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planning Mad Hatter (psychic roleplaying)

Buck Testa

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Attention: This is a human rp. Sorry for the confusion. 


https://mlpforums.com/topic/148356-mad-hatter/<- the role play 

Over the past hundred years, psychic powers have begun to spring up in all forms. Unfortunately, the stronger the psychic power, the greater the adverse effects to mental stability and health that arises. Big companies and the government have joined to help the psychics work within societal boundaries, but some would argue its more akin to discrimination and enslavement than actually benefical to those that have these psychic powers. 


The setting is a nearly endless and foreboding City with millions of Towering skyscrapers of all varieties.   


Psychics come in 3 tiers 


The third tier: which are the bulk of psychics; They have some power, and are more capable than the average person, but they need medication too keep them from having dangerous mood swings that could result in unintended psychic discharge. This tier is the easiest to gain control of your power (whatever it is), but the powers themselves are the least potent out of the three tiers. While some live to be a ripe old age, they usually do not live past the age of sixty. 


The Second Tier: Only a few thousand of these exist on the planet. For those that want to live a relatively normal life, the medication required to keep themselves stable and healthy make it pretty much required to sell their services to Companies, mafias, the government, anyone that would pay for their particular expertise. Without that stream of income, the headaches and mood swings would end up causing them to be a danger to themselves and others, especially depending on what types of psychic abilities they have. These companies that would buy your services would supply regulators that allow you to control your powers, but would at the same time put you as a grade above a slave to them. Tier 2 Psychics rarely live beyond the age of 40 do to high probabilities for health complications. 


The First Tier: Only a few Dozen of these cases exist on the planet today, most are deceased already. Out of the three, this one has the smallest life expectancy. Their powers are to great to be effectively controlled by training, medication or regulators, and their bodies are riddled with extreme health defects. They are almost invariably sadistic and nearly feral in nature do to the constant strain on their mind making the majority of these cases go utterly insane. Seeing a Tier 1 make it to 18 years old is extremely rare, and living beyond that is inconceivable even with modern medicine. 


As a general rule of thumb, the more powerful you make your character, the more health problems your character needs to have, and the more chance they are going to get frenzied and taken out by the anti psychic police forces. Its generally encouraged that you stay in tier 3. What is tier 3? basically the more reasonable/specialized the powers are the better. 


You CAN make super powered characters, but they better be floating in their own Iron lung and a half inch away from death 


For role playing purposes, mind control does NOT work on other psychics, only on non player characters. Anti Psychic Police have equipment specifically designed to block that kind of thing as well. 


Generally I won't be playing as a character but more as the world itself. If someone gets nuts with the psychic powers, the police forces will be coming to knock on your proverbial door, and they WILL take your character down or out. 


Character sheet:






psychic Tier:


psychic power: (keep it one power per person, even with tier one. The idea is HOW you use the power, not how many you have. The more specialized the power is, the better. )  


Health defects: ( Tier 1 is just clinging to life, tier 2 requires strong medication for health problems and mood control and regulators for your power is pretty much required, tier 3 Minor health problems and medication required for mood control) 


Job: (tier three can do pretty much anything, Tier 2 requires working for a company or the government or going mad, and tier 1 are to insane and sickly for employment, but there are exceptions to this if the company/government is invested in keeping them alive) 




Character Death WILL be a thing, especially if you run afoul with the psychic police, whom are specifically geared to take down rouge psychics. Its a fairly oppressive society you see. That being said, do not assume that you landed the killing blow, let the other player see if they can conceivably rp their way around the attack, and if that player can't, then they have to make the call that the character died.


Obviously if someone is a Tier 1, their is going to be a hell of a power gap if they get into a fight with a tier 3, but tier 1's are by their nature Glass Cannons: I.E, they can dish out tons of damage but are MUCH more vulnerable to physical damage and health complications mid battle. Tier 2's are in the middle,of this and usually need to wear artificial regulators and take strong medication to be viable in combat as long as a Tier 3 even though they have a significant power advantage. 


Combat with the Anti Psychic Police Force is suicide, your only options are too run, get arrested, or die. You may take some of them out, but more will swarm in. Best policy is to not earn their ire. 


