Typhoid Libby 1,265 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 (edited) de nada Edited June 26, 2012 by Typhoid Libby FORUM GODDAMMIT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chigens and Kay 3,832 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 A: Simple, define in a single sentence or more what being one of this fandom means to you personally. It means alot to me: they make me happy, help stave off my depression, and inspire me to achieve. B: And then give your response/answer to these questions if you see it fit. 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? - Ehh...Yes. 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? - No. Maybe if you suggested it not forced. 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? - Not into Politics. 4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom? - I'll get back to you when I come up with an awesome answer. 5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate? - Little of both, most things don't affect me. 6: What is the rule one of Bronydom? - Love and Tolerate? 7: Best pony is? - Rarity (holy crap when I read the next question) 8: Does Rarity give good advices on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? - Yes. 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? - No clue. 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. - Someone else can, thanks. 11: 8fvTxv46ano - Maybe if you are not too busy. Answers in quote. My signature broke Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 (edited) A: Simple, define in a single sentence or more what being one of this fandom means to you personally.A new way to spend my weekends in a flashy new community. And a good chance to actually learn something weird from the internet 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? Not really. 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? Nope. How do you people like it if I shoved Sonic The Hedgehog animated to your face? 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? Just keep those political manure as far away as possible4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom?I'm not a brony. I'm just a MLP enthusiast5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate?I don't have that many of fucks to give, sorry 6: What is the rule one of Bronydom? Never question anyone named Sethisto, or Knighty, or Feld0 7: Best pony is? Fluttershy 8: Does Rarity give good advices on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? Nope. Never pay too much attention to her anyway 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? Singularity! 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty, Honesty, Kindness, Magic 11: 8fvTxv46ano Ainulindalë! Derp Edited May 6, 2012 by Shefira Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pencil J. Doodle 242 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 (edited) 1. Depends on the actual bronies. I'm actually from another pony forum http://ponyville.net/, and i must say; that place has some of the nicest people I've ever met. If i were to say that the people from that forum represented all bronies, then yes; bronies do represent me (i would say something about this forum, but i haven't been here long enough to know all of you) 2. rule #231 of humanity; everyone has their own opinions. I discovered and watched the show myself, so i wouldn't understand the pressure. But if you must 'force' someone into watching the show, DON'T come on too strongly, it can leave a sour taste in that persons mouth and make them hate bronies more 3. ... Pass 4. Because, in the words of Sniper; "being a bronie's a good hobby, mate". This is definitely a good past time, AND i nice little corner of humanity. From what some bronies do and say, i'd guess that a lot of us could easily become Philanthropist's, and that earns my respect. 5. In what context do you mean? 6. "If it exists, there is porn of it" 7. Twilight Sparkle **Activates flame shield** 8. I don't really like Rarity, so allow me to judge her performance particularly unfairly. She is like the stereotypical woman; Always getting into trouble, always acting like she is the sh*t when she is really just annoying, but there to give some support to the main characters. I find that her Damsel like persona is just there to purposely annoy her friends and the viewers, but don't get me wrong; she does have her moments. 9. ... Pass 10. Magic, Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter (face it, laughing doesn't win wars) 11. Did you jizz on your keyboard? You really need to spend less time on Molestia's Tumblr Edited May 6, 2012 by Pencil J. Doodle What makes ME a good brony?! IF I WERE A BAD BRONY, I WOULDN'T BE LOGGED ON TO THIS FORUM, DISCUSSING IT WITH YA'!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Titan Rising 2,156 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 (edited) 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? Yes 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? No 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? It already does 4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom? I don't 5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate? Neither 6: What is the rule one of Bronydom? Publicize the show 7: Best pony is? hmm... 8: Does Rarity give good advices on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? Sure 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? wat 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. Steel, wool, air, toothbrush, watermelon, garden hose 11: 8fvTxv46ano rlb45h2vlh642vl [/spoiler] Edited May 6, 2012 by Hollowshield Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 "A miserable little pile of friendship!" There, now that we've got the obligatory Castlevania ref out of the way... 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? For the most part, yeah. Vocal minorities suck though... 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? No, no and let me think about that. Hmmm....NO. Forcing someone to do something is the quickest way for a simple hobby/interest to turn into a crazy obsession. If they choose to watch it, great. But forcing them is pretty much the worst possible thing you could do. Trust me when I say, they will hate you. 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? Hell no. Politics is no safe place for ponies. 4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom? I don't generally scream it from the rooftops, but I feel no need to deny it. What harm is there in partaking in something I truly enjoy that causes no harm to myself or others and is in no way against any laws? Answer: none. 5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate? I educate, using logic and cold hard facts. 6: What is rule one of Bronydom? Don't talk about Fight club? 7: Best pony is? Fluttershy. 8: Does Rarity give good advice on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? Hit and miss. She does give good advice, but at times it seems more like an attempt to turn her into the stuck up-girl stereotype that she has frequently demonstrated she is not. 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? ...Huh? What. 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth 11: 8fvTxv46ano See, this is what happens when you fall asleep while typing! I tried to warn them, but did they listen? 1 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
