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@@Driz,@@Commander Tangent,


"Trinket!" Raze shouted, trying to keep her safe while Skyhop took care of the rest of the gang members. It was then that the Templar had finally made it. Since Skyhop seemed to be taking care of everything, the autopilot prioritized getting to the ship's pilot first.


"And you're even more late!!" he shouted to the ship. The Templar slowly set itself down on the ground, taking up most of the street.


"C'mon, in ya go..." Raze said to Trinket, carrying her over her shoulder. "We're heading for the target. It's only big enough for one man, so it might be a bit of a squeeze..."



Meanwhile, in an distant alleyway



"You got the 'tomato juice'?" the buyer asked.


A man, a bit chubby in figure, sporting a pair of luxury shades, smirked at the question. He was surrounded by two large men carrying sub-machine guns.


"More than you could possibly imagine... 30 packs; 25,000,000 woolongs," Black Gambit said to the buyer.


The buyer raised a brow. "You sure it's worth that much? Let me see a sample..."


The gang leader nodded towards a man carrying a metal case, who walked forward and held it out, opening it. Inside were 30 vials of a chemical substance. The buyer took one, and observed the liquid inside.


"Hmm..." He took out a device which scanned the vial. He looked surprised at the results.


"Yep... definitely premium Red-Eye right there," he said.


Red-Eye: a powerful and addictive black market drug that enhances the user's physical strength and perception of time, making everything seem to move in slow motion. The application of the drug involves spraying it directly into your eyes, which irritates them and turns them blood red, hence the name.


"So then... do we have a deal...?" Black Gambit, had asked, before his head turned to the sound of distant gunfire and yelling. He grit his teeth in slight anger.


"Damn those incompetent buffoons...!" He turned towards the buyer. "Our location's been compromised. You'll need to come with us to a more secure area; we'll continue the transaction there."


"Huh--" was all the buyer could say before the two armed men took him and brought him into a car, with the buyer protesting a bit. Black Gambit and the man carrying the Red-Eye case went in afterwards.


"Drive, and fast!!" he yelled to the driver, who did as he was instructed. He then turned to one of the bodyguards. "You, call the MONO Fighters to protect us from the air."

The driver quickly backed up out of the alleyway, and floored away from the gunfight...




...But not before Raze managed to catch a glimpse of the car driving away. It looked the same as the rest of the vehicles the gang were using. 


"That's him!!! I know it!!!" he shouted. "We need to go, NOW!!" 


He opened the cockpit, and strapped himself in. He slowly set Trinket down in front of him, moving her slightly so he could see. He primed the engines, then grasped the fighter's motorbike-like throttle handles. He pulled the acceleration handle, then slowly took off, chasing after the car. Not far behind him, two other aircraft were speeding towards their location as well.


((For those having trouble imagining it, here's what the cockpit of the Templar should look like:



  Reveal hidden contents



And yes, Trinket is kind of sitting on Raze's lap at the moment, leaning against the controls. Well, more or less his right leg, but still...))

Edited by Detective Adachi
  • Brohoof 2

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@ @@Commander Tangent @@Driz


Bronze pulled the M1911A1 from its holster and released the safety.  When they landed, she leapt off the Odonatta, firing a few wild shots in the direction of the goons to keep their heads down as she dove for cover.  Dammit, she didn't have the ammo to spend on establishing fire superiority, neither did she have the weapons!  Her decision not to bring her assault rifle had handicapped her team's overall effectiveness, and the shame was burning her hard.  If they made it out alive and got their stallion, perhaps nopony would lord it over her?


The pegasus leaned out from her cover and fired a single wild shot.  With an opening established, she took the time to aim at the nearest goon and pulled the trigger.  A fountain of scarlet appeared from his chest and he collapsed to the ground.  She moved on to the next one and fired a second shot.  Center mass, and her slide stayed open.  Empty.  She dove back behind her cover as a bullet zipped by.  Bronze pushed the magazine release and caught the empty one, shoving it into her jacket as she retrieved a new one.


