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'"Whoever there is, I can smell you!" He wasn't sure if it was cat from Shadowclan or that rogue that apprentice told about, but why would there be lone Shadowclan cat if whole patrol had been sensed in Thunderclan's territory. He turned away and continued. "I just suggest staying in that side!"


Silence. Then a cat stirring on a rock was heard, as a familiar grey-and-spotted cat almost casually walked across the border, to sit directly in front of Slumberfur.


Rye grinned.


"Fuzzy-Wuzzy? Is that you?" He asked, his tail flicking in excitement, "I haven't seen you in forever~! And this is how you greet your 'ol friend Rye?"


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Slumberfur froze when Rye walked front of him He didn't first recognize the cat but when he mentioned that name he knew immediately. "Slumberfur? What..." "hush, Darkpaw"  "Well, it's certainly some time, 12 moons to be exact" "So you were that rogue who I heard about I assume." "What are you doing here, In this part of the forest....Rye?"


He was standing with mixed expression,


He was kinda happy to see his old friend but he was also annoyed by the fact that Darkpaw was with him, he didn't like to be reminded about his past by others because kittypets were looked down upon and he felt like he was looked down upon too due that.


Darkpaw looked at his mentor head tilted.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Slumberfur froze when Rye walked front of him He didn't first recognize the cat but when he mentioned that name he knew immediately. "Slumberfur? What..." "hush, Darkpaw"  "Well, it's certainly some time, 12 moons to be exact" "So you were that rogue who I heard about I assume." "What are you doing here, In this part of the forest....Rye?"


He was standing with mixed expression,


He was kinda happy to see his old friend but he was also annoyed by the fact that Darkpaw was with him, he didn't like to be reminded about his past by others because kittypets were looked down upon and he felt like he was looked down upon too due that.


Darkpaw looked at his mentor head tilted.


"Yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it? As for why I'm here..." Rye's smile somewhat faltered. "I'm looking for someone. It doesn't really matter who, I don't think he's still in here, anyways. Oh, and to be obnoxious to passerby's."




"...Holy balls, is that your kit?" He added as an afterthought, looking at Darkpaw a tad closer. 

Edited by P-Jay


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 "Aright then, looking for someone and the usual" Slumberfur said with sarcastic voice "Just don't be too stupid, here is cats who don't hesitate to kill if you annoy them too much..."


When Rye asked if Darkpaw was Slumberfur's kit they both declined "No" in the one voice. Darkpaw looked at Rye, he didn't like this cat and backed up a little he din't say anything and even if he would have wanted to say something, Slumberfur was already in voice. "He is my apprentice, you know..or, well you don't probably know but anyway. Not my kit."


"Do you know if this someone is part of clan or is he rogue like you?"


Slumberfur now spoke with his normal voice now and he was back to his calm expression.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@@Pripyat Pony @@Summer Breeze Kitestar looked at Willowpaw and her mother, then glanced at Poppyfur. "Willowpaw," she said. "I must assign you a new apprentice, so that you can continue your warrior training as soon as possible despite this sad news." She turned to her deputy and announced that Poppyfur would be the apprentice's new mentor.


The young Thunderclan apprentice who had been a member of the dawn patrol bounded towards the Thunderclan camp, spotting the entrance in the distance.


Twigblaze crept forward, suddenly leaping and successfully catching a plump mouse. "At least there is enough prey," she remarked, and lead the dawn patrol back to the Shadowclan camp. Every cat also carried a mouthful of much needed herbs. She padded back into the camp and greeted Midnightstar with a polite nod, entering the medicine cat den to drop off all of the herbs.


@@P-Jay Featherfur paced the Windclan camp and watched as the dawn patrol returned. They carried some prey with them, dropping it onto the fresh kill pile. The warrior felt his stomach rumble, yet he did not feel like eating anything as of now. "Well..." he thought, finally deciding to head to see the fiery tempered medicine cat. "Looks like I'm going have to see Redear again." He sighed, almost disgustedly, and strode into the den.

  • Brohoof 1



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*Looks down from the tree branch he is resting on and spots some other cats*

"Hey you! I can see you and don't bother trying to fight me you'll end up in my litter box if you do"

*Leaps down from one branch to the other till he gets down*

"Well well fresh meat like yourselves look like you want something I can see the flames in your eyes for power terrain and well it reeks of you in this area so I guess this is the odour of territory well...lemme see let's start with your name always been a good start"


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"Aright then, looking for someone and the usual" Slumberfur said with sarcastic voice "Just don't be too stupid, here is cats who don't hesitate to kill if you annoy them too much..."


