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private escape the lab


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Taylor said as he sat down in the chair,

"just some questions. Why don't you get some rest. You look like you're going to fall over any minute."

Damien yawned again, tucked his wings in, and curled up on the bed. "Thanks." He said. Then, after a brief moment, "I wonder if I'll ever see my friends again, or Ponyville." He then opened a small pocket on his cape and pulled out a locket with a picture inside. "*Sigh* I miss my family so much, but I know I'll never see them again. They all died long ago, in another place, in a different time."Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, he blinked them away and slowly fell asleep. Dreaming of his childhood, playing outside with his brother and sister, his parents watching peacefully from the porch. "A time that was lost..." He murmured softly in his sleep...


(OOC: I know this seems really sad, but I kinda felt like telling a bit more about Damien. And was listening to a somewhat sad song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Dg-g7t2l4 )

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Gale gave a content growl as the scientist squeezed her neck and closed her eyes. The dragoness didn't normally let others touch her, but figured that she could make an exception to this. If she did react to strongly, then she might seriously hurt someone.

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Kyubi blushed slightly and didn't really look at the guard.. "My wings are sensitive to touch. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary." She said. The bat pony then overheard Gale and didn't really know hat to think of her reaction. Kyubi then laid her head on the cloth and seemed to relax.

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@@Drago Ryder

The scientist scooted the bottle closer and said as he touched her ear, 

"I'm not going to hurt you. It might go against what you like, but it will help in the long run."



Taylor sat down and started writing down some questions that came to mind.



The guard nodded let go of the wing and grabbed a bottle of smelling salt. He said as he poured some out onto the table, 

"Take a whiff and tell me what it smells like and if it has any effect and what."

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Kyubi nodded slightly and smelled what was in the bottle. "It smells like a combination of burning cinnamon and lavender." She said. The bat pony felt a bit hotter and flicked her tail in an attempt to cool herself. "I'm a bit hotter from smelling it, but aside from that, nothing."

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@@reader8363, Cresent woke up with some odd green liquid all around like he was in a tank of some sort. Air was being breathed through some tube and he felt some more restraints around him. The liquid was clear enough to see odd animals in lab coats on computers, writing stuff down on something, and a wall of odd pictures.


As he tried to clear his vision he soon realized that some of the pictures was of himself as they were horse like and pictures of his wing span was propped out. Some movement was seen by the strange creatures as one saw his eyes open, cresent was unsure if he was more curious or annoyed.


He was sure of something, this felt alien, too alien for him.

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Gale nodded slightly and nuzzled into the scientists' hand, a bit more receptive to his touch. The dragoness then flicked her tail and accidentally knocked over the bottle. "Sorry about that." She said, somewhat embarrassed. The dragoness didn't know what had gotten into her, but she needed to find out fast.

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The scientist turned around and almost jumped out of his skin, He walked forward with a flashlight in his hands, shining the flashlight into the eyes back and forth.



The guard took and bottle away and said,

"Is there any smell or thing that relaxes you?"


@@Drago Ryder,

The scientist chuckled and said as he picked up the bottle,

"It's fine, I'm guessing you like your ear touched."

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Gake nodded slightly and gave a light blush, before laying her head down. "Yeah. Dragons tend to view that as a sign of intimacy, but given the circumstances, it would be best if we ignored that." She said. "So, anything else for these tests, or will we be moving on?"

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Kyubi thought for a second about what had been asked. "Lavender in of itself would do." She said. The bat pony knew that the information could easily be used against her, but she didn't sweaty point in lying to the humans. They had yet to harm her and she had been complacent since she was caught.

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@@reader8363, Cresent shut his eyes after the painful light going towards his eyes. It was then he decided he didn't like where he was with that he tried to move back feeling something tug on his leg annoyed all the more he only kicked the restraint and bumping into a object he back up again into it more.


Cresent then felt some more restraints loosen on him as he struggled hearing a small snap and feeling his wing getting more freedom. He couldn't tell but the was a crack that seemed to get bigger with each hit he made in the tank. Soon there was enough force to break the glass and have the water gushing out onto the floor. Cresent collapsed and stood up shaking and ripped the breathing mask off his muzzle and glared at the strange creatures around him. 

The bat pony tried to leap off the stand but slipped and fell back down onto the base of the tank. Seeing one approach he waited till the creature got closer before he pounced, it was the one with the light stick thing. He growled showing his fangs and spreading his wings, if these creatures new anything they would get a hint approaching him would be a bad idea for there health......

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@@Drago Ryder

The scientist nodded and said as he went to the computer and started putting the information down, 

"You will be escorted to the next experiment."



The guard wrote that down and said, 

Does the amount of Lavender effect how much you relax or does it stay the same



The scientist looked up in fear and swung the flashlight at the creature

Edited by reader8363
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Gale nodded and stood up. As the test had progressed, she became more curious about herself and honestly liked all the attention, even if some of it was awkward. Either way, she didn't really have a choice but to accept the experiments. She then simply waited for the guards to take her to wherever she was supposed to be next.

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Kyubi looked at the guard and tilted her head. "I would assume the lavender would be the same, no matter the amount." She said. The bat pony then overheard the conversation between Gale and the scientist, and was curious as to what the dragoness would be subject to next.

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@@reader8363, Cresent ducked then launched himself at the creature with the light stick tackling him to the ground picking the scared creature and biting into its neck deep with his fangs only letting go when he herd noise from the others behind him. This creatures blood now in his mouth he could hear they all had the same blood. And they were scared, not exactly what he needs right now.


Still standing on the creature he saw the scared creature backing up "tell me where I am or this one will die" he said unsure if they speak his language.