The .45 had always been her favorite.  The 9x19 millimeter that the ISSP had insisted on being their standard issue was just a glorified peashooter, and a criminal high on enough narcotics could easily shrug off a half dozen of them to their torso.  A .45, though...you pull that trigger, you feel the hard jerk in your wrists, that signature BOOM, and nine times out of ten, the pony unfortunate enough to find themselves staring down the barrel falls over and doesn't get up, doped or not.  Bronze could name a few occasions (plus two recent ones) where her M1911 had saved her life.  Hell, if there was anypony or anything on board that ship she had chemistry with, it was that beast she was cradling in her hands.


...oh for fu-NOT NOW, DAMMIT!


The pegasus shoved the new magazine inside and released the slide, counting her bullets as she fired them.  Eight...seven, six...five, four...three...two, one, out!  She traded her empty magazine for a new one.  Dammit, she only brought three extra magazines!


"Cover me!  I'm gonna move up!"

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time,


Skyhop came off of his ship gun ready. With the safety off, he put two three round bursts down range. Each burst reverberated off the buildings and echoed down the street. It was a wonderful sound.  Quickly he dove behind a car and fired another burst at a goon that was changing cover. Two of the three rounds impacted him, tumbling wildly through his torso before exiting. He fell to the ground with a yelp.


"I'm covering you !" He shouted back to his ally, firing four or five bursts downrange at any enemy that tried to return fire. Most of them kept their heads down, while one unlucky enemy took a hit to the shoulder, falling backwards from the impact. 


"Come on, keep up the pressure !" He murmured to himself, glancing quickly at his translucent magazine before continuing his assault. It seemed his ally had not packed as much firepower as him, and he attempted to compensate for that while they pushed.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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(( What an interesting situation we've got ourselves in, eh, mister?? AsdRs1Q.png ))




Trinket was carried by Raze towards his personal fighter, the Templar, and put inside the ship's cockpit. After the initial numbness all around her right thigh (where the bullet penetrated) from immediately after she was shot, came an intense feeling of pain like an enormous tidal wave. Her vision was considerably blurry - both due to the pain and the blood loss - as she gritted her teeth and tried her best to stay conscious. While Raze piloted the Templar after Black Gambit, the mare remained motionless, pressing hard against the wound as to temporarily stop the bleeding. She would need to remove that damned piece of lead from there as soon as possible. However, it was understandable that the priority was to chase their prized wanted criminal on the run right in front of them. All she could do was hold on. If she were able to speak at that moment, she'd most likely apologize, both for being a burden and for spilling blood inside his fighter.

Edited by Driz
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"That answers that, but it still doesn't answer why the bastard's face and name keeps coming to my... son of a mule! It's him!" He shouts over the radio as he runs out of munution. Making his way down, he shoulders his rifle and unholsters his two 500 magnums and grins wickedly as he begins doing flips and such while mowing down thugs in a rain of bullets "I've cometo deliver some bad news" he remarks as he points the magnum to a thug's head with a grin


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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((Playing throughout the chase.))

As Raze followed the vehicle out of the residential area and onto a bridge that lead to the main city, the two ships behind armed their weapons and began firing a torrent of machine gun bullets at the Templar. Raze could hear the gunfire and barrel-rolled out of the way to the right to avoid it. He smiled slightly.

"Two can play at that game..." he said, then proceeded to suddenly decelerate so that the ships would pass him. When they were about 50 feet ahead, he pulled the throttle handle back and sped up again. He then fired up his own weapons systems, queuing up the ship's machine gun turrets. The computer took a few seconds to lock on, but found its mark. Raze selected the ship on the left, then fired. The ship tried to swerve out of the way, but Raze made sure to keep right on him, until the stream of bullets hit the back of the ship. He hit the right wing, and it exploded with a bright orange flame. The ship, unable to stabilize itself, curved off and crashed into the blue Ganymede ocean. He then focused on the other ship and fired again, this time hitting the main hull. One of the bullets managed to pierce through the hull and into the cockpit, killing the pilot. The ship began to slowly curve off course, until it too landed in the ocean.

Meanwhile, Black Gambit had observed the destruction of the two fighters, and began to grit his teeth in anger again. He heard a yelp from the back seat, and turned to look around. The buyer was panicking greatly, sweat dripping from his forehead. Gambit grunted and looked at the driver.

"Faster, dammit!!" he yelled, to which the driver obeyed, swerving recklessly through traffic.