When Rye asked if Darkpaw was Slumberfur's kit they both declined "No" in the one voice. Darkpaw looked at Rye, he didn't like this cat and backed up a little he din't say anything and even if he would have wanted to say something, Slumberfur was already in voice. "He is my apprentice, you know..or, well you don't probably know but anyway. Not my kit."


"Do you know if this someone is part of clan or is he rogue like you?"


Slumberfur now spoke with his normal voice now and he was back to his calm expression.


"No, no, it's a kit, right? His name's Can. Because I found him in a Can. Look at creative me." Rye shrugged, "but honestly, it's a small ginger kitten, about five moons old, rouge like me, and last time I saw, he was heading towards the forest." 


"Which isn't that safe for a kitten."


Featherfur paced the Windclan camp and watched as the dawn patrol returned. They carried some prey with them, dropping it onto the fresh kill pile. The warrior felt his stomach rumble, yet he did not feel like eating anything as of now. "Well..." he thought, finally deciding to head to see the fiery tempered medicine cat. "Looks like I'm going have to see Redear again." He sighed, almost disgustedly, and strode into the den.





The dark red-furred cat was once again, sleeping. She woke up, at the sound of pawsteps in her den, looking at Featherfur irritably. 


"...You again?" She asked, getting up with a snort, "what, did you pick a fight with a patrol like a mouse-brain? I don't see you limping, you can't be scratched up too bad..."




Meanwhile, a kitten was wandering around Shadowclan territory, with a confident gait. Looking as if he were on the prowl for a hunt, vainly chasing after leaves as they blew across the marsh...


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@@Wolves,@@Pripyat Pony


willowpaw nodded when kitestar said that she should get a new mentor.  She looked around wondering who it would be. When kitestar said it would be poppyfur willowpaw was happily surprised, poppyfur was the deputy, who wouldn't want a deputy as mentor, and poppyfur was also really kind. 


When the cats started walking away willowpaw slowly walked towards her new mentor to go greet her, she didn't really know her that well after all.

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"I'm afraid that I can't help then, there isn't been any rogue kitts in our territory, you are only rogue spotted in several moons..." Slumberfur paused for a moment  "As far as I know... I'm not leader so I don't hear everything." "But hope you find him, this forest is dangerous for cats so young." Darkpaw was getting impatient, why was Slumberfur so...friendly to this rogue.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Owlheart had been sitting quietly beneath a bit of shade in the clearing, as always, as the Clan meeting took place. His bright amber eyes watched as Willowpaw was assigned her mentor, and then gazed over the other cats as they dispersed.


Many cats liked the daytime, to sun themselves in warm, sunny patches or hunt with the daytime breeze through their fur. Owlheart, however, preferred the night. Calm, quiet and peaceful. He liked sitting in the shade, watching from the shadows, and striking at prey and enemy cats when they least expected it.


It was obvious that, despite being a loyal ThunderClan warrior, he could never truly be rid of his ShadowClan roots.


With the meeting over, he stood up and began walking toward the camp entrance, in hopes of doing some lone hunting.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@P-Jay Featherfur huffed. "Remember yesterday?" he asked, a hint of snark tainting his voice. "I felt sick. I still feel the same, and it's getting worse." He passed further into the den and looked around, awaiting the reply of the ill-tempered medicine cat. He managed to mask his pain well, but in reality his stomach was beginning to ache almost to an agonising extent.


@@Pripyat Pony @@Summer Breeze @@Unicorncob The hurrying apprentice burst through the Thunderclan camp entrance, still unaware of what had really happened when the patrol had approached the rogue. "Kitestar!" he shouted for the leader. She bounded down from the Highrock and addressed the panicked apprentice.

"What wrong?" she asked him, keeping calm. "Where is the rest of your patrol?"

"They came across a rogue!"

Edited by Wolves



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The hurrying apprentice burst through the Thunderclan camp entrance, still unaware of what had really happened when the patrol had approached the rogue. "Kitestar!" he shouted for the leader. She bounded down from the Highrock and addressed the panicked apprentice.

