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private Following the Dream

Fallen Valkyrie

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After some mrore writing with her quill Flearia let out her toughts on the matter again. "It wouldn't be all to outlandish if this is the deamon pony's ancestor. Murrals in cathedrals, pyramids and so on often tells the story of the local people. Tough I wonder what happend to the diamond dog, I'v not found any deamon diamond dogs around yet. Maybe we'll find some as we keep reserching the Island?"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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summer also inspected the pictures on the walls, or murrals as they were called apearently. 'Maybe the deamon ponies were normal ponies in the beginning but then the night blob thing came and they had to fight it. And maybe they fought against it together with the diamond dogs. Then, when the blob was defeated, they took over it's nightly glow and became like they are nowadays.' She said, thinking out loud. then she nodded in agreement with herself. She like that theory. 'What do you guys think?' She then asked to the others.

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Indus listened in to the girls' suggestions, and Summer's certainly made sense. Absorbing this creature would no doubt cause some side effects, including their... unique appearance.


"That is certainly a possibility, Miss Breeze," he agreed with a nod, "But that leaves us with the diamond dog. More importantly, what is its role in all this?"


He kept walking on, hoping to find answers deeper in the tunnel.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I think that both the pony and the diamond dog played as big part as the other, tough we've tet to find any remains but thease murals. Maybe there is more behind thease two big doors?" Flearia answered as she moved upclose to the doors. "Their awfully big tough"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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summer nodded in agreement to flearia's statement about needing to go through the doors but that might not have been vissible in the dark of the hallways, poorly lit by lanterns and magical glows. but then she rolled her eyes when flearia said that they were 'awefully big' 'Come on, you're not gonna tell me that that's a problem for you, you're a unicorn remember! Isn't there a spell for that?' She said and poked flearia in her flank.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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As summer asked if the size would be a problem and poking her on her cutiemark. "Ofcours not!" she quickly countered. "I was just stating that it is big as to that what is inside would be. And I guess it will be a big hall or a something else with a big ceiling."


With that she used her magic to push both doors open, simple levitation spells didn't face her the slightest. Even tough it was some really heavy doors!


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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As big white dore opened, they reviled an huge without anny source of light, and so all light thet glowed in this room was coming from our heroes, but even thet was not inaf to light whole room from place our heroes stod.


In closer inspection this room was actuly an beautifull garden with green leaf as like they were looking at the sun for lest milenium. Closer to the midle of the room was an pool of cristal clear and cold as ice water. Flore under our heroes hooves was covered in small green grass thet was covered in small drops of water. In the north side of this huge garden was an broken white altar with one shatered spear jabbed into it. Next to this broken altar, on ground, was lieing an set of armor with an key hole in midle of it. This keyhole looked perfect fit to the key our adventureres were carying.



As the big dore opened our heroes could hear some one, or something in far distance crying. But as soon as dore fully opened, and light from our heroes started to light up the room, an quait screem could be heard before crying stoped. And as the crying stoped an light and quick breeze gone true this room, even if there was no way for anny kaid of wind to blowe this deep underground. At this point if our heroes were to look for what ever was crying, they would not find annything. Room was empty and lifeless, it looked like no one stepts down here in ages.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Indus stepped into the room, looking all around as he walked forward. The grass under his hooves was moist and smooth, and the sound of running water filled his ears.


"Some kind of underground garden," he guessed. "Perhaps the rainwater from above is trickling in here somehow... but then, how is it so clean?"


His ears pricked up at the sound of crying, and before he could call it, a blood-curdling shriek pierced the air, followed by a cold wind blowing past, flapping his coat tails.


But there should be no way for wind to get down here. They were too far below ground.


He encountered the suit of armour next to the broken altar, and inspected the keyhole. "Hmm..." He levitated the key out from his saddlebag. "The dimensions match... as do the creation era..."


Out of sheer curiosity, Indus inserted the key and attempted to turn it.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Summers eyes became big when the door opened. It was so big in there, she heard water and leaves and she smelled them too. She put one hoove on the grass and a big smile appeared on her face.


She held her lantern in her mouth and went into the garden. She wanted to explore this for herself and for once she wasn't scared of the dark. Maybe because this was almost like she was outside at night. She could see the lights of her friends through the garden but she didn't really care foe what they were up to.


She came to the middle and there was a pool, the light of her lantern reflected in it and made beautifull shadows on the ceeling of the room. Then she dipped.her hoove in it, but pulled it back inmediately. 'Aah, that's cold!' she said and giggled.


Then she decided.to explore the left side of the room. There were all sorts.of plants and trees. 'how did those get here?' she wondered 'and how did they grow? Trees and all other plants need light to grow and to get their green collor, but there is no light here so how did those became green?' she muttered to herself while taking a closer look at all the plants.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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As she opened the big dubble doors to the room inside and let in the shal light from their light sources, lighting up not the whole room but some parts of it. enough for Flearia to se inside and descover what it was inside, and as she did, she was instantly reminded of a place that looks a lot like this one.


As the doors now was fully opened up there could be heard a low crying from inside, ending in what sounded like a scared scream. almost unhearable as it was followed by a strange breeze from inside.


