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"Yes you can!" Solar argued, and would take a step forward if she didn't have a cute mare hanging off her, "You said it yourself, you have that much experience as a leader! Okay, so the last time had some... casualties, but we're not those ponies! And you've no doubt changed since then!"




She looked back at Amber and nodded, reaching her hoof back to pet her mane and try to comfort her. "See? You're strong enough to get over it."





Her teeth bared in a snarl. Were her words not getting through to anypony else?

"I am not letting a bunch of army dorks who don't know what they're doing screw over my mother!" She declared in a rage.


She blinked, suddenly realising what she had just let slip.




Lightning blinked. And blinked again. With a look of disbelief, he looked between Scarlett and Solar. "What....you...she...how did...you two...." He tried to calm down. "Well, I guess that would explain the highly similar suits." He came back to his senses. "And no, I'm not trying to screw her over! I said that I would lead IF I HAD TO! I never said I was taking leadership then and there. Sheesh." Why is she like that sometimes? he thought. Oh well. Scarlett is her mom, so it only makes sense that she's defending her.

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"Of course I've changed since then, but that doesn't mean it will be difference. You can modify a gun, but in the end it still fires bullets."


Solar then went a little to far and revealed some relatively new information. Well, at least this would be over quickly.




Solar turned to Scarlett and put on the most awkward apologetic grin anypony ever could muster. "Sorry..."



"YOUR WHAT?!! Scarlett is your mother! That is not biologically possible, Scarlett is not that old you are lying to throw me off guard, I am the commander here I stepped up when ANY of you could of done it, but no I DID! I will lead this ship to whatever end and that is FINAL!"


Her rage rekindled from Sapphire's outburst, and she stamped her hoof down in rage.

"BUCK YOU, YOU SELF-ENTITLED PRICK!" She roared, eyes narrowed to slits, "I wouldn't follow you on Trotter, let alone a space station!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"YOUR WHAT?!! Scarlett is your mother! That is not biologically possible, Scarlett is not that old you are lying to throw me off guard, I am the commander here I stepped up when ANY of you could of done it, but no I DID! I will lead this ship to whatever end and that is FINAL!"

Scarlett reached the end of her overly long tether. "Oh for God's sake Sapphire, calm the fu*k down and piss the hell off you ignorant and impulsive excuse for a pony! All you've done is give useless commands and wandered around doing God knows what useless stuff you can! The only useful thing you've done is purify some fuc*king sand and even then that was as per my instructions! "


She stopped for a moment before breathing to calm down. After a few moments she looked back at Sapphire" I am so sorry"

Edited by Ethan Sawyer


Art by DoeKitty

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"YOUR WHAT?!! Scarlett is your mother! That is not biologically possible, Scarlett is not that old you are lying to throw me off guard, I am the commander here I stepped up when ANY of you could of done it, but no I DID! I will lead this ship to whatever end and that is FINAL!"


Lightning looked firmly at Sapphire. She's pretty, but that hell of a temper can only make things worse. "Sapphire, we went over this. Screaming in fury won't get you or us anywhere. If anything, it can only cause division, and that will be the end of us. I'm absolutely sure you don't want that to happen, and neither do we. Got that?" He raised his eyebrow when he asked that question.

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"G-guys...please..." Amber whimpered, gently placing her hooves over her ears. "Enough with all the shouting. Enough with all the arguments. J-just...quiet..." She shut her eyes, rocking back and forth slowly with shaky breaths. "You know what shouting and arguments lead to? Anarchy...chaos...death." She looked up at each of them in turn with tear-filled eyes. "Take your pick. They're all as bad as each other. And all of them will eventually happen if one does...l-like dominoes."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett reached the end of her overly long tether. "Oh for God's sake Sapphire, calm the fu*k down and pass the he'll off you ignorant impulsive excuse for a pony! All you've done is give useless commands and wandered around doing God knows what useless stuff you can! The only useful thing you've done is purify some fuc*king sand and even then that was as per my instructions! "


She stopped for a moment before breathing to calm down. After a few moments she looked back at Sapphire" I am so sorry"


Lightning was surprised to see such a furious display from Scarlett. This is bad, very bad. If Scarlett is getting like this, I fear what is to come. "Stop, all of you!" He said in a stern tone of voice. "This isn't going to help us AT ALL! I didn't think I would need to act like this, but you've left me with no choice! If we're arguing over something like this, then the other ponies' thinking is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! Now, either we all stop and settle this calmly, or we engineer our own catastrophe!"

