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open Anthro Slice of Life Redux


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@@Aurora Lights,


Cindy smiles "thank you, I used to sing this as a duet with S..with Sylvia, she was..the only family I had aside from Nadia and Midnight" she says softly and listens to him play the piano, nodding to it "sounds nice, oh I have an idea, maybe we could do this as a duet someday?" she asks, flipping through her ipod to find the song.



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"And just like that, the Jones soda company of Seaddle has another life long customer.  Why in the blazing blue tarturus am I not being sponsored?' Miko asked rhetorically, before downing the rest of her own beverage. "Let's see, Nightmare night is coming up. We'll probably be getting some seasonal drinks pretty soon."

  • Brohoof 1

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The owner of the stall smiled as he passed the food up to the mare on his shoulders.

"You two are very cute together." He smiled.

Zeke smiled and gave him $10 more than he needed.

"Thank you kind sir." 

He walked as Midnight crunched on her food,

"See anything else you want to go to?"


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She smiles "I'm good dear" she says and yawns a little "So you knew Nadia huh? I guess that's one of the reasons why she wasn't instantly protective of me over you" she says with a soft smile "She's always been so protective of me and Cindy, especially after what happened with S..with Sylvia" she says.


Just then, Nadia smiles as she goes through her photo album and comes across her photos of her and Zeke playing together, she giggles and gets out her phone and finds his number and texts him "Hey Zeke, I thought I recognized you, just going through my photos, you were so cute as a cub, and I couldn't think of any better wolf to be with my little Midnight"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Eh not really my thing Nightmare night, I know too much about what actually happened during the civil war involving the sisters in order for me to really enjoy that night at all, not to mention I kinda scare rather easily so I just tend to spend that night in and play it safe." She then went back to and then finished her drink as well. "Where is your bin, pray tell?" 

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Azeal smiles at Cindy softly, gripping her hand caringly, he pulls her close to him and hugs her tightly," You've been though a lot haven't you? Dah, I have too...I'll show you tomorrow. But I just want you to know, Cindy, I've never told anyone about my past before." He says and kisses her hand softly.

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@@Aurora Lights,


Cindy nods "the only people who know about how I lost my parents, along with Sylvia, are Midnight and Nadia" she says softly and smiles at him as she sits next to him "you don't have to tell me everything though, if it..if it makes you feel uncomfortable" she says gently.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Aurora Lights,


Cindy nods "the only people who know about how I lost my parents, along with Sylvia, are Midnight and Nadia" she says softly and smiles at him as she sits next to him "you don't have to tell me everything though, if it..if it makes you feel uncomfortable" she says gently.

Azeal smiles softly at her and kisses her cheek, " It makes me sad, dah, but I'm never uncomfortable around you. When I was about 10 Years old, my parents were banned from my village, along with me because I was some sort of cursed one. He were sent to live in the cold barren tundra, no food, no water...a few weeks later my mother died, we buried her, then my father died...just me and my brother then...then I had to bury my brother..." he looks down with a sullen look, his eyes starting to dim with sadness and hopelessness, "then I-I started walking...eating anything I could find...then I got picked up by a nice couple, they took me to their apartment and I lived with them for about a week before I realized what they were doing to my sister... my adopted sister by the way..." he takes a breath and looks at Cindy, "have you ever been sitting in a pool of blood that you created from what was 2 fully grown people?...I have..." he looks down with his eyes closed, his ears tucked back in shame.

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@@Aurora Lights,


"Not by my doing, no, but I.."  she says softly "My father was drafted into the war, he was a good soldier, elevated up to Commander, but he was shot and died on the field, my mother she was depressed, dying inside from the grief of losing my father, she.." she looks at her hands "She shot herself," she says softly and sighs "She wrote me a letter, told me to go to the city, to find my aunt and uncle," she says with a sigh


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Aw, well that sucks. One of my favorite holidays. Bin's under the sink. Blue one. Oh before you toss it, check the bottle cap first."


If Star looked in the bottlecap, she'd find: 






"I remember the Equestrian Civil war, or at least, that's what you called it. It's astonishing how many ponies are unaware that the battle between the Lunar & Solar regents wasn't limited to just Equestrian borders. You call it the Equestrian Civil war. The rest of us know it as The Great World War. Because every nation and race on earth had a stake in which sister won. " 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Eh I don't care for the scares or the holiday." She looked at the cap. "Anything to these? The stuff written on the caps?" Before placing the bottle in the bin and keeping the cap for now at least until she heard the answer from one of the girls, since they might know. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Well, have you ever had a fortune cookie before? Please tell me you've had fortune cookies before. Cause these caps are a lot like that. Offering advice ans age words of wisdom, as well as vague predictions of the future for events that are to pass. They're surprisingly accurate." 

  • Brohoof 1

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Zeke immediately decided to change the subject to get Midnight thinking of other things, and he felt his phone buzz in his army pants.

