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open Fallout Equestria: Hurricane Season RP (Open)

crispy fries

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@@crispy fries, @Gamer_KM,


A light orange mare trotted down the side of the Winding 75, given its name for its curved and messy route upward through the country, like a jagged incision. Here by the peninsula locals, though, it was also known as the Gateway: one of the few access roads into the Glades. Dirt caked onto the highway four-lanes in random spots, and grass overgrew onto the edge. One would appreciate the change in greenry, but here Mother Nature showed its ruthless colors, and here one dropped several links down the food chain.


That being said, Allegory came here a bit further notth; the climate was very much the same at the place shebhad come from, through the Wetlands felt...a bit wetter. She mostly avoided walking directly on the road; the wildfire wasn't threatening yet, and she was treading alone, which made her a big target for whatever bandit or raider came her way. Allie was a bit skeptical whether she could take up a fight here, considering she had packed less armor for the road here. She had used less metal on her hoofpads and wore short sleeves with low, leather boots, tied snugly with trimmed dark shoelaces to prevent slipping and allow her to run comfortably without damaging her hooves. Her chestpiece was mostly leather – wearing metal here was practically asking for a heat stroke if you didn't have proper cool ventilation. Behind her leather chestpiece were light green fatigues that read "cC'a- 113", and a flat-top baseball cap.


She levitated a chocolate bar and munched on it slowly before spotting two ponies on the road and stopping. Well...first time in a while have I actually seen another equine...or two, she thought, glancing at her laser rifle to make sure it was charged, then leaned against a nearby motor carriage, moving her hooves inward fetally to minimize her body area and keep herself from being noticed.


After several minutes of waiting the voices were steadily more audible. "Let's just focus on getting the booty...I mean, bounty," one of them said. She tilled her ears in confusion. "Oh, y'all can focus on this booty all y'all want, just don't go breakin' yer face or anythin' because of it," another responded.


They don't sound like raiders... Allie thought, remaining in place. She sighs and breathes slowly, waiting for them to pass.

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@@Gamer_KM, @,


Redwood stopped in her tracks and put her hoof out to stop Gizmo as well. "Did y'all see that?" She thought that she had seen movement somewhere by the road ahead, but she couldn't be sure. This was hostile territory as far as Redwood was concerned though, and that meant she had to stay on her guard.

Edited by crispy fries
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A brief smile flashed his facial features for a microsecond before he composed himself again. "Speaking of friends and family, not all is lost. Lupus is in the hospital and should feel well enough in a couple hours. One of my best friends is a doctor there so he's in good hooves i assure you. I know a good bar around the corner, we can refresh over some ale and visit him later. I would hate to leave until I knew that he was at least okay. I saw him in the emergency ward in pretty bad shape earlier.  I think he'd be willing to accompany us in our little trip," he said, "Besides, after wrestling that alligator the other day. I am willing to wait a bit before I head back out in the wasteland. That is if your okay with that anyway?"

So, Lupus is here, Kronos thought, So I'm not truly alone here. After much self-deliberation, he said, "Fine, I'll go for a drink. Then I'll try to find my friend again." He then pointed his sword at the pony,p and threatened, "But if this is some sort of setup, I'm slicing you and any other pon down who tries to fuck me over, got it? And if you think I haven't done anything like that before, talk to some living raiders who I spared and forced to watch as I gutted their dirtbag friends open while they were still wide awake and able to feel. I can still hear their screams of agony and fear in my head."
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So, Lupus is here, Kronos thought, So I'm not truly alone here. After much self-deliberation, he said, "Fine, I'll go for a drink. Then I'll try to find my friend again." He then pointed his sword at the pony,p and threatened, "But if this is some sort of setup, I'm slicing you and any other pon down who tries to fuck me over, got it? And if you think I haven't done anything like that before, talk to some living raiders who I spared and forced to watch as I gutted their dirtbag friends open while they were still wide awake and able to feel. I can still hear their screams of agony and fear in my head."

"Woah, relax my friend. Unless you have ill intentions, I mean you no harm," giving him a temporary expression of disbelief. "I just want to relax...unless you plan on making a mess of the local market, then don't expect me to go down easy either." Keeping a careful eye on his new companion, he began to head toward the Tavern by the Pier. Which actually was it's actual name. "So what is your preferred drink my friend? The first round is on me," he said casually.