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"NO, NO I'VE HAD IT I HAVE COMMANDED EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS SHIP EVERYONE IN HERE IS THE PROBLEM!!" Sapphire was going to explode in rage, she could not handle it anymore. "I NEED TO HIT SOMETHING!" She walked over to a wall, Luna knows what it was made of but Sapphire bucked an imprint into the metal, then sat down she was fumming. "I...NEED...SOMEPONY....TO RELIVE ME!" 

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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"G-guys...please..." Amber whimpered, gently placing her hooves over her ears. "Enough with all the shouting. Enough with all the arguments. J-just...quiet..." She shut her eyes, rocking back and forth slowly with shaky breaths. "You know what shouting and arguments lead to? Anarchy...chaos...death." She looked up at each of them in turn with tear-filled eyes. "Take your pick. They're all as bad as each other. And all of them will eventually happen if one does...l-like dominoes."


Solar's ears lowered in regret, seeing how upset Amber was getting from all the arguing.

She let out a sigh and turned to her marefriend, looking more sad than angry as she nuzzled her neck as gently as she could.


"I'm sorry," she whispered, "I just think having mom in charge would be best for us all... and seeing her get screwed over doesn't sit right with me..."



"NO, NO I'VE HAD IT I HAVE COMMANDED EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS SHIP EVERYONE IN HERE IS THE PROBLEM!!" Sapphire was going to explode in rage, she could not handle it anymore. "I NEED TO HIT SOMETHING!" She walked over to a wall, Luna knows what it was made of but Sapphire bucked an imprint into the metal, then sat down she was fumming. "I...NEED...SOMEPONY....TO RELIVE ME!" 


She bared her teeth again and looked back at Sapphire, though not nearly as angry as before.

"I need this, I need that!" She mocked in a whiney voice, "Yeah, some leader you are!"

Edited by Unicorncob
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"NO, NO I'VE HAD IT I HAVE COMMANDED EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS SHIP EVERYONE IN HERE IS THE PROBLEM!!" Sapphire was going to explode in rage, she could not handle it anymore. "I NEED TO HIT SOMETHING!" She walked over to a wall, Luna knows what it was made of but Sapphire bucked an imprint into the metal, then sat down she was fumming. "I...NEED...SOMEPONY....TO RELIVE ME!"

Scarlett muttered to herself "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find aluminium out here in deep space..."


She realised she had gone to far, and began charging a teleport spell. She didn't know why she was charging it, she could easily just teleport instantly.


Art by DoeKitty

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As Lightning saw all of this, he felt it was time for extraordinary measures. "SOLAR, SAPPHIRE, STOP RIGHT NOW! You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Fighting like a couple of fillies. Why can't anyone listen to Amber? She seems to be the only one here with the common sense necessary right now. I think we should listen to her."

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"Look, I know we're all a little u-upset..." Amber shakily got to her hooves, leaning a little against Solar. She breathed in and then breathed out. In. And out. "But shouldn't we be focusing on why we're all here in the first place? 'Cus I'm pretty sure I h-heard something about some horrible news when I came in." She mustered up a weak laugh. "D-didn't realise the horrible news was that we'd start fighting again..."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Sapphire beat Scarlett to the punch and teleported herself out of the room and ended up in a small empty room and locked the door, it was small with a bed and not much else a room for a lowly crewman she lay on the bed looking at the ceiling and closed her eyes, she thought about some dark things murder then killing herself, she started to cry and rolled over facing the back wall.


Sapphire sat up and removed her armor she was ashamed of her actions and was in a state of self hate and then laid back down. 

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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"Look, I know we're all a little u-upset..." Amber shakily got to her hooves, leaning a little against Solar. She breathed in and then breathed out. In. And out. "But shouldn't we be focusing on why we're all here in the first place? 'Cus I'm pretty sure I h-heard something about some horrible news when I came in." She mustered up a weak laugh. "D-didn't realise the horrible news was that we'd start fighting again..."


"I know, it really sucks," Solar sighed, giving her marefriend a soft peck on the cheek, "I dunno, I guess we have a lot of personality clashes on this ship. Heh, so much for working together, huh?"


She shook her head and leaned it on her shoulder. "I'm really sorry... I need to control myself..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Cyril stood by as all the chaos ensued. He simply shook his head at the end of it, looking at each remaining pony. "I'm speaking for the people here. Sort this out, or you might have renegades on your hooves. Be thankful we aren't in public, or it might have happened already." Cyril huffed and turn tail, trotting back to the gate room.