How does psychic powers affect the body:

It deteriorates the body in the same way that Progeria does without the visible rapid aging. Depending on your tier, everything besides your skin will age rapidly and deteriorate. If you are a tier one, you'll be affected by diseases and deterioration an elderly person would deal with by the time you are heading into puberty, and you would be on deaths doorstep without life support much beyond that. 

Tier two's degeneration is slower than tier one, but eventually they will be hospitalized when they are in their thirties, and rarely live past forty. 

Tier three's physically deteriorate faster than regular humans without meds, but besides the headaches and the mood control meds its the easiest to handle out of the three tiers. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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Name: Hooligan

Age: 21

Tier: 3

Power: Able to force people into halucinagenic states. (He makes people see things)

Defects: Hooligan has severe burns on the face. He also needs to take medication to control his moods but often refuses to do so. Has scitsofrenia (probably wrong spelling), a split personality in his head called Bedlam and Pyromania.

Job: Hooligan often hires himself out as an assassin

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@Buck Testa


Looks cool, I'll join.


Name: Hot Lead

Age: 37

Tier 3

Power: Can see psychic "echoes". For example, if he picked up a bloody knife, he could briefly see who used it and what it was used for.

Defects: Hot Lead is an alcoholic and is prone to self destructive tendencies. If he overuses his psychic powers or doesn't take medication, he can get crippling headaches.

Job: Police investigator (I'm assuming there's a difference between the regular police force and the anti-psychic police)

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@@Buck Testa,


Well, this is certainly interesting. I would like to join in, if possible, though I would like to mention that I'm a slow writer.


Name: Drakk Moonshine.


Age: Middle-Adult.


Psychic Tier: 2.


Psychic Power: The ability to affect/influence, control and subjugate the minds of others, bending them to his will and being reduced to mere puppets under his command in the latter cases. The former essentially means that he can either blind the victim to his presence through making their mind ignore him in every way possible, influence their actions and thought process by implanting a figurative seed, or strenghten/weaken their will to continue and live on.


Infuencing others' minds is no problem for him, as long as it's a simple action, like placing a single thought into their minds. Controlling and Subjugating, however, requires him to have a 100% focus on the victim in the former case, leaving his body vulnerable and out of his reach as long as he is controlling the victim. The latter only leaves him dazed for the moment and with a small headache that lasts for the duration of the subjugation.


He can subjugate several creatures/sentient beings at once, though his headache doubles with each addition.


If he is interrupted during the control of the victim, every single cell in his body will start yelling in agony. In other words, Pain. Lots of Pain.


If he somehow fails to control/subjugate a creature/sentient being, he will be dazed while the former victim will be fully aware of his location.


Health defects: Surprisingly, most of his health problems are mostly mental and moral, except a "simple" defect with his lungs, in which case sometimes even leaves him gasping for air and spitting up blood if he doesn't use the right medicine in time..


Some examples of his mental/moral struggles include, but not limited to:

-Talking to his young draconic friend(Who perished years ago) while carrying the drake's dried-up head in a saddlebag.

-His moral compass cannot differentiate between Good and Evil except when someone has wronged/helped him in the past or present.

-Occasionally, he suffers a mental breakdown which could occur during any given moment, in which he either goes berserk, becomes paranoid enough to even not trust his closest friends with a toothpick, or curls up and has himself a cry that could go on for hours.

These are not all of them. More will reveal themselves when I get ideas.


Job: He refuses to work for anyone but himself, and those he trusts. So, he resorts to stealing and scavenging whatever he needs and desires, using his psychic Mind-Manipulation to his advantage. Of course, sometimes, he can't find everything he needs for his continued survival, but he makes due from the items he "procures" from the homes of random citizens, broken-down and ruined buildings, aswell as the corpses of those he commands to "End it".





That good? :catface:


More stuff that could potentially be useful(Maybe not, since this is in an alternate universe) are in the link located in my signature. 


Also, in what setting is this RP? Wasteland, Futuristic, Modern? 

