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Which other 6 ponies could carry the Elements of Harmony?


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For my first thread I figured that I would discuss something that I've had on my mind for a while. Something that is a common theme to certain adventure shows:

The theme is that "there are others who are worthy of being the heroes of the story instead of the heroes we expect", and at times in these shows it is done well.

I figured that everypony in Equestria often times relies on and expects the Mane 6 to save the day and be the heroes. However there comes a point in the series in which the villains know that Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie are the ponies to stop them from whatever plans they have. So I figured that at some point in the show, the villain in question is going to wind up easily defeating the Mane 6 (IE: injuring, kidnapping, brainwashing, etc) to the point that the Mane 6 are completely incapacitated and cannot perform their duties as defenders of Equestria. At this point the sense of dread and tension lingers, as everypony in Equestria is thinking: "Oh no! If the Mane 6 can't save us, who will?"

Have no fear. Even though the Mane 6 wield the Elements of Harmony, I am very certain that the virtues of the Mane 6 have rubbed off on other ponies as well. I'm sure that there are other ponies who also showcase Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Kindness, and Magic. I figured that even though they may not be as experienced in the field as the Mane 6, They are just as worthy of carrying the Elements of Harmony to save Equestria.

So here are my picks for each individual element:

-Element of Magic: Shining Armor

I admit that this is kind of a toss up between Shining Armor, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer for this element but I figured that one key factor in choosing Shining would be because of the element of family. Being Twilight's brother certainly helps, as well as his being a member of the royal guards. Plus I figured that since Twilight had come through for him and his family a few times before, here would be a great opportunity for him to return the favor.

-Element of Kindness: Cheerilee

Now this might be somewhat of a stretch since technically we haven't seen her interact with Fluttershy nor is she a pegasus. But I personally can't think of any other pegasi who exhibits any particular level of kindness at Fluttershy's levels. But Cheerilee has a lot going for her in the department of kindness since she is a schoolteacher after all and the love and care she shows for her students mirrors the way Fluttershy is with animals.

-Element of Laughter: Cheese Sandwich

Initially I thought that as a joke I'd have Maud Pie carry the banner for laughter. But to be serious I knew that there was only one other pony who can showcase the Laughter element at the same levels as Pinkie Pie. As a party pony, Cheese Sandwich is capable of expressing the same levels of humor and bringing joy to other ponies as his one time rival and idol. I can't think of anypony else worthy of carrying the Element of Laughter.

-Element of Honesty: Big Macintosh

On a personal note, seeing "Brotherhooves Social" and learning of his personal desires to be a hero just like Applejack made me come up with this idea in the first place. Personally I'm afraid that the writers are going to not follow up on the story. So I figured that this would be a great chance for Big Macintosh to live out his dream. Also, Honesty is an Apple family value from what I've been lead to believe so Big Mac would be most fitting to carry the flag for Honesty in place of Applejack. Now I thought that some might think that Apple Bloom might be a better choice considering how close she is with her big sister as opposed to her big brother, but I've decided not to include any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders on this list because they already had their story arc and might suffer from overexposure. So I thought that this story arc would help develop Big Macintosh and his character more than it would Apple Bloom. Plus his strength would be a huge contribution.

-Element of Loyalty: Spitfire

This one was a very tricky one as I couldn't seem to find any other ponies worthy of carrying the banner for Loyalty, and I couldn't pick Scootaloo due to reasons mentioned above. But that isn't to say that Spitfire isn't worthy of carrying the flag for Rainbow Dash. I'm pretty sure that she's learned a lot from Rainbow Dash about loyalty considering that the Wonderbolts have had their fair share of traitors in the past. I'm sure that she is capable in the fight against evil, but again this was a very tricky pick.

-Element of Generosity: Sassy Saddles

Again this was a very tricky decision as it was another tossup, this time with her as well as Coco Pommel and Minuet, and no to Sweetie Belle for the CMC rule mentioned before. But I figured that Sassy being in charge of the Canterlot Boutique would be a factor, as well as learning about Generosity from Rarity. Considering the time that has passed from her appearances that she has probably learned to be generous as well. Again this was another tricky choice.

