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open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora


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Kronos looked at Vampira as she consoles him. "Thanks, Vampira," he sniffled, "I'll--*sniff*--I'll try to do that. I mean, I used to try my best to lay low before Hyperion took everything away from me. Now, I used to feel like there was no point in living anymore, so I tried to drown myself in alcohol at Moxxi's. And you're right, that was until Nightlight found me. For some reason, out of all the tough bruisers there that he could've chosen, he chose me to be his partner." He took a deep breath before continuing, "You're also right about remembering what good I did have with them. In fact, it's the memories I had of them that actually kept me going after the aftermath of the blitz. After the city was razed down, I was filled with both grief and rage. So much so that when I saw the Hyperion patrols there in the ruins, I literally tore their robots apart and shredded their personnel limb from limb. So, in a way, Hyperion sort of started a war against me. They have no idea what fury they've unleashed upon themselves." He then looked at Nightlight, "He's been really tough on me for as long as I can remember. He reminded me on how unforgiving Pandora is. I don't know if that can be seen as a good or bad thing, but he kinda did. Also, when I came over to Haven, I used to sleep by the dumpster cuz I couldn't afford to stay at any living places they had there and I couldn't afford a place to stay, so I slept in the dumpster near the bounty board and Moxxi's bar ever since I got there. I've lived there for so long that I've even dug through the dumpster and created a fallout shelter underneath the dumpster with ventilation and water and electricity lines tapped into it. I can show you sometime, but I don't think your father would approve of you going into what he calls 'a riff-raff's hobo shelter', but, you are more than welcome to visit if you want." He smiled and continued down the road.

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Vampira smiles at him and nods after he is done speaking.


"I would love to see it. I don't care what my dad says I always sneak out when he tells me not to...I could drive if you want. You can talk a break and I can take us the rest of the way there I know the way from here"

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Nightlight just sat there, feeling touched by the story and very much feeling like even more of a douchebag now as he looked down at his hooves, thinking everything through.


"Is alright mate... I wish I could say I know how you feel but truth be told I really can't. "


Looking up at the sky some memories came flooding back to him.


"I guess I'm still a bit too young to understand family... My father is a big rich CO of a big interplanetary organization, he sent me to Pandora when I was still a little foal, alone with nothing else but a message from him which quite much essentially apologized but that he knew I would survive out here and grow to be a good and proper stallion, and that this whole experiance was to only make me stronger for the world ahead..."


He straightened out and looked at his rifle, looking over every single scratch on it or any show of it being heavily used as it was.


"Quite silly, but truth be told I appreciate it in this complicated way. "


He then took aim through the scope, using his one hoof to assist himself while lazily still letting his other hoof hang.


"...But... I've lost someone close to me before... she was a mare I grew up with here as her family took me in. Quite much my first and only friend for a while... "


He choked on a few words for a moment, laying back and relaxing as this was a memory he really didn't enjoy sharing.


"One day she was kidnapped by bandits right from under my nose when we were practicing sharpshooting, they just knocked me out and took her... I spent a month looking for her desperately before the bandits actually just released her... After we reunited she was hallow and commit suicide several days after... Her old man tossed me out then..."


Suddenly firing his bullet pierced another lone bandit in the middle of the wasteland.


"... Then I guess there is the vendetta good doing mercenary part you are well to familliar with and me eventually teaming up with you..."


Once more he put his rifle over to the side and then chuckled.


"But, to answer you why I chose you I'll be very bloody honest when I say you did seem like the most unstable psychopath in the building and I needed a fearless idiot for that first mission I hired you for. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira looks at night light sadly and nods.

"I'm so sorry night light.... It sucks how when something bad comes along it has to bring torture to you and kill the ones you love......"


She switches seats with Kronos and gets into the drivers seat then she starts up the car again as she starts driving memories of her mom start to cross her mind as she had been killed as well, a tear drop streams down her cheek as she remembers how her mom was killed but she wipes the tear away and continues to drive at a not too quick pace so she doesn't make night lights injury hurt worst as she drives, she continues to hold his hoof with his magic and she mixes in a pain relief spell with her magic to help it.


She looks at night light through the mirror and then she looks back at Kronos and then turns her attention back to the road.