"What wrong?" she asked him, keeping calm. "Where is the rest of your patrol?"

"They came across a rogue!"


Owlheart paused midstep as the apprentice rushed through the camp, taken a bit by surprise. He turned and looked to see him halt in front of Kitestar and yowl about the patrol encountering a rogue.


His eyes flickered with readiness, and he pricked his ears up to listen for his leader's instructions.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I'm afraid that I can't help then, there isn't been any rogue kitts in our territory, you are only rogue spotted in several moons..." Slumberfur paused for a moment  "As far as I know... I'm not leader so I don't hear everything." "But hope you find him, this forest is dangerous for cats so young." Darkpaw was getting impatient, why was Slumberfur so...friendly to this rogue.


Rye rolled onto his back, looking up at Slumberfur. "Well shucks..." He meowed, with that same smirk he'd been wearing for the entirety of the conversation, casting an obnoxious grin at the apprentice. "And I wouldn't worry. Can's been learning from me, he knows a few tricks..."

(which roughly amounts to booping a cat on the nose and sprinting away)

"...So! You're a big scary warrior, with a...Smaller, not-so-scary kit, huh? Sounds bothersome, truly. Why don't you come back to Twolegplace?"


Featherfur huffed. "Remember yesterday?" he asked, a hint of snark tainting his voice. "I felt sick. I still feel the same, and it's getting worse." He passed further into the den and looked around, awaiting the reply of the ill-tempered medicine cat. He managed to mask his pain well, but in reality his stomach was beginning to ache almost to an agonising extent.


Redear huffed. "I remember you waking me up, and bugging me for some herbs, over a bellyache." She replied tartly, looking at him with a sour expression. 


"...You mean to tell me you don't feel better? Well, that could be bothersome..." She muttered, having gone back to her stores, shifting through a few leaves. "Have you eaten anything you shouldn't, lately? And have you been making dirt often?"

Featherfur huffed. "Remember yesterday?" he asked, a hint of snark tainting his voice. "I felt sick. I still feel the same, and it's getting worse." He passed further into the den and looked around, awaiting the reply of the ill-tempered medicine cat. He managed to mask his pain well, but in reality his stomach was beginning to ache almost to an agonising extent.



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@@P-Jay "I began feeling better before I went to sleep," Featherfur explained. "But my bellyache wasn't held at bay for long, I guess." He dragged one paw along the ground tiredly. "I don't recall eating anything that tasted funny or anything lately. And everything else seems quite normal," he said. He then decided to acknowledge the slight headache he also had. "The back of my head also hurts a bit, too. Not sure what it could be..." He was half talking to Redear, half talking to himself. He was glad now that the medicine cat seemed to be acting a little calmer and was being very helpful.



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"Hey! I'm not a kit anymore." Darkpaw hissed, but then end of the sentence caught his ear. "Slumberfur, what he does mean with going back to Twolegplace? And why are you so friendly towards rogue?" Slumberfur looked at his apprentice "I'm surprised that you don't know, I explain later." "even that I don't want to." (thinking)  "Why not no..." "Later!" Slumberfur hissed to Darkpaw causing his apprentice back up few cat lengths.


He turned back towards Rye "Why would I? I have no home there anymore, this is now my home and Thunderclan is my family" "As much as I'm glad to see you again, it's past and that cat is gone." Slumberfur's calmness was gone, he was pissed off, he wasn't angry at Rye nor Darkpaw, it was the situation that made him mad. He was between two fires.

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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*walks calmly into thunderclan territory and sat in the middle of the camp*

"Hello anyone here I got a bargain for the new illness and if you wanna maul me try it and see what happens who knows maybe I can get a exchange in return? "

*Sits and waits patient*


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"Hey! I'm not a kit anymore." Darkpaw hissed, but then end of the sentence caught his ear. "Slumberfur, what he does mean with going back to Twolegplace? And why are you so friendly towards rogue?" Slumberfur looked at his apprentice "I'm surprised that you don't know, I explain later." "even that I don't want to." (thinking)  "Why not no..." "Later!" Slumberfur hissed to Darkpaw causing his apprentice back up few cat lengths.