"Whoo.." She exclaimed as she heard the cry, a slow tought come to her mind. 'Don't tell me she... in her lantern...' Then the scared scream and gust of wind filling the room set her toughts.


"Summer, Indus, I think we just stumbled uppon a spirit shrine!" Tough both of her companions had quickly moved to oposit ends of the room, Flearia followed Summer to the small pound of water. Crystal clear. almost enchanted. Summer dipped her hoof in it and yet again comfirmed her theory, it was ice cold!


Flearia proceded in lifting up something from her saddlebag, the item appeared to be a water container of sorts. She proceeded to dipp it into the water with her magic. filling it up before closing it and putting it back into her saddlebag. and a smile appeared on her face.


"Ay this is ice cold water, Summer. It is the source of why there is greens living here in this area. The water got enough magic in it from the spirit here to make it grow even without light! Also." She used a small amount of magic on the water to lift it up, and in a matter of micro seconds she had formed the water into a crystal as clear as the shiniest diamond! "it is the sole greatest, strongest and easiest water to use for ice magic!"


As she soon turned to show Indus she found him standing at a white alter that appeared to have been shattered by a spear struck into it. At a closer inspection she tough the spear and beside it was an armor that looked a lot like... "I guess that is why we haven't seen any deamon Diamond dogs around." She noted and was about to pick up her notes to write it down she saw Indus in full go standing over the armor with the key in his magic and put it into what looked like a socket and turned it!


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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As soon as they entered the room, Indus with out anny thinking or planing with his team mates pulled out the key, one thet Jacky droped back at the tavern, and right away he inserted the key in the key hole and turned it. 


As soon as the key turned in the key hole of the armor, the armor started to move. Armor started to levitate off the ground and it tok shape of a pony figure - same one thet was drawn in murals outside of the room. Creatures skin started to take color, same as on the lest mural - one thet it was stending alone. It color was beautifull deep black coolor with small sparks of light here and there. But as soon as entire creature was colored in this color, it spark with bright black, and moments later with bright white colore. This white color was bright inaf to force out heroes to close there eyes. And as soon as they opened there eyes, they could see thet pony from mural was stending in front of them. He was an unicorn thet was not same color as he was on the mural, this time he was brown color with white colored main and tail. As our heroes frst seen this creature it looked like he was taking a breath for the frst time in many ceintures. But as soon as he inhaled the air, he started to cough violently for couple of moments and then he slowly stoped and opened his mouth to speek "I see thet even after so many mileniums, you still reek of blood and death...." And as he finished talking he noticed an unicorn (Indus) stending next to him. He looked at him from head to hoove and asked with questionable voice "Who are you?"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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'magical water? Really?' summer said to flearia when she said something about the water but then she shrugged her shoulders and took a closer look at the leaves of the plants to see if there was anything that looked magical about them. She took a few leaves and put them in her saddlebag before being blinded by a bright light. She closed her eyes and covered them with one wing.


Then, when the light was gone and she could see again, she looked through the garden to the place where flearia and proff were, but they weren't alone anymore. Now there was another pony standing next to them. Summer didn't really explore that place when she came here but she was sure that that pony wasn't there before. She quickly trotted towards him and heard him cough 'are you okay?' she asked him. Summer didn't appear to be scared of the strange pony, only curious. Then she turned her face to proff and flearia 'what happened here? Where did he come from? What did you do?? Nothing bad happened right? Did you press a button or something? You know you should never press buttons when you don't know what they do! Or did you use magic??' she asked, each question comming faster as the last one. Maybe summer was a bit scared after all, or at least a bit nervous, and she tried to calm herself down by asking a lot of questions.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Indus covered his eyes with his hoof to shield them from the blinding light caused by the armour. When he next looked, a brown stallion with a white mane and tail stood there, looking no worse for wear. Was he somehow locked inside that armour?


He turned to Summer for a brief moment, acknowledging her flurry of questions. He raised his hoof to calm her, before turning back to the stranger. "I am Professor Indus Moonquill, of the Canterlot University of Magic."


He left the introduction hanging, to allow Flearia and Summer to introduce themselves.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"University of Magic?" Stalion started with voice thet sparked intereset, but shortly after he contineued in half board voice "Never heard of it." He then looked at other two mares thet were in around Indus, but did not even care to say 'who they are' like he did with Indus. His gaze quickly returned on to Indus as he contineu to speak, livelier then before "So you must be send by the Weaver...tok her long inaf." As he was saying lest part he rolled his eyes. He maid couple of havy steps forvered, to annyone who is waching him this looked a litle colt learning to walk for the frst time, as he stoped he looked down at the ground like he is listening for something and contineu to speak "Annything interesing happened in my absent?"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Indus only raised an eyebrow at this stallion's attitude. He couldn't say he cared much for it.


Though, he also did not expect to see such a thing. Ruins built beneath a cathedral, housing a garden and some kind of trapped spirit in a suit of armour. For a moment, he toyed with the idea that this could be the pony depicted in the murals he saw on the way into this chamber.


