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Scarlett briefly replied to Lightning with a short "I believe they're coming as wellwell, they seem eager to help."


Once she arrived at engineering she found Lightning by one of terminals. "Hey Light, have you found anything interesting yet concerning the lights?"


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@@Ethan Sawyer


Sapphire walked into the room she had not put her amour back on just her and a belt around her holding a scabbard with her sword in it. She looked on like a pony who couldn't understand Equestrian (English). Then a light dinged in her head an actual tech, light bulb she walked over the Scarlett. "would magic charge it, just there are a few unicorns on board and you've seen what I can do when i'm pissed that kind of power directed at something that can absorb it the turn it into power, well would that work?"

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Scarlett smirked again and said "Oh, like what you'd be doing otherwise wouldn't be productive. It could help boost morale!" 


Solar snickered and looked at Solar, smirking even more. "Hear that? Our making out is making people feel better!" She teased, winking at her marefriend.



"Yeah, time to be productive for once!" Amber cheered, a look of determination spreading over her face with a wicked grin. "I mean, sure, I probably have no idea what's going on or how to fix anything but hey! Gotta think positive, right? But, uh...I just hope it isn't fiddly." The pegasus lifted up her hooves in front of her face. "These are the opposite of helpful in fiddly situations."


"Right?" She muttered, looking at Amber's hooves, "The Ancients did not take hooves into account. Who even invented hooves anyway?"


...sweet Celestia, I wanna hold her hoof again.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Ethan Sawyer,


Sapphire walked into the room she had not put her amour back on just her and a belt around her holding a scabbard with her sword in it. She looked on like a pony who couldn't understand Equestrian (English). Then a light dinged in her head an actual tech, light bulb she walked over the Scarlett. "would magic charge it, just there are a few unicorns on board and you've seen what I can do when i'm pissed that kind of power directed at something that can absorb it the turn it into power, well would that work?"

"I doubt it. The ancients chose a power source and stuck to it. They hardly ever used magical components in anything they did. I think the only way to charge this ship is to do it how it was supposed to be done"


Solar snickered and looked at Solar, smirking even more. "Hear that? Our making out is making people feel better!" She teased, winking at her marefriend.




"Right?" She muttered, looking at Amber's hooves, "The Ancients did not take hooves into account. Who even invented hooves anyway?"


...sweet Celestia, I wanna hold her hoof again.

" You know the ancients has hooves as well right. They were ponies as well. Kinda"

  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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Man, sometimes ponies can be completely oblivious to what I say. Oh well. "Well, guys, the Destiny is under 1 percent power. The problem is these power cells have no way of recharging, at least not by any means we're aware of. Scarlett, what's the plan? There's nothing I can think we can do at this point."

Edited by Mario3D13
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Solar snickered and looked at Solar, smirking even more. "Hear that? Our making out is making people feel better!" She teased, winking at her marefriend.




"Right?" She muttered, looking at Amber's hooves, "The Ancients did not take hooves into account. Who even invented hooves anyway?"


...sweet Celestia, I wanna hold her hoof again.


"Wait, hooves were invented? Who in the hay would invent THESE monstrosities?!" She gasped in fake horror at her shaking forehooves extended out before her. 


She cleared her throat, trying to put on her 'serious look'. "Okay, so um, as a question...what exactly does no power mean for us? Death? Painful death? Explosions? Because I'm genuinely intrigued. That and also I need to know if it's appropriate to panic or not."

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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" You know the ancients has hooves as well right. They were ponies as well. Kinda"


"Damn them and their hoof technology!" Solar cried, dramatically shaking her hoof to the sky, "Damn them all to Tartarus!"



She cleared her throat, trying to put on her 'serious look'. "Okay, so um, as a question...what exactly does no power mean for us? Death? Painful death? Explosions? Because I'm genuinely intrigued. That and also I need to know if it's appropriate to panic or not."


"We're on a strange, crotchety old spaceship in the middle of another galaxy with no other signs of life," She pointed out, "I think regular sessions of panicking are required."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Wait, hooves were invented? Who in the hay would invent THESE monstrosities?!" She gasped in fake horror at her shaking forehooves extended out before her.


She cleared her throat, trying to put on her 'serious look'. "Okay, so um, as a question...what exactly does no power mean for us? Death? Painful death? Explosions? Because I'm genuinely intrigued. That and also I need to know if it's appropriate to panic or not."

