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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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Marcus got the notice on his HUD and apologetically nodded, "Sorry I'm going to need to cut our meeting short something about a breach and needing all guards to the location." With a quick jog out the door Marcus quickly opened up his androids chest pulling out a clearly human rifle.


Some buffs on human weaponry would recognize it as one of the new M-57's that just got out of testing, easy to disassemble can fire a thousand rounds before even having a remote chance for jamming. Thirty round mag with an internal fabricator that can print ammo for two days continuous use before power ran out and three firing modes, auto, semi-auto and burst. The rounds themselves were made to be able to go through the thick combat bot armor if fired at mid range. The weapon itself was equip with a scope for mid to mid-long range engagements. Most pony weapons could not stand near it's level 


With the rifle out Marcus then sprinted towards the beacon given by the notice and when he arrived gave Crystal a firm salute and with his rifle ready waited for further orders.

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@@@Shadow Dancer,

Shadow got up from table he sat at and wiped his mouth with his leg and headed to the room while reaching into a portal and pulling out a scythe, He said as he entered, 

"What is the problem, and don't tell me someone is crazy or thrown up. I had enough to deal with."

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"Like I stated before I needed someone to talk to for a moment and I recognized your name from our encounter before though I probably will have to go relatively soon as my new superiors more then likely won't like a guard that is not guarding. Still having a conversation with some..pony even for this short of a time is quite refreshing." Marcus hoped that he covered his near mistake well enough. 


Marcus got the notice on his HUD and apologetically nodded, "Sorry I'm going to need to cut our meeting short something about a breach and needing all guards to the location." With a quick jog out the door.


Bee's cybernetic eye had been blinking softly throughout the entire visit, though it began blinking faster just before he left. Bee's hologram self blurred and faded as VLAD cut off the emitters. 'UNUSUAL TRAFFIC ON COMMS. ALSO, VOICE PATTERN IMPLIES-'


"I don't care what it means, VLAD. Are the diagnostics done yet? Sitting here idle is extraordinarily boring."




"VLAD, there's nothing I can do, and getting worked up into a paranoid frenzy is going to do precisely no good. We do our job, teach these kids about bugs, and keep our collective heads down."


"VLAD DOES NOT HAVE- oh...." VLAD said, before pausing all processes for a moment. "UNDERSTOOD."


Bee was stunned. "Wait, what? I didn't... ok, VLAD, whatever it is you think I just told you to do, I didn't really-"




"Three days?! What in Tartarus kind of shenanigans are you pulling that would take days to execute?"




"Wait, what family estate are you- oooooh, no. NO. You are NOT going to spy on the whole damned school and send your findings to my bucking father!"




"I don't feel like playing semantics here, VLAD. I would really rather you not involve my father, or whatever construct he built as your successor, ok?"




"Nonononono, that won't be necessary. Just... do whatever you're doing so I can work on the bee cuddling lecture."




Bee's eye popped open as she bolted out of her office, her hooves clattering on the tile floor for a moment or two before levitating just above it. "VLAD, no, wait, we're indoors, don't-" Bee began, as the whine of her propulsion system grew more high pitched. "VLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!" Bee shouted, as she rocketed down the hallway and shot through the double doors, sending little bits of paper swirling about in her wake.


Plus side though, she made it to the lecture hall with four minutes to spare.

Edited by captainborgue
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{You're right, of course.  They aren't willing to give you a chance.  I can't do anything from here; I may be able to help once you're out, though.  I can keep working on a way to get you out of here - if you decide to stay, that is.  I will take your word that you are more than capable of handling your issues; I am simply offering to assist you, so that you might succeed more quickly.


Twitch turned from the screen, facing the lab techies.  Moments ago, he'd been worrying about trying to show them he wasn't a moron - now he realized they were going to think that anyway, because they were scientists, and he... well... wasn't.


"I see."


It was all Twitch said... and it felt like it was all that Grant could say.


He felt helpless as he saw his opportunity slipping through his grasp - it was obvious that the ancient robot wasn't about to help any 'fleshlight' out of the kindness of her iron heart... and Grant had plenty of things to offer - just nothing Luster wanted, apparently.


As much as he wanted that information, though... Grant wasn't about to resort to violence for it; his health was bad, but not so awful that he'd resort to hurting others to get it... not yet.  


With the past number of years spent watching his body's uselessness becoming more and more apparent, it frustrated him to no end that he couldn't think his way through this.  Worse yet?  If Luster DID decide to just leave, then he wouldn't be able to get anywhere NEAR her, as she'd be no doubt hounded by guards from that point on.


