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Which villain is the most relateable for you?


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Hmmm.. well

Luna/Nightmare Moon was really just jealousy when you cut through the thick of it. She lived in the shadow of her sister, and I can relate to some of that to a degree, but not all that much overall, and I am not jealous of anyone.

Discord is just a mixture of immaturity and attention seeking... still not me.

Chrysalis is power hungry and controlling. She is manipulative even towards her own kind and is not above deceiving them if it furthers her own interests. So yeah... still not me.

Tirek is just a power hungry glutton. Nothing I can relate to.

Starlight is just selfishness and despair. She lost something and thinks everyone else needs to lose something to fit into her ideal world. Not something I can relate to.

Sombra is  a bit harder since the cartoon gave him so little depth... but turning to the comics you find he is controlling, and unreasonable. Mix that with his refusal to give anyone a chance to accept him for who he is and i can sort of see where he is coming from....

So yeah... I cannot really relate to any of them except maybe Sombra to some small degree.


~No profound statement needed~

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Shadow the Hedgehog. He wants to avenge a loved one who is super innocent. I tots relate to him...

Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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 I would say Discord in some ways, I do not like admitting my vulnerability.



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Tirek, but then I like to torture my enemies and use attrition instead of attacking them head-on.

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I will correct each of your villains for you.


Luna: :Luna turned to evil, because she didn't know what else to do. She was hurt, ignored, betrayed, and felt forever lost in her sisters shadow. The shadow she cast on her as a result of the entire kingdom loving only her, loving only the sunlight, and hating the darkness and moon. She felt abandoned by everyone, so she became evil when tempted with the power needed to where she could just "Take" what she wanted, instead of begging for it, and not receiving. 


Discord: Discord, never had any friends, and is misunderstood. He only found pleasure in being his old crazy self, and since no one ever took the chance to try to understand him, he felt as though he never needed friends at all. He wasn't saddened or hurt by this, he simple felt he never needed any of it since he never knew what having friends was even like. 


ChrysalisRepression is the keyword for this villain. She is very repressed both emotionally, and ( if you really want to delve deep into the characters personality from a psychological point, and adult point, sexually as well ). With the power that Changelings have, which is to feed off love itself as their main food supply and probably only food, she developed the ideology that you must take love, rather than give it, or share in it. She is the symbol of selfish hedonistic lust ( but, since it is a kids show, you have to play it down low enough to where it becomes appropriate to show to them. ) This has left her with zero friends, family, nor any lovers. She is emotionally, socially, physically and psychologically repressed in every manner of what it means to be a healthy and balanced person. 


King Sombra: Nothing is known about king Sombra. He enjoys power for power's sake, and cares not for the lives of others. Until we can get a full back story, we know nothing about him to give him a psychological profile. I haven't read the comics yet, so I don't know if he is introduced heavily in there anywhere. 



Tirek: Tirek is your basic example of abandonment issues. His lust for power comes from his brother abandoning him in ealier years for someone else. So, he feels since he can't have what he wants, he will just take it instead. He has almost no depth or personality to him that we know of, and no real motives. 


Starlight: Starlight is the same as Tirek in the abandonment department, but has clear goals that set her apart from him. Everything about her is pretty much explained in the show really. She was abandoned by her friend due to cutie marks, so she came to resent them and spent her whole life in revenge against other ponies talents for taking her friend away. 




Chrysalis is the one I identify with the most.  

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I relate a lot to Lord Tirek as he is someone who desires power above everything else, and is willing to do whatever it takes to acquire that power even if it means destroying something. He also reminds a lot of Ganondorf even down to the muscular physique each of them possess.


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