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open Mechquestria: My Life As A Equine Robot (00110010)


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Shadow said as he turned around from getting the door jammed in place, 

"You got to see from his perspective. He doesn't like to see ponies hurting. So you coming out and saying anything necessary, It scared him, and when creatures are scared they do stuff. Let's relax, I'm sure he'll come back for his stuff and you two can have a nice chat, without threatening and trying to destroy each other."


Feeder stopped running and caught his breath. After a few minutes, his mind began clearing up.

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@@Aurora Lights,@@Denim&Venom,


She looked down to him, then sat down looking him in his eyes. "You were made? Here? I have made up my mind I will retire now Drone what happened to you, you just vanished five years ago." She put her hoof under his chin. "You got really angry before are you ok...I'm sorry I moved on but it's been five years I know I'm immortal but I can't wait forever and Angel was kind to me and funny and sweet and she's like you a cyborg so she'll live for a long time, you still hold a place in my heart forever Drone but..." She broke eye contact and looked down. "I think I'm Angel's now..." Her voice was sad and unsure when she said that part. "I love her and...I loved you...can I have you both?"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Drone looked confused, "Who's...Angel? Moved on? Five years? Angry? At you?...I-I don't even remember that we talked on the phone...I-I can't remember how I got here...And yes...I was created here, Hey, how did you know that? I never told you...Or...did I? A-Anyway, You're retiring?" After a moment, he let her last words sink in," You...You're...Angel's now? What the hell kind of question is that? Can you have us both..."he looked down as he felt the hormone pump into his blood again, altering his vision as his pupils changed again. He looked at her with what looked like a burning fire of hatred, his voice was dark, Angry," Can you...Have us both?...You truly are fucking stupid aren't you?...Five years...FIVE FUCKING YEARS..."he yanked his head from her hoof, then looked at her in disgust, taking a few steps back, "Emerald...I-I feel...Something in me... Something that's not...me..."he was obviously struggling internally about this issue, He grit his teeth and he glared at the wall, "Those fucking lab rats think they can FUCK WITH MY HEAD?! ​I'LL DESTROY EVERYONE OF THOSE FUCKING GEEKS!!!​" He yelled out and he punched the wall hard, his armor covering his arm before he made contact, so the wall cracked with a large indentation in it, He breathed heavily as he glared at the wall a minute before he looked at her again, he seemed normal again as he started to speak, " Emerald...Wh-what...did I just do?"he asked,his voice sounding concerned and worried. 

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@@Aurora Lights,


Emerald was frightened by him and what he was doing. "You were not like this Five years ago, you just got mad at me when I told you what happened and you punched the wall. Your scaring me are you ok Drone?" She reached out to him slowly like trying to touch a manticore before it bit your hoof off.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Drone gulped softly as she reached out for him, when she touched his face, he softly leaned into her hoof as she touched him. He felt himself start to drift away into a trance. He then snapped himself out of it as he opened his eyes once more. He looked down and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, "Em... I-If you love Angel...I-I understand...But...But would it be...right for us to be together? All three of us?...I-I mean, having two marefreinds would be pretty cool...but..."he sighed softly as he sat on his rear again, then he started to speak once more, "Let me...Let me start from the beginning... 80-erm...85 years ago, The princesses decided they wanted to create he perfect soldier...This soldier needed to be strong, Intelligent, fast...The soldier also needed to be...immortal...So...They started a team of highly intelligent ponies to create a pony from DNA of...of...the princesses...All of them...I have a small bit of every princess inside of me, but, it only makes me immortal... I'm not some kind hearted Professor at some random college... I'm meant to be a cold blooded killing machine...I-I don't know why but I've noticed I've been blacking out a lot recently...Come to think of it, I remember something from before I was put in stasis...I remember them sticking me with a needle...it had some yellow fluid in it..." he said to her, looking into her eyes.

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@@Aurora Lights,


"I am quiting now I won't work for those I don't belive in and well that is your doing, not in a bad way mind you." She kept her hoof on his cheek. "And it would not be you with two marefriends it would be me with a mare and colt friends, anyway I don't know how Angel will take that." She sighed. "I'd have you both if you'll let me." She gave him a smile.

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Twitch hadn't moved for some time now.  


Even with everything going on as it was, he hadn't budged.  He sat where he was, like the art project he had been mistaken for earlier.  Twitch's mismatched eyes were lit up, but it was as if no one was home. 


In fact, there had been no reaction since the sensor-blinding device had gone off...




Grant was leaned over the edge of his cot, a set of technical tools in his hands, frantically working to try to fix one of the terminals he had hooked up to the monster of a hub he'd built.  The acrid smell of burnt plastic filled the room, and Grant coughed as he tried desperately to put things back in order.


"... dammitdammitdammitdammitdammitdammitdammit..."


He'd been shunted out of Twitch's HUD when Feeder's little surprise went off - he'd slung the headset aside, as the sound had almost deafened him... but when he saw the smoke coming up from his Frankenstein'd system, he knew he'd have to make a fast fix - especially since things were getting intense over there; he didn't want to pop back in the middle of a firefight... and he DAMN sure didn't want to come back to find Luster gone.  Or worse.


