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private USS Luna

Mentis Soliloquy

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As the hailing message was sent, the space before the Luna began to distort and bend.  Gradually, the details of the other ship became clearer and clearer until the cloak had completely dissipated, a Klingon Bird-of-Prey loitering just off the Federation starship's side.  It wasn't long before the reply was sent, a gruff, goateed klingon in traditional garb staring back at his equal with a friendly grin.


"Captain Mentis Soliloquy of the Federation ship, USS Luna, this is Captain Pakul Jok of the IKC CharghwI'.  It is an honor to meet you, though I would prefer it be under different circumstances."

  • Brohoof 2

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Mentis stands to look at the display showing the Klingon. "Greetings to you Captain Jok (@Hazard Time), yes I wish this was a meeting for a more nicer occasion than us having to deal with Romulans. If you would like your helmsman to match our heading and course we'll set about going to the meeting point with the Romulans, if you care to beam over we can continue this discussion in person?" He looks over to Flight (@Once In A Blue Moon). "Helm full impulse to the meet up coordinates if you please." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy


"That, I will.  We shall see each other in person soon."  The captain nodded off-screen and the transmission ended.  Pakul stood up from his chair and made to exit the bridge.


"Commander, you have the helm.  Match their speed and heading.  Do not engage unless engaged first."  The commander nodded and the captain exited.  After a few minutes, he had reached the teleporter room and was beaming over to the Luna.

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As the hailing message was sent, the space before the Luna began to distort and bend.  Gradually, the details of the other ship became clearer and clearer until the cloak had completely dissipated, a Klingon Bird-of-Prey loitering just off the Federation starship's side.


"Celestia's sunlit backside," Misty exclaimed as the ship materialised in front of them. She looked through the sensor readings for the past ten seconds, then up again at the ship hanging in space in front of them, "Bird-of-Prey indeed," she muttered, mostly to herself, as she eyed the weapon systems mounted on it.




"Helm full impulse to the meet up coordinates if you please." 


"Yes captain, Luna to full impulse on bearing 025 mark 300. Estimated fourteen hours to destination, unless we take a short warp-hop to get there," she looked down at the sensor readings again, "The Klingon vessel is keeping our impulse and heading," she added, still fascinated by the previously invisible ship.  

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


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Indicus on the other hand was not fascinated like Misty rather he just had a respect for the Klingon ship born of being involved in many battles with them and of fighting on the ship itself during boarding actions. Indicus looked at Misty recognizing the look of fascination that many got when seeing one for the first time outside of simulation. "They can put up quite the fight with a good captain and crew. Some of the closest encounters I've had were against a Bird of Prey and their crew

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Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"Ok then lets meet our guest shall we?" He stood up from his chair he had returned to in the mean time. "Crystal, (@Miss Reaper) Indicus, (@Shadow Dancer) with me lets go meet our Klingon friend." The three of them moved to the turbo lift and then headed down the the transporter room, upon arriving he nodded to the transporter chief whom then started of the transport. 


Within moments the Klingon captain (@Hazard Time) and a pair of his guards/retinue materialized in the transporters. Mentis cleared his throat before saying a practiced line, "nuqneH luna, jok HoD." (Welcome to the Luna, Captain Jok.).

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@@Mentis Soliloquy @@Miss Reaper @@Shadow Dancer


Shortly after the welcoming party had arrived in the transporter room, the platform hummed and three tall humanoid figures began to materialize.  When the process was completed, the klingons took in their surroundings.  All three were armored, honor sashes about their shoulders, with disruptor pistols at their sides.


"Jlplv. Blplv'a'?" (I am healthy.  Are you healthy?) Jok responded.  He was the first to step off, followed by his entourage.  He motioned to the warrior to his left.  "I bring my lieutenants Klom..."  He then motioned to his right.  "...and Wobho.  They will be with me for the entirety of these...negotiations."  The klingon curled his lip up slightly as he spat that last word out.  "The sooner this is done, the better."

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The captain tried to sound like he knew what the Klingon had said be he hadn't a clue. "I am sorry Jok (@Hazard Time) but I don't speak Klingon, I made an effort there to be a little hospitable is all." He gave a smile to him, though he knew he may of caused offense who knew. He nods to the two others. "Greetings to you both." He gestures with his hand to the two standing next to him. "These are some of my senior officers, this is Lieutenant Indicus (@Shadow Dancer), my head of security. To my right this is Lieutenant Symphony (@Miss Reaper), ship's councilor they will both be present for the negotiations."


He did not want to acknowledge these talks as a farce, unlike what Pok thought of them, they were a means to stop conflict in this sector and he was always a firm believer in non hostile ways of settling things if it could be helped.


