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open Fairy Tail Roleplay


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(OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/159904-fairy-tail-roleplay/#entry4742950)



Perpe scratched her eyes, the sunlight was still an unusual sight for her. The trees were always good shade for her, and she had mostly kept movement for night. She hadn't woken up to Mias' buzzing, as Brume had taken him with him to inquire about joining a guild. Perpe smiled at the thought of this, although she was appalled at the thought of human interaction, it must have been her isolation and living with Brume for so long. Beds were uncomfortable to her still, as she slept on trees for her entire life up until this point, so she finds herself sleeping on the floor, or even on tables. 


Perpe wasn't sure if she even wanted to join a guild, but she did know that she would just follow her heart, and whatever Brume wanted to do, or something mushy like that. Perpe looked around, as Brume had not said anything about what they would be doing for food now. Perpe would be delighted to indulge herself with some raw meats, but she wasn't sure if they would serve that to her without questioning her mental state.


The meat was good, it was tender, and fell apart in her hands. Perpe felt the eyes beaming into her with confusion and curiosity, but she didn't care. This was her first time eating cooked meat in her life, and although it didn't feel right, like she was breaking some sort of moral code, she ate until she couldn't eat anymore. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Shadow slipped into a restaurant's kitchen and grabbed a spicy kabob right off the grill, scaring the cook and making him scream about Shadow's hand. Shadow sighed, placed the kabob in his mouth and lifted his jacket to show that his whole arm was metal. That didn't help the cook at all, he ran out of the kitchen. Shadow placed money at the cashier and left while eating the kabob


Opus looked up to see the sun was filtering in through the doorway. He stopped playing his trumpet stood up, being careful not to disturb the sleeping animals, and placed his trumpet into the inside pocket. He looked around to make sure no one's there and quietly snuck out of the cemetery. He looked around town to see that some people were giving his weird looks. He pulled his jacket closer to him, to make sure that no one sees the stitches on his body


Starry woke up in pain as the sun filtered through the blinds. She grabbed her cloak and mask and placed them on. Then she headed downstair of the hotel, muttering to herself how stupid she is to think that blinds can hold out all the sunlight.

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Perpe was never the kind of girl to stop and smell the flowers, but this time she felt inclined to. The city's flowers weren't quite as exotic as she was used to, but they were pretty nonetheless. She looked around, still no sign of Brume. This was usual, as when he went out he would get side tracked so easily, that a butterfly would completely change his course. Perpe scratched her head, and took a second to quickly check for insects, sometimes she would eat what she found if it looked tasty enough. Once more, she found curious eyes gazing her way. 


"Well if I'm not welcome here..." She thought, as she walked away. Perpe saw a light moving in the trees, she was slightly confused as it looked rather beautiful, but menacing all the same. Although tempted to follow it, her attention was quickly moved to a very nice looking bar. Perpe had never had a drop of alcohol in her life, but she felt like it would suit her character well. 


"What can I get you, ma'am?" The bartender asked Perpe, he was a scary looking man, Perpe figured this was to ward off bad people and crooks, but it didn't work on her. She pointed to a group of tough-looking mages in the corner. 


"I'll drink whatever they're having but any way you can make it stronger?" Perpe asked, hope in her eyes. The man gave her a look like she's crazy and poured her a large cup of the drink. It was strong to the tongue, but Perpe wasn't appalled. She downed the whole thing, without a single shred of lost sobriety. She paid for her drink and left, walking outside into the now evening air.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Shadow nudged past the girl in the way of the bar and said to the keeper as he sat down, "Give me the strongest drink ya have." The owner looked at him like he was crazy, then grabbed a bottle off the shelf behind the counter. Shadow snatched the bottle out of the owner's hand and started gulping the drink down. He took a break and sat down at a table and kicked up his feet, then grabbed a knife and drove it into the table, the place grew silent as everyone stared at the stranger.



Starry walked through the crowded, seeing members of guilds walk past. Every once in a while, she would slip into a guild and look at the members and what the building says about them, then she would slip out with no one noticing her. 



Opus walked into a pub with everyone just talking, eating and having a great time. He noticed a stage at the front. A person came up to him and said, "Excuse me, I couldn't help but noticing that you have a trumpet. Could you please play for us."


Opus looked at the person, smiled and said,"Sure, I would love to." He walked on stage pulled his trumpet and said as he got ready, "I would appreciate that everyone stops what they are doing and listen. Thank you." He put it up to his lips and started playing.