When Cyril returned, a hooffull ponies approached him.

"What happened?"
"We heard yelling."
"You need to stop this!"

Cyril was visibly emotionless to the situation. "Nothing to worry about, everypony. They're having personal quarrels which dont concern anypony else. I'm stepping in as temporary lead for now, as the others who have the actual authority are simply arguing. But really..." Cyril paused to levitate a box to the middle of the room. Cyril climbed atop the crate and amplified his voice through MIRVI.

"Who here really IS in charge? What is authority without power to back it up? The mare we currently call leader, Scarlett, is backed up by no more than three or some ponies. Is this leadership? Is this a pony you would look up to? Aside from fix the filters, what has she done? It was a joint effort, we all fixed those filters. Did she sit back here with us, healing the sick, fixing the broken that lied helplessly? They pranced around, exploring. They argued over command. There should be no leader, no. There needs to be democracy." Cyril really started to get into what he was saying. He was now the mutinizer. His speech not only dragged the attention of all in the room, it raised some cheers of agreement. There were few who opposed.

"If you would let me, I would be the spokesperson for this democracy. If any pony feels the have their own right to try for the position, speak now."
Cyril looked around the room, hoping at least one pony would oppose him for the position. Not one hoof moved.
"We're with you!" One pony shouted.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. You're with each other. This is a group effort! If we're to survive, we need each other, hoof in hoof!" The statement granted Cyril a few more whoops of agreement.

"If the others wish to join in, or possible one take over, and we all see them fit to do so, we should permit them. This is not about excluding them, but organizing ourselves. We need to get things done! I suggest starting with securing suitable living space aboard this ship. If we're going to be here for a while, we need each pony to have ready access to every day needs. Anypony may work on any thing, as long as everypony works and everything gets done. If you do not work, you should not receive the benefits! This is a life or death situation. You work, and life is your paycheck. Spend it well, I suggest."
Cyril stepped down from the crate and returned it to its previous placement.

"First, let's organize this room neatly so that all equipment may be easily accessed when needed. Afterwards, sort out living spaces. Privacy is of least concern aboard this ship. If it's required, make accommodations for those ponies who need it. If any pony wishes to argue this decisions, do speak now" he urged. Nopony opposed him, as most agreed with the ideas. Those that did were either too lazy or too scared to speak up against him.

Edited by The Original
  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"I know, it really sucks," Solar sighed, giving her marefriend a soft peck on the cheek, "I dunno, I guess we have a lot of personality clashes on this ship. Heh, so much for working together, huh?"


She shook her head and leaned it on her shoulder. "I'm really sorry... I need to control myself..."


"No, it's not your fault Solar~" She cuddled up to her, nuzzling her mane. "Everything got a little heated back there. No reason for you to say that you're sorry when I haven't a single other apology out of anypony else since we got here." Amber let out a sullen sigh. "P-please, just don't worry about it. I already forgave you." She smiled and bounced up ever so slightly to lick solar's muzzle, giggling quietly.

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett powered down her teleport spell and stood up straight once again. She turned to the ponies nearby "Well, now that that idiot who calls himself helpful is gone, we can actually get some real work done." She turned to Amber and Solar "You two can stay here, I'll handle the remaining filters." She then grabbed the purified material in her magic and headed to the first filter that needed it.

Edited by Ethan Sawyer


Art by DoeKitty

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After observing everything while ghosting Scarlett, Specter had a mix of what you could consider to be, anger, frustration and doubt. Doubt that these ponies would ever see eye-to-eye and the doubt that they would survive more than a month  before someone ends up killing someone else over a petty squabble. Order had to be restored.


Since Ghosting does not require a physical body, Specter's shell had been getting a few little modifications in an area of the ship that lacks O2 flow. His private area as he likes to call it. No one else can get to it without a suit. He had added two miniaturised electrostatic coils to two segments of his upper shell powered by his own body and hidden behind two retractable plates, which could function in four ways. A power outlet for a jump start if they ever needed such a  thing, a miniature static shock to get attention, a short range Taser if the need ever arrived, or an accurate, all range lethal weapon as a last resort. 'Hopefully, I'll never have to use these in the last two methods, but better safe than sorry.' 


With his modifications enabled, he stopped Ghosting and returned to his shell. After which he reappeared at Scarlett's side.


