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OOC: Warrior Cats RP OOC (open for all)


((Dusk. Greenleaf.))


Kitestar bounded up onto the Highrock and called a clan meeting. Cats spilled into the centre of the camp, hurrying from their dens to gather around their leader. Her tail swayed nervously from side to side, as she awaited the arrival of the last couple of senior warriors. It had been a while since she had had to call a meeting.

Once everyone had gathered in chattering groups, Kitestar silenced them as she began her announcement. "Thunderclan..." she began. "The dawn patrol have informed that Shadowclan have been scented in our territory." Anxious mumbles rippled through the crowd. Kitestar faltered slightly, then glanced at her newly appointed deputy and picked up where she had left off. "You all must be more alert when training and patrolling, and for safety reasons you shall all travel in groups of at least five. If you spy a Shadowclan party on Thunderclan territory... well, you know what to do," she smiled at her clan and they nodded, vaguely amused. "Chase them out! And if they attack, fight back as best you can and be very careful. Report it to me afterwards." Kitestar dismissed the clan with a flick of her tail.


Featherfur returned to the Windclan camp victorious, proudly carrying a fat rabbit and a mouse. He dropped them onto the fresh-kill pile, then turned to his young apprentice as she delivered yet more food to the elders. Today had been a good day for hunting.


Moontail slept soundly in her den, then was interrupted by the pitiful mewing of the injured kit she had been taking care of. She sighed, got to her paws, and padded over to the young cat. He gazed up at her, then glance down at the scratch on his leg. Moontail rolled her eyes. "It's not that bad," she meowed scornfully. The wound had almost healed now, but as she ordered the kit to get to his feet he stumbled and limped. "Come on." Moontail said, and she helped the young tom make his way back to the nursery. His mother rushed to the entrance and took him inside the den, respectfully nodding her thanks to the Riverclan medicine cat.



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Slumberfur yawned and peacefully walked into hearing distance from his leader who had called clan to meeting, he had just waken up from nap before the call. He listened precisely what Kitestar had to say in case of new orders and after dismiss started to walk around the camp, he has been hunting with few apprentices earlier and was now guarding the camp.


He didn't like the idea about traveling in groups of five or more because he didn't enjoy company of other warriors but orders were orders and he would never break them as long as it was under his own control.

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@@The Cerberus @@Pripyat Pony Kitestar leaped down from the highrock and saw Slumberfur still roaming the camp. She looked over to her deputy, Poppyfur, and then approached the tom. "Slumberfur," she began. "Sparrowwing's kits are now almost six moons old. I've decided that I would like you, Rosepatch and Greynose to take them on as apprentices." She offered carefully. She knew Slumberfur was loyal to Thunderclan entirely, and was dedicated to his warrior duties, but she wondered how he, considering his slightly drowsy nature, would handle taking on an apprentice. "When you go back to the Warriors' den, tell the others," she added. She considered his kittypet past, then shook her head. 'That wouldn't possibly make a difference,' she thought.

Edited by Wolves



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Showing full respect Slumberfur turned facing Kitestar "Roger, I will teach my experience and skill forward by best of my abilities." He nodded  "And I will inform Rosepatch and Greynose too" He was glad to get his own apprentice, he enjoyed practicing with apprentices now and then and he had wanted own apprentice since he had become a warrior... even that it meant less naps. 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@@The Cerberus "Thank you, Slumberfur!" Kitestar said with a purr. "Now I must decide who will mentor each apprentice..." She lowered her gaze to the ground and thought hard about each kit and their strong and weak points. She nodded to herself and then dismissed Slumberfur. She went to pick up a plump vole from the prey pile, then walked to the outside of her den and began eating. The last patrol of the day was just heading out.


@@P-Jay Featherfur roamed the Windclan camp idly, swaying his tail back and forth. He was developing a slight bellyache and decided to go and see Redear, the Windclan medicine cat, before it got any worse. He walked to the medicine cat's den and called to her.