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Silverbullet lay in the ruins of an old building...his hooves behind his head, "finally some piece and quiet" he said with a sigh. After a few days of fighting he had managed to put down the three gunners that had left him with minor wounds and very little ammo. Now he could rest with one eye open.

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An explosion...that was the last memory that significantly stuck out as important. Seemingly out of nowhere a projectile was produced from the coast and struck directly at the middle of the boat, producing a thudding boom that deafened my ears and drowned out the screams from the boat's crewman and passengers. A blindingly fierce combination of red and yellow engulfed the ship, the brightness stung at my eyes as if the flames themselves competitively lashed away at my irises. The last words I could remember was somepony yelling at the remaining survivors to abandon ship before I dove into the dark waters below. I awoke with a gasp, as if on instinct I immediately began taking in as much air as my mouth could take. I tried my best to ignore the strange humid warmth of my new environment as I slowly arose from the sand in order to get a better grasp of my situation. I saw the burning remains of the vessel I rode on washed up on the shore, a large gaping hole in the middle of its hull. The words south beach army was crudely painted on the side, notifying me of a possible faction affiliation. I guess the armed and uniformed soldiers eyeing me up the whole trip were a clear enough indicator.

    A uniformed soldier was standing next to me, firing his rifle in quick burst at the wall like tree formation ahead. Returning fire caused him to duck behind the cover he had, he muttered a curse before noticing I was awake. "Hey! If you want to live grab a gun and start shooting!" He shouted before continuing his onslaught at the enemies hidden behind their organic cover. Not wanting to ask questions I hastily searched for the weapon I remembered having on the boat ride. With a stroke of luck I found my my rifle in front of a dead soldier half buried in the sand, snatching up my cherished zebra rifle I quickly got into cover next to the soldier.

    "What in Celestia's name is going on here!?!" I shouted at the soldier. He paused to look at me, probably wondering why a zebra would ever mention the name of one of Equestria's pre-war rulers.  

    "We got attacked on our way to port, as soon as our ship reached the shore these assholes began firing on us. I don't know who they are but they've killed enough of my men to show they know what they're doing. I hope your striped hide knows how to use that gun, cause you got two options right now, fight or die!" Without a response or way to ask a question without risking death I simply grasped my rifle and aimed it at the tree line. Peeking through my scope I saw the muzzle flashes of our attackers. With a deep breathe I estimated my attacker's location and squeezed the trigger, releasing a three round burst from my rifle. I expected my shot to miss but was confirmed when a pony scrambled out of the forest trying to extinguish the flames engulfing his body. The flaming pony's death had caused our attackers to fire less and eventually stop firing at all, it took awhile but the battle had been declared over much to the relief of the boat survivors. After the battle the soldier besides me simply stared at me and my weapon. "That is one scary rifle," the soldier simply said to me before walking off to evaluate the situation.

    I sat on my haunches and took a deep breathe, my heart still racing due to the daring situation a few moments ago. I disliked killing, especially when I had to use the rifle dreadfully stapled with the name of my race. It was however the most effective weapon I had and its rarity made sure I kept it. Trying to forget the pony's screams I hadn't noticed the soldier walk up to me. "Nice shooting for a stripey chump, shame our trip din't go exactly as planned and that goes for all of us. Normally I wouldn't help strangers, but our boat got you involved with a foreign conflict and you pitched in when you didn't have to. The best I can do for now is escort you to town, you up on that offer ma'am?" The soldier calmly explained to me.

    "I'll take you up on that offer, but aren't you worried these guys might attack again?" I asked, ignoring the stallions misinterpretation of my gender.

    "From raiders to mutated creatures we get attacked often, as for now they're gone. It's best to not worry about it until it happens cause its just inevitable at this point. C'mon, the town aint to far off from here," the soldier explained in a surprisingly dismissive manner. Not wanting to stick around the shore I followed the soldier and his fellow troops to the town. 

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Gizmo Squinted ahead of them, "I can't see shit caption" He said, He Bought up his EFS, "OK if that's you..." There was a Tick lined up with a burnt out carriage. "Then who's that..." He said, He stepped softly. his EFS always had a bug of not telling him if a thing was hostile or not. If he had the parts or the time he would fix it.....He walked closer his horn ready to pull his sword at any moment.