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"Perpe!!!!" Brume called out, running behind her, and smacking her in the back of the head. 

"And here I was about to actually NOT kill you" Perpe playfully start grabbing at Brume. The two had been close for so long that she couldn't get mad at him for anything. "Any luck on guild scouting?" Perpe asked, actually kind of wanting the attention of a guild, knowing she'd definitely be the strongest one there!


"There was one, it's called Fairy Tail, heard it's renowned for destroying stuff." Brume chuckled, knowing that would probably be enough to win her over. Perpe followed Brume as he lead her quickly down the street. 




Brume was running so fast that his legs were tiring, he REALLY wanted to eat some food, and he figured Perpe would probably be the same way. He was nice enough to treat her to dinner that night, of course, they did dine and dash like usual, but it was good nonetheless. The two reached the guild as it was starting to get late, Brume knew that if they couldn't arrange to stay at someone's house then they were definitely going to freeze to death outside tonight. Brume approached the beautiful white-haired lady at the bar. 


"Hey gorgeous, would it be possible to join this lovely guild?" Brume winked as he finished the question, warranting a small giggle from Mirajane. She was very friendly, much more so than Perpe. Brume could get used to the people here. The process of getting the Guild Marks was fun, Brume watched as Perpe got hers on her neck. The bright green color she got was very visible when contrasted to her purple hair. Brume, in his need to one-up Perpe, got his Guild Mark over his Eye, it is only fully visible when he closes his eye, but Brume winks enough that this wouldn't be a problem.


Brume shooed Perpe off to go flirt with some guys until they could stay with them, Brume figured he would do the same. Although Brume put up the tough guy exterior, any sort of response from a girl will drive him over the edge and make him uncomfortable. He looked carefully around, and saw someone who he thought looked perfect. Brume approached the brunette as she was leaving, and quickly leaped in front of the door.


"Heyyy~ Would it be possible for I, your fellow Guild Mate to room with you for a night or two, just until I get back on my feet?" Brume leaned in close, but not to an uncomfortable degree, or else he would freak. "I could make it worth your while~" @@Venomous


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Brume stuttered his words, as he somehow managed to make out a sentence. "Th-that's my friend... a-and...she....and I... need to stay somewhere...cause we're....broke...." Brume looked away awkwardly, as this is the first time someone wasn't swayed or at the very least creeped out by his flirting. Brume backed up a bit, feeling guilty for whatever reason. 


"I'm sorry... I'll just go..." He thought for a second, remembering she had joked about his magic. Brume looked to her keys, and was immediately interested. "Woowwww shiny...." Brume's simple mind was put in a trance at the sight of these keys, as he looked them up and down.


"Oh oh! My magic, that's right! I don't particularly pick up girls with this magic, but I do have Water Dragon Slayer magic! It's really strong! And I learned from the Water Dragon Aquados, who is the strongest I've ever seen and because I learned from him that means I'm 100x better than Perpe-" Brume paused, realizing his purple-haired friend was standing next to him. "Perpe is a God Slayer so she's like 30 leagues above me and I can't even touch her". 


Perpe sighed, unamused at her friend's stupidity. She held out her hand for this mysterious lady who Brume had been speaking with. "My names Perpe, remember it. Not that I'm particularly interested, but what is your name?" 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Shadow got up after having two bottles of the strongest drink and left. He looked to see that it was a few hours from night, and headed to a random guild. He walked in silently and headed up to the board. As he was looking through it, he kept an ear out for anything that might alert him of someone getting too close to him.


Starry found a spot in the market that no sunlight hits and took off her cloak and mask, letting her hair fall down. Then she created some crystals in all kind of shapes and started selling them. 



Opus stopped playing to see that everyone was asleep. He got up, headed to the kitchen, turned off the stoves, made sure no one was hurt, then he got his money he gets 'paid' and left. A person saw him leave with money and yelled for help. He quickly ran down the streets, but everywhere he goes, people would start to chase him, screaming about him being a thief and to give back the money he took. He slipped into a nearby door and closed it as he heard them rushed past, wondering where he went. He sighed and noticed that his trumpet wasn't in his pocket. He cursed that he lost his instrument. 

Edited by reader8363
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"WE ARE NOT DATING!" Perpe snapped, everybody who was left in that room looking in their general direction. She growled a bit and let out a loud "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" As the people turned away back to whatever they had been doing.