Edited by Ahuizotley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Name: Hooligan

Age: 21

Tier: 3

Power: Able to force people into halucinagenic states. (He makes people see things)

Defects: Hooligan has severe burns on the face. He also needs to take medication to control his moods but often refuses to do so. Has scitsofrenia (probably wrong spelling), a split personality in his head called Bedlam and Pyromania.

Job: Hooligan often hires himself out as an assassin

Allowed if it can only be enacted from a short distance, like touch contact hallucination. If you want to do it from a distance or can do several people at once we are broaching tier 2 territory.  Also its schizophrenia . Nice touch having him suffer with the same thing he puts people through. 

@@Buck Testa


Looks cool, I'll join.


Name: Hot Lead

Age: 37

Tier 3

Power: Can see psychic "echoes". For example, if he picked up a bloody knife, he could briefly see who used it and what it was used for.

Defects: Hot Lead is an alcoholic and is prone to self destructive tendencies. If he overuses his psychic powers or doesn't take medication, he can get crippling headaches.

Job: Police investigator (I'm assuming there's a difference between the regular police force and the anti-psychic police)

Yes there is the normal police and then there is the anti psychic police, which is really more of a swat team more than anything. I'll probably coin some kind of Acronym for them so it doesn't get confusing. 

As for the character, definitely approved. 

@@Buck Testa,


Well, this is certainly interesting. I would like to join in, if possible, though I would like to mention that I'm a slow writer.


Name: Drakk Moonshine.


Age: Middle-Adult.


Psychic Tier: 2.


Psychic Power: The ability to affect/influence, control and subjugate the minds of others, bending them to his will and being reduced to mere puppets under his command in the latter cases. The former essentially means that he can either blind the victim to his presence through making their mind ignore him in every way possible, influence their actions and thought process by implanting a figurative seed, or strenghten/weaken their will to continue and live on.


Infuencing others' minds is no problem for him, as long as it's a simple action, like placing a single thought into their minds. Controlling and Subjugating, however, requires him to have a 100% focus on the victim in the former case, leaving his body vulnerable and out of his reach as long as he is controlling the victim. The latter only leaves him dazed for the moment and with a small headache that lasts for the duration of the subjugation.


He can subjugate several creatures/sentient beings at once, though his headache doubles with each addition.


If he is interrupted during the control of the victim, every single cell in his body will start yelling in agony. In other words, Pain. Lots of Pain.


If he somehow fails to control/subjugate a creature/sentient being, he will be dazed while the former victim will be fully aware of his location.


Health defects: Surprisingly, most of his health problems are mostly mental and moral, except a "simple" defect with his lungs, in which case sometimes even leaves him gasping for air and spitting up blood if he doesn't use the right medicine in time..


Some examples of his mental/moral struggles include, but not limited to:

-Talking to his young draconic friend(Who perished years ago) while carrying the drake's dried-up head in a saddlebag.

-His moral compass cannot differentiate between Good and Evil except when someone has wronged/helped him in the past or present.

-Occasionally, he suffers a mental breakdown which could occur during any given moment, in which he either goes berserk, becomes paranoid enough to even not trust his closest friends with a toothpick, or curls up and has himself a cry that could go on for hours.

These are not all of them. More will reveal themselves when I get ideas.


Job: He refuses to work for anyone but himself, and those he trusts. So, he resorts to stealing and scavenging whatever he needs and desires, using his psychic Mind-Manipulation to his advantage. Of course, sometimes, he can't find everything he needs for his continued survival, but he makes due from the items he "procures" from the homes of random citizens, broken-down and ruined buildings, aswell as the corpses of those he commands to "End it".





That good? :catface:


More stuff that could potentially be useful(Maybe not, since this is in an alternate universe) are in the link located in my signature. 


Also, in what setting is this RP? Wasteland, Futuristic, Modern? 

Its kind of a Near Future/Alternate reality setting where the Majority of the planet is a gigantic City. Think Blade Runner, that's basically the atmosphere.


The Drake thing will be allowed if its like a Genetically engineered pet or Surrogate body for someone who died. This really isn't much of a fantasy setting, more of a science fictionesque one. 