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@@Gamer_KM, @,


Redwood slowly approached the car with her shotgun drawn, but before she could reach it something else caught her attention. The area right next to the road was flooded, and Redwood could hear a low growl coming from the water.


She looked over and saw a pair of eyes that clearly belonged to animal, and a big one at that. Without hesitation she took off sprinting in the other direction.


"Gizmo, get yer ass in gear!" yelled Redwood.


A massive alligator nearly the size of a bus erupted from the water, and it was hungry. It easily shoved aside the car that Allegory was hiding behind, and opened its mouth to reveal a menacing set of jagged teeth.

Edited by crispy fries
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With a sigh, silverbullet rose from the ground...he couldn't sleep not in an area like this...especially when every hired gun was out to get him. "Might as well keep moving, I don't want to get caught in another firefight," he said, drawing his revolver out of its holster. He stepped outside and looked around, no trouble sat outside, he moved quickly and silently in the shadows. He took time to scavenge as much as possible...only finding 6 rounds for his revolver and a dead scavenger, already looted. He left the small deserted town before leaving the road, it was the most dangerous to him...he was out in the open, but when away from the road he could stay hidden. He tread on.

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"Woah, relax my friend. Unless you have ill intentions, I mean you no harm," giving him a temporary expression of disbelief. "I just want to relax...unless you plan on making a mess of the local market, then don't expect me to go down easy either." Keeping a careful eye on his new companion, he began to head toward the Tavern by the Pier. Which actually was it's actual name. "So what is your preferred drink my friend? The first round is on me," he said casually.

I really want to say that my liver works TOO well to get drunk, Kronos thought, But I don't wanna be rude to this guy. I still need to keep my guard up, nevertheless, no matter how trustworthy he seems. "Okay," Kronos replied, "I'll bite. I'll take a nice, old fashioned Moonshine mixed with some Pegasus Whiskey. That'll really hit the spot. By the way, you said that my old friend, Lupus, was here not too long ago. I was wondering if there's any possible way to still, you know, see him after we have ourselves a drink."

Edited by Kronos
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I really want to say that my liver works TOO well to get drunk, Kronos thought, But I don't wanna be rude to this guy. I still need to keep my guard up, nevertheless, no matter how trustworthy he seems. "Okay," Kronos replied, "I'll bite. I'll take a nice, old fashioned Moonshine mixed with some Pegasus Whiskey. That'll really hit the spot. By the way, you said that my old friend, Lupus, was here not too long ago. I was wondering if there's any possible way to still, you know, see him after we have ourselves a drink."

Some time later...


"So you are wondering why I lead you here aren't you?" He said taking a sip of his ale. "Thing is I am known around here and you aren't. I have to protect myself even if I am capable of defending myself," taking a look from the corner booth that they occupied. "They have eyes and ears everywhere. Even in the SBA itself. So here is what I will do. I will head home and leave town out of the western gate within the hour. The hospital is just off the Pier, you can't miss it even if your blind. The screams are common place. If Lupus is capable, bring him. You'll need it. Otherwise, trail me but don't make contact. I will lead you to a bar that is commonly known to host many Gator Tooth individuals including this bounty. You will be noticed. Trust me. Whatever happens now is up to you." With that, he got up and motioned to the bar keep and paid his tab and left.

Edited by Sriracha
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@@Gamer_KM, @,

Redwood slowly approached the car with her shotgun drawn, but before she could reach it something else caught her attention. The area right next to the road was flooded, and Redwood could hear a low growl coming from the water.

She looked over and saw a pair of eyes that clearly belonged to animal, and a big one at that. Without hesitation she took off sprinting in the other direction.

"Gizmo, get yer ass in gear!" yelled Redwood.

A massive alligator nearly the size of a bus erupted from the water, and it was hungry. It easily shoved aside the car that Allegory was hiding behind, and opened its mouth to reveal a menacing set of jagged teeth.

Silverbullet had lost track of far and how long he had been traveling by the time he heard a voice crying out.


"We'll might as well see what's going on" he said heading towards the source quietly. He managed to find the cover of a dead bush and peaked over to see what was happening. By the looks of it it was two ponies, a mare and a stallion fighting, more like running from a gator, one of the biggest he had seen in awhile, although he had only been here for a week, he had ran into a few gators, so he was used to dealing with then or avoiding them, but he stared at the two as he slowly aimed his revolver at the gator. He pulled the trigger and fired the first shot.

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Some time later...