@@Ethan Sawyer, "That was very interesting to say the least. The whole time travel thing. I never thought it was a possibility but I had my suspicions about you since we arrived here. That's one mystery about you solved. More serious topic now, I've been hacking into the ships main systems, give me 24 hours and I'll have unrestricted access to all of the ships actions, functions, features and files. Though piloting the ship will be impossible, manual control is almost non-existent and the access gateway for AI control is broken beyond repair and is too risky to try and replace. One micro error and we could be on a collision course with a planet. Other than that, I'll see what else is uncontrollable once access has been achieved. Oh and one last thing," Specter's glow shifted from his natural blue to his hostile red. "Someone has to keep everyone under control. If this keeps persisting someone is going to end up a murderer within a month. I don't do social control, and I don't bother talking to many others since most of them have shown to be unreliable. I find no one more reliable than you. Experience and years count for something you know." Specter activated stealth and began his patrol around the ship.

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Cyril stood by as all the chaos ensued. He simply shook his head at the end of it, looking at each remaining pony. "I'm speaking for the people here. Sort this out, or you might have renegades on your hooves. Be thankful we aren't in public, or it might have happened already." Cyril huffed and turn tail, trotting back to the gate room.


When Cyril returned, a hooffull ponies approached him.


"What happened?"

"We heard yelling."

"You need to stop this!"


Cyril was visibly emotionless to the situation. "Nothing to worry about, everypony. They're having personal quarrels which dont concern anypony else. I'm stepping in as temporary lead for now, as the others who have the actual authority are simply arguing. But really..." Cyril paused to levitate a box to the middle of the room. Cyril climbed atop the crate and amplified his voice through MIRVI.


"Who here really IS in charge? What is authority without power to back it up? The mare we currently call leader, Scarlett, is backed up by no more than three or some ponies. Is this leadership? Is this a pony you would look up to? Aside from fix the filters, what has she done? It was a joint effort, we all fixed those filters. Did she sit back here with us, healing the sick, fixing the broken that lied helplessly? They pranced around, exploring. They argued over command. There should be no leader, no. There needs to be democracy." Cyril really started to get into what he was saying. He was now the mutinizer. His speech not only dragged the attention of all in the room, it raised some cheers of agreement. There were few who opposed.


"If you would let me, I would be the spokesperson for this democracy. If any pony feels the have their own right to try for the position, speak now."

Cyril looked around the room, hoping at least one pony would oppose him for the position. Not one hoof moved.

"We're with you!" One pony shouted.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You're with each other. This is a group effort! If we're to survive, we need each other, hoof in hoof!" The statement granted Cyril a few more whoops of agreement.


"If the others wish to join in, or possible one take over, and we all see them fit to do so, we should permit them. This is not about excluding them, but organizing ourselves. We need to get things done! I suggest starting with securing suitable living space aboard this ship. If we're going to be here for a while, we need each pony to have ready access to every day needs. Anypony may work on any thing, as long as everypony works and everything gets done. If you do not work, you should not receive the benefits! This is a life or death situation. You work, and life is your paycheck. Spend it well, I suggest."

Cyril stepped down from the crate and returned it to its previous placement.


"First, let's organize this room neatly so that all equipment may be easily accessed when needed. Afterwards, sort out living spaces. Privacy is of least concern aboard this ship. If it's required, make accommodations for those ponies who need it. If any pony wished to argue this decisions, do speak now" he urged. Nopony opposed him, as most agreed with the ideas. Those that did were either too lazy or too scared to speak up against him.


Lightning walked up to him and looked him straight in the eye. "I oppose." Gasps were heard from the crowd. "You've proposed a democracy, as in a government led by the people. You claim there should be no leader, yet you're presenting yourself as one. You claim that Scarlett, along with Solar, Amber, Flame, Sapphire, Crystal, and myself, have done nothing more than filters and prancing around. That prancing around was actually us making sure there were living spaces for everyone. You say that Scarlett isn't fit to lead. Are you suggesting that you are? Under the current circumstances, we need a leader with the necessary knowledge about the problems we face. And I'm positive that it isn't you. Had you been in Scarlett's place, would you have been able to fix the filters? As far I'm concerned, you couldn't have. You have every right to prove me wrong, but, given the situation, I believe you aren't fit to lead any of us."  Silence ensued afterward. "Oh, and you never answered my question on what Mir considers the qualities necessary for leadership, because that can fluctuate a lot from person to person."