Raze, however, kept on him. He had the ship's weapons systems locked on to the car, so he wouldn't lose track. Edited by Detective Adachi

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Clock glanced and saw Raze pursuing the vehicle "Leave some of him for me Cap, this bastard killed my parents and my best friend, so i want to make him suffer as much as i can" he says through the radio.


He continued to plough through the oncoming of hordes of thugs while gradually thinning their numbers "Damn, just how many thugs does this guy have? They keep coming from all directions!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Orange Sparks

"Don't let your emotions get the better of you, ya idiot!" Raze said to Clockwork. "We're supposed to bring this guy in alive and in one piece, so hold off on him! I ain't killing him either; just need to corner him so I can go in and capture him..."


He increased his speed, trying to fly past the car Gambit was in.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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@@Commander Tangent @@Orange Sparks


The flightless pegasus mare dashed forward from car to car, occasionally firing a wild shot.  She needed to get close so that she could start scavenging their guns or, best case, .45 ammo.  Plus, the closer she got, the more optimum her accuracy would be, as logic would dictate.


Dodging into a side alley, she took the opportunity to reload her pistol.  Just as she dropped the mag, a stallion burst from around the corner, pistol in hand, and aimed it at her.  There was no time to think; she dropped the pistol and rushed forward, swinging her arms and contacting the goon's wrist.  The shot missed her by a wide margin, and she followed up with a punch to his xiphoid, knocking the wind out of him before grabbing his wrist and twisting.  His grip on the weapon loosened enough for the mare to wrench it free and use it to bludgeon him.  The goon collapsed to the ground, and the mare took inventory.


A TEC-9.  Why was she not surprised?  Most bought them because they looked cool, but in reality, they were cheap pieces of shite that couldn't hit anything past five meters.  As often as they jammed, they were just as likely to get you killed as they were to kill the enemy.  On top of all that, they were nine millimeter.  She'd pass.


Bronze picked her .45 back up and slid in a new mag.  She racked the slide and charged back out onto the street, nearly running into Clockwork.  She took cover behind the nearest car, nodding to him.


"Nice mags," she commented, flinching as bullets tore into the vehicle behind her.  "'ow do your wrists fee'w, by the way?"  She stood up and leveled her pistol, aiming down the sights.  Her blood ran cold when she suddenly noticed the front post had gone crooked.  It must have happened when she dropped it.  Dammit all, first her arsenal malfunction, and now this?  Did some higher power want her dead?


As if to answer that question, a bullet grazed her shoulder, leather and flesh disintegrating as she yelped in pain.  She shut her eyes and gritted her teeth, slumping back down into cover and uttering a string of curses.

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@,@@Hazard Time,


"Don't worry, I won't kill him, but i do want him to suffer for what he did to me, and most likely countless others" he says and then nods to Bronze "Thanks luv, as for my wrists? Well they kill like hell after all this is done, but it's totally worth it" he says, quickly throwing one of his magnums to her "Here, may as well take one, I can aim easier with just one anyways" he says as he pulls a few more flips, dodging a few bullets that went speeding his way, but as one hit and dented his metallic arm, he growls "Oooh, you've done it now" he says as he grins even more wickedly and it was clear he was going to go psycho..


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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At every sharp turn and maneuver the Templar performed, Trinket winced in pain. Furthermore, her 'seat' wasn't exactly as comfortable as she wished, considering it hadn't been designed to accommodate a co-pilot. Keeping her head low, she constantly readjusted and shifted herself in order to try and stay away from Raze's line of sight.


"G...God damn it, Raze... Just hurry and... freaking capture that son of a gun already... I need... I need medical attention..." With the small amount of energy she could muster at that moment, she spoke up: her voice weak and tremulous. It wasn't everything she had to say, but it was all she managed to at that moment.

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@@Orange Sparks, @@Hazard Time,


Skyhop continued fighting in the street, only stopping to exchange magazines. The translucent nature of his mags made it easy to tell how much ammo he had remaining with a quick glance. As round zipped and cracked past him, he cracked a devious little plan. Much to his nature, Skyhop never minded fighting dirty.