If anything the body language said a similar message, cresent as much as he wanted to drain this creature below him he had a hunch this might be worse if he killed one of them. Cresent placed his hoof on the bite mark reinforcing his message of more violence doing his best not to launch at the one facing him now.

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The scientist said as he  backed away and headed for the door.

"Subject 10, you're in the lab waiting to be tested on."



The guard nodded and said,

"Okay, you'll be escorted to the next experiment.


 @@Drago Ryder,

Three guards led Gale to a giant kennel like area filled with all kinds of lizards. One opened the door and waited for Gale to enter so they can shut it behind her.

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@@reader8363, "no test's! answers! where the hey am I and what do you want with me?!"


Pressing his hoof undeath the bite mark getting a scream of pain coming from the creature bellow Cresent. This being bellow him was his ticket to answer's and he was going to get all the info as best he can from it. If it died on him cresent didn't know if they would kill him as well for revenge if these creatures have such qualms. Knowing his luck thus far it might be turning out like if he didn't play his cards right.     

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@@Drago Ryder,

The scientist scooted the bottle closer and said as he touched her ear,

"I'm not going to hurt you. It might go against what you like, but it will help in the long run."



Taylor sat down and started writing down some questions that came to mind.



The guard nodded let go of the wing and grabbed a bottle of smelling salt. He said as he poured some out onto the table,

"Take a whiff and tell me what it smells like and if it has any effect and what."

Damien's pleasant dream didn't last long though, as his mind wandered through his memories, his dream became a nightmare. The next thing he knew he was in the crystal mines where he had found his family dead. "No, no! Why is this happening! Why must this happen again and again!" Then, as if on cue, his family got up and started towards him. 'You didn't save us Damien, why? Why?! Were we not important enough to you? Is that it?' Damien backed away slowly, "No, that isn't it! I-I tried! But it took too long to get past all of Sombra's troops! It's wasn't my fault! PLEASE, NO!" Damien then shot bolt upright on the bed breathing heavily. "I forgot, that was why I don't sleep anymore..." Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Taylor turned around and said,

"Damien, you alright? You must've had a bad dream. I'm guessing you are ready for the questions if you like to or not."



The scientist  said as he reached to find the knob,

"I already told you all I know, You're in the lab for testing and experimentation."

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Taylor turned around and said,

"Damien, you alright? You must've had a bad dream. I'm guessing you are ready for the questions if you like to or not."



The scientist said as he reached to find the knob,

"I already told you all I know, You're in the lab for testing and experimentation."

Damien just sat there for a moment, but then responded. "I'm fine, just another recurring nightmare of mine, no big deal..." Damien then thought about his nightmare for a moment, I'm still having that nightmare? Why does it keep coming back? Then he realized why, I still feel guilty for not saving them. But I couldn't, there were too many soldiers and not enough time. It wasn't my fault!... I guess I'll just cast that energy spell again and hope for the best. "Alright, I'm ready for the first question. Shoot." Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Gale was surprised, to say the least, when she saw the room filled with other reptiles. While they weren't dragons, she was pretty sure that they shared at least one biological ancestor. The dragoness then slowly walked into the room, making sure to not step on any of the smaller lizards. Her wings were pressed as close as possible to her body and her ear plates were lowered. It was obvious that she was nervous about all of this, considering the fact that she could possibly die if they didn't see her as one of their own.

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Kyubi nodded and stood up, before jumping off the table. "Hopefully this goes well." The bat pony then landed gently on the ground and waited for the guards to take her to another room. Her thoughts then turned to the others and what they might be doing. "What would they think of the situation the dragoness and I were in?" She thought

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Taylor nodded and said, as he pulled out a bottle of smelling salt,

"Smell this and tell me what it smells like, and if it has any effects and what."



A guard escorted Kyubi to a ranch-like area filled with ponies and horses of all sizes. The guard opened the door and waited for Kyubi to go through it

(you can control this part if ya want to)


@@Drago Ryder,

A few lizards walked up to Gale to see

(you can control this part if ya want to)

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Gake noticed a few of the larger lizards and snakes coming towards her and the dragoness tilted her head, somewhat curious as to what they would do. A few of the smaller ones also crawled/slithered onto her back and all over her body, seemingly enjoying the new addition to their environment. When the larger reptiles reached the dragoness, they seemed to observe her like she was an artifact from the past. They circled around her, taking in every detail about her body. A few then began to rub their scales against the dragoness in an attempt to calm her nerves and possibly see her reaction. Gale wasn't really expecting that, but it did seem to work. "I wonder how long those scientists will let me stay in here." She thought to herself.


(Is it ok if she stays in the pen for a bit?)

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Taylor nodded and said, as he pulled out a bottle of smelling salt,

"Smell this and tell me what it smells like, and if it has any effects and what."



A guard escorted Kyubi to a ranch-like area filled with ponies and horses of all sizes. The guard opened the door and waited for Kyubi to go through it

(you can control this part if ya want to)


@@Drago Ryder,

A few lizards walked up to Gale to see

(you can control this part if ya want to)

Damien got up and smelled the bottle of salt. "*sniff* Hmm, it smells a little like spearmint, which is rather nice. But it doesn't seem to have any effect on me." Then after a quick pause, Damien said. "If you're wondering if something like that could relax me, I don't think anything will work. Ever since the war, the only thing that has ever been able to make me feel relaxed, is the sound of rain. I know you might think of that as odd, but there are reasons. Everything in my life had always changed, wether it be if I'm alone or not, or where I rest my head at night, the rain has always been the same. And that will never change. That's why it's the only thing left that can help me calm down." Damien then looks off into space and says, "*sigh* I wonder if I'll ever see the rain again..."

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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