Rapidly, he fished out the nearly melted circuitboards and wires, replacing them faster than a jackrabbit on a hot date.


I never thought I'd have to think this about Equines, but... I hope they don't kill each other while I'm gone.


More than this, his unspoken fear made his stomach roll.  If Luster (or anypony else, for that matter) saw that Twitch was on yet disconnected, they could open a connection and take over Twitch themselves, but only if they knew the frequency... the same frequency Luster had used to send messages to Grant would do nicely, unfortunately.


If he didn't get back into Twitch soon, ANYTHING could happen.  He ramped up the pace of his work...






(Had to explain his inactivity somehow.)

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@@Randimaxis,@@Mentis Soliloquy@reader8363


"He doesn't want ponies to be hurt. Yet he decides to pull that stunt? Oh yeah, he is certainly a paragon of virtue. I said I was probably gonna hurt ponies. He actually went and tried to hurt ponies. If you didn't have those ear muffs, you'd be the one with wrecked hearing. Miss Gauss rifle didn't have any protection. Where is she anyways? That device was made to overload censors, Twitch was probably effected. Hey, Twitch, were you effected?" 


She got no response from the still ponybot. "Tw-hii-hiitch." Still nothing. Luster walked over. *ting ting ting!* "Hey, scrap iron!" She tapped on his head. "Great, his operator probably got disconnected. See? Harm done. Pretty sure that's illegal in some books."

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Shadow sat down, grabbed his hat out of a portal and said as he placed it on his head,

"What you don't think it hurts him as well, that's probably why he ran, he didn't want to see pain. Will ya quit messing around, sit down, and relax? You are going to overload something if ya don't calm down."

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@reader8363 @Randimaxis,@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Whatever, in a minute. See if I can actually do some repairs. Maybe get into signal contact with his operator. Tell me how to fix things." She accessed the antique frequency. {"Mr. Human. Your robot is broken." User access accepted. "Wait what."} Luster found herself connected to Twitch's systems. {Huh. Alright then. Let's see. Schematics?} Those were now pulled up on her hud. {Well, what do we have here?} "Yep. He's out to lunch. But, good news. I have basic rudimentary system access. I can kick start the autopilot." She stepped aside. "Forward." Twitch proceeded to move forward. "Stop." Twitch halted. "Well, we can't leave him here. Let's get moving. He'll prolly get a better signal once we reach someplace that isn't a bunker."


"To borrow the expression, you are more than meets the eye." She thought as she perused though his system specs. 



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@@Denim&Venom - @@reader8363 - @@Mentis Soliloquy


The last piece clicked into place, and lights began winking on again.  It had been frantic work, including having to slide himself off the mattress to grab a tool from underneath a monitor - but he had done it.


Praise Celestia!  Okay, gotta get back in the bed, so I can-






What the Hell..?


The word came through the headset sitting on the bed, crisp and clear.


I shouldn't be able to hear that... unless...


His eyes grew wide with terror, and he began to clamber his way back over to the warped frame that held up the bedbug farm.  Sweat began to bead up on his pale skin as he strained to get back into place; he HAD to see if his worst fears had been realized.








The weak sticks of his legs made useless half-circles beneath him as he used his wiry strong arms to haul his pitiful frame back up onto the half-sprung mattress.  Dragging himself into his groove in the bed, he grabbed the headset and jammed it back onto his skull; he clipped his ear with the strap, but there was no time for adjustments now - Twitch was in trouble, which meant Grant might be screwed.






Grant's heart sank; Twitch's controls were out of his reach... at least for the moment.


Okay, time for the backdoor shuffle...


He began accessing various ports, tapping into various backup systems in place for just such an occasion.  He didn't want to use half of them; those were the ultimate killswitches... just in case.  But he moved on to the various and sundry little plans he had in place, all over the place and cleverly wired to work with just the right keys and codes.


If whoever had control of Twitch wasn't a code-breaker, that is.

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Shadow sighed, got up, and said as he walked over to them, 

"Get out of Twitch, for all you know, you could be stopping him from moving,"

He kicked something. He looked down to see it the ball that the student was using. He picked it up, turned it in his hand. The bottom was flat circle, the rest of divided into five parts, the front, the back, left, right, and top He pressed the top of it down and said jokingly, 

"Here, catch."

(the top shuts down the brain as in sleeping and I hope that's fine.)

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@reader8363 - @@Randimaxis

"You're just going to pick up some creeps mysterious weapon? For all we know that coul-" The device went off. And Luster shut down. She began to teeter to the side, before- *thud!* Locked in mid motion like a frightened goat. {User Disconnected} Twitch still stood there motionless. 


(It'll be fine. But she's getting back up soon.)

Edited by Denim&Venom
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Shadow walked up to the alicorn and poked one of the legs, then wrapped a shadow tentacle around the leg and started walked away from the jammed up door and toward Feeder with the tentacle following him. another tentacle grabbed the sphere and held it in front of Shadow. He said mostly to himself,

"This is an interesting device, I'll take it off the student's hands or hooves."