"Who is this 'Weaver' you mentioned?" He inquired, watching the stranger take a few awkward steps toward the group.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Shakimg her head hard to Summer's question while trying to inspect the newly arrived Stallion. "Nay I did nosuch thing! It was Indus who did something woth the key and armor!"


She moved up to try present herself as the stallion looked to then, tough he quickly looked back to Indus and begun to talk about some weaver.


"Never mind the weaver for now, Who are you? Mr?" she asked quickly and then added. "Where you spirit trapt inside that armor? How did that happen?" not even waiting for an answer she quickly noted some things dpwn on her papers. "Where's my manner. I'm Flearia Dragondanser, Schoolar and resercher, this" she pointed to her head" is Irra"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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"My name..." Stalion started as he raised his head "It looks like I am having trouble remembering thet detail. How did thet happen..." He contineued and in moment it looked like he remembered something, because he quickly turned his head around and looked at a broken altar with speak jabed into it. But he did not said annything. After thet he slowly stagered towered the altar and frst looked left, then right and after thet he sighed. "I do belive I am having blank spaces in my memory, so I belive I can not answer to your questions." After thet he smailed, looked tower the top of this strange room and asked an simple question to our adventureres "If Weaver did not send you, who did?"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Summer shut her mouth as proff had signed her to and listened to flearia and proff introduce themself. She was a bit confused of the fact that the stallion didn't know his own name. 'why not call you armour pony since you came from an armour. Do you like that name?' Summer suggested with a smile. She knew it was a silly name but it was the first thing that popped into her head at the moment. 'oh, and the reason we are here is because we have to find a stinking, stupid, betraying little fire pony named jacky. She had a map and that map brought us to the cathedral and in the cathedral was a hole and down the hole was a hallway with murals and at the and of the hallway with the murals was door and behind was the garden we are now and in the garden we found you!' Summer added and took a deep breath. But then it popped in her mind that she hadn't introduced herself. 'I'm summer breeze by the way, nice to meet you.' she said and smiled widely.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Whincing a bit as Summer portrayed Jacky as the evilest evil she could, Flearia gave her a uneasy grin.

"Ay, and when we tryed to find her it got us to this place, and then we found you popping up after we used a key in that armor."


"Say, What is the last thing you remember? As it appears, you'v been locked away in that armor for some really many years. If you can remember then we might be able to pinpoint how long you'v been away and what this place really is."


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Indus kept quiet to allow the mares to speak their parts. His eyes narrowed at the mention of Jacky, though a thought had just occurred to him.


That mare's map had led them here, and her key had unlocked this trapped pony... yet, she was nowhere to be found. Curious.


He blinked slowly as Flearia raised an interesting point - this stallion had been trapped in this armour, and the murals he had seen on the way in depicted a similar looking pony alongside a...


"I don't suppose you are familiar with a diamond dog?" He asked.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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After Summer finished telling this 'armor pony' evry single detal how they got to this point, 'armor pony' closed his eyes and sighed, right after he said with low and anoyed voice "You talk tooo much dear....simple 'because reason' answer would have been beter."  After Summer, Flearia contineued with asking more questions about 'armor pony's' past. To this new question, 'armor pony' answered, with his eyes still closed "Lest thing I remember an scream, some idiot promise and something small and bright. After thet I remember some one crying, and after thet noting more." After he finished he opened his eyes and looked around the room as Indus was talking "I remember an dog, but dont belive she was made out of diamonds."

After answering to all this question's, armor pony looked at our adventurers and ask them "So what do you plan on doing next?"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Summer stared at him when he said that she talked too much. She didn't exectly know what he ment at first but then it came to her and she snorted 'hmpf, I don't talk to much! But if you think so then I won't talk at all anymore.' she said to the armour pony with an offended tone. To put some extra power to her words she stumped whith her hoove on the ground and looked the other way, away from the armour pony. She would show him how good she was a not talking because she didn't talk to much!

  • Brohoof 3


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Indus rolled his eyes at the conversation between Summer and this armoured pony. If they were going to get any answers, everypony would have to be willing to cooperate.


"Thank you, Miss Breeze," he started with Summer, in hopes of keeping relations cooled. He turned to the stallion and cleared his throat. "Moving on... do you know anything of a dark force of some kind? Like a black, formless shape maybe?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As the phenix quill danced on the notepad and the questions with all to few answers where taken down, Flearia also noted down the armored pony's attitude with a big exlamation mark!


Not getting any information about her own questions tough asked one himself about what they where to do now.


"Well I'm just following along as I'v been tasked by my Mentor to investigate any new culture and legends of this new island." She made a quick point showing her quill and notepad some extra before continueing. "So whatever happens i'll keep writing my report, She expects nothing short of a book about it."


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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summer rolled her eyes on flearia's comment about writing everything down. 'You really look more like a journalist as a magic student you know.' Summer said with a serious face to her.


then she turned to the armour pony again 'we're going to find jacky now, if that wasn't obvious.' summer said to him. She knew she was going to ignore him but if there was something she was really bad at is not talking to somepony.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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