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Scare Effect

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twisted blade jumped back but in the process he mad shadow copies of himself to surround silvermoon. "now now little one you got to play nice with your elders." he said as he smiled from ear to ear. "you have to respect! your elders!"he said as all the copies attacked and he himself disappeared into a cloud of dust and went to a tree in the top. and watched the fight.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

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Senlin was close by, but made no move to intervene in the ruckus happening not too far from him. He stuck to the shadows and noticed someone jump up to a tree while clones bearing his appearance fought somepony else. He squinted his eyes and slowly crept his way up the tree just until he was within range to strike. His claws are at the ready; he made no plan to attack but he would be ready should he need to.

"Make one move and I'll knock you off," he said, sizing himself up and readying to bare his claws. "Stop what you're doing and tell me who you are."

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Silvermoon surprised by the creature's powers created his own shadows to hold them off whilst he escaped. He then made out 2 figures in a tree one wasn't familiar but seemed to be on his and Livewire's side as he was holding him hostage, silvermoon smirked.

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@@silvermoon15000, @@EQ_Theta, @,


Live Wire got up and was completely confused by the fight or what was going on that was when she reached into her bag and grabbed a bright blue gem which she threw into the air the gem let off a blinding light that blinded the bandits and their leader taking this moment she grabbed a purple gem and focused on the tour beings with special abilities that were not the Leader and his bandits the gem flash and all four of them were in the Town of Permafrost a town that is constantly buried under a foot of snow.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Astral was walking along in the lush apple forest, enjoying the smell of apples. "Hm." She looked around feeling something off. "Magic, and it feels like-" She wandered in the direction of where the magic was coming from. "-a dead manticore." She said to herself, disappointed that it wasn't something more exciting. "Wait a sec." She looked around, feeling nervous at the fact it felt like there was a powerful magic nearby. "Woah!" she covered her eyes to prevent herself going blind from a sudden bright light, once if faded she looked around to see that cause "What on earth caused that?" She asked herself, then seeing a gem in the air she tracked the gem running over to where it landed. "What is this?" She picked up the gem, another pony running over to her. "Is this yours?" She asked holding up the gem.

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


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Silvermoon shook his head in confusion and felt the newly found cold air, making him shiver. He wrapped himself in his cloak, where was he, better yet why was he with 3 other ponies only one recognizable, Livewire. He looked around at his surroundings, giving him a guess at where they were, Permafrost. He didn't like this place, he also didn't like being around too many ponies, so he took this as his cue to leave. He started to walk away.

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Live Wire saw Silvermoon leaving but she wasn't gonna let that happen, "My friend where do you think your going?" Wire said but held up a hoof and then said "just a sec I gotta get something real quick I will be right back." with that her purple gem glowed once more and she was gone.




Live Wire appeared Behind an earth pony mare holding her Blue gem and a bandit walking towards her, "hello there that gem would be mine." Live Wire said with a smile as her purple gem began to glow, "And I need you to come with me." with that she and the mare teleported to Permafrost.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect, Astral stood there, wonder what the hay just happened. "Wah?" She looked around. "How did we ge- oh right." She sensed the signature magical residue of a teleport. "You can teleport." she turned around to the pony. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked looking around.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


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He sighed, "great, I try to leave and I'm stopped, might as well stay see what she wants," he mumbled to himself turning around, he was happy his hood hid his face or else his expression would be one of misery. He hoped the mare didn't say they should stick together, he didn't need another pony or ponies to be endangered because of him.

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@, @@silvermoon15000, @@EQ_Theta,


"I will answer that and Silvermoon's question at the same time because they are the same I need you two to help me stop an evil tyrant named the Masked King he is the one whose henchman attacked us in the forest." Live wire said she paused to see if there were any questions.

The Masked King watched the pink pony telling the group she was out to stop him and she needed help. "Well let the games begin," He said with a deep evil laughter.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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"So you did know him" Silvermoon said, he sighed, "sadly I can not help I have my own problems," it was partly true he did have his own problems but they could wait, but he wasn't going to be the cause of a groups death. Especially one with a very determined mare in it. Then again until the masked king was dead he wouldn't be able to handle his problem. "You know what Nevermind I will help but after he is dead I'm leaving, got it,"

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@@Scare Effect, Astral was a tad bit confused. "You needed help, so you just grab the nearest and most capable of ponies?" She asked, looking over to the other pony. "and you only grab two? when you want us to fight one of the most powerful of ponies in equestria?!" She yelled her voice echoing through the cold winds. "I don't want any part in this." She said in a huff then walking away.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"yay thank you for helping me stop that evil Tyrant," Live wire said happily then she heard what the mare said about grabbing random ponies and her hoof steps as she walked away but before she could get far Live wire appeared in front of her, "I am sorry if I may have confused you, but I have been looking you and the others for a few years you all share a special connection to magic and it is this connection that will stop the Masked King once and for all."