He turned back towards Rye "Why would I? I have no home there anymore, this is now my home and Thunderclan is my family" "As much as I'm glad to see you again, it's past and that cat is gone." Slumberfur's calmness was gone, he was pissed off, he wasn't angry at Rye nor Darkpaw, it was the situation that made him mad. He was between two fires.


Rye cocked his head, that playful smirk somewhat faltering. "Hey, you'd still got my box to live in. It's nice and comfy there. But whatever..." 


"...And it's sad to know that the Fuzzy-Wuzzy I knew was gone. Really. You were one of the few I could count on..."


"I began feeling better before I went to sleep," Featherfur explained. "But my bellyache wasn't held at bay for long, I guess." He dragged one paw along the ground tiredly. "I don't recall eating anything that tasted funny or anything lately. And everything else seems quite normal," he said. He then decided to acknowledge the slight headache he also had. "The back of my head also hurts a bit, too. Not sure what it could be..." He was half talking to Redear, half talking to himself. He was glad now that the medicine cat seemed to be acting a little calmer and was being very helpful.


"...Fine. Eat this." She tossed a few leaves in front of him--Yarrow. "It'd be best to stay on the safe side, regardless if it was or wasn't something you ate. Eat that outside the camp. Come back when you're done." 


Redear had already turned her back to him at this point, moving to lay down, resuming her meditative-like activity. "Next time, maybe use your brain, about how you go about life."


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Rye cocked his head, that playful smirk somewhat faltering. "Hey, you'd still got my box to live in. It's nice and comfy there. But whatever..."    "...And it's sad to know that the Fuzzy-Wuzzy I knew was gone. Really. You were one of the few I could count on..."


Darkpaw started slowly seeing the whole picture as he listened his mentor and this rogue, He was able to sense Slumberfur's uneasiness.


"12 moons is long time you know..." "We don't have to become enemies...It isn't forbidden to be friends with cats outside the clan....now I just have clan to protect...and new life" Slumberfur's emotions changed fast pace, now he had calmed down and slight sign of sadness was visible as he lowered his head. "And you can still count on me.....as long as you don't make yourself enemy of the Thunderclan."

He meant everything, Rye was still his friend, but he was now Thunderclan warrior and clan was his main priority, and that was something that wasn't going to change.Ever.

Edited by The Cerberus


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@@Unicorncob @@Sunset light @@Summer Breeze Kitestar was shocked to hear the news of a rogue being sighted. This hadn't happened in a while.

"One rogue?" she confirmed. The young apprentice nodded. 'That rogue must have been rather threatening for the patrol to send him back to fetch me...' she thought.

"He was acting... strange..." the apprentice further explained. "I don't know how to describe it, but he was confident. I didn't see anything else, but Duskshine must have thought something was wrong..."

Suddenly, Thunderclan was interrupted by the arrival of another cat. Kitestar hissed, hackles raised. His scent was unfamiliar. Another rogue, she expected. She silently cursed, annoyed at herself and her clanmates for being distracted so easily. Then he made an unusual offer.

"A bargain?" Kitestar asked, approaching him cautiously and beckoning to Poppyfur and another warrior to stand by her side. "For the new illness? What might this be?"


@@P-Jay Featherfur flicked his tail at Redear's remark. "What do you mean by that?" he asked her. "I can't help it that I got ill! It's hardly me in the wrong here. I didn't do anything stupid." He growled and picked up the yarrow, then stalked out of the camp and began to eat the herbs. He grimaced - he didn't find them to be very tasty at all - and swallowed, then got to his paws again. He paced around a little until he felt his stomach turn, and, pressing his large ears flat against his head, he turned away to be sick into a patch of bushes. Coughing and feeling rather nauseous still, at the moment, Featherfur sat down to recover.


Looking out across the plains, Featherfur longed to be out there, hunting with his apprentice or on patrol. The large tom disliked being confined to the camp, but he really didn't feel like going out right now. Hopefully this would not be for long!

Featherfur then headed back into the Windclan camp reluctantly.

Edited by Wolves



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*walks calmly into thunderclan territory and sat in the middle of the camp*

"Hello anyone here I got a bargain for the new illness and if you wanna maul me try it and see what happens who knows maybe I can get a exchange in return? "

*Sits and waits patient*


Owlheart bounded over closer to Kitestar, getting right in the new cat's face. His amber eyes glowered in warning, claws unsheathed.


