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Princess Celestia's nose?


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I think she was designed to look more regal and beautiful, instead of cute like most of the other ponies. On the wiki it says Fleur di Lis might have used Lunas design to make her more super model like. I figure that is what they were trying to do with her to; just make her looks more elegant. So I think longer/slimmer makes the beautiful look where rounded/shorter makes the cute look and might signify age to. I could be completely wrong, just what I think. ;)

  • Brohoof 3
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I think she was designed to look more regal and beautiful, instead of cute like most of the other ponies. On the wiki it says Fleur di Lis might have used Lunas design to make her more super model like. I figure that is what they were trying to do with her to; just make her looks more elegant. So I think longer/slimmer makes the beautiful look where rounded/shorter makes the cute look and might signify age to. I could be completely wrong, just what I think. ;)


You do have a point. I like this.


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So it's pretty much opposite... In their world, you're more beautiful if you have a longer nose


It's a mystery. We may have to consult Nostril-damus.


I laughed at this harder than I should have



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If I understand the MLP mythology correctly, Celestia is basically God. So, she can look like whatever the heck she wants to.

Edited by HylianMadness
  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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A little "surgery" can fix that...*cracks knuckles* Edited by Crystal Sparkle

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  • 1 month later...

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Hmmm, not sure. I don't think age or powers can be brought in at all like with the mane thread. Perhaps it was a personal choice of the original designer?


I was on MLP forums and looking for a picture too use, went to google images and clicked that one, brought me back to MLP forums. Google is telling me that ponies are awesome.

  • Brohoof 1


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Cadence's snout also protrudes further than most ponies. However, Luna's is somewhere in between Celestia's and regular ponies.






I find Cadence's snout sometimes look's like a beak due to how pointed it is.


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Alicorns are a rather nosy species, good thing they're not snots though. ;)


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Edited by Pegasus25
  • Brohoof 3


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure it's an alicorn thing, if you notice both luna and cadence have longer noses as well, they are also very tall and are slightly anorexic looking.......


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I for one believe it comes with age, we're all a bit chubby when we're younger, then you see how nice we fill out when we grow older, more definition...or atleast for most of us. I don't think it's just a Alicorn thing as Fleur de Lis sported a more elongate snout, however still maintian/was portrayed as still being younger compared to Celestia.


I personally find this concept of Celestia easier to draw as it actually goes with the flow on the curvature of her face.


Just my two bits though.

  • Brohoof 1
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I kind of picture all ponies looking different anyway and the near-identical body models to be a hardware limitation, so custom sprites don't stand out that much to me. :blink: I doubt there's an in-universe reason for it, other than "she's special so we're distinguishing her this way."

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I used to think that Celestia nose-snout thing was prominent because she is an alicorn (Luna and Cadence also have this facial prominent nose), but if that the case, what can we say about Fleur (she made an appearence in s2 episode "Sweet and Elite")

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She have the same bodytype as Cadence, but she's just an unicorn (although her horn looks bigger from the regular unicorn). Maybe she's another 'type' of unicorn, or just older, but then again I remembered Rarity's mom who is indeed an older unicorn and she has the normal 'cute pony' look.


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SO, in conclusion I say that Celestia is a horse (I suppose horse > pony, taking in considerarion that all of the mentioned before, except for Rarity's mom, live in Canterlot). I also noticed that male ponies have a major diversity in snouts, for example, BIG MAC has a different snout, than Mr. Cake (who looks like a camell to me XD), and Dr. Whooves and Shinning Armor, etc.

  • Brohoof 1


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Its used for extreme poking, its like a flat beak. Possibly a hammer-beak.

I shall name it Mjolnir.


Meh, I would think it was because she's an alicorn and that she is pretty damn massive, therefore she would have to have a different shaped nose in order to keep up regal/ different appearances to the "normal" ponies.

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This snout out to great alicorn noses is still going on? I thought for sure it would have been stuffed up and congested of ideas by now... :o


Luckily, 'snot the case. These puns sure are nothing to sneeze at.
  • Brohoof 3

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