Edited by Wolves



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 Slumberfur nodded when dismissed and continued his guard. After checking camp's surrounding area and not finding anything unusual he went to the Warriors' den "Rosepatch and Greynose, Kitestar asked me to inform you that we are getting apprentices soon, Sparrowwing's kits are soon old enough." After announce he turned back out and continued checking few close by areas.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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Featherfur roamed the Windclan camp idly, swaying his tail back and forth. He was developing a slight bellyache and decided to go and see Redear, the Windclan medicine cat, before it got any worse. He walked to the medicine cat's den and called to him.


When he poked his nose into the den, a permanently-bristled, rust-colored fur laid a few mouse-tail-lengths inside. The stillness of Redear's body broken only by the slow rising and falling of her chest...


She snorted once, waking up, and turning to look at Featherfur with slit pupils. Almost immediately, a warning growl was heard from the depths of her throat.


She spoke with venom dripping off her words.


"What, what was so important you had to interrupt my nap?!" She hissed, looking over Featherfur's body with a keen eye, scouting for injury... 

Edited by P-Jay


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@@P-Jay Featherfur's eyes widened and his brows furrowed at Redear's ill-tempered reply. A faint growl rumbled in his own throat, but he spoke back calmly. "I apologise, Redear," he explained. "I'm developing a stomach-ache, is all. I came here to ask for medicine to prevent it from becoming any worse." He stepped further into the den, treading carefully.



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Featherfur's eyes widened and his brows furrowed at Redear's ill-tempered reply. A faint growl rumbled in his own throat, but he spoke back calmly. "I apologise, Redear," he explained. "I'm developing a stomach-ache, is all. I came here to ask for medicine to prevent it from becoming any worse." He stepped further into the den, treading carefully.


She rose, her fur still bristled. "Is that it?" She seethed, stalking towards her stores. One could notice that her claws unsheathed, when he growled back at her...


"A bellyache? Is that really why you interrupted my nap? Couldn't you just tough it out?" 


She was shifting through her berries, hooking a claw in a small pile of mallow leaves, and tossing it his way. "Eat those. And don't bother me again unless you are on Starclan's doorstep, understood?" 


Redear, the eldest cat of Windclan, Medicine Cat since as long as anyone can remember, always had a nasty attitude towards others. Exactly why, was unknown--but it was a widely known fact that one was not to trifle with her. She spent most of her time sharpening her claws, after all...


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@@P-Jay "I just didn't want my stomach ache to get any worse, that's all," Featherfur replied, a slight growl tainting his voice. "Anyway... thank you. I apologise for disturbing you." He nodded with full respect, then, slightly hurriedly, he left Redear's den and headed towards the Warriors' den. He ate the mallow leaves reluctantly, then got up and selected a chaffinch from the prey pile.


The final patrol of the day arrived back to the Thunderclan camp. Kitestar observed the group of warriors and apprentices as they took their meals and settled in their dens. She soon retreated into her own den.



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When final patrol arrived back, Slumberfur was also finishing his little checkup patrol, he took mouse from the pray pile and made his way to Warriors' den. "All good around the camp"

He thought as he ate his meal, took nice position and well asleep almost instantly.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@@Wolves, Poppyfur had listened intently to Kitestar's talk, then after dismissal, had gone on a patrol around the camp. All was as it should be. Poppyfur was new in her job as Kitestar's deputy, the previous deputy Greytail having been killed in a battle and who had been Poppyfur's mentor. The red cat always tried to do her job perfectly, despite feeling a bit shy still around the Thunderclan leader. She took a rabbit kitten from the pile of fresh kill before beginning her stint as a sentry; no cat would come near the Thunderclan territory without her giving the alarm.



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"I just didn't want my stomach ache to get any worse, that's all," Featherfur replied, a slight growl tainting his voice. "Anyway... thank you. I apologise for disturbing you." He nodded with full respect, then, slightly hurriedly, he left Redear's den and headed towards the Warriors' den. He ate the mallow leaves reluctantly, then got up and selected a chaffinch from the prey pile.


The final patrol of the day arrived back to the Thunderclan camp. Kitestar observed the group of warriors and apprentices as they took their meals and settled in their dens. She soon retreated into her own den.