One thing of note when coming up with these decisions, As you may have noticed, each of my choices is somepony who has a personal connection with the Mane 6. Plus I wanted to balance out the Earth Ponies, the Pegasi, and the Unicorns as evenly as possible. But nevertheless, these are just my picks.


Also just to be sure, The replacements are only going to be temporary and will only be for a possible 2, 3, or 4 part episode.


What do you think of these picks? Which 6 ponies would you choose?

  • Brohoof 2
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That's really funny, I've been thinking about this concept myself for a while, and I finally decided to make an Alternate Mane 6 graphic, then all of a sudden your thread shows up! Talk about perfect timing! Here'y my alternate Mane 6:





I like this group simply because they've all been taught lessons for their respective elements, yet they all still have so much more to learn. That's what this group is all about, learning. And that alone makes them a really interesting group. You have:


Trixie for Magic

Lightning Dust for Loyalty

Coco Pommel for Generosity

Coloratura for Honesty

Cheese Sandwich for Laughter

and Derpy for Kindness.


Honestly, I was having a hard time finding a pony for Kindness. I don't consider Discord for the position because he's not a pony, and also he also practically has the power of an alicorn princess. I figured Derpy has always been so caring and considerate of others, despite all the challenges she faces.

Edited by takai
  • Brohoof 2
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Trixie for Magic

Lightning Dust for Loyalty

Coco Pommel for Generosity

Coloratura for Honesty

Cheese Sandwich for Laughter

and Derpy for Kindness.


Honestly, I was having a hard time finding a pony for Kindness. I don't consider Discord for the position because he's not a pony, and also he also practically has the power of an alicorn princess. I figured Derpy has always been so caring and considerate of others, despite all the challenges she faces.


Those are pretty good choices, and I'm glad to see we have at least one common pony on our respective teams. Cheese Sandwich seems like the only possible choice for Laughter. And I agree that Kindness is one of the the more difficult elements to find another pony for, as nopony else can embody kindness quite like Fluttershy. Coco Pommel was one of my finalists for Generosity so good choice. Coloratura's past friendship with Applejack makes sense. and Trixie and Lightning Dust for Magic and Loyalty seem interesting since both have caused trouble in the past and would be good for character development.


One thing I should mention about my team is that half of the members are stallions, which was intentional as I wanted to give some male characters some time in the spotlight.


Maybe I should also make an art piece with my team.

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A while ago I created an idea of another version of the mane 6 as the elements of harmony.


Sunset Shimmer: Element of Magic

Fancy Pants: Element of Generosity

Big Macintosh: Element of Honesty

Coco Pummel: Element of Kindness

Soarin: Element of Loyalty 

 Derpy/Ditzy Doo: Element of Laughter which would basically be the element of optimism or something.

  • Brohoof 2


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A while ago I created an idea of another version of the mane 6 as the elements of harmony.


Sunset Shimmer: Element of Magic

Fancy Pants: Element of Generosity

Big Macintosh: Element of Honesty

Coco Pummel: Element of Kindness

Soarin: Element of Loyalty 

 Derpy/Ditzy Doo: Element of Laughter which would basically be the element of optimism or something.

Derpy as the Element of Laughter. I guess I could imagine that. LOL. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.


Great other choices as well.

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Ooh... this is an interesting topic. XD


Hmmm... I'd have to say...



Honesty- Applebloom


Kindness- Sweetie Belle


Loyalty- Scootaloo




And, um.... from there I don't know. But having mini elements of harmony would be cute. o3o

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Ooh... this is an interesting topic. XD


Hmmm... I'd have to say...



Honesty- Applebloom


Kindness- Sweetie Belle


Loyalty- Scootaloo




And, um.... from there I don't know. But having mini elements of harmony would be cute. o3o

With all due respect to your choices, I just feel that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have already had their character development and thus would be too obvious of choices for the elements. Not that there's anything wrong with the CMC, I just feel as though this might be an opportunity for some other ponies to get some story arcs and development.


I'm not saying that Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo aren't capable, I'm just saying that I don't think it would benefit the CMC as much as it would 6 other ponies who either haven't had as much screen time and character development. 


But I respect your choices nonetheless.

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With all due respect to your choices, I just feel that the Cutie Mark Crusaders have already had their character development and thus would be too obvious of choices for the elements. Not that there's anything wrong with the CMC, I just feel as though this might be an opportunity for some other ponies to get some story arcs and development.


