his best not to be seen or heard.

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Sapphire stepped off the shuttle, looking at the base complex Icarus seems to fit she proceeded to the main doors the pair of ponies standing guard had confused looks on their faces. She walked up to the pair, "ID please there mam." Sapphire gave a look off 'really' to the first pony. "if you insist,"  she handed them her guard ID card, you'd think my armor would be enough


(OOC: first image is Sapphire, second is what she is wearing it's the third pony from the right) "everything seems to be correct here mam." He handed back her ID, "where is the head researcher?" "Main gate room mam". 



Sapphire notice a khaki pony with black features, she approached the pony she seemed like she was no grunt so may know her question. "where is the main gate room from here?"@@1Bit

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Amber was momentarily startled when she realised a pony was addressing her directly. Her eyes blinked a few times, and she shook her head. Sweet Celestia, Amber, you need some goddamn sleep, She thought to herself.


"S-sorry what was that?" She stumbled on her words. She listed her head slightly, getting a first glimpse at the pony beside her. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the armour that was clad to the pony's body.


Despite Amber's blunt ignorance of the question, Sapphire smiled back patiently. "Where is the main gate room from here?" She repeated.


"Oh sorry!" Amber slapped her head with a forehoof for not understanding it the first time. "All you have to do is head inside and take a left down the main corridor. The whole layout of the complex is colour-coded and you should find yellow markers which will lead you towards the main gate room." She explained, matter-of-factly. Her face remained relatively stoic throughout, although a mild tinge of jealousy began to form in her mind as yet another pony passed her, heading for the Stargate. And yet, there she was, on guard duty over shipping containers.


I sure loooove my jobshe sighed again, rolling her eyes as she trotted away from the pony to return to her station.

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

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Sapphire gave a nod to the pony for her help, "thanks for the info" she walked further into the complex.



She continued as per the instructions she was given followed the yellow markers until she found the gate room, a few technicians and guards were standing or working busily. Despite the commotion going on that is an impressive object eyeing the gate, she shook her head snapping herself out of the small trance as she stared at the gate. The princess was quite correct when she said it would leave me in aw. Sapphire started to look for the pony in charge asking one of the guards who pointed out a red coated mare with black hair, she approached the mare who was busy working at a terminal. "hello, excuse me are you in charge here?" @,

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Flamestreak was last to trot off the shuttle, Flamestreak was a male Pegasus with a crimson coat with a orange and yellow mane, Despite his meager stature he still had a wiry build and protracted, lengthy wings. Flamestreak made his way to the main doors of the Icarus base, approaching the closer he was just about push them open when he was stopped by the outstretched hoofs of two guard ponies patrolling the entrance.


"Show us your ID please."


"Ya'll know me I shouldn't have to" He attempted to push past the guard only to be lightly shoved away


"Even if we did know you, you still have to show us your ID procedure and all."


"I don't care I'm going in."  He once again tried to maneuver past and again once more being shoved this time more with forcefulness


Flamestreak conceded "Incompetence" He hissed pulling out his ID and giving it to the guard.


"You may go now"


Flame walked through the front doors and went to his station He noticed a Pegasus mare near him.



"Wonderful day isn't it?" He asked sarcastically   

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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While remaining in his active camouflage, Specter flew very low across the group next to Scarlett. Doing his best not to be seen or heard.

Scarlett wandered around the gate, checking that all the connections were made properly. At the back of her mind there was a niggling feeling that something was going to go wrong, and also that something was watching her. Putting the first to paranoia and the second also to the same, she carried on. She didn't usually ignore this kind of stuff but she was sure that the base security would have noticed something like that.


Walking back to the control center of the base she began working on a terminal, checking over all of her calculations and putting them into the bases maneframe. A couple of moments later, a pony addressed her.


"Hello, excuse me are you in charge here?"

"No, I'm not in charge. But if you were looking for the pony in charge of every damn calculation needed to run this base then yes. You found me" she said in tired sarcasticism, "What do you need?"


