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general What do you sound like?


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I know many people don't like to hear their own voices unless they're used to their voice by regularly singing or voice acting. However, I now dedicate this thread for you to start discovering your voice and sharing it with others, listening to other voices of bronies all around the globe!


I'm personally very interested in ranges, voices and languages. I don't doubt for a minute that I'm the only one who's curious on here.

Go for it, record on http://vocaroo.com/ or any other recording site, get talking, singing, whatever you please!


While you're at it, do tell where you're from if you wish to, so that others can place your accent.

At least I find that really fascinating to know. 


Happy recording, everyone!



Side note


I guess I'll be the first to start, it's late at night so I can't be loud but it's something!

I hope this will awaken some courage in others to participate with their voice as well.





Edited by darkwingmare
  • Brohoof 16
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Ever since my voice broke, it somehow both gained in volume and lost in pitch, to the point where it sounds very... bass-y. It would appear very appropriate for a person of my physique as i don't appear that awe-inspiring or imposing. I don't mind hearing it, but i don't care for sharing it online either.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ok so I decided to let y'all hear my sad pathetic voice

I sound like a gay dying rooster but whatever  :proud: 

What are you even saying about your own voice, dear?! Your voice sounded perfectly fine to me, I got happy from listening to it!  :pinkie: If gay dying roosters and a sad, pathetic voice sound that way, then they both sound great!  :twi:  Thank you for sharing!




Ya'll got absolutely great voices by the way! I'm so happy to get such response so quickly, all voices are so fantastic!

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You really sound like a funny person ! You just cheered me up haha! Don't be ashamed, you atleast doesn't have my dying gay rooster voice. :smug:

Do I really?! I'm so flattered thank you!  :pinkie: 

BTW, you sound nothing like a rooster! You sound adorable! <3

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Do I really?! I'm so flattered thank you!  :pinkie: 

BTW, you sound nothing like a rooster! You sound adorable! <3

Indeed you do!  I think sound more shy than adorable but that's sweet of you :3


PS: You've got an american accent to me, cuz yaknow I'm some of them as you said  :lol:

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My pitch changes changes depending on how I talk. If I'm talking to someone at a personal space distance, then I sound quite normal for someone my age. When yelling to talk to someone at a distance, I sound quite a lot higher, and of course louder. When venting to myself about how bad I think I am, my voice randomly turns on and off. When typing, I usually am completely silent.

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