"You're a warrior, aren't you? Tough it out next time. I got better things to do..." Redear muttered, curling back up in her den. 




Meanwhile, Rye smirked to himself as he watched the Thunderclan patrol pass by the edge of the forest. He had been observing these cats for quite some time now--and he was confident that he had their pattern memorized. If all was well, then he should be able to...


...Do as he pleased, at least for the next thirty minutes or so.


Strolling into the thick forest, he relished the earthy scent in the air, padding along the ground...What should he do? Hunt? No, he had a vole on the way here...Oh well, a cat-nap would be a sufficient way to burn time. 


He just liked knowing that there was no-one to stop him, as he curled on a rock, beginning to snooze...


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Kitestar finally settled down to sleep, after worrying slightly about the Shadowclan scent in Thunderclan territory.


Featherfur headed to the Warriors' den and curled up the sleep, resting his long fluffy tail nearly over his pale nose. He closed his eyes and soon drifted off to sleep, beginning to dream suddenly of the last gathering.


@@The Cerberus @@Pripyat Pony Kitestar awoke the next morning, yawning and stretching then getting to her paws and padding outside. She greeted her deputy with a friendly mew, then paced around the camp for a while.



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Slumberfur yawned and stretched when waking up, he was last to wake up in the Warriors' den, As usual.


After straightening his fur and stretching he padded out sucking his lungs full of morning air and started wandering around the camp to wake up his leg muscles. 


He greeted Kitestar as he passed by her.

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
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@@Pripyat Pony @@The Cerberus Kitestar nodded politely to Slumberfur, then leaped atop the highrock once she knew everybody was awake. "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather here, beneath the highrock, for a clan meeting!" she called, and awaited the arrival of her clanmates. Three older kits excitedly bounded forward - they knew this was the day they received their apprentice names and were assigned mentors. One was a small, dark tabby tom named Falconkit; the next was a larger, grey she-cat called Ashkit; and the last was an enthusiastic dark grey tom named Darkkit.


@@P-Jay Featherfur woke up with a start. He could not remember what he had been dreaming about, but whatever it was has frightened him - and he was not scared of much... He shook his fur and groomed himself for a short while, wincing as his belly still ached. 'I hope I don't have to see Redear again...' he thought. 'Or I at least hope she is in a better mood.' He chuckled slightly and then poked his head out of the den to be greeted by the bright dawn sunlight. It warned his fur as other Warriors paced the camp; Featherfur spotted the deputy arranging the first patrol of the day. He considered requesting to join them, but his stomach pains convinced him otherwise. He sighed and walked around the camp.



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Sluberfur were already close at the highrock so he just sat down and turned his eyes toward the rock to listen the announcement. He saw three kits coming into meeting too and figured they were the new apprentices. "Soon meant like really soon." He thought himself about getting know that he was getting apprentice just night before.


He remembered how he had arrived to Thunderclan's territory and after little harsh welcoming he had finally became apprentice in the clan and soon enough a warrior. Of course it wasn't same to him as for these kit's who have been born in Thunderclan but he was sure they were at least as excited as he was then.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@@Wolves, Poppyfur politely greeted her leader, before joining the meeting. She felt that she would like an apprentice to mentor, but wondered if Kitestar would assign her one. Poppyfur had become deputy so suddenly, cuz of Greytail's death, so had only mentored two apprentices. Each had been a rewarding experience.



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@@Pripyat Pony @@The Cerberus "Greynose, Rosepatch, Slumberfur," Kitestar began, looking down upon the three warriors in the crowd. "You are all ready to take on apprentices. Ashkit." Kitestar beckoned the young cat up on to the highrock. The new apprentice's jaw dropped as she stared at all of the cats looking at her eagerly. Kitestar smiled and said, "Ashkit... you have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to become an apprentice. From this day forth, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Ashpaw!" Ashpaw smiled shyly, then she was assigned her new mentor: Rosepatch. The two touched noses and then stepped aside, allowing for Falconkit to step up and be given his new name. Greynose was his apprentice. This left Darkkit.

