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private Escape from Deep Science

Illiad Easle

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"Really? We're in this nightmare lab and the first thing y'all want is food?" Redwood said. "Alright, ah'm gonna check out what this thing is. Y'all check who just opened th' door."


Redwood had no idea as to what a tesla gate was, but this seemed like the only way to go, so she proceeded forwards.

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@@Illiad Easle


Arrowhead was surprised at the voice's demeanor towards him. 'Try not to be killed'. Killed? By the guards? By something...else?' He took a few hooves back away from the gate. As he did so, he felt something brush the side of his fur. Before he could see what it was, he could already see the blurred figure dash through the open door and into the dark abyss. Arrowhead wasn't so eager to do the same.


"What's-" Arrowhead began, interrupting himself to collect his thoughts, "what's going on?"

Edited by Arrowhead
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@@crispy fries,@@reader8363,


The closer she got to the gate the louder the hum of electricity became, the sound increased much faster than it would normally until she got too close. The gate suddenly flashed with power, hundreds of arcs of electricity flew across the gate as the hum died down before slowly building back up again, It would be lethal to be caught in the gate when it fired, but there seemed to be enough time to move through the gate between the times it fired if they moved quickly, but they definitely couldn't beat the gate after it started charging.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@crispy fries,@@Illiad Easle,

Shadow said as he turned to Redwood, 

"What, I haven't eaten in years."

He was about to add something, but the electricity went through the sword that he damaged the frame with. It went through his body, going from one claw to the other. He yanked the sword out and said, 
"Let's get going before it starts up again."

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@@Illiad Easle


" Oh, well, that was fast..." Heart said, as she explored a bit of the left side before pressing the button for the left door close to her. At this point in time, she didn't even knew which door to open and which not.


She then saw a thing on the corner again " Why is that...wait...how does a black-colored thing appears at a bright room? It's not my imagination anymore!"

Edited by Flinp


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@@Illiad Easle, @@reader8363


Redwood watched the gate charge up and die down a few more times to get a sense of the pattern before saying, "Alright, on three we run."


She began counting as the gate was about to power down. "Ready... one... two... THREE!"


Redwood made a mad dash towards the gate as soon as it died down. If she had any luck, she'd make it through without a scratch.

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@@Illiad Easle


Copper seemed a little confused as soon as he saw the other side of the maintenance tunnels.  It was like he was hit with deja vu, but the feeling was interrupted when he saw a note on the floor here.  He shrugged, then picked up the slightly burnt note and read it.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Gale could hear the electricity below her and was curious as to what would be causing such a noise. The dragoness then felt her muscles tense and felt her flame build up, ready to fire in a moment's notice. With that, the dragoness slowly moved forwards. She would be to vulnerable if she turned tail and ran.

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@@Drago Ryder,


The vents split into a four way crossing, there was a faint light to the left path. The sound of electricity faded as she moved on.




The document read as follows: "I can hear him. Can you? Listen, I swear, he's there, on the inner side of the wall...listening. I can hear his teeth. They sing like a power line, pitched to make your bones squeak. I wish he would just kill me. Kill them. No. The report lies, lies to the bone. He doesn't kill anyone, not really. They die later, die of wounds, or additions, or attentions, but no. He pulls them in to his box, and hurts them, then makes the maze. He cradled someone in barb wire, touching them while they tried to scream through a shredded tongue. He owns the rules there, he's god there, the all and one. What if it's here, too? Making all this just to torture it. Make a ant farm just to have targets for the magnifying glass. My molar fell out. It was black. I don't have it anymore. Will you won't you. Won't you will? He is slow, because he has time. Endless time. The group unconscious, the fear of the lean, cruel and powerful...is he it, or the son of that feeling? You may outrun him, run around, run run runrunrunrun and it means no. he just keeps going, coming, watching, smiling. I hate this place. My home is gone, and I hate this, and I hate."


@@crispy fries,


She just barely made it through, the gate singeing the end of her tail as it fired behind her. She could hear the shuffling in the vents moving ahead of her.




The door opened to reveal a plain hallway with another door at the far end.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,@@crispy fries,

Shadow listened to the noise, then threw a throwing knife into the vent where he heard it. He opened and closed his right claw to see that the movement is jerky. He let it rest at his side and said, 

"When do ya think we are going to find a cafeterria. I didn't have any breakfast or whatever meal is close."

