ManaMinori 4,145 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 (edited) Bias aside, because I adore Pollbreaker pony, (and on the flip side, absolutely detest Sunbutt), looking at the facts, I gotta say- neither, in my opinion, are no longer in any position to take any guardian role for their citizens. In the Journal of the Two Sisters, Sunbutt states: "Actually, Luna and I clarified that our role in Equestria wouldn't be as rulers and we will not think of the ponies of Equestria as our subjects. That would be very awkward. We will be Equestria's guardians. That sounds much friendlier. We will serve and protect, watching over Equestria's land and skies, keeping tem peaceful and safe." The evidence that contradicts this, however, is seen through many episodes. "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep"- Luna creates a sentient monster from out of a guilty conscious, and lacks emotional control to restrain it, which nearly puts ponies in the real world in real danger. "Best Night Ever"- Sunbutt allows mane 6 to destroy a planned, high class event, and endanger Canterlot elete, for the sake of "livening things up", because apparrently, her job is a snooze fest "Make New Friends but keep Discord"- Sunbutt allows spirit of chaos to disrupt a planned, high class event, and endanger Canterlot elete, AND nearly send somepony to a different dimensionm for the sake of "livening things up", because apparrently, her job is a snooze fest. "Nightmare Night"- Luna's emotional instability from not being appreciated caused tantrum, sends Ponyville residents into panic and chaos, as Luna sics spiders on them, and summons raging winds. "The Crystal Empire"- Sunbutt defeated by a bug who's only souped up on the love magic of TWO ponies. "Twilight's kingdom"- Sunbutt sending Discord to deal with Tirek, having hated him before the mane 6's time, knowing he's still not fully reformed, but does it just to make a statement, and leaves it to chance that he'd truly be good. Chance risk puts ALL of her subjects who she swore to protect, in danger. "Twilight's Kingdom"- Sunbutt coerces other alicorns to give all their magic to Twilight, after seeing Twilight is the most irresponsible pony to give such massive power to, and hasn't yet learned not to use it for quick fix solutions, as she had many times in the past. "Twilight's kingdom"- sunbutt stupidly tells Twilight not to tell her friends and handle mission alone, in spite of KNOWING the other 5 are critical, because bucking magic of friendship deus ex machina. Stupic decision again leads to ponies endangered. Funny thing is, the Journal of the Two Sisters actually foreshadows the alicorn sisters absolute failure as actual guardians of Equestria. In one of Sunbutt's own diary entries, on the very first page, she says: "maybe I won't be amazing. Maybe I'll be really rotten. What if I'm known as Celestia, the really rotten princess of Equestria?" But what are your thoughts? Do the royal sisters make good guardians for their ponies, given the many circumstances? Bonus question: given the mane 6's own inflicted disasters that also put many ponies in danger (Twilight's backfired "quick fix" spells, RD's weather factory mess, AJ's overworking causing disasters, Pinkie Pie's mirror pool mischief, etc) are THEY any more fit to qualify as guardians who "serve and protect" the pony citizens? Edited January 9, 2016 by Nightmare Muffin Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 I'm tired, and I think that this is the third thread with the same basic idea in the last few days. I'm just going to say. "blame the writers' inability to correctly portray characters looking good without making others look bad". None of this is the writers intentionally saying "These characters are incompetent and suck!", it's just stories getting written and characters being abused by some lazy writer that just doesn't care. 3 For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Number62 1,258 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 What the above said, though I would like to see more on the Grand Galloping Gala because "Sunbutt's" feelings toward it are quite interesting. As for the Mane 6 and their screw-ups, nopony is perfect. How the imperfection is portrayed is a different topic. Again, the characters and their stories are only as good as their storytellers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 (edited) Yep I agree, they're obviously past their prime. Edited January 9, 2016 by cider float Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malinter 3,064 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 (edited) Celestia is already aware she cannot defend Equestria properly, Celestia and Luna are only truely effective when they are in harmony with each other and that harmony was broken for 1000 years when Celestia banished Luna to the moon. Not only did this render the Elements of Harmony useless, it left Celestia with huge emotional hole in her heart. Yet she endured because she knew Luna would return one day. Even with Luna back however, Luna is also not as strong as she was, She caved into her emotions and became Nightmare Moon, an act which still torments her. Luna is even more aware of her inability to defend Equestria than Celestia as she worries about her past. This is where Twilight, her friends and Cadence come in. They are the next generation of guardians. Cadance can beat more or less anyone while ever she has her husband's love and Twilight can demolish anyone with her offers of freindship (Or OP Rainbow Lasers of death.... whatever works XD). Celestia and Luna were meant to raise and lower the sun and the moon. They were never meant to rule Equestria. They only beat discord because they wanted ponykind to be happy, not because they wanted to conquer the land. There power and immortality are best served as heads of state. They can recall treaties and traditions that could have fallen out of living memory and politics are easy when you can live for centuries, you just play the waiting game. The sisters are good at that one. XD Edited January 9, 2016 by Malinter My OC's: Malinter, Rahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one First fic i've written since forever here Skype: "Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riganthor 484 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 sometimes its better too take things with a grain of salt and not too seriously 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 January 9, 2016 Author Share January 9, 2016 I'm tired, and I think that this is the third thread with the same basic idea in the last few days. I'm just going to say. "blame the writers' inability to correctly portray characters looking good without making others look bad". None of this is the writers intentionally saying "These characters are incompetent and suck!", it's just stories getting written and characters being abused by some lazy writer that just doesn't care. the point I'm trying to make though, is pretty much every maun character, not just Luna and Sunbutt, but the new generation of "guardians", the mane 6, also fail at being guardians, when they've all- at some point- endangered others who they're there to