Edited by Vampira Heart

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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After switching seats with Vampira, Kronos looked at Nightlight for a moment and replied, "So, I guess we all have something that was taken away from us in this hell hole. Funny, I thought I was the only one. Then again, don't we all?" He then thought about Nightlight's process of picking him to hire and grunted, "Hmph, so that's how you saw me, huh? A fearless, psychotic idiot? And what if I wasn't a psychotic idiot, would you have still hired me? Anyways, all of those times you saw me go into the dumpster, yeah, that's literally where I lived the whole time I was in Haven. It was nice, quiet, roomy and no one bothered me so I had all the room I needed to release my frustrations and gawk about all I wanted without you telling me I'm making myself look like a complete tool."


He then looked at Vampira and said to her, "Oh, you're one of THOSE types of girls, huh? The kind that always goes against whatever her father says? Yeah, my older sister was like that, too, and look at where she is now. She, too, is a military leader in the family and she's kicked my ass more times than I kicked hers. Trust me, I have a lot of respect for women, just saying from personal experience."

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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"Well, like you may have said to Kronos... I took that grief and weakness and in the end changed it into making me be a better pony... I was far too careless then. " Nightlight spoke to Vampira before somewhat turning his voice to Kronos after a part. "Quite frankly I guess you were still a badass cyborg and the fact you lived in a dumpster was quite hillarious, so I might actually have took you for the job aswell.. though that madpony part really was the deciding factor. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Vampira nods to both of them while they speak to her and gives them a friendly smile before looking back to the road and steering the car carefully around rocks and debree to avoid making the car bounce.


"Yes I am Kronos.i don't like to listen to what my dad has to say and I don't listen much to his "rules" even though I should"


She looks at night light and nods once more.


"Good. I'm glad you didn't use it negatively....."


She sits silently after she speaks and keeps her eyes on the road.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Kronos was just bored and sitting around until he decided to open up his ECHO and went to his Skill Tree screen. He started looking at the different screens the ECHO offered including the map, the mission list, his inventory and his skill tree pages. He looked at what was in his inventory, and he looked at and compared his weapons then looked at his skill tree deciding whether or not he should reallocate his skill points. Hmm, he thought to himself, I could make myself like a paladin for this group if I reallocate into this skill branch, or I could become a lethal warrior if I reallocate to that one, or I could remain the destroyer I already am. Then again, these two don't really care. Meh, I'll decide when we get back to Haven.

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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@@Vampira Heart,


"I know, me using something NOT negatively is quite a rarity these days. "


Nightlight sighed, still trying to rest a bit but the bumpy revenge road Kronos took was really getting to him, especially now with the new pony driving.


"Though, Kronos, do you really think we should give the wheel to such a young stranger?"


In the meantime far far in the distance the city of Haven showed up with some of its taller buildings. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos gave Nightlight a look, then replied, "I'm a little emotionally distraught, not that you care, and you're physically incapable of driving. Having Vampira behind the wheel, regardless of her lack of experience, is the only logical solution for us to get back to Haven. Unless, of course, you would rather us stay stranded out here and wait for either bandits or the local wildlife to kill us."

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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Vampira looks at both of them and then back at road.


"You can trust me.i can drive and not get us killed I won't crash.i have had experience driving. Trust me."


She turns down the road and drive towards haven at a comfortable speed for them her eyes scan the land for bandits or creatures that could possibly trouble them and she exhales as she relaxes a bit but she holds her gun just in case while she holds up nightlights hoof for him and drives.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Kronos was very bored while sitting in the back of the truck. He decided to pull out his ECHO and tried to find a radio station to listen to. He pulled up a random channel and it was the Hyperion Truth Network.


Huh, Kronos thought, I thought the DJ of this station got himself mopped off. I guess they replaced him.


While listening to the Hyperion Truth Network, he noticed that the new DJ was describing some particular mercenaries.


"Okay, so you guys out here on Pandora remember the sad day that our illustrious leader, Handsome Jack, fell at the hands of those Vault Hunters. Well, those same Vault Hunters still reside in that damn flying fortress of Sanctuary, the new stronghold of the Crimson Raiders. We've had no new reports regarding the Crimson Raiders as they seem to have accomplished their goal of taking out Handsome Jack. To be honest, I didn't like the fool either because that's all he was, a fool with an unrealistic vision for Pandora."


Kronos laughed to himself upon listening to the new DJ on the network until he heard this broadcasting:


"In other news, we've had some new reports coming from other parts of the Wasteland. Specifically, from an area known as Three Horns. There was a place there known as Haven where we've been hearing rumors of these new mercenaries wandering about, shooting up the damn place. They've been known as The Watcher and The Psychopony."