He took one paw off of Midnight's knee and reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he read the text aloud.

"I knew I recognised her! That's sooo cool."

He texted back.

"I thought I recognised you, it's been a LONG time hasn't it?"


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"Of course I've had a few fortune cookies once in a while, but I just don't take much stock in pre-written words on a piece of paper, nor printed on a bottle cap. However I may take a little more stock if you say that there is something to them." She found a chair and sat down looking around the room again.  

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@@Mentis Soliloquy


"Well if you don't want it, I'll take it. If I send in enough bottlecaps, I'll get prizes. Hat's, t-shirts, hoodies, a skateboard, a mountain bike, a go pro, though I think they might be sold out of those." 


"Y'know, you could just buy those things."


"Yeah, but that takes away part of the fun. Besides, I've already bought the caps. Might as well get soem merch for them while I'm at it." 

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"I was talking about the words not the cap, it's my cap if I'm gonna buy more of their stuff I sure want to start my own collection to get all of the stuff you just said that sounds like a bit of fun while I drink this nice stuff."  She sat back and looked at the cap for a moment before putting it in her pocket. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Oohh, Miko, looks like you've got some competition."


"Oh whopdie freaking do, one bottle cap to my...to my...how many do I have again?' 


"How in Fafnir's name should I know that?" 


"Okay let me check." Miko walked over to the closet and opened it. A bulging trash bag fell out. And it clacked and clattered w/t he sounds of aluminum pieces inside.

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Nadia smiles as she reads the text "Yeah it has,  we should catch up" she texts back and lays down on the bed, happy that one of her closest friends was with a wolf as trustworthy as Zeke.


Midnight smiles and yawns rather cutely "Got any plans for tomorrow hun? I was thinking of hanging out with the girls"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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He wrote back, 'Definitely, coffee sometime?'

"Yeah, I've got my classes from 9-12, but we can hang out anytime after that if you'd like?"

He continued walking, and he spotted his bike down the mini road packed with animals.

When he reached his bike he put Midnight down on his seat and she continued to eat as he bulled out a small bottle of monster energy and chugged it down.



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"Sounds great, I actually heard of this carnival that's stating up in town tomorrow night, maybe we can all go together?" she asks in her text.


Midnight smiles at him "Save for that one moment, tonight was really wonderful"


(Carnival is going to be something like "something wicked this way comes" "cirque du freak" and "Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus") 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Well I suppose I've got my work cut out then." She giggled. "But then I really don't care at all honestly, I'd be happy if I got a free tee-shirt in the long run by simply buying a drink that tastes really nice." Pats her pocket and continues to look around the room. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"25 caps for a shirt." Miko said as she deposited her bottle and put the bag of caps away. 


There would be four other doors in the apartment. One cracked open revealing the bathroom. The other three w/ posters of differing bands on them. One w/ posters featuring detailed, colorful fantasy artwork, the type of stuff you would see on the side of an old van,  w/ artists like Symphony X, Dream Theater, Stratovarius & Rhapsody labeled on. 




Another door featured somewhat darker imagery on the posters. Depictions of war machines, ruined cities, demons & predators, the type of stuff you'd find on the walls of a tattoo shop, w/ names that read like statements. Exodus, Testament, Overkill, Death Angel & Kreator in fonts that looked like they were shaped from scrap metal.



Then there's a third door. This one, was actually covered in sheet music. Hand written by the looks of it. Images of historical composers and solo artists accompanied them. Paganeighneigh, Johan Sebastian Buck, Beethoofen, Richie Blackmare, Eddie Van Haylen, & Yngiwie Malmsteed. If listened to closely, what sounded like a fan could be heard whirring inside. The door open just a crack. 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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@@Aurora Lights,


"Not by my doing, no, but I.." she says softly "My father was drafted into the war, he was a good soldier, elevated up to Commander, but he was shot and died on the field, my mother she was depressed, dying inside from the grief of losing my father, she.." she looks at her hands "She shot herself," she says softly and sighs "She wrote me a letter, told me to go to the city, to find my aunt and uncle," she says with a sigh

Azeal sighs softly as he takes Cindy into his arms and kisses her cheek softly, " we've both been through a lot, dah. We can't change it, no, but we can change who we become because of it." He sighs softly and hugs her tightly before kissing her softly and holding her hands.

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@@Aurora Lights


Cindy smiles and nuzzles him "Thank you Azeal, you're right" she says as she blushes and kisses him back. She then looks outside the window and smiles "Such a beautiful night outside, isn't it?" she asks with a soft smile."Kind of seems like a waste to just sleep through it"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"A carnival sounds fun."

He hopped onto his bike when she was done eating and took of down the moonlit highway, he looked towards the sky and saw the full moon, and he opened the visor of his helmet and howled loudly, hearing a few in return. It was always reassuring and he smiled as he pulled his visor down and pulled into the university carpark. 

  • Brohoof 1


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