protect Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,786 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 I'm tired, and I think that this is the third thread with the same basic idea in the last few days. I'm just going to say. "blame the writers' inability to correctly portray characters looking good without making others look bad". None of this is the writers intentionally saying "These characters are incompetent and suck!", it's just stories getting written and characters being abused by some lazy writer that just doesn't care. What the above said, though I would like to see more on the Grand Galloping Gala because "Sunbutt's" feelings toward it are quite interesting. As for the Mane 6 and their screw-ups, nopony is perfect. How the imperfection is portrayed is a different topic. Again, the characters and their stories are only as good as their storytellers. sometimes its better too take things with a grain of salt and not too seriously Pretty much these, in the end of the day I think it's a combination of the writers messing up with the princesses rather than the princesses themselves(I mean Celestia's pretty much gotten the middle finger since the second season). On top of that a lot of these over-the-top and goofy scenarios where the characters do something dumb is exactly that, over-the-top and goofy scenarios the writers thought up of because they thought it was funny. Hell a lot of the time I feel like this is the only fandom of a cartoon that likes to punish a cartoon for being a cartoon 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 @@Nightmare Muffin, I understand what you're saying. I think that you're right from a point of view. I just have a different one, where things only are canon if they are supposed to be. For example: looking at the cartoon with a very clinical and at face value perspective, Princess Celestia is a mumbling idiot and I don't understand why ponies haven't ousted the princesses. But the way I look at any work of fiction, I'm not convinced that the writers intended to portray the characters as failing to perform their duties. What happened is that they likely never really thought too deeply about what they were writing into the story. I think it's fun to delve into the fictional world and look at it as if it's just like the real world, where things happen one way because that's how things happen, and if they didn't, someone screwed up somewhere. But MLP is not that good a fictional world for this sort of analysis. In the end, I still think that the writers' intention is for the audience to see these characters as the heroes fixing the bad stuff that happens, and them forgive them the slips they make so that the story can happen. For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drunkfrank 1,125 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 ANOTHER ONE OF THESE? YES THEY ARE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kivil 1,721 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 To me I believe Moonbutt and Sunbutt are just figureheads. We all know that the Mane six are the real gaurdians ~My life is a bunch of Discord~Yes, the pun was intended~Kivil~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManaMinori 4,145 January 9, 2016 Author Share January 9, 2016 ANOTHER ONE OF THESE? YES THEY ARE far as I'm aware, there are no pre existng topics that call into question Luna, Sunbutt, and the rest of the mane 6's abilties as proper guardians for Equestria. Don't judge a thread at face value, mmkay?To me I believe Moonbutt and Sunbutt are just figureheads. We all know that the Mane six are the real gaurdiansok, then can iget your opinion on this-as a guardian whose duty is to protect others- and never endanger those who they're trying to protect- should that person- or pony- rightfully be called a guardian, if even one failure to do so exists on their record? 1 Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starflite527 24 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 Personally, I agree with Lily Peet's idea of the topic. Celesta is incompetent, Luna needs some counseling, but Nightmare Moon might actually do a good job. Not what people expected in the show's premiere. (link to the video) Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponyvangelist 732 January 9, 2016 Share January 9, 2016 The Royal Scam It doesn't matter who's "fit". Princess Celestia is the absolute monarch of Equestria and rules with an iron hoof. Any attempt to replace her will be dealt with in the most ruthless manner possible, potentially including banishment to the moon for a thousand years. Don't think she wouldn't do it again, because she totally would. Just try her. And don't even think about making her call on her alicorn posse to put the smack down, because they be gettin' all up in your business yo. Meanwhile, as long as Princess Luna doesn't rock the boat, she gets to rake in all that sweet princess pay in exchange for sleeping all day and spying on ponies' dreams. Nice work if you can get it, and good luck trying to talk her out of a cushy gig like that. So the question is moot, although I did take the liberty of informing the Royal Guard about this seditious little discussion as a precaution. Let's just say when "Sunbutt" finds out you you've been talking trash about her, I suggest dressing for cold temperatures and low gravity. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metemponychosis 1,262 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 @@ponyvangelist, That made me chuckle. Thanks! For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out. And I'm just getting started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 The Royal Scam It doesn't matter who's "fit". Princess Celestia is the absolute monarch of Equestria and rules with an iron hoof. Any attempt to replace her will be dealt with in the most ruthless manner possible, potentially including banishment to the moon for a thousand years. Don't think she wouldn't do it again, because she totally would. Just try her. And don't even think about making her call on her alicorn posse to put the smack down, because they be gettin' all up in your business yo. Meanwhile, as long as Princess Luna doesn't rock the boat, she gets to rake in all that sweet princess pay in exchange for sleeping all day and spying on ponies' dreams. Nice work if you can get it, and good luck trying to talk her out of a cushy gig like that. So the question is moot, although I did take the liberty of informing the Royal Guard about this seditious little discussion as a precaution. Let's just say when "Sunbutt" finds out you you've been talking trash about her, I suggest dressing for cold temperatures and low gravity. OBEY-Celestia-360.png How could Celestia banish anyone to the moon when she no longer possesses the Elements of Harmony? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ponyvangelist 732 January 10, 2016 Share January 10, 2016 How could Celestia banish anyone to the moon when she no longer possesses the Elements of Harmony? Let's just say the Alicorn Mafia has ways of making ponies disappear. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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