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general questions Is it Appropriate to Post a Non-Pony Related Song Cover in Octavia's Hall?

Night Visions
Go to solution Solved by Lightwing,

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As the title of the post indicates I would to know where I am to post a cover to a song that has nothing to do with the show itself.


I see that there is a place in Octavia's Hall to post non-Pony Artwork, but would this be considered something to post in there?

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@Night Visions, you got it right. The best place to post it would be our Non-Pony Artwork section, but it should have its correspondent "Music" tag when you make a post, like this:


With that, you will be free to post your musical piece as long as it meets the rules.

  • Brohoof 2
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Alright, thank you, Lighting.



As your issue has been resolved, I will lock this. Have a nice day!

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