Art by DoeKitty

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Sapphire was displeased with the tone of which the other pony was addressing her, however she smiled at her never the less. She's probably really busy last thing she needs is to talk to me that thought however did not translate to what she then said and the tone, "what I need is for a bit less attitude there, I understand you would most likely be busy however that is no excuse, would your mother condone such a tone? Never the less I'm am here to over see the operation of this gate and to take note of what happens here, the Princesses are quite interested to find out what will occur when the ninth chevron is dialed and to address anything on the other side if needed." Sapphire cleared her throat, she now spoke in a less formal and more nicer tone. "my apologies for that but I had to get that out of my system I was thinking for hours what to say to you what is you name?". She stood back and made a gesture with her hoof "need any help?"

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Sapphire notice a khaki pony with black features, she approached the pony she seemed like she was no grunt so may know her question. "where is the main gate room from here?"


"Oh sorry!" Amber slapped her head with a forehoof for not understanding it the first time. "All you have to do is head inside and take a left down the main corridor. The whole layout of the complex is colour-coded and you should find yellow markers which will lead you towards the main gate room." She explained, matter-of-factly. Her face remained relatively stoic throughout, although a mild tinge of jealousy began to form in her mind as yet another pony passed her, heading for the Stargate. And yet, there she was, on guard duty over shipping containers.


The armoured pony's invisible ear twitched as they overheard directions to the gate room. They had heard many a thing about this gate, and its properties, and they wanted to get a look at it for themselves.


Not for profit or any kind of material gain, just out of pure interest and curiosity.


They smirked and slipped away from the unicorns and their crate, following the directions to the gate room.


Thanks, suckers.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sapphire was displeased with the tone of which the other pony was addressing her, however she smiled at her never the less. She's probably really busy last thing she needs is to talk to me that thought however did not translate to what she then said and the tone, "what I need is for a bit less attitude there, I understand you would most likely be busy however that is no excuse, would your mother condone such a tone? Never the less I'm am here to over see the operation of this gate and to take note of what happens here, the Princesses are quite interested to find out what will occur when the ninth chevron is dialed and to address anything on the other side if needed." Sapphire cleared her throat, she now spoke in a less formal and more nicer tone. "my apologies for that but I had to get that out of my system I was thinking for hours what to say to you what is you name?". She stood back and made a gesture with her hoof "need any help?"

Scarlett flinched slightly at the mention of her parents, but brushed it off for the simple reason that how would anypony know about her past, or future. Time is perspective after all. "You're working for the princesses? You've been waiting for me for hours? Who exactly are you?"


Art by DoeKitty

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"Wonderful day isn't it?" He asked sarcastically


"Yeah, wonderful." Amber rolled her eyes, resting back against the steel wall behind her. "Shipment after shipment after shipment. And I get to watch it all!" Almost as soon as she said that, another ship began to descend towards the shipping dock, most likely loaded with cargo. She let out a small 'yay' sarcastically and groaned. She turned to the crimson pony stood next to her, smiling softly. "Sorry, I don't recognise you. Did you just get transferred to Icarus?"



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Hotshot was just doing his regular job, guarding the gate room. He stood straight by his post looking blinkleesly around. These equestrians he was working for... They really were doing some strange stuff around here. This new excavation, ring... portal, whatever it was... He only knew the details from the newspaper or his briefing, this was some kind of portal of ancient origin that could lead to absolutely anywhere. Since whatever was on the other side could threaten the entire world, he, as well as countless other millitary personnel were hired to be ready for whatever happened. He tried listening to the scientist talking about the gate so see if he could understand anything but it was nothing more than gibberish to him. It was well over four weeks since he had been brought to this site and he had hoped for something a bit more interesting than guarding corridors. Nevertheless, the scientiss seemed to have become excited, maybe they finally sorted it out, maybe finally he could finally move from his guard duties and do something no Ponssian (country of origin?) has never done before. Ayway... It would still be guard duty till then...


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"My name is Sapphire, I'm a corporal in Princess Twilight's guard, she and the other princesses are eager to find out what happens...when the...ninth chevron is dialed? No that's right I'm right anyway I'm here to oversee the test and be an ambassador if necessary, if anything like that happens and I haven't been waiting for hours for you no just giving thought on what to say to the right pony. You still have to tell me your name there too?" really tied to your work right now aren't you. 

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 "Sorry, I don't recognise you. Did you just get transferred to Icarus?"