(Phone post)


"Well, simply put, no power means no gravity and no air filters, which means eventual death by suffocation. We'd essentially be back to square one if the power goes out, and we don't want that to happen."




"I wouldn't suggest panicking. It only makes things worse. Anyway, I have an idea on what to do. On the off chance some of the crates contain generators, I may be able to rig these onto the ship."


@The Original,


"Cyril, even though I don't trust you, I need your help. Since you're good at organizing, I need you to check if there are any power generators in the crates. Radio me your findings."


@Unicorncob, @1Bit, ,


"Meanwhile, I need to look around the ship to see where I could potentially rig the generators. Sapphire, Amber, Solar, wanna come with?"

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Cyril took note of the sudden darkness, but didn't seem to mind. "Mir, emit natural lighting, level 3." Mir's external lights let out a soothing golden white glow after a brief intervention. In addition, he had MIRVI picking up radio signals at all times, and Lightning happened to be sending out a request. "Mir, open a channel directly back to the source." After a short period, Mir simply whirred over close to Cyril so he could respond. "Ten four, Doc. I'll do what I can, but no promises" he replied, but in a rather light spirited tone. That's odd... I never talk like that... What has gotten into me? Cyril decided the only way he was going to get on the good side of these ponies would be simply to follow them and refrain from any potentially off setting remarks and statements.


Cyril trotted down to storage with Mir, hoping her scanners could detect some form of electrical generator. "Good at organizing? In Tartarus does that have to do with finding a generator? It is not like I put all of these boxes here myself" Cyril spoke to himself, hoping Mir might interject with some logical explanation. Regardless, the golden orb stayed silent, aside from the light hum which was constantly emitted from inside the chassis.


After approximately 23 boxes were searched, the 24th box contained what looked like a bunch of parts. Want to guess what kind of parts? Parts to assemble a generation. For Celestia sake... I get to put this together now as well? Cyril was never one for assembly of unknown bits a pieces. "Mir, open the channel to Lightning again. Afterwards, keep searching more boxes for potential parts. Perhaps there is more to it than this..." he stated quizzically. MIRVI hummed loudly and emitted a small static noise before continuing with the scans. 


"Doc, it's Cyril. I found the generat- eh... well... realistically, i found the individual parts for a generator. Hopefully there is more than just one box, but it will be a while before I can get this assembled. ETA, half an hour to an hour. Get comfy." Finally, Cyril had Mir close the channel on his end, but still open to receive.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Meanwhile, I need to look around the ship to see where I could potentially rig the generators. Sapphire, Amber, Solar, wanna come with?"


Solar had to bite her lip to stop any disfavour coming out. She'd much rather get some bonding time with Scarlett, in all honesty, but she supposed any way to help is a good way.


"Sure, why not," she shrugged, and looked at Amber, "C'mon, it'll be fun. And productive. Funductive."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar had to bite her lip to stop any disfavour coming out. She'd much rather get some bonding time with Scarlett, in all honesty, but she supposed any way to help is a good way.


"Sure, why not," she shrugged, and looked at Amber, "C'mon, it'll be fun. And productive. Funductive."


"Funductive sounds...great." She gave solar a half-smile but there was still the niggling issue in the back of her mind that it would mean she'd be too close for comfort to Lightning. "As long as we're helping, I'm good to go. Let's just hope we don't break anything." She snickered.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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@@Ethan Sawyer,


Sapphire looked down after her idea was rejected, "I need to stop thinking..." She stepped back a little and just watched on.


@@1Bit, @@Unicorncob, @@Mario3D13,


"May well, at least I can do manual labor, don't need any thinking for that at least." She stood there until the others were ready to leave, she gave both Solar and Amber causal looks as she waited. Behind her eyes though she was a degree jealous they had each other to lean on, no one was there for her. She tried to move past this dull thought it was not doing her any good. 

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Man, sometimes ponies can be completely oblivious to what I say. Oh well. "Well, guys, the Destiny is under 1 percent power. The problem is these power cells have no way of recharging, at least not by any means we're aware of. Scarlett, what's the plan? There's nothing I can think we can do at this point."


"I don't know. The first thing we need to do it check where the ship is currently going. See if we dropped out anywhere with resources nearby."


@@Ethan Sawyer,


Sapphire looked down after her idea was rejected, "I need to stop thinking..." She stepped back a little and just watched on.


"No, don't stop thinking. It was a good idea, but the Ancients focused on machines over magic. We haven't found a single piece of Ancient technology that is powered or requires magic to run."