I'm not saying that Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo aren't capable, I'm just saying that I don't think it would benefit the CMC as much as it would 6 other ponies who either haven't had as much screen time and character development. 


But I respect your choices nonetheless.

And, um.... from there I don't


However remember the topic is for who would be the best IF the mane 6 was MIA. This is not taking in the count of character development, screen time, etc.. So I could see the CMC being part of the team if the  Mane 6 was out, due to some of their traits.


My list of Mane 6 ponies would be.

Magic: Either Starlight Glimmer, or Moon Dancer.

Honesty: Applebloom

Loyalty: Scootaloo

Generosity: Can't think of any

Kindness: Cherlie

Laughter: Can't think of any



Made by Emerald Bolt.

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Magic: Trixie

I think it would be good to see her in a role of responsibility, and how much she has changed since we last saw her. Maybe she has given up showbiz? Maybe she's still doing shows but with less audience humiliation (not greeeeen haaaair!). Be good to see her magic used for good.

(I would love to see sunset here but she's probably staying in the human world most of the time now)


Laughter: Cheese Sandwich

Need I explain?  Pinkie Pie's biggest fan would probably take her place immediately.


Loyalty: Party Favor

PF put himself in the firing line to protect his friends in Cutie Markless Pt 2. Can you get more loyal? (I guess you could but...). This was one of the only Friendship is Magic acts shown by the Borg Collective, oh sorry, the Equalised ponies of Our Town and makes him my favourite out of the Equal 4. Also his ability to fold balloons into any object (and summoning said balloons from the folds of nowhere?) means he is basically a Green Lantern. Minus flight.


Kindness: Zecora

Zecora is very kind in helping others with her talent of potions and wisdom. Part of what I think defines kindness is the idea of helping others even when it isn't officially your duty or responsibility to do so. Zecora fits this description to a T. She gave the Mane 6 ample warning about the Poison Joke, so it’s really not her fault they were ‘pranked’. She could have easily just left them to their ignorance, but upon Applebloom’s asking immediately started to whisk up an antidote. For the ponies, need I remind you, that shunned her as wicked and foreign. And then vandalised her entire house. And she still did it... Yeah.


I am less certain on my choices for the other two


Honesty: Double Diamond

I think living under the rule of a big-time fraud would teach him the value of honesty, especially given that he was basically Starlight’s right hand man (or right hoof stallion? Front-right hoof stallion?). Also he learnt a lot about being honest with yourself in the way of self-identity.



Generosity: RaRa (but maybe honesty)

It has been mentioned here that Rara has learnt a lot about being authentic in what you do (from none other than Honest AJ herself) but I think there is a generous streak in her too. She gives her talents and time freely to charity events and Meet’n’greets with kids. She also tries to give her time to spend with AJ when she arrives but only stops because Svengallop advised her otherwise. Also, Svengallop’s example has probably highlighted to Rara how dangerous greed can be. Which I guess is the antithesis to Generosity.



Yeah, those are my picks. I am not sure if Zecora would count if she isn’t a pony, but she has a cutie mark. I would also like to see Spike as Loyalty. He is extremely staunch to all his friends, especially Twi and Rarity (and the Dragon Code) and deserves more recognition for his efforts. I wonder if the elements would allow non-ponies to wield their power.

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  • 1 month later...

I should have mentioned that I would also have Spike along as sort of a mentor figure for the 6 new representatives on the journey considering how much experience he has in these adventures. It would also make for some character development for Spike as well as the 6 substitutes.

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I see two ways that the Elements of Harmony could pass on to others. The first is new ponies coming after the Mane 6 discovering them and using them to save Equestria in the future, maybe in Gen 5 or something. The second is a possible villain(s) stealing them from the Tree of Harmony and using their magic against Equestria.


As for current side characters in the show taking on the elements... That's not going to happen. It just isn't. Not within the current series anyway. It's purely fan fiction territory.

The truth is always rough.
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clearly none, since the world was doomed in all the other timelines :P;)

(also I feel obligated to post this XD)


Going by that pattern, one would expect Flim & Flam to get Honesty and Maud Pie to get Laughter.

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