"If we could stay with you, that would be great. But Brume and I are not dating, and we never will be. I don't need a rusty old Dragon Slayer, anyways, or anybody for that matter because I'm simply the greatest EVER." Perpe felt very satisfied letting that out, knowing that people in this room were not going to assume that her and Brume were an item.


"I guess because you shared, it's my turn. I'm a God Slayer, which in case you didn't know is a form of Lost Magic. I wield the element of Poison, meaning anything toxic or acidic is my delight. I can also eat Poisonous attacks, while even a Poison Dragon Slayer couldn't eat mine." Perpe stopped and whispered to herself. "Unless they're somehow smart enough to empty out their magic first..." Perpe looked to the door, and noticed it getting dark.


"I mean if you want to be a good host or anything, you could at least bring us back to your place." She let out, making sure not to sound grateful at all, even though truth be told she was very grateful for this.




A mysterious woman approached Opus, her white and green hair were a very interesting sight to behold, as even in the dark her hair was very visible. 


"Well hi, stranger. Is there a reason why you look like you're running?" She let out a friendly, and genuine smile. "The name's Dawn. To whom do I owe this pleasure?" She held her hand out to Opus, not letting up her smile all the way. @@reader8363

Edited by Selkie


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Opus got up off the wall and said as he shook her hand, "Name's Opus, it's a pleasure to meet you, Dawn. I just collected my money that I have earned from playing for a club and they think I've stolen from the owner. It seems that I dropped my 'blessed' instrument when I was running."


Shadow grabbed a quest to get a rare item for a reward. He slipped out of the guild and into the night for the quest. He saw what he needed through an opened window and slipped through. He looked around to see that the place was empty and quiet. Just to be cautious, he made a portal connecting the wall next to him and the item. He slipped a hand through, grabbed it, and left. He headed to his home and plopped on the couch and looked around. On the wall were his two main weapons in the past a giant sword and a scythe crossing over his tv. He placed the item on the table. and went to cook some food. 


When the crowd started to become less and less, she dropped the crystals that were left and headed to the hotel to sleep until she headed to a different town

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@@reader8363, @@Venomous,


Dawn beamed with excitement, she looked like a child opening a present on their Birthday. "Oh my gosh! What a coincidence, I totally just happened to find this instrument on my way here! I left it be though, as I didn't want to mess with the crowd of creepy looking mages around it. I wouldn't want them to hurt themselves." Dawn giggled, knowing that measly Dark Mages weren't even a problem for her at this point. 


"If you waaaant I can go with you to find it. I happen to be a very powerful wizard and I work for free!" She bit her lip, and blushed a little, just thinking about the despair she could bring upon those fools. "Plleasseee tell me you're going to go get it back! I would LOVE to come with you!" Dawn smiled, and stared him deep into the eyes. 




"Finally. Those two as a combined effort were driving me absolutely crazy." Perpe muttered to her pet Giant Wasp, Mias, walking through the cold winter night in Magnolia. She crossed her arms to keep from getting too cold. "Wish I was a cute lil' bug like you, Mias. Not a care in the world, you have lots of hair to keep you warm. I'm from a warmer climate, can't blame me for getting cold." Perpe kicked a rock into the stream running through Magnolia. She sat down on the ground to observe as the snow fell down. 


"It is beautiful though, isn't it, Mias?" Perpe could see her own breath, which was fascinating to her. "Brume and Taigor are probably warm now in that girl's house, right? That's good. She seems like an alright person. Mias, I promise you that I'll get stronger. Now that I'm in a guild I need to show up everyone, especially Brume. Can't have that loser catching up to me now can I?" Perpe broke out into laughter but stopped after a little bit.


"Brume's an alright guy I guess. You know I'm just joking around." Perpe yawned those words out, and looked up at the snow falling. She just felt the need even in this cold to lay back and have a snooze right on the ground, so she dozed off. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Opus quietly said as he listened, "Sure, but I don't think that we'll need to fight anyone. If we stick to the shadows, and not piss anyone off, then we'll be able to get my trumpet without any problems. It could be at three places, the club, the wall of boxes I had to climb up, or where I had to dodge this person's swing or it would have broken the bones in my chest." When he didn't hear anyone screaming, He poked his head out to see that the street was empty. He turned to Dawn and said right before he slipped out the door, "Come on, the coast is clear."