"So you are wondering why I lead you here aren't you?" He said taking a sip of his ale. "Thing is I am known around here and you aren't. I have to protect myself even if I am capable of defending myself," taking a look from the corner booth that they occupied. "They have eyes and ears everywhere. Even in the SBA itself. So here is what I will do. I will head home and leave town out of the western gate within the hour. The hospital is just off the Pier, you can't miss it even if your blind. The screams are common place. If Lupus is capable, bring him. You'll need it. Otherwise, trail me but don't make contact. I will lead you to a bar that is commonly known to host many Gator Tooth individuals including this bounty. You will be noticed. Trust me. Whatever happens now is up to you." With that, he got up and motioned to the bar keep and paid his tab and left.

Kronos waited for a few minutes after the colt took off before starting to trail him. He looked around and got up to subtly follow without making it too obvious. He went over to the Pier to the hospital he was told about to visit Lupus first. When he got there, he checked room after room until he saw what looked like Lupus. He decided to wait on in there for a while for his friend.

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Kronos waited for a few minutes after the colt took off before starting to trail him. He looked around and got up to subtly follow without making it too obvious. He went over to the Pier to the hospital he was told about to visit Lupus first. When he got there, he checked room after room until he saw what looked like Lupus. He decided to wait on in there for a while for his friend.

Dr Winthrop was checking up on some patients and headed for her 30 minute break when a strange-looking pony walked in and seemed to be wandering the halls until he settled in Lupus's room. Quickly motioning one of the SBA guards, she approached him fearing the worst."Excuse me, but I don't think your authorized to be here. Where is your visitor badge?" She asked curiously. The guard's look of boredom finally looked hopeful as he cheered on the thought of having something to do other than watch people all day. Two more approached from the other side of the hallway anticipating trouble.

Edited by Sriracha
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Dr Winthrop was checking up on some patients and headed for her 30 minute break when a strange-looking pony walked in and seemed to be wandering the halls until he settled in Lupus's room. Quickly motioning one of the SBA guards, she approached him fearing the worst."Excuse me, but I don't think your authorized to be here. Where is your visitor badge?" She asked curiously. The guard's look of boredom finally looked hopeful as he cheered on the thought of having something to do other than watch people all day. Two more approached from the other side of the hallway anticipating trouble.

Kronos noticed the doctor and her three guards coming up. Oh, boy, he thought, trouble. That means incoming excitement. He had his claw on the hilt of his Chansword, readying for upcoming trouble. Then, he remembered why he came here in the first place. "Guys, wait," he told them, "I'm just here visiting a friend."
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"Please understand, but under the circumstances. Do check in next time and one of our nurses will guide you. Our trouble with the Gator Teeth cannot be dismissed," She walked to a nearby desk tossing him a visitor's badge. "I ask that you'll hand over your arms until your visit here has terminated. You can retrieve them later at our security office." With that a guard approached Kronos with disappointment evident on his features. Nevertheless, he remained professional. "Weapons please sir. Our office is down the hall by the entrance. We will store them there securely until your departure."

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Kronos noticed the doctor and her three guards coming up. Oh, boy, he thought, trouble. That means incoming excitement. He had his claw on the hilt of his Chansword, readying for upcoming trouble. Then, he remembered why he came here in the first place. "Guys, wait," he told them, "I'm just here visiting a friend."

"Please understand, but under the circumstances. Do check in next time and one of our nurses will guide you. Our trouble with the Gator Teeth cannot be dismissed," She walked to a nearby desk tossing him a visitor's badge. "I ask that you'll hand over your arms until your visit here has terminated. You can retrieve them later at our security office." With that a guard approached Kronos with disappointment evident on his features. Nevertheless, he remained professional. "Weapons please sir. Our office is down the hall by the entrance. We will store them there securely until your departure."

Lupus awoke to see his friend Kronos standing a few feet away from the bed he was lying in, he had been having a pleasant dream in which he was back in Ponyville with his parents, it was a memory of the day before the first Mega-Spell hit, the last happy day of his life. At first, he didn't entirely believe what he was seeing.


"Kronos? Is that you?"

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Lupus awoke to see his friend Kronos standing a few feet away from the bed he was lying in, he had been having a pleasant dream in which he was back in Ponyville with his parents, it was a memory of the day before the first Mega-Spell hit, the last happy day of his life. At first, he didn't entirely believe what he was seeing.