"Oh crap." Kronos replied as he listened to the radio broadcast.


"This dynamic duo of destruction has wreck serious havoc on many ponies out there in Three Horns and beyond. From what I've heard, one of these two was supposed to be dead, but some Loader scouts have reported his presence all around then shut down shortly after. The one known as the Psychopony has been wanted for murdering multiple Hyperion personnel and destroying multiple pieces of Hyperion property. The Watcher, on the other hand, is wanted upon suspicion of assassination of multiple high-ranking Hyperion officials, including those posing as Bandit leaders. Come on, guys, we're trying to make Pandora a better place for everyone. Can't the two of you leave Hyperion be and just do whatever it is you guys do best? Anyways, as I've said before, Hyperion has placed a huge bounty on these guys. Here, let me take a looksie here..............okay, it's ten million bucks for the Psychopony and twenty five million for the Watcher. Also, Hyperion wants these bastards ALIVE. If they come over to Hyperion in body bags, they'll put you in the bags with them and launch you into the stratosphere. If you guys have any information regarding these two characters, call the Hyperion Helpline. You'll be rewarded substantially for you help. So, remember kids, stay safe and watch out for anything that doesn't have the Hyperion colors on them. This is DJ Howitzer, signing off for the night."


"Hmm," Kronos replied, "That was interesting."

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Nightlight sighed, glad she was holding up his hoof while listening in to the radio broadcast. "Well then, if you're such a good driver then leave my hoof be and focus on the road, I can take care of myself! " He shouted over for her to hear him over the rumbling car.


As the broadcast ended a wild smirk stretched across his lips.

"Ha! I've got the bigger bounty, it really seems like now really is the perfect time to retire! " He then took more of a moment, thinking of the pony they just rescued and were going to deliver... His smirk then suddenly dissapeared, lighting up his horn and leaving his hoof be he sent Kronos a telepathic message.


"They're hunting us, if she is seen with us or any of those better bounty hunters track her to our doing then we're endangering the poor girl aswell... Hell, they might try and leverage her against us and come up with the idea that she is special to us..."


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos looked at Nightlight's face when he commented on his notoriety from Hyperion being higher than his and stuck his middle claw at his face and chuckled lightly. 


Kronos picked up on Nightlight's telepathy while the DJ jabbered on.


"You're right," Kronos replied, "She may become a liability for us with all this attention we're getting from bandits and Hyperion. They also want us alive for some reason. I wonder why that is? Also, what do you suppose we do if she insists on following us? I mean, she disobeys her father and sneaks out of her house regularly, so what exactly do you think is gonna stop her from coming along?"

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Nightlight sighed again, replying again once more after some thought.


"We can't stop her, which leaves us with two options... A: She is actually safer with us than she is being a simple to get hostage, endangering her whole family in the meantime or B:... " He looked down where he sat and at his hoof. " We scare her away, show her that we don't care about her and abandon her after we get our payment... " His heart merely broke just saying that, not being that kind of person, but realizing it might be for the better.

Edited by The Evil Spectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos sighed and had a depressing look on his face.


After giving it some thought, he replied, "Well, I don't like it as much as you do, but you have a point there. It pains me to say it, but, you're right. She ain't gonna be safe with us. I certainly hope that it doesn't go to option B, because I'd really hate to say something I don't mean to someone like her. Then again, having her around being the potential liability she is, it could slow us down a lot. I don't know. I don't like the sound of either option. I just wish there was some sort of compromise in between. Also, if we were to go with option B, who should be the one to tell her off?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I'll just do it..." He sighed.


Then, not too much of a ride the three were slowly approaching the city of Haven, which looked exactly something between just a wasteland area and a proper colonial city with skyscrapers... all of them were abandoned though and in bad shape, all the life going on in the lower levels of the city that made the actual part of Haven.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Kronos looked at the city of Haven as they entered through the gates.


Kronos sighed and started thinking to himself, Ahh, Haven, my new home. I wonder how long I"m gonna stay here until Hyperion decides to blitz this damn city next. Ah well, I've got nothing much to worry about. I've got literally no personal connections to anyone here besides maybe Nightlight and Moxxi, but other than them, there's really no one here I give a crap about. If they decide to blitz this place next, I'm hauling ass over to my dumpster shelter while saying 'Sayonara, suckers'.

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dark corners make for great camouflage.