After Shadow's food was done cooking, he grabbed it off the grill and tore into it. Soon there was a pile of bones in front of him. He got up, check to see that the door was locked, then he took off towards his window, grabbing his keys and jumped out the window. When he landed on the ground and started walking through town to enjoy the nighttime sky and it's air. No kids screaming their lungs out, no crowds to get in his way, and no one to bump into and has to listen to their excuses. 

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Lucius was walking along the streets of Magnolia muttering away to himself "God why do I have to come all the way out here, there are like six over people who could do that job I mean like... Jack, yeah Jack! he's pretty useless, given he has a tendency to ignite anything that can burn, but so what! Honestly this is hardly a befitting role for the Lord Of Corruption, going food shopping. I get that Magnolia is the closest place to the guild hall at the moment but this is just so damn boring!" At this point Lucius was getting some weird looks from the few people out on the street and decided to take a quick turn down a back alley and walked aimlessly for a bit, if the guild master was going to waste his time, Lucius would make sure to waste his as well.



When Lucius eventually came out of the alley he noticed a girl laying in the snow, seemingly asleep, this warranted a closer look by Lucius "Hmm maybe she's an outcast mage who couldn't get into Fairy Tail if that's the case plus one member for Polaris Flare and minus one Lord Of Corruption going food shopping!" Lucius walked up to the girl and gave her a light jab with the top end of his cane "Um hey are you awake?, or dead?, or just been rejected by a guild?, because if you're the latter then you are exactly who i'm looking for!" Lucius then gave a big smile and waited to see if the girl responded. 

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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Dawn made an aggravated and disappointed sigh as she followed Opus ahead. She really needed to sate her bloodlust, and at this point Opus was even looking pretty good to her. She knew that it wouldn't be that hard to catch him by surprise all of a sudden and destroy him. She decided to refrain however, knowing that there would probably be people watching them, and she has to at least lay low if she wants to see her brother ever again. She can save her bloodlust for that delightful moment, she thought.


"Come on, the coast is clear." Opus called to Dawn, who was not even making an effort to conceal her presence. She followed him very half-heartedly, but grinned as she saw something to her delight, it was a lone stranger, by her magical power she could tell they were a God Slayer without a doubt, which even then couldn't pose much of a threat to Dawn. She was about to grab her sword, when she realized Opus was already ahead, and further was deterred when a man approached the God Slayer, waking her up. Dawn rolled her eyes, and leaped onto a roof to catch up to Opus quicker.



"Dead....wha.... who...?" Perpe looked up at the stranger who was poking her and awakening her from her slumber. She jumped to her feet really quickly and clenched her teeth. "I don't know who you are, but you will be dead if you're here to cause trouble! I was getting kinda hungry, and although you don't look meaty enough I'll still eat'cha if you pull something!" Perpe was NOT a good sport when woken up by any means, but she could sort of tell this guy didn't have ill intentions. 


"Well I did join Fairy Tail... What did you mean by 'I'm exactly what you're looking for'?" Perpe blinked rapidly, and blushed a little. 


"Sorry for freaking out on ya. I was having a good dream, alright?" 


@@Skylord Nexus,


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Opus didn't see his trumpet in the road, so he checked behind the wall to see that it was leaning on a broken box without a scratch on it. He didn't have to make sure since it never gotten scratched at all. He picked it up, placed it in his pocket then he turned around to see that Dawn wasn't behind him. He looked around to see that he was alone. Then he felt something cold and pointy touched his skin, then he heard someone say, "What are you doing out this late, don't ya know that this time is when the killers come out. He jumped and screamed as he backed away from a figure in the shadows.


Shadow was walking around when he saw a person acting like they didn't want to be found. He quietly crept up and hid when the person looked his way, then when he was near the person, he grabbed him and said, "What are you doing, don't ya know that this time is when the killers come out." The guy screamed and started backing away from him. It didn't take too much energy to not laugh. He had to do jobs that evolved around him keeping a straight face

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Lucius chuckled in a nervous fashion as Perpe said she'd kill him if he was there to cause trouble "Wait just calm down a bit ok I had no intentions of harming you I assure you, you would have no need to kill me. Besides I don't particularly think you would be able to if you tried."  Lucius muttered the last part under his breath as to hopefully not aggravate the women any more than he apparently already had. Then when Perpe threatened to eat him Lucius jumped back to a bit in fear quickly yelled "No please don't eat me, I have guild mates... eat them instead!" Of course after realising what had just came out his mouth Lucius quickly gained a rather embarrassed expression on his face "Um... if anyone asks, I never said that ok."