"Darkkit. Until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Darkpaw!" Kitestar said. She glanced expectantly at Slumberfur, whom she hoped she had selected the right apprentice for. The enthusiastic young cat would keep him on his paws, she thought, but she knew Slumberfur would train him well and rewardingly.


Twigblaze blinked open her bright eyes and scanned the Warriors' den. Everyone was awake already, it would seem. She padded out into the clearing, stretching and breathing in the scents if the forest - these smells, however, were tinged with sickness, as the lack of herbs for the medicine cat was taking its toll on Shadowclan.

Twigblaze nodded her head to her leader, Midnightstar, as she trotted over to join the dawn patrol. "Good morning!" she called to Midnightstar.



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Slumberfur touched noses with his dark grey apprentice and they moved aside, Darkpaw was obviously enthusiastic and he had hard time to stay still. Slumberfur watched other apprentices and Darkpaw seemed most energetic from the three. 

He looked at his leader and 'smiled', he was sure it wasn't a coincidence.

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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@@Wolves, Poppyfur sighed with disappointment, but said nothing. She supposed that her leader had her reasons as to not assigning her an apprentice. Perhaps deputies were too busy, or something. There was still a lot for the young deputy to learn.




"Good morning," Midnightstar replied. "Tho, what's so good about it, I have yet to see. Is there any more progress on the lack of herbs in our territory?"



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@@Pripyat Pony @['member=The Cerberus] Kitestar smiled back at Slumberfur, then turned to look at her deputy. She could not help but notice the slightly disappointed expression on Poppyfur's face. Her spirits were suddenly dampened as she consudered that she had possibly made the wrong decision. Kitestar walked over to Poppyfur and said, "I'm sorry I did not give you an apprentice this time..." She thought for a while. "Next time, certainly. Stripepelt's kits are growing up fast." She lowered her gaze to the cold rock she stood upon.


Twigblaze flicked her tail. "I think we are making some progress, yes," she replied. "Hopefully, today's patrols will be able to gather more herbs from Thunderclan territory." Twigblaze wondered how the rival clan would respond to Shadowclan taking herbs from their territory - hopefully, in a time like this, they would be understanding.


Thunderclan's dawn patrol was now leaving the camp, and Kitestar considered joining them. 'Shadowclan have been scented on our territory...' she reminded herself. 'Maybe it would be better to stay here." She glanced at Poppyfur again, then watched the first patrol of the day leave.


@@P-Jay Several minutes later, a young Thunderclan warrior hissed quietly at the unfamiliar loner sleeping in Thunderclan territory. He looked at the other cats in the patrol, and slowly padded closer.



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Slumberfur was considering to go with dawn patrol but decided to first check Darkpaw's skills.

"Aright, Darkpaw follow me." Slumberfur said to young energetic cat that was jumping around him. "Where are we going?"

"Into forest, area close to the camp, we start with little skill test" "So have you heard about The Warrior code?"

"Yes, something about it, although I don't remember everything" Dark grey cat said as he stopped jumping and started go around and around Slumberfur suggesting that Slumberfur was moving slow.  He looked Darkpaw circling around him "Somehow I feel like I'm not taking any naps for a while" 

"So, What do you remember about it?"....


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
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Several minutes later, a young Thunderclan warrior hissed quietly at the unfamiliar loner sleeping in Thunderclan territory. He looked at the other cats in the patrol, and slowly padded closer.


The grey-and-black-spotted, skinny cat turned over in his sleep, with a blissfully unaware expression. His left paw gently making a 'shoo' gesture, as if that action could cause the others to leave him alone.








"Zz...Not now, Can...I'm doin'...Somethin'..." He murmured in his sleep, turning over once more.


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@@P-Jay The patrol edged closer to the loner, as he gestured with his paw in his unaware state of sleep. One curious apprentice padded forward, until he was just two tail lengths away from the grey and black spotted rogue. Then she turned to her mentor, who nodded, signalling the rest of the patrol to rudely awaken the loner with hostile caterwauling and surround him.


@@The Cerberus @@The Cerberus Kitestar said goodbye to Slumberfur as he left the camp to train with his new apprentice, then turned back to Poppyfur to speak with her.

Edited by Wolves



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