"Kronos? Is that you?"

After reluctanly relinquishing his weapons, he turned to see his friend was finally awake. "Lupus," he exclaimed excitedly, "Dude, it's good to see you. I wanna hug ya, but i dont wanna crush ya. Hehe. What brings you around these parts, eh? Me, I'm just drifting around and happened to come across this place." He then leaned closer to him and whispered, "Plus, I met this really cute gal who i think is from this part of the Wasteland. Went along with her on a bounty hunt and i was thinking of bringing you along."
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After reluctanly relinquishing his weapons, he turned to see his friend was finally awake. "Lupus," he exclaimed excitedly, "Dude, it's good to see you. I wanna hug ya, but i dont wanna crush ya. Hehe. What brings you around these parts, eh? Me, I'm just drifting around and happened to come across this place." He then leaned closer to him and whispered, "Plus, I met this really cute gal who i think is from this part of the Wasteland. Went along with her on a bounty hunt and i was thinking of bringing you along."

Lupus sat up and responded.


"Well, I'd love to join you, but I have some things here that I need to take care of. Actually, they're what got me in this bed in the first place."


He started speaking like he was narrating a story.


"It all started back when I emerged from the Stable and went to investigate Ponyville. I found the library, and had regretted doing so, when I found an old book that spoke of an artifact of unimaginable power. Thought most of the page was missing, I gained some basic information and its name. The Alicorn Amulet. So over the past few months I've gained the knowledge of its location, turns out its right here in this settlement. And the reason I'm searching for it is, I want to use it to find out what happened to my parents. You know, those unanswered questions that nag at you day and night. I just want to know..."


He remained silent after that.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Lupus sat up and responded.

"Well, I'd love to join you, but I have some things here that I need to take care of. Actually, they're what got me in this bed in the first place."

He started speaking like he was narrating a story.

"It all started back when I emerged from the Stable and went to investigate Ponyville. I found the library, and had regretted doing so, when I found an old book that spoke of an artifact of unimaginable power. Thought most of the page was missing, I gained some basic information and its name. The Alicorn Amulet. So over the past few months I've gained the knowledge of its location, turns out its right here in this settlement. And the reason I'm searching for it is, I want to use it to find out what happened to my parents. You know, those unanswered questions that nag at you day and night. I just want to know..."

He remained silent after that.

Kronos sucked in some air through his teeth. "Eeee, you sure you wanna go after that artifact, dude?" he asked his friend, "Remember, I'm a 1500 year old pre-war relic myself. I know a thing or two about pre-war items so trust me when I say this: be careful with the Alicorn Amulet. I know you have good intentions for using it, but be mindful of the fact that the Alicorn Amulet is imbued with a great, unimaginable power, but that power comes at a dire cost to its user." Edited by Kronos
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Kronos sucked in some air through his teeth. "Eeee, you sure you wanna go after that artifact, dude?" he asked his friend, "Remember, I'm a 1500 year old pre-war relic myself. I know a thing or two about pre-war items so trust me when I say this: be careful with the Alicorn Amulet. I know you have good intentions for using it, but be mindful of the fact that the Alicorn Amulet is imbued with a great, unimaginable power, but that power comes at a dire cost to its user."

This alarmed Lupus.


"I didn't know that, what kind of cost?"


'Dang I should have known that if it was the kind of thing that Twilight would take away it had to be dangerous. What was I thinking? But I can't just stop, those raiders were chasing me because they knew that I know where it is. If I don't find it, they will. And I doubt that they have any good intentions for it.' He thought.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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This alarmed Lupus.

"I didn't know that, what kind of cost?"

'Dang I should have known that if it was the kind of thing that Twilight would take away it had to be dangerous. What was I thinking? But I can't just stop, those raiders were chasing me because they knew that I know where it is. If I don't find it, they will. And I doubt that they have any good intentions for it.' He thought.