Which meant he was back to the proverbial Square One... except now he'd had the solution dangled in front of his face before being snatched away from him.


Well, it's not the first time Life's kicked me in the nuts; walk it off, son.


Twitch stood out of the way, watching to see what exactly would happen... maybe he was inwardly hoping for a miracle; he wasn't holding his breath, though.

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=====  ( 0=====


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{There is one way you can help me get out, and you don't even have to lift a finger.


I presume my previous construct or containment is in the room with you, is it not? It does have connectivity. It's just that the battery was too weak to emit anything greater than hotel wifi. Let me boost this signal though your tachyon battery, and feed it though my containment. I will use that to access the systems and open these doors. Like using a proxy server. It will never be traced back to you. I get out, and whatever you issue is, you won't have to worry about it any more.


So, what do you say?}

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Okay, THAT has to be some kind of set-up.


Grant made a quick think of it.


If I section off that signal, it'll keep it out of my processors; it'd be an easy shift...


He began to push the nanites into form and function, picturing the circuitboards in his mind and bringing them into existence.  A total of five seconds, and then -


{Ready.  Freq. 542Aa.hz 55.25; it's the oldest connection I have.  If you feel inclined, contact me later.  Best of luck out there.}


He was well aware that he was falling into the 'trusting outsider' trope here; Luster could cut months off his study time... if, that is, she felt inclined to help a 'fleshlight'; that nickname didn't instill a lot of confidence in him...


All he could do was hope.

=====  ( 0=====


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Luster tapped into the tachyon battery & Twitches antiquated coms relay. She swept the room, seeking her device. "Found you. Geeze, you're even more low tech than I thought.  Thing probably runs on floppy disks." Luster began sending the tachyons into her signal and routing it thought he lock box. "With this much power, no system in Equestria could hold me off not even-" 


[Welcome to University of Equestria: Manehatten]


"Oooh. There's a lot I could use here. Bring myself back up to snuff. Hmm, some of this stuff wont be so readily accessible. No hacking the camera's. But there are plenty of very high tech staff & civilian functions I can use.  Among them-"




{Don't call me, Sir Human. I'll call you.} She broke off coms. She got what she needed. 


"Opening Test Chamber Doors. Please Stand Back."


All three lab attendants shot straight up. 


"Did I hear what I think I just heard?




Test Chamber entrance. 

@,@@reader8363, @@Shadow Dancer,  


The red lights next to the door flicked green. *BING* "Opening Test Chamber Doors. Please Stand Back." The massive, dented doors began to lurch inwards. With a thunderous boom, they came to a stop. The clanks of steel on steel could be heard. Out of the dim light, amber iris optics shined. The light of the hallway began to reflect off a long, straight gold mane, with a two toned silver & copper streak going though one side & straight cut bangs up top.  An onyx plated Alicorn bot was making her way out. She looked on at the trio in front of her. She did not slow her pace. 


"Sup everypony? How's the health plan?" 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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Shadow lifted the scythe and said, as he pointed it at the alicorn, 

"If ya want to stay alive, I suggest you stop and say who are ya and what are ya doing here."


Feeder woke up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He get up, left the book on the table and headed out to see if he can find someone to talk to.

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"Oh, you've probably never heard of me. That's cool. I'm Luster and I'm not doing anything here. Except leaving. Y'know, kind of have that right. Besides, it's way too stuffy in there. Pretty damn dull as well. If you don't believe me, you can go verify it for yourself, Mister?"


"Okay what the hell am I looking at?" 

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"Name's Shadow, pleasure to meet you. Now then, why were you in there, how long have ya been here since I never seen you enter? I have a lot of questions for ya, and once I'm done asking, ya can leave, but until then, make yourself comfortable, cause you are going to be here for a while."

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"First question: I was put there. Why? Who gives a buck. Second Question. I dunno. 60 minutes since reactivation? Not very relevant since I'm not staying. Now, last I checked this was a college campus. Students and visitors can leave whenever they wish. So, if you want to question me, Mr. Shadow, get a warrant. Oh wait. You're Royal Guard. You can't. Well anyways, if your still bothered by me, do get somepony to get a warrant for you. Otherwise, I'm free to leave."


Luster resumed her march forward.

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Shadow walked up and put the blade under Luster's neck. He said as he pushed in a little more,

"Let's get this straight. I might be a guard, but here's the thing, I don't need a warrant, never needed one and never will need one. I think you should show respect to one that can deactivate you anytime he wants. Who are you to order me around? I think you should come with me quietly, I wouldn't want to cause harm to the student or the school."