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@@Illiad Easle


" This seems weirdly too easy...and dark." Heart says, as her horn starts glowing, and she walks down the hallway. As she walked, the peripheral jumper problably has already been jumping there and there, but she could't see him.


As she reaches the end, she presses the button on the door.


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@@Illiad Easle


Copper read this note three times fully.  He grew mad.  Whoever abducted him to this insane place was going to pay.   He spoke in a calm, yet enraged tone at whatever creature it was talking about, assuming it was the creature he had fought earlier.  "I'm coming for you."  He took the note with him and proceeded to the door to his right.

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@reader8363@@Drago Ryder


Having no way to dodge Gale was struck by the throwing knife.




The door opened to reveal a T shaped room with  door to the far side and to the right. As she entered a sickening sound of goo occurred as a corroded and decayed equine body fell from the ceiling. A surprisingly clean metal horseshoe attached to a severed skeletal hoof fell off of the body when it landed, close inspection of the shoe revealed it to be a sort of identification measure.




T room with a bonus body: QweqxSv.png





The door opened to reveal a security hallway like the one he had seen at the start and within the pocket dimension.




Security hallway: yGv3OGZ.png?1


Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale felt the knife pierce the scales in her upper left fore arm and gave a slight roar in pain. "Thanks. Not like I needed another scar or anything." She muttered as she looked at the knife. The dragoness had no idea what had been done to the weapon, so she could be as good as dead if she wasn't careful. Either way, she was losing blood and with careful movements, she removed the knife and headed to the right, not wanting to deal with whatever had injured her just yet. As she walked, she basically used her fire to cauterize the wound so as not to lose to much blood.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Drago Ryder

Shadow watched as the knife went into the vent and then a roar. He opened a portal and the knife fell out, covered in blood. When he heard movement, he jumped up and sliced open the vent. He said as he peered into the vent, "Come out whoever or whatever ya are."

Edited by reader8363
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@@Illiad Easle


Copper shook his head and sighed.  This maze was really bothering him now.  All he could do now is head back to where he started and begin anew.  He did a silent prayer to Celestia saying he wants to live longer than what this place was going to give him, and walk to the door headed to where he knew he began his long walk.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Illiad Easle,


Shadow jumped into the vent after whatever made that scratching noise, and Redwood figured he'd either die or go missing in this labyrinth, so she decided to continue along the path she was already on.


Redwood's burnt tail had an awful smell, and the end was singed black, but it was something she didn't have time to worry about.

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Gale wasn't really expecting Shadow to cut the vent, but figured that anything could've been expected. "Fine. Don't get your muscles in a twist." She said, before coming out of the vent. "I assume you were brought here to, right? My name's Gale." The dragoness herself was a bit tense and wasn't going to relax any time soon.

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@@Drago Ryder

Shadow tucked his wings in and dropped to the ground and picked up the bloody knife, and said as he cleaned the blade off, 

Name's Shadow Beast, it's a pleasure to meet ya, Gale." 

He picked up his sword and said as he sat down on the ground, 

"Why were ya in the vent?"

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@@Drago Ryder

"We were escaping. Same as you, cyborg." Called Pink, still in the vent, and avoiding the puddles of dragon's blood. "How have things been with you? Gale found an elevator a while back but nothing much else was worthy of note." 

She hopped out of the vent beside the other two.

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Shadow looked up to say someone standing there. He said as he undid his throwing knives pouch and set it right next to him, 

"I've been better, got my spare claw, but now it's acting up from having electricity going through it. Had an encounter in the storage room with a head or something. I don't think I caught your name. Name's Shadow Beast. 

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@@Goodleg00p,@@reader8363, @@Drago Ryder, @@crispy fries,


The door at the end of the hallway behind them opened to reveal the concrete statue once again, it seemed they wouldn't be able to stand still in this facility forever. The Tesla gate hummed dangerously, ready to zap the next creature that got too close, and with four individuals in the room someone was a wrong move away from an electrifying death.




Copper soon reached the end of the hallway, the door did not open automatically nor had he attempted to press the button, so closed it remained until he did something about it. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Gale noticed that the monster from before was standing in the door way and knew that they weren't in a good situation. If they moved back, they would get zapped. If they didn't move at all, they would die anyway. Fear began to well inside the dragoness, but she tried not to show it.

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@@Illiad Easle,

Shadow filled the other side of gate in with shadows as a barrier, picked up his weapon and started using his claws as a stone to sharpen the blade. He did a few strokes on one side, flipped it over and did a few on the other side, then he did it over again.

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