"Well," Kronos explained, "From what I've observed and read about the Alicorn Amulet, the artifact does indeed grant any singular pony the power of an alicorn, however it's limited to the species that you are--although in your case, since you're an alicorn already, it will amplify your power to an indefinite degree. However, the seemingly unlimited power granted by the Amulet comes at the cost of losing control of one's actions. You see, the Alicorn Amulet is imbued with great magic power, but is also cursed by the souls of those who dared to use it for malevolent and benevolet purposes alike. It causes the user to lose all control of their actions. They become corrupted as soon as they waer it and the Amulet's control slowly overtakes control of the user. Suddenly, the host starts to perform and attempt to finish the ambitious and mostly atrocious deeds of the previous owners or the Amulet just writes its own agenda and forces its user to annihilate anything in sight. However, there is a way to break the curse of the Amulet: simply remove the Amulet from the user. That's where the second downside comes in. You see, only the wearer of the Amulet can both equip and remove it. Once it's around a pony's neck, said pony equipped with the Amulet must overcome the ambitions of the trapped souls within the Amulet to remove it themselves. Otherwise, the Amulet will have to be removed from your skeletal remains. I know that that sounds like a lot to take in, but think over this information on the Amulet before trying to find it." Edited by Kronos
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"Well," Kronos explained, "From what I've observed and read about the Alicorn Amulet, the artifact does indeed grant any singular pony the power of an alicorn, however it's limited to the species that you are--although in your case, since you're an unicorn already, it will amplify your power to an indefinite degree. However, the seemingly unlimited power granted by the Amulet comes at the cost of losing control of one's actions. You see, the Alicorn Amulet is imbued with great magic power, but is also cursed by the souls of those who dared to use it for malevolent and benevolet purposes alike. It causes the user to lose all control of their actions. They become corrupted as soon as they wear it and the Amulet's control slowly overtakes control of the user. Suddenly, the host starts to perform and attempt to finish the ambitious and mostly atrocious deeds of the previous owners. However, there is a way to break the curse of the Amulet: simply remove the Amulet from the user. That's where the second downside comes in. You see, only the wearer of the Amulet can both equip and remove it. Once it's around a pony's neck, said pony equipped with the Amulet must overcome the ambitions of the trapped souls within the Amulet to remove it themselves. Otherwise, the Amulet will have to be removed from your skeletal remains. I know that that sounds like a lot to take in, but think over this information on the Amulet before trying to find it."

Lupus was shocked upon hearing this.


"Yikes, that does sound horrible, I may need to rethink my plan. But I still need to find it, I've got a group of raiders hot on my tail who are also searching for it. And I can't let them get it first."


With that, he got out of the bed and grabbed his battle saddle and the bags that attached to it and put them on.


"I'll see you around Kronos, but please, don't try to stop me."


Having said that, he exited the building, thanking the doctor on his way out.

Edited by Damien & Flash

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Lupus was shocked upon hearing this.


"Yikes, that does sound horrible, I may need to rethink my plan. But I still need to find it, I've got a group of raiders hot on my tail who are also searching for it. And I can't let them get it first."


With that, he got out of the bed and grabbed his battle saddle and the bags that attached to it and put them on.


"I'll see you around Kronos, but please, don't try to stop me."


Having said that, he exited the building, thanking the doctor on his way out.

"Good luck, old friend," Kronos said to Lupus as he left, "And may our paths cross again sometime in the future." 


Damn, he thought, Lupus MUST make haste for that amulet. If there are also Raiders looking for that damned relic, who knows what havoc they'll wreck once they realize the power it'll grant unto them. 


When Lupus left, he went up to the doctor to pick up his items before exiting the hospital.


"I'm just about to leave," he said to the doctor in a somber tone, "I wish to pick up my items."

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"Good luck, old friend," Kronos said to Lupus as he left, "And may our paths cross again sometime in the future." 


Damn, he thought, Lupus MUST make haste for that amulet. If there are also Raiders looking for that damned relic, who knows what havoc they'll wreck once they realize the power it'll grant unto them. 


When Lupus left, he went up to the doctor to pick up his items before exiting the hospital.


"I'm just about to leave," he said to the doctor in a somber tone, "I wish to pick up my items."

Upon exiting the building, Lupus Sat down and grabbed the special key to remove his PipBuck.


"Alright Sheila, let's get you all fixed up so I can find that thing before those raiders do."


He sat there, completely focused on the task at hoof, re-attaching various components and 're-connecting wires, occasionally stopping to grab a replacement piece from his bags, until after about an hour, his PipBuck was good as new.


"There you are, back in tip-top shape again." He said as he put it back on his fore-leg.


"Alright Sheila, bring up the map."


She did so right away, with the path he had been navigating already open. "Let's go."


He started off into the town, but unbeknownst to him, three shady individuals were following.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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