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general A Simple Pep Talk from one Pony to another


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Hey! You! Yes, you! The one sitting or standing in front of a laptop, computer or whatever doodad of the internet you're using! Pay attention! These words may change your life!  Ready? It's pretty simple and true. YOU ARE AWESOME. You are the coolest living thing (Or non-living thing) I have ever met. I can feel your vibes coming through the computer internet waves. Don't let any person, dog or banana (Cats are fine because they tell everyone their not awesome) tell you otherwise. They are lying to your face. if you need to remember this post whenever you're in a pickle, then remember these 3 words: I AM AMAZING. You are weird. YES! That kind of weird. Think about it. Weird hasn't been BAD. It's meant different. It's meant unique. If someone ever comes up to you and says 'you're weird' you can reply with a smile and a 'Thanks! You too!' because its true. We are all weird. See that invisible tater tot over there? He's weird. See that amazing human being over there? The one that looks exactly like you? Yeah, that person is the best thing on earth, ever. You may be thinking; What about the other 10 people who bothered to read this post? Well, they're also the best people on earth. The people who didn't bother? Also amazing. The only people that are the least amazing people are the ones that tell others that they aren't the best. Anyway, when you read this, think of only happy things. When you opened this post, we banhammered all the bad things right at the door. With that first word. So, anyway, I want you to have a GREAT day, or night, or blue moon. Just have a good one. Always, always, always remember these three words: I AM AMAZING.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Hello there @@genessee,


While I certainly appreciate the perk up speech, as I'm sure do others, I'm afraid this topic doesn't really provide much potential for discussion and would thus be better suited to a personal blog update than an individual thread. Please remember that when creating a topic in Everfree, the goal is to present a subject which encourages discussion among members and gives incentive for them to join in and share their own opinions, and that topics of an anecdotal nature would be better done elsewhere. As such, this thread will be closed.


Thanks. :)

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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