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"Ooh. Catty. But you better put that fish hook away before you hurt yourself. If you haven't noticed, I'm a machine. Decapitations don't work so well on us. I must've not been gone long. From all the talk and vague hints, I was expecting some futuristic sciencescape. Apparently not, considering guards still use melee weapons. The only difference is you've made the move from spears to scythes. Why? Cross bows not in the budget? 


But, let's say that for the sake of discussion, maybe I comply? Where are we going? How long would we be staying. Is it an enclosed space? Does it have a toaster? Are there books? Cause I hate books. Is it a detention hall? Didn't think colleges had detention halls. Will there be a plate full of donuts? Cause I don't eat. I'm a robot. Are there quesadillas? Cause I hate those too. They're not very cheesy. At all.  It's totally false advertising."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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Shadow smiled and said, "We would be going somewhere that you won't be able to leave without me, or you would be lost forever. All I know is that I'm the only one that uses a scythe and don't make take you apart, I can easily tear your circuits out with my claws.

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Right - now to sell the act.


"See?  If you'd have just let her out..."


Twitch turned and headed for the door.   Pausing, he turned to the others.


"You three will be fine in here, right?  Do I have to stay behind to help protect you?"


He was fairly certain they'd just send Twitch on his way - after all, they DID think of him as junk, anyway; if he seemed concerned, they'd simply wave it off.  Besides... he wanted to see what was happening out there... but he wasn't just going to leave them there defenseless - he'd stay if he had to.  He just thought they wouldn't want him hanging around in an emergency.


'Don't call me, I'll call you'... I figured it might be a sucker's ploy, but I had to try. 

=====  ( 0=====


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(work break)




Crystal raised her rifle. "Hold there Robot you are not permitted to leave and I can and will use this against you return to your 'room'." There was a degree of terror in her voice as she said the words. "You just...just stay there you hear me." She aimed at her waiting for she did not know what.


(Crystal's rifle is very powerful and in a genuine threat to Luster) 

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@@reader8363,@@Shadow Dancer,  

Luster made a sound like one woudl inhaling though her teeth. "Yeah, that sounds, kind of illegal, and a violation of my rights. Yeah, I'm gonna opt to go on my way. Yeah, I like that idea better.  Less dark magicky."


She turned to acknowledge Crystal. "Okay what? You and Mr. Pony Stark over here are holding rifles. But you have hooves. Rifles need fingers. But you have hooves. And you're using them anyways. If anything-" She pointed at Shadow. "He should be dual wielding both lifers cause he at least has claws. Whatever he is.  You." She pointed at Ignis. "You've got the suit. You can use that. But You." She went back to Crystal. "Should be the one using the scythe, cause at least you can use hooves to wield a scythe. It's just... did nopony think this through? Is this making any sense whatsoever?" 








"Aaaaahhhhhhh!" All three attendants screamed out as the bolted back to the console. "What? How did she get out? How did she get out!?"


"Who the hey opened the doors!?"


"None of us! Only the staff can open them and even then it has to be manually done from in here!" 


"Quick! Trace the user logs! Search for any signals and where they came from!"


"Tracing! Tracing!"


"Checking logs! User unknown!?"  


"Signal traced. Signal... source. From inside the chamber!?" Fileshare looked at the monitor. "She hacked our system from inside the chamber!?"


"How the buck is that possible?" 


"Forget that! Forget all that! We've got something more important to do." CD looked at the monitors. "She's still here. Guards have her occupied. That can give us some time." 


[​Opening Contacts. Sending Epyks invite to: Sk8tr M@r3. Invite Received]


{"Yes. What is it CD?" "Principal Livewire. We have an emergency down here!"  "Okay, calm down. What kind of emergency?" "Our reactivated Relic AI has managed to hack into the system form inside the testing chamber and has now escaped!"}


Video feed of the doors opening, video of nopony near the command console, the records of where the signal came from, who wasn't logged in to issue the commands, and Luster being confronted by the guards, was included in the feed.  


{... Is she hostile? Has she shown any aggressive tendencies?" "She tried to punch her way out of the chamber doors. And almost did. She's a 100 year old AI. We don't knwo how she'll react if she reaches the surface. We have to begin evacuation of the labs and the school. Trigger the alrams everywhere except the hallway she's in. Those go off and she'll try to bolt. Get everypony off the premises and when it's clear, we lock down the facility."