"If you'll care to follow me, I'll show you to your quarters if you need a private room during the talks on-board my ship." He eyes the alien's sidearms, then whisperers to Indicus. "Make sure no one's weapons but ours work on this ship, talk to Crystal if you have to." He leads them all out of the transporter room...

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, @@Hazard Time,


Lunar was by her captain's side when the Klingon officials arrived, standing alert and attentive as she heard the telltale sound of the transporter activating. A few quick clicks from the back of her throat once the figures had materialized, and immediately she could tell there were three of them. Her ears quirked at the greetings exchanged; their language was a fascinating one to listen to. Sharp syllables and guttural sounds - very befitting of the proud warrior race.


She could practically hear that curl of his lip as the representative snarled the word "negotiations" with such disdain. It was immediately obvious to her that he would rather not be here, partaking in civil discussions; he probably preferred the fighting and bloodshed, knowing how Klingons operated. Well, at least he was open to the possibility of negotiating, otherwise he wouldn't be here at all.


When Captain Soliloquy acknowledged her, she nodded her head. There wasn't much for her to say when not spoken directly to at the moment. Depending on how things went at the negotiations, though, she might have plenty to say.

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The crystal mare was standing by her console when the ship disengaged it's warp drives. She looked at the screen for any shady readouts, then smiled. "Alright everyone, seems like we made it in one piece. And thanks to the big push in system diagnostics, now we know the shields, weapons and impulse work as intended. Let's just hope the mission goes well..."


She kept herself occupied, kept in the dark on what was going on. At some point, she saw a power surge to the transporter room, then a message came from the bridge - the Klingons were on the ship. Crystal opened the Engineering channel and adressed her personnel: "All engineering personnel, listen up. We're closing our clubhouse - the guests have arrived. The Engineering decks will be sealed in ten minutes, and nopony outside our department goes in or out without me knowing, alright? If you as much as sniff a non-starfleet individual near the airlock, call the security. I'm in no mood for "accidents". I'll open the airlocks to let you guys in and out, don't worry. Crystal Clear out."


The mare looked up at airlock controls - she already selected the ones she wanted to use to seal off the most critical installations without blocking the way for other departments. This ship was really well designed after all...

Edited by Raven Rawne
  • Brohoof 1

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(Thought you might of posted Shadow, oh well)


Mentis led the small party to a guest quarters for the Klingons (@Hazard Time). "This is where you can be in private or rest without having to go back to your warbird, your free to move about the ship almost I've got security on high alert during the talks so rooms like the bridge, brig and engineering will be off limits. Otherwise you can explore the Luna if you want and talk to my crew." He bows a little to the three of them "We'll arrive a the meet up point in roughly 12 hours, if you need me just use a comm panel, I'll be on the bridge." With that he departs.

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Blood Drops blinked awake as a red warning light came across her monitor, she pressed several buttons bringing up the cause of the red warning button. She began checking the pattern buffers and smirked. Her time to shine at last, the pattern buffer had detected a small strain of the 'Levodian flu', to small to be detected though traditional means. Though not deadly it could potentially spread towards the rest of the crew, it apparently came on from one of the klingons. She would find out anyway.


She made her way with her hypospray that had been adapted specifically for Klingons, she then trotted down to where the guests were staying, she then knocked on the door with her tricorter at the ready, She blinked as one of them opened the door "flu, ghIq wa' HeghDI' jeywIj SoH DuQ je needle vItu'" she remarked using her universal translator. Hopefully it went somthing like 'One of you have the flu, when I find out i'm going to stab you with a needle' she scanned the first klingon, then moved onto the next, and then the third. Bingo. 


She pulled out her hypospray and gave him a dose, which would cure him of the 'Levodian flu', "Hoch Qu', elave vaj SoH qaStaHvIS roj" she remarked which hopefully translated to 'All done, I will leave you to it'. She then blinked, what was the phrase for goodbye?, she knew the Klingons used 'Pahtak' alot. So she said it as she left. 


She didn't know it translated as 'Lowly slave", goodbye was actually 'Pah Taka'. 






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(Lets see if I can @everyone, breath some life here...)


One of the Klingons followed out after the doctor. "You, horse (@BloodDrops)..." His manners crude as for a typical Klingon warrior. "What is this infection we had?"


The captain changed his mind and went down to engineering to check on how their security was holding up and how it would do so during the talks. He taps on the panel outside main engineering. "Hello Lt. Clear (@Raven Rawne)? Gonna let your captain in?" He tapped his com badge as well. "Flight (@Once In A Blue Moon) can you come down to engineering?" 


