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searching The Elemental Alicorns (Reboot)

Colenso Rivers

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(Roleplay- https://mlpforums.com/topic/154075-elemental-want/)

In recent history the Age of the Sister's Diarchy transitioned into the Age of Want with the Eternity rebellion. A scientific mind, Archaeus Aster, was growing old. He was brilliant, but one thing he could never figure out was the secret to eternal life. Reaching the end of his life, he grew desperate, and then set his eyes on Princess Luna and Celestia. He knew he couldn't convince them to grant him with the gift of eternal life, and so he rallied the majority of Equestria's populace behind them, promising them a place in immortality beside him. During the final stages of the Eternity rebellion, Luna and Celestia shed themselves of their physical forms, and their souls took their place among the stars. The Crystal Empire, feeling the need to protect Cadence, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart encased their royal family in crystal and became warriors to guard the Crystal Empire's most valued assets. None dared enter the lands of the Changelings, for Chrysalis demanded that ponies seen in her territories be brought to them for her to feed her thralls their Vitality instead. Finally, Princess Twilight and the Elements of Harmony were turned to stone by Discord in his secret plot to protect his friends, hidden in the realm of Chaos with him.

Thus became the Age of Want. It has been merely a decade since the Age of Want took place, and Ponykind has degraded into pessimistic and selfish. Very few good hearts remain. The Crystal Empire is untouchable, behind its outward facing walls of crystal spikes. Ponies are in constant search of newfound enemies and rumored Alicorns in disguise. A professional force of Alicorn hunters called the E.A.A.E.F. or the Equestiran alicorn acquisition and elimination force was established, under the command of an unknown pony. The imbalance of all of Equestria did not sit well with some however, some of the most powerful creatures were beginning to suffer heavy losses due to the newfound attitude of ponykind. Therefore, the most powerful of each of the species offered themselves to be turned to spiritual beings, whom would grant their powers to one pony each whom they deemed worthy. The Dragons sent Scorch, a dragon of such ferocious flame and heat that her own body was lined with veins of lava. The last Chimera offered herself, her name being only Last, was brimming with Electricity and the dying verve of the ashes of lightening. The Fairy Queen, Keo Sa'ai Sylvaean offered herself to be the spirit of nature, nurturing and healing. The Wendigos, more powerful than ever, didn't wish to be a part of this, however the Halcyon, the elemental of water, devoured their most powerful being to offer himself as the spirit of water and frost. Minokawa, the massive bird of legend, the only of it's kind, offered its massive form as the wind and air spirit. One being, however, offered his power in order to create a greater imbalance, and to destroy all, convinced that he could rule of the pony whom took his power with great ease, Camazotz offered himself as the chaos and death element.

Now, there are six elemental alicorns out there, being hunted, living for reasons all their own. The have been hunted relentlessly, their loved ones either turning on them or being used as bargaining chips against them. They know not why they have been granted their power, or what they are to do with it, but they are the only hope of returning Equestria to its former glory, or bring it to it's ultimate destruction.

(Just in case violence breaks out, I will give each element an advantage over another)

Fire/Heat Dragon(Weak to Fae)- Ephei Aitherus

Electricity Chimera(Weak to Dragon)- Flash

Nature Fae (Weak to Camazotz)- Summer Breeze

Water/Ice Halcyon (Weak to Chimera)- Amarok Ikuchi

Wind/Air Minokawa(Weak to Halcyon/Wendigo)- Copper Strikes

Chaos/Death Camazotz(Weak to Minokawa)- Twilight Shadow



My O.C.