He kept quiet and still, just keeping his ice-cold glare fixed on the rogue's eyes until Kitestar gave him an order to attack.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Scarlet Omen woke up and squeezed himself of the small hollow of the tree on the lake island.


Well, good morning me. Mmmmm, my, my... I overslept. Too bad. My non-existent clan leader of my non-existent clan will yell at me again...not.


He purred in pure satisfaction while nearly slicing a falling leaf in half with his claws. Perfect hiding spot. No one ever climbed that high on it. The clan leaders were content on staying on the lower branches during the monthly meetings and during the moon cycle, no one even bothered coming here. Plus, all the mixed cat smells of this place masked his own scent that he already was carefully hiding with occasional mud camouflage and use of odorant herbs to wipe out the awful smells. He yawned let his tail twitch. It was a nice day with a gentle breeze coming from the lake. He had to take great care to use the wind direction not to be spotted and successfully avoided every cat so far for three moons. He swiftly jumped down and went towards the border between the shadowclan and the thunderclan. Once in the forest, he climbed the tree and started moving by jumping from branch to branch. It was funny how those furballs never looked up. All the leaves offered perfect hiding spots and it was almost impossible to see him from the ground if he stayed still. Moving more on the lake border, he froze in one of the branches, lazily waiting to see if any cat passes nearby. Sometimes, the useful info could be overheard from some talkative young warriors. But, the tree was nice. And just near enough to the lake to dive in and escape in case of unlikely discovery. He smiled. The thundercats were such a drypaws. They wouldn't be able to follow him, especially when they'll see that he swims toward the centre of the lake. Sitting like that, eyes looking around, an observant apprentice would see for a second the red eyes that stare at him but only for a second, disappearing in the leaves as if it never existed.

Edited by Missklang
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@@Missklang As the sun just began its decent from the sky, Twigblaze lead the second patrol of the day out to fetch yet more herbs for the sick cats, and to check the Shadowclan borders as well as hunt. She crept forward through the dense foliage of the swampy forest when she suddenly picked up an unfamiliar scent in the distance. Padding to the Thunderclan border and gazing around, Twigblaze hushed the chattering apprentices behind her and sneaked forward; following the ever so faint scent. Glancing upward, she swore she spotted a glint of glowing red just across the Thunderclan border, but it vanished in an instant. "Keep an eye out..." she muttered quietly to the cats with her.

Edited by Wolves



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*Stands next to the thunderclan member and faced the other cat grinned*

"Aw what a cute kitty so I might not replace that kitty face off of you beat it scram I haven't made my deal"

*Hisses at the other rogue and scar claw's fur stands on end to make himself look big*


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Scarlet Omen smelled a bit too late the Shadowclan smell and looked down to meet eye-to-eye with a cat looking at where he was from a distance. 


Damn, the wind is feeble, but it was enough for to catch my smell...


He quickly leapt from tree to tree, making sure he wasn't seen and without making a sound. He made a semi-circle around the cat pretty easily since the area was pretty full with long trees. From far up, he took a look at the cat who was still looking towards the Thunderclan territory and the apprentices 4 fox-lengths behind her that didn't quite pay attention. He was already seen a quarter of a moon at the Shadowclan camp by the kitten during the owl incident. So, reviving the rumours would be pretty funny. He swiftly descended the trees right behind the apprentices, making sure that the wind was blowing his way and silently sneaked up and made a tiny noise with his tail, moving the leaves on the ground. The face they made when they saw his red eyes in the bushes was priceless. Silently giggling he climbed a nearby tree and watched what was happening down from afar. The warrior cat must have heard the surprised exclamation of the apprentices as it wasn't too far away

Edited by Missklang
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@@Missklang The apprentices shouted in alarm as they suddenly whipped around to see a pair of red eyes glaring at them, and Twigblaze hissed in alarm. She just spotted the swift rogue leaping back up into the treetops with ease. "Where's he going?" an older warrior asked, looking shocked too. The patrol had quickly lost sight of him, caught up with calming the young apprentices.

"He could be heading anywhere," Twigblaze said. "But I cannot see him anywhere..." She scanned the territory for the red-eyed loner. She finally spied a shadow in a tall nearby tree, focussing not on the younger cats. She had heard the rumours herself, and wondered if this was the mysterious and sometimes thought non-existent cat.



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