Lucius looked a little annoyed when Perpe said she had joined Fairy Tail "Damn" but then as Perpe continued on he noticed he face become slightly blushed and quickly realised what context she had taken his words into and quickly began rambling in an attempt to patch this up "Oh um... did you think I meant, exactly what I'm looking for in a romantic way? Well, I assure you that I didn't I mean it in that way, I mean you're not even my type... Well that might not be true I haven't really got to know you yet and actually, what is my type now I come to think about it. Not only that i'm sure a pretty girl like you as a boyfriend already, WAIT! that isn't to say I think you're beautiful... um... not that i'm saying you're ugly either, actually I think you look rather pretty but um... this isn't helping anything at all and um... Will you go out with me! WAIT! That is not what I meant to say in the slightest I did not mean that I..." Lucius then exhaled and looked at the ground defeated "What I mean to say is sorry." 

Edited by Skylord Nexus
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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe made a very unimpressed face when Lucius had commented that he doesn't think she could beat him, but for the first time in her life she kept her mouth shut and let him finish. 


"Your apology is accepted." She said through rolling eyes and a groan. She didn't know what was with this guy, or who he was.


"Do you spend most of your time approaching girls outside in the dark, y'creep?" Perpe giggled, and looked at the snow falling. She looked down at the frozen stream, and remembered she should probably go find Brume. She then facepalmed when she remembered she didn't even tell Brume where she was, and she didn't know where he would be. 


"Well I guess I'm sleeping in the snow tonight." Perpe pushed past Lucius and kicked snow into a little pile and curled up in the snow. She was cold, and visibly shaking, but she did love this feeling. "Is there something you still want, or maybe you could go away, y'think?" Perpe rolled her eyes again, and turned to face the dark in the other direction from Lucius. 




Dawn noticed a stranger approaching Opus, and drawing a blade. She smiled, knowing that she might get to execute someone without getting caught. Maybe even Opus if she played her cards right! She looked up at the stars, and then realized that through the 10 minutes they've known eachother Opus hadn't done one bad thing to her. She sighed, and did the out of character thing of jumping down behind the stranger, drawing her blade. Her magic made her sword glow with a very brilliant light which lit up all the surrounding area.


"Pssst~ Please lower all of your weapons or I'll lower your corpse into it's permanent resting place." Dawn giggled, not intimidating in the strong-man sort of way, but she was so scary and crazy that it was a little creepy.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Canteen sat upon one of the roofs of Magnolia and stared at the night sky "Melio you told me to come here, why this place is boring." he began to grumble some as he seemed to be hearing an unheard voice in his head "I don't care you said that we might find work here we haven't yet and we are sleeping outside yet AGAIN because we can't afford a place to stay at." he started to get up as the wind blew making his peasants shirt blow making him cough a bit "Damn it this it's getting colder."

Walking along the rooftops in Magnolia, his eyes looking skyward as he spoke softly "Melio it's so cold out here dont worry I wont let you freeze. When we are somewhere warmer you will be more talkative I bet." he reached into his shirt and pulled up a string holding his inhaler on it. Taking a deep inhale from it he didnt see where he was going and walked off the side off a roof. Slamming into the snow next to Perpe and Lucius, he laid in the snow as he stared up at the sky still saying allowed to no one in particular "Why didn't you warn me I was gonna fall off the roof? Hey stop your laughing this isn't funny."

Sitting up in the snow his eyes looked at Lucius tilting his head a bit at him "You going to stand there? Or are you going to offer me a hand here.." his eyes closed for a moment as he seemed to be off in his own little world. His eyes snapped open before he screamed flailing his right arm around "SPIDERS GET THEM OFF." he flung his arm more till he finally buried it into the snow

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Lucius gave Perpe a odd look which was like how dare you insinuate that "H...hey! At least I don't spend my time threatening to eat people when they quite possibly save her from an icy grave!" Lucius then witnessed Perpe go to lay back down in the snow "Wait! WHAT! you can't be serious right, you have to be joking right?" Lucius then exhaled as Perpe did indeed lay down in the snow "Nope you were serious."