The two remaining Klingons after some personal talks set off to find the other two who would be with them at the talks bar the captain. Jok going to seek out indicus (@Shadow Dancer) and the other Lunar (@Miss Reaper).

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


The crystal mare looked up at the screen showing the view from their camera outside the Main Engineering to confirm what she heard. Crystal Clear shrugged and pushed the "OPEN" button on her console. As soon as the captain was in, she closed the heavy door. "I can't see why not, captain. It's not like I'm having a lot of visitors down here... So, how can we, humble engineers help their captain?" She made a slight bow to further exaggerrate the effect. Truth be told, nopony went all the way down to Enginnering, unless they had a damn good reason for it. "Oh and, by the way, we're closing the whole hallway in... five minutes. Extra safety measures, I don't need any sneaky types in my store rooms or power cell charging stations, much less in my office. I assure you that I thought about everything, closing off critical installations shouldn't affect other departments or freedom of passage around the ship."

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One of the Klingons followed out after the doctor. "You, horse (BloodDrops)..." His manners crude as for a typical Klingon warrior. "What is this infection we had?"


"Me Horse?" she asked amused. "You human?" she asked with a snort. She was easy to offend after all, being called horse wasn't helping his first impression. "Levodian flu, you brought it along and got it stuck in the pattern buffers. Maybe you should have taken a more balanced diet" she advised.


"I will make sure you get additional supplements from the meals you are provided, maybe alot more vegetables as well. Especially the green ones" she remarked.

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Indicus was content to be left alone as he kept an eye on his data pad looking at the camera feed. When he looked up Indicus saw one of the Klingons walk up to him Joke if he remembered correctly. "So what can I do for you sir?" Indicus asked calmly looking between the feed and his visitor.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

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Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Lunar was sitting, reading over the available information about the representatives; it was best to be well-informed, after all, and it wouldn't be long before the Romulan representatives came into the picture. The thestral sat with her datapad, brushing her thumb over the tactile interface to interpret the lines of data before flicking to the next page. Then she paused, wondering if the Romulans would be as reluctant as the Klingons appeared to be about the upcoming negotiations. Likely so. Tensions were going to be high, more probably than not.


Her ears flicked up at the sound of someone approaching. Loud, heavy footsteps, a confident stride. A soft chirp of echolocation affirmed it was a large figure heading her way; one of the Klingon officials. The counselor set her datapad aside, head tilting up as she turned her clouded eyes towards the Klingon.


"Can I help you, sir?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Misty Flight stared at the practically blank screen in front of her. She'd been staring at it for two hours already, not to mention the time spent yesterday. The subject heading was, after much deliberation, 'Hello.' A similar amount of consideration had gone into starting with 'Sorry' or 'Dear Mum and Dad' before going with the former. She had just about settled on 'Sorry I haven't written for a while' when her communicator chirped. 




"Flight, can you come down to engineering?" 



"Yes captain, I'm on my way," she answered, carefully releasing the SEND button before letting out a sigh of exasperation and saving the draft for later again. Changing into her duty officer shirt on and running a comb through her hair she stepped out of her quarters and headed for the lift, nodding to a couple of ensigns on the way. She tapped engineering on the lift controls, and was surprised as it flashed red.





She blinked and swiped her card again, with the same result. Tapping her communicator, she scrolled through the messages she had filtered out, finally finding the 'Engineering lockdown' message. 


"Ah, captain?" she said into her communicator, "I'm locked out of engineering, could you buzz me through? Lift 2A."

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 2

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(@BloodDrops) The Klingon huffed. "This food you speak of? Will, make sure I do not have this flu again?" He said in a gruffed tone.


He stood over the sitting mare, being at least 8', a monster of a man. His voice however was rather tame for such a figure. "Are you the one called Lunar (@Miss Reaper)? I was asked to speak with you if you are that, pony..." He had difficulty pronouncing the word, obvious he'd not spoke or even heard of a pony until recently, however the rest of his English was well practiced. 


"Indicus (@Shadow Dancer)... would you care to take a walk with me?" His voice was well mannered.





The captain walked in and to his chief engineer (@Raven Rawne). "When Flight gets here I will explain..." 


Once Misty (@Once In A Blue Moon) had been buzzed in and was now in Clear's office, he gestured for them to sit. Clear at her desk, Mentis and Flight sitting opposite. "Okay now that I have you two in the same room there are a few things I was thinking of, that I'd like to get sorted out before the talks."  