With a smile, he flopped down on his side next to a car, aiming under the vehicles around him. He saw plenty of legs and feet that were unaware of their impending removal. Switching to semi-automatic, he fired round after round into the legs of his assailants. They yelped and jumped, many panicking and jumping away from cover. One unlucky goon aimed under a car at him, only to receive a nice FMJ round to the face.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Raze didn't respond, focusing on his target. He sped up again, now passing the car and traveling a good distance away from it. At about 300 feet away, Raze slowed down and began to make a quick U-Turn.


"Hang on!" he said to Trinket as he suddenly jerked the ship's control left, quickly turning the ship 180 degrees. He then decreased his altitude, being slightly above traffic. The car immediately jerked to a stop; the cars in front of it had stopped as well due to the ship's presence. Raze set the ship down in front of the road, blocking anyone from getting through. Powering it down, he opened the cockpit door, holding Trinket so she wouldn't fall, putting her in the seat.


"Hold on..." he said, taking a look at her bag. He found the first aid supplies she took with her. He found a morphine syringe, and carefully injected her with it.


"That should help with the pain..." he said.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Clock uses a short break in the firefight to reload his magnum while tossing a few rounds of ammunition to Bronze "Here luv" he says before resuming firing at the throng of thugs, he looks around and couldn't see Raze "Boss, everythin' okay?" he asks through the radio while shooting from the hip at a thug who was running at him. "Ooh right between the eyes, that's what I call an expert shot" he comments then hears someone running at him from behind, he aims his magnum over his shoulder and fires, to hear a scream of pain "Ha!"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Bronze grasped her wound, trying to put the most pressure on it that she could.  Some very choice words were running through her mind as she cursed her unpreparedness.  She should have brought at least one bandage, idiot!  Screw it, maybe she deserved this.  If she survived, she'd learn her lesson, but right now, they were still taking fire and she would not let Clockwork think that she was some dainty damsel.


The pegasus wiped her blood soaked hand on her pants and checked the cylinder of her revolver.  Five shots, none fired.  She gripped the beast in both hands and rested it on the car as she pulled the trigger, taking note of the heavy trigger.  The Smith & Wesson jerked hard in her hand, much harder than her Colt, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to flinch.  The 700 grain bullet veered wildly off course, taking a large chunk out of the wall of a nearby building.  Bronze took a deep breath, cocked the hammer, and took aim once more.  This time, her bullet found its home in another goon's chest, a large fountain of blood painting the wall scarlet as he slumped against it.


"Let me ask you again," she yelled above the noise, pulling back behind the car.  "'ow 'ave your 'ands not fallen off?!"

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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She let out a groan after being injected with the morphine, which began acting just a couple of seconds after, ceasing the pain. Finally being able to breathe again, Trinket let herself relax on the fighter's seat, which was actually fairly comfortable. Still breathing heavily, she then glanced over at Raze.


"...What are you waiting for? Go fetch Rack Bandit and let's get the hell out of this fish-hole... I guess I can wait in here and leave all the glory to you this time around." She laughed. At least her sense of humor hadn't been entirely compromised. "Just be careful, alright?" From what she could gather, the captain had managed to cut through the traffic and barricade Black Gambit's getaway vehicle. Seemed like it had been an amazing stunt - if only she wasn't nearly passing out during it, she could've actually experienced it. Everything seemed to be going their way for a change. However, a cornered dog is likely to bite.

Edited by Driz
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@@Hazard Time


Clockwork smirks "It's all about practice luv, if all you use is a light weapon with little to no kickback then it'll take time ter get used to" he says as he fills another thug with lead and reloads his Magnum and sighs as he sits down and rubs his wrist "Trust me darl, once you've used a magnum for as long as I have, it gets easier, especially on the wrists and arms" he says before aiming and firing off at another thug coming their way "Will these bastids never quit?" he says eyeing the battlefield for any ammunition usable with his rifle.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks, @@Hazard Time,


Skyhop continued his shenanigan of shooting the goons in the feet under the cars. They were starting to catch on however, with some taking cover behind wheels and hard objects. But it still left plenty moving out for cover that wouldn't get their foot shot off. As he moved up the street he passed his two compatriots.He gave both of them a glance, a smile, and then continued up the street carefully. Right now he was aiming to shoot through the goons and see if Raze's shop buddy was still alive. They might need him later.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Raze looked at Trinket and smiled, relieved to know she would be okay for now. 

"You got it," he said to her, hopping off the cockpit and walking forward towards Gambit's location...