As for your weaknesses, one of the major draw backs to psychic powers, especially untreated/regulated psychic powers, is it deteriorates the body. Think of it like Your body is going through the pains and diseases a significantly older person would go through, bone deficiency, heart palpitations, weaker immune system, ect. Without medication and regulators, there is nothing to dull these effects, meaning your character is going to have a hard time even getting around after awhile. His psychic powers in turn will grow more potent without regulation, and because of that the negative effects on his body will snow ball into even worse territories. A 2nd Tier refusing Medication and Regulation, while powerful, will be snuffed out either by their own madness and power, or by their failing body that gets worse on the daily. The anti psychic police would be looking for 2nd tiers refusing meds as well, as they have a tendency to go Tier 1 and then cause a lot of death and destruction before they die like a living bomb. 


If you are okay with rping something like that then awesome, it'll make for some great material, but I wouldn't expect him to last terribly long is what I'm getting at. 

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Its kind of a Near Future/Alternate reality setting where the Majority of the planet is a gigantic City. Think Blade Runner, that's basically the atmosphere.



Oh man, if it's like Blade Runner my character could be like Decker. Wait, never mind, Decker would be on the anti psychic police force.

Edited by crispy fries
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Oh man, if it's like Blade Runner my character could be like Decker. Wait, never mind, Decker would be on the anti psychic police force.

Which actually makes sense with Decker since one of the big theories was he was a Replicant all along

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Which actually makes sense with Decker since one of the big theories was he was a Replicant all along

So wait, my character could be like Decker?

Edited by crispy fries
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So wait, my character could be Decker?

If you want to be like Decker sure!  You could be investigating Psychic related crimes with the anti psychic Police force. I personally control the force in and of itself, but people can rp as members in that force. 

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If you want to be like Decker sure!  You could be investigating Psychic related crimes with the anti psychic Police force. I personally control the force in and of itself, but people can rp as members in that force. 

Nice. The idea of a psychic working with the psychic police would make sense.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nice. The idea of a psychic working with the psychic police would make sense.

Exactly, there is big business in integrating psychics into society in all manners, especially tier 3's since they have the longest life expectancy out of the bunch. The anti psychic police force is for those that are off their meds and aren't conforming to society, eventually turning into walking biological threats because of it. Psychics really don't get to have much in the way of freedom in this world, but they can get into jobs they can at least feel like they are doing something good and have a decent standard of living (by the worlds standards anyway). 

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This seems very, very fascinating, and almost perfect for my character Ariel! Just a few minor tweaks, and she'd be a perfect fit... Let's see-


Name: Ariel


Age: 19


Psychic Tier: 2


Psychic Power: She can create physical constructs with her mind. The objects she creates are as solid and real as physical objects, but she must keep her concentration on maintaining said constructs or else they will shatter. Theoretically, she can create anything her mind can conjure; but smaller objects are the simplest and barely require a thought to keep up, while larger and more detailed items would naturally require more concentration and effort to maintain.


Health Defects: She is small, fragile, and due to heart defects she tires easily and cannot strain herself too much. Which can be a problem, seeing that she also suffers from acute anxiety. She requires medications for mood regulation and headaches, the heart defects, and the anxiety. If she doesn't keep her anxiety in check, her heart could easily give out from an attack.


Job: Ariel works for an engineering company, offering her services to help wherever she can, working mainly as an assistant. It helps that she does enjoy the engineering work, an interest fostered by her adoptive mother Galatea.

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Allowed if it can only be enacted from a short distance, like touch contact hallucination. If you want to do it from a distance or can do several people at once we are broaching tier 2 territory. Also its schizophrenia . Nice touch having him suffer with the same thing he puts people through.


Yes there is the normal police and then there is the anti psychic police, which is really more of a swat team more than anything. I'll probably coin some kind of Acronym for them so it doesn't get confusing.

As for the character, definitely approved.


Its kind of a Near Future/Alternate reality setting where the Majority of the planet is a gigantic City. Think Blade Runner, that's basically the atmosphere.


The Drake thing will be allowed if its like a Genetically engineered pet or Surrogate body for someone who died. This really isn't much of a fantasy setting, more of a science fictionesque one.