  • Brohoof 1
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After observing everything while ghosting Scarlett, Specter had a mix of what you could consider to be, anger, frustration and doubt. Doubt that these ponies would ever see eye-to-eye and the doubt that they would survive more than a month  before someone ends up killing someone else over a petty squabble. Order had to be restored.


Since Ghosting does not require a physical body, Specter's shell had been getting a few little modifications in an area of the ship that lacks O2 flow. His private area as he likes to call it. No one else can get to it without a suit. He had added two miniaturised electrostatic coils to two segments of his upper shell powered by his own body and hidden behind two retractable plates, which could function in four ways. A power outlet for a jump start if they ever needed such a  thing, a miniature static shock to get attention, a short range Taser if the need ever arrived, or an accurate, all range lethal weapon as a last resort. 'Hopefully, I'll never have to use these in the last two methods, but better safe than sorry.' 


With his modifications enabled, he stopped Ghosting and returned to his shell. After which he reappeared at Scarlett's side.


@@Ethan Sawyer, "That was very interesting to say the least. The whole time travel thing. I never thought it was a possibility but I had my suspicions about you since we arrived here. That's one mystery about you solved. More serious topic now, I've been hacking into the ships main systems, give me 24 hours and I'll have unrestricted access to all of the ships actions, functions, features and files. Though piloting the ship will be impossible, manual control is almost non-existent and the access gateway for AI control is broken beyond repair and is too risky to try and replace. One micro error and we could be on a collision course with a planet. Other than that, I'll see what else is uncontrollable once access has been achieved. Oh and one last thing," Specter's glow shifted from his natural blue to his hostile red. "Someone has to keep everyone under control. If this keeps persisting someone is going to end up a murderer within a month. I don't do social control, and I don't bother talking to many others since most of them have shown to be unreliable. I find no one more reliable than you. Experience and years count for something you know." Specter activated stealth and began his patrol around the ship.


Scarlett sensed the little robot appear beside her, if not a little less little than before. Once Specter had finished talking she said "Don't forget the alternate dimensions. Also, I like your new look. What were you going for? If you want I can hook up some remote control interface for the kino's to be used as an extension of yourself if you want. It could allow you to monitor everywhere on the ship at once." And then he dissipated.

Edited by Ethan Sawyer


Art by DoeKitty

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"No, it's not your fault Solar~" She cuddled up to her, nuzzling her mane. "Everything got a little heated back there. No reason for you to say that you're sorry when I haven't a single other apology out of anypony else since we got here." Amber let out a sullen sigh. "P-please, just don't worry about it. I already forgave you." She smiled and bounced up ever so slightly to lick solar's muzzle, giggling quietly.


Solar couldn't help but let out a soft coo from being nuzzled and licked, happy that her marefriend was so quick to forgive her.


Heh, I really did hit the jackpot...


"Don't worry about the rest of them," She whispered back, giving Amber's muzzle a little lick, "Anypony gives you any trouble, you come tell me. I'll sort 'em out for ya."



Scarlett powered down her teleport spell and stood up straight once again. She turned to the ponies nearby "Well, now that that idiot who calls himself helpful is gone, we can actually get some real work done." She turned to Amber and Solar "You two can stay here, I'll handle the remaining filters." She then grabbed the purified material in her magic and headed to the first filter that needed it.


She looked up and saw Scarlett departing to fix the filters.

"We should let her handle it," she told Amber, "she needs some time to herself... and at least she's making herself useful instead of having a hissy fit and rage-quitting, like somepony." She snarked, obviously implying Sapphire's little display from before.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Lightning walked up to him and looked him straight in the eye. "I oppose." Gasps were heard from the crowd. "You've proposed a democracy, as in a government led by the people. You claim there should be no leader, yet you're presenting yourself as one. You claim that Scarlett, along with Solar, Amber, Flame, Sapphire, Crystal, and myself, have done nothing more than filters and prancing around. That prancing around was actually us making sure there were living spaces for everyone. You say that Scarlett isn't fit to lead. Are you suggesting that you are? Under the current circumstances, we need a leader with the necessary knowledge about the problems we face. And I'm positive that it isn't you. Had you been in Scarlett's place, would you have been able to fix the filters? As far I'm concerned, you couldn't have. You have every right to prove me wrong, but, given the situation, I believe you aren't fit to lead any of us." Silence ensued afterward. "Oh, and you never answered my question on what Mir considers the qualities necessary for leadership, because that can fluctuate a lot from person to person."