Art by DoeKitty

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"I don't know. The first thing we need to do it check where the ship is currently going. See if we dropped out anywhere with resources nearby."


"What, you think we may have jumped out of FTL near another planet or something?" Amber asked. She slowly made her way to the door behind Solar and Lightning, messing with her mane again as her fringe started to look frazzled. "Because I'm not sure I'm ready for another huge adventure across open terrain like the last one. But hey! That's just me!" She gave Scarlett a tiny smirk, and let out a sigh of relief as she felt her mane was beginning to co-operate again. 



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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@@Ethan Sawyer


"Given that this ship is run by an AI, I found that one out while hacking. Tried to lock me out a few times, didn't work, its safe to assume that it is smart and knows about the power issue. This is all a guess, but I'd say we have a good chance that it brought us here because a Gate is nearby that has resources located on the other side. Possible, improbable, but a chance. Your thoughts?"

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"What, you think we may have jumped out of FTL near another planet or something?" Amber asked. She slowly made her way to the door behind Solar and Lightning, messing with her mane again as her fringe started to look frazzled. "Because I'm not sure I'm ready for another huge adventure across open terrain like the last one. But hey! That's just me!" She gave Scarlett a tiny smirk, and let out a sigh of relief as she felt her mane was beginning to co-operate again. 


"Yea, it's just you" she said with a smirk, but after a pause she said "I lied. It was awful. Please no."


@@Ethan Sawyer


"Given that this ship is run by an AI, I found that one out while hacking. Tried to lock me out a few times, didn't work, its safe to assume that it is smart and knows about the power issue. This is all a guess, but I'd say we have a good chance that it brought us here because a Gate is nearby that has resources located on the other side. Possible, improbable, but a chance. Your thoughts?"


"It's possible. I've tried to let the Destiny know in any way I can that we need resources through the consoles and such." She moved over to a console and started to get the solar map up "We'll know in a moment what is happening."


Scarlett opened up the Solar map and found there were no planets nearby. In worry she refreshed the screen a couple of times and found nothing. Then, the engines shut down. There was no longer the low drone of the engines that would usually be heard, which was very worrying. The ship was running out of power, fast. She didn't know if this was happening because there wasn't enough power or because the Destiny was trying to save power. "Guys, this doesn't look good. Not good at all."


She switch to another screen, and upon seeing it's contents her eyes widened in fear. "Uhh. I don't know how to tell you all this. But, we're on a collision course with an, uhh, a blue giant." She took a break for a moment before shouting "A BLUE FREAKING GIANT!"

Edited by Ethan Sawyer


Art by DoeKitty

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"What, you think we may have jumped out of FTL near another planet or something?" Amber asked. She slowly made her way to the door behind Solar and Lightning, messing with her mane again as her fringe started to look frazzled. "Because I'm not sure I'm ready for another huge adventure across open terrain like the last one. But hey! That's just me!" She gave Scarlett a tiny smirk, and let out a sigh of relief as she felt her mane was beginning to co-operate again. 


"Don't ask me," Solar muttered, shrugging as she followed Lightning to the door, "I don't even know what half of this crap means."


She smirked back at her marefriend, flicking her tail. "Hey, the desert was kinda fun, you have to admit. Sand. Sand. More sand. Wow, such sand."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Don't ask me," Solar muttered, shrugging as she followed Lightning to the door, "I don't even know what half of this crap means."


She smirked back at her marefriend, flicking her tail. "Hey, the desert was kinda fun, you have to admit. Sand. Sand. More sand. Wow, such sand."


"Um sweetie...I also passed out and almost died on that planet. 'Kinda fun' isn't really the phrase I'd use to describe the whole experience." Amber shuddered. "Let's just hope nothing like that happens again."




She switch to another screen, and upon seeing it's contents her eyes widened in fear. "Uhh. I don't know how to tell you all this. But, we're on a collision course with an, uhh, a blue giant."


"I didn't know you could get BLUE giants." Amber raised an eyebrow. "...um, what is a blue giant exactly?" She grinned sheepishly.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Um sweetie...I also passed out and almost died on that planet. 'Kinda fun' isn't really the phrase I'd use to describe the whole experience." Amber shuddered. "Let's just hope nothing like that happens again."





"I didn't know you could get BLUE giants." Amber raised an eyebrow. "...um, what is a blue giant exactly?" She grinned sheepishly.


Scarlett said in a very bland voice "Oh, it's a star."