As for your weaknesses, one of the major draw backs to psychic powers, especially untreated/regulated psychic powers, is it deteriorates the body. Think of it like Your body is going through the pains and diseases a significantly older person would go through, bone deficiency, heart palpitations, weaker immune system, ect. Without medication and regulators, there is nothing to dull these effects, meaning your character is going to have a hard time even getting around after awhile. His psychic powers in turn will grow more potent without regulation, and because of that the negative effects on his body will snow ball into even worse territories. A 2nd Tier refusing Medication and Regulation, while powerful, will be snuffed out either by their own madness and power, or by their failing body that gets worse on the daily. The anti psychic police would be looking for 2nd tiers refusing meds as well, as they have a tendency to go Tier 1 and then cause a lot of death and destruction before they die like a living bomb.


If you are okay with rping something like that then awesome, it'll make for some great material, but I wouldn't expect him to last terribly long is what I'm getting at.


Alright, thanks for clarifying the setting.


The Drake thing... You know, the dragon is dead. He's not alive anymore, and he's bitten the dust. It's simply Drakk's mind who latches onto the faint hope that he's up and kicking, even dragging around the dried up head to speak to at times. From his perspective, the Drake speaks back. From literally anyone else? He's speaking to the dead head of a dragon.


Though... Did you mean that Dragons don't exist in this universe? If so, I'll just make it a kids head, then.


The meds thing... Is it not possible to steal what he needs? Obviously, he won't get what he needs every single time, but it's better than dying. And obviously, he's going mad, if not already.


As for the deteriorating health, can ye add a suggestion? I'm kind of running short of physical health problems.

Edited by Ahuizotley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Alright, thanks for clarifying the setting.


The Drake thing... You know, the dragon is dead. He's not alive anymore, and he's bitten the dust. It's simply Drakk's mind who latches onto the faint hope that he's up and kicking, even dragging around the dried up head to speak to at times. From his perspective, the Drake speaks back. From literally anyone else? He's speaking to the dead head of a dragon.


Though... Did you mean that Dragons don't exist in this universe? If so, I'll just make it a kids head, then.


The meds thing... Is it not possible to steal what he needs? Obviously, he won't get what he needs every single time, but it's better than dying. And obviously, he's going mad, if not already.


As for the deteriorating health, can ye add a suggestion? I'm kind of running short of physical health problems.

I could foresee a black market for that kind of thing, absolutely, it wouldn't be cheap. I doubt you'd be able to steal enough to really have an effect, maybe dull it a little bit. The Meds are kept under tight security and highly guarded. The stuff you get on the black market wouldn't be the best quality either. 


Basically your characters bones, muscles, cardiovascular system, eyes, immune system, and brain are deteriorating and getting weaker the longer you go without meds and regulators, and it only slows it when you get it inconsistently. The Stronger the psychic power, the faster its killing you. You coughing up blood is a good symptom of it. I'll probably make a list of general health problems your character can and will have depending on how powerful they are. they look kind of emaciated and sickly after awhile. Its kind of like Progeria without the wrinkling skin 


The point of this is even IF the character is incredibly OP in terms of psychic power, their body is so brittle and weak they won't last long anyway, the very definition of a glass cannon. 

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I could foresee a black market for that kind of thing, absolutely, it wouldn't be cheap. I doubt you'd be able to steal enough to really have an effect, maybe dull it a little bit. The Meds are kept under tight security and highly guarded. The stuff you get on the black market wouldn't be the best quality either. 


Basically your characters bones, muscles, cardiovascular system, eyes, immune system, and brain are deteriorating and getting weaker the longer you go without meds and regulators, and it only slows it when you get it inconsistently. The Stronger the psychic power, the faster its killing you. You coughing up blood is a good symptom of it. I'll probably make a list of general health problems your character can and will have depending on how powerful they are. they look kind of emaciated and sickly after awhile. Its kind of like Progeria without the wrinkling skin 


The point of this is even IF the character is incredibly OP in terms of psychic power, their body is so brittle and weak they won't last long anyway, the very definition of a glass cannon. 

Well then... I suppose that he will have to steal the little meds he can get his hooves on, or he can get others' hooves on, and then buy the low-medium quality he can get from a black market with the money/valuables he steals. Not that good of a position, but both Drakk and I don't like working for a government, especially if it essentially makes us slaves, so I want to avoid that in whatever way I can. Though... It may be that further down the line, He's forced to work for the government, if he doesn't want to lose what little sanity is left and crumble away... Ya know, I think I might take that route.