"Well I THOUGHT I was popular." Flame Grumbled shaking his noggin and turning away, He looked on as another Shipment began to scale down toward the dock. He ripped his eyes away and back to the other Pegasus. "Um well no actually I've been here for awhile still I haven't done anything of note. Although I at least thought most ponies knew my name.Flame hoofed at the ground for a bit prior to bringing a hoof to his face "And....My name is Flamestreak. So what's your story?"   

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Well I THOUGHT I was popular." Flame Grumbled shaking his noggin and turning away, He looked on as another Shipment began to scale down toward the dock. He ripped his eyes away and back to the other Pegasus. "Um well no actually I've been here for awhile still I haven't done anything of note. Although I at least thought most ponies knew my name." Flame hoofed at the ground for a bit prior to bringing a hoof to his face "And....My name is Flamestreak. So what's your story?" 


"Don't take it personally if I don't recognise ya. I'm the one who's always stuck out here on her own doing pretty much nothing all day. I never get to socialise with the rest of the guards." She chuckled softly, fussing with her fringe as it began to fall over her eyes. A small group of unicorns dashed past them, flashing ID at her and mumbling something about 'urgent deliveries for the Stargate'. Amber simply nodded in the direction of the Stargate and looked back up into the sky. 


"But 'my story'? Heh, I don't know what you're expecting, but there isn't much to tell." She'd begun to find the lie easier to tell each time she recited it, with only the slightest pangs of guilt still building in her mind as she distorted her past. "Just a regular joe like the rest of the ponies working here." Her hooves subconsciously ran back and forth over her hilted weapon of choice; her father's revolver, somewhat a family heirloom. Even just the mention of Amber's past brought back memories, and the weapon was one of them.

Edited by 1Bit



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Don't take it personally if I don't recognise ya. I'm the one who's always stuck out here on her own doing pretty much nothing all day. I never get to socialise with the rest of the guards." She chuckled softly, fussing with her fringe as it began to fall over her eyes. A small group of unicorns dashed past them, flashing ID at her and mumbling something about 'urgent deliveries for the Stargate'. Amber simply nodded in the direction of the Stargate and looked back up into the sky. 


"But 'my story'? Heh, I don't know what you're expecting, but there isn't much to tell." She'd begun to find the lie easier to tell each time she recited it, with only the slightest pangs of guilt still building in her mind as she distorted her past. "Just a regular joe like the rest of the ponies working here." Her hooves subconsciously ran back and forth over her hilted weapon of choice; her father's revolver, somewhat a family heirloom. Even just the mention of Amber's past brought back memories, and the weapon was one of them.


"Hmm ok then....That's rather convenient." His eyes narrowed, Flame had a hard time believing that statement. The Stallion was rather good with detecting lies nevertheless he dropped it at least for time being. "Well for myself its been a....interesting ride full of ups and downs. Mostly downs but the ups have been pretty rewarding, All that has led me here."  Another shipment came in. "Now about what you said...." Flamestreak started still curious regarding her words earlier" "I have a tough time believing you are genuinely just some ordinary Joe." He stepped closer to the mare examining her cautiously "Now why is that?"

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@ @


The camouflaged pegasus travelled by direction of the yellow markers, being sure to duck, weave, or hover over any personnel coming their way.

They would have to keep in mind the time; they had been in camouflage for a good ten or fifteen minutes.


However, they had only taken another few minutes to reach their destination; the gate room.

Two ponies were inside the room, talking in front of the large circular device for which the room was named. They cursed internally as they saw one of the ponies was a Royal Guard.


As silently as possible, they crept up toward the gate to take a closer look...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Hmm ok then....That's rather convenient." His eyes narrowed, Flame had a hard time believing that statement. The Stallion was rather good with detecting lies nevertheless he dropped it at least for time being. "Well for myself its been a....interesting ride full of ups and downs. Mostly downs but the ups have been pretty rewarding, All that has led me here."  Another shipment came in. "Now about what you said...." Flamestreak started still curious regarding her words earlier" "I have a tough time believing you are genuinely just some ordinary Joe." He stepped closer to the mare examining her cautiously "Now why is that?"