Cyril remained unfazed at both Lightnings words and intents. Cyril knew he would have enemies somewhere, he needed to uproot them.

"I could have fixed the filters with my eyes closed, thank you very much. Scarlett is no more intelligent than I am when it comes to science. I didn't just obtain Mir, I built it." Cyril took a second to look at each pony here, and now there were a few who would question Cyril's intent.


"I said I would take temporary lead until the others saw it suitable to take the role. I'm not trying to be a tyrant or a lord over all. If you want the position, take it. It's yours. If that's what you want. This is democracy after all." Cyril, for a moment, smirked. He knew exactly how to win a group over, at least an ambivalent one.


"From the sounds of it though, you're just trying to cause more trouble. You heard me before, so why come up with words such of an argument? I'm not arguing. I want what's best for everypony." A few ponies boo'd Lightning. A few spoke, too.

"Cyril wants to help! You just want Scarlett or yourself in control."

"Yeah, Cyril isn't commanding, he's organizing. As long as we think he's right and don't suggest otherwise, we technically all voted yes on the decision."


Cyril chuckled at the support he received from the others. "They can see it. But I disagree, thinking that you just want power. If you truly see yourself or Scarlett a better organized, take lead, please."

  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Scarlett spent the next few minutes moving around the ship, replacing the filter's chemicals with new ones. Magic sure did make things a lot easier, especially when it was just moving things around, Once she was done, she began to head her way over to the gateroom. Arriving in the corridor nearby, she saw Cyril on a pile of boxes and ducked behind the door. What the hell is going on she thought to herself. She waited there to see what was going on. Thankfully the door was behind the boxes, so the only pony she could be seen by would be Cyril himself if he turned around.


Art by DoeKitty

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Listening to the debate from the sides was honestly the most entertained Specter had been in a while. The way they twisted words into alternate meanings in order to make the other look bad reminded him of the political debates they had way back in his time. Some things never change. 'I'll just stay here for now. This is funny. I just have to make sure no hooves start flying. Then I'll intervene.'

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Cyril remained unfazed at both Lightnings words and intents. Cyril knew he would have enemies somewhere, he needed to uproot them.

"I could have fixed the filters with my eyes closed, thank you very much. Scarlett is no more intelligent than I am when it comes to science. I didn't just obtain Mir, I built it." Cyril took a second to look at each pony here, and now there were a few who would question Cyril's intent.


"I said I would take temporary lead until the others saw it suitable to take the role. I'm not trying to be a tyrant or a lord over all. If you want the position, take it. It's yours. If that's what you want. This is democracy after all." Cyril, for a moment, smirked. He knew exactly how to win a group over, at least an ambivalent one.


"From the sounds of it though, you're just trying to cause more trouble. You heard me before, so why come up with words such of an argument? I'm not arguing. I want what's best for everypony." A few ponies boo'd Lightning. A few spoke, too.

"Cyril wants to help! You just want Scarlett or yourself in control."

"Yeah, Cyril isn't commanding, he's organizing. As long as we think he's right and don't suggest otherwise, we technically all voted yes on the decision."


Cyril chuckled at the support he received from the others. "They can see it. But I disagree, thinking that you just want power. If you truly see yourself or Scarlett a better organized, take lead, please."


Lightning fumed at the pony. His thoughts were filled with curses and swears. "You know what? I didn't want to lead or do anything of the sort. But you've forced my hoof. I will take leadership because I see you for who you are. The rest may not see it now, but they will. I've seen this happen before, and it's ponies like you who end up losing because of their ambitions. So, if you don't mind, I'll lead for now. Unless, of course, the rest of you disagree, and you all think I'm a power-mad sweet-talker." More boos came from the crowd. "You're the selfish one!", they said. "Fine, fine, Cyril stays as lead for now. But I leave you with one suggestion: all the stuff that belongs in Engineering goes to engineering. Anything else should be organized here, as Cyril said." He walked over to a certain crate marked "Head of Cyber-security". "Except for this one. This actually belongs to me, and I intend to keep it." He proceeded to push the crate out into the corridor, and found a room for himself.

Edited by Mario3D13
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"...Y'all suck." Amber looked around the room in disgust, shaking her head in dismay. "What's the point in even surviving, when we're just gonna end up killing each other anyway..." She hung her head low and turned tail towards the door. She let out a small sigh, kicking her forehoof against the metal walls in frustration. "Why'd I even bother getting up." She uttered in a gravelly, moody voice. "Might as well have just given up all together~" 



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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