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, @@Once In A Blue Moon,


The crystal mare waited in the Main Engineering, along with the Captain, for the Helmsman to arrive. She occasionally glanced at her console and pushed some buttons, and when it was time to close off the decks, she gave an anoouncement over the Engineering channel, then sealed off the deck. Since Misty was still on the upper levels, she had to open the way for her, starting with the turbolft and then a few carefully picked emergency seals that were closed off to restrict access to certain extra sensitive areas. Once the pegasus arrived, the Captain asked them to talk someplace private, so they chose the Chief Engineers office. Crystal Clear sure was glad that she kept the place tidy at all times...


She took her comfy and oversized seat and leaned back, glancing at the wall of screens to her left. Nothing alarming so far. Crystal Clear returned her gaze to the ponies opposite of her desk and smiled a bit. Her fake eye was reflecting the green dots from the screens, which made it more noticeable than usual.


"So, I'm curious what was so important that you came down here, and not the other way around... Usually I'm the one who's being told to double time on the bridge."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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The Klingon huffed. "This food you speak of? Will, make sure I do not have this flu again?" He said in a gruffed tone.


Blood Drops nodded, yeah It helps you getting ill. Though good hygiene also helps. She remarked. She twitched her ear. "Why you must have a doctor on board your own ship. He really should be the one to tell you this, it's not very hard to do anyway, just add it into whatever you replicate and your healthy without even knowing it" she remarked to the Klingon. 

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Walking through locked-down corridors was an eerie experience; the gentle electric hum, spotless white corridors, sterile smell and lack of any other living beings all sending shivers down her spine as her subconscious reminded her that ponies were meant to be herd animals. Meanwhile her imagination furnished every doorway with monsters and aliens even as her rational mind decided that she really needed to cut back on the horror holoflicks. 


@@Raven Rawne@@Mentis Soliloquy.


Stepping into Crystal Clear's office with some trepidation, Misty saluted Mentis Soliloquy and Crystal Clear.


"Captain, commander," she acknowledged, a mixture of worry and curiosity on her face. The glint in the crystalline chief engineer's eye didn't help matters, sitting back in her chair like a spider at the centre of her web. Really no more horror films, Misty decided. 




"So, I'm curious what was so important that you came down here, and not the other way around... Usually I'm the one who's being told to double time on the bridge."


Curiosity pushed its way to the front of the queue again, and Misty couldn't keep the quizzical look off her face as she awaited the captain's explanation.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@@Mentis Soliloquy


Indicus shrugged, "Sure any destination in mind?" Indicus had a feeling this would be a walk with no destination but rather just to do something as they talked. Indicus did keep his guard up a bit just on the off chance of something going bad but that was mostly just instinct and paranoia speaking. Indicus gestured for the Klingon to lead the way.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Mentis Soliloquy,


An intimidating figure, indeed. But Lunar wasn't one to judge others by any aspect of their appearance, for obvious reasons. That aside, the voice told her far more about a given individual; their demeanor, their mannerisms, their feelings. The thestral wasn't known as a good listener just because she compensated for her blindness with sound. She listened to one's voice, and the words they spoke, and she acted accordingly.


This Klingon, surprisingly so, sounded friendlier than she would have expected for a race so prone to violence and pride. He was making an effort to be civil, at the very least, and Lunar could appreciate that much when she had expected tensions due to the upcoming negotiations.


"I am that pony, yes," she affirmed, offering a polite smile. "Lunar Symphony at your service."

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"(BloodDrops) Doctors are rare among us Klingons! Who wants to heal the sick when they can take a Bat'leth to one of our enemies throats!" He coughed when he realized that he was being stupid. "We have a few field medics on board it's what is most common on Klingon warships." 


"(Shadow Dancer) I've been told that the mess halls of Federation vessels have impressive views of space from them, maybe that can be our destination?" He suggested, as they set off for the mess hall he came to his subject in hand. "I would be most... grateful if you could tell me of the... fighting abilities of ponies? I need to know if this ship can be relied on."


"(Miss Reaper) toH ghom (well met) Lunar, I am Gorg, I suppose I am what you consider a moral officer on board my ship, you and I are the same yes? May I sit?" 





"Okay now that I have both of you here... (Raven Rawne), (Once In A Blue Moon) and before you start throwing regulations at me, mainly because I know them all and wrote 3 of them. I'd like it to be set up Crystal that both I and Flight here have a means of unfettered access to main engineering without me having to cite access codes and Flight just being barred in situations like this. I out of all my crew think we are the main and best candidates when it comes to seeing the ship both working and can fly it. The same goes for you Crystal I want to make sure you can also access the bridge when it is locked down. The main reason I am asking this is because I firstly want both your opinions on this and..." He froze up for a moment as to think of words to say, he failed rather badly. "I've forgotten how to do it..." 

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