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Unable to locate Bee Marcus walked his patrol path once more, this time thinking on the events that just happened under an hour ago while still questioning why the college hired a bored psychopath as a guard and if what he did was common why the pony had not been fired already. Marcus just shook his head having a strange feeling that the bullshit he would go through was not over yet.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Grant didn't miss a beat - he was back in.  Twitch suddenly shook his head rapidly... then looked around.


"D-d-d-d-did I miss anything?  What happ-"


He saw Luster out cold on the floor.  NOT good.  When Shadow wrapped a tentacle around her leg and began to drag her off, Twitch followed like a little lost puppy.


"What happen-en-en-ened?  Where are we we we we we going?"


Because wherever she goes, I go too - too much at stake here.


Twitch's chest panel popped open, and a small manipulator arm reached out and took hold of Luster, carefully lifting her up from the floor.


"You shouldn't drag o t h e r s  a r o u n d; it's a bit rude.  At least let me heeeeeeeeeeelp."


Twitch kept pace with Shadow, holding Luster up as they moved.

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Shadow turned around and said,

"We're heading away from the doors and back to the chamber, or at least to feeder. I threw Feeder device at her and it knocked her out. I don't think bot feel anything, then again, I'm not a bot. How about you don't say anything about moving ."

Behind them shadows covered the lights, plunging the hallway behind them into darkness

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"Messaaaaaaaaage received."


Twitch continued to carry Luster along... meanwhile, Grant was tracing pathways trying to figure out who had hacked Twitch while he was gone.  As the scans and files accessed kept piling up on the BAD end of the scale, Grant could feel his skin crawl as the slow yet inevitable realization came to him:


Luster had been here... and now she knew EVERYTHING.


His schematical data; his energy output, ALL of his transmission receivers... even his own personal logs had been among the files read.  She had effectively thrown open Grant's entire system and perused each file with the efficiency of a machine - which meant Grant was completely found out, at least by one pony.  From his logs, she even knew about his being sick... and how long he really had left to live.


There were three separate reactions vying for control at this point; he could continue to do what he was doing, which was protect her - Twitch was NOT to leave her side - and hope that she would be all right.  


He could also try to access HER core in turn, which could possibly give him some leverage on Luster... but Grant thought that was too close to violating someone's mind for his tastes.  


Third option was to simply walk away, cut his losses, and pray like all Hell that he could get himself into Twitch's shell before somepony came-a Human Huntin'...


He felt quite drawn to option one, so that was what he went with.


He followed Shadow along, not saying another word.  As long as they didn't try to shoo him off like an errant child, things could work out.





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Shadow was looking at the ball, then he stopped and sat down and said, 

"hey Twitch, could ya figure out what the top does without pushing it in. I think this is far enough."

The tentacle released it's grip until it was only touching.

Shadow reached into the portal and pulled out a drink

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@@Randimaxis,@@reader8363, @@Denim&Venom,  


Crystal was even more confused than Twitch was and she had been awake the whole time she was glad that Shadow had subdued Luster and was taking her back to the room to hold her but she was worried for Twitch more than anyone else. "Are you OK Twitch you off lined for a while there." 

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Grant ran a sensor packet over the sphere, checking every nook and cranny for any and all signs of form, function and origin.


 @@Mentis Soliloquy


Looking over at Crystal, he spoke softly.


"I n-n-n-n-noticed; what haaaaaaaappened?" 

The packet took as many detailed sweeps of the sphere's inner workings as it could, then Grant jacked the feed into another port.  His chest panels slid open, and a small monitor shifted into place inside.  On the monitor, readings began to print across the screen - the sphere's design was on full display, for Shadow and Crystal both to see.

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"Well, it seems totototototo be more of a multi-purpooooooooose tool than a weapon - though it do-o-o-o-oes have a number of functions that could beBEbe used like a weapon."


Twitch's monitor began listing out the different uses for the sphere, and ways the wiring could be re-routed for better efficiency, and minor adjustments to the structural integrity... in other words, there wasn't a single thing left to speculation about the device by the time Twitch's sensor packets were done with it.


@Mentis Soliloquy


"I take it it it things went well enough after I fell o f f l i n e?" 


Grant was glad to see Bass was unharmed... and kept in mind that he still owed her a 'chat' about what she'd discovered.


I have GOT to be the worst spy EVER, Grant thought miserably.

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@reader8363 @Randimaxis,@Mentis Soliloquy,


{Emergency System Restart Initiated} "-d infest this place with chaos magic and why am I being carried?" Luster noticed the 90 degree shift in her vision and who was carrying her, as well as who else was present. She turned to Crystal. "Okay, where the hay have you been and how are your ears not bleeding?"

Edited by Denim&Venom

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Shadow said as the tip of a tentacle made of shadows started rubbing Luster's foot,

"You basically went offline and we were taking you somewhere to get help."


Feeder calmed down and head toward the others.



Shadow nodded and said,

"By any chance do it say how old the ball is and the name of it."

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