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private Escape from Deep Science

Illiad Easle

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(OOC Thread: https://mlpforums.com/topic/148849-escape-from-deep-science/)

@@reader8363,@@DwhitetheGamer@@Drago Ryder@@Goodleg00p@@crispy fries@,


You slowly come back to consciousness, looking about you find yourself on a thin bed in a small white room. Your head rests on a pillow barely thick enough to not be mistaken for paper near the back wall, to the other side of the room is a large metal door. To your right is a small desk and a sink, the desk has a speaker and a microphone sitting on it.


"Good Morning. You have been in suspension for: [9,131] days. Your specimen has been processed and we are now ready to begin the [Dimensional Return Gate] test. Before we begin, please approach the microphone on the desk and answer the following questions for the testing record."


"What is your name?"


"On a scale of one to ten, how perceptive are you? How intelligent are you? How fast are you?"


The voice was then silent as a light on the microphone lit up, casting a soft red light into the room.

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

Shadow got up the bed and headed over to the microphone and said,

"Name's Shadow Beast, and for all of your question, why don't ya get in here."

He walked away from the mic, reached into a portal, pulled out his scythe, then used his shadow to cast the room into darkness.

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@@Illiad Easle


Copper woke up from his state of unconsciousness, not knowing what was happening or why he was where he was at.  He looked around briefly until a voice caught his attention.  He decided to follow orders and stepped onto the mic.


"My name is Copper Strikes.  Perceptively, I'm a nine.  Intelligently, I'm a six.  And as how fast I go, normally I'm as fast as any other pony in my world, so that's a six.  However, if we're talking about special abilities, I have my Spin Dash technique, so I'll say ten on that.

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Illiad Easle,


Redwood was not happy with waking up in a room she had not fallen asleep in. She also wasn't happy that some unknown entity was immediately giving her orders.


"Hey!" she yelled. "Now, just what in th' name of Celestia's left ass cheek am ah doin' here!? Somepony tell me what's goin' on, right now!"

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Gale approached the microphone somewhat cautiously and decided that it would be best to go along with this for now. "My name is Gale. She said. As for how I would rate myself perception:6, intelligence, 8 speed:8." Her voice held very little emotion and the entire situation was putting her on edge.

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"Filling in default answers for unanswered questions, activating thermal imaging, non-compliance will be met with lethal force. Please remain in your room while the other subjects are prepared for the test. The test will begin once all participants are prepared."




"Thank you for your co-operation, please remain in your room while the other subjects are prepared for the test. The test will begin once all participants are prepared."



@@crispy fries,  

"Amnesia is a common side effect of long term suspension, you were collected as part of a test of a multiverse gate to find inhabitable universes should this one become unlivable. You were successfully extracted from your world and now we are ready to begin the test that will send you back. Please answer the questions so we can continue." The speaker then repeated the questions in the same manner as the first time.


@@Drago Ryder

"Thank you for your co-operation, please remain in your room while the other subjects are prepared for the test. The test will begin once all participants are prepared."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper nodded at the unknown entity who was in charge of this whole operation.  "Thank you.  Please wake me up when every pony is ready." he said on the mic, proceeded to get on the bed given in his room and slept for a while.  He knew that whatever was going to happen, he needed all the strength he could muster, and sleep was a viable aspect on the challenge.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Gale nodded slightly and looked over her room. She didn't know if she was being watched so there was very little she could do right now. As for the tests, the dragoness didn't know what to expect. For all she knew, they could kill and dissect her. A shiver then ran down Gale's spine as she sat on the bed.

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@@Illiad Easle

Shadow looked around for the camera and said when he found it, 

"I don't like to be watched and ya don't have to worry about me getting out. Sue me for the damage."

He jammed his scythe into the camera and leaned against the door was he watched the sparks through the darkness. He stretched out his wing, just to be halted by the walls of the room. He said as he curled them in, 

"Why didn't ya make the rooms bigger? If you're worried watch me from the door to the room."

Edited by reader8363
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@@Illiad Easle,


"Extracted from mah world!? EXTRACTED FROM MAH WORLD!? What kinda load of bull is this!?" yelled Redwood.


She then began to pound the metal door. "Let me outta here!"


Redwood didn't know where she was or who was ordering her, but she was getting out of this place.

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The voice seemed darker, "​For your own safety, and the safety of others, do not destroy vital testing apparatus. All the science containment rooms, in which you are, are constructed to a standard size comfortable for normal individuals. It is hardly the fault of the facility that you are slightly larger than the average individual."


@@crispy fries,  


"Please answer the questions, you will be released shortly, but not before you answer the questions so we can begin the test and send you back where you came from." The speaker stated the questions again. "Non-compliance will be met by lethal force, the sooner you answer the questions the sooner we can move forward."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,


Redwood sighed with frustration and anger.