"Why have we stopped?!" Gambit yelled at the driver.


"Well, sir, there's... a ship blocking the way..."


He grit his teeth and gripped his head, his anger beginning to build up again. Looking out, he saw Raze approaching them.


"Is that the bounty hunter?" he asked aloud, to which no one could respond. He turned towards his two bodyguards. "Kill him!" he said to both of them. 


They both got out of the car, aiming their machine guns at Raze, but before they could fire at him, Raze had drawn his Beretta and taken them both out with a few shots to the chest. As they bled out on the road, he stepped over them and looked in the passenger seat window, where his target was sitting, looking at him with fearful eyes hiding behind his shades.


Raze gave him a smug grin, before motioning for him to get out of the car. Gambit looked at the other man in the car, the one carrying the Red-Eye case, and they both got out.


"Black Gambit, I presume?" Raze said to him, still grinning smugly. "Do you know why I'm here?"


Gambit, still slightly afraid, sighed. "Yes... yes, I do. And that's exactly why I'm offering to make you a deal..." He motioned to the case carrier, who approached Raze and opened the case of Red-Eye.


"I may be worth 9.5 million woolongs, but this case of Red-Eye is worth much more... 20.5 million woolongs more, in fact." 


Raze's ears perked up at the sound of 30 million woolongs, and Gambit had seen that. Regaining some of his confidence, he grinned devilishly back at him. "You heard me right. 30 million in your hands; let me go, and it's all yours."


The buyer had overheard the conversation in the car, and peeked his head out the window. "Hey, wait that was supposed to be--"


"SHUT UP!" Gambit yelled to the buyer, who complied in a heartbeat and sat back inside. Gambit turned back to Raze. "So, what'll it be?"


Raze scratched the back of his head, contemplating it, then shrugged. 


"Nah, I'm good," he said to him.


"What?!" Gambit said in shock, his anger beginning to rise again. "But... why?!?!"


"Even if I did accept, I wouldn't know what to do with this; I don't know anyone in the drug trade," Raze responded to him nonchalantly. "I think I'll stick with the 9.5 million, thanks."


At this point, Gambit was barely able to hold his anger in. He turned to the open case and quickly grabbed a vial of the Red-Eye, also taking out a small device with a needle-like protrusion from his coat pocket. There was a circular slot where he inserted the vial, and he aimed the needle at his right eye.


"If you won't accept my offer... I'll force my way past you!!" he said to him. He pressed a button on the device, which sprayed the Red-Eye he inserted into his right eye. He repeated the same thing for the left. 


In all honesty, Raze could have stopped him before he administered the drug, but he wanted to see where this was going. It intrigued him, to say the least.


After a few seconds, Black Gambit began to breathe heavily, and his pupils began to dilate. The whites of his eyes began to turn blood red, and he clenched his fists. Slowly, he reached into his coat pocket again, and took out a pair of brass knuckles, which he put on. He stood still for one more second, before quickly charging at Raze, screaming angrily, throwing a right hook towards his face.


Raze smirked, and quickly dodged the hook, moving backwards. Gambit then tried to throw a few more punches, all of which Raze had dodged, hitting air. Finally, Gambit threw another right hook, but instead of dodging it, Raze moved his left hand to block it, catching Gambit's swing at his wrist. He then gripped it, and pulled Black Gambit towards him throwing his own right hook which connected, hitting him square in the jaw, following it up with an elbow strike to the nose with the same hand and letting go of Gambit's wrist in the process and delievering a back kick. The blow sent him staggering back, but he soon came charging at Raze once again. He sidestepped Gambit, who was unable to stop himself, running straight into a car. Raze smirked at him.


"Not very good at this, are you?" he taunted. That only made Gambit even more angry, and he ran up to Raze delivering a flurry of blows. Raze dodged them, delivering a few punches every now and then.

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Although the morphine helped greatly with the ache of the wound, Trinket still struggled a bit to move around, but nothing entirely paralyzing at least. She adjusted herself on the Templar's seat in order to have a better view of Raze's confrontation with their prized drug lord. As soon as Black Gambit injected himself with the Red-Eye substance, the mare became tense. "Oh boy... This is bad."