Name- Amarok Ikuchi (Mythilogical creatures)

Make and model- Male Alicorn

Appearance- Amarok is a tall and slim Stallion, his fur coat of pure white with a silver sheen. His mane and tail are lengthy, straight and black with blue sheen, which he keeps swept and flowing back. His hooves are made from and indestructible black frost. His eyes are Steel blue with midnight blue striations. A white frosty mist constantly flows from his body as long as he chooses not to conceal it. The feathers of his wings are made of long, flattened shards of ice. His connection to water is not physically apparent until rapid movements are achieved such as a quick speeds will pull water from his coat, a quick stop with send forth a burst of water, and flapping his wings will splash water. The reason why his water is not apparent is because all water generated is quickly frozen in order to maintain his solid body components such as bones, fur, feathers, teeth and hooves.
Bio- Amarok was once Cold Ghost, a unicorn developing his magic in the small town of Cyrene falls. However, he lived a long portion of his life without any cutie mark. He decided in order to obtain it, he should embark on a spiritual quest, which led him to a river in the mountains. During this quest, he learned many frost and water based spells, and taught himself bit by bit, the practical knowledge of survival. What seemed like weeks for him, was years to the outside world. He became solitude, and this attracted the attention of the Wendigo, whom quickly attacked him. In this confrontation, he fell into the river, where the wendigo tried to follow him, but only froze him within it. With his will to live, and him already saturating his body with frost and water magic, his body and spirit was infused and graced by the will of ice and water. He climbed from the frozen body of water without so much as marring the ice, completely transformed. At this point, he realized he had nothing left to return to as he was, and so decided it was his lot to travel until he found where he truly belonged.
Cutie Mark- A shard of ice, with cracks which water flows out.
Personality- Amarok is a quiet, and somewhat serious type. He has lost all but the basic social skills, and would rather look deeply inwards than outwards. With that said, he is highly resilient, and hard to trust, not because of his worry of deception, but his lack of confidence in the competence of others. He trusts only himself to do things correctly, and vehemently keeps his guard up against others.

Edited by Colenso Rivers
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Yes.  So much yes.


Can I have my OC, Copper Strikes, in this RP?


Click the link for the EVE version, because it'll be what I'm using.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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You mean Sonic the Pony. Yes. However, unlike last time, I can't be having you being trained under Twilight or anything like that. I want your character to be sorta wondering what they should be doing.

And no to the ridiculous backstory and powers. You would be an elemental alicorn, only giving them the magical power to control the aspects of their element

Edited by Colenso Rivers
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Name: Twilight Shadow


Species: Crepuscular Prenumbra (Shadow Alicorn)


Gender: Female


Age: ????


Apperance: Twilight Shadow is a dark grey Shadow Alicorn with red eyes, her cutie mark is a black smokescreen though you would rarely see it since her body is covered in shadows, its a Species trait. Due to her species, In plain daylight her powers are severely reduced, though with the Death and Chaos Element she can make up her generic weakness though cunning. Her powers are strongest during the night and when the sun is covered by clouds. 


Bio: Long before the Princesses of Light there was a Darkness, and from that Darkness came Chaos. After the Chaos was banished by the princess's of light, this darkness slept. It slept long after the time of Twilight Sparkle, and the knowledge of it became rumor, that rumor became legend, that legend was Forgotten. As Equestria slowly resumed to Chaos the Darkness grew, Before long the Darkness materialized into a form, Twilight had come. Twilight found Camazotz and was delighted that he was also shared her desire for Chaos and Destruction, she was granted the Element of Death and Chaos, She then left to learn about the other possible Alicorns that would be her greatest threat, she could either destroy them or try to harness the power for herself. 

Edited by Ruby Splash
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@@Ruby Splash,

No ancient rite. You may be "the darkness" but Camazotz is an actual god (Even it real mythology) and you simply cannot out power him. Your character may think they have him under control, but in fact you are under his mercy in all cases. 



@@Colenso Rivers,@@Colenso Rivers,

By the way, I want you both to familiarize yourselves with the mythical spirits within you. Research the  mythical creatures, because if you fully become one with the source of your power, you will take on a new form between theirs and yours.

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No ancient rite. You may be "the darkness" but Camazotz is an actual god (Even it real mythology) and you simply cannot out power him. Your character may think they have him under control, but in fact you are under his mercy in all cases. 




We going to start the rp when all positions are filled?

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@@Colenso Rivers


So, I've read some sources of my mythical spirit.  Can I use the super form as the connection between my creature and Copper?

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Colenso Rivers


Alright.  So here's what I can come up with.