I watched the targets enter Haven; about damn time.  Been waiting here for two days - and when you're rummaging around in a shithole like this, you're bound to step into some.  For instance, a group of six muggers wearing goggles with smiley-faces painted on 'em...


The stupid bastards; hope the NewU forgot to regenerate their chestnuts.


But they were here.  Both of them.


My info had been right, after all - I'd have to apologize to that claptrap when I saw him next.  But it had been a long time since I'd used so many colorful words at once; maybe I should thank him for the chance to use that part of my vocabulary...


But later - now, the targets.


For now, I kept my modified ECHO display off - no sense in broadcasting even the slightest hint that I was here.  Not that I thought they'd know who I was or anything...


But there's ALWAYS someone or something bigger out there; damned if I wasn't going to take as many precautions as I could to stay incognito.  Because sometimes, the hunter can become the hunted in the half-blink of a camera shutter.


I followed them both with my eyes, slipping back into deeper shadows to keep pace after they passed; the hunt was ON.



Still, no moves made now - best to observe, keep low, take notes... stick to the shadows.


Of those things, the last one would be the easy part.

=====  ( 0=====


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Vampira drives into haven the car bounces softly as they enter through the arch shaped entrence of the city and she dives down a street leading to her fathers home, her eyes glance at kronos and nightlight for a sec then puts her focuse back on whats in front of her.

"How are two doing so far?better? My father could give you something to drink and eat before you guys leave with your reward..."

She pauses her speech and stops the car infront of her fathers place and she unbuckles and looks at them with a smile.

"We should meet up again afterwards hang out fight bandits and bad guys that would be fun..." she gives them a friendly smile before opening her cardoor slightly.

"You two are the first friends i made out here in this shit circus of a world i hope you guys feel the same way..." she chuckles and hops outof the car and leaves the door open for kronos while she grabs her bag and climbs to the back to help nightlight out

  • Brohoof 2

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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Watching the arrival, getting up himself at first before gladly taking the assistance of the pony he was not forced to look into the eyes and let go it was clear he was uncomfortable, stumbling off with her help off the trailer and looking at the building.


Really taking his moment, looking right into the ponies eyes he eventually sighed and glanced around quickly, his expression turning into one of just a lot of worry and caring.


"Look... we were thinking of a way to put it to you... You heard the bounty, it is dangerous enough that I'm standing next to you and talking to you but gladly the stuff only came in an hour ago so I guess everyone is not looking for us yet..." He cleared his throat and looked over at Kronos for a moment before returning to the bat-mare. "...You can't hang out with us, maybe at least until this all dies down... But, you are STILL a target either way... So there is only ONE way we can do this. " He sighed, looking up at the sky as just getting out the words was hard. "...We can collect up the money, you confront your dad... and join us... and we dissapear together, or at least you dissapear with one of us - quite preferably Kronos because he can keep you safer than I can, and we cannot remain a proper group until this dies down. "


He grew a bit more awkward, even somewhat blushing a bit and looking away.

"Because the original plan was to just break your heart and openly dump you... but either way you are in even more danger by being our acquaintance to those extreme hunters and not expecting what is coming for you... And I guess I'm just... too kind of a pony to rescue you just to get killed because of us. " He choked a bit on that last part, clearly having aimed to say something different before changing it up to something simpler.

Edited by Your Nightly Spectre
  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"The Watcher...Psycopath? What kind of names are these? I mean, I know wacky titles are the fad nowadays on Pandora but I mean seriously, can anyone get more generic than that? I swear, these names are ripped right out of a comic serial from the ECHOnet." The armored griffon prattled to the increasingly annoyed patron next to him as he took a swig from his cup."I mean, it's convenient for sure, no one knows your real name cause the title is so flippin weird your real name just fades out of existence! Makes finding any good information on someone a real slog, I'm just trying to make a living like everyone else can I just get a break?!?" 


"Can...can you just leave me alone? You've been talking about those two for like an hour." The pony begged as she slammed her face down onto the table, causing her drink to spill. 


"I think you've had too much to drink sir," a gruff earth pony said as he walked up to the griffon after he deemed the griffon a true nuisance, his equipment affiliating him with the crimson raiders. The griffon stared for a few seconds before getting up, putting on his helmet as he does. Placing his money on the table the griffon left without a single word raised or a conflict risen. What reason would the griffon have to complain? After all, he found out that his bounties were currently in the same town as he was. Rumor spread quickly in a town as close knit as New Haven, and information flowed like alcohol out of a popped keg. According to the patrons a vehicle came into town with two ponies matching the description Hyperion gave him, with an extra pony in tow. The griffon had confidence in his ability to take down the two targets with the right equipment and luck. But add a third pony to the mix? He was certain coming out alive was a low probability. The risks were surely stacked on top of him, but a multi-million bounty didn't lack in incentive and the griffon wanted his money, what the griffon lacked was a partner. 