Lucius was about to walk away from Perpe when he stopped and mulled over his options for a second, before gaining a confident expression on his face and walked over to the side Perpe was facing. He then proceeded to lay down next to her "What I want is to make sure you don't freeze to death, so until I'm sure that you won't die I am going to stay right here !"



Lucius then quickly sat up as a person landed next to them. Lucius was kind of taken aback by the way Canteen spoke to him and gave a long sigh and also tried to ignore his screaming about spiders. While still sat in the snow Lucius pointed his cane at Canteen and uttered the words "Dark levitation" A purple coloured magi circle that appeared on the end of the cane and Canteen's chest. Lucius lifted the can up a bit and caused Canteen to do the same, he did this until Canteen was about five foot of the ground "Ok man I hope to are capable of landing on your feet." The magic circle at the end of the cane and on Canteen then disappeared causing the spell to stop and Canteen to fall.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Skylord Nexus@@Arid_Blitz


"Who are you to tell me what to do? I can sleep wherever I want, whenever I want. If I wanted a mother, then-" Perpe stopped, not wanting to go further on the topic of her parents. "Just leave me alone or something okay? I really just want to sleep and you're not helping me at all." She curled up in the snow and held her arms close to her torso to keep warm. 


Perpe jumped up onto her feet when Canteen landed next to them, she was less startled, and more ready to defend herself if she needed to. When Lucius started treating Canteen with care, and levitated him into the air. She rolled her eyes, partially jealous of his levitation ability, but also annoyed of how trusting he is to this stranger. 


"Too lazy to help him up with your bare hands, are ya?" She chuckled, but then remembered her situation still meant she was out in the cold. "You don't have to wait here with me? I'm just gonna take a lil' cat nap whether you're here or not." Perpe looked over to Canteen. 


"Who are you anyways? Are you on some sort of drugs or something, cause you're really not acting normal." Perpe furrowed her eyebrow, and thought maybe this person could be some sort of deranged killer or maybe a dark mage, so she raised her guard, and backed up a bit.

Edited by Selkie


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Skylord Nexus

Canteen sat there with his arm buried in the snow, as the magic came forth from Lucius' cane and then around him he giggled softly as he was lifted off the ground "Ooo dark magic..it sorta tickles doesn't it? I should try it myself one day." he was up in the air and when the magic disappeared he landed on his feet tilting his head to look at Lucius "Thanks if it wasn't for Melio distracting me I wouldn't of fell off the damn roof." he brushed himself off a bit as his eyes looked towards Perpe he smiled big towards her his teeth showing a bit "My name is Canteen." he looked her over and tilted his necked till it cracked a bit "Well aren't you a pretty rose hidden beneath the snow."


His eyes looked over Perpe as he heard her ask if he was on drugs he chuckled and quickly pulled out his inhaler and showed it off "I am indeed on drugs..well medical drugs. Made from gems that helps with me they said my brain is how did they say.." he stood upright and coughed some quoting his doctor "Now mister Canteen you have a mental illness, without medication you are a danger to yourself and others." he set the inhaler back into his shirt attached to the string around his neck "Other then that I am as gentle as a cat with rabies." his eyes looked at Lucis once more

@Skylord Nexus

Narrowing his eyes a bit he grumbled a bit "It's not funny." he said softly before turning around to him "I Said it isn't funny so stop giggling." he twitched a bit as his hand moved up to brush it through his hair grabbing it some and tugged on it "It isn't nice to laugh at someone's illness."

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The wind was kicked up as a figure walked into the town. Sporting an attire that one could only associate with a sage, he moved slowly, walking directly into the abandoned part of the area, to look around. 


He exhaled, pulling a crumpled piece of paper out from his pocket, unraveling it to look it over. Pausing for a long moment, he exhaled, and looked up with a small smile.


"...I've found it..."


An small, almost lowly, empty guild faced back at him, as he gave a dry, nonchalant smile back at it. Tossing the paper to his side, satisfied that it did indeed exist, he turned to leave; slowly making his way through the town, towards the job board. Of course, he didn't belong to any guild, and that certainly needed to change soon if he were to make any real money. But...Where? Which guild?


After all, he'd been part of good guilds, bad guilds, and worse guilds. It was rare to find one that would suit a person such as himself...


He supposed he would simply put out an application, to be small news to the neighboring guilds of the area, as well as take on a few of the higher-ranked missions...Perhaps that would draw the attention of something that might help kickstart his goal...


Standing outside the 'neutral' job board, taking a single mission from the S-class category...He left behind a note, with only his name written on it. 