When Copper channels his mythical being, his eyes turn a solid white, and his whole body does a physical change, increasing size and height to about Celestia's size, while staying golden.  His wings can create hurricane force winds, and his voice can travel miles.


He can control himself, though.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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I am very much interested in this RP, so much so that I'm inspired to create a new OC just for it! Though, it may take me some time, so could I possibly reserve a spot while I write up their profile? The Nature Fae one, to be specific :adorkable:

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Nice to see that my failed RP 'inspired' others. However, not sure if I want to participate, as I may quickly become inactive again.


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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Alright, here we go!


Element / Spirit:

Nature Fae



Summer Breeze






An elegant alicorn with a slender build. Her coat is a pale greenish-yellow, her wings tapering into green leaf tips. Her mane and tail are a darker emerald green, interwoven with vines and spring flowers no matter the time of year; long, loose, and wavy. Her horn is adorned with a decorative golden ring from which hangs an emerald pendent. Her soft doe eyes are a gentle, soothing violet hue. Her cutie mark is a pastel pink heart with vines looping around.



Summer Breeze was formerly a Pegasus, born in Cloudsdale. But ever since she was young, she had the sense that the sky wasn't where she belonged. Ever since her first trip to the ground surface, seeing nature and plants for the very first time, she was drawn in by it all. She ventured down whenever she had the chance, and eventually when she was old enough to live independently, she moved to a little house in the forest near the outskirts of a friendly little town.


Summer soon discovered the healing properties of certain plants after a kindly zebra mentioned it to her when she had went to the nearby town to buy food and other necessities. Fascinated, she threw herself into the study of herbology, and over the years she learned how to become a natural healer. Having never obtained a cutie mark to this point, in her early 20s, she was sure that this was her calling and it would soon appear.


But, even after she went into town again and helped a sickly pony with her natural remedies, she never did gain that cutie mark. Regardless, she never lost hope. She continued to lend her abilities where she could, healing ponies out of the goodness of her heart. She did everything she could to help ponies, and always offered a helping hoof. And eventually, a certain spirit saw the light in this pony's heart, pure and kind and gentle.


It happened when Summer was out walking in the forest one day. In her peripheral vision, she saw some unidentified figure heading deeper into the forest. A fleeting image that was gone when she looked, but nonetheless it compelled her to follow after. She walked and walked, seeing something time and again, until she was at the heart of the forest. She doesn't remember exactly what happened next, but recounting the tale, she would swear that she saw a beautiful, ethereal creature approaching her just before she lost consciousness.


And it must have been true, for when she came to, she was born anew as an alicorn of nature and healing.


She was startled by the magic she suddenly found herself with, but when Summer eventually adjusted, she decided to stay within the forest, and actually moved to the heart of the forest where the magical event had occurred, crafting herself a house there with materials found in the nature around her. She knew not how others would react if they were to see her, but she feared it might not be all too positive, so she stays where she feels most at home.



Summer is incredibly selfless, to a fault actually, and would gladly reach out to help someone even if it meant putting herself at risk. She has always been the kind and nurturing sort, but she would endanger herself in favor of helping. In her mind, she's not as important as another innocent life.

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Hello Colenso... How are you? If you want to ask back I'm fine. But we already know why I'm here at this moment, don't we? I think I do at least. Though it won't be the same character as last time.


Name: Ephei "Scorched" Aitherus


Gender: Male


Age: About 24 years.


Species: Alicorn (former earthpony but due to outside influences he 


Appearance: Rather short, seemingly his growth had stopped. He still retains the full grown features of a stallion apart from this however. His coat is brownish in spots where it isn't scorched from an intense heat source. His mane is split into two and is that of a grass green colour, his tail is almost completely gone and looks black just by the tip. His left eye is broken it seems because it's pupil narrowed down and his iris went along with it. His eyes are amber coloured. Underneath his body his veins are lightly glowing with a reddish tone, most likely from adaptation.