Swiftly, she turned back around and proceeded to inspect the wound on her right thigh: now that the pain was mostly gone, it didn't actually look so bad. A 9mm ammunition was stuck not so deep inside, and it didn't seem to have hit any vital parts considering she could still move her leg, with fair amount of effort given the circumstances. "Alright, Trinket... Come on, don't be a baby... It's just some blood... Yeah, just... just my blood... And a lot of it... A lot of my blood... Oh God." She attempted to calm herself down while reaching for the first-aid kit Raze had taken out earlier, and grabbed some gauze. Wrapping her leg with it and finishing it up with some medical tape, she improvised a bandage to stop the bleeding. She nodded as to praise her own work.


Then, she found herself in the same situation as a few minutes earlier: without many choices at her disposal. Using the grenade launcher was a clear no-no since the matter in hand was an as-close-as-it-gets combat. Other than that, she also wouldn't be much of a help to the captain if she were limping across the battlefield with that wound, failing to engage in fisticuffs. Therefore, all she could do, once again, was to contact the rest of the team through their phones.


@@Commander Tangent, @@Orange Sparks, @@Hazard Time


"Vega, Trinket here. Little update: the good news is, we've mana--...Well, Raze managed to corner our target. The bad news is, the crazy bastard used some of that Red-Eye drug he was transporting on himself and now he's gone berserk. I'll send out the coordinates. If you can, let's rendezvous right now." She spoke through the voice channel, and then pinged her device's location so that the others could spot it on the radar.

Edited by Driz
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@@Commander Tangent@,@@Driz,



"Roger roger" Clock says into the receiver and starts making a mad dash to the rendezvous point, but as he reaches it, he skids to a halt. "You!" he shouts and aims his magnum at Black Gambit "You..killed the..three ponies...that..meant the most to me!" he says, his trigger finger getting itchy.. He growls and simply shoots at Black's legs, hoping it would at least cripple him, "You're lucky you're wanted alive, otherwise I'd make you suffer the way that you made me suffer" he growls.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Black Gambit, hearing the shots, tried to move out of the way, but one of them grazed his leg. He grunted in pain, the burning sensation somewhat mitigated by the Red-Eye's enhancements. Nevertheless, it still hurt a lot, and he knelt down on one knee, giving enough time for Raze to knee him in his stomach, knocking him flat on the ground.


He turned to Clockwork, visibly angry.


"IDIOT!!!" he shouted at him, taking the gun out of his hands. "I said don't shoot him!!! You wanna lose the bounty or something, huh?!"

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Clock grunts "I only wanted to cripple him" he says "look, he took the Red Eye, how else would we have been able to capture him without possibly killing him?" he asks and sighs, sitting down with his head in his hands "This is now how I imagined my vengeance upon my family and marefriend's killer..." he says and just looks up to Raze "you're right, I am an idiot, fire me if you want"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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By now most of the goons had run away, were limping away, or were dead. Skyhop listened as Raze gave them coordinates and Clockwork sped off. With a sigh, he hefted up his rifle and walked over to Raze's friends store. It was shot up, but most of the people sheltering in there seemed fine. After doing a quick scan to see if the shopkeeper was alive,  he exited the store. Looked like they had avoided innocent casualties for the most part. Skyhop folded his rifle up with a clack and stowed it in his jacket. Taking a gentle stroll down the bloodstained street, he stopped in from of Bronze.


@@Hazard Time,


"Well, looks like the boss wants us up to were they caught out bounty. Want a quick ride over there ?" He asked, finally taking off his helmet after landing. His face was sweaty and distressed, but for the most part he was all right.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent @ @@Driz @@Orange Sparks


With the gangsters in retreat and the target in custody, Bronze finally allowed herself a moment of respite.  She slid her own pistol back in its holster and set the borrowed magnum on the ground.  Wow, she felt tired.  Normally she had a lot more energy, and she should be jumping for joy right now over the payday to come.  What was sapping all that?


Oh right, the hit to her pride that was caused by her leaving her assault rifle at home and barely bringing enough ammunition to survive a firefight which led to her getting shot in the shoulder.  By the way, it still hurt, and it was still bleeding.  Wow, when did her entire arm turn red?


"We did it, Chinas..." she mumbled, slumping against a nearby wall.  "We're bloody millionaires..."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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