Also, that list would be appreciated. I'm not really that great at coming up with physical health defects.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Alright, I'll take a shot at this, it sounds really interesting!  :icwudt:


Name: Qaz 


Age: 19


Psychic Tier: 1 (Yeah, I'm going to try this out and see how it goes. I have another character planed if this one doesn't fly.)


Psychic Power: Qaz can create incredibly realistic illusions. These illusions are impossible to tell apart from reality unless you have specialized anti-psychic equipment, Qaz recreates the sight, feeling, sound, smell and even taste of anything Qaz can imagine. These illusions can cause pain, which feels very real, but they cannot directly physically harm you. If Qaz creates an illusion of a person, Qaz can see, feel, hear, smell, and feel whatever that illusionary person does. Qaz feels whatever pain these illusionary people do, and if one is killed Qaz is knocked into a coma for about an hour. Qaz can create these illusions anywhere in a rough radius of... (About a mile, maybe? I'm not sure what is acceptable, even for a tier 1.) Qaz can maintain countless illusions without too much effort, and can keep them up even while asleep.


Health defects:


Physical: All of them. Pretty much anything that can go wrong in a human body has happened in Qaz's body. Qaz cannot speak, see, hear, or even move a single muscle, and Qaz's body looks like a desiccated corpse. The only way Qaz is still alive is through a sophisticated life support machine, if Qaz is disconnected from this machine for even a few seconds Qaz will die. The machine consists of a coffin like glass tube which encases his body, connected to a sturdy metal frame which contains all the systems keeping Qaz alive. The metal frame has robotic spider legs and can move around at a slow pace, but it only has enough battery power for a few short hours and is usually plugged in via extension cord. If the machine runs out of power while not plugged in, or is damaged in any way, Qaz will die.


Mental: Qaz does not posses the sadistic savagery of most tier ones, in fact Qaz has the opposite problem, a sort of despondent emotionlessness. Qaz has trouble feeling any kind of emotion at all, and suffers from an intense apathy. This apathy makes Qaz unwilling and unable to do much of anything, although Qaz does sometimes overcome his apathy.


Job: Qaz makes a ton of money using his powers to create illusionary worlds for his clients, inside of which they can do and be anything they desire, and live out their wildest dreams. Qaz uses most of the money he gets from this to pay for exorbitant medical bills.


Combat: Qaz does not fight, and does not wish to harm people, if threatened Qaz will use his powers to misdirect and fool attackers, but will not kill them. If threatened by the anti psychic police Qaz will give up peacefully.

Edited by Stormgiggle
  • Brohoof 1

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Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Alright, I'll take a shot at this, it sounds really interesting!  :icwudt:


Name: Qaz 


Age: 19


Psychic Tier: 1 (Yeah, I'm going to try this out and see how it goes. I have another character planed if this one doesn't fly.)


Psychic Power: Qaz can create incredibly realistic illusions. These illusions are impossible to tell apart from reality unless you have specialized anti-psychic equipment, Qaz recreates the sight, feeling, sound, smell and even taste of anything Qaz can imagine. These illusions can cause pain, which feels very real, but they cannot directly physically harm you. If Qaz creates an illusion of a person, Qaz can see, feel, hear, smell, and feel whatever that illusionary person does. Qaz feels whatever pain these illusionary people do, and if one is killed Qaz is knocked into a coma for about an hour. Qaz can create these illusions anywhere in a rough radius of... (About a mile, maybe? I'm not sure what is acceptable, even for a tier 1.) Qaz can maintain countless illusions without too much effort, and can keep them up even while asleep.


Health defects:


Physical: All of them. Pretty much anything that can go wrong in a human body has happened in Qaz's body. Qaz cannot speak, see, hear, or even move a single muscle, and Qaz's body looks like a desiccated corpse. The only way Qaz is still alive is through a sophisticated life support machine, if Qaz is disconnected from this machine for even a few seconds Qaz will die. The machine consists of a coffin like glass tube which encases his body, connected to a sturdy metal frame which contains all the systems keeping Qaz alive. The metal frame has robotic spider legs and can move around at a slow pace, but it only has enough battery power for a few short hours and is usually plugged in via extension cord. If the machine runs out of power while not plugged in, or is damaged in any way, Qaz will die.


