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Who Is Worst Pony And Why?


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Starlight Glimmer. Don't forget that she had literally brainwashed, enslaved and tortured the ponies of her town, and yet, was easily forgiven by Twilight Sparkle. Starlight hadn't even apologized to any of the ponies she had tortured for years. Also, the way she always manages to play the victim in every situation is just... ugh.

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Out of the Mane 6, Fluttershy. I never understood why she's such a fan favorite. We get it, she's shy and nice. It seems like she only conquers her fears for one episode but then completely reverts to her old self in the next one. In the few seasons I've watched so far there just seems to be no arc with her whatsoever. But then I guess she wouldn't be "cute" anymore lol. I guess I just don't care for her archetype. >_>

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Zephyr Breeze in a landslide, this requires no explanation if youve seen the show, and if we're talking about considerable mane ponies/ secondary ponies Luna.. she's unhelpful, overrated, was one of the worst and most ineffective villains, I could write you a book on this honestly and it's a shame bc she's so pretty, and I don't even consider Sombra a pony, Sombra is best growling cloud of smoke 

I guess you guys had spoiled rich covered but that should go without saying also

Edited by Spook Conundrum
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Out of the mane six, Pinkie Pie is my least fave sometimes. There’s times when she’s fine and times when she’s annoying and I just wanna slap her and say calm down. 

I haven’t seen Zephyr Breeze yet but Spoiled Rich is annoying. I think she was a bigger reason for Diamond Tiara being a bully than Filthy Rich. Cozy Glow is gonna be tough to take, I can feel it already.

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  • 3 months later...

Twilight Sparkle. She is just so boring and stereotypical

  • I hate how she's had to relearn "Friendship is magic" like 4 times (In Shadow Play, The ending of the end, The beginning of the end, Magical Mystery cure maybe). It's just so boring and shows how much she really doesn't understand friendship and doesn't deserve to be the princess of friendship
  • Twilight never gets punished. Lesson Zero is a good example. I know I should be mad at Celestia for giving no punishment, but I can't bring myself to because I know Twilight didn't get punished because "It's Twilight, she's too perfect to be punished" or something dumb like that
  • She treats Spike horribly and like a slave
  • She gets all the credit. In the season premier, the other members of the Mane six literally did EVERYTHING and who gets the crown and the big "I knew you could do it" speak? TWILIGHT. All she did is say what the others did
  • The alicorn thing. Her being an alicorn in itself isn't bad, it's the timing (Should've saved it for season 8 or 9) and the reason
  • She's a mary sue, especially in Twilight Kingdom
  • She's not even necessary with an element of kindness. Yeah I said it. An element of magic is unnecessary with an element of kindness

Twilight is honestly just a less annoying but worse version of Marinette


Rainbow Dash is just as bad

  • She's annoying, her fans are annoying because they're all pretty much the same
  • She takes away focus from other characters (she's the one who gave everyone their cutie mark, she has fanclubs, she's the one who goes with Sunset and Twilight in that one Equestria movie/show, she's the one the mane six have to get in Return To Harmony)
  • Too many people think she's the most shipped pony and it's stupid (and not even true)
  • She gets away with too much
  • She's just not my type of character. The only positive quality I can think of is I kind of like how she secretly likes to be pampered. It's kinda cute, but that's it
Edited by FlutterIsBestAlicorn
I wanted to mention how much Rainbow SUCKS
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S9 Sombra.

Too contrary to S3-S5 Sombra, less-respectful and -interesting override of Comic Sombra, annoying in his own right, and just a strawman for the other villains. Worst of all worlds.

Edited by Castle Bleck
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Suri Polomare.

Why, because she used and abused Rarity's compassion and generosity, to the point that Rarity even distrusted her own friends for a short while. 

I was also tempted to say Spoiled Rich, but we haven't really been shown too much of her.

Svengallop too for that matter. He was goddamn awful.

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