"Fine. I'll play yer little fuckin' games," she said as she approached the microphone. "Mah name is Redwood. Ah'd hafta say ah'm an eight fer perception, eight fer intelligence, and a seven fer speed. Look, can ah go now?"

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" . . . answer the following questions for the testing record." 

Pink Lemonade blearily sat up, looking around as she sniffed. As what was probably a side effect of being frozen for 25 years, her nose was stuffy. 

Having to deal with the equivalent of time jet-lag as well as allergies. 

Just peachy. 

She stood up and stretched like a cat, then shook like a dog. Her fluffy coat puffed out, doubling how big she appeared. After stretching her stiff muscles, she did as the voice commanded and approached the microphone. Apparently there were cameras on her because as soon as she approached it the voice spoke again. 

"What is your name?"

She couldn't think of any reason why revealing her actual name wasn't advisable, having already been kidnapped and trapped in cryogenic freeze. 

"Pink Lemonade."

"On a scale from one to ten, how perceptive are you? How intelligent are you? How fast are you?"

Alarms immediately went off in her mind. If these were indeed aliens then they no doubt meant to test her like a lab rat. It might be best to conceal the truth regarding these answers. 

"Errmmmm a 5, 10 obviously, and about a 3, I think." 

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"Thank you for your co-operation."


@@DwhitetheGamer,@@Drago Ryder, @@reader8363, @@crispy fries, @@Goodleg00p


The voice spoke again, "​All test subjects prepared, beginning test protocol." The doors to the five rooms opened, allowing the subjects to exit. "Please interact with the other subjects before the test begins, proceed down the hall when you are ready to begin."


The hallway was just as white as the rooms, lined with over a dozen doors down the length. The open doors were gathered on one end of the hallway but another open door could be seen at the other end, presumably the way to the next test.




(Solid lines are solid walls, dotted lines are doors, grey spaces indicate that there is nothing behind them.)

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder, @@Goodleg00p, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@reader8363,


Redwood walked out of the door and was greeted by a dragon, some kind of thing with metal legs, a yellow furry thing with horns and a flared tail, and a pegasus. Today certainly wasn't turning out the way she thought it would.


"Do y'all know what's goin' on?" she asked.

Edited by crispy fries
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As Shadow's door open, the shadows flowed out like it was coming from dry ice. Shadow walked to the broken camera and pulled out his scythe, then he walked out. The shadows shrank into his and he headed to the end of the hall, dragging his scythe behind him.

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@@crispy fries@@reader8363@@Goodleg00p@@Goodleg00p@@Drago Ryder,


Copper had woken up when the being told him to interact with others that were with him.  He looked a little confused.  There were others with him?  As he got out of his room, he could tell there were others with him.  He sighed, then shook his head in a rapid pace, to get rid of the blurriness in his eyes.  Maybe sleeping wasn't a good thing, but it didn't matter.


He looked at a creature he had never seen before, who was asking what was going on.  He shrugged.  "I don't know.  Just go with it.  It may be the key in us getting out of here early."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Gale looked around at the others and found most of them to be off putting to say the least. "That would make sense, though I doubt that whoever put us here would make us fight each other." She muttered to herself. The dragoness then began to explore the area, making sure to keep track of where she had been.

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"This ain't good. We gotta figure out where we are and who took us. I dunno about y'all, but ah'm gettin' outta here," said Redwood as she began to began to explore the bare hallway.


It was frustrating how complacent they were, simply going along with whatever was happening.

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@@crispy fries,@@Drago Ryder, @@Goodleg00p, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@reader8363,


"Interaction complete with 80% success, proceed to the end of the hall so we can begin the test. [shadow Beast] your failure to interact has been noted in your file." A glowing line appeared on the floor, periodically interspersed with arrows pointing them down the hall in the direction Shadow Beast had already begun moving.  

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale noticed the arrows and decided to follow them. She felt oddly calm given her present situation and was still wary of what she would be doing when it came to the tests and the people who brought her here. "They could've killed us the moment we got here. That at least tells me that they need us alive, for now." She thought.

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@@Illiad Easle,

Shadow sighed and said,

"Listen whoever ya are. I only listen to someone that's strong and I respect or pays me. Since ya kidnapped me for 25 years, I missed a lot of work cause of ya. So why don't I fill out your dumb questionnaire by fighting ya, then it will be complete."

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@@Illiad Easle,


Redwood was very dubious of the voice giving the orders, but then she remembered what it had said about using lethal force. She decided to follow the arrows for now, as not doing so might result in her death. Following the arrows could yield the same result though, so Redwood kept her guard up.

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@@Illiad Easle


Copper gave the current situation a bit of thought.  If for some reason whoever did this wanted the current group to fight each other, there could be no possible way for him to leave marks on his opponents because of his Spin Dash.  Nevertheless, he had to follow instructions, so he followed the group and the arrows to the exit.  His eyes were dead-locked at the figure in front.  "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea."

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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