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Princess Celestia, great leader. OR RACIST??!?!?!


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If you have noticed you will see that EVERYONE Celestia gives to a high ranking power is a Unicorn or alicorn..... No earth ponies or Pegasus. You will also notice she has a somewhat uncomfortable look when around non unicorns or alicorns. 

She also has a strange obsession with people who are MAGICALLY talented over those who are talented in flying or uhhh... talented in working the fields? Idk what earth ponies do.


Also she is white. Coincidence? someone also reported to hear her say "Make Equestria Great Again" in the back room jokingly. Or was it jokingly?


Also something to notice is she has a segregated school for her students called "Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns"

She intentionally rejects peoples application to her school because they are earth ponies or pegasus. What more proof do you need?



Her students also have ALWAYS been unicorns.

Edited by Firedog
  • Brohoof 3
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That's because she knows magic best, and can teach unicorns with the best of her abilities! You think she might know much about flying or being one with the earth? Even though she does fly, she might have magic helping her, so she's not really an expert flier like the Wonderbolts are, or know much about gardening like the Apple family! Celestia ain't a racist, in fact, she's trying to make as much alliances as she can with other non-pony races! 

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4 minutes ago, MegaSean45 said:

That's because she knows magic best, and can teach unicorns with the best of her abilities! You think she might know much about flying or being one with the earth? Even though she does fly, she might have magic helping her, so she's not really an expert flier like the Wonderbolts are, or know much about gardening like the Apple family! Celestia ain't a racist, in fact, she's trying to make as much alliances as she can with other non-pony races! 

but shes a white alicorn, thus naturally racist

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2 minutes ago, Firedog said:

but shes a white alicorn, thus naturally racist

The show depicts multi colored horses and because she's white she's racist? I think some deep thinking is due pal. The fact that there aren't any earth ponies in high ranking potions is merely an oversight on the animators part, none of this confers racism...... 

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no innocence on the internet, only varying degrees of guilt."

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20 minutes ago, Firedog said:

but shes a white alicorn, thus naturally racist

She bleaches her coat. Luna told me in a dream. But if it makes you feel better her mane is all natural. Use Herbal Essence to get that wavey look. 

  • Brohoof 3



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If you are going to look for racism in FIM, Celestia isn't where you will find it.  However the treatment of miles can be seen to be racist if you want it to, and given actions such as Rarity in A Dog and Pony Show, it shouldn't be that hard to twist a narrative like that.

Edited by cmarston1
  • Brohoof 1


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37 minutes ago, Goat-kun said:

I'm a lore realist. Pegasi and earthies are inferior to corns. 1483

I'm not so sure about that. Before they all were together and before equestria was founded they all really relied on each other. Pegasus had to control the weather, earth ponies grew food and unicorns uhhh raised and lowered sun? If one was dominate it seems like they would have dominated the other ponies but that didn't happen.


Also this thread isn't serious :/ it has a trump joke for ponies sake XP

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Side note: Cadence was a Pegasus... Not a Unicorn.

Leader of ponyville is a earth pony.

Should also be noted that she seams to have not problem with two of the elements being earth ponies. And two being Pegasus.

And if you pay attention to the episode with the Eqestrian games. Plenty of the leaders seam to be Earth Ponies / Pegasus.


Now all that being said. I understand Satire when I see it and in that Vain. ~Clears throat~




She is the divine co-ruler of all of equestrian and all decedents will be sent to Moon Gulag!

Alicorn Princess Government is not best government! It is ONLY Government!

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Pfft. Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasus aren't races, they're genotypes. 

The only races I see besides ponies are Changelings, Dragons, whatever the hell Discord is, deer, buffalo, cows, and a bunch of Yaks. There's no evidence that Celestia is Racist.

Donald Trump on the other hand, if Celestia crossed paths with that fat dummy, she'd honestly try to kill him for ruining America.

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-Now has a mental image of the main six blasting Trump with the elements of harmony-


Also... Form a purely biological stand point you are correct. If two organisms can reproduce and make non-sterile offspring on a effective basis they are in fact the same "Species"

Race in this case however is being used in the same way that "Ethnic group" is used. So, while I pick up what your putting down.

Its also a matter of Disciplinary definitions.


Race does not mean the same in one line of study that it means at large or in another line of study.



But also as a side note.

No Celestia is not racist. I refer back to the point about Cadence being a Pegasus before she became a Alicorn.


The point about Celestia taking intrest in powerful magic users is not a matter of racism is a matter of ability.


(Using a real life example, please don't get mad at me or call me anything I don't respond well to it)

If I train boxers. And I'm the best boxing trainer and only take the best students. I'm not racist is I only end up training say... Jewish boxers because all the best potential boxers I meet happen to be Jewish. I'm Racist if I meet a Dark Skinner guy (or girl) and say "How your not Jewish, I mean I know that you show all the hints of being a good boxers, but I'm going to pass.)

Celestia only training Unicorns in Magic is not a case of her picking one group because she thinks they are better at a skill then another group. Its a matter of her picking students with a ability because other students actually LACK the ability.

It would be like saying "Celestai is a racist because all the Wonderbolts are Pegasus." Ya, that's because Earth Pones/Unicorn can't fly....



Its not a matter of saying.

"This guy can't be a base ball player because he is white."
its a matter of saying.

"This guy can't be a base ball players, because he has no arms...."


If it came to pass that Celestia met a earth pony that could do magic, I'm sure she would be more then willing to teach them (Actually maybe more so)

Same thing with my baseball thing. I'm not sure how that would work. (Same thing with the earth pony thing)

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3 hours ago, Firedog said:

I'm not so sure about that. Before they all were together and before equestria was founded they all really relied on each other. Pegasus had to control the weather, earth ponies grew food and unicorns uhhh raised and lowered sun? If one was dominate it seems like they would have dominated the other ponies but that didn't happen.


Also this thread isn't serious :/ it has a trump joke for ponies sake XP

Corns have fly, weather, and grow-plants-really-fast spells. And as far as windigos are concerned, corns could just hump each other instead of inferior ponies to kindle the Feels Good Flame. The whole HWE story is just friendship propaganda to make normies feel good and encourage pony mixing.


P.S: My Princess is the legendary Moon Mare. No, the other one ;)

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