'Yamanu Ichtaca'


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Shadow laughed and said as he pinched the blade and pushed it away from his body, "Like I would have to carry a weapon to attack. Why don't you and your friend go, I was here first and it was his fault that he didn't notice me before." He added as he walked away with his claws in his pocket, "And besides, it doesn't seem that ya can defeat me, even with me not guarding myself. 


Opus slightly backed away, tripping over a rock and falling on his but. He crawled away as the figure past him. He scrambled to his feet and place the trumpet in his pocket. He looked down to see that his hands were scratched up, and no blood was coming out. He quickly jammed his hands in his pocket to hide them.


Starry tossed and turned, trying to sleep, then she sighed, got up, and headed to the elevator to go outside and maybe find a guild to join so she can make money on the side with making crystal souvenirs for people that pass by her booth when she decides to put one up. She stepped outside to see the full moon coming up. She smiled at the moon and headed down the street to look for people that might help her find a guild that's right for her.

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@, @@Arid_Blitz,

​Lucius glanced over at Perpe when after saying mother she trailed off "I assume families a bit of a tough subject for you then... you and me both sister you and me both." Lucius then gave Perpe a really serious look "I'm not going to leave someone like you to just sleep in the snow and probably freeze to death in a stupid wimpy position like the one your in now, do you really want people to think that you were just some sleazy ally kid who froze to death, or do you maybe want to get up off your lazy butt and find a place to sleep that is nice and warm?!"


Lucius was kind of lost for words when Canteen said that his magic tickled "Yeah um you shouldn't be able to feel anything, I would really go and get yourself checked to make sure I haven't caused you any sought of long term damage, god know it hasn't been the first time I've done that to someone." Lucius then stepped back a bit when Canteen announced that he had a mental illness, Lucius then backed up even more so that he was now just behind Perpe after Canteen started having a go at him for laughing at his illness "Hey now buddy I didn't laugh at you I promise." Lucius then put his head right next to Perpe's ear and whispered to her "Yeah...um if you need another reason to leave, this place now has a mental patient here which, and call me mad for this if you want, is generally a bit of a turn off when I want to have a nap." Something then just clicked in Lucius' head and he looked back at Canteen "Hey who is Melio, I don't anyone is on that roof, and if your friends I think this person will have came to help you by now."   

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Skylord Nexus,


Perpe grinded her teeth at his request to leave, but was more than satisfied with the care she was getting. She wouldn't show this of course, as that would make her soft or actually likeable or something. "Pshht. I was gonna go anyways, least you can do is let me stay in your place." Perpe chuckled to herself, paying no mind to Canteen at this point, as she was more than occupied with speaking to Lucius. She averted her attention back to Canteen and gave her signature you want some look.


"Is there a reason why you dropped down here? Maybe trying to pick a fight or something? Not that I would want to fight someone in this state, just curious." She took it upon herself to stand in front of Lucius, acting as his guard. "Answer the man's question. Who is this Melio?" 




Dawn gave a slight smirk at Shadow, remembering she had to conceal her magic power while in this town to stay incognito. She figured she might as well play along with the pathetic damsel role she's been playing, as she figured if she released so much magic power it would make Opus crap himself. "Please just leave my friend alone, sir! He didn't do anything!" She whimpered quietly, her sad-face looking impossibly menacing due to her eyes. 


Dawn smiled a cute little grin and turned around. "Opus, come. We should find somewhere to stay for the night." She made sure to make a point of winking back at Shadow as they walked away. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Shadow rolled his eyes and dropped through a portal in the ground. He ended up on a rooftop, overlooking the city. From his point of view, everyone was ants, compared to him, in size and magic. He started scratching into the weathered stone that he sat on as he thought about what to do after he took the item that he stole to the one that made the quest, but he would have to find a way to make the person think that he's from the guild. He shrugged and decided to figure out when the time comes.


Starry was enjoying the night, then she noticed an empty bottle. She picked up the bottle, turned the glass into a weak crystal, then she placed it on the ground and gave it a kick. The bottle went rolling down the street until it hit a building and shattering upon impact. She smiled for a brief moment before she thought about what if that happened to her parents.


Opus nodded and said as he kept his hands in his pocket, "There's a cemetery that we could rest in for the night. Or you know a better spot, but could we stop by a store to grabbed a surgical needle and thread, or do you have some on you."

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