Mental: Qaz does not posses the sadistic savagery of most tier ones, in fact Qaz has the opposite problem, a sort of despondent emotionlessness. Qaz has trouble feeling any kind of emotion at all, and suffers from an intense apathy. This apathy makes Qaz unwilling and unable to do much of anything, although Qaz does sometimes overcome his apathy.


Job: Qaz makes a ton of money using his powers to create illusionary worlds for his clients, inside of which they can do and be anything they desire, and live out their wildest dreams. Qaz uses most of the money he gets from this to pay for his exorbitant medical bills.


Combat: Qaz does not fight, and does not wish to harm people, if threatened Qaz will use his powers to misdirect and fool attackers, but will not kill them. If threatened by the anti psychic police Qaz will give up peacefully.

Living as a videogame of illusions for clients, I can totally see a company funding to keep a tier one alive for that kind of thing. I can practically see the advertisements for it. "Qaz, Make your dreams a reality!" 


Hella Approved :D

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Buck Testa,


Heya, just, uh.. wondering if you saw my lil application with Ariel on this thread here? Since you didn't say anything... It's okay if I wasn't accepted, but I'd like to be told one way or the other. :o

Oh sorry, didn't even see it, gimme a sec <3

  • Brohoof 1
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Living as a videogame of illusions for clients, I can totally see a company funding to keep a tier one alive for that kind of thing. I can practically see the advertisements for it. "Qaz, Make your dreams a reality!" 


Hella Approved :D

Awesome! :) When do we start posting? I hope once every one or two days is enough.

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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This seems very, very fascinating, and almost perfect for my character Ariel! Just a few minor tweaks, and she'd be a perfect fit... Let's see-


Name: Ariel


Age: 19


Psychic Tier: 2


Psychic Power: She can create physical constructs with her mind. The objects she creates are as solid and real as physical objects, but she must keep her concentration on maintaining said constructs or else they will shatter. Theoretically, she can create anything her mind can conjure; but smaller objects are the simplest and barely require a thought to keep up, while larger and more detailed items would naturally require more concentration and effort to maintain.


Health Defects: She is small, fragile, and due to heart defects she tires easily and cannot strain herself too much. Which can be a problem, seeing that she also suffers from acute anxiety. She requires medications for mood regulation and headaches, the heart defects, and the anxiety. If she doesn't keep her anxiety in check, her heart could easily give out from an attack.


Job: Ariel works for an engineering company, offering her services to help wherever she can, working mainly as an assistant. It helps that she does enjoy the engineering work, an interest fostered by her adoptive mother Galatea.

I could see that power working as a means to visualize blueprints and the like, and it has some attack capabilities in a pinch as well, though with her anxiety probably not her first choice. Very interesting <3 approved! 

Awesome! :) When do we start posting? I hope once every one or two days is enough.

Yes that should work. You are definitely encouraged to create npc's to interact with and flesh out the world you are in. I'm going to be playing exclusively as the world and characters in it so I won't have my own character. Basically I'll be a dm. 


It'll be relatively soon, its certainly garnered enough interest for it. 

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@@Buck Testa,


When Lead sees a psychic echo, do I get to decide what it is, or will you tell me?

If its just brief psychic impressions on what what the object was used for and a general idea of who did it that isn't terribly overpowered, so you'd have control over that. If you give your character too much info out of one touch, like being able to tell the person's entire life story or something than i'd ask you to dial it back a notch since you are tier 3. 

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Might as well see where I can take this.


Name: Blitz Ryu


Age: 18


Tier: 2


Power: Electrokinesis


Defects: Unusual skin growths, lost his sense of touch, has lost all sense of emotion, and has a split personality he calls Asriel. (Look at picture below for actual appearance, but he won't have the wings unless they are acceptable.)


Job: Has a contract with the military set for 10 years


Edited by Drago Ryder
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