Splitting the reward was something the griffon didn't mind, but trying to find a trustworthy partner on Pandora would prove difficult. His ideal partnership would end in job well done,shaking hands, and a split in the reward, a less than ideal partnership would have been a knife in the back of a less than savory partner. Whitetip sighed as he came to grips with the current position he was in. "Maybe I should come up with a cheesy nickname, just to spice up the mood, what do you think?" Whitetip asked as his drone digistructed in front of his face. "I see where your coming from but I think we need another opinion on this matter. Maybe you could ask our two friends hmmm?" Whitetip asked his Tediore drone rhetorically as he inputted commands on his ECHO display. The drone darted off as quickly as it came as it went off to locate the Watcher and Psycopath. "Guess I'll go look for someone nice to play with," the griffon said to himself as he began to wander the New Haven streets.

Edited by Ranger22
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She smiles at night light as she helps him out she listens to what he is saying to her,her ears droop when he first says she can't hang out with them but then they shoot up in excitement when he asks her to join them and she nods when he says she has to confront her dad.


"I-I-I'd love to join your team!....ok I'll hang with Kronos then till this all dies"


She smiles and notices nightlight blushing and it makes her blush and smile till she hears what he says next and the smile fades alittle into a confused look till he finishes what he has to say.


"Well either way I'm glad you didn't go with that idea....heh I guess you are night light"


She smiles and blushes a bit then chuckles abit before speaking again.


"Glad we're here. now I can get some clean cloths before we hit the road! I won't have to wear some dead mans cloths I'm wearing now or the fancy dress I was wearing earlier!"


She smiles at them both them swing her back pack over her shoulder and puts the keys of the car into her pocket.


"Let's go guys" she says before turning away from them and walking towards the home.

  • Brohoof 2

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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I'd been told about two... but there was a mare with them.  


There seemed to be a bit of conversation between them; frankly, I could have listened in if I wanted to... but the words exchanged between targets and ladies of the evening didn't concern me.  I had to-


Wait.  No.  Not a hooker - not the way Target One was looking at her.  Unless he was the kind who tried to kiss them on the lips; never did understand those kinds.  Soiled Rakks are Soiled Rakks, no matter WHERE you kiss 'em...


But this didn't seem like that.  No, there were feeling there - maybe fledgeling ones, but they were still there all the same.  Stuck out like a bright red Jakobs revolver at high noon.  That stallion was having a tough time with her.


I've seen the type: telling her to go on home because he's a loner... a rebel... and he's not gonna want to be responsible for the foal he'd probably already put in-




No... she was going WITH them.


Great - a new factor in this particular rendition of 'Desperately Seeking Fortune'; two I wanted, and one I didn't.


Next thing I know, there'll be bounty crashers - and that wouldn't be good.  Not one iota.


Keeping hidden, I readjusted my position to better observe where they were bound... and started making plans.

  • Brohoof 2

=====  ( 0=====


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"Hey girlie, what might you be?"




"Oh, playin' the quiet game, girlie?"


Dusk Rose faced straight ahead, trying to avoid head-on collisions with the folks bustling about and ignore the calls of the drunkard.  Her hat shimmered a yellow color as she lowered it some with her magic, thinking to herself that it was going to be as concealing as walking around in a bush costume, especially considering she was a new arrival in a rather homogenous town.  Still though, she figured it could send the message that she didn't want to talk at that moment.


"Hey!  Why leave so soon?!"


Besides, she had bigger things to worry about.  If what the bartender at the tavern said was true, her mother had been there at least a week ago.  Apparently, she inquired about what laid east of the town, in the mountains.  And if the letters were anything to go by, many had come and gone asking the same sort of questions she had asked the bartender.  And-




Her train of thought was stopped as she accidentally bumped shoulders with a griffin.  She found the sight of him surprising, since she didn't quite expect a griffin out here.  Still though, she simply said a small sorry to him as she kept walking, the drunkard's yells following her. 

Edited by Light of Night
  • Brohoof 3


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