Bio: When he was a child he was completely normal... Except for the fact that where he lived they had an ancient tradition of offering a pony into a volcano... No one was sure why but it seemingly gave them good growth of food as one year when they didn't nothing grew on the soil at all. This year his sister was getting sacrificed as she fit the requirements best. It was the usual procedure, the whole family along with the leader, or rather the one who is the head at the moment. They were walking upwards the volcano and it was a bit shaky up there, the volcano was quite active this time of year the head said. He had done this 5 times in his life. When they reached the top, or rather the shrine on top of the volcano the head told the mother and father of Ephei to go inside the shrine meanwhile Ephei and his sister were to be outside. This lasted for a bit a minute or two before the head went out. His parents were nowhere to be seen. The head directed both of them to the side of the volcano. Ephei being confused asked the head what was happening, he only responded with 'the ritual' as most people say down in the village. After hearing this he looked at his sister before staring down into the volcano. The head told Ephei to push his sister down as an act of betrayal to please the volcano. He refused, the head knew he would. This happened all the time. So he pushed Ephei closer to the edge with a staff he picked up on the way there and told him he would drop him down if he didn't drop her down and then drop her down himself. Ephei walked closer to his sister crying as instead of pushing his sister he kicked her away with all of his force making her land down quite the bit away from there, but due to the room of which he had to actually do the kick he fell down. Straight down until he landed on a surface just next to the lava. The head thought he had been swallowed by the lava as he couldn't see him, he returned his sister to his parents and they left. However he laid there on a surface inside of the volcano, but to his surprise the surface was cool to the touch. The air wasn't warm as well. He couldn't feel any pain anymore either, it was as if he had died. He then stood up after laying down and feeling the sensations around him, once he stood up he noticed a cave. A cave in which the origin of the cooling air existed. Inside of the cave was a way outside, but on the walls were words. He had learnt reading being one of the ponies who would do trading for the village, he deciphered the text. The text only said that only the ones who risks their lives for whoever they love may leave this place alive. He had already saved his sister and family, the village as well. He loved them all as a family... But he couldn't pass a certain point after the text, the cave just seemed endless... He laid there wondering what he would do as he remembered the volcano. It wouldn't be happy if it didn't get a sacrifice, it'd swallow the village in lava. So he walked over to the edge of the protective place he had gained, once there he thought about his friends as he bid his life farewell while jumping in, but instead of dying he felt the lava around him move away from him, as if it didn't intend to touch or harm him. Once he reached the bottom of the volcano which he thought strange until he saw the origin of the lava. It was a little crack in the floor of the volcano. He went there and as he predicted the lava flow stopped and the lava vanished around him as if it was like hot water. He laid there now, was this how his life would end he thought. But then came a miracle of sorts as his protective sphere changed its form slowly until it was covering just the surface of his body except where the crack was... The only thing was that he didn't feel anything there, no lava or anything. That was until a rush of energy flowed through his body into his veins, it started to burn inside his very being or at least it felt like it. Then it suddenly stopped, the volcano didn't even fill up with lava after he moved away from the crack. But something he didn't realize was that he gained his cutie mark, a cutie mark from this miracle that happened, maybe for his heroic act? Who knows. All he knows is that he could now leave the cave up above, but as the inscription said in the last piece. He could never see his loved ones again, but they would live just as happy as before. Though, he mostly forgot. It's been about 14 years from that moment anyways.


Cutie mark: A crack in the ground with a claw coming out of it and lava coming down as a pony fell from a high above place. Meaning that for the pony's (Ephei) bravery the being who was trapped under the surface could finally ascend his dying mortal realm, granting his powers to the pony.


Personality:  Being raised with the kindness of his mother and father, far away from the chaos, most likely because they're secluded exception for the head and the traders. This is why he tries to act out of kindness to anyone. That is unless they threaten anyone else, even if they're an ally he'll try to reason with them. He also hates how everyone in the outside world thinks hes stupid for hoarding his income instead of investing... But he feel compelled to have it, to stay safe. He doesn't trust others fully once he meets them but it may seem like it.


...This Bio kind of seem ridiculous. Could change it if you want :P


OH YEA! Update, forgot to say which I would like he to be. *drumroll* the fire one... Obviously.

Edited by rolle

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Can I submit Flash as an Alicorn for this RP?





If I need to provide more backstory for this RP I will.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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