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect, "I'm not powerful, I'm just a normal pony with no magical powers." She lied, although she wasn't lying about not being powerful. "What do you see in me, that nopony else could match up to?" She said before walking around Live wire. "And as I said, I want no part in this life threatening mission." She added still walking away. "Nor do I have any reason to."

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Scare Effect @Frannis


Silvermoon looked at the other mare, "you know now that the masked king knows you are with her he will be hunting you too, and trust me if he finds you he will make you suffer, I have already ran into him once," Silvermoon pulled his cloak up away from his left forelegs revealing a large scar covered by navy blue fur. He sighed, "but I have no reason to go after him other than that my business is with a different enemy of mine," he tried to stop the mare, he knew now that they were being watched.

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@@silvermoon15000, Astral felt the tell tale magic of a crystal ball, which gave away they were being watched before the other pony said they were. "Woah." She saw the scar, wondering how he survived. "Okay, I will help kill him. but after words you can never ask me to help you again." She said, walking back over to Live wire. "Deal?" She asked putting a hoof out to Live wire.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


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"Deal after this we can go our separate ways," Live Wire said bouncing up and down with glee.





"twisted Blade I need you to go to the village of Permafrost and get rid of the pony called Live Wire she has been recruiting Heroes to put an end to our plans." The King said telepathically to his henchman as he dissipated his viewing magic so he can grab his Blade, " I will meet you there."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect


He paused for a moment, contemplating all of his options, advantages, and disadvantages. Senlin still stayed ready, still keeping his guard up. 

"I will join you, but this isn't my fight. Well, not unless this Masked King will give me reason to make it my fight. Lead the way."

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@@silvermoon15000, @@Scare Effect, Astral awkwardly drew her hoof back, realizing Live wire didn't know she was supposed to shake it. "Yeah I suspect he's watching us to." she casually said. "Is there somewhere where we can stay? it's cold out here." She asked looking around for any signs of settlement.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


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twisted blade nodded and rushed out of the forest. he made metal wings and flew to the snow plains for he did not know how to get to permafrost. however he placed a piece of metal on live wire during their last encounter so he could track them that way. "only a few more days."


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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@, @@silvermoon15000, @@EQ_Theta, @@Scare Effect,


Shining Midnight watched the fight unfold safely from the shadows. When the magic ponies teleported away, he took out his journal and took more notes as to what their powers were capable of. As well as their new enemies' powers. "Fly" He said quietly, and he glided upward into the sky. Feeling the cold blast of air from the teleport, he assumed the magic ponies were somewhere in the frost planes. Using his goggles, he found their position, and decided to finally make an appearance. "Teleport" He uttered, as he appeared next to the group of magic ponies, with his cloak still hiding his appearance. "You ponies require assistance, yes?" He asked as he lowered his hood, showing his blue coat, and dark blue mane, as well as his magic markings and goggles.

Edited by ~ Akatsuki ~

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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@, @@silvermoon15000, @@Scare Effect,  Astral gasped with the sudden appearance of a new pony. "Who are you?" Astral asked, before batting her hoof at him ."You know what, It doesn't matter. what matters is that I get away from the cold!" She said looking around for signs of civilization. "Do any of you know where we can find a place to stay?" She asked gesturing to the rest of them.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@, @@Scare Effect, @, @@silvermoon15000


The arrival of another pony caught Senlin's attention, but he was more concerned about how quickly everything was happening to him and around him. He was confused and was unsure whether he would remain as such but having a foreign appearance and upbringing made him extra cautious about what he does next. Surely courtesy comes with correction so long as it is done with respect. 

"If I may correct you, stranger," Senlin began, "I am no pony." He unfurled his wings, releasing them from the cloak-like shape he positioned them into previously, and tucked them to his sides. He figured he'd let the rest of his more... draconic appearance speak on his behalf. 

"But I digress. Would you know of any inns we could proceed to? Preferably with a side alley filled with discarded boxes?"

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the heroes heard a distinctive laugh echoing through out the place. "well isn't this a surprise live wire you sure are popular!" twisted blade said as he appeared behind live wire with a blade to his throat. "i have orders to kill you and well i hate to say no to suck a blast of a job!" he said pointing with his other hoof to the ground. "guess what! g on guess! oh never mind there is sharp spikes under the ground and if you move ill make sure they kill you all. do your pretty selfs a favor and spare your selves and leave this loser" he said and then laughed again.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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