,"Wait. Did you say 100 years old?" "Yes. Yes, I did." "But that's-" "Impossible, I know. We don't know what she's capable of. All I know is that we have to keep her down her. For everyponies sake, and hers. Best contact any off duty guards we have as well, just in case. I'm hoping this can still be resolved peacefully. But if not-" "I get it. I'll begin evacuations. That will get the attention of the E.U.P. however. If you and the guard can't handle this. They will. And the safety of students, staff and guards take precedence over you rare find. Understood?" "...Yes, Mam."}


Livewire began issuing the Emails. Emergency lights and alarm bells sounded though out the campus. She made the announcement over the PA:


"Attention all students and staff. An Emergency evacuation order has been issued for the entire school. Please head to the nearest exit and evacuate the campus grounds."


"Notice of the order will reach all guards assigned to the premises. Which would only be Miss Bolt. Where is she when I actually need her for once?" 






Casa de Vampony


A beeping sound began to admit from the com link Emerald's helmet. Whether it could be heard form the other side of the door Emerald & Angelscape were resting was unknown. 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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@@Denim&Venom,  Marcus momentarily wondered if he should go into the combat form and most likely give himself away before a thought crossed his mind 'ah fuck it'. With that thought the pony shaped bot that was in his space before was replaced by a human shaped bot.


The change was possible thanks to the nanites and special flexible experimental plates made of a titanium alloy. With the change finished the gun was now in his hands allowing him better control and accuracy. His humanoid form would looked like the armor from an old game called Halo specifically the MJOLNIR Mark VI.


Each subject of the project was given a choice on what both forms looked like. Marcus went with a simple completely steel colored pony form with two green eyes and his current look for his human form seeing as he loved playing the old Halo games even if acquiring all of them cost quite a bit. 


Marcus kept his aim on the alicorn bot in front him listening to the conversation and upping security measures including ones against older "Outdated threats" he did not want to fall prey to a bot that just hacked a high security door using probably according to a mix of his scans and assumptions one of the older tricks in the book.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@,@@Shadow Dancer,

Shadow pulled a gun out of a portal, point it at them and said as he turned to them,

"Both of ya should stay out of this. I'll handle Luster. Doesn't seem that strong."



The portal enveloped Luster's legs and quickly closed on it. He said as he turned back to Luster,

"Ya leave me no choice, You are coming with me and don't worry about your leg, it's fine, just in a space between portals."

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Marcus was barely keeping himself from calling Shadow a fool, instead he waited there for the alicorn bot to get out of the 'trap' and in this case after Marcus heard what Shadow said about Luster not being too tough he wanted her to show the arrogant prick up. Marcus even lowered his weapon to watch 

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@@reader8363,@@Shadow Dancer, @,


The portal did indeed begin to close. It even began to pass through her armor. Until it connected with a brief glimmer of blue. Then the portal collapsed. "I don't know what you were trying to attempt, freak, but it's obvious to me that you're the real danger here." She began to march closer. "I have freedoms. I have rights. And no one. No pony. No thing, will stop me. I was designed to save Equestria from monsters." She raised her hoof. "You're little trick puts you within acceptable parameters!" 


She sent an armored backhoof Shadows way. The same one that caved in those massive dents in the reinforced blast doors. 

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Shadow surrounded Luster with portal and said as he pulled a chair out of one and sat down in it,

"Why would they have you locked up if you are to save Equestria. I'm a hybrid, not a thing. How are ya suppose to get through portals, I'm the only one that can control them. that other one was a fluke."

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@reader8363,@Shadow Dancer@Emerald Bolt,

​"Oh that's and easy one, you wank pheasant." She said as she proceeded  to walk though the portals, the same blue shine showing wherever the portals connected. "I'm made from things that don't wish to leave this dimension unless it's under my own power. And some of my key circuits are built with magic resistance in mind." She was making her march past the three guard line. "Now stay out of my way, before I send you back to Celestia in a matchbox, with a note saying how arrogant flank holes like yourself shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near the guard. That attitude you just displayed, would get you flayed alive by a proper drill sergeant. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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Shadow stood on his hind legs, grabbed Luster by the back of the neck, and said, 

"I already told you, I don't take any kind of orders from ya and I won't go down without a fight. Since magic won't work on ya, why don't I use my strength and some technology. I may prefer melee weapons, but I can use technology."

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"And I don't take orders from anyone, especially an abomination with attitude like you!"  She jumped back, grabbing hold of Shadows grip, bending his arm behind him in a hammerlock, which she took hold of. She then jumped again, this time rolling forward while still holdign on. Shadow would now be flat on the ground. With Luster bending his arm up and forwards behind his back, bridging out her body for extra torque. 

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