willinilly 134 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 A: Simple, define in a single sentence or more what being one of this fandom means to you personally. Having inspiration and Friendly people to help me along my way. Simply put Love and Tolerance. B: And then give your response/answer to these questions if you see it fit. 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? I think so, but I'm not 100% sure 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? No, I think people will be assimilated into the herd if they watch but I'm don't think it's good to pressure 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? Um, I'm not sure how to answer this one, I guess not. 4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom? Because It makes me at least 20% cooler 5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate? Tolerate 6: What is the rule one of Bronydom? Ponies = Awesome 7: Best pony is? Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie, I can't decide 8: Does Rarity give good advices on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? um not that I've noticed 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? Antimatter 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Generousity, Laughter, And Magic 11: 8fvTxv46ano Wargel Bargel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rochambo 88 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 (edited) A MISERABLE LITTLE PILE OF SECRETS! BUT ENOUGH TALK, HAVE AT YOU. 1. no 2.no 3.no 4.This fandom has caused great things, and changed my life so much.. 5.both. 6. Love and Tolerate 7.Fluttershy. 8.N/A 9.wat. 10. Kindness,loyalty,generosity,laughter,honesty,and magic. 11.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Edited May 6, 2012 by Rochambo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeverNeverland 1,940 May 6, 2012 Share May 6, 2012 A: Simple, define in a single sentence or more what being one of this fandom means to you personally.Being a part of a community that shares a similar interest that everyone can agree with. B: And then give your response/answer to these questions if you see it fit. 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? God no. 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? No. 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? No. 4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom? Because I'm a fan of the show and enjoy the fan content. 5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate? Ignore, toleration is for the blind. 6: What is the rule one of Bronydom? How would I know? 7: Best pony is? Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. However, that doesn't mean they're my favourites. 8: Does Rarity give good advices on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? Yeah, I guess. 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? Order, Singularity, Interference 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. By guess, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, Magic? 11: 8fvTxv46ano 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazardus_Havard. 480 June 6, 2012 Share June 6, 2012 (edited) 1. It depends really, I would prefer not to look at the huge fanatics as what a Brony should represent though, rather someone who could openly tolerate other peoples faults and differences to a greater degree from others. 2. Show and tell, yes. By force though, no. It's the same as anything else, forcing people to do things makes them resent the very thing you're forcing onto them; instead ease them in. 3. Political Ideals? The only ones I can think up is the tolerance area, and yes that would be a good thing. Too many people don't have a good tolerant mind to deal with many things; whether it be religion, race, sex, marriage or the innumerous points out there. 4. Truthfully, I didn't really consider myself a Brony in the fullest sense. I like the show and many of the things from the community, but I haven't delved deep enough to consider myself one. Being here though, I believe it'll slowly happen soon enough... 5. I do have a pretty high tolerance level. Sure, I joke around from time to time with people on things that are not politically correct, but down to the bottom line I don't go out of my way to tell people they're wrong because I feel my views are better than others. 6. I refer back to the line I love the most here; "I'm going to tolerate and love the shit out of you." I believe this line here stands the point to care and tolerate others whether or not you believe them to be correct. So care for and tolerate all forms of beings and ideas. 7. ALL PONIES!!! 8. Rarity is the most level headed out of the entire group; she is very giving and goes out of her way to help out others. When she is not involved too deeply into something she tends to have a clearer image of the big picture, so I agree with this assessment. Yes. 9. Order, Singularity and Antimatter 10. Ok, # 9 I could handle but this one is a bit silly for a filly like me... 11. I have the bases of all! Edited June 6, 2012 by Hazardus_Havard Practice makes perfect; but if nobody's perfect, why practice? http://hazardus-havard.deviantart.com/ Art http://www.fimfiction.net/story/70801/an-alien-walks-amongst-us Story Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Awesome One 1,315 June 6, 2012 Share June 6, 2012 What is Brony? Celestia don't troll me don't troll me no more.... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whiteshade 1,426 June 7, 2012 Share June 7, 2012 A: Simple, define in a single sentence or more what being one of this fandom means to you personally. Win in any and all aspects B: And then give your response/answer to these questions if you see it fit. 