Amber's eyes opened wide for a split second, and her wings fluffed up a bit with nerves. "Well you ought to start believing it, because its the truth. I don't know why you're trying to make me out for something else..." She rolled her eyes. A single, tiny bead of sweat rolled down her forehead but she quickly brushed it away with a casual forehoof. "I mean, if I was some fancy pony, I'd be doing something way more important than staring at crates all day." She just prayed Flame wouldn't press further. She gulped and stared back out to the shipping area again.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Amber's eyes opened wide for a split second, and her wings fluffed up a bit with nerves. "Well you ought to start believing it, because its the truth. I don't know why you're trying to make me out for something else..." She rolled her eyes. A single, tiny bead of sweat rolled down her forehead but she quickly brushed it away with a casual forehoof. "I mean, if I was some fancy pony, I'd be doing something way more important than staring at crates all day." She just prayed Flame wouldn't press further. She gulped and stared back out to the shipping area again.

It was now a foregone conclusion in Flamestreak's mind, The mare was lying and she wasn't particularly good at hiding it, Heck she wasn't even looking at flame. "Your not a skilled lair." He said slowly. The Warm-Colored Pegasus voice was dangerously low. Flamestreak gave an ghastly scowl at her. "Look I'm not sure what your hiding or even why, But you might as well just tell me because sooner or later....your going to crack."

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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It was now a foregone conclusion in Flamestreak's mind, The mare was lying and she wasn't particularly good at hiding it, Heck she wasn't even looking at flame. "Your not a skilled lair." He said slowly. The Warm-Colored Pegasus voice was dangerously low. Flamestreak gave an ghastly scowl at her. "Look I'm not sure what your hiding or even why, But you might as well just tell me because sooner or later....your going to crack."


Amber grew more frustrated and went on the defensive. "Why is it even so important to you, huh? I'm a nobody! No-one knows me here!" She flung her forehooves up in annoyance.


There was a very awkward silence. Complete, deafening silence. Amber sighed. "maybe I'll tell ya someday, but you ain't forcing nothing out of me." She was visibly shaking. Not much, but the shaking was definitely there. Flame had clearly struck a chord. 



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"My name is Sapphire, I'm a corporal in Princess Twilight's guard, she and the other princesses are eager to find out what happens...when the...ninth chevron is dialed? No that's right I'm right anyway I'm here to oversee the test and be an ambassador if necessary, if anything like that happens and I haven't been waiting for hours for you no just giving thought on what to say to the right pony. You still have to tell me your name there too?" really tied to your work right now aren't you. 


"Yes, that's right. The ninth chevron. So you're the ambassador they're sending? An ambassador that is going to oversee an extremely compli-- Shut up for a second would you"


However, they had only taken another few minutes to reach their destination; the gate room.

Two ponies were inside the room, talking in front of the large circular device for which the room was named. They cursed internally as they saw one of the ponies was a Royal Guard.


As silently as possible, they crept up toward the gate to take a closer look...


As the red pony was no longer focused solely on her work, she began realising some things. First of all that she hadn't slept in 2 days, so she should probably do some of that. And the second was that there was something else in the room with them. As soon as she had rather abruptly and unintentionally rudely said "shut up" to Sapphire, her ears twitched and she looked around. She looked straight at the invisible pony nearby, smirked and drew her head back to Sapphire "Sorry about that, I thought I heard something. My name is Scarlett. I'd say I'm pleased to meet you but then with my recent rudeness you are probably not pleased to meet me."

Edited by Vinyl Shimmer DJ
  • Brohoof 1


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"I'm not an ambassador i'm a guard, just I've been given permission to do anything like that if the need arises." Sapphire had noticed the way Scarlett was looking in a different direction then returned to looking at her, sapphire gave Scarlett a subtle nod to her as well a subtle wink, then partially drew her blade, "you look like you need some sleep there and have no concern about how you talked to me ponies get busy and worked up not you fault these things happen."

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"I'm not an ambassador i'm a guard, just I've been given permission to do anything like that if the need arises." Sapphire had noticed the way Scarlett was looking in a different direction then returned to looking at her, sapphire gave Scarlett a subtle nod to her as well a subtle wink, then partially drew her blade, "you look like you need some sleep there and have no concern about how you talked to me ponies get busy and worked up not you fault these things happen."


Scarlett brushed the offer off and said "Nah, I don't need sleep. But I do need to get a small presentation done. Could you get the base personal in here for me? There's an intercom over on the wall" she said while pointing to the wall with her hoof. She quickly finished her typing on the console and folded it back into the wall "That should do it" she muttered to herself.


Art by DoeKitty

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