She paused for a moment while staring at Amber. "Yes Amber, we are about to fly in to a star. How do you feel?"



"Don't ask me," Solar muttered, shrugging as she followed Lightning to the door, "I don't even know what half of this crap means."


She smirked back at her marefriend, flicking her tail. "Hey, the desert was kinda fun, you have to admit. Sand. Sand. More sand. Wow, such sand."


"Helooo! About to fly into a star here!"


"Well, about is a relative term." she muttered to herself. She jumped back onto the console to try and find out how long they had.


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Scarlett said in a very bland voice "Oh, it's a star."


She paused for a moment while staring at Amber. "Yes Amber, we are about to fly in to a star. How do you feel?"




"Helooo! About to fly into a star here!"


"Well, about is a relative term." she muttered to herself. She jumped back onto the console to try and find out how long they had.


"Eh, whatever." Amber shrugged, turning back to Scarlett. "I mean, have you even noticed how cold the air is in here! I could do with some warmer temperatures!" Amber rolled her eyes. "But if you're sooo worried about it, why not just like...slingshot around it or something. I dunno."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Specter quickly thought about what the AI was trying to do, flying into a Star like this. I seemed to not make much sense, a machine would never attempt to destroy what it is protected unless it had no choice. These ponies hadn't shown it hostilities, so what was it doing? Then he realised the answer to his own questions. Now he had two options; inform Scarlett of what he learned and solve everything. Or watch this play out from the side lines and have a laugh about it later. He chose the latter and remained silent.


Although, on a second thought. He wasn't entirely sure how strong the shielding on this ship was. It was strong, he could guess that much, but a Blue Giant was on a whole other level of energy output. 'This may put some strain on the shields, I do hope they hold.'

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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"Um sweetie...I also passed out and almost died on that planet. 'Kinda fun' isn't really the phrase I'd use to describe the whole experience." Amber shuddered. "Let's just hope nothing like that happens again."


"Well, obviously aside from that part," Solar commented, rolling her eyes but still smirking, "But everything else was fun, huh? You got to try my suit on!"



"Helooo! About to fly into a star here!"


"Well, about is a relative term." she muttered to herself. She jumped back onto the console to try and find out how long they had.


"Wait, we're flying into a star?" She suddenly got herself up to date on the conversation, "Bucking right! We'll be proper space rangers and stuff! But I don't want a crappy lightbulb for a laser."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Eh, whatever." Amber shrugged, turning back to Scarlett. "I mean, have you even noticed how cold the air is in here! I could do with some warmer temperatures!" Amber rolled her eyes. "But if you're sooo worried about it, why not just like...slingshot around it or something. I dunno."


"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but first of all we have little to no power or access to navigation. Even if we had enough power to run the engines, we'd have no way to control the Destiny in it's direction. The reason we're heading towards a star is because we dropped out of FTL way too early."


"Wait, we're flying into a star?" She suddenly got herself up to date on the conversation, "Bucking right! We'll be proper space rangers and stuff! But I don't want a crappy lightbulb for a laser."


"Solar. We're flying in to a star. A STAR. You know, giant ball of flaming, everything. We can't survive that!"


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"Well, obviously aside from that part," Solar commented, rolling her eyes but still smirking, "But everything else was fun, huh? You got to try my suit on!"


"Yeah, I guess." Amber couldn't resist smiling at that point. "I don't think you understand how amazing your suit smells~" She whispered to her.




"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but first of all we have little to no power or access to navigation. Even if we had enough power to run the engines, we'd have no way to control the Destiny in it's direction. The reason we're heading towards a star is because we dropped out of FTL way too early."


"So basically what you're telling me is that we are all going to die, just after we had to save our lives once. R u srs." 



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Solar. We're flying in to a star. A STAR. You know, giant ball of flaming, everything. We can't survive that!"


Solar took a few slow blinks, processing that. "Okay, so, you're saying we're not flying into a star on purpose because it's cool, but in fact, we're flying into are fiery ball of death that would kill us all?"


She bit her lip. "Aaaaand there's the panic coming in..."



"Yeah, I guess." Amber couldn't resist smiling at that point. "I don't think you understand how amazing your suit smells~" She whispered to her.


"So basically what you're telling me is that we are all going to die, just after we had to save our lives once. R u srs."


She smirked and bumped her rump against Amber's. "Maybe I should get all sweaty more often then~"


She blinked, and nodded. "I think she's dedly srs."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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