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? Eenope 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? Eenope 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? Eenope 4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom? The show and the community 5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate? I lol 6: What is the rule one of Bronydom? Don't be a dick about it 7: Best pony is? Rainbow Dash 8: Does Rarity give good advices on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? Eemaybe, shes not known as best advice giver though 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? Chaos, singularity, antimatter 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. Some people might actually do this, but not me 11: 8fvTxv46ano Indeed There are no right answers, only wrong personal ones, so don't bother peeking for scores. There are no fucks to give. Place all answers in spoilers to avoid influencing the "votes" as others answer. =P You can still look if you'd like. Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain Nothing happens, yet everything changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PlsDeleteAccount 157 June 7, 2012 Share June 7, 2012 1: Yes and no. It really depends on which aspect of the fandom we're referring to. 2: Nay. Even though I would like to "recruit" people into bronydom, I never really forced them to become bronies. I did make a guy watch an episode, but as he disliked it, I didn't continue bothering him. 3: Good God, NO. 4: I don't really proclaim it... I don't call myself a brony because the "love and tolerate" part is not part of my creed. 5: Depends on the situation. Sometimes I tolerate, sometimes I ignore. However, there are a few times I just have to intercede and punish. This mostly happens in clan situations. 6: Love and tolerance, I guess. 7: Twilight, by far. 8: Idk... 9: Order and discipline. Singularity, Antimatter. 10: Loyalty, Magic, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Kindness. Being kind does not keep discipline in the ranks. 11: ASD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smokin'HotRarity 182 June 7, 2012 Share June 7, 2012 My question is, will you be reading these on page 32... Then...will you Ignore, or will you Tolerate? S.V.R. Stop. Violent. Recreation, I know it's tuff but let's all try to stop playing violent videogames, violent TV, violent thinking, and just violence in general. Put "SVR" in your signature if you support Stop Violent Recreation! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Typhoid Libby 1,265 June 7, 2012 Author Share June 7, 2012 My question is, will you be reading these on page 32... lol, I'd be very surprised if it gets 5. Then...will you Ignore, or will you Tolerate? It's called following a thread you OP'd and it has very little, if nothing, to do with two aforementioned. FORUM GODDAMMIT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
letterone 1,204 June 7, 2012 Share June 7, 2012 A. Having fun and enjoying a show that may be unorthodox to most people but is awesome nonetheless. And now for those questions. 1: For the most part yes. There are those few who are total jerks, but again, they're few. 2: No. Reverse psychology for the win. 3: Eenope. 4: The community's output (i.e. music and art) is FREAKING AMAZING. 5: Tolerate. Literally. There was this troll on YouTube that I got to stop trolling at me by being nice to him. 6: Officially Love and Tolerate. To me, have fun. Enjoy yourself. 7: Dashie. 8: Uh.......... I dunno? 9: Order, Singularity, and Antimatter. 10: NO. 11: Indeed. There, now you have another post. It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haven Celestii 9,385 June 7, 2012 Share June 7, 2012 A: Simple, define in a single sentence or more what being one of this fandom means to you personally. ~ I do find that I am quite happy to be into this fandom. Im not normally into anything fan based or liking something enough to actually be apart of a fandom, but this one literally makes me happy. B: And then give your response/answer to these questions if you see it fit. 1: Do other bronies, by and large, represent bronies to you? ~ Most of them 2: Do you see it as a positive to pressure others into watching MLP? ~ No, dont shove it down people's throats. 3: Do you wish for bronydom to represent political ideals? ~ Nope, I am not political in the least. 4: What is the reason you continue to proclaim your bronydom? ~ I really like the fandom. The art, music, and the community (from what I know) are all pretty amazing. 5: Do you ignore, or do you tolerate? ~ A little of everything. I ignore some, like my friends. I tolerate as well every so often. And sometimes I may get even. 6: What is the rule one of Bronydom? ~ Love ponies! 7: Best pony is? - Ditzy "Derpy" Doo 8: Does Rarity give good advices on the show when she is not the main cast of the Episode? ~ Sure, lets go with that....I dont pay her any attention because I cant stand her lololololol 9: Chaos or Order, Heat-death or Singularity, and Antimatter or Planck-scale interference? ~ Order, Singularity, and Antimatter 10: List the base elements by order of magnitude. ~ pffft, fuck if i know. 11: 8fvTxv46ano ~ All your base are belong to us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strife 455 June 7, 2012 Share June 7, 2012 My answers: A: I personally believe the term "Brony" refers to any person that enjoys, and actively watches the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic show. This means people that follow the series. However, I also believe that a TRUE fan learns from the show and exhibits the very values that the series presents (in other words, the qualities of friendship: honesty, kindness, generosity, laughter, and loyalty). I personally believe that if everyone attempted to follow the example set by the show, then there would be a lot less strife in the world (as unrealistic as I know it to be). B: Irrelevant question. If they are bronies, then they represent bronies. Better question would be "Do other people that consider themselves to be bronies generally represent bronies to you?" No. Pressuring anyone into anything is typically a poor choice. Political ideals? Possibly, on a topic-by-topic basis. I don't proclaim a thing. Both, and then some. Friendship is Magic Spitfire; my avatar is insulted the question had to be asked. She can, at times. Organized Chaos, Singularity births the Heat-Death, anitmatter falls within the Plank Scale. Equality. http://youtu.be/8fvTxv46ano Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smokin'HotRarity 182 June 7, 2012 Share June 7, 2012 lol, I'd be very surprised if it gets 5. It's called following a thread you OP'd and it has very little, if nothing, to do with two aforementioned. lol I know, it was important to make it sound catchy... S.V.R. Stop. Violent. Recreation, I know it's tuff but let's all try to stop playing violent videogames, violent TV, violent thinking, and just violence in general. Put